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Trump and Macron Speeches; George H.W. Bush in Hospital. Aired 9:30-10a ET

Aired April 24, 2018 - 09:30   ET


[09:30:00] DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Our two great republics are linked together by the timeless bonds of history, culture and destiny. We are people who cherish our values, protect our civilization and recognize the image of God in every human soul. This legacy has made us who we are and given us what we hold dear, the blessings of faith and freedom, the marvels of art and science, the love of family and community and the defense of home and country.

This righteous calling, this sacred heritage, is what moved a young Frenchman to risk death for American liberty at Yorktown. It is what spurred the Americans to storm the cliffs of Omaha Beach. It is what drove the farmers of Massachusetts to stand at Concord Bridge and the citizens of Paris to man the barricades. And just weeks ago, we added a new name to this chronicle of our great heroes, a brave French policeman named Arnold Beltram (ph). Colonel Beltram stared down evil and did not flinch. He laid down his life for his neighbors, for his country and for civilization itself. A great man.

And through that immortal deed, a son of France reminded the world of the true measure of our strength.

President Macron, people of France, people of America, now is the time for strength. So let us be strong, let us be united, let us honor our past and face our future with confidence and with pride, and let the United States and France stand forever in solidarity for the noble cause of liberty and peace.

Thank you very much.

ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the French Republic.

PRESIDENT EMMANUEL MACRON, FRANCE (through translator): Mr. President, dear Donald Trump, dear Melania, dear Brigitte, mesdames and messieurs, dear distinguished guests, thank you for your warm welcome and for honoring France and the Franco/American friendship with this state visit, the first of your presidency, which bears witness of the strength of the century old bonds that unites our two countries.

[09:35:34] But, first of all, please allow me to join your condolences addressed to by the French people to the Canadian people and to express our deepest sympathy to President Bush and his family. It is in this sad moment as well and in this terrible circumstances and against these attacks that we stand together. Two centuries ago, it was Markey Lafayette (ph) who was welcomed here

but to the United States, 30 years after the war of independence. At the time, he spent almost 14 months amongst you. And fortunately my stay will be shorter, but it is of special importance to me and to all my fellow citizens who for a long time have had powerful and sincere feelings for your people, Mr. President.

In America I saw more than America (INAUDIBLE). Indeed in it he acknowledged the shape of democracy itself, an ideal meant to guide our statesmen to inspire the functioning of our institutions and to acknowledge the place of free individuals.

Dear Mr. President, America represents endless possibilities for my country. It brings about hopes that overcome all determinisms and prescribed destinies. It is say that France has renewed with the optimism it sometimes envied the United States. France shares with your country an ideal of freedom and peace.

Over the last centuries, we have weaved or histories through our common struggles where each time, together, we have forged the western world and aspired to universality.

Through our revolutions, from the very beginning, yesterday evening we were at Mt. Vernon at the residency of the first president of the United States, George Washington, on whose tomb I wished to pay tribute together with you. Inside the mansion, we saw the key to the Bastille Prison which was sent to him by Lafayette as a symbol of this unbreakable bond.

[09:40:35] This year -- then through our struggles for freedom, this year as we commemorate the centenary of the end of World War I, I wish to offer you a tree from Wabilo (ph), a noke (ph). From this forest north of my country, where in 1918 U.S. soldiers and marines in particular displayed courage and devotion.

I am pleased that this tree that grew close to the famous Bulb (ph) Fountain (ph), in the soil where your soldiers shed their blood to defend France, can now take root here at the White House in front of us as a symbol of the sacrifice and the common battles that France and the United States have led together.

These values, inherited and shared by our two countries, are the foundation on which we shall continue to build and write together side by side the chapters of our modern history. Forged the western world and aspire to universality such remains our challenge today.

It is together that the United States and France will defeat terrorism. France and America are both confronted to it in various forms on our respective soils, in (INAUDIBLE), or in Africa. It is together that we will counter the proliferation of arms of massive destruction, be it in North Korea or in Iran.

It is together that we shall build a new form of prosperity for all peoples, which means innovation, free and fair trade and the protection of our middle (ph) classes. It is together that we will be able to act effectively for our planet.

I'm not just referring to climate, but also to the oceans, to bio diversity and to all forms of pollutions. On this issue, we do not always agree as to the solutions, but in the end such is the case in any family and in any friendship. And it is also where the fate of our children is at stake.

[09:45:04] It is together that we can resist the rise of aggressive nationalisms that deny our history and divide the world. It is together that we will build a new, strong multilateralism that defend pluralism and democracy in the face of ill winds.

For our culture, our identity has always been to work for all countries while aspiring to universality.

Our friendship has constantly grown more solid, dipping in the ink of the challenges we have yet to overcome. That is where we stand today. History is calling us. It is urging our peoples to find the fortitude that has guided us in the most difficult of times. France, and with it Europe and the United States, have an appointment with history.

We have but one duty, Mr. President, dear friend, to be about appointment.

So, thank you, Mr. President, and thanks to the first lady for your invitation and for giving us this opportunity to work together towards that goal and for giving us an opportunity to express once again our friendship.

Long live the United States. Long live France. Thank you.

BERMAN: We'll stay quiet for a second here because there's a hot mic. Who knows what will pass between the two leaders.

French President Emmanuel Macron speaking, saying France and the United States have an appointment with history. We have a duty, my dear friend, speaking to President Trump, to be at that appointment.

Traditional speeches from two leaders there bringing up history between the United States and France from Lafayette to Omaha Beach. But the French leader, Emmanuel Macron, also, I think, with a message to President Trump about what he would like to see from the United States in the coming days and weeks, in the rest of the Trump administration.

I'm joined again by Amber Phillips of "The Washington Post" and retired Rear Admiral John Kirby, CNN political -- sorry, diplomatic and military analyst.

Admiral, first to you. What did you hear there?

REAR ADMIRAL JOHN KIRBY (RET.), CNN DIPLOMATIC AND MILITARY ANALYST: Very interesting speech by President Macron. Both speeches all said the right things about the relationship and the history. But then he dove into some policy. I mean he talked about the importance of protecting the oceans and bio

diversity and he did mention climate change. He talked -- he linked -- if you noticed, he linked the threats of Iran and North Korea together, which was sort of, I thought, a very subtle way of talking about the importance of preserving the Iran deal as President Trump begins to start negotiations with North Korea about a nuclear deal for that country and for the Korean peninsula.

And then he also very, very clearly talked about multilateralism and sort of eschewed this growing populism and nationalism that is not just growing here in the United States, but in Europe, and talked about unilateralism not being the answer. We have to work together. All of those were very significant messages to the Trump administration and to the national security team. I thought that was very interesting and, quite frankly, very candid for an opening speech like this at the beginning of a state visit.

BERMAN: Yes, there were parts that were not very subtle at all.


BERMAN: He says we have to battle aggressive nationalism.


BERMAN: He says we have to defend multilateralism. And often times President Trump and his administration, going back to the first days with Steve Bannon there, have been -- have been noted to be on the other side of that argument, talking about American nationalism as it were.

[09:50:08] Amber Phillips to you.

Again, both leaders speaking to their respective countries and speaking to the world, but I am struck again by the fact that the French president seemed to be speaking largely to an audience of one.


BERMAN: While he was talking about these differences, peppering his speech with the phrase, my dear President Trump. Now, part of that might be the translation from French to English, but it was notable nonetheless.

PHILLIPS: Yes. I think Macron, you're absolutely right, John, really showed his cards here. The history line, you know, the U.S. and France and Europe have a date with history suggests just how important he thinks this visit is, and his moment to try to convince Trump to get back into some of these global deals. And he hit on some of the, you know, couple of the major, major differences between him and the Trump administration. Everything from climate change, as you mentioned. Nationalism, which is -- it's pretty clear that's how Macron would describe some aspects of the Trump administration. And free and fair trade. I mean Macron really touched on the major, major differences here and made clear he thinks he needs to get the Trump administration to come back into the fold now or never. BERMAN: We just saw the two leaders share a bit of a laugh there, and

another hand hold. There they are, again, the leaders and their wives holding hands, grasping them high before the crowd.

Admiral Kirby, to you.

We've had now a round of speeches and there are growing to be many more bites at the apple in terms of public appearances today. They will go to the Oval Office. We will get a bit of chatter there. Then they will have a joint press conference -- joint press conference, I should say. Really three times to deliver messages here. How do days like this evolve?

KIRBY: Yes, lots of planning and preparation. Staffs from both principles will be giving them the talking points of the speeches. They'll be preparing them for the questions that they're going to get at the press conference. You can rest assured that on the American side President Trump's team will be getting him ready for questions about the Iran deal, questions about the future of boots on the ground in Syria and, of course, where things are going on trade. I have a feeling that trade is going to be a big topic today.

I also think that, on Macron's side, he knows they're on delicate ground, the Europeans, with respect to the Iran deal. And I think he'll make his case. But I don't think he thinks he's going to succeed in changing Trump's mind today. And I'd rather feel like he will simply make the argument and then move on, because he knows he's being followed by Merkel. She's going to come in and make the same argument about the Iran deal. And I think they're just -- they're just sort of going to tag team this. And I think they're probably, on the French side, going to be very delicate in the way they deal with the Iran deal.

BERMAN: All right, Admiral Kirby, Amber Phillips, thanks so much for being with us.

The two leaders have now gone inside the White House. We will see them again shortly and we'll bring that to you live when it happens.

In the meantime, we have breaking news from Capitol Hill. The president's nominee to be secretary of Veterans Affairs, the hearing now officially delayed. What happened and why? We're there live.


[09:57:15] BERMAN: Just moments ago we received an update on the health of former President George H.W. Bush, who is in intensive care. His spokesperson tells CNN the former president is responding to treatment for a life threatening blood infection and is determined to get healthy. He was taken to the Methodist Hospital in Houston on Sunday, just hours after the funeral for his wife of 73 years, Barbara Bush.

Ed Lavandera outside the hospital with the very latest.

A great deal of concern overnight, Ed. Where do things stand now? ED LAVANDERA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, it is a great deal of concern.

And some of the first indications that we've gotten here this morning seem to suggest that things are improving. According to President Bush's spokesman, the former president is awake, alert, and talking after responding to the medication and the treatment that he's been receiving here at Houston Methodist Hospital since Sunday morning.

And here's the best part, John, even talking about determined to get healthier so that he can go to Kennebunkport, Maine, later -- in the -- preparing for the summer. As you well know, if anyone who's followed the course of the Bush family over the decades, you know that home in Kennebunkport, Maine, has been a staple in the Bush family, a place where they have spent many summers. And that is one of the things that President George H.W. Bush appears to be talking about and thinking about this morning as he is determined, according to his spokesperson, determined to get healthy so that he can go and spend the summer up there in Maine. That that is one of the things on his mind.

You know, this has been a very concerning 48 hours. It was just last week that the president talked about how he was overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support that he received and he had said in a statement after Barbara Bush died last week, that he had hoped that Americans would cross the Bush family off their list of worries. But given what has happened here over the last 48 hours, the president, being admitted here to this hospital Sunday morning, just hours after burying his wife of 73 years at the presidential library in College Station, Texas, returning home here and being in a very difficult situation. According to a source close to the family, there were a couple of moments on Sunday where doctors weren't quite sure if the president was going to make it through.

But the latest news we have here this morning is that President George H.W. Bush is doing better, alert and talking and awake here this morning in Houston.


BERMAN: All right, hopeful news.

Ed Lavandera in Houston, thanks so much.

All right, good morning, again, everyone. I'm John Berman.

The business end of the first state visit of the Trump presidency getting underway at the White House right now. The visiting president of France, Emmanuel Macron, just received the full on star-spangled welcome on the South Lawn. Now, the French leader, sometimes called the Trump whisperer, will put his skills to test on issues ranging from the Iran nuclear deal to the Paris Climate Accord, to the war in Syria, as well as U.S. tariffs on European steel and aluminum.
