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Pyongyang: U.S. "Deliberately Provoking" North Korea; Rudy Giuliani Speaks Out on Trump's Legal Woes; 45 Killed in Attack on Village in Nigeria; Alex Ferguson Recovering after Emergency Surgery; 16-year-old Girl Allegedly Gang Raped and Burned to Death; At least 14 Killed in Blast at Mosque in Afghanistan; Pakistan Interior Minister Wounded in Shooting; River of Lava Rips Apart Homes in Hawaii. Aired 12m-1a ET

Aired May 07, 2018 - 00:00   ET



NATALIE ALLEN, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Back to square on, North Korea warns the U.S. not to mistake peace overtures as sign of weakness or risk sending relations back to where they were.

CYRIL VANIER, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Votes are being counted as the first parliamentary election in nine years wraps up in Lebanon.

ALLEN: And molten lava is spreading through parts of Hawaii's big island as a major volcano continues to erupt.

Hello, everyone. These stories are ahead this hour. Thanks for joining us. I'm Natalie Allen.

VANIER: I'm Cyril Vanier. And we are live from the CNN Center right here in Atlanta. It's great to have you with us.

North Korea is warning that recent statements by the U.S. could bring peace efforts on the Korean Peninsula back to square one. The North is accusing the U.S. of deliberately provoking them and misleading public opinion by claiming that sanctions and pressure are what has forced North Korea back to the negotiating table.

ALLEN: North Korea's state-run news agency says the country has vowed to denuclearize was because of the North-South summit not U.S. pressure. This comes as President Trump plans to meet with Kim Jong- in in the next few weeks.

Our Alexandra Field joins us now from Seoul. She has been looking into this situation. The question is will what North Korea is saying affect the upcoming meeting with President Trump -- Alex.

ALEXANDRA FIELD, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: And Natalie, we should look at this as another piece of North Korean rhetoric. It's really, if anything, a window into how the history of this moment on the peninsula is being written inside of North Korea.

You certainly got two leaders who are very committed to having this historic summit, Kim Jong-un and President Trump. President Trump has spoken repeatedly in the last few days about the constant contact with North Korea, about the preparations that are being made.

For his part, Kim Jong-un met just last week with the Chinese foreign minister and again, reaffirmed his commitment to these talks about denuclearization. But this is an opportunity for North Korea through their state news yet again tell their people that this moment comes as the result of the power that they've demonstrated to the world.

Which is of course, at odds with the narrative that you would hear from the United States where top administration officials have continued to insist that this breakthrough is coming because of the maximum pressure campaign that the U.S. has (inaudible) with its international partners and because of the economic sanctions that have been leveled against North Korea.

So, this is really just a flexing of muscle, it would seem, before this summit happens. The big question, of course, when exactly will the summit happen and where will it be? Well, President Trump has said several times now that the location has finally been selected, but the date has been set although none of that's been revealed yet. He's continued to say we should all stay tuned that we'll see more developments and announcements soon -- Natalie.

ALLEN: It's interesting if there was a specific incident that called North Korea to issue that statement, and also there was talk that the three Americans that are being held maybe released, that has not happened.

FIELD: That has not happened, and Natalie, this statement that we saw in North Korean state news was the response that was given by a deputy foreign minister to a question that was asked of him. It did echo in large part a similar item that was by state news in North Korea last week wherein the North Koreans condemned U.S. officials who said that the progress was a result of their maximum pressure and economic sanctions.

The question, though, certainly of these detainees is the one that is dominating the minds for so many, a strange turn of events last week when President Trump's personal attorney, Rudy Guiliani announced that the three men would be freed on Thursday. That date came, and it went, they weren't released.

The president himself had indicated that there would be big developments on that front. We haven't seen the developments yet, but certainly those within the administration and those close to the administration are expressing confidence that these detainees could be released before this summit.

It's certainly regarded an act of faith, goodwill from North Korea to let those men return to the United States before that sit-down with President Trump finally happens -- Natalie.

ALLEN: OK. Day-to-day-to-day, we are getting closing closer to the meeting with the U.S. We'll wait and see how that comes off. Alexandria Field for us. Thank you so much. VANIER: Here's another nuclear issue very much in the news. This one with a deadline just days away, Iran. Britain's foreign secretary is urging President Trump not to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal.

ALLEN: In a "New York Times" opinion piece, Boris Johnson writes, "At this delicate juncture it would be a mistake to walk away from the nuclear agreement and remove the restraints that it places on Iran. I am sure of one thing every available alternative is worst. The wisest course would be to improve the handcuffs rather than break them."

VANIER: Now Iran's president, for his part, warned that the U.S. would come to regret it if it choose to quit the deal.


HASSAN ROUHANI, IRANIAN PRESIDENT (through translator): If America leaves the nuclear accord, it will soon see that this will entail historic remorse.


[00:05:10] VANIER: President Trump is set to decide this Saturday whether to waive sanctions against Iran or resume them and effectively pull out of the nuclear agreement.

ALLEN: U.S. President Donald Trump's newest lawyer tells CNN he's still getting up to speed on the Stormy Daniels controversy.

VANIER: Yes. Former New York mayor, Rudy Giuliani, says he doesn't believe Mr. Trump or any president for that matter should be indicted. He also said that if Mr. Trump is called to testify, then he will advise him to invoke the Fifth Amendment and exercise his right not to speak. Boris Sanchez has the details on this.

BORIS SANCHEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The president's newly minted attorney, Rudy Giuliani, making some news on Sunday on the Sunday morning talk shows and also speaking to my colleague, Dana Bash, shortly after a meeting that he had with the president at his golf club in Virginia on Sunday.

Giuliani telling Dana Bash that he believes that the founding fathers wanted the president to have a sort of special executive privilege that would keep him from being indicted. That's part of the reason that Giuliani said on the Sunday morning talk shows that he believes that the president would not have to comply with a subpoena coming from the special counsel. Listen to this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What happens if Robert Mueller subpoenas the president, will you comply?

RUDY GIULIANI, TRUMP ATTORNEY: Well, we don't have to. He's the president of the United States. We can assert the same privilege as other presidents have.


SANCHEZ: Giuliani also saying that if indeed the president were forced to comply then he would advise him to plead the Fifth Amendment. He believes that the special counsel is trying to lay a trap for the president.

Giuliani also told Dana Bash that he and the president have come to an agreement when it comes to dealing with the special counsel depending on what Robert Mueller does moving forward and that they had also reached an agreement about what the president's focus should be.

Giuliani saying that he wants President Trump to focus on the big picture on denuclearization talks with North Korea, trade with China, and the Iran nuclear deal and to let Giuliani focus specifically on the president's legal woes.

Dana also asked Giuliani about what the president said earlier this week about him not having all the facts when he went on Fox News and contradicted some of what the president had previously said about the Stormy Daniels saga.

Giuliani saying that he's still getting up to speed, that there are some 1.2 million documents that he has yet to sort through and to look at. Unclear if in any of those documents, there is any indication of when the president knew of that hush money payment to Stormy Daniels and what he was reimbursing his attorney, Michael Cohen, for after the campaign ended. Boris Sanchez, CNN, at the White House.

ALLEN: Let's take a closer look at one of these issues and the issue of Giuliani's role so far as one of President Trump's attorneys and what he's been saying. We're joined by political analyst, Peter Matthews, a political science professor at Cypress College in Los Angeles.

Peter, good to see you. Let's begin with Rudy Giuliani as he continuous to speak out on the Stormy Daniels story. So, the Trump legal team must not this puts the president in any legal trouble, which was the first thought when he started to speak out and made the admission that Mr. Trump had paid the $130,000 back. What are your thoughts about where this is and what Mr. Giuliani's role is?

PETER MATTHEWS, POLITICAL ANALYST: I think it may be a misread situation entirely and that is that this president (inaudible) president did reimburse that money, that becomes an in-kind expenditure on the part of the president's own campaign, which has to be reported.

It could also be seen as a loan because don't forget that Cohen made that payment before the president gave the money back later, and that's considered a loan payment. When someone as a candidate lends his campaign money, and the limit is only $2,700 for each individual donation, but a person can lend his own campaign unlimited amounts.

So, he has to report that, and loan has to be reported as (inaudible) expenditure and looks like President Trump filed (inaudible). I don't think those guys are reading it wrong, the legal team. ALLEN: So, Mr. Giuliani, though, continues to be out there. He made the rounds on the morning news shows over the weekend. So, clearly this is someone that Mr. Trump seems to like putting out there for him.

MATTHEWS: There's a reason for that and that is that they are going to start fighting this battle on the political level now. They might figure out the legal side of it, you know, but the political side is that President Trump's top priority now is to make sure the Democrats do not win the House back in the fall.

If they do win the House back, his chances of getting impeached are really, really high. Even higher than getting convicted or indicted by Mueller. The chances of him losing his seat, his presidency based on impeachment is much higher when Democrats takeover the House.

That's their top priority. They are going to whip up their support by going on and saying these things to get their own loyal followers to vote and say, you better vote for us and get out there, folks, because otherwise the presidency is threatened by impeachment. I think they are playing a tactic, political tactic here.

ALLEN: Yes. Follow the midterms. (Inaudible) two major international issues we just mentioned on the president's plate. First, North Korea put out a statement indicating emphatically it wasn't sanctions or pressure by the U.S. that got them to the agreement with South Korea. Is that specifically at this White House?

MATTHEWS: Absolutely. Because the White House is insinuating, it actually came out and said it was President Trump top actions with North Korea. It's rhetoric and the sanctions that he encouraged other countries to put on North Korea, that's what brought them to the table.

North Korea says, no, this is not what brought us to the table. We are free agent. We are deciding to come to the table to our mutual advantage. If you want to treat us respectfully as a mutual, equal negotiations, that's fine.

But if you don't do that and would say that we came only out of threats, that really denigrates our position. North Korea took offense and show that they took offense to that and try to get President Trump on our side to be more (inaudible) and you know, fair to North Korea and more respectful in its sense.

ALLEN: Do you think that that could negatively impact the upcoming meeting?

MATTHEWS: It really could if Kim Jong-un wants to let that impact, it really could impact and that's why we really warned the president of the United States as well as the North Korean leader to being more measured and careful in their words right now because this is a political juncture.

It's the possible solution here, you know, where both sides, and the third side, South Korea and North Korea get together, and the United States and the United Nations sign a peace treaty ending the Korean war (inaudible) is a very major accomplishment.

If that step could be taken, then the nuclear issue could then be negotiated after that or during the same time step by step. So, it's a critical period. If the president uses a rhetoric that would turn off the North Korea leadership or make them pushed in a corner, and don't forget in that culture there's this idea of saving face.

(Inaudible) in any way denigrated publicly by your opponent. So, I hope President Trump understands the cultural differences and actually use a more diplomatic language when he's working with North Korea right now.

ALLEN: Well, another issue is the Iran nuclear deal. The U.S. still hinting it will pull out. The British foreign minister said this writing in the "New York Times" as we just mentioned, "I am sure of one thing every available alternative is worse. The wisest course would be the improve the handcuffs rather than break them." Why is the U.S., Peter, threatening to pull out rather than working with our allies to improve the plan that's in place?

MATTHEWS: Natalie, it's actually not to the U.S., it's President Trump and his administration basically, but people in this administration say let's stay in the deal such as Defense Secretary Mattis.

There are many, many American leaders in the (inaudible) that believed Mr. Johnson, Foreign Minister Johnson that we have to stay in this deal because it does get Iran to give up about 15,00 centrifuges, which will help them enrich low-grade uranium to build bombs.

And giving up almost most of them fuses and they are keeping all the old centrifuges, there are step by step for Iran to denuclearize in the sense that at least stop the production of weapon (inaudible) toward producing them.

That way the exchange the western powers and the United Nations will lift sanctions on them and that's a very good incentive for them. So, there is a really mutual benefit here and most of world, especially European allies of ours say, Mr. Trump, do not pull out of this (inaudible) in fact, take the and strengthen it. Mend it, don't end it.

ALLEN: Because many of them have said it would like create a more dangerous situation with Iran if the United States pulled out of the deal, how is that?

MATTHEWS: Absolutely. Because then Iran will have free hands to go out and start up its nuclear weapons production completely with no restrictions, and we will have another North Korea situation on our hands, and that would be untenable because right now we are trying to prevent Iran from getting to the point where North Korea got to after North Korea actually built many, many nuclear bombs and also missiles (inaudible).

Right now, Iran has the brakes put on to developing nuclear weapons, bombs itself. The missile technology is still being developed, but we can work on getting to give that up as well.

There's one more thing, Natalie, this Article VI, the NPT, Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, which requires that the countries that have nuclear weapons right now, in fact, (inaudible) but five nations have the weapons were supposed to set themselves a timetable to work toward a disarmament program until the whole world would be free of nuclear weapons with international (inaudible) inspections.

That never took place in the part of the country that had nuclear weapons. It encouraged more countries to actually get them, now we have at least nine countries that have them, either acknowledge (inaudible) or not acknowledge like Israel.

It's very interesting to see that we have to have fairness and equity in deciding how to rid the world of these weapons or at least bring them under control or they will be used one of these days unfortunately as all weapons have.

ALLEN: Exactly. Coming up this week will be pivotal as we are just days away from the deadline where the United States has to make its decision. Peter Matthews, as always, we appreciate your professional input. Thank you, Peter.

VANIER: They are counting the votes in Lebanon and we are expecting results of the parliamentary elections there in a matter of hours. We'll have that story just ahead.

[00:15:05] ALLEN: Also, we'll turn back to Hawaii, some nervous evacuees head home for the first time since the volcanic eruptions have been threatening their neighborhood. The question is, is the danger over?


PEDRAM JAVAHERI, AMS METEOROLOGIST: Good Monday. We are tracking what has been happening across Eastern Canada at the last couple of days. We know the Canadian Maritime has been getting battering with some strong storms and still some gusty winds, but notice it does clear up and once it does, then high pressure takes over and we get a nice, mild spring setup across portions of this region, in particular around Montreal, 14 degrees and sunny skies.

Chicago, just a spectacular early spring day at 21 while the middle 20s down from Atlanta up towards areas around New York City at 23 degrees. Notice the cool air pulls out and we get widespread warmth in the next couple of days, the warmest days of 2018 for some cities at least.

We know New York was a little warmer about a week ago, but portions of the south will begin to make their first push into the lower 30s over the next several days. Chicago, up to 24 degrees back down for Friday and Saturday. Notice, it's a nice weekend at least into the middle teens.

And something interesting to tell you about, into the tropics we go, there's an area of disturbed weather we are watching carefully. Low probability this will turn into anything, but still watching thunderstorms develop.

Of course, we know just a couple months away from hurricane season officially getting under way. But Kingston, 28 degrees and thunderstorms possible. Havana in the upper 20s. We will leave you with conditions across South America.


ALLEN: Welcome back. We are awaiting results from Sunday's parliamentary election in Lebanon, but there are already signs voters are fed up with the sectarian status quo, so fed up in fact, this is never good, they didn't even vote.

VANIER: Yes. The interior minister says turnout was low, just under 50 percent, and that was compared to 54 percent in the last vote, which was nine years ago. CNN's Ben Wedeman reports from the streets of Beirut.


BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: This is Lebanon's first election since 2009. Twice parliament had to delay the elections because of political paralysis and worries about instability spilling over from Syria. What is important about this election is that out of the 3.6 million eligible Lebanese voters, there are 800,000 new voters who are taking part.

[00:20:11] Many of them obviously has different concerns. We've spoken to people who say they're worried about the brain drain, young Lebanese who want to leave the country because there are no opportunities.

Other people complain about the fact that most parts of Beirut every day is a three-hour power cut. You've had perennial problems with the garbage here so there's plenty to deal with apart from all the sensitive sectarian issues here in this country.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The current regime, if I had to give them a report card, they get an F on their report card. So, they have failed so they need to give way for someone else to give it a try.

WEDEMAN (voice-over): I say it's a big (inaudible) says, (inaudible), we are fooling ourselves, but we are voting.

(on camera): (Inaudible) neighborhood of Beirut, a predominately Shia neighborhood where the two main Shia parties, Hezbollah and Amal (ph) are very strong, but it's important to keep in mind that nothing is straight forward here. This is the list on which Hezbollah is running, but you'll find these are Maronite Christian, Shia, Shia, Maronite Christian, (inaudible), Maronite Christian.

Because Hezbollah has been part of an alliance in the government that's tied with the Maronite president of Lebanon. Traditionally, regional powers have played a role in Lebanese politics.

Saudi Arabia, for instance, is a big backer of the Sunnis. Iran has supported the Shia community here. This time, however, it appears that their concerns are elsewhere, and the focus of this election is very much on domestic issues.

One thing that makes this election different is the growing role of groups like this (inaudible) or "we are all my nation" in Lebanese politics. These are people who reject the old sectarian patterns of Lebanon's power sharing system and want the government to do what government is supposed to do, give you services on the basis of your citizenship not your sectarian affiliation.

(voice-over): Lucien Bourjelly, a candidate insists Lebanon is ripe for change.

LUCIEN BOURJELLY, LEBANESE PARLIAMENTARY CANDIDATE: Different parties are just a way for someone who would like to -- it's like a private company. They -- it gets from the father to the son or if there is no son, to the son-in-law and it's like a never-ending story of corruption and abuse of power. What we would like is to get everybody involved. This is everybody's country.

WEDEMAN: No one expects these elections to result in an earthquake. It brings the political elites crashing to the ground. They may however feel a tremor. Ben Wedeman, CNN, Beirut.


VANIER: Let's take a closer look at this with Randa Slim, the director of the Middle East Institute, a fellow at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advance and International Studies. She's speaking to us from Ohio today.

Randa, we are waiting for the results. I know you've been keeping your ears to the ground. I know you have some numbers already. We don't want to give numbers. We're going to wait until the official results are announced, but just broad picture, where does the political landscape stand right now?

RANDA SLIM, DIRECTOR, MIDDLE EAST INSTITUTE: I do not expect the result to do a major change to the existing (inaudible) in the country, but I think we can talk about at least two winners meaning parties that have improved on the current number of seats that they have in the parliament today and one of them is Hezbollah Amal Coalification and the second is the Lebanese Forces.

And a big loser is going to be the Future Movement of Hariri because it's expected that they would lose, you know, quite a few number of seats compared to what they have right now in the parliament.

VANIER: What would be the reason for this trend say Hezbollah up, Hariri and the Sunnis down, what would explain that?

SLIM: I think one explanation for the results, meaning the wins that we are going -- that I expect to see for the Lebanese Forces and Hezbollah is their ground game. They have an excellent ground game to stop this. And I don't think Hariri has had as good a ground game as, you know, as these two parties and I think the results reflect that, you know, elections are won, you know, strong (inaudible).

But I think also there is a problem with the Sunni votes especially with the Sunni traditional votes that has gone in the past Hariri. There is discontent with Hariri is politically in terms of his alliance with (inaudible) in terms of his stand on Hezbollah's weapons.

[00:25:14] But also there is some kind of distancing that has been established inside the Sunni community due to Hariri's financial (inaudible).

VANIER: But is there an alternative for Sunnis in Lebanon? I mean, we have to remind our viewers, those who might not be very familiar with the way Lebanese politics works is that for such a long time essentially people have voted within their community rights that he's voting Sunnis, et cetera.

You have to factor in alliances, of course, but that tends to be broad picture how things happen. So, for Sunnis wanting to vote for Sunni, is there an alternative to Saad Hariri?

SLIM: Right now, among the Sunni leaders, at least at the national level, I think he remains the national leaders, you know, although what I have seen as a result of this election is that fragmentation of the Sunni votes.

Some of the Sunni votes that traditionally went to Hariri is going to other independents. So, Sunni independents who are in fact pro-Assad and who are aligned with Hezbollah. We have seen that kind of trend in some areas of the country.

But in terms of national Sunni leadership, I think Hariri still maintain that kind of gravitas, building very much on a base and a base of goodwill (inaudible).

VANIER: So, if the Shia Hezbollah party does increase its number of seats then how will the power-sharing work given that the job (inaudible) will once again go to Sunni, you know, that's how power has been divided in this country for decades.

SLIM: I mean, the Hezbollah Amal alliance will increase its number of seats compared to the 2009 -- what they have in 2009 parliament. But it's not going to be enough of the majority to be able to secure a veto power or to a secure, you know, a strong majority that can govern the country.

There was, as you said, for the prime minister (inaudible), you know, a Sunni, and in a way Hezbollah will prefer to deal with a weaker Hariri than a strong Hariri.

VANIER: Randa Slim, thank you very much for joining us today.

SLIM: Thank you very much. ALLEN: We'll, of course, report the outcome of the election in Beirut when we get it.

Sexual violence in India is again is in the spotlight after a teenage girl was allegedly gang raped and then burned to death the next day. We'll have that story next here on CNN NEWSROOM.



CYRIL VANIER, CNN ANCHOR: And welcome back to the CNN NEWSROOM. I'm Cyril Vanier.


The headlines this hour, North Korea says the U.S. is deliberately provoking the country by saying it will not ease sanctions until the North gives up its nuclear weapons. According to State-run TV, Pyongyang claims it is willing to denuclearize because of the North- South summit, not pressure from the United States.

VANIER: Donald Trump's new lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, tells CNN that he is still learning the facts about the U.S. president's legal situation. The former federal prosecutor and ex-New York mayor also says he may advise Mr. Trump to use his right to remain silent if he's questioned by the special counsel.

ALLEN: In Nigeria, an attack by armed bandits has left at least 45 people dead. It happened Saturday in a remote village in the North. Local media say multiple women and children are among the victims. Nigeria military forces have been deployed to the area to stop the recent arms attack against villagers.

VANIER: Manchester United is thanking the football community for sending messages of support to former manager Sir Alex Ferguson. He is in intensive care after having emergency surgery for a brain hemorrhage. The club says the surgery went very well. Ferguson is considered one of the most successful managers in football history.

ALLEN: We hope he recovers soon.

Well, another horrific sexual attack in India is parching outrage as protesters demand justice. A teenage girl in a rural village was allegedly gang raped last Thursday and then the girl was burned to death at her own home after her family sought justice from a local village counsel.

VANIER: A series of brutal rapes in India triggered protests and sparked criticism of authorities for their handling of sexual assault cases.

Earlier we spoke with CNN's Nikhil Kumar from New Delhi.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) NIKHIL KUMAR, CNN NEW DELHI BUREAU CHIEF: The family alleges that on Thursday evening when they were attending a wedding, the girl, 16- year-old was kidnapped, brutally gang raped. And on Friday, the family then approaches the local village counsel in this village as you said in the Northeastern State of Jharkhand, one of the poorest parts of the country that of itself in a remote section of the state quite far away from the nearest southern center.

They approached their village counsel seeking justice as you said. This village counsel doesn't have legal authorities. They tend to be made up of local elders. But in distant parts of the country they can sometimes build enormous influence. But the family goes to them demanding justice narrating what happened the night before. The village counsel imposes punishment on these men but listen to what it is.

They impose a fine of 50,000 rupees, that's about $750 and they asked the men to do 100 sit-ups. Then the case takes another very disturbing turn. The men - the accused men in retribution - the chilling retribution for the family going to the village counsel to report this attacked the family. They attacked the family home. They burned the house down. The girl is inside and the family said that that's when she died. She was burned to death.

The case is now with the local police. They've arrested more than a dozen men including the head of the village counsel and the body has been sent for an autopsy, as we wait - and we're waiting for more details to see how the investigation unfolds. But it has again this very horrific details have once again turned the spotlight on the problem of sexual violence in this county.


[00:35:00] VANIER: CNN's Nikhil Kumar reporting in New Delhi there.

Now, at least 14 people were killed in Eastern Afghanistan after a bomb exploded at a mosque that was being used to register people to vote. 33 other people were wounded. Now the Taliban have denied being involved in this attack and for the moment, no other group has claimed responsibility.

ALLEN: This blast is the latest attack targeting preparations for parliamentary elections coming up in October. Just last week, nine journalists were among those killed in two suicide bombings in the Afghan capital.

Pakistan's interior minister has survived an apparent assassination attempt. Ahsan Iqbal was shot and injured while attending a political meeting in Punjab province.

VANIER: Police say they arrested the gunman. They believe the shooting may be linked to a hardline Islamist movement demanding rough reinforcement of Pakistan's blasphemy laws. The attack comes ahead of Pakistan's general elections which could be held as early as July.

In just a few hours, Russian President Vladimir Putin will be sworn in again as president. This event expected to take place inside the Kremlin.

ALLEN: A new cabinet will also be appointed, but not everyone is happy about Putin's fourth term in office. During the weekend, protesters took to the streets for anti-Putin demonstrations. About 300 people were detained on Saturday, including Russian opposition leader, Alexei Navalny, who was briefly detained in Moscow.

Well, it looks beautiful from a far but it is deadly fountains of lava bursting from the ground, eruptions and earthquake that don't stop. That's life in parts of Hawaii right now. We'll have the latest for you right after this.


ALLEN: Well, this is the current view of a tropical paradise engulfed in molten lava. Geologists say 10 volcanic fissures have opened up in this residential area pushing out lava and toxic gas. At least 26 houses have been destroyed.

VANIER: Authorities have actually been letting some residents go back but only briefly to collect belongings that they have left behind. That's because they don't know when they'll be able to return for good. Here's Stephanie Elam.

STEPHANIE ELAM, CNN CORRESPONDENT: For people who live in the areas affected by these fissures in Leilani Estates. Many of them were able to get back in to retreat anything they weren't able to evacuate with the first go round. But still, officials do not want them to stay there. They're saying these fissures continue to open and they don't know when these fissures are going to stop opening. They don't know when the eruption will finish.

So they want people to get out of there. Not just because of the lava that is bubbling up out of the earth and shooting up into the skies, some 6200 feet based on what some residents have told us. They don't want people to stay there also because of the toxic gases. We're talking about sulfur dioxide that is also very dangerous. So that's why they widened the perimeter around these fissures are opening.

[00:40:03] I want to show you where I'm standing right now. This is a lava flow from 2014. And as you can see, it came down and cascaded around threatening some buildings right here nearby. There's no way to stop a lava flow when it's coming down, hot molten lava, so you just have to let it go, and that's the danger here for the people who have built their homes in these communities. If lava comes in and takes the homes like it has done to several homes at this point, they may never be able to go back to their neighborhoods and for many of them that's the most devastating news.

ALLEN: That tells it all right there Stephanie was standing.

VANIER: That's impressive. Stephanie Elam there reporting from Hawaii.

Let's get more on this. Meteorologist, Pedram Javaheri is with us. Pedram, what do we need to know? PEDRAM JAVAHERI, CNN METEOROLOGIST: That's the million-dollar question. How long is all of this going to play out? The big question was all of this. And unfortunately, we know going back to even as early as 1983, the initial eruption for this particular event actually began in 1983 multidecadal period here. Of course, you have periods of quiet conditions, periods of activity. And the way the Hawaiian Islands came about was such as this. We have active volcanism. Of course, hot spots of volcanism. And you know, the youngest island actually are right here on these southeastern area, and you work your way towards the northwest, that's where the oldest islands have been in place here, so we are essentially watching history, watching geology here and geography begin to develop.

In fact, in 2012, along this identical rift zone, we had 200 new hectares of land that were added on to the big island of Hawaii from our volcanism along the identical rift zone. So you take a look at the perspective here. So of course, you go for a closer look, Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa, Kilauea, the purple indicates the rift zones, essentially fracture that have been in place, very weak area of rock here where we typically have flows of magnum, eventually lava once it reaches the surface.

So, we know these are danger zones where near the summit and also along these boundaries, folks living in these particular regions have all been warned and know where they're living and in relation to the active area of volcanism. But along these areas, once the magma reaches the surface, you begin to see that of course move down stream. Much like water, it wants to find the area of least resistance. That path and that takes it right towards some of these communities, and the Leilani Estates across this eastern periphery is where the most active area, most dangerous area is at this hour.

And of course the images really don't do it any justice because it's not just the rumbling. The hundreds of earthquakes that we have seen in a matter of a couple of days, that's already scary enough, the gases that are released from these volcanoes, of course, that's much more dangerous as well when you talk about a very dangerous setup across this particular region. So, we expect additional earthquakes to continue. Last time it occurred in 2012, that occurred for six months. The certainly could be several months before everything quiets down across the region. Guys?

ALLEN: Months, that's too bad. All right, Pedram, thanks.

VANIER: All right. Thank you for watching CNN NEWSROOM. I'm Cyril Vanier.

ALLEN: I'm Natalie Allen. "World Sport" is next. We will be back at the top of the hour with another hour of CNN NEWSROOM. Hope to see you.


PATRICK SNELL, CNN ANCHOR: Hi there, welcome to CNN WORLD SPORT today. I'm Patrick Snell. We start in Spain with Sunday's thrilling encounter between LaLiga giants Barcelona and Real Madrid. We should tell you of some concerning news for Real's Portuguese superstar Cristiano Ronaldo who came off injured in that game with an apparent sprained ankle.

[00:45:04] Why is this significant -- because they have an important champion's league final with Liverpool Leighton this month in the Ukraine. Barca is already champions of Spain now looking to become first club ever to go the whole season unbeaten in the Spanish, Luis Suarez who puts them ahead with the 24th of the campaign, before this entry though we're now on hand to finish off a superb move that he actually started. He's now joined all time Real top scorer in the El Clasico 2018. Even down to 10 men, no off to Sergi Roberto sending off Barca's taking the lead little Messi with a 33rd lead goal this season. The 11 men in Madrid will level the game. Gareth Bale a Welsh a superb strike for two all. Barcelona will indeed remain unbeaten. Well they've dropped points but they won't be too disappointed after finishing the game with 10 men.

Other stories we're following at this hour, we're continuing to follow the very latest on the condition of former Manchester United manager Alex Ferguson, the 76-year-old who's widely regarded as the most successful head coach in British football history remains in intensive care in hospital following emergency surgery on a brain hemorrhage. Ferguson was in charge for United for 26 years and during that time he amassed 38 trophies. On Saturday, the club releasing a statement saying the procedure had gone very well, but as of right now there has been no further update. Messages have poured. Have been pouring in for Ferguson across this weekend and at times like these it really is very clear just how the global football family pulls together as one.

Manchester United of Liverpool are England's two most successful clubs and with that comes huge rivalry on the field of play. But as former Liverpool manager, Kenny Daglish, once revealed, Alex Ferguson was among the first on the phone to offer help following the 1989 Hillsborough stadium tragedy. On Saturday, releasing this statement, "The thoughts of everyone at Liverpool Football Club are with Sir Alex Ferguson and his family - a great rival but also a friend who supported this club during its most difficult time. It's hoped that Sir Alex will make a full recovery. In the meantime, the club will offer its full support to Manchester United and also his family."

During his career in England, ex-Liverpool goal keeper, Bruce Grobbelaar played against Ferguson and his teams for the best part of a decade and he's also met the legendary Scotsman on a number of occasions over the years. The South African born Grobbelaar is one of English game's most decorated players, having one sixth first division titles during an eight-year period between 1982 and 1990. He's also won three FA Cups as well as the 1984 European Cup. I spoke earlier with the former goalkeeper.


BRUCE GROBBELAAR, FORMER LIVERPOOL GOALKEEPER: It's very sad what happened to Sir Alex. Sir Alex is a person that we hated to play against because he was that good and a beautiful man to actually be in football. His team is in Aberdeen going to Europe and the way that he brought Manchester United to the where they are now has been phenomenal. Nobody could take that away from -- he is a -- person that you love to hate but you love him, you know, in the sense for football. And it is one of the people that you look at this man. Yes, this man knows what he's talking about.


SNELL: Liverpool keeper Bruce Grobbelaar there. On Sunday, Manchester cities official coronation as the citizens celebrated the primary league title, the third English primary league title in six years despite being held to a goal on Sunday. The celebration in full swing - they didn't score though. They still need one more goal to equal the highest ever tally in league history. The current record is Chelsea's total of 103. City have two more matches to try and do that in.

A celebration for city but a touching moment too as fans take time to keep Alex Ferguson in their thoughts with two supporters in particular really catching the eye. The pair holding up a banner with these words really, saying it all very simply as well, really simply put football aside, get well Fergy. That's a view that we here at CNN absolutely echo as well.

From northwest England to the capital London, an emotional scene at the Emirates Stadium, where Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has just presided over his last ever home game in charge. Bringing down the curtain on 22 years in charge and doing it in a style as victory as well with the 5-0 victory over Burnley.

[00:50:00] This day not about the result though, it was a chance for around 60,000 people to say merci, Arsenal to the French man, thanks indeed for overseeing one of the most successful periods in the club's history. Critics will tell you, his last league title came back in 2004. Then he talked to the microphone with one former rival very much front and center right now.


ARSENAL WENGER, FOOTBALL MANAGER: Before I start I just want to say - and I would like to wish my fellow manager Ferguson well and very quickly.


Thank you all very well for having me for such a long time. I know that's not easy. But above all, I'm like you. I'm a fan. Thank you all for having such an important part of my life and hope to see you soon, bye bye.


SNELL: Across London, just one goal separating Chelsea and third place Liverpool on Sunday. And it would go the way of the blues, French striker Olivier Giroud proving the difference here with a header that kept all three points in the capital. Chelsea stays in fifth place and now just two points on fourth place top them in the race for champion's league places for next season. Liverpool still not yet assured of a place in the tournament for next season.

Golf players championship just around the corner this coming week in Florida, and we'll tell you why Sunday proved to be a picture perfect day for this popular Australian.


SNELL: We're back with a huge boost for Australian golf for Jason Day ahead of this coming week's player's championship in Florida. On Sunday, the popular Aussie had to overcome so much of the course over the last couple years, including his mother's battle with cancer securing his second win of 2018 following victory at the Wells Fargo championship in Charlotte, North Carolina. Bear in mind as well, he was winless in 2017 having had nine victories over the three seasons before that, including the breakthrough at the PGA championships in 2015. He was number one in the world number too. In fact, he admitted to dealing with the demands of the game along with his mother's illness have actually taken its toll. That's why making these moments so, so special for him and his young family, after round 69, two-shot win giving him 12th PGA tour success. One he's already calling among the best of his career.

The eyes on the horse racing world focused on the Kentucky derby this weekend where history was made when Bob Baffert justified the game of six consecutive favorite to win the fame run for the roses in Louisville.

[00:55:01] Now intriguingly, it also ended a curse dating back some 136 years for winning post. Here is Aly Vance.


ALY VANCE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Despite the flash flood warnings in Louisville, close to 158,000 enthusiastic racegoers came through the gate Churchill down to witness the 144th running of America's most famous sports race. However, which of the 20 runners lining up in the race would be able to handle the monsoon conditions.

Mendelson's ambitious attempt to become the first European winner of the race was thwarted as he was almost knocked over leaving the gates and struggled to recover. In contrast, was in position throughout the race by his 52-year-old jockey, Mike Smith was named the big money Mike in America's major events.


He's just awesome -- justified has won the Kentucky derby.


VANCE: A remarkable victory for him has recently haven't even stepped on to a race track but trainer Bob Baffert saw his talent and he too was rewarded with his fifth derby win.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) BOB BAFFERT, TRAINER: He was just - he's a hall of fame today. He came through. That was a lot of pressure. When you have the derby -- it is pressure. And a lot of people say are you having fun? I'm not having fun. I'm miserable. I'm not having fun. Until they win, then I started having fun. But this is the most important race in our life and to win it with this horse, it is great. It is a great feeling.


VANCE: Baffert settled American pharaoh to become the first triple crown winner for 37 years in 2015. And now with another live contender on his hands, attention turns to the Preakness stakes in Baltimore in just two-week's time. Aly Vance for CNN.


SNELL: Thanks Aly. Well, not since 1882 has a horse who didn't race as a two year old to win a derby was polo that year but now a sequence has been finally broken by way of polo went on to win a total of 24 races.

That will do it for the team here in Atlanta. Thank you so much for joining us. Do stay with CNN. Thanks for watching.