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WSJ: Roger Stone Tried to Get Clinton Dirt from Wikileaks; Parents of Santa Fe School Shooting Victim Sue Suspect's Parents; The Cost of Guarding EPA Chief Scott Pruitt; Geeking Out Over U.S./North Korea Summit Commemorative Coin. Aired 2:30-3p ET

Aired May 25, 2018 - 14:30   ET


[14:30:00] SHELBY HOLLIDAY, POLITICS & BUSINESS REPORTER, WALL STREET JOURNAL: This e-mail we found from September adds a new dimension because he's e-mailing his back channel and saying, please ask Assange for this certain particular information. If he has it, it would show that Clinton botched an alleged peace deal in Libya and it would look bad for Hillary Clinton. Roger Stone was also trying to push the story to media outlets. Was he running an opposition research arm? Was he working in coordination with the campaign?

The other thing that was really interesting about this is Roger says, of course, everyone's trying to get information from WikiLeaks, I did nothing wrong. But his back channel, in responding, said, "I asked Assange's lawyer, and this might come out in the next batch." That raises questions about what they knew about the batches, the content of the e-mails. Both men denying knowing the source of the e-mails or the content. Have to add that in as full disclosure. They deny any wrong doing. But it certainly looks like Roger Stone is trying to collude. There's no evidence he got any of the information back. The other thing is he didn't turn this e-mail into the House Intelligence Committee and Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee are saying, your testimony was incomplete.

BROOKE BALDWIN, CNN ANCHOR: Whether you're successful at collusion or you tried to collude, that's still --

DANIEL GOLDMAN, FORMER ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEY: Right. He's asking foreigners for help in digging up opposition research to help with a campaign, which is a violation of election law. And it's not just that the testimony would be incomplete. It obstruction of justice to hide or fail to respond to subpoenas by a House committee. So Roger Stone, as many have suspected, including me, for some time, is increasingly in hot water and Shelby's excellent reporting is revealing another aspect of it. But what did he know when and what was he doing behind the scenes to try to encourage the revelation of these e-mails from WikiLeaks? That's one thing. And then is he being forthright and honest in his testimony and his responses to subpoenas. And Roger Stone traditionally has a touchy relationship with the truth. So I think a lot of these things are going to come out in short order.

BALDWIN: Keep us posted on the next chapter of Roger Stone.

(CROSSTALK) BALDWIN: Shelby and Dan, thank you so much.

GOLDMAN: Thank you.

BALDWIN: Next here, the U.S. summit with North Korea is currently off. What's does that mean for this infamous commemorative coin printed before the whole thing fell apart? The White House is offering refunds if you want your money back. We'll talk to a profession coin collector about why people are totally geeking out on this coin.

And, why gas prices will be significantly higher compared last Memorial Day. And how much of this involves President Trump's decision to exit the Iran deal?

We're back in a flash.


[14:36:46] BALDWIN: Breaking news. The parents of a Santa Fe High School shooting victim have filed a lawsuit against the parents of the accused gunman. The parents of Christopher Jake Stone say the suspect's parents were negligent by not properly securing their weapons that were used in last week's attack that left 10 people dead.

Dan Goldman is back here with me, former federal prosecutor.

I remember the story and the fact that this father of the gunman had his weapons, purchased them legally but yet they fell into the hands of his child that then carried out the senseless violence at the school. Could parents be held civilly liable?

GOLDMAN: This is a negligence theory, and the answer is yes. If the parents should have taken greater care to make sure that their guns that were lawfully possessed for them do not fall into other people's hands who then do damage such as the shooter, that is a recognizable theory of liability.

BALDWIN: Do you think this could have legs, these parents of this child who -- against the shooter's parents?

GOLDMAN: I think the legal theory has legs. I wouldn't be surprised if the next step that we start see is some lawsuits against the gun manufacturers.

BALDWIN: Not just the gunman but the gunman's parents?

GOLDMAN: Not just the parents. Obviously, the gun manufacturers have much deeper pockets.


GOLDMAN: That's how all the tobacco litigation, it was sort of the same idea. And there are significant differences between the gun manufacturers and the tobacco manufacturers. But our country is really based on civil litigation. That's what protects, that what makes people take protective measure so they don't risk liability. And if we're not going to pass gun control laws, this is another way that private citizens can try to rein in some of the rampant shootings and some of the rampant distribution of guns.

BALDWIN: Dan, thank you.

In Texas, "my hero." That is what the husband of a teacher who was injured in the Santa Fe shooting is calling the police officer who saved his wife's life. Flo Ann Rice was substitute teaching a week ago at Santa Fe High School when the shooter opened fire killing those eight students and two teachers. Floe was hit multiple times but was able to call her husband, Scot, who rushed to the school. When he got there, Scot could see his wife lying outside the building, but officers were engaged in a gun fight with the shooter. Last night, at a meeting with Texas officials, this husband choked back tears as he described how Officer Johnny Banda saved Flo's wife. Officer Banda stood behind Scot offering his support as Scot honored him.


[14:39:31] SCOT RICE, HUSBAND OF SHOOTING VICTIM: Flo was shot from behind by a coward. She managed to reach in her purse, grab her cell phone and crawl out to safety and call me. The officer said to her, "Are you alive?" And she opened her eyes. He reaches down, picks her up and told her, "Put your arms around my neck." Flo had been shot many times in both legs, breaking her left femur in half. The officer ran the whole way in a matter of seconds -- the bullets were flying -- to me, where he placed her in the passenger seat. I'm glad to say that we believe Flo will make a full recovery.

I'm here to honor that officer. I recommended him to the governor for a commendation. He received one today.

And here he is, Officer Banda, my hero.



[14:45:41] BALDWIN: Just in to CNN, he's one of the most heavily guarded members of the president's cabinet. CNN is learning how much it cost the American taxpayer to protect EPA Chief Scott Pruitt last year. Pruitt requires 19 guards around the clock.

Rene Marsh is with us with that dollar figure.

Rene, how much?

RENE MARSH, CNN AVIATION & GOVERNMENT REGULATION CORRESPONDENT: The cost of protecting the head of the EPA, Scott Pruitt, for the past year, $3.5 million. That is according to documents that the agency released just this afternoon. Pruitt's security costs are far higher and, in some cases, even double the security costs for administrators in previous eight years. About $2.7 million in salaries we're talking about for that team of 19 agents. And then the agency also on top of that spent more than $750,000 in travel costs for Pruitt's security detail, including those overseas trips, as well as trips home to Oklahoma, even family vacations to places like Disneyland and events like the Rose Bowl.

These newly released numbers contradict this tweet from the president back in April. We have it there on the screen. It says, "While security spending was somewhat more than his predecessor, Scott Pruitt has received death threats because of his bold actions at the EPA."

But we see now, Brooke, that the spending was, quote, "somewhat more." It far exceeds his predecessors. This, as the administration continues to propose drastic cuts to the agency's budget.

I will say we reached out to the EPA. They did provide these numbers and they also said in a statement that, "Scott Pruitt has faced an unprecedented amount of death threats against him."

To provide transparency, the EPA says they will post the costs of his security detail and proactively release these numbers on a quarterly basis.

It is worth pointing out, though, Brooke, questions have been raised about how credible those threats were, and were they simply just freedom of speech?

Back to you.

BALDWIN: Rene, thank you.

To this commemorative coin now, made to mark President Trump's now cancelled summit with North Korea leader, Kim Jong-Un, has already been discounted. It's the deal of the day on the White House gift shop's Web site and can be yours for just $19.95. That about 20 percent off the original price.

But the colorful coin featuring profiles of President Trump and Kim Jong-Un facing each other may be rising in popularity. When visiting the site, you often get the browser message saying, "Server too busy." And the Twitterverse is mining coin for Internet meme gold.

Former Pentagon spokesman Adam Blickstein (ph) tweeted the image of the coin torn in two, writing, "Along with the breakup letter, Trump also sent Kim a half of the peace summit coin, imploring him to wear it around his neck until they're reunited, in love."

All joining aside. This is serious business. "Numismatist, "a new word we learned today. That is the fancy word for coin collector.

With me now, Sarah Miller, director of numismatics, Heritage Auctions.

It's a pleasure to have you in.


BALDWIN: Numismatist. Are you geeking out over this coin? Are collectors geeking out? MILLER: Collectors are totally geeking out. I've seen it come up on

coin message boards. There are discussions about what would this piece be worth?

BALDWIN: It went from $24.95 to deal of the day, $19.95. Then the Web site crashed once the summit got cancelled. I think there were only 250 made. How much would they be worth?

MILLER: There's two different versions of the coin. The one you have shown on the screen is actually not the one for sale on the Web site interestingly enough. Sneaky. The difference is the one available on sale for $19.95 is a broader version produced for the general public.

BALDWIN: That's not the one you want.

MILLER: Not the one you want that there's only 250 of. And they have not released --


BALDWIN: So the one you want --

[14:50:00] MILLER: Is the 250 limited release.

BALDWIN: How much do you think?

MILLER: It remains to be seen. The interesting thing is they say the summit is cancelled, but we heard just today from Trump that that's still on the table. We don't know what's happening with it. So a lot of this is speculative at this point.

BALDWIN: People have been with members of the military and they give you one of these coins when you visit an aircraft carrier and things like that.


BALDWIN: This is a Challenge Coin --

MILLER: Correct.

BALDWIN: -- started in the early 2000s when presidents go overseas on trips.

MILLER: Correct. Yes.

BALDWIN: Did you ever think you'd see a dictator facing the president of the United States?

MILLER: No. No, I never expected to see this. Now, these are issued by the White House Communications Agency, which is actually part of the Defense Information Systems Agency, which is part of the military, and their job is to keep the White House informed about anything affecting their travel.

Many coins have been made over the years but never one like this. An example of one Challenge Coin made for a president was in 2007, when George W. Bush made a surprise visit to a military base in Iraq. He was given a Challenge Coin. However, it didn't have a rebel leader on it.

BALDWIN: You brought something?

MILLER: Yes, I brought a prop for us today.

BALDWIN: What is that?

MILLER: This is another Challenge Coin. It's same size and shape, similar coloring, with enamel, just like we'd expect this one to be.

BALDWIN: Last question, are you going to try to get your hand on this?

MILLER: I might --


BALDWIN: I know people --



BALDWIN: Sara --

MILLER: Very difficult.

BALDWIN: Sarah Miller, good luck

MILLER: Thank you.

BALDWIN: -- getting your hands on one.

Just in here at CNN, the conspiracy theory the president has been pushing on an FBI spy falling apart. And now we're getting word that contradicts the White House's version of the classified briefing. We'll have that for you.

Also ahead, after a seven-month investigation, today Harvey Weinstein in handcuffs. The disgraced Hollywood titan is now facing rape charges. We're now learning about the books Weinstein was seen carry under his arms into the courtroom.

Back in a moment.


[14:56:27] BALDWIN: It was a year marked by seismic shifts in social politics, social movements and conflicts abroad. Now 50 years have passed since the tumultuous events of 1968 changed America forever. This Sunday, CNN's new two-night original series event, "1968," explores the icons and milestones of that specific year. Here is CNN's Tom Foreman with a look at the great strides made in

space exploration in 1968 and their connections to a new space race kicking off today.


UNIDENTIFIED NASA EMPLOYEE: Two, one and zero. Liftoff.

TOM FOREMAN, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Another week, another launch by a private company. The aggressive rocket and satellite programs underway all over the world, 2018 is shaping up as a banner year for space technology. And some political leaders are all but declaring a new space race is on.

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We're getting very big in space, both militarily and for other reasons, and we are seriously thinking of the space wars.

FOREMAN: However, the notion of space-based military weapons both defensive and offensive is not new.


FOREMAN: It was a major idea during the Cold War, too, especially in 1968.

UNIDENTIFIED ASTRONAUT: This is Apollo 8. We've got it, we've got it.

FOREMAN: That's when Apollo 8 took humans deeper into space than ever before, to orbit the moon, to see earth rise for the first time, and for astronauts on Christmas day to speak from the heavens.

UNIDENTIFIED ASTRONAUT: In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.

FOREMAN: This set the stage for the historic moon landings and years of technical innovations that touch every part of American life, communications, computers, consumer electronics, satellite-based guidance systems, weather and climate monitoring, intelligence gathering, and, yes, military operations.


FOREMAN: The classic film "2001, A Space Odyssey" premiered in 1968, spurring a deep curiosity about space.

UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR: You might want to buckle up.

FOREMAN: Just as right now a flurry of films and TV shows are reawakening interest in space exploration.

UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR: What about how we make your astronaut nickname Howard Buzz Horwitz.

(LAUGHTER) UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR: You can't do Buzz. Buzz is taken.

UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR: Buzz Lightyear is not real.


FOREMAN (on camera): So add North Korea's missiles and China's rockets and the technological ambitions of several other countries, too, and you have the modern space race, bigger, faster and bolder, but similar to one that rolled toward the finish line in 1968.

Tom Foreman, CNN, Washington.


BALDWIN: Tom, thank you.

Please tune in tonight for CNN's two-night original series event, "1968." It airs this Sunday and Monday at 9:00 p.m. Eastern, only here on CNN.

I'm Brooke Baldwin. You're watching CNN. Thanks so much for being with me.

We begin this hour with whiplash. President Trump saying the cancelled summit with North Korea's Kim Jong-Un may still happen.


TRUMP: We're going to see what happens. We're talking to them now. It was a very nice statement they put out. We'll see what happens. It could even be the 12th. We're talking to them now. They very much want to do it. We'd like to do it. We're going to see what happens.


[14:59:58] BALDWIN: A jarring reversal just 24 hours after abruptly cancelling his talks with the North Korean dictator. President Trump even saying they go could still meet on that same date, June 12th, that date that he had canceled. And when asked by a reporter if North Korea was playing games, here's what Trump said.