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Death Toll Rising in Guatemala after Volcanic Eruption; Kilauea Still a Threat on Hawaii's Big Island; Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Washington; Allies Slap Tariffs on U.S.; Grandmother Leaves Prison after Trump Commutes Sentence; Stormy Daniels Sues Ex-Attorney and Michael Cohen; Kate Spade's Husband: She Suffered From Depression; Facebook Gave User Info To Chinese Phone Makers; CNN's Exclusive First Ride In Flying Car. Aired 2-3a ET

Aired June 07, 2018 - 02:00   ET




ROSEMARY CHURCH, CNN ANCHOR: The death toll is rising in Guatemala as rescue teams sift through the ashes of communities swallowed by a volcano.

Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe is in Washington to meet with the U.S. president before Donald Trump's summit with Kim Jong-un. Details just ahead in a live report from Seoul.

And a 63-year-old woman has been reunited with her family after serving more than two decades of a life sentence in prison.

Hello and welcome to our viewers joining us from all around the world. I'm Rosemary Church and this is CNN NEWSROOM.


CHURCH: The Guatemalan government says 99 people are dead, victims of the Fuego volcano and at least that many are missing. Entire villagers and towns were wiped out when the volcano erupted on Sunday.

Take a look at these staggering before and after images. On the left is what existed just days ago; on the right, nothing. CNN's Patrick Oppmann has this look at the devastation.


PATRICK OPPMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Teresa tells us the name of her family, either lost or killed after the Fuego erupted. The list is long, 18 names long. Too long seemingly for any one person to bear.

The volcano next to the small town of San Miguel Los Lotes, where Teresa has lived most of her life gave little warning before lashing out at her and her neighbors. More than 90 are dead. Nearly another 200 missing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you think you were going to die?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (trough translator): Yes, I thought my children were going to lose me as I couldn't run. But my children kept saying, mom, come on, run, mom, let's go, but I just couldn't run.

OPPMANN: Miraculously, Teresa and a handful of family members escaped. But she says most of her family, her father, five siblings, their spouses and children, a granddaughter, are still unaccounted for.

This 52-year-old grandmother says she's racked with guilt that she survive and so many her family may not have. We make our way into her Teresa's town where the volcano's fury smashed life here into a million pieces.

Clothes hang unattended on wash lines. Chickens sprout from their cages. The town has become for so many of its residents, an unmarked grave.

This really gives some perspective on how devastating the volcanic explosion was here. This is the roof of a house. The entire house is buried in ash. This down here is a front door. I can still feel the heat coming off this ash which is fused completely solid. And then here at the entrance of door is someone's shoe. We have no idea who it belongs to and if they got out in time.

Rescue workers are still searching for survivors. But as more time passes, they're losing hope. Teresa refuses to give up hers. She like so my others here still has to wait to find out just how much the volcano has taken from her -- Patrick Oppmann, CNN, San Miguel Los Lotes, Guatemala.




CHURCH: There's no letup in Hawaii as the Kilauea volcano continues to threaten communities on the big island. It shot a plume of ash 3 kilometers into the sky. It's yet another indication that the volcano is still very active and unpredictable. CNN's Dan Simon is there.


DAN SIMON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, things continue to be surreal here on the Big Island. This is Highway 130. You can see the checkpoint behind me. This road ultimately leads to the part of the volcano that is currently spewing lava. Specifically it is called fissure number 8.

Now, to put things in context, you've had 24 of these fissures that broken out over the past month. Only one of them is currently spewing lava and with that you get that dramatic sound at times. It's reaching 200 feet in the air and with that you get this dramatic lava river. And on Monday night this absolutely swallowed up two communities called Kapoho and Vacationland. Now it's called Vacationland for a reason because most of those homes are second homes.

But we did speak to an individual who lives there full-time. This is what he had to say. Take a look.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My house was 16 feet above, on piers above -- top of four feet above sea level. And yet the lava wall is as high as my house was on top of that. And you really can't survive that kind of wave coming at you.

SIMON: And you could see that gentleman seems be taking things in stride. And I think that's pretty much the attitude of the overall community. And they just don't know when this is going to stop.

You have several thousand people who are currently under an evacuation order. Two shelters have opened up in the area. One of them is completely full.

Scientists say this has gone on far longer than they could have envisioned. And there still is a danger with the summit itself, with the volcano where you've seen all of these earthquakes that have broken out over the past month, the number is just absolutely staggering -- 12,000 earthquakes.

And of course, the danger also remains with laze. That's where the lava meets the water and you get this toxic cloud that can happen as a result. And of course, residents have to be on the lookout for that -- Dan Simon, CNN, on the big island of Hawaii.


CHURCH: Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe is to meet with President Trump in Washington. He says he want to coordinate with the White House on issues important to Japan ahead of the U.S.-North Korea summit next week; specifically Japanese citizens kidnapped by the North.

Both men are to travel to Canada for the G7 summit, which starts on Friday. And joining me now from Seoul, South Korea, CNN's international diplomatic editor, Nic Robertson.

Good to see you, Nic.

So what are the major concerns that Japan's prime minister Abe has about the upcoming summit in Singapore and how likely is it that President Trump will have Japan's best interests in mind when he sits down with Kim Jong-un?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: That has to be one of the fundamental questions on Shinzo Abe's mind at the moment because Japan sees its security in the region, with China becoming more bold, China becoming stronger, both at home, both regionally, both internationally. Shinzo Abe seized the security through the support from President

Trump, traditional support from the United States. And his concern, his defense minister spoke about it over the weekend, that President Trump's giving Kim Jong-un too easy a time by not having made him make a commitment on denuclearization before he comes to the table.

So specifically there are things that Shinzo Abe may worry about, about what type of deal in this scenario President Trump might come up with.

Will President Trump focus on the ICBMs, those intercontinental ballistic missiles?

If he focuses on them, getting Kim to get rid of them, does it leave the shorter range missiles, leaving North Korea capable of reaching Japan with missile systems?

He's concerned; we've certainly heard this echoed because Secretary of Defense James Mattis talked about it over the weekend, concerned about reducing troop presence on the Korean Peninsula and maybe more broadly throughout the region.

Again, that would come down to that fundamental security issue --


ROBERTSON: -- that Japan is concerned about. Really, when you look at it in the round here and the way that Shinzo Abe will be able to see the way President Trump has dealt with other allies, which is his own interests over theirs, there's this very big issue -- let's not call it existential but let's say it will be very much on the Japanese prime minister's mind as he meets with President Trump.

CHURCH: Right and Nic, I did want to ask you this because president Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, has been talking publicly about the summit. And he claims Kim Jong-un got down on his hands and knees and begged for this summit to be rescheduled after it was initially canceled.

How is that going to be received by North Korea, whether it really happened or not?

ROBERTSON: We don't know what was said privately between the North Koreans and the White House. What we do know was what was said publicly. And I think if I just carry on what Rudy Giuliani said there, he said this, on the hands and knees, this is how essentially President Trump would want Kim Jong-un coming to the summit, in a supplicant position.

And that's not the way Kim Jong-un wants to see himself coming. He wants to be seen back home domestically as an equal. So it's easy to imagine that this is not going to get down very well in North Korea. Whether it will bring a public outburst that could therefore threaten the likelihood of the summit going ahead isn't clear.

But when you compare Kim Jong-un to somebody getting down on their hands and knees, you begin to enter the territory that John Bolton, President Trump's national security adviser, entered by saying that Kim Jong-un should give up his nuclear weapons in the same way that Moammar Gadhafi did in Libya.

And that of course was what led to that tit-for-tat accusations and president Trump canceling the summit. But what we do know publicly, that North Korea's response to the United States was not getting down on hands and knees but the vice foreign minister said in letter that they were happy President Trump had done what other presidents hadn't done so far, which was engage in a conversation.

And that they were ready and willing to continue these efforts. So that's what we know publicly. Perhaps Rudy Giuliani knows something that happened behind the scenes. It wouldn't be the first time that he has stepped out of line and caused problems for the president over what he says has been going on.

CHURCH: Yes, and we will watch and see how North Korea does respond to this. Our Nic Robertson, reporting there from Seoul, South Korea, where it is nearly 3:15 in the afternoon. Many thanks.

We are learning of a testy exchange between U.S. president Donald Trump and Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau. In a phone call, Mr. Trudeau pressed the U.S. president on he could justify new tariffs as a national security issue.

Mr. Trump responded apparently saying this, "Didn't you guys burn down the White House?"

Well, that was in the war of 1812 and those guys he refers to, well, they were in fact British troops, not Canadians. And it all took place 55 years before Canada was even a nation. But they're not the only U.S. ally unhappy with the president. Here's Clare Sebastian with more on that.


CLARE SEBASTIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The Trump administration says its trade policy is about protecting the U.S. economy and U.S. jobs. But tonight several key American industries are very worried.

First we heard Mexico is slapping $3 billion of U.S. goods with tariffs. In dollar terms, that's not a huge amount; that's only about 1 percent of U.S. exports to Mexico.

But this is strategic. Some of the industries they're hitting, pork is one of them. Mexico is the top export market for U.S. pork. And the National Pork Producers Council today said that this effectively eliminates their ability to compete in Mexico.

Other agricultural products are also on the list: potatoes, airplanes, cheese. There's also Bourbon and some steel products. Many of these come from states that are not only Trump heartland states but are also potentially critical in the upcoming midterm election. So this is really designed to hit the administration where it hurts.

We also saw the E.U. is taking a similar tactic. Today the E.U. commission endorsed a proposal to slap tariffs on about $3 billion worth of U.S. goods.

They also include Bourbon, denim and also peanut butter. Faced with all this pressure, Larry Kudlow, who's the director of Trump's National Economic Council, took to the Briefing Room today and said they will not be deterred from their cause.


LARRY KUDLOW, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL ECONOMIC COUNCIL: President Trump is very clear with respect to his trade reform efforts, that we will do what is necessary to protect the United States, its businesses and its workforce.


SEBASTIAN: Larry Kudlow also said tariffs are a tool to get the U.S.' trading partners to lower trade barriers. So far it's clear --


SEBASTIAN: -- the exact opposite is happening. And we're about to see these tensions play out face-to-face. At the end of this week president Trump is heading to Canada to the G7 summit. It's clear he may be in for some pretty awkward exchanges -- Clare Sebastian, CNNMoney, New York.


CHURCH: Just hours after her prison sentence was commuted by the U.S. President, an emotional reunion for one grandmother who served more than 20 years behind bars. More on that when we come back.




CHURCH: Kim Kardashian West's fight to free an imprisoned grandmother has resulted in a happy ending.

This is 63-year-old Alice Marie Johnson's emotional reunion with her family after she was released from an Alabama prison on Wednesday. Johnson had served 21 years of a life sentence for first-time nonviolent drug offenses. President Trump commuted her after Kardashian pleaded for her case last week.

Earlier Johnson spoke to CNN about the moment she learned her change in fate.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) ALICE JOHNSON, PAROLED PRISONER: My case manager, Ms. Mahala (ph), called me back to the unit team. I knew I had an attorney call. When the attorney came on, I heard Kim Kardashian West's voice and Kim gave me the news.

And I started screaming. It was just too much.


CHURCH: It is the sixth time the president has used his clemency powers and as Jeremy Diamond reports, it's not going to be his last.


JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Alice Johnson, a 63-year-old woman, is now out of prison after President Trump commuted her life sentence in prison. Johnson was convicted more than 20 years ago of attempted possession of cocaine and conspiracy to possess cocaine.

And she was sentenced to life in prison. But that is no more, as President Trump is increasingly turning to his power to pardon, issuing what was now his sixth act of clemency as president.

The five others were pardons and several of those were issued for political allies, including the conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza; the Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio with hardline views on immigration.

But the president is looking to do more of these types of acts. We are told that the president has identified at least 30 individuals for whom he's considering pardons or --


DIAMOND: -- commutations. I've also been told by a source familiar with the matter that handful of individuals are being -- having their cases reviewed right now by the White House counsel's office.

Those individuals would be similar to Alice Johnson, nonpolitical types, non-celebrities, folks who are likely first-time, nonviolent offenders. But clearly the president is finding a way to exercise the one power that really has no checks on it and that is his power to pardon -- Jeremy Diamond, CNN, at the White House.


CHURCH: CNN legal analyst Jennifer Rodgers joins me now from New York with more on this.

Good to have you with us.


CHURCH: Let's bring up those images again of Alice Johnson being released from prison after President Trump commuted her life sentence, with her family and friends greeting her there after 21 years behind bars.

It is worth noting that prosecutors had previously suggested to former president Barack Obama that she not be released and so she remained in prison.

Why do you think President Trump decided to commute her life sentence this time?

RODGERS: Well, it's hard to say what he was thinking. But we know he had a visit in the White House from Kim Kardashian West and Ms. West pleaded the case of Ms. Johnson to him.

So he seems to be someone who acts quickly, sometimes impulsively. And if someone he knows and likes makes the case for a woman for being wrongfully convicted, he seemed to have listened, at least in this instance.

CHURCH: Johnson was a first-time non-violent drug offender.

Did a life sentence fit the crime in that instance?

RODGERS: I haven't seen anyone say they think it did. Virtually everyone or literally everyone I've seen comment on this has said that this was too harsh a punishment. Yes, she was part of a drug organization and so she was properly convicted of crimes but life without parole certainly was too harsh a sentence here.

So no one is quibbling with the result of her ending her prison sentence early, especially since she had such extraordinary rehabilitation. I think people are just concerned -- or at least I'm concerned about the lack of process here.

There's a reason there's a pardon process. While that process may be too lengthy and may need fixing, there's still some benefits to going through it and not just having pardons and commutations off-the-cuff.

CHURCH: Right. I did want to ask you how often this happens, that a person of color particularly who has committed a nonviolent crime gets a very long sentence.

And now many other people who haven't been fortunate to have a celebrity push their case are still behind bars, fighting for justice.

RODGERS: There's no question that there are some very lengthy sentences out there, that the justice system in many ways is discriminative against people of color. President Obama commuted the sentences of many, many people who were imprisoned for very large periods of time because of drug crimes before his time as president was over.

So there's certainly work to be done there. I just think what would be a better thing to do would be to fix the pardon process so that these claims can be adjudicated more quickly, you can get them through the system but that they still receive full consideration, including having the prosecutors weigh in. It sounds like previously the prosecutors opposed the release of Ms.

Johnson. I don't know whether if they would have done so again or whether President Trump would have gone with them or against them.

But it seems to me there's still some benefit in the process here. But if we can get it working more swiftly, then we'll see more people released with justification, which will be a good thing.

CHURCH: Why do you think we're still seeing these very long sentences that don't seem to fit the crime?

RODGERS: Some are due to the laws, there are mandatory minimum sentences out there for certain kinds of crimes. But really judges have a lot of discretion in sentencing and they're supposed to consider not just the crime but the person in front of them. And that gives judges a lot of leeway to say that a particular person needs to serve a longer sentence for some reason.

And there's no question there have been many studies done that say that black defendants receive longer sentences. So there's a problem there in the justice system. The problem is how do you balance this notion of judicial discretion with wanting to treat people as individuals?

You kind of want both of those things. And yet they clash in some instances. So there's a structural problem here and we definitely need to work harder on it.

CHURCH: So what would the solution be here?

RODGERS: Look, maybe, again, judicial discretion but some parameters and some ways for those sentences to be commuted or pardons to be given when it makes sense. Maybe a pardon process that's swifter, that presidents can consider these pardons more readily. Certainly --


RODGERS: -- at the state level we don't have the same delay, lengthy process that we do at the federal level. Many states do this more quickly. So I think it's a combination of things.

Also just the knowledge that these sentences are being given disproportionately to people of color, I would hope would show judges that they need to think harder about whether they're actually giving sentences that need to be given or whether they are -- have some sort of unconscious bias going on in their sentencing as well.

CHURCH: Jennifer Rodgers, thank you so much for talking with us. We appreciate it.

RODGERS: Thank you.

CHURCH: Well, porn star Stormy Daniels has filed a new lawsuit over her alleged affair with Donald Trump. She claims her former attorney was in cahoots with President Trump's personal lawyer to manipulate her and benefit Mr. Trump. Our Joe Johns has the details. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)

JOE JOHNS, CNN SENIOR WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT: The lawsuit describes a cozy relationship between Stormy Daniels' former attorney Keith Davidson and President Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen, saying Cohen colluded with Mr. Davidson in an attempt to use and manipulate Ms. Clifford in a manner designed to benefit Mr. Cohen and Mr. Trump.

It includes text messages. Cohen reaching out to Davidson in an attempt to get Daniels to appear on Fox News to deny the affair. The texts start January 17, the same day "In Touch" magazine published excerpts of an interview in which Stormy Daniels described a sexual encounter with Trump.

Cohen says: "I have her tentatively scheduled for Hannity tonight," to which Davidson replies, "She cannot do it. She's flying to L.A. tomorrow."

Cohen says: "This is no good. We need her, as by doing tomorrow, you just create another news cycle, instead of putting an end to this one."

The lawsuit calls those messages a desperate attempt to convince Ms. Clifford to lie to the American public about her relationship with Mr. Trump.

QUESTION: Did you know about the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels?


QUESTION: Then why did Michael -- why did Michael Cohen make this, if there was no truth to her allegations?

TRUMP: Well, you have to ask Michael Cohen. Michael is my attorney. And you will have to ask Michael.

QUESTION: And do you know where he got the money to make that payment?

TRUMP: No, I don't know.

JOHNS: And it claims President Trump knew about the conversation between Davidson and Cohen because of this text. Cohen wrote: "The wise men all believe the story is dying and don't think it's smart for her to do any interviews. No interviews at all with anyone."

Davidson writes: "One hundred percent."

To which Cohen replies, "Thanks, pal."

But Cohen and Davidson kept in communication, according to the lawsuit, with Cohen getting a heads-up that Daniels was going to get a new attorney, Michael Avenatti and that they were going public with a lawsuit. Cohen went to Mar-a-Lago to meet with Mrs. Melania Trump in order to get out in front of the approaching lawsuit and publicity. Just days before that first Daniels lawsuit was filed, Michael Cohen was at Mar- a-Lago when he texted Davidson, "We should speak."

When Davidson asked, "You calling?"

Cohen said, "With FLOTUS. Give me a minute."

Keith Davidson's spokesman issued a strongly worded statement tonight saying: "This outrageously frivolous lout is another desperate attempt by Michael Avenatti to continue his publicity tour.

"The truth can now finally come out to rebut the false narrative about attorney Davidson that Mr. Avenatti has been pushing in his more than 175 television appearances and countless other media interviews." -- Joe Johns, CNN, Washington.


CHURCH: Coming up, the start of the World Cup in Moscow is just one week away. Russia says it's ready and we'll check in and see. Back in a moment.


[02:31:03] ROSEMARY CHURCH, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: A very warm welcome back to our viewers joining us from all around the world. I'm Rosemary Church. I want to update you now on the main stories we've been watching this hour. When the Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupted, hot ash quickly swept over villages. 99 people are believed to have been killed. More than a hundred people are still missing. Rescuers are digging through rock and ash looking for survivors aware that a new eruption could happen at any time. A 63-year-old great grandmother is free from prison in Alabama hours after Mr. Trump commuted her sentence.

Alice Marie Johnson had served 21 years of a life sentenced for first time non-violent drug offences. Reality T.V. star Kim Kardashian West meet with the president last week to plead Johnson's case. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is to meet with Donald Trump on Thursday just days before the U.S.-North Korea Summit in Singapore. Mr. Abe says he wants to make sure Japan's interest represented. Both leaders are to travel to Canada for Friday's G7 Summit. We know Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un will be in Singapore for next week's summit of course, but they may have some company. Former NBA star Dennis Rodman. CNN's Brian Todd reports.



BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: He's likely the only American who Kim Jong-un considers a personal friend serenading the North Korean dictator on his birthday and lavishing him with gifts. And now, it appears the outspoken and outlandish former NBA star Dennis Rodman is hoping to see his pal again soon. Rodman's agent tells CNN he is considering going to Singapore for the summit between Kim and President Trump. But says, no firm plans have been made.

BALBINA HWANG, ADJUNCT ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY: The insertion of Dennis Rodman into this summit reminds us how bizarre the summit itself is in terms of the characters of Kim Jong-un and President Trump.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What does he do for the atmosphere there?


TODD: It's not clear who might be underwriting a Rodman trip. Though, his agent Darren Prince tells CNN, the marijuana currency vendor PotCoin has often sponsored Rodman's missions of what Rodman calls basketball diplomacy. The 57-year-old once tweeted this video commissioned by his backups.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This diplomatic mission is funded by potheads, PotCoin heads. They said Rodman to the (INAUDIBLE) PotCoin diplomacy. I call that green peace.

TODD: Rodman has the distinction of being one of very few people who know both Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump personally. He was a failed contestant on Trump's reality show, The Apprentice.


TODD: And Rodman has been to North Korea several times conducting basketball exhibitions with other former NBA stars visiting personally with Kim Jong-un, even presenting Kim with samples of Rodman's brand of vodka. Following one recent trip, Rodman told the website "TMZ", he was able to give Kim insights into Trump by giving him a copy of Trump's book, The Art of the Deal.

RODMAN: (INAUDIBLE) with Donald Trump and stuff like that. People know that. People have the video of me giving his book and all that stuff about Donald Trump and about America. I think he didn't realized who Donald Trump was at that time until I guess he saw the book (INAUDIBLE) stuff like that and I don't want to say (INAUDIBLE)

TODD: And it was Rodman who for years have been the only American of any stature who Kim had met.

NOLAND: Rodman has had extraordinary access. Rodman held his first baby and was through Rodman. We learned the name of the child.

TODD: But there had been dark moments as well like a 2014 live interview from Pyongyang when Rodman speaking with CNN's Chris Cuomo appeared to meltdown after being asked if he'd advocate for an American detained by Kim.

RODMAN: I was (INAUDIBLE) what the hell you think. I'm saying to you -- look at these guys here. Look at them. TODD: Rodman likely wouldn't be allowed to venture anywhere near the

actual meeting between Trump and Kim. But even with the sideshow elements, analyst say Rodman could serve a constructive purpose in Singapore.

[02:35:09] NOLAND: One thing that Rodman could do for better or worth is humanized both of the participants, both Donald Trump but especially Kim Jong-un who has seen his very strange character.


TODD: The Trump administration is already distancing itself from any potential Rodman trip to Singapore. A senior administration official telling CNN, he's not part of anything they're doing at the summit. A state department official telling us they have no comment on Rodman's private travel, but he's not a representative of the U.S. government. Brian Todd, CNN Washington.

CHURCH: President Trump hosted his first iftar dinner at the White House on Wednesday. It is the meal Muslims have at sundown to breakfast during the holy month of Ramadan. The White House said the dinner would be for the diplomatic community and that sparked criticism from American Muslims who said business leaders scholars and activist should be invited as well. Comedian Samantha Bee is apologizing again for her crude remark last week about President Trump's daughter Ivanka.


SAMANTHA BEE, COMEDIAN: Let me just say one mother to another, do something about your dad's immigration practices, you feckless -- he listens to you.


CHURCH: Now, Bee said she never intended to hurt anyone except perhaps Ted Cruz and she hates that her remark distracted from more important issues like separating immigrant children from their parents.


BEE: You know, a lot of people were offended and angry that I used an epithet to describe the president's daughter and advisor last week. It is a work I have used on the show many times hoping to reclaim it. This time, I used it as an insult. I crossed the line. I regret it. And I do apologize for that.


CHURCH: Bee says civility is just nice words and she wishes people would be more concerned about the niceness of their actions. At least 17 people have been killed and 90 wounded in an explosion in Sadr City in Eastern Baghdad. Iraq's Interior Ministry says a weapons cache was blown up causing Wednesday's blast. Security forces are investigating. The explosion left a massive whole in the ground. Sadr City is predominantly Shiite and the stronghold of power clerk Muqtada Al-Sadr whose political coalition won the parliamentary elections last month. Well, the head of Argentina's football association is apologizing to Israeli fans for cancelling Saturday's exhibition match in Jerusalem. He says it was not meant as a snub but rather was done out of safety concerns for the team. CNN's Phil Black has the details.

PHIL BLACK, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: The Palestinian Football Association lobbied aggressively for this match not to happen. Its chief called on fans around the world to burn Lionel Messi images and his national jersey. Israeli official say that was incitement to violence. And now, Argentina's football association has confirmed the side will not travel to Israel because of threats and concerns about the team's safety. Palestinians argued Argentina and Messi were being used by Israel to whitewash what they see as the state's crimes and to legitimize its policies. And they said, holding the game in Jerusalem, a city claimed by both Israelis and Palestinians as their capital was especially provocative. So while Israeli football fans were thrilled by the possibility of seeing Messi and his teammates play here. Palestinians many of whom also worship Messi as a superstar of the game were distressed by the idea of their hero playing what they believe would be a one-sided role in this intractable conflict. The Israeli government says some people took that opposition much further directly threatening violence against Messi, other players, and their families.

CHURCH: Well, Black -- CNN's Phil Black reporting via from Israel. The cancelled match in Jerusalem was meant as a warm-up to the World Cup which gets underway in Russia next week. It's the biggest sporting event the country has hosted since the Winter Olympics in Sochi and officials say they are ready. But it hasn't silenced Russia's critics who say the tournament should be boycotted. CNN's Fred Pleitgen has our report.


FRED PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: The flags and banners are up and Moscow is sending a clear message, Russia is ready and excited for the World Cup to begin. The head of the parliamentary committee for sports telling me everything is ready to go.

MIKHAIL DEGTYAREV, DEPUTY, STATE DUMA (via translator): We want this World Cup to be a celebration of soccer for the whole world and we want to use the tournament's legacy to develop sports in our country, he says. The way we will host the cup will be the gold standard for such events by every measure.

PLEITGEN: But internationally, the World Cup vibe seemed somewhat tainted by Russia's recent altercations with Western nations.

[02:40:06] Both the Netherlands and Australia recently officially blamed Russia for the 2014 shoot down of a civilian airliner. And Britain and other western countries kicked out dozens of Russian diplomats for the poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter using the military grade nerve agent Novichok in a middle of an English town. Russia vehemently denies it was behind either of the incidence.


PLEITGEN: The recent diplomatic turmoil between Russia and the West has caused some western politicians to call for a boycott of the World Cup here even as most team are in their final preparation for the tournament.


PLEITGEN: But that seems unlikely, Russia's President Vladimir Putin and the head of football's governing body FIFA, Gianni Infantino recently visited several World Cup venues. The FIFA boss has said Russia is ready to host the event. Even as rights groups criticized a crackdown on anti-Putin protest and free speech in recent months.

TANYA LOKSHINA, HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH: All these thousands of fans are going to be here for the opening in June 14th. They will be (INAUDIBLE) Moscow is ready to welcome the fans. Ironically, however, the World Cup is happening here in Russia at the worst time of human rights.

PLEITGEN: But Russian politician Mikhail Degtyarev warned against politicizing the biggest event in world sports.

DEGTYAREV (via translator): We in Russia always say that sports and politics must be separated, he says. Sports must united people, not divide them. And if there are tensions among politicians, they must put them aside.

PLEITGEN: And the Kremlin hopes those tensions will remain on the sidelines at least until the final whistle is blown at the 2018 World Cup. Fred Pleitgen, CNN Moscow.


CHURCH: Spain's new prime minister just made an historic move. Pedro Sanchez appointed 11 women and 6 men for the new government. Sanchez said it's the first time since the late 1970s that there are more women than men in the cabinet.


PEDRO SANCHEZ, PRIME MINISTER OF SPAIN (via translator): The new government of Spain is the reflection of the best of the society it aspires to serve. The new government for society like Spain that is equal. Half of the citizens are women, intergenerational, open to the world, but also anchored in the European Union.


CHURCH: And another new cabinet member is an astronaut who was the first Spaniard in space. Let's take a short break here. But still to come, Facebook now admit it's been sharing the personal data of its user for a very long time with companies all over the world. Plus, wide city traffic when you could zoom right over it. A new flying vehicle aims to make that dream a reality. Back in just a moment.


[02:45:43] ROSEMARY CHURCH, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: The husband of fashion designer Kate Spade is speaking out about his wife's apparent suicide. He says she suffered from depression and anxiety for years and was receiving treatment. Our Jean Casarez has more details now from New York.

JEAN CASAREZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: A spokesperson has given to CNN a statement written by Kate Spade's husband, Andy. In it, he says that his wife Kate was the most beautiful woman he has ever known. "She was the kindest person I have ever known and my best friend for 35 years. My daughter and I are devastated by her loss and can't even begin to fathom life without her."

He goes on to say that he and his wife have been living separately for the last ten months. But he says he lives only blocks away from right here, the apartment where his wife Kate, live.

He said that they share their daughter, that they have family meals together, vacations together, not officially separated, and haven't even mentioned the word divorce. That they were trying to work out their problems as best friends. He also says that his wife has fought depression and anxiety for years, and was getting treatment and that it was a shock, there was no warning that something like this would happen.

Well, the family is still grieving, the medical examiner and New York City's Police Department has continues their death investigation. Jean Casarez, CNN, New York.

CHURCH: If you have a Facebook account, there is a reasonably good chance your personal information has been given to Chinese smartphone makers. Including some, the U.S. government warns could pose a risk to national security. CNN's Samuel Burke, explains.

SAMUEL BURKE, CNN BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY CORRESPONDENT: Once again, Facebook users are having to ask, "Where is my data?" The social network has a very interesting explanation about all these data sharing agreements with companies like Huawei, a Chinese smartphone maker which the U.S intelligence agencies have long said poses a security threat, something that company denies.

Now, Facebook says this is all from a bygone era when there weren't app stores. So, the phone companies were making their own tools so that you could post to Facebook. But what that doesn't explain is why such personal data would have been part of these agreements?

Just look at what The New York Times says, Facebook handed over to these device makers about users. Education and work history, relationship status, religion, even political leanings.

Now, a Huawei spokesperson says the company has never collected or stored any Facebook user data. While the Facebook V.P. tells us, "The social network along with many other U.S. tech companies has worked with Huawei and other Chinese manufacturers to integrate their services onto these phones.

Facebook has also said, they're not aware of any abuse by these companies. But that word, abuse, right there highlights the fact that Facebook's policy made user data vulnerable to abuse. Even though Facebook says this is much to do about nothing, they do admit they started winding down this program as part of their cleanup after, not before, right after the Cambridge Analytica scandal broke.

CHURCH: And many thanks to our Samuel Burke, for that report. Well, if you have ever dreamed of zooming around in your own flying car that could soon become a reality.

The Kitty Hawk Flyer is on its way to the skies. The Silicon Valley startup funded by Google co-founder Larry Page gave CNN's Rachel Crane an exclusive first ride in its flying car.

RACHEL CRANE, CNN INNOVATION AND SPACE REPORTER: OK, so this was definitely one of the crazier experiences of my career. But what is this thing, and why am I flying it? Amid a secret facility in Lake Las Vegas, the training center for company, Kitty Hawk.


SEBASTIAN THRUN, CEO, KITTY HAWK CORPORATION: The mission of Kitty Hawk is to get anybody to fly at the day, and eventually, to get rid of traffic.

CRANE: That's Kitty Hawk CEO, Sebastian Thrun. And what his basically describing is making the Jetsons' flying cars a reality.

ANNOUNCER: Meet George Jetsons.

THRUN: Now, it's a long step from fly at to that on this. This is a recreational vehicle, but in the far future, I can see that maybe we take something similar like this and fly into New York and Manhattan.

[02:50:03] CRANE: Flyer is Kitty Hawk's first commercial vehicle. Todd Reichert is the company's lead engineer.

TODD REICHERT, LEAD ENGINEER, KITTY HAWK: You basically have 12 moving parts.

CRANE: OK. What are those moving parts?

REICHERT: 10 motors.

CRANE: Right.

REICHERT: And two control sticks. And that's it.

CRANE: Pretty simple.

While operating it may be simple, incorporating vehicles like this into our everyday commutes that's going to be a whole lot more complicated. For now, Kitty Hawks playing at safe. Their engineers wouldn't let me fly overland or faster than 6 miles per hour. And trust me, I wanted too. But Kitty Hawk says the vehicle is capable of going much faster.

THRUN: Physically, I think it's very conceivable that a vehicle like this might go at some point, 50, 60, maybe 100 miles per hour.

CRANE: Even with the conservative state of construction, I still had a blast. And I have to say, they made it pretty idea proof. To fly those thing, you don't need a pilot's license. And if you take your hands off the controls, it just hovers in place.

REICHERT: (INAUDIBLE) transformation in terms of how accessible we can make flight.

CRANE: But in order for to be truly transformational, people have to be willing to fly them.

When most people think about flying cars, they're actually pretty scared and also very intrigued.

THRUN: The number one, most important thing other than safety for us is the side to acceptance. So there are people be willing to fly on these devices, live next to device like this and flies me enable and so on.

CRANE: The public acceptance is just one hurdle. Flyer's battery only last about 20 minutes. So, for now, its applications are limited.

Kitty Hawk's mission is to eradicate traffic. You can't do that with the recreational --

REICHERT: Yes. We're on sort of a story ark from recreation, to exploration, to transportation. And we will have to evolve along the way.

CRANE: That was awesome.


CHURCH: I like to look of that. Coming up after the short break. From street fighter to professional boxer, a young man turns away from London's gang violence to make a new life for himself in the ring. We'll have that for you in just a moment.


CHURCH: Gang violence is effect of life in many cities, in London, it's been blamed for more 60 death this year. But at least, one young man literally fought his way out of the main streets to become an inspiring role model. CNN's Erin McLaughlin has his story.


ISAAC CHAMBERLAIN, PROFESSIONAL BOXER, BRITISH: You (INAUDIBLE) want to chase and greeting us. That's the type of drive that I have, that's what you saw when I'm training and when I'm in the gym practicing perfection, perfection. ERIN MCLAUGHLIN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Isaac Chamberlain knows what it takes to be great.

CHAMBERLAIN: You have to born as fast as you want to move.

MCLAUGHLIN: Perhaps, you've never expect this kind of discipline from a kid whose story is born out of poverty and violence. The kind of gang violence now engulfing London, authorities don't know what to do.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The number of killings in the British capital have surged past 50.

MCLAUGHLIN: It's a world Chamberlain knows too well.

What if boxing wasn't there for you?

CHAMBERLAIN: I honestly don't know, because obviously, there was a time when I was young when I start today to steer away-- you know, to gangs and stuff like that.

MCLAUGHLIN: But Chamberlain, took a different turn. His mom, Linda, tells us as a kid, he was often in trouble with the police.

LINDA CHAMBERLAIN, MOTHER OF ISAAC CHAMBERLAIN: One police officer came on my home and knock the door. And said to me, your son is in the hospital. I was like, "What?"

[02:55:06] MCLAUGHLIN: He was in the hospital, 10 years old. His face swollen from a street fight. Linda says the police told her she needed to get her son off the streets and into something like boxing.

You would have done anything for him.

L. CHAMBERLAIN: Anything to save your son. Yes.

MCLAUGHLIN: She tells us boxing is his destiny.

I. CHAMBERLAIN: I came into the gym and I smelled the sweat of this human. The people punching, and the smelly glove, and I just fell in love with it. The coach, he's up my journey that still here. The coach is always saying you can be a world champion, you can do something. And was like, "Wow, this guy really believe in me. I never heard those words of encouragement.

MCLAUGHLIN: He takes us back to Brixton.

I. CHAMBERLAIN: I used to live in that top block right there.

MCLAUGHLIN: Back to his childhood, to a neighborhood marred by gang warfare. Many of his friends would go on to prison or to die young.

I. CHAMBERLAIN: I used to play football from this green poles there. That, that green poles.

MCLAUGHLIN: Yes. I will.

These streets were unforgiving back then, though. I mean, this was --

I. CHAMBERLAIN: Yes, definitely. I remember there was like a gang raid, like a drugs raid for police on this block. They were like, "Get down! Guns everywhere. It was nuts.

MCLAUGHLIN: When time Brixton became more gentrified, trendy even. But the game are still here.

How does it make you feel seeing what's happening in London right now?

I. CHAMBERLAIN: I sense the lack of care. Somebody is not doing something do all needs that to help these kids.

Can you see this closed down place here?


I. CHAMBERLAIN: I think that was it.

MCLAUGHLIN: So, this used to be a job center now?

I. CHAMBERLAIN: Yes, now it's just closed down.

MCLAUGHLIN: It's close down because I concern to you.

I. CHAMBERLAIN: You're closing on the thinks that is trying to help all along.

MCLAUGHLIN: do you think they're closing down the solution.

I. CHAMBERLAIN: Kind of, yes.

MCLAUGHLIN: The solution for Isaac was boxing, he's now a rising star. Recently, he fought before over 20,000 people at London's O2 Arena.

When kids see you and then see you box, what do you think they see?

I. CHAMBERLAIN: Someone that's not become a product of their environment somebody who's worked hard to get to where he is. And I hope I'm inspired when so many people -- that's what the kids need.

So, they can say, yes, he's just like me -- you know, he speak just like me, acts just like me. And look where he is -- you know, I can do the same thing.

MCLAUGHLIN: Erin McLaughlin, CNN's Brixton, London.

CHURCH: A great story of inspiration there. And thanks for watching CNN NEWSROOM this hour. I'm Rosemary Church, I'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news. Stick around.