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Trump Leaves G-7 Early for Singapore, Says Russia Should Recreate G-8; Trump Heads to Singapore for North Korean Summit; Trump: My Relationship with Allies "Is a 10"; TV Chef Anthony Bourdain Dead at 61; Fellow Chef Remembers Anthony Bourdain; CDC Report Reveals Rising Suicide Rates in Almost Every State; Mesa Police Officers on Leave After Release of Disturbing Video; Softening Tone from North Korea Days Before Summit. Aired 3-4p ET

Aired June 09, 2018 - 15:00   ET



[15:00:28] ANA CABRERA, CNN ANCHOR: You're watching CNN NEWSROOM. Hello on this Saturday, I'm Ana Cabrera, in New York. Glad you're with us.

President Trump on his way now where he may become part of the most powerful diplomatic moment in recent American history. The plan is still a go for him to meet face to face with the leader of North Korea on Tuesday in Singapore.

Here is the president just a short time ago boarding Air Force One in Canada, where he cut short his participation in the G-7 summit.

How will he go into this meeting with the North Korean leader and how will he, the self-described great negotiator, know he's not being played? The president says he'll know almost instantly. More on that in a moment.

But first, the G-7. The American president clocked out early, but the summit still is going on, minus Donald Trump and Russia, which President Trump says should be readmitted to the group. Russia was kicked out after it forcibly claimed Crimea as its own. And by the way, President Trump blamed Barack Obama for, in his words, "letting Crimea get away."

A reporter asked about President Trump today about his upcoming moment in Singapore when he'll come face to face with Kim Jong-Un, and President Trump says he'll only need a few seconds to know if this meeting will be worthwhile.


DONALD TRUMP, PERSIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES I think within the first minute I'll know. Just my touch, my feel. That's what I do. How long will it take to figure out whether or not they are serious? I said maybe in the first minute. You know, the way they say that you know if you're going to like somebody in the first five seconds, ever hear that one? Well, I think that very quickly I'll know whether or not something good is going to happen. (END VIDEO CLIP)

CABRERA: CNN's Ryan Nobles joins us live now.

Ryan, President Trump sounds optimistic about North Korea, seems firmly in Russia's corner, as well, about rejoining the G-8 or what was the G-8, but at the same time he butted heads with leaders of America's strongest and longest allies. How are these mixed messages going over?

RYAN NOBLES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Ana, like most things with President Trump, it depends on who you ask. Supporters of the president and his America First policy approach are glad he went into this seemingly hostile environment and stood his ground. But there are others worried both here in the United States and around the world that worry he's taking a big risk, damaging the relationship the United States has with some of its most important allies.

Among those critical, a member of the president's own party. Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse, who's often is not afraid to challenge the president, warning the president's tactics may prevent him from achieving the goals he seeks. Sasse releasing a statement about an hour ago saying, quote, "If the president is actually serious about leading the expansion of a G-7, no-tariff, free-trade agreement, that's tremendous, tremendous news for the U.S. and for the free nations of the world. I would happily carry his bag to every single meeting of those negotiations." But this is where he warns the president. He says, "The path to more trade begins with less whining on the global stage. The simple fact is that more trade has been overwhelmingly beneficial to U.S. families and to net U.S. job creation for 75 straight years. And pretending America has been taken advantage of, that is pretending that we're losers, and that just isn't true."

Now, Sasse calling the president's approach whining. The president describes it as standing up for America. And he told reporters at an impromptu press gaggle that his fellow world leaders understood where he's coming from. Take a listen.


TRUMP: The relationship that I've had with the people, the leaders of these countries, has been -- I would really rate it on a scale of zero to 10, I would rate it a 10. That doesn't mean I agree with what they are doing, and they know very well that I don't. So we're negotiating very hard tariffs and barriers. As an example, the European Union is brutal to the United States. They don't -- and they understand that, they know it. When I'm telling them, they are smiling at me. You know, it's like the gig is up. It's like the gig is up. They are not trying to -- there's nothing they can say. They can't believe they got away with it. Canada can't believe it got away with it.


NOBLES: Part of President Trump's tough talk is based on this promise it would lead to results, but so far, he's leaving the meeting in Canada without any substantive changes to big trade deals, like NAFTA, that's still on the table, still in its current form. And, Ana, he's leaving with the very real threat the U.S. is on the verge of a trade war with some of its most important and reliable partners in the global community.

[15:05:04] CABRERA: As we mentioned, he left early after arriving late two days in a row. What is the big take away now from the G-7?

NOBLES: Well, the big question, Ana, is how this -- how these global partners respond to the president's conduct going forward. You know, there was certainly some body language to express there was a lot of these contentious meetings of the president showing up late for the summit itself, leaving early, even showed up late to meetings today. And, of course, there were these pictures posted on social media both from Angela Merkel, the German chancellor's press aide, and the president's social media director, which showed a very contentious meeting. We don't know exactly what was happening in that meeting, but there's certainly a question to be asked here about how these relationships can be repaired when all these big deals are still on the table. The president's arguing the U.S. is going to come out on the positive size as a result of his tough talk. That still remains to be seen.

CABRERA: Ryan Nobles, in Washington for us, thank you.

I want to show these two photos Ryan just referenced. Remarkable pictures taken during the negotiations at the summit. First, you see in this picture, tweeted by German Chancellor Angela Merkel's press secretary, you see the U.S. president sitting alone, his arms folded. Merkle and French President Emmanuel Macron are there leaning across the table talking to him, with the Japanese prime minister looking on. Another photo of the same moment taken from a different angle, this was tweeted by a White House aide, and in this, you can see just how many people are surrounding Trump while he sits, arms still crossed.

Let's bring in our panel and discuss further. CNN senior diplomatic correspondent, Michelle Kosinski, CNN political commentator and "Washington Post" columnist, Catherine Rampell, and professor of politics and international affairs at Princeton, Anne-Marie Slaughter.

So, Anne-Marie, they say photo or a picture is worth a thousand words. When you look at those two pictures, what do they tell you?

ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTER, PROFESSOR OF POLITICS AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, PRINCETON UNIVERITY: They tell me that Trump's alone against the rest of the G-7. It's the G-6 plus one. And they tell me that the president's supporters and his people think actually showing him, one against six, will play extremely well with his base. This is actually what people want, is for him to -- his supporters want for him to stand up against an international order that they think is elitist and bad for ordinary Americans. I don't think that's true, but I think the president thinks it plays well. And the first picture shows what our allies think.

CABRERA: We have another picture I want to show. This one is of President Trump shaking hands with French President Emmanuel Macron, the two buddies. They've talked about their own bromance. But look at the picture of them shaking hands, because you see the president's -- darn, we don't have the picture. But I will tell you, in the picture you can see the photo shows -- here it is. Look at the president's hand there on the left after the handshake. Look where Macron's hand is and thumb is. And when he pulls away, you can see his thumbprint.

Catherine, is this the type of handshake you'd expect between allies?

CATHERINE RAMPELL, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: These kinds of handshake wars have been going on for a while between the president and leaders of other countries. You may recall that when Trump first came into office, there were a lot of awkward handshakes, where he was jerking people towards him and then you saw some leaders trying to get around it by bracing elbows or what have you.

CABRERA: Even Macron himself, when they first met --


CABRERA: -- there was so much to be said about how they were interacting.

RAMPELL: Right. Right. So it's like boys on the playground almost. You know, you don't expect this of leaders of major nations to be taking out their aggression in this particular way. And I don't think it necessarily speaks well of either Trump or Macron in this instance, even though I think Trump has been primarily the antagonist in these kinds of interactions. But I'm not sure this really elevates the conversation here. But it does illustrate how much tension there's between the United States, the leader of the United States, and our closest allies.

CABRERA: And he was amping up that tension. He was being very transparent about his animosity over the trade issue in his tweets heading into the summit. Michelle, but President Trump was asked by a reporter earlier today about his relationship with our allies, and I want to take a listen to an answer that may be surprising considering what we saw play out ahead.


TRUMP: The relationship that I've had with the people, the leaders of these countries, has been -- I would really rate it on a scale of zero to 10, I would rate it a 10. That doesn't mean I agree with what they are doing, and they know very well that I don't. So we're negotiating very hard, tariffs and barriers. As an example, the European Union is brutal to the United States. They don't take -- and they understand that. They know it. When I'm telling them, they are smiling at me. You know, it's like the gig is up. It's like the gig is up. They are not trying to -- there's nothing they can say. They can't believe they got away with it. Canada can't believe it got away with it.


[15:10:21] CABRERA: Michelle, when you hear him say the relationship is at a 10, do you think the allies would agree?

MICHELLE KOSINSKI, CNN SENIOR DIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENT: Well, I talked to one senior European diplomat today who said, well, maybe he was saying 10 things on which we totally disagree, or like the title of the movie, "10 Things I Hate about You."


So, I think, just looking at Trump's Twitter feed over the last several days or Macron's for that matter, or Trudeau's words, that tells you that there are absolutely tensions.

And, you know, the answer to the question that was asked by our CNN producer, he first responded to that by just attacking CNN and attacking fake news and the press. So it seemed to really hit a nerve with him, wanting to say how great the relationship was. At one point, he listed all the leaders he says he gets along with by first name, like it's so chummy. So he seems to be putting this really personal aspect on it and wanting to dismiss any insinuation at all that he's not accepted as a person or people aren't friendly to him at this meeting.

But you do see the body language with his arms across his chest. We know that there was discomfort going into this summit, even just based on the White House reporting of those around him saying that he worried, you know, that he's the isolated one in this group and that he's going to have to deal with criticism and all of that. So it's clear that the tension was there. He just wants to tell the world, though, that he's able to still relate to other world leaders or have conversations with them, and he still does have hope of some progress.

CABRERA: Let's bring up another world leader, and that is Vladimir Putin, because, Anne-Marie, Trump also said it would be an asset to have Russia back in the G-7, making it the G-8 again. Listen.


TRUMP: Some people like the idea of bringing Russia back in. This used to be the G-8, not the G-7. And something happened a while ago, where Russia is no longer in. I think it would be an asset to have Russia back in. I think it would be good for the world. I think it would be good for Russia. I think it would be good for the United States.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Something that happened that got them kicked out of the G-8 was the invasion and annexation of Crimea. Do you think Crimea should be recognized with Russia at this point?

TRUMP: You'll have to ask President Obama. He was the one that let Crimea get away. That was during his administration. And he was the one that let Russia go and spend a lot of money on Crimea, because they're spent a lot of money on rebuilding it. I guess they have their submarine port there, et cetera. But Crimea was let go during the Obama administration. And Obama can say all he wants, but he allowed Russia to take Crimea. I may have had a much different attitude. (END VIDEO CLIP)

CABRERA: Anne-Marie, is the status of Crimea settled? Is it no longer Trump's problem?

SLAUGHTER: You know, it's hard to know where to start with this. I honestly was listening to that, but Trump conducts foreign policies the way he does his real estate business, everybody with Russia. Russia invaded Crimea completely illegally, and the entire world pretty much and certainly all of our allies joined in not recognizing the annexation of -- and kicking Russia out of the G-8 with other sanctions. I guess the president sounds like he's saying he would have gone to war to push Russia out of Crimea. I think that's highly unlikely. But what he's saying now is, whatever happened, we should recognize it and let them back in, what nations do in this sort of situation, particularly a nuclear power. We're not going to confront Russia directly, is exactly social sanctions, essentially, kicking them out of something like the G-8, but also economic sanctions, and, legally, we have not recognized that Crimea is now part of Russia.

CABRERA: Michelle, is allowing Russia back into the G-8 something our allies would be open to?

KOSINSKI: Absolutely not. I mean, even yesterday, when this came out, there was a question, first of all, where is this coming from and why. And then the president had to know that he was going to be questioned about this today, and so he didn't want to back away from it. In fact, he just added to it. He doubled down on it. And he refused to say why Russia got kicked out of the G-8. To say that something happened, I think that that -- I mean, to look at John Bolton there standing next to him, and the harsh words that he's had for Russia in the past and Russia's aggressive activity, repeated aggression, I would like to know what he was thinking to hear President Trump say this, how this would benefit everybody. And Trump even made mention it would benefit Russia. Well, why are these nations caring if Russia benefits suddenly from the G-8, when it was kicked out of it because it invaded it neighbor? I think these are very surprising words from the president, especially in this group of people. What was he trying to accomplish, and why did he word it the way he did? I mean, there are so many more questions here.

And on the one hand, he's criticizing President Obama for letting it get away, and implying that he would have been tougher on Russia, so why then would he let Russia back into the G-8, you know, at the table with other Western nations, and the biggest, you know, industrial countries in the world and allowing them back into the fold? So, part of it just doesn't make any sense, and another part is very surprising.

[15:16:21] CABRERA: I also want to get your take on this, Catherine, because President Trump says the U.S. would be better off if Russia were allowed back into this group. I know you write a lot on economic issues. Can you see a scenario in which it would benefit the U.S. if Russia were there?

RAMPELL: No, no. Trump said famously during one of the debates, no puppet, no puppet, you're the puppet, right? And we don't know if the actions he has been taking are actually being directed by Putin. We have no evidence to suggest that. But regardless, I'm sure Putin is very excited about everything Trump has done in recent weeks, including having warmer words about Russia and bringing Russia back into the G-8, then Trump has had about, for example, the free American press, but also alienating the United States from our great allies. Putin actually gave a speech earlier this week basically celebrating the fact that now the Europeans are getting a taste of their own medicine, was sort of how he had put it, and that they are having to deal with the steel and aluminum tariffs, which he likened to the sanctions placed on Russia for annexing Crimea. So he sees this all the same. His goal is to alienate the United States from its closest allies, to break up this alliance of Western countries that have kind of ganged up on Russia for behaving badly. And I don't see how this is possibly good for the United States. I can see easily how it's good for Russia.

CABRERA: Let's not forget, it wasn't just the U.S. election that Russia is accused of meddling in. There's all the evidence that shows that is, in fact, what happened, but also the involvement in other countries' elections, as well.

Thank you, ladies, everybody, for joining me, Anne Marie-Slaughter, Catherine Rampell, Michelle Kosinski. It's really appreciate all of your insights and perspectives.

Coming up, remembering the legacy of culinary legend, story teller, and our CNN friend and family member, Anthony Bourdain. We'll hear from a fellow chef and restauranteur who says Bourdain gave him advice he's never forgotten. That's just ahead.


[15:22:38] CABRERA: Anthony Bourdain was so many things, renowned chef, world traveler, master storyteller. Here at CNN, he was also a colleague and friend. He took us to places we wanted to see, to places we didn't even think about until he helped open our eyes. He ate things that, frankly, sometimes made us cringe. He showed us the world beyond our reach, and we loved him for that.

CNN correspondent, Alex Marquardt, takes a look at how, in both life and death, Anthony Bourdain continues to have an impact.


BOUDAIN: For me, one of life's great joys is cheese.

ALEX MARQUARDT, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): For Anthony Bourdain, the recipe for understanding people, understanding cultures around the world, and creating a hit TV show couldn't be more straight forward.

BOURDAIN: We ask very simple questions, what makes you happy, what do you eat, what do you like to cook? And everywhere in the world we go and ask these very simple questions. We tend to get some really astonishing answers. MARQUARDT: Bourdain was found dead Friday morning by a friend in a

hotel room in France where he was filming for his award-winning CNN show, "PARTS UNKNOWN." The cause of his death was suicide.

Bourdain started working in kitchens at a young age and would become a celebrity chef and author as he made his way into television. The Smithsonian called him the "original rock star of the culinary world," the "Elvis of bad-boy chefs."

It was his way with words, "his irreverence, curiosity, ease and warmth" that fueled his massive following.

Bourdain didn't shy away from talking about past demons. Heavy drug use that included an addiction to heroin as well as cocaine use. So bad, he said, he should have die in the his 20s but instead lived what he called a charmed life.

BOURDAIN (voice-over): Massachusetts is quite small-town America.

MARQUARDT: He addressed his past head-on while highlighting the opioid epidemic in Massachusetts in an episode of his show.

BOURDAIN (on camera): But I thought I'd start the show by returning to Provincetown, all the way out on the tip of Cape Cod, which is where, at age 17, I started washing dishes and started working in the restaurant business as a summer job and began my sort of trajectory in the restaurant business and into drugs. Somebody who wakes up in the morning and their first order of business is, get heroin, I know what that's like.

MARQUARDT: Bourdain came to CNN in 2013, bringing his show to a global audience. Throughout his TV career, he won award after award.

[15:25:04] BOURDAIN: First order of business, dinner.

MARQUARDT: It was the food that lured people in. But viewers knew it was about so much more.

BOURDAIN: Incredible.

MARQUARDT: Quickly finding themselves immersed in an experience that focused on people, exotic places. and faiths from around the world.

He insisted he wasn't a journalist. But over the years, forged a unique style of storytelling that was unmatched.


CABRERA: Alex Marquardt reporting.

Bourdain's death has led to an outpouring of grieve and memories. The enormity of the reaction really the testament to the kind of far- reaching impact Bourdain had. And among those sharing stories and sentiments, chef and writer, Edward Lee. He hosted season three of "Mind of a Chef," which Bourdain produced. He also wrote "Buttermilk Graffiti, A Chef's Journey to Discover America's New Melting Pot Cuisine."

Edward, first, apologies for the loss of your friend. I know Anthony Bourdain meant something special to you. Why did he mean so much to you?

EDWARD LEE, CHEF & FORMER HOST, MIND OF A CHEF & AUTHOR: He meant many things to many different chefs. And I think everyone is going to remember him in a different way.

For me, he basically found me, a relatively unknown chef, and kind of just gave me the confidence and encouragement and put me on a platform, encouraged my books, and just let me be who I am and gave me some incredible advice early on about my career. And, you know, we weren't close friends, but we saw each other here and there. And every time he saw me, he always had time for me in a way that I never thought someone of his stature should. I'm a nobody compared to him, but he always had the time for me, and I'll never forget that.

CABRERA: That's so funny you should say that, because that was my reaction the first time I met him, too. I walked away feeling, wow, what a nice guy. He really made you feel like he was there with you, he was completely present, despite how busy his life was and how much success he had reached.

You mention that he gave you advice early on in your career that stuck with you. What was it?

LEE: So, he'd asked me to do the "mind of a chef" series, and I was very nervous, because I'd never done that kind of thing before, and we had a meeting, and I had, like, 400 questions printed out on a piece of paper that I was going to ask him, and, you know, I'm very nervous. It was the shortest meeting I've ever had, and I started in this whole, like, what should I do, how should I approach this? In his manner, interrupted me, stop, stop, you're not going to do all of that. He said, you're just going to be you. He said, you have your own vision, don't let anyone dictate how you're going to tell your story, and don't worry about the audience, just tell your story and the rest of the time we bonded over our love for Jim Harrison, which is a famous writer, novelist, who also wrote beautifully about food, and we just spent the rest of the time talking about literature. And it was just a very special, you know -- the whole thing maybe lasted 10 minutes, but it was something that I always kept with me and will always keep with me forever.

CABRERA: He had such a way to connect. Do you think he realized the kind of impact that he had?

LEE: I don't know if he realized it. I know he felt it. You know, even in the short dealings I had with him, everywhere he went, he could not -- he couldn't walk two blocks in New York City without being stopped. And in a way that's different from maybe other celebrity chefs. People wanted to say thank you all the time, and just to kind of want a sliver of him. He had -- he had that much to give people, and he never -- he always had -- he always would stop and take a picture and say a few words. And, you know, like my book is really -- I could not have written my book without him, without his vision and his guidance and his, you know, the body of work that he's done. It's allowed me to have, you know, a sliver of a career. That's kind of modelled after him.

CABRERA: The way he did it seemed to be in such an effortless way. He's so naturally gifted. And everyone seems to have a story about Anthony Bourdain. I love the story you also shared with us on about your interaction and experience with him at this charity event. Please, share with our viewers that one.

LEE: So, it was the first time I'd actually met him, because he was writing a nice blurb for my book.

[15:30:00] And I happened to be in New York City, and my agent said, you have to come over, he's hosting a charity event, Bronx Letters. It's very dear to him and helps young kids in the Bronx do extracurricular activities and studies. And I said, yes, so I ran over to this charity gala, not realizing -- I was in a T-shirt and jeans and everyone was in gowns.

CABRERA: Oh, boy.

LEE: I meet him. Then my agent runs up, she has an emergency. I'm standing next to him, and I'm very awkward, so I just start telling stories. And right in the middle of the story they call him up to the stage and he tells me, "Hold that thought." So now I really want to leave, but I also -- Tony just said hold that thought, so I'm standing there waiting for him to come back. He comes back from the stage and they start the auction, so I can't talk to him. He's standing right next to me and no one is bidding on this, you know, scholarship to help this young kid. And he's just cursing and getting angrier and angrier, vibrating and getting so pissed. No one could hear him. I'm the only one standing next to him. And I got so nervous and flustered that I raised my hand and bought this auction item. And he turned around, "What are you doing? That's not --" And he got so mad, he rushed on stage and just basically yelled at everyone and said this kid from Kentucky, who makes no money, just bought this auction item and you guys have to open your wallets. And they did. And he just thought I was nuts. But he said, "You're a good man, Charlie Brown."


LEE: And that was the start of our, you know -- again, I wasn't a close friend, but that was the start of our relationship.

CABRERA: Like he said, so authentic. Clearly, you touched him that night, it sounds like, as well, by your generosity, because as you put it in your story, it was like a $5,000 auction bid.

LEE: Yes. And I made a donation to the Bronx Letters in his honor. And it was something that I know, you know, that he really cared about that charity and it's a wonderful charity.

CABRERA: What a way to give back and to pay it forward and remember Anthony Bourdain's legacy.

Thank you so much, Edward Lee, for sharing those stories with us and your experience with our friend, Tony.

There was nobody like Anthony Bourdain. There was no show like "PARTS UNKNOWN." CNN pays tribute to Anthony Bourdain with a special showing of Anthony's favorite episodes. It begins tonight, at 8:00 p.m. Eastern, right here on CNN.


[15:37:07] CABRERA: It was an emotional week all around. First, the death of Kate Spade, then Anthony Bourdain. In the same week, the CDC released a new report about suicide deaths. Sadly, suicides are up dramatically in every single state. And in the years from 1999 to 2016, 25 states saw suicides increase by more than 30 percent.

There's a lot to digest here. And I want to bring in CNN senior medical correspondent, Elizabeth Cohen, to walk us through this.

What is behind this spike?

DR. ELIZABETH COHEN, CNN SENIOR MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Ana, it's not exactly clear, but certainly the spike was very shocking, that is for sure. Those are huge numbers that you just read off.

There are a couple of theories to why this might be true. One, the statistics Ana just read, those are from 1999 to 2016, so that includes the economic downturn of 2008. So as you can see, up by more than 25 percent during those years. And 2008, around then, that was a very tough time for people. In addition, this is around the time of the opioid epidemic was getting started and really on its way, and that was also very tough time. And there's sort of a link between those two things. It's really difficult to know.

But we do want to talk about the warning signs, because people often wonder, how would I know if someone is feeling this way. So there are a couple of things people should be looking for if you're concerned. Changes in sleep pattern, isolation, just increasingly not wanting to be with people, especially after enjoying people with people, and changes in social media behavior. For example, very active and out there, and then isolating themselves sort of electronically.

But Ana, I also want to point this out, sometimes people will take their own lives when there's been no signs, when even a psychologist or psychiatrist didn't see any signs. So if someone does take their own life, their family members shouldn't feel like, oh, I should have known what to look for. Sometimes it happens without warning. People should not feel, the survivors should not feel guilty about that.

CABRERA: We all just want to be able to help.

COHEN: Right.

[15:39:06] CABRERA: And it's good to have the information in case there's a red flag out there.

Thank you so much, Elizabeth Cohen, for sharing that with us. I want to take a moment to provide the number for the National Suicide

Prevention Lifeline. This is 1-800-273-8255. Again, that is 1-800- 273-TALK. People are there 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Do not hesitate to reach out.

We'll be right back.


CABRERA: New body cam video of a teen's arrest has led to a second investigation of use of force by police in Mesa, Arizona. Days earlier, the police department was criticized over surveillance footage that showed officers punching and kneeing another man. And now there are two separate investigations with a total of six officers and one sergeant on administrative leave.

Our Stephanie Elam reports the police chief there's determined to get to the bottom of this.



RAMON BATISTA, CHIEF, MESA POLICE DEPARTMENT: Let me be crystal clear, I'm angry and I'm deeply disappointed by what I saw in those videos. It's unacceptable, and it needs to stop immediately.

STEPHANIE ELAM, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Videos of Mesa police officers making two separate arrests have put the department in hot water.


UNIDENTIFIED POLICE OFFICER: All the way down. All the way down.


UNIDENTIFIED POLICE OFFICER: Dude, they told you to sit down.


UNIDENTIFIED POLICE OFFICER: This is down, Bro. Down. This is down, Bro.


[15:45:14] ELAM: The May 23rd arrest of Robert Johnson making national headlines as the video shows the unarmed 33 year old being kneed and punched repeatedly in the head until he is out cold.

A police sergeant and four officers are on administrative leave while the incident is investigated.

The department already changing policy in response to the video.

BATISTA: Henceforth, any strikes are only authorized in situations where a person is actively fighting with us, actively taking a swing with us.

ELAM: That's not enough for Johnson, who wants the charges against him dropped.

ROBERT JOHNSON, BEATEN BY MESA POLICE OFFICERS: I want Mesa to be held accountable for what they have done.

ELAM: Before Johnson, on May 17th, Mesa police arrested a 15-year-old male who was charged with multiple counts, including armed robbery and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. After he is in handcuffs, you hear the teen wail.




UNIDENTIFIED POLICE OFFICER: Are you done talking? Are you sure?


UNIDENTIFIED TEENAGER: Are you sure you're done talking?

I'm trying to get ahold of my grandma. I'm trying to get ahold of my grandma. I'm trying to get ahold of my grandma.



ELAM: Two of these officers are now also on administrative leave.

BATISTA: The level of force used by our officers was brought to my attention, and as a result, an internal investigation was initiated by the department.

ELAM: Mesa Police Chief Ramon Batista taking action, announcing a trio of investigations, including one led by the Washington, D.C.- based Police Executive Research Forum, which will examine the department's use of force over the last three years.

Former Maricopa County attorney, Rick Romley, will conduct an internal affairs review to determine if disciplinary action is need.

RICK ROMLEY, FORMER MARICOPA COUNTY ATTORNEY: It's going to be hard inside the Mesa Police Department.

BATISTA: My team and I will work every single day to make these -- to make sure these situations don't happen again.

ELAM: Stephanie Elam, CNN.


CABRERA: Coming up, just days before President Trump and Kim Jong-Un meet face-to-face, the North Korean propaganda machine is ramping up, but with a surprising change of tone.



[15:51:57] CABRERA: President Trump is aboard Air Force One right now en route to Singapore for that historic summit with North Korean leader, Kim Jong-Un. Remember the days of "fire and fury" and "Little Rocket Man?" Well, the rhetoric out of Pyongyang has softened considerably leading up to this summit.

International correspondent, Will Ripley, takes us inside the North Korea propaganda machine.


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Can you really have a transformation?

WILL RIPLEY, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): If you want to know what President Trump wants from Kim Jong-Un on Tuesday, he'll tell you.

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: This is the whole key to what we're doing on denuclearization.

RIPLEY: Or he'll tweet it.

But North Korea's supreme leader doesn't stop for journalists or use social media.


RIPLEY: So to get a sense of what Kim Jong-Un is thinking, the best bet is to look at what his government is telling its people. Propaganda sets the tone for the entire country, and the message is changing.


RIPLEY: I've been to North Korea almost 20 times, and I can tell you people there have always treated me with respect.


RIPLEY: But for more than 60 years, since the brutal Korean War, America has been public-enemy number-one, a narrative constantly reinforced by the North Korean government.

(on camera): What if I told you I'm an American? Do you want to shoot me, too?

UNIDENTIFIED NORTH KOREAN BOY (through translation): Yes. Yes.

RIPLEY (voice-over): North Koreans have almost no Internet access. State broadcasters don't run all day, even if there's enough electricity to turn on the TV. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE)

RIPLEY: So that makes posters like these a highly effective way for the government to communicate and the best way for us to track Pyongyang's priorities.


RIPLEY: This year, as Kim Jong-Un has been on a diplomatic charm offensive, government propaganda has lightened up a lot.

Posters like these are popping up in Pyongyang, telling people to believe in a newfound peace on the Korean peninsula.

The colors have meaning, too. Blue and green indicating peace, harmony, integrity. The gold stands for prosperity and glory. These new posters don't feature any red or black, colors of war and aggression, used on the ones like I saw all over North Korea last year.

I've had the chance to ask North Koreans what they think. With government guides always nearby, their answers always seem to echo state propaganda.

So if you're wondering whether North Koreans will change their minds about Americans after Kim meets Trump in Singapore, look for propaganda that paints old enemies in an entirely new light.

Will Ripley, CNN.


[15:54:54] CABRERA: Coming up, President Trump says his relationships with some of America's allies is at a 10. Calls reports of fights with allies "fake news." How do the allies see it? That's ahead.


CABRERA: Every now and then, we like to show "CNN Heroes" not only helping others but each other. Kakenya Ntaiya educates girls in rural Kenya and when her village was threatened by a problem that she couldn't solve, she convinced another "CNN Hero," Harmon Parker, to do what he does best.


HARMON PARKER, CNN HERO: Many people do not understand how many people suffer in isolated regions from dangerous rivers. Children drown.

Kakenya asked me to build a bridge for her community so that children can go to school safely.

(LAUGHTER) [16:00:08] KAKENYA NTAIYA, CNN HERO: Today, we were officially opening the bridge. The community really came together. They were celebrating knowing that --