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Team Found Alive Getting Them Out Will Be Difficult; Thai Navy Sending In Four Months' Worth Of Food; Trump's Longtime Personal Attorney Breaks Silence; Official U.S. Intel Believes Kim Won't Fully Denuclearize; White House Won't Confirm Or Deny Intel On N. Korea; Drivers on U.S. Highways Asked About Citizenship; Philippine Mayor Who Was Close Duterte Ally Shot Dead; Gangster Redoine Faid On The Run After Escape; Belgium Complete Epic Comeback Over Japan; Colombia Face England In Knockout Match. Aired 1-2a ET

Aired July 03, 2018 - 01:00   ET



[01:00:00] JOHN VAUSE, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: You're watching CNN NEWSROOM live from Los Angeles. Ahead this hour, nine days trapped with no food and no light. A missing football team found alive in a flooded cave in Thailand, but their ordeal is still far from over. Plus, Donald Trump's fixer once boasts to take a bullet for the U.S. President, but in a new interview Michael Cohen hints he just might flip on his boss. And back on the run, a French gangster breaks out of prison again with the help of a hijacked helicopter. Hello, great to have you with us. I'm John Vause. This is NEWSROOM L.A.

Rescue crews in Thailand are sending four months' worth of food into a remote cave where a youth soccer team and their coach have been trapped for more than a week. the group was found on Monday but they say getting the boys out of the cave to safety will be incredibly difficult and complex. For now, though, a doctor and a nurse are heading into the cave to evaluate the boys' health. While there will be challenges ahead, here's the dramatic moments when British divers found the soccer team.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How many of you?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: 13, brilliant. We are coming. It's OK. It's OK. Many people are coming. Many, many people. We are the first. Many people come.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What day is it?

It's Monday, Monday, OK? But one week and Monday. You have been here ten days, ten days. You're very strong.


VAUSE: This was an outcome so many had hoped for but few thought would actually happen. And one boy's father shared his thoughts with CNN.


ADSAK WINGSUKJAN, FATHER OF ONE OF THE TRAP PLAYERS (through translator): I was happy to hear the cheering from the rescue workers. It gave me hope that I was going to see my son alive. I'm very happy and I'm very proud. Even if it was the soldiers, the police, and the rescue team. Thank you to everyone for helping get all 13 of them out. I want to hug my son. Usually, our family sleeps in the same bed. We're a very close family.


VAUSE: Anna Coren joins us all the way from northern Thailand. So, Anna, I guess the question is how do they get the kid out? They've been talking of drilling into the mountain to reach that cave and maybe pummel the water out. The quickest way would be to use scuba gears so the boys being helped by divers might be able to swim to safety but apparently, that option is the most risky one.

ANNA COREN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Absolutely, John, definitely the most risky because of the difficulty the professional divers, Navy SEAL divers that had trying to get to these boys, they are some 4.5 kilometers inside this cave and we have arrived at the scene, the hiking through the cave side. Right now you might be able to hear the water that is gushing down the side of the road. There are mass (INAUDIBLE). The water from that cave is just being drained at a tremendous rate. 150,000 liters an hour if not more. They are doing everything to try and reduce the amount of water in that cave.

But as we know this is monsoon season and we are expecting further downpours in the coming days so we're racing -- authorities I should say are racing against the weather. But you mentioned teaching these boys to scuba dive. I mean, that's an enormous thing for the people who learn in open water let alone inside a cave. These kids age 11 to 16, some can't swim so the Navy SEAL divers there with them at the very moment are talking about actually teaching them how to scuba dive and keep talking about swimming against the fast current just to navigate the very narrow passageways in some areas. You know, the water is right to the ceiling, so it's a huge risk that they may have to undertake.

And you need to remember, these kids have now been in this cave system shut off from the outside world for ten days so they are getting supplies to them. They are giving them protein gels. Apparently, they are strong and in a relatively good condition which is extraordinary. One of the boys said to the divers can we get out today and he replied not quite yet. Navy SEALS said we need 48 hours to sort the situation, to get a full equipment of the 12 boys and their 25-year-old coach so definitely we'll know more in the coming days on how whether they are in any -- yes in any condition to scuba dive out of this labyrinth of a cave system, John. [01:05:24] VAUSE: Anna, thank you. And you know, anybody who spent any time in Thailand knows how great the kids out there and how resilient they are so from a few days to come but we hope they will be well. Anna, thank you. One of the biggest concerns right now is the health of the twelve boys. Their weakened condition could compromise any rescue effort and then there are potential long-term medical issues as well. For more now on the risks ahead we're joined by Dr. Steven Yasmin, a Fellow at Stanford University. Doctor, thanks for coming in.

SEEMA YASMIN, CNN MEDICAL ANALYST: Thanks for having me, John.

VAUSE: OK, so the boys and the coach, they've been trapped in this cave with no food, no light after ten days now. Clearly, you have not examined them but what would you expect their medical condition would be at this point?

YASMIN: Well, you're dealing with the physical and physiological issues as well as mental health issues. And you know, from some of the footage that we've seen when those British divers first discovered the boys and started talking about our rescue mission as the young kids were just saying, how long has it been. They had no concept of time because they've been in the dark and weren't aware that they had been trapped for close to ten days. So the first assessment that you do and we understand that a doctor who can also dive is going to go down with a nurse and do a preliminary assessment but it really will be preliminary, it's just checking to see what kind of condition they're in, assessing things like heart rate and blood pressure and breathing rate. And we don't know yet if any of the kids have particular medical conditions like diabetes or asthma but those would certainly have to be evaluated as well. And that's just very preliminary you know, the first things that you can do.

VAUSE: Well, they got food and other supplies in the cave but that brings concerns about food intake given how long it's been these boys have not had a decent meal.

YASMIN: Yes, and you might think that the first thing you want to do when you're faced with children as young as 11 who haven't eaten is to give them lots of food but you have to be really careful about a condition called refeeding syndrome where someone's been lacking nutrients and dehydrated and hasn't eaten and you can actually do a lot of damage by giving them the wrong nutrition over the wrong period of time. So I'm sure the doctors there are calibrating that carefully. But it also raises another kind of concern for these children and their coach which if they're being plied with food underground, they might wonder how long they will have to stay there because we've seen with previous disasters like the Chilean mining disaster in 2010, those guys were given lots of foods ended up being trapped for two months so there is that anxiety of OK, we've been discovered which is great but there's the worry about when, how, even if a rescue mission will occur.

VAUSE: And you touch on this with one of the first questions the boys ask, the divers is how long have we been here. Clearly, they had no ability to tell you know, when the day starts, when the night ends, but out on top of that you know, that you know, sort of unknowing, there's also the trauma and the fear of not knowing here what comes next. Will they ever get out? Will they actually be rescued from all of this? So some experts says that the stress from that is similar to the stress that a soldier might suffer in combat.

YASMIN: Absolutely. When you think about things like being starved of lights, light is really important biologically. It dictates what we call our circadian rhythm so hormones in different parts of our body really function on knowing the difference between night and day and sleeping during the nights and being awake during the day and they have not had that. And that can really impede the way that you process a traumatic event like this. You think about being sleep- deprived and you think about that being deprived of the difference between light and day, that's a form of torture. It is used to psychologically harm people. The good thing is that we know that there are therapeutic interventions and medical ones also speaking to counselors that can undo this damage if they're given. My concern always is that people that have suffered trauma won't get the right care. With the Chilean miners, we followed up a few years after that traumatic event and they were anxious, depressed, having problems forming relationships so it can have long-lasting effects.

VAUSE: We just want to feature up here on a comment we heard earlier from one official with Thailand's Navy saying that there were plans to supply that cave with four months' worth of food. What will those kids be dealing with not just physically but emotionally if they're stuck in the situation for anything close to that length of time? I imagine the longer this goes on, the worse it gets.

YASMIN: Absolutely. The longer the former occurs it can take much longer to undo the damage. And I say that there are good interventions we have that can make sure that they go on to lead normal life. But even the media attention actually can be quite harmful. We saw that with Chile that those miners became a national symbol of strength and courage. They came out of the mines. They were rescued. They've really struggled to get back to normality and living a normal life. They became superstars and then just as quickly they faded from the headlines. And psychologists have studied that and found that they took a really big mental-health hit thinking that we've been through something we'll never forget but it seems like the rest of the world has forgotten.

[01:10:19] VAUSE: Yes. Doctor, thanks so much for being with us.

YASMIN: Thanks, John. Thank you.

VAUSE: He was Donald Trump's fixer, his bagman and personal lawyer but now Michael Cohen has broken his silence and made it clear his loyalties no longer are with the President. More on that after the break. Also ahead Kim Jong-un spoke of a new dawn of peace on the Korean Peninsula but as the saying goes talk is cheap especially in light of the latest U.S. intelligence.


VAUSE: Donald Trump's longtime personal attorney once boasted about his loyalty to his former boss but it seems Michael Cohen's loyalty might just have shifted. Now it's raising questions about what it all means now for the President. Brynn Gingras reports.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are you with the new lawyers, are you happy?

BRYNN GINGRAS, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Michael Cohen breaking his silence. In an interview with ABC, Trump's the self-proclaimed fixer, a man who has said he'd "take a bullet for Donald Trump."

MICHAEL COHEN, FORMER LAWYER OF DONALD TRUMP: I'll do anything to protect Mr. Trump is now making clear who his allegiance is to. To be crystal clear my wife, my daughter, and my son, and this country have my first loyalty. In a 45-minute off-camera interview, ABC says not once did Cowan praise his former boss. Instead, he signaled that if he faces federal criminal charges, he would cooperate possibly offering information on the President, something Trump told reporters he wasn't worried about just weeks ago.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I want to know if you're worried if he's going to cooperate with federal --

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: No. I'm not worried because I did nothing wrong.

GINGRAS: After an FBI raid earlier this year which seized more than four million documents from Cohen, CNN has learned that U.S. Attorney's in Manhattan are interested in his $130,000 payment to porn star Stormy Daniels before the 2016 election. Daniels claims she had an affair with the President which Trump denies. In the past, Cohen says he facilitated the hush money alone.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Mr. President, did you know about the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels?


[01:14:53] GINGRAS: But when directly in this interview about what the president knew about the payment, Cohen declined to answer, quote, "I want to answer, one day I will answer. But for now, I can't comment further on advice of my counsel."

That new counsel is Guy Petrillo. A former criminal division chief for the Southern District of New York. He is expected to take the reins as Cohen's lead attorney by the end of this week. It's a shift in legal strategy that could signal Cohen's willingness to cooperate with investigators.

And according to ABC, that means a joint defense agreement between Cohen and the president which allowed both sides to share information could end. This strikingly similar to actions former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, took shortly before he flipped.

When asked if Cohen, worries he may be on the brink of an adversarial relationship with the president. He firmly said, "I will not be a punching bag as part of anyone's defense strategy. I am not a villain of this story, and I won't allow others to try and to pick me that way.

He also touch on beyond going Russia investigation, telling ABC he has not been interviewed by Mueller's team, yet. But would be willing, and he has provided documents to their case.

Cohen disagreed with the Trump assertion that the Russia investigation is a witch-hunt. Telling ABC, "I don't like the term 'witch-hunt'. As an American, I repudiate Russia's or any other foreign government attempt to interfere or meddle in our Democratic process. And I would call an all Americans to do the same.

And he praised the FBI. Calling authorities "courteous and professional" when conducting the April raids. "I don't agree with those who demonize or vilify the FBI. I respect the FBI as an institution, as well as their agents."

After months of staying mostly quiet, Cohen still shied away from sharing what valuable information he may or may not have to any investigation. But he was clear on why he's speaking out now. Quote, I want to regain my name and my reputation, and my life back." He said. Brynn Gingras, CNN, New York.

VAUSE: Well, for more now, were joined by CNN political commentator and Democrat strategist Dave Jacobson. And Republican strategist Luis Alvarado.

OK. Along with a piece of "Good Morning America", there was a text piece on the ABC web site by Stephanopoulos. And he writes this, "His first in-depth interview since the FBI raided his office and homes April, Cohen, strongly signaled his willingness to cooperate with Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York even if that puts President Trump in jeopardy.

So, the assumption that many people are making is that Cohen is sending a very strong message -- you know, to Robert Mueller, and to the investigators that he's ready to do it with the other. He's ready to knock basically on Donald Trump.

But Luis, could this lawyers have simply done that with a phone call? It just seems incredibly unusual for someone to carry out this kind of message sending in front of millions of people of breakfast television in the United States.

LUIS ALVARADO, POLITICAL AND MEDIA STRATEGIST, REPUBLICAN: Well, I imagine this problem. If whatever he does or say in the telephone, somebody might be listening in the other side and he has --

VAUSE: But then, he has possibly called up the prosecutors. And said, "Hey, Cohen is ready to talk to you guys.

ALVARADO: At the end of the day, not since the days of Watergate and deep throat has any one man have more control over the presidency with regards of the outcome. And the amount of information that's available, or that we perceived to be available for openness. And I think he's basically just trying to play his chips and he's trying to play for freedom.

And if that means somehow a partner or somebody paying for his legal fees or playing it out, I think he's basically saying. He understands that this can end in one month and he'll be a forgotten person.

VAUSE: Right.

ALVARADO: But you might be in jail for years. And he's just trying to play his chips to the best of his ability.

VAUSE: To Mr. Dave, how -- what if he's actually sending to Donald Trump, as opposed to Mueller. Yes.

DAVE JACOBSON, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: That's right, it begs the question like we know that Trump and his cronies or Trump cronies, I should say, pardon me. They like to go on television because they can talk directly to the president because we know --

VAUSE: It's the way to reach him.

JACOBSON: Right. That's the way you reach him, right? You can't like -- and walk in (INAUDIBLE).

VAUSE: Emmanuel Macron, the president friends do that.

JACOBSON: Right, right, exactly. So, that begs the questions like is that the strategy? And if so, why wasn't he on "FOX AND FRIENDS"? Why was he -- at they say, "Good Morning America", right? He should go on Trump T.V. if he's going to try to do that, number one.

But number two, perhaps, it's a legal strategy. I'm not an attorney but maybe he's trying to build up potential credibility to make his case that he's -- you know, but he's not this Trump crony.

I don't really know. I don't understand the calculus, because you're right, like, if he was going to go cut a deal, his attorney would pick up the phone, call someone in Bob Mueller's office and say, let's sit down, let's cut a deal, let's hammer this out.

VAUSE: Yes, because he let's do this stuff in private.

JACOBSON: Right. Now it's plausible that potentially that is happening at the same time and he just didn't disclose that to George Stephanopoulos, we don't know.


ALVARADO: And the other way, he might also be -- you know, preparing for a book. The -- or a movie, the somewhere down the road. And he's just trying to build a little bit of --


VAUSE: He's going to pay for those attorneys. It cost about half a million a week. OK. Well, regardless, yes, what we're hearing now from Cohen is a big turnaround for this guy. And the guy famously, said he'd take a bullet for Donald Trump. This is how he used to talk about his old boss.


[01:20:11] MICHAEL COHEN, FORMER SPECIAL COUNSEL FOR DONALD TRUMP: I will use my legal skills within which to protect Mr. Trump to the best of my ability. I'll do anything to protect Mr. Trump. I'm obviously, very loyal and very dedicated to Mr. Trump. But one thing Donald Trump is he's a compassionate man. He's a man of great intellect, great intuition, and great abilities. He's an amazing negotiator. Maybe the best ever in the history of this world. I would say I'm definitely a cheerleader. He will ultimately, and I've said that so many times he will ultimately go down in history as the greatest president.


VAUSE: It looks one of the sentence from our reporting, one of the reasons why Cohen -- you know, is even thinking about doing a deal, apparently, thinking about doing a deal with prosecutors, it's because he wanted financial assistance with this legal bills, and Trump has refused. Trump's a billionaire.

ALVARADO: Well, Trump has new advisors. I think Trump gets advisors every other month.


ALVARADO: And, if any, if I was his advisor, I would say -- you know, he's a radioactive, stay away from Cohen. Let the chips fall where they may be and use your relationship with Fox Network to try to bury him and try to this -- you know, turn around the messaging.

Because I think that would be more favorable to him and actually siding with him. Because basically, that makes Trump look weak if he actually tries to go and save him. And that's the problem for Cohen because he's trying to ask for help -- maybe not directly from Trump, but it may be from Trump's friends.

JACOBSON: On the flip side, this could be a branding mechanism. Like, he could be going out, this could be this like P.R. crusade. Just sort of rebrand himself and to build sympathy.

You know what, I'm not just this guy who's going to do -- you know, can't told on whatever Donald Trump wants. I'm a family guy. I put my family first, right? Maybe this is like a P.R. stamp, potentially.

ALVARADO: Maybe for a juror box.

VAUSE: Well, OK, which it could be because this -- what's interesting about the hush money that Cohen pay to the adult film star Stormy Daniels on behalf of the president.

Here are few other areas where Cohen might be able to help investigators. "Any other settlements with other women, and details about those affairs, including possible violations of campaign finance or other laws. Any financial dealings by Trump that might have violated state or federal laws, relating to Russia or otherwise. Trump's financial dealings which he has denied with Russia. Any Trump meetings with Russians, or meetings that Cohen took at Trump's behest. Any campaign contacts with Russians about which Cohen had knowledge or discussed with Trump.

Well, that courtesy of The Washington Post. So, Dave here, and Luis, this is just what we know about the potential for Cohen here when it comes to Robert Mueller and his interest. And you know, and there could be a whole lot more that we don't know about.

JACOBSON: I suspect if there's all that information already out there, there is probably more that we just don't know, right? And so, perhaps, that's why Bob Mueller is continuing to put the squeeze on this guy.

And maybe that's why he's gearing up to flip. I mean, at the end of the day, Bob Mueller's not in it to get -- to get Michael Cohen, right?

VAUSE: Right.

JACOBSON: He wants he's going after the President of the United States, we all know that. And that's why -- you know, Michael Cohen or Jared Kushner or Paul Manafort, like those are the biggest fish that he's going after besides the price increase.

ALVARADO: I like to think that Mueller's actually going for justice. And if the president happens to --


JACOBSON: I agree wholeheartedly.

ALVARADO: If president happens to be caught with Hanna's cookie jar, then, he's not do something about it.

VAUSE: Yes, OK. But let's go to North Korea now because there is a warning from U.S. intelligence that Kim Jong-un has no intention of fully dismantling his nuclear arsenal. For more on that, Paula Hancock joins us now live from Seoul, South Korea.

So, Paula, everything that has been reported you for the last couple of days. Maybe a violation of U.N. sanctions. But you know, is there any indication that it breaches or was a very vague deal the U.S. president struck with Kim Jong-un blast sponsored Singapore.

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, that's the keywords John. Vague, the fact that the declaration at the end of that Singapore summit didn't have any detail in it.

For example, the first issue was normalization of relations between the U.S. and North Korea. The second one was to build a lasting peace regime. And it was the third one that mentioned denuclearization. But it said that they would work towards complete denuclearization. There was no mention of the word verifiable, which up until that point we had been led to believe was key to this agreement.

And then the fourth one, of course, was the repatriation of remains of U.S. service members. Now that was considered to be a fairly easy gift from the North Korean side. But yet, still, we haven't seen any movement on that.

We know the U.S. military is poised ready to receive those remains but they're still waiting for North Korea.

VAUSE: Paula, thank you. Please stay with us as we make our panel here because Luis -- you know, this does seem to be a problem of that agreement which Donald Trump was so very proud of when he came back from Singapore. But it was fairly over pace long.

And as Paula said, it was vague and there are no details of that which gives Kim Jong-un -- you know, every little for every -- you know, a loophole of the book if you like to get away with whatever he wants.

[01:25:04] ALVARADO: Well, there's the accusation that this was a publicity stunt for the president for those people who truly don't understand international diplomacy. But for those who do understand international diplomacy, we knew that this was just the first step. That there was going to be very little to point out with regards of sustained success for the president.

And as long as his base is happy to see Donald Trump do something as they would say that President Obama couldn't do. Then, that's a win for Donald Trump.

VAUSE: But the irony that is at present public rudiment with Kim Jong-un. He just refused to me with Kim Jong-un until there was a framework in place and that agreement had been reached and all the groundwork had been done. Any president could have met the leader of North Korea.

ALVARADO: Yes, it's very difficult to see that any lasting -- actually, serious negotiation that's going to bring up a true verifiable treaty to be made by this administration at the pace that they're going right now.

VAUSE: Yes, and again, and this is how the White House responded to what was a flurry of reports over the weekend about North Korea's nuclear activity.


SARAH SANDERS, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: We are going to confirm or deny any intelligence reports. What I can tell you is that we're continuing to make progress.


VAUSE: So, Dave, continuing to make progress. JACOBSON: Of another way of saying that is you look like an amateur.


JACOBSON: You look foolish, you got schooled, admit it. Bottom line, good for these U.S. officials, intelligence officials who have come out to disclose this information to media outlets who have informed the American public that Donald Trump lied to them. There was no denuclearization, there was no deal. There are no concrete tangible criteria that Donald's -- that Donald Trump set out with the North Korean leader to say, "Here's how we're going to solve this problem." That didn't happen, it's a big fat lie.

And the reality is Donald Trump goes out there and spews out misinformation through his Twitter handle, to his millions of followers, and they believe it. And that is really sad for this country that you've got people who just take whatever -- take the president as work when he's lying to them on the daily basis.

VAUSE: You know, it wasn't just one leak. It's NBC News on Friday about the North setting up its activity. There were reports on the most like 38 North, The Diplomat also had it. There were reports in The Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, CNN, as well.

But Luis, I'm wondering -- you know, play the other side of this. Is it possible these leaks are direct strategy by the administration to put pressure on the North Korea, sort of know, exactly what the intelligence they have and they know what's going on?

ALVARADO: I don't see that --

VAUSE: Will that giving in too much credit?

ALVARADO: Yes, I don't see that to be an actual strategy that someone in this administration would actually propose. It even Bolton, I think, would neutralize that kind of strategy.

To me, the interesting part we're always continue to be, where is China in all this negotiation and where is South Korea?


ALVARADO: Because I think, at the end of the day, if there's any win for the president is the fact that South Korea actually may be doing something on their own for the first time and taking responsibility for the future of their region themselves.

VAUSE: Well, thanks, you'd raise that because Christopher Hill, he was the former U.S. ambassador to Seoul. He was also in South Korea during the time of the six-party talks. He actually said, the biggest problem the Trump administration is facing is not the fact -- you know, the stepped-up activity by the North Korea, it is, in fact, a lack of partners in what in this process moving forward. This one he told, Christiane Amanpour.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) CHRISTOPHER HILL, FORMER UNITED STATES AMBASSADOR TO IRAQ: One of the key questions as well as what's the architecture of this going to be? Is it really going to be the U.S. stocks to North Korea? And then, we go belatedly tell the Chinese what we agreed on or tell the South Koreans or the Japanese? So, clearly, there has to be some multilateral architecture so that the countries in the region, and you know what's going on and we have their interests at heart.

And I'm a little concerned with this kind of singular focus only on North Korea and not enough on bringing those other countries into the actual negotiations.


VAUSE: To Paula, back to you in Seoul, right now. How left out a U.S. allies and what impact will that have?

HANCOCKS: Well, John, there's no doubt that the South Koreans, in particular, were blindsided when the U.S. president decided to halt and suspend the military drills, which he called provocative. A word that North Korea uses when talking about these military drills.

But the fact is for those in the region and South Korea, in particular, they are just getting on with it. There are continual meetings, lower-level meetings between the North and South Koreans, whether they're talking about family reunions of families that were torn apart back in the 1950s during the Korean War that should take place towards the end of August.

They're talking about building roads, building railways between the two Koreas, improving infrastructure. So, even though there's no doubt that there are concerns in the corridors of power that the U.S. is not communicating the way it used to, they are just getting on with it and making sure that they can ease tensions on the peninsula that they can have this engagement with North Korea.

Whether or not, Washington is keeping them in the loop of what they're doing or not.


VAUSE: Paula, thank you. Very quickly, we're -- about 30 seconds are left. John, why have this administration play well? Or Dave rather, why have this administration play well with others?

JACOBSON: As the function of Donald Trump, I mean, this guy is a reckless amateur. And the reality is he likes to alienate our closest allies. Look at what happened with our NATO allies, Canada, Mexico.

Look at what happened with the trade news today that he wants to pull out of the --


JACOBSON: -- World Trade organization. I mean, this guy is curing every relationship that the U.S. has built over the last hundred day -- hundred years. Every single day that he's in office --


JACOBSON: -- and then he was (INAUDIBLE).

ALVARADO: It's a -- he's a nationalist approach. We just had a president elect in Mexico yesterday last night --


ALVARADO: -- who actually has some personal traits kind of like Donald Trump who's not going to take it. And also wants to be a little bit of a nationalist.

And we don't know what kind of strategy is being built to try to address those challenges.


ALVARADO: And if you can have that -- those strategies for Mexico, how you're going to have a strategy for the agency.

VAUSE: And you demonstrate it (ph) for your friends, one of your -- for those for your adversaries.


VAUSE: Dave, not John, Luis and also Paula Hancocks. And so, thank you for being with us. We appreciate it. Thank you.

JACOBSON: Thank you.

VAUSE: After (ph) a break, we will be back. The U.S. president has said families separated at the border will in fact be reunited. Just ahead (INAUDIBLE).


VAUSE: Welcome back, everybody. You're watching CNN NEWSROOM live from Los Angeles. I'm John Vause with the headlines this hour.

Divers in Thailand have finally found the youth football team and the coach trapped in a cave for the past nine days. The divers (ph) now is getting them out. Rescuers say they may have to teach the boys to dive so they can navigate the flow in cave network.

U.S. military intelligence believes North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has no intention of pulling back his nuclear program. But the White House says it's continuing to make progress in talks with the North.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo returned to Pyongyang on Thursday.

President's Trump long-time personal attorney says he's putting his family and country first. Michael Cohen once said he'd take a bullet for Donald Trump. But, in an interview with ABC News, Cohen strongly hinted he'll cooperate with prosecutors on his business dealings and the Russia investigation even if it puts the president in jeopardy.

Outrage over the U.S. president's zero-tolerance immigration policy shows no sign of slowing. Massive protests took place across the United States over the weekend as the Trump administration continues to provide few details about how and when separated migrant families will be reunited.

We have more now from CNN's Miguel Marquez.


[01:35:02] MIGUEL MARQUEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): In Los Angeles, 12-year-old, Jocelyn Velasquez Alvengor (ph) separated a month from her parents.

In Miami, a similar scene, seven-year-old Yaney (ph) separated from her mother for two months.

These reunifications ordered by a judge not the Trump administration, which reverse the president's so-called zero-tolerance policy, but has so far provided little direction on when and how the mass reunifications would take place.

Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey and Texas Congressman Al Green toured several facilities over the last 48 hours.

MARQUEZ (on camera): Is there any sense of how and when these children will be reunited?

ED MARKEY, U.S. SENATE DEMOCRAT: We asked ICE last night, when are the children going to be united with their parents. They said they don't have any instructions yet.

AL GREEN, U.S. HOUSE DEMOCRAT: My sense is that the president has made a colossal mistake and that he does not know how to correct his mistake because he didn't have a plan for this.

MARQUEZ (voice-over): In legal documents filed late Friday, the Justice Department indicated it would reunite families by detaining them together until their asylum claims are settled.

MARKEY: That's not a good substitute for the reunification of these families.

MARQUEZ: The senator hand delivered letters from children in his home state to immigrant children detained at a Southwest Key facility in Brownfield, Texas.

MARKEY: Families should be together.

MARQUEZ: The Trump administration has stopped reporting the number of families reunited. The administration last week reported 2,047 children were separated from their parents, but it's not clear if that number includes families separated as part of a near year-long test program before zero tolerance was announced along the borders El Paso Center. Protest against Trump immigration policies only growing coast to coast

protests over the weekend with some continuing today. And in a sign of how desperate, some separated families have become, the L.A. Times obtained messages written by detained parents.

One anguished, unidentified mother wrote, "There are moments when I can't go on. If they are going to deport me, let them do it but with my child. Without him, I am not going to leave here."

MARQUEZ (on camera): The clock is ticking for the Trump administration. A California judge orienting that all children under five need to be reunited by next Tuesday. And all children across the board need to be reunited with their families by the 26th of July.

All of these complicated by the Trump administration itself, which has now separated these families, in some cases, hundreds, others, thousands of miles apart.

Miguel Marquez, CNN, McAllen, Texas.


VAUSE: Security and ID checks are being carried out near the U.S. border not the one with Mexico, but the one with Canada, it's a move causing concern on a good deal of (INAUDIBLE). Here's Martin Savidge.


MARTIN SAVIDGE, CNN U.S. CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Driving down I- 93 at New Hampshire, about 80 miles from the Canadian border, Justin Summers (ph) runs into a checkpoint operated by the U.S. border patrols, he start recording.

The border patrol agent tells him, if he wants to keep driving south, he has to answer a question.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Are you a United States citizen?

SAVIDGE: Summers tells me he resented being stopped and interrogated.

JUSTIN SUMMERS: I indicated, hey, I don't want to answer this question. So I'd like to be on my way.

SAVIDGE: That didn't happen.

(on camera): This is the area of the checkpoint. Justin Summer says when he refused to answer the agent's questions, they detained him and said, they would hold him until he told them what they wanted to hear. In other words, indefinitely.

The message to you is if you don't answer this question, we're going to hold you on the side of the road here until who knows when.

SUMMERS: Exactly. It's kind of an intimidation tactic, I think.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So I need you to pull over there. SAVIDGE (voice-over): A tactic, critic says, happening more

frequently and far away from the U.S.-Mexico border, which has been at the center of attentions when it comes to immigration.

This is another checkpoint in New Hampshire Memorial Day weekend and this was Maine just this month.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you want to continue down the road, this one (ph), we need to know what citizen -- what country you're citizen from?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hundreds, if not, thousands of individuals are being stopped, detained, ceased and interrogated without any reasonable suspicion, without any probable cause that a crime is being committed. And that's really not how our constitution works.

SAVIDGE: The American Civil Liberties Union calls the checkpoints illegal and blames the Trump administration's zero-tolerance immigration policy. And you don't have to live near a border to urn into a checkpoint.

By law, border agents can work up to 100 miles from the entire perimeter of the country.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Two-thirds of individuals living in the United States actually fall within this hundred-mile region.

DENNIS HARMON, HOULTON SECTOR DIVISION CHIEF, U.S. BORDER PATROL: It gives us a chance to see what's going on in our case, what's going on in our area.

[01:40:00] SAVIDGE: Sector Chief Dennis Harmon says the checkpoints aren't random but based on intelligence. He sees the questioning and detention of Americans as a minor inconvenience.

HARMON: It's no more of a stop or inconvenience than you have at a traffic light.

SAVIDGE: Or traffic light doesn't query, I mean, though as to my -- what I do in (INAUDIBLE).

HARMON: True. But we're not asking what you're doing or why. We're just asking you a simple question, are you a citizen of United States or of what country are you a citizen or national.

SAVIDGE: But you will delay my moving forward until I give you some response.

HARMON: Which the courts have affirmed that we're allowed to do.

SAVIDGE: The checkpoint in Maine did apprehend an undocumented immigrant. But Harmon couldn't say how many Americans had to be stopped and questioned to make that happen.

Meanwhile, in neighboring New Hampshire, Justin Summers was eventually released and says he'd do it all again. After all, he lives in the state whose motto is, live free or die.

SUMMERS: And I don't want to be a nation of checkpoints. I don't want to be a nation where you have to prove that you have the right to be where you are doing your daily activities.

SAVIDGE (on camera): The U.S. border patrol at least up here says, for now, those checkpoints are going to continue. And the ACLU has some advice if you run across one.

As an American, you don't have to give an answer. But if you don't answer, be aware you'll likely be detained. And even though the law states you can only be detained briefly, your idea of what is brief versus what the U.S. border patrol considers brief could be very different.

Martin Savidge, CNN, Bangor, Maine.


VAUSE: Next up here on NEWSROOM L.A., freed with a little help from above, how drones were used to the prison break by one of France's most infamous gangsters.


VAUSE: Pull on this on (ph) for a sniper who shot a controversial mayor in the Philippines. Antonio Halili was a proud supporter of President Rodrigo Duterte's war on drugs. He was known for implementing a walk of shame for drug suspects.

CNN's Erin McLaughlin has more now. And a warning, some viewers may find images in her report disturbing.


ERIN MCLAUGHLIN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: These are Mayor Antonio Halili's last moments captured with a cellphone at a flag raising ceremony. National anthem plays, the mayor in a dark suit hand over heart (ph). The camera cuts away and you hear a single gunshot.

[01:45:00] The shooting also caught on camera from behind. Halili runs to the right and drops to the ground. Shot dead, a single bullet to the chest.

Authorities suspect the shooter may have fired across the road from this grassy area. The killer got away. The motive, a mystery.

But there are plenty of people who despised the controversial mayor of Tanauan. Infamous for presiding over the city's perp walks, like this one.

Here, you see a full parade of suspected drug dealers. Halili insisted those paraded had confessed, though many had not been formally charged. He claimed to have stopped but local media dubbed the walk of shame by the time CNN met him in 2016. Instead, Halili showed off the city's prison. The population was

growing by the day. Part of the Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte's infamous war on drugs.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And most of these suspects, I guess, what are the charges they're facing?

ANTONIO HALILI, MAYOR, TANAUAN CITY: Most of them are drugs. Drugs.

MCLAUGHLIN: But the mayor, once known as the Iron Man of Tanaun for his crackdown on crime, considered a Duterte ally, was most recently suspected of being involved with drugs himself. According to the Philippines news agency, the country's National Police Commission reportedly placed him on a narco-list.

Authorities say they have no idea why the killer apparently targeted him. They are also looking at those perp walks as a possible motive.

Erin McLaughlin, CNN.


VAUSE: The first time he escaped is blow his way out of prison with dynamite. This time, one of France's most infamous gangster's been a little more high tech. Using (ph) commandos who scoped out the prison with drones then hijacked a helicopter for the breakout.

CNN's Melissa Bell has details.


MELISSA BELL, CNN PARIS CORRESPONDENT: Apparently filmed from behind bars, CNN cannot independently verify this video but these shaky images appear to show the moments gunman arrived to free this man, Redoine Faid, France's most notorious gangster.

France's justice minister says the drones were likely used for reconnaissance by what she described as an extremely well-prepared commando groups. On Sunday, the group hijacked a helicopter and forced the pilot to fly to a prison near Paris. There, they staged diversion then smuggled the 46-year-old out of a visiting room before fleeing by air.

Police later found the burnt-out chopper in an area northwest of Paris. The pilot was released unharmed but in shock. The fugitive and his men were nowhere to be found.

Sunday's spectacular escape is shockingly not the first for this criminal mastermind. In 2013, Faid held four guards at gun point to the detention center in the Northern City of Lille. He then burst his way to freedom detonating explosives to destroy five fortified doors. A witness described the dramatic scene.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): I first saw a prison guard walk by followed by someone dressed in civilian clothes. He was holding a gun to the guard's head. BELL: At the time, Faid's lawyer said, he was not surprised that his

client had broken out.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): And he's also a young man, remarkably intelligent and he is using his intellect to serve his ambitions and I think he has so many years in prison behind him that he thought it was one too many.

BELL: The French man is a self-styled modern day gangster, often taking inspiration, he says, from Hollywood movies. He once wore a hockey mask during a heist like Robert De Niro's character in "Heat", then brazenly attacked armored trucks, and other targets. But for those who suffered his bravado, he is a real-life villain.

The parents of a French policewoman who was killed in one of Faid's robbery attempts say they're devastated by the news, according to CNN affiliate, BSM. Now, Redoine Faid is free and once again the subject of an international manhunt, his victims will have to wait for justice.

Melissa Bell, CNN, Paris.


VAUSE: Well, on a two more teams, the recent quarter finals in the World Cup. When we come back, more on Tuesday's match ups. And Belgium stays alive with an amazing last-minute goal.


[01:51:09] VAUSE: I can't get enough of it, just two more matches in the World Cup knockout round before the quarter finals is set. CNN's World Sport Patrick Snell. I'm always (INAUDIBLE).


VAUSE: You know, I've been under the weather since I've been sick all weekend. I'm still not good.

SNELL: Recover well.

VAUSE: You're Patrick Snell and over to you.

SNELL: Recover well, mate. Thank you so much. Yes, this thrilling World Cup, the World Cup, it just keeps on giving, doesn't it?

You know, I want to talk Belgium first up, they got to the quarter finals in the Brazilian tournament four years ago. And then the courses at Euro 60, and now, they are through again, but after one almighty scare against the Japanese. Genki Haraguchi putting Japan ahead and then Takashi Inui putting them two nil up. And at that point, we all saw Belgium were really risking elimination, but they struck back superbly, young (ph) Vertonghen's loathing header giving them hope. And then one of the two substitutes who came on, Marouane Fellaini, with a trademark header making it 2-2, both sides trying to win the game, we go into injury time and this is what happened in it. First of all, the Japanese trying to win it from that free kick, but

look what happens, this is in the fourth minute of injury time now, would you believe. Thibaut Courtois, the goalkeeper, rolling it out to Kevin de Bruyne and this is a magnificent Belgian move, Romelu Lukaku steps over the ball and Nacer Chadli, would you believe, four minutes into stoppage time, with the win at 3-2, Belgium. Japanese hearts are broken, their fans could not believe what they saw as the Belgians celebrate a famous victory.

All right, who will they play then in the quarter finals of the tournament, that was the Brazil. They were sooner (ph) winners over Mexico inspired by, you guessed it, TSG superstar Neymar with the first goal early in the second half, that one (ph) the Mexican resistance would finally be cracked and then very near at the end, Roberto Firmino making it two nil, the Brazilians looking to win the tournament for the sixth time they are through to the last eight.

Now, of course, Neymar is one of the most high-profile players in world football. How about this, though, the antics and the theatrics there, there was contact from the Mexican defender, Miguel Layun, in that one, but it's that overreaction that really did light up social media and as well plenty highly critical of it, the video, and his reaction to the challenge. The challenge is not to be commended in any way, shape or form. But there are critics there out in force over Neymar concerning that particular incident.

All right, so let's try and spin it forward a little bit, what is on tap for later on this Tuesday at this thrilling World Cup? Well, the remaining two places in the quarter finals in Russia will be determined. The last 16 matches will be completed when the Swedes take on Switzerland, that one in Saint Petersburg before Columbia face the 1966 winners England at the Spartak Stadium in Moscow is CNN World Sports, Amanda Davies.


AMANDA DAVIES, CNN SPORTS CORRESPONDENT: Even as a notorious England scenic, with the way this tournament has gone so far, the way the draw is panning out, it's hard not to get a little bit excited, maybe even starts to dream. But, let's not kid ourselves. The 2014 quarter finalists Colombia are going to be no pushovers.

GARETH SOUTHGATE, FOOTBALL MANAGER: You know, the thing I want more than anything is for the players to continue to attack the tournament as we have. That shouldn't change there in the knockout phase. If anything, we should feel freer. They're gathering experience, we are the youngest team left in and we are the most inexperienced team left in.

But, we've got some old folks (ph) as well who help the younger ones to get through it, and show super leadership.

[01:55:05] And everything is ahead for this team. You know, they're really hungry, they want to do well for their country. They're incredibly proud to wear the shirt. And, I'm pretty confident that we'll see a really good performance tomorrow. DAVIES: The big question mark for Colombia is over the fitness of

James Rodriguez, he limps off after just half an hour of their last game against Senegal. And what they're saying, the good news is that he hasn't suffered a muscle to that. The bad news for their fans is that, as you can see, he's not training with the main group and isn't is likely (ph) to stop.

JOSE PEKERMAN, COLOMBIA MANAGER (through translator): The results of his medical tests, of his MRI, that he has done show that he doesn't have any serious opaque injury and he is recovering very well. We still have one and a half day to continue following his progress. And as always, we hope that he will be able to play.

RADAMEL FALCAO, COLOMBIA STRIKER (through translator): It is no more than England, people think their teams are favorites. What we want to do is focus in our own skills and weapons, and what we can do tomorrow.

DAVIES: Standing here, we could be talking about warriors going into battle. But at this point in a tournament, the only cliche being used is taking it one game at a time. Fans, though, are finding that quite difficult because they know the waiting in the quarter finals will be a choice of team that not many would have predicted, either Sweden or Switzerland.

Amanda Davies, CNN, Moscow.


SNELL: Thanks, Amanda. England looking to win the World Cup for the first time in more than, would you believe it, John, a half eight century. We'll see how it --


SNELL: -- wraps (ph) out. Back to you, mate.

VAUSE: Not even Euro live (ph) the last time they fought (ph). Thank you, Patrick.

SNELL: That's true. Thank you, mate (ph).

VAUSE: See you, mate.

It was more like basket brawl when Australia met the Philippines in a World Cup qualifier. The four minutes left in the third quarter on Monday's contest, everybody is flying kicks and punches as well. One only (ph) player for the Boomers was hit with a chair, 13 and all were ejected from the quarter game, was eventually suspended. And the Philippine team was actually down to one eligible player.

Anyone keeping score? Australia won 89 to 53. But who won the fight? You're watching CNN NEWSROOM live from Los Angeles. I'm John Vause. Please join us on Twitter @CNNNewsroomLA for highlights and clips from the show.

For the meantime, the news continues right after this.