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At least 91 Dead, Hundreds Injured in Indonesia Quake; Separated North and South Korea Relatives to Meet; Trump Defends Son's Trump Tower Mtg. As Totally Legal; Crackdown Feared over Maduro "Assassination Attempt"; Russia Taps Steven Seagal to Improve U.S. Relations; Bikers Discuss Trump's Wild Ride. Aired 1-2a ET

Aired August 06, 2018 - 01:00   ET


[01:00:00] CYRIL VANIER, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: A 6.9 magnitude earthquake hits resort islands in Indonesia. Dozens of people are dead, thousands of buildings are reported damaged and the search and rescue efforts are underway.

NATALIE ALLEN, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Unconditional loyalty to the President. Venezuela's military reaffirms its support for Nicolas Maduro after what he says was an attempt on his life.

VANIER: And waving around on a Harley, CNN's Bill Ware rides into Sturgis, South Dakota where loyalty to the U.S. President is also unconditional.

ALLEN: These are the headlines this hour. Thank you for joining us. We're live from Atlanta I'm Natalie Allen.

VANIER: And I'm Cyril Vanier, CNN NEWSROOM starts now.

ALLEN: Our top story, Indonesia waking up yet again to destruction for the second time in a week. A powerful earthquake rocked Indonesia's resort islands, this one stronger and deadlier than the last. This was the scene here in a store Sunday evening, panic as part of the ceiling caved in. The epicenter of the 6.9 magnitude quake was on the popular island of Lombok but tremors were also felt in neighboring Bali.

VANIER: At least 91 people are dead and hundreds of others are injured. Officials say thousands of buildings were damaged during the main quake and by several significant aftershocks. Early Monday morning, lines started forming at Lombok's main airport. After experiencing two earthquakes and one week many travelers decided to cut their holidays short.

ALLEN: Let's go to our Will Ripley. He's following the story for us from Hong Kong and it's very likely, Will, that this death toll will rise and now that it's daylight we should be learning more about exactly what the damage is and what is the fallout.

WILL RIPLEY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: That's right Natalie, and obviously as is this case anytime there's a major natural disaster there are communication issues, there are power issues at play here. But what we did just have an update from Indonesian emergency response officials who are telling us now the death toll 91, 209 people injured. All of those reported dead are believed to be local Indonesian. It's unclear though if some of the injured might be the scores of tourists who are staying at the resorts in Bali and Lombok.

We do know that there is an evacuation underway right now. There are about a thousand people who are staying on three smaller islands off of Lombok. Lombok, of course, is where the epicenter of this quake was located and those tourists are being evacuated as we speak. 200 have been evacuated so far, there are another 800 on these three small very famous resort islands that is still need to be evacuated by boat to get to Lombok so then they can move to you know, either other more secure locations with sturdier buildings or actually get to the airport and try to fly out of there.

We do know that there are long lines at the airport. Flights are happening but a lot of people trying to get out on an earlier flight and that we have some new sound that has just come in from a tourist, one of those people trying to evacuate listen.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: During the earthquake, we were -- we were having dinner in the Kliff restaurant and it's like a restaurant with a really nice view of the sea. And then I went to the toilet and when I was there I felt like was like a truck passing by but then I got really heavy and also and the noise was crazy, so I thought okay this is bad, this is an earthquake. So I started running to the exit but then everybody who was in the restaurant was also running through the exit so it was like a big stampede and everyone fell and there were like three or four people fell on top of me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I just want to go somewhere safe, somewhere I know where I'm not g0ing to be at risk of natural disaster. Yes. Whoever (INAUDIBLE).


RIPLEY: Bali and Lombok are very popular tourist destinations. One thing that you'll notice as you look at the video that's coming in here, a lot of the destruction has been from these damaged buildings, these brick buildings. Earthquake construction continues to be a major challenge for Indonesia even though it sits along a ring of fire they are one of the most natural disaster-prone countries on earth but a lot of these buildings are still very susceptible to earthquake damage. And in fact officials are saying that everybody who has been killed and the majority of those injured were injured because of falling debris from buildings that were collapsing or partially collapsing, roofs and walls falling down on people which is why a lot of people after this earthquake struck in the evening hours they stayed outside during much of the night. Very little people getting sleep as aftershock after aftershock rattled the area.

And then, of course, there was a momentary scare, there was a tsunami warning that was later lifted but a lot of people running up to the hills and staying up there. Of course you know, their memories being triggered by the horrific tsunami back in 2004 that was triggered by a massive 9.3 undersea earthquake back in 2004. 220,000 people were killed by tsunami waves, those waves much more deadly than any earthquake injuries themselves. The tsunami warning though thankfully was lifted nonetheless it's very little consolation or comfort for people who are now trying to get off of these islands or at least get into safer more secure areas, Natalie.

[01:05:11] ALLEN: Right, certainly. Yes, a 2004 tsunami no one will ever forget. That causes such a panic for people that have to even endure going through an earthquake. Will Ripley following for us, we'll be in touch with you again. Thank you, Will.

VANIER: Meteorologist Karen McGinnis joins us now from the CNN Weather Center. She's going to fill in some of the details for us. Karen, what's the data telling you?

KAREN MCGINNIS, CNN METEOROLOGIST: It is telling us that this was a moderately shallow earthquake, not that makes much difference at this point because we already know it's a 6.9 magnitude. The earthquake that we saw on July 29th, 6.4 magnitudes we thought that was the big quake, that's what this area was going to see and then everything else would be aftershocks that would be much weaker when in fact that was a foreshock to now the 6.9 magnitude. If you look at it globally, this is the epicenter of this. It was 31 kilometers deep or just about 19 miles deep. And as we saw just about a week ago that was a fairly shallow earthquake as well but they were very close together. So buildings that were perhaps compromised or maybe mildly damaged from that particular earthquake, now we're looking at a much stronger earthquake. It may not seem like it 6.4, 6.9 but in fact now those buildings are even more fragile, it's, in fact, they have not been damaged even more or destroyed.

Now, one of the things that you'll notice as we look in across this area where you see these dots, that's where the aftershocks have been located. But one of the most prominent features is this volcano. It's a stratovolcano. It is active where you see active volcanoes typically you see this earthquake the seismic activity. And as well mentioned it is all part of that Ring of Fire. That's a very prominent feature across the western Pacific and across the west coast of the United States. It is where all that seismic activity is located typically. So there used to earthquakes 6.9 earthquakes, well this was the 6.4. You can see it was during the daytime and the level of damage that was done there.

All right, this may not look all that impressive but these are some of the early images of some of the destruction from the earthquake that just took place about 24 hours ago. And in the forecast I want to mention briefly we've got about a 20 percent chance of rain, Cyril, and Natalie. People going to be out in the street so they're concerned about what the weather situation is.

VANIER: Yes, a lot of people have lost their shelter and their homes. Karen McGinnis from the CNN Weather Center, thank you. Now, U.S. President Donald Trump is steering the story of that infamous Trump Tower meeting in yet another direction. In a tweet on Sunday, Mr. Trump admits that the June 2016 meeting between his son Donald Jr and a Russian lawyer was in fact to get information on an opponent. Remember at the time Mr. Trump was facing off against Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. But he adds he knew nothing about the meeting.

ALLEN: Also interesting, Mr. Trump writes it off as "totally legal and something done all the time in politics." Is it? We get more from CNN's Boris Sanchez.


BORIS SANCHEZ, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: In a Sunday morning tweet, President Trump dismissing recent reporting by CNN and other outlets but the President is growing increasingly concerned that the Russia probe could ensnare some of his immediate family including his son Donald Trump Jr. and his son-in-law Jared Kushner. Sources have told CNN that the President is growing increasingly agitated and that has a direct impact on his aggressive attacks, his direct attacks against special counsel Robert Mueller. We should point out that in that tweet the President made clear the exact nature of that June 2016 meeting between his son, other campaign officials and Russian nationals promising dirt on Hillary Clinton. Previously we had heard from the President's son and others that this meeting was about adoptions. In that tweet, the President lays clear that it was intended to seek political dirt on his 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton.

We've seen a swift move from this administration, the President going from saying that to the best of his knowledge no one that he knows has anything to do with Russia with now him and his political allies and attorneys suggesting that collusion is not illegal. Listen to one of his attorneys Jay Sekulow on a Sunday morning talk show.


GEORGE STEPHANOPOLOUS, HOST, ABC: He says the meeting totally legal, done all the time in politics but according to the e-mail that special counsel Robert Mueller has, this was a meeting to get information from the Crown Prosecutor of Russia on Hillary Clinton's campaign. How would that be legal?

JAY SEKULOW, LAWYER OF DONALD TRUMP: Well, the question is how would it be illegal? I mean, the real question here is what a meeting of that nature constitutes a violation -- the meeting itself constitute a violation of the law?


[01:10:05] SANCHEZ: Now, critics have pounced on this suggesting that the President and his attorneys are moving the goalposts so to speak. We should point out that despite repeated calls from the President and his team for this investigation is witch-hunt as the President calls it to come to an end, it is moving forward. And sources indicate that Robert Mueller intends to interview one of the key figures in that June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower Emin Agalarov, a Russian pop star whose father is an oligarch with deep old ties to Vladimir Putin. We've learned that for more than a year now Robert Mueller has been working to secure an interview with Agalarov and his legal team. Of course, whether that interview happens or not is still unclear but the information that could be gathered from that may spell trouble for Trump and his allies. Boris Sanchez, CNN traveling with the President outside Bedminster, New Jersey.


VANIER: The next phase of the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal is about to begin. Coming up the impact of renewed sanctions on Tehran and also this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're a fan of the President, you think he's doing a job?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's doing a lot better than Obama do.


ALLEN: What is it? We'll find out. Harley's, a lot of chrome bikes but we're talking politics with these bikers. We'll have a story about that coming up here.


KATE RILEY, CNN INTERNATIONAL SPORTS ANCHOR: I'm Kate Riley, with your CNN World Sports headlines. It's hard to believe that the new football season is upon us. Vermont's the city looks as though they're ready to continue exactly where they left off. In May back then, Pep Guardiola's men rolls their way to the Premier League title in historic fashion. And earlier they added another trophy to the collection, the Community Shield. Sergio Aguero scored twice including his record 200th goal for Man City as the citizens one to nil over Chelsea and claimed their first hardware of the season.

Staying in England where 22-year old Georgia Hall became the first women's major golf winner in 14 years taking the British Open title at Royal Lytham. It's the first career grand slam title for all, in fact, it's the first victory on the European and LPGA Tour as well. She dug deep when she needed it most burying three of four holes on the back nine. The ladies have one final major still to come at the Evian Championship next month. And finally with Dutch dominance at the women's field hockey world cup in London as the Netherlands won a record eighth title. The Dutch women are taking on the Cinderella story of Ireland were no match for the reigning champ. Six different players scoring in a 6-0 thrashing.

[01:15:00] The Dutch women are taking on the Cinderella story of Ireland, they were no match for the reigning champ. Six different players scoring in a sixth seal thrashing. The Dutch women have not lost a match since the Olympic final two years ago. And that's like all Sports Headlines. I'm Kate Riley.

VANIER: The U.S. will reimpose some sanctions on Iran, Tuesday, a result of Washington's withdrawal from the nuclear deal. President Trump announced the withdrawal from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal in May and gave companies three months to wind down contracts with Tehran. ALLEN: The sanctions cover Iran's purchase of U.S. dollars and trade in gold, precious metals, and automobiles. In November, sanctions on Iran's oil will take effect with the U.S. threatening financial measures against countries that import it.

VANIER: The sanctions come as erratic anti-government protests were reported across Iran for a fifth straight day. Demonstrators are angry over soaring inflation and a plunge in the value of the currency.

ALLEN: Along with the initial economic concerns, CNN's Lynda Kinkade, reports now that a number of planned international deals with Iran are now off the table.


LYNDA KINKADE, CNN ANCHOR: In cities across the country's sporadic process against a buckling economy have often turns into anti- government demonstrations. Magnifying the challenge to Iran's leaders as they face restored American sanctions.

HOLLY DAGRES, ANALYST AND COMMENTATOR, MIDDLE EAST: What we are seeing is that a lot of the promises of investing in Iranian economy is now going to be pulling back. And the Iranian people are going to be feeling a lot of that, that withdraw.

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The United States will withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal.

KINKADE: When the Trump administration pulled out of the Iranian nuclear deal in May, it was months before sanctions would be reimposed. But the unilateral decision had an almost immediate impact on multinational business. At least, a dozen major foreign companies have already stopped doing business with Iran.

DAGRES: Some of these companies are very familiar names for us including Siemens, General Electric, Peugeot, and French Total in oil and gas.

KINKADE: With Europe leading the charge in a number of global company is committed to invest in Iran when sanctions were first lifted in 2015. Aerospace giants Boeing and Airbus struck multibillion-dollar deals, selling jets to IranAir.

General Electric received millions of dollars in orders for Iran in 2017 according to company filings. Volkswagen announced that it would be selling cars in Iran for the first time in 17 years. So now, not only will American companies be restricted from dealing with Iran, so will anyone that has business interests in the U.S. which is almost every multinational.

HEIKO MAAS, MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS, GERMANY (through translator): We will not be able to compensate for everything that arises from companies pulling out of Iran, which feel their American business threatened by sanctions. KINKADE: European leaders admit that despite their best efforts to foster other trade channels, they can't force nervous investors to stay. Leaving Iran with fewer reasons to continue with the nuclear path. Iranians are already unhappy with slowed growth, rising unemployment, and soaring inflation.

In part, because Iran's currency, the rial, is in freefall over U.S. sanction fears.

Should the country return to what the Supreme Leader calls a resistance economy? It may not bode well for citizens. Lynda Kinkade, CNN.


VANIER: CNN Global Affairs Analyst Jason Rezaian, joins me now. He's an opinion writer at the Washington Post, a former correspondent in Tehran. Jason, you also spent more than a year and a half unjustly imprisoned by Iranian authorities.

American sanctions are going to gradually kick back in, in Iran. Now, you lived in the country when it was already under heavy sanctions. Tell us what that's like.

JASON REZAIAN, CNN GLOBAL AFFAIRS ANALYST: Well, it is a jarring experience to go from a situation where -- as you know, Iran has been under some form of sanctions for decades now. But in 2012, when the Obama administration placed very severe sanctions on Iran's banking industry and on the oil industry, overnight almost, the situation economically for the normal person became much more difficult.

People spending power was decimated, and -- you know, the public and the authorities scramble under a very difficult situation.

VANIER: And you explained in a recent article in The Washington Post, it's really well-written and really thoughtful that the sanctions disproportionately impact on paraphrasing here, the weaker members of society, right? That the upper echelons can actually sort of get away with more.

[01:20:04] REZAIAN: Right. In a society like, like Iran where there are black markets at work controlled by members of the regime and the system, they have of -- a very good understanding of how to skirt these sanctions and continue to make their money. And what happens is that the average man is the one who feels the brunt of it.

Now, over time, it could serve to kind of corrode the internal situation and make the workings of the regime more difficult. But the first people hit by these extreme sanctions are, are normal citizens.

VANIER: Does this actually weaken the regime, the leadership of Iran? I think, in the short term, probably not. I think Iran is facing a multitude of challenges right now, crises from everything, from the economy to the environment and all sorts of things in between.

Freedom of expression and women's rights to have some equality in that society which they haven't had at any point in this last 40 years.

But I think that the sanctions serve to sort of hopefully in the minds of the Trump administration, somewhat destabilized the regime, and I'm not sure that's actually going to be the case anytime soon.

VANIER: But you would expected it could weaken the president, Hassan Rouhani, who has staked a lot of his political credit and a lot of his presidency on signing that erstwhile nuclear deal with the U.S.

REZAIAN: Right. I think the initial response to that nuclear deal among the populace in Iran was anticipation and hope that it would alleviate some of the pressure of sanctions. That hasn't happened, a lot of companies that presumably would have started doing business with Iran are afraid to enter that economy because they don't see it as one that's particularly stable in the long term. And that's proving this itself to be true right now.

VANIER: So, Donald Trump's strategy and you kind of alluded to that is hurt Iran economically and at some point, the leadership will feel compelled to negotiate again, that's the big idea. Do you think that's likely to work?

REZAIAN: I think at some point, the Iranian officials will come to the conclusion that they have to negotiate with the United States. But at what end, for what, right?

VANIER: It worked for Obama, right?

REZAIAN: Right. But the thinking now among the Iranian of security and power structure is it works once, but the United States is not living up to that, that agreement Why would we want to do that again right now?

And I think, rhetorically, they've come out so heavy against Trump that it would be hard for them to kind of back down and say yes, let's sit down and talk.

VANIER: But you could argue that it was the same thing with Obama, the rhetoric against the United States was, was really ramped up. There was a lot of animus towards the President and towards the country.


VANIER: And yet, at some point they did -- they did feel that their best course of action was to sit down and negotiate.

REZAIAN: Right. I think, at the time, though, there was clear incentives for them to do it. Right now, the Trump administration has not offered the same kind of incentives that the Obama administration did.

VANIER: I wonder, is there an alternative to sanctions? I mean if you look at it from the United States point of view, the U.S. wants to renegotiate a more stringent nuclear deal and more globally wants to try and shape and influence Iran's activity in the Middle East. Does the U.S. have any other efficient tools that it can use?

REZAIAN: Well, you know, President Trump has come out just yesterday in a tweet saying, "Hey, I'm ready to talk to them." So, I think that there are always other options besides the blunt instrument that is sanctions. Obviously, military options are another component of this that, that most people seem to be opposed to at this point.

So, I think that there hasn't been a lot of imagination and I don't think that the Trump administration has a very strong plan for what they have in mind for Iran, and this seemed to them to be the best option.

VANIER: And I wonder what, what leverage if any does Iran have in this situation? I'm thinking just it was just to a 24-48 hours ago that they had this military drill unannounced in the Strait of Hormuz.


VANIER: Which it seems was intended to show that they do have some, some capability to at least block that waterway which would be obviously very problematic for a number of countries and for the passage of oil. What's their leverage?

REZAIAN: Well, I think that that's more rhetoric than anything else. The likelihood that they would do that seems pretty small to me. But I also just think that they look at the European Union, and China, and Russia, who they negotiated this deal with along with the United States and say, "Hey, these guys are not on board with what the United States is trying to do right now in this new sanctions regime. U.S. is kind of going at it alone."

So, they're trying to make the case with those other countries that we should continue our relations. I'm not sure that's going to be successful, either.

VANIER: Yes. And the European countries, the other parties to that nuclear deal, Russia, China, as well, trying to keep that deal alive.


VANIER: It's unclear whether that -- whether it's going to survive really once these American sanctions starts snapping back in. Jason Rezaian, CNN global affairs analyst, pleasure speaking with you today. Thank you.

[01:25:14] REZAIAN: Thanks so much, Cyril.

ALLEN: Next here, Indonesia is shaken again.

This is the second quake in a week, this one even stronger. We'll hear from people who went through it, coming up.

VANIER: Plus, after an alleged assassination attempt, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, says there will be no forgiveness. And he is promising maximum punishment.



VANIER: And welcome back to the CNN NEWSROOM, I'm Cyril Vanier.

ALLEN: And I'm Natalie Allen. We're glad you're with us and here are our top story. U.S. President Donald Trump, says his son's 2016 meeting with Russians at Trump Tower was, "totally legal". Those comments on Twitter, as Mr. Trump denies reports that he's worried that his son, John Junior, could get called up in the Special Counsel's investigation.

VANIER: In the Democratic Republic of Congo, health officials are trying to stop an outbreak of the Ebola virus that has killed 33 people. The World Health Organization, says another 43 cases are suspected. The outbreak is spreading through North Kivu province, an area with heavy cross-border trading and fighting between government forces and militant groups.

ALLEN: In Chicago, Illinois police blame illegal guns for particularly violent Saturday night into Sunday in the city in just 14 hours. 44 people were shot in both random and targeted incidents. Five of the shootings were fatal. Chicago is struggling to deal with rampant gun violence and high murder rates in some communities.

[01:29:51] NATALIE ALLEN, CNN ANCHOR: In Chicago, Illinois -- police blame illegal guns for a particularly violent Saturday night into Sunday in the city. In just 14 hours 44 people were shot in both random and targeted incidents. Five of the shootings were fatal. Chicago is struggling to deal with rampant gun violence and high murder rates in some communities.

CYRIL VANIER, CNN ANCHOR: At least 91 people are dead and hundreds injured after Indonesia was hit by a 6.9 magnitude earthquake. This is the second strong quake to strike the popular resort island of Lombok in a week. Neighboring Bali also felt significant shaking. Officials say thousands of homes were damaged.

ALLEN: Let's go now to Lombok and get more information with somebody that survived this. Endri Susanto is the president of Endri Foundation. He joins us now by phone. We appreciate your time so much.

We know what you have been through has been very much terrifying and we also hear that your house collapsed. What can you tell us?

ENDRI SUSANTO, PRESIDENT, ENDRI FOUNDATION (via telephone): Yes. Thank you very much for the news. From Lombok, I would like to report actually, the earthquake is about (INAUDIBLE) when people are mostly -- because we are mostly Muslim in here we -- I'm (INAUDIBLE) on the most. So some people dying because they are in private homes some of them.

And also, we would like also to inform on the kind of situation, you know, after the earth quake, everyone is shutting down and then everyone is panicking. And then like two minutes Indonesia, the meteorology and (INAUDIBLE) from Indonesia sending the alert of tsunami; and every single person near the beach, and then every single person are calm going and finding the high location.

And all the transportations are jammed on that and three intersections are almost done. And also, I can give you report about what is happening in the northern part of Lombok. When I went to -- North Lombok, because my family is in central of the (INAUDIBLE) in north Lombok and then I go directly past the jungle.

And the jungle that's (INAUDIBLE) on the road. Now, the road has fallen down and then we cannot pass the roads. And we have to turn around to Hidu (ph). But the other people cannot, the government cannot let us go around maybe because it is near a beach.

And then because we are not allowed the government said there's going to be tsunami. And then it is about 9:15 p.m., I arrived in the hospital of Lombok and I saw around the route it's about 16 kilometers, it's like 80 percent of the houses, 80 percent of the building are falling down because of the earthquake (INAUDIBLE).

And also, the minute we set foot all the patients are going out from the hospital. And the hospital is totally broken. And when I arrived there, it is about 13 people have died already because of the earthquake. And then it hit about only one hour from that, tragically people are dying in the hospital.

And in all Lombok, it is already now it's 82 -- official is 82 people are dying already.

ALLEN: Endri -- we appreciate so much your account. We are so glad you are ok. We know you are dealing with so much and the people around you. We wish you all the best and we will talk with you again. Thank you so much for the information.

VANIER: It appears a second summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong- un may be in the works. A source familiar with the matter tells CNN that there is a strong possibility it could happen later this year.

ALLEN: The two leaders recently exchanged letters, however, behind the scenes U.S. and North Korean officials continue to bicker over sanctions and other issues that could derail the nuclear talks.

Meantime, North and South Korea are working out the details for upcoming family reunions. About 100 people from each country will meet their relatives later this month. And this will be the first time since 2015 that families separated for decades on both sides of the border will be able to see one another.

Let's talk more about it with CNN's Paula Hancocks. She's live for us from Seoul.

Paula -- you have covered these reunions before. They're always so emotional but so hopeful, I'm sure that so many of those families are the ones chosen to see their loved ones.

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Natalie -- it is an incredibly emotional time for these families. It's been 65 years since the Korean War ended.

[01:34:53] And many of these families have had absolutely no contact with their loved ones in the North, or the North into the South vice versa for all that time, for many decades. No letters, no phone calls although occasionally they have.

So certainly this is going to be an incredibly emotional time. But it's only a fraction of those who would want to reunite with their families that are actually able to do this. Now we know there's going to be 93 families from South Korea, 88 people from North Korea that will be in these two rounds of family reunions.

Just from the South Korean side there were 57,000 to start with that the authorities were looking through in narrowing down the lottery system, looking at how old the candidates were, whether they had a close loved ones that they wanted to see as well because many of these families are actually in their 80s or their 90s; 90 percent of them are above the age of 80.

So certainly it is an extremely emotional time. They had to check as well whether the health of those who wanted to be reunited was good enough to allow them to travel to just across the border into North Korea, the mountain resort of Mount Kumgang.

Now, certainly this is something that South Korean authorities have consistently pushed. They really wanted to have more of these family reunions. There hasn't been one for a few years when relations between North and South Korea are not good. They simply do not happen.

So the hope that this will go ahead as planned from August 20th although in the past as well, North Korea has without warning at the last minute canceled or postponed these reunions as well. So certainly it is a very emotional time for these families who will be reunited but also quite a tense time as well to make sure that it does actually happen.

ALLEN: So hope so. It's so emotional to see these elderly people crying to see one another and then crying to say goodbye again.

Paula Hancocks for us. Thank you so much -- Paula.

VANIER: Tens of thousands of students protested for an eighth straight day in Bangladesh's capital demanding safer roads. The protests started after two students were killed by a speeding bus and some have turned violent with police firing tear gas on demonstrators.

ALLEN: The transport sector of Bangladesh is widely seen as corrupt, unregulated and dangerous. More than 4,000 people are killed in road incidents every year in the country -- one of the worlds' highest rates.

The key to rebuilding relations between the U.S. and Russia might not be a trade or a treaty. It could be 1990s Hollywood action star Steven Seagal. We'll have that story coming up here. VANIER: Plus Donald Trump's presidential term has been a wild ride. So who better to ask about it than bikers? CNN talks politics at the world's largest biker rally.

Stay with us.


ALLEN: Alive and victorious -- those were the words of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro after he was unharmed from what he calls an attempt on his life.

This is what the country saw on state television on Saturday -- Mr. Maduro was in the middle of a speech when he and his wife were startled by an explosion overhead.

VANIER: Now we have new video showing the drone which apparently caused the explosion -- there it is. You can hear the President speaking before it explodes.

Let's listen.

The drone matches the model the government claims was used in the alleged attack but CNN has not been able to verify the authenticity of this video.

Our Rafael Romo has more.


RAFAEL ROMO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: A top Venezuelan government officials said Sunday those who perpetrated the alleged assassination attempt targeting President Nikolas Maduro are terrorists and hit men.

Venezuelan interior minister Nestor Reverol also said six suspects have been detained. He also said the government has fully identified all suspects in the alleged attack inside Venezuela and abroad.

The incident happened Saturday evening while President Nikolas Maduro was giving a speech on live television during a military ceremony.

The whole episode was broadcast live on the Venezuelan government's national TV network. The official version is that drones armed with explosives detonated near the president and Maduro himself re- appearing on national TV hours later said he was the target of an assassination attempt.

Maduro revisited a conspiracy theory he uses often blaming an international plot for trying to oust him. The president also accused outgoing Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos of being behind the attack. The Colombian foreign ministry called the accusation absurd in statement and rejected it emphatically.

President Maduro also said without showing any proof that those responsible for financing the attack are in the United States specifically in Florida where many Venezuelan immigrants live. There was immediate reaction from U.S. national security advisor John Bolton Sunday.

JOHN BOLTON, NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR: I can say unequivocally there was no U.S. government involvement in this at all. If the government of Venezuela has hard information that they want to present to us that we show a potential violation of U.S. criminal law will take a serious look at it.

But in the meantime, I think what we really should focus on is the corruption and the oppression in the Maduro regime in Venezuela.

ROMO: The Venezuelan government has long blamed the United States and Colombia for plotting overthrows in what Maduro describes as far right elements in Bogota and Miami for attempting to undercut him.

Rafael Romo, CNN -- Atlanta.


ALLEN: Well, from the silver screen to Red Square, Steven Seagal is using his celebrity to bring the U.S. and Russia together.

VANIER: The actor who has denied sexual assault allegations from two women in the U.S. is now Russia's special representative for humanitarian ties.

Matthew Chance shows us how Seagal got the role.


MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): It may be his controlled application of extreme violence that endears Steven Seagal so much to the Russian authorities. His direct to video movies like this one "Driven to Kill" about a Russian mobster are certainly popular here. The actor's latest role though, as a diplomat seems strangely out of character. But the friendship between Seagal and Russia's real like tough guy President Vladimir Putin has been long standing. The Russian leader, himself a judo black belt awarding the U.S. martial artist a passport in 2016 after Seagal had relentlessly asked, according to Russian officials.

Seagal has also been an outspoken supporter of Russian policy like its annexation of Crimea from Ukraine even taking to the stage there in 2014 in a charity concert which he hinted that it's possibly.

STEVEN SEAGALL, ACTOR: My greatest desire is to bring Russian and America together. It always has been. And music is the language of the gods. It's the one language that all people understand. It's the one language that brings all people together.

CHANCES: Bringing himself together with authoritarian leaders in the former Soviet Union seems to have become something of a past time. All these years, Seagal has been pictured eating carrots with President Lukashenko of Belarus, the last dictator in Europe and hanging out with Ramzan Kadirov, the pro-Kremlin leader of Chechnya accused by human rights groups of committing appalling abuses.

Seagal has been involved in facilitating Russian contacts too. Back in 2013, he says he played a role in bringing a U.S. congressional delegation to Russia in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing carried out by Chechen brothers.

SEAGAL: And I asked him for that meeting and I knew about that meeting before they did. That's the truth.

CHANCE: The Russian foreign ministry likened the role to that of a U.N. goodwill Ambassador. Adding that the martial artist turned actor turned diplomat who received no salary for his contribution. Matthew chance CNN -- Moscow.


ALLEN: Okey-dokey now.

VANIER: What do you say to that?

ALLEN: Well what do you say to that? We'll move on.

VANIER: Great writing. It's what you say to that.

ALLEN: Yes. Thank you -- Matthew Chance.

Gears, chrome and politics -- coming up here, CNN goes to the world's largest motorcycle rally to see what bikers think of the job Donald Trump is doing.


KAREN MAGINNIS, AMS METEOROLOGIST: Hello everyone. I'm CNN meteorologist Karen Maginnis. This is your weather watch across the United States.

The western states still remain very hot as a consequence for the fire dangers, the huge fires that have been burning across the state of California -- not getting much in the way of heat relief or any relief as far as wet weather is concerned -- warm temperatures to the south.

But a risk of severe storms across the Midwestern United States as the funnel system begins to push across this region.

[01:49:56] This is where we're expecting the highest risk potential for damaging winds, severe hail -- can't rule out the potential for flooding as well all the way from the lower Peninsula of Michigan into Chicago and across southeastern sections of Iowa in the forecast.

All right. Take a look at this. Forecast radar coming up into Monday, the strongest storms, as I mentioned, across the Midwest, just a few isolated areas across the Deep South. And for the West, as I have mentioned, not much help for firefighters out there with the deadly fires burning across the state.

San Francisco at 21 degrees; in Denver 28; Atlanta we'll see 33 for the high; New York City is going to bake with 34 degree -- not much heat relief. Even going into Thursday, you will be just about normal but still a hot sticky forecast at 29. Stays around 30 for Friday.

VANIER: So it's been nearly two years since Donald Trump's victory in the U.S. presidential election. We wanted to know, how do his voters feel today?

ALLEN: We know how a lot of them feel -- the ones that attend his rally. But CNN's Bill Weir went to the world's largest motorcycle rally in the center of Trump country to find out what they think.


BILL WEIR, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): They rumble in from all points on the compass. And for one week each summer, this little town of 7,000 explodes to half a million.

(on camera): This is one city that looks nothing like the rest of America. You can go hours without seeing a person of color. And Sturgis, a minority, is a white guy on a foreign bike.

(voice over): There are no debates over gun control here or the ethics of the MeToo Movement. And there is no doubt who is the leader of this pack.

(on camera): I can see you're a fan of the President. Do you think he's doing a good job?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, he's doing a lot better than what Obama did.

WEIR (voice over): This ghost rider reveals himself as John Sands -- a postal worker, who rides up from Kentucky each year like so many I talked to, sees proof of Trump's brilliance in the booming economy.

ROD WOODRUFF, OWNER, BUFFALO CHIP: What they'll tell you is this is a -- you know, it's the Trump bump -- the economy is so good. People are feeling so good.

WEIR: Rod Woodruff is the owner of the sprawling Buffalo Chip -- a Disneyland for bikers and says his campers have an average income of $95,000 a year.

WOODRUFF: 70-some percent are homeowners in the United States.

WEIR (on camera): Ok.

WOODRUFF: Lots of people own multiple motorcycles.

NYLA GRIFFITH, STURGIS BUFFALO CHIP: We have a tattoo parlor up here. We've got food, pizza anything you want at the free access crossroads.

WEIR: Do you have your own jail?

GRIFFITH: No. We don't need one.

WEIR: You don't need one. (on camera): Violence and arrests are incredibly rare for a crowd of this size. One reason is that most folks share the same values and those that don't, keep it to themselves.

MICHAEL LICHTER, MOTORCYCLE PHOTOGRAPHER AND CURATOR: What I see here in motorcycling is a microcosm for the whole country. And I get the feeling sometimes that people that don't believe in what's going on is right, they become very quiet.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think there's a lot of hypocrisy going on in the country now because I just feel like everybody wants freedom and they want rights but God forbid somebody disagree with you because then you will get your head bitten off.

WEIR (on camera): A couple of months back, the President aimed his Twitter and trained all guns at Harley-Davidson, even though they got a huge tax break, the company shut down a factory in Kansas City, laid off hundreds of workers and said because of the tariffs, they would have to start production in a new country overseas.

Which begs the question -- is this the ultimate loyalty test for his base. Do these folks pledge allegiance to the President or Harley- Davidson?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I am going to have to, you know, go with what's going to make America better, you know. And if Harley wants to choose to go somewhere else then I'll choose to buy a different bike.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I personally love the man. I think he's doing a wonderful job.

WEIR (voice over): Despite the President's disdain for my profession, they could not be nicer.

(on camera): Do I strike you as an enemy of the people.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Not whatsoever. We're sure glad to have you here.

WEIR (voice over): But it's obvious that no amount of earnest reporting will change their minds.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Because if you look at Russia and the Mueller investigation, there are a lot of red flags and dark clouds.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, that's usually (INAUDIBLE) of politicians but one they are picking on because he is out of the outside. I mean if you look at the Clintons how come they can do things and no one else can.

WEIR: I mean I'm old enough to remember when the base loved Harley Davidson and hated Russia. And it seems like it has flipped a little bit.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't think there's any reason for him to call them out or make them, you know -- they should try to be friendly with everyone. If they don't want to friends then that's a whole another story.

WEIR: Even Vladimir Putin? Even a dictator, a murderer?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, he met with Kim Jong-un as well.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Fake news. We all know it.

WEIR: Ok. Touch me. Touch me.


WEIR (voice over): Back downtown or presence sparks a debate between some Fox News fans from Texas and Bonnie from Nebraska.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They don't know what they are talking about.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, we do. You are unAmerican too. Get on that side.

[01:55:02] UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That's not true. I watch both.



WEIR: Which proves we now live in a media age where people can choose their own facts.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have a friend who is very much Fox and I go -- yes, I agree with you. No problem.

Everybody has their own opinion. It is like --

WEIR: That's true.


WEIR: As long as they don't start shooting at each other, right.


WEIR: But then the heckling is interrupted by a hero falling from the sky.

Sergeant Dana Bowman, an Army Golden Knight who lost both legs in mid- air collusion. He lands on Old Glory and just for a moment it feels like we are all in this together.


ALLEN: Thanks to Bill Weir for that. A healthy discussion there.

VANIER: All right. Thank you for joining us. I'm Cyril Vanier.

ALLEN: I'm Natalie Allen. There's more news ahead with Rosemary Church. You're watching CNN.

See you later.