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Both Dems and GOP Pan Trump's Shutdown Offer; British Lawmakers Plan Measure to Take Control over Brexit; Mexico Mourns Pipeline Victims; Police Release Video of Northern Ireland Car Bomb Explosion; British Prime Minister to Lay Out Brexit "Plan B" Monday; Israel Says It's Striking Iranian Targets in Syria; Former Nissan CEO: I Will Respect Bail Conditions. Aired 12m-1a ET

Aired January 21, 2019 - 00:00   ET




NATALIE ALLEN, CNN ANCHOR (voice-over): U.S. Republicans putting pressure on Democrats to accept the president's deal to reopen the government as we hit day 31 of the shutdown.

CYRIL VANIER, CNN ANCHOR (voice-over): As Theresa May gets ready to lay out a plan B for Brexit, a group of lawmakers plot to take control of the negotiations.

ALLEN: Plus: our fun story of the night. We are keeping an eye on the sky at the super blood Wolf Moon. The only total lunar eclipse of 2019.

I just hope you and I aren't missing it right now.

VANIER (voice-over): We'll have a live report that for you later in the show.

Hello, thank you for joining us, we are live from the CNN Center here in Atlanta I am Cyril Vanier.

ALLEN (voice-over): I am Natalie Allen. CNN NEWSROOM starts right now.


ALLEN: Our top story, it's been a top story for a while here, U.S. President Donald Trump and Republican leaders stepping up the pressure on Democrats in the government shutdown standoff.

Mr. Trump attacked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Sunday for rejecting his offer to extend temporary deportation protection to the children of undocumented immigrants in exchange for the funding for his border wall.

VANIER: Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, who has been notably silent recently, is planning to bring the president's plan to the Senate floor for a vote this week. But House Democrats plan to vote on their own border security measure this week.


SEN. JOHN KENNEDY (R), LOUISIANA: Yes. It represents progress not perfection. I talked to the President about this issue for about an hour last week and if you bring a plan to him that doesn't include a wall, it's dead as 4 o'clock.

SEN. MARK WARNER (D), VIRGINIA: Let me just also make clear that what the president proposed yesterday, increasing border security, looking at TPS, looking at the DREAMers, I'll use that as a starting point.

But you've got to start by opening the government. What we cannot do -- and I've actually had Republicans as well recognize this -- is that we cannot reward the kind of behavior of hostage taking.


VANIER: With Democrats refusing to the fund the wall and McConnell refusing to bring any bill to the Senate floor that doesn't fund it, it's hard to see how this shutdown will end.

ALLEN: Certainly is. Sarah Westwood has more for us on what each side is proposing.


SARAH WESTWOOD, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: President Trump on Saturday rolling out what he described as an attempt to break the logjam that has dragged this partial government shutdown on for a month now. But Democrats started rejecting the president's proposal before he even announced it.

Now the president has proposed deal would involve him getting $5.7 billion in funding for his border wall in exchange for a three-year renewal of DACA protections for those young undocumented immigrants known as DREAMers as well as a three-year extension of temporary protected status for the roughly 300,000 people who are facing the expiration of their TPS.

House Democrats though are saying they won't do any negotiating until the government is reopened and they have their own plan to get the government reopened this week. They plan to pass a package of six spending bills that will include $1 billion for border security in general, not for the construction of a wall. One thing that Democrats and the Trump administration do seem to agree on, however, both proposals do include money for more immigration judges.

Now, President Trump on Sunday going on a tweet storm about Speaker Pelosi accusing her of being the holding to her left flank and that's why he says she's unable to accept his proposal. Trump also defending his deal against criticism from the far right with some conservatives accusing him of extending an offer of amnesty.

But the bottom line is that this is not a new idea. President Trump trading DACA for wall money, it's something that's been tried and failed before and at the moment it does not appear to have a path forward on Capitol Hill -- Sarah Westwood, CNN, the White House.


ALLEN: For more on whether the president's plan is going anywhere and what are the Democrats going to do. Let's talk about it. We are joined in Los Angeles by Democratic strategist Caroline Heldman and Republican commentator DeAnna Lorraine.

Thank you both for jumping into this fray.

DeAnna, we'll start with you. Mr. Trump made his first public overture to Democrats on the shutdown and it unfortunately was dead on arrival. Even hard line conservative immigration people mocked it claiming he was offering amnesty.

Why do you think his plan fell short on both sides?

DEANNA LORRAINE, REPUBLICAN COMMENTATOR: Well, I think, of course, most Republicans don't want him to offer amnesty of any kind. And I think that they are being too harsh and not willing to come to the table. Whereas Democrats aren't --


LORRAINE: - even willing to hear him out and they want to just shut it down before they hear his whole proposal, which is, of course, a terrible strategy. We have to get to an agreement here. This is getting so ridiculous. You know, we have had the government shutdown for a month now. People aren't getting paid.

And, you know, meanwhile, we have hundreds of thousands of people that are not getting through the border with, you know, people could be getting through the border. We just have to have a decision on this. And Democrats are not even willing to come to the table. They are not willing to come to the table.

And meanwhile, we have people -- we have a problem with human trafficking. We have so many problems at the border and Democrats are not willing to see the crisis at the border.

ALLEN: Well, Democrats are proposal six spending bills and they have put up a plan to work on border security.

Let's let Caroline jump in here.

What do you think about Democratic efforts versus the president?

CAROLINE HELDMAN, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Well, the president is asking for something he can't possibly get. The deal that he offered Democrats was not an earnest deal. Trading $5.7 billion to build an ineffective wall in exchange for a three-year extension for DACA recipients is like trading a car for a Snickers.

The Snickers will fill you up but it will not get you where you need to go. It's not a real exchange. I think it smacks of Donald Trump's desperation in that 2-1 Americans blame him for the shutdown, he's now seeing that he, once again, is not good at negotiating and he has backed himself into a corner.

And he really needs to deliver because he has a lot as the previous commentator pointed out, he has a lot of right-wing folks who are really insistent that he deliver on his campaign promise.

And the border wall, it simply is not effective. It's not going to reduce rates of human trafficking. It will actually increase them. It will increase reliance on smugglers and increase reliance on the cartels to get across the border.

So all of the dialogue around this is both fear driven and doesn't really take into account the fact that the wall will not be effective. So Democrats are absolutely not going to compromise on this. They have nothing to lose.

ALLEN: And Deanne, I want to point front, too, this weekend we are seeing the president here when he gave his talk, he did seem to soften his talk about what a border wall is and what it isn't.

Will that help him or is that going to inflame some of the base, they don't want to hear any softening of the border wall?

LORRAINE: Well, what most people don't understand and they want to stereotype his base. We care about softening. We want border security, this is a national crisis and we have seen him time and time again trying to trying to reach out a Democrats saying it could be a fence or a wall, he's willing to work with the Democrats time and time again, what we are not seeing is any kind of compromise on the Democrats' part.

What that shows most of people, most Americans, who actually care about this country is that the Democrats care more about illegal immigrants than they do about their own American citizens. They care more about the safety of illegal immigrants than people that come here legally or want to be here legally.

We want to be safe in our own backyards, we want to be safe in our schoolyards and most people that I know who are legal immigrants, are so outraged by the Democrats, they are so outraged by this crisis because they came here the right way.



LORRAINE: And all they want is people to come here the right way and people to be vetted the right way and way and us to feel safe in our own backyards.

ALLEN: And that is what the president keeps taking this whole on thing, Caroline, to you, what Deanna is bringing up, that we are not safe. There is a crisis an emergency at the border.

LORRAINE: Anything --


HELDMAN: And it's manufactured. Rates of --


HELDMAN: -- border illegally have declined in the last 20 years. They have declined precipitously since 2008. People coming across the border, immigrants who are coming legally and illegally, lower rates of criminal behavior than folks who are native born.

Deanna, you come from immigrants, I come from immigrants, we are a nation of immigrants, so to say that --


HELDMAN: -- I care about all Americans and care about making sure that we are still the city on a hill where people can come. And the primary reasons that people migrate to the United States are because they are running away from extreme poverty or they are running away from persecution and they are coming here for a better life. just like your folks did, whenever your generation, whatever generation of your family migrated here.

It's not a national crisis. We are not in a national crisis. So using that language is factually incorrect.

LORRAINE: What about people who die from illegal immigrants who have been deported several times and murdered people?

HELDMAN: What about people who die from --



HELDMAN: -- American blond folks who go to schools, Deanna?

I like to deal with facts and data. The fact is migrants have lower rates of criminal behavior than folks who are native born. We don't have a crime wave. In fact, as rates of immigration have gone down, crime has stayed about the same.

Everything that you are saying about immigrants is in the realm of myth, as is what is Donald -- as is what is Donald Trump is saying. And so it's just whipping up the base and fearmongering that is driving one-third of Americans to support a wall.

But two-thirds of Americans are not in support of this. Thank goodness, because they are looking at facts. We are not in a national crisis. We agree we need to do something about immigration. But don't call it a national crisis unless it actually is.

LORRAINE: Do angel families not exist?

So you are saying people who are murdered by illegal immigrants who have been deported several times, do they not exist?

HELDMAN: No, I am saying you are going to an emotional extreme in trying to use a small number of examples in order to get national policy?

ALLEN: Let me cut in here because I want to ask Deanna, here is the deal. The president's poll numbers have been dropping since this shutdown. Is he boxed in at this point?

LORRAINE: No, I don't think he's boxed in. Also I don't trust the poll numbers, these are the same poll numbers who said Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 election, I don't trust the poll numbers.

He's trying to finally fix the problem, unlike what most presidents have done, which is talk about and talk it about and never made a solution to the problem. No I don't believe he's boxed in and I think he will win and I think people are going to realize that we need to protect American citizens first.

ALLEN: We have to leave it there. We appreciate your robust, spirited debate on this, Deanna and Caroline. And we thank you so much.

LORRAINE: Thank you so much.

VANIER: Israel says it has launched a new round of strikes against Iranian targets in Syria. This video from Syrian state media was reportedly captured near the border with Lebanon.

ALLEN: Israel is warning Damascus not to retaliate but Syria and its ally, Russia, say Syrian forces shot down several Israeli missiles on Sunday. Russia says an airport in southeast Damascus was a target of the strikes.

Syria was also discussed Sunday between U.S. President Trump and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the telephone. Mr. Erdogan said Turkey is ready to take over security in Syria's Manbij without delay.

Turkish state media report he also repeated his stance that the YPG, a U.S.-backed Kurdish militia, is a threat.

VANIER: The White House says the two leaders agreed that they want a deal on how to handle Northeast Syria after a U.S. withdrawal. It also says Mr. Erdogan offered his condolences for the four Americans killed in an attack in Manbij last week.

ALLEN: Another week expected to be full of Brexit drama kicks off on Monday. That is when British Prime Minister Theresa May will lay out her Brexit plan B in Parliament.

But after her historic failure to pass her Brexit deal just last week, she doesn't have a lot of goodwill there. In fact, lawmakers are trying to take more control over Brexit negotiations.

VANIER: CNN has learned that a growing group of cross-party Parliament members is planning to introduce legislation which will make it impossible for Britain to leave the E.U. without a trade deal in place. They're trying to avert a no-deal Brexit.

That would mean possibly pushing back the Brexit date beyond March 29th. It would also mean whatever Theresa May has in mind for plan B would be dead in the water. U.K. trade minister Liam Fox warns Parliament that taking over Brexit would jeopardize democracy.


LIAM FOX, TRADE MINISTER, UNITED KINGDOM: You've got a Leave population and a Remain Parliament. Parliament has not got the right to hijack the Brexit process because Parliament said to the people of this country we will make up -- we make a contract with you. You will make the decision and we will honor it.

What we are now getting are some of those who were always absolutely opposed to the result of the referendum trying to hijack Brexit and in fact steal the result from the people.


ALLEN: One of the biggest hurdles for the British prime minister for getting a deal for Brexit is the question of the Irish backstop. By now, people should get a sense of what that is.

VANIER: If you are asking what is the backstop, you are not alone. Nic Robertson reports from Northern Ireland where the issue of the backstop has very, very real consequences.


NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: In a few months' time, this could be the E.U.'s last border with the U.K. It's giving rise to the most contentious issue in Brexit, the backstop.

When I say backstop, what does that mean to you?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Backstop means basically it's an insurance policy that Theresa May --


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: -- and the European Union have taken out.

ROBERTSON: In its simplest form, the backstop keeps the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland open. Both the E.U. and the U.K. say they want that. But the E.U. insists the backstop is part of the deal, in case the two sides can't get an agreement.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Whatever is going to happen, it's going to impact on this city more than any other part of the U.K., more than any part of the E.U.

(CROSSTALK) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: -- because we are the biggest population center which will be in the U.K. on the border with the E.U. So whatever is going to happen, be it good or bad, is going to impact most here.

ROBERTSON: We are in Northern Ireland's second largest city, Londonderry, also known as Derry. A few miles from the border with Ireland. From the 1960s to the '90s, Derry was at the heart of Northern Ireland's deadly sectarian violence.

Twenty-something years ago, right here, as Catholic teenagers rushed up here to fight pitched battles with the mostly Protestant police. The 1998 peace deal has made all that feel like ancient history.

But that's what the backstop is about in part, to prevent a return to that sort of violence.

Is it going to work?

Better, because?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't know what that's supposed to be like if it doesn't. (INAUDIBLE) as it was 25-30 years old.

ROBERTSON: You mean the violence?


ROBERTSON (voice-over): Concerns are growing. The backstop is blocking Brexit. Could bring back border controls.

What would happen if there's a no deal Brexit and to the border?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Does it mean I have to show my passport or something to go down?

I don't know. I was like I was told that you'll have to show your passport or have a visa to go join over the border to visit family.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't think a man on the street has any idea what is going to happen, especially with businesses. I'm working for a company that does a lot of cross-border trade. So they are particularly worried, in terms of taxes going back and forth over the border.

ROBERTSON: What would you hope for with the border yourself?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, we would obviously hope for the Schengen (ph) border, especially in this area. There's always been a strong relationship because we are a border area. So we would need free movement.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's very worrying. I don't know what the future is going to hold for myself, for my family and especially for my children.

ROBERTSON: The trouble for Theresa May is she needs the support of Northern Irish MPs who oppose the backstop. It makes them feel less British. So far, she hasn't found a way around it -- Nic Robertson, CNN, Derry, Northern Ireland.


ALLEN: The only total lunar eclipse for this year is happening right now over the Western Hemisphere.

VANIER: Let's show what you it looks like in California right now. The moon's color has turned blood red just before the sky goes dark, this is a live shot here, as the moon completely eclipsed by the Earth's shadow.



ALLEN: Coming up here, Mexico mourns the victims of that deadly pipeline blast. Dozens attends a mass to honor them as the death toll rises.

VANIER: Police in Northern Ireland are making arrests after a car bomb went off in downtown Derry or Londonderry. The militant group they believe is behind the attack -- when we come back.


ALLEN: Families in Mexico began saying their final goodbyes to those that died in Friday's pipeline explosion, funeral services in the town where the blast occurred, dozens of mourners there remembering the lives of the victims.

VANIER: Later in the day officials announced that the death toll had actually climbed to 85 people killed. At least 58 people were injured as well.


VANIER: The tragedy happened as people were trying to steal petrol from the pipeline.

ALLEN: In Northern Ireland police suspect the new IRA, a militant group, may be responsible for that car bomb that exploded Sunday. Four men have been arrested so far.

VANIER: Thankfully, no one was hurt when the bomb blew up in Londonderry, also known as Derry. And now we have video of the powerful explosion. Nic Robertson has the latest.


ROBERTSON: Police have released video of when the vehicle explodes, the car bomb can be seen detonating. Huge flames shooting out of it. The vehicle appears to jump in the road, a very forceful blast.

The video also reveals the person who parks the car outside the courthouse runs away from the scene. But very worryingly for the police and for the people in this city of Derry. The concern you can see there are people walking past the vehicle.

It's a car bomb. They're walking past it on the street unwittingly being in danger. And that's what the police say gives them a great deal of concern that although a warning was called in, the call went to the mainland, U.K. It took 10 minutes for the warning to reach here before the police could actually begin to evacuate people from the area.

Police say the vehicle was hijacked about two hours before it exploded. A bomb put in it, driven through the local community and parked outside the courthouse. Police say this was a very, very clear effort to kill and injure people.


MARK HAMILTON, ASSISTANT CHIEF CONSTABLE: A highly unstable, crude device that could detonate at any time. A callous act, a deliberate act against the people of Derry and against the local police service. A deliberate attempt to harm this community, one which we must all, all condemn.


ROBERTSON: Well, that's exactly what politicians of all political stripes have been doing here, condemning the attack. The Irish prime minister has tweeted calling it reckless, calling it cynical. The local mayor here who spoke to me has told me that the people of this city will not be cowed by this kind of attack. Never mind what is it is concerning.


JOHN BOYLE, MAYOR OF LONDONDERRY, NORTHERN IRELAND: This is very much a vestige of the past. Certainly, unwelcome. I don't hear too much in the way of support from the people of this city. And indeed, speaking to many, many people this morning and indeed last night.

The message is very loud, it's very clear. We are very robust, we're resilient people and we're not going to let us -- to stop us moving on and building a better future for everyone in our community.


ROBERTSON: Well, the police have said, they are making speedy progress in this investigation. The forensic examination of the bomb scene still continues, 10 hours after it began earlier Sunday.

The concern in this community, was this an isolated return to the type of violence that they've seen in the past?

Or will this group try something again? -- Nic Robertson, CNN, Derry, Northern Ireland.

(END VIDEOTAPE) VANIER: Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un face to face again, coming up, what we know about their planned second summit and what is being done to ensure its success.


[00:30:00] NATALIE ALLEN, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Welcome back to CNN NEWSROOM. I'm Natalie Allen.

CYRIL VANIER, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: And that would make me Cyril Vanier. Let's look at your headlines. British Prime Minister Theresa May will explain her Brexit plan-B to parliament, on Monday. A leading pro-Brexit politician is accusing lawmakers of trying to highjack Britain's exit from the E.U.

Cross party groups are planning legislation to delay or frustrate the Prime Minister's plans, but a Labour Party MP says they were only trying to sort out, "a mess."

ALLEN: The Israeli military says it has launched a new round of strikes against Iranian targets in Syria. In a tweet, it warned Syria not to attack Israeli forces or territory. This video, here, from Syrian State Media, was reportedly captured near the border with Lebanon. It reports Syrian defenses confronted an Israeli air attack.

VANIER: Former Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn says he will respect any bail conditions if he's granted them. Police in Japan rearrested Ghosn in December over alleged financial misconduct and he's been in jail ever since. Prosecutors believe he may try to flee if let out on bail.

ALLEN: All right, here's the story we are loving, a rare sight overnight, for sky watchers, a total lunar eclipse along with the so- called Super Blood Wolf Moon. These are live images as seen from Los Angeles. The supermoon is being eclipsed by the earth's shadow which is turning its color, blood red. We like that.

VANIER: As the U.S. and North Korea are getting ready for a second meeting between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un next month, the U.S. President claims tremendous progress has been made.

ALLEN: In a tweet, Donald Trump writes about his meeting Friday with Kim Yong-chol, North Korea's lead nuclear negotiator. This is Kim, last year, in New York. The location of this next summit will be announced at a later date.

VANIER: Meanwhile, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo discussed this summit with South Korea's Foreign Minister, a statement from South Korea's Foreign Affairs Minister says the two agreed to keep in close contact in order to insure a successful summit.

Let's go straight to South Korea. Paula Hancocks joins us now. Paula, you picked the short straw, tell us everything you can about the second summit.

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, Cyril, it might be a short answer. What we know at this point is, the U.S. President Donald Trump said that there is a location. They have picked a location and that he will announce that in the near future.

Now, the assessment, at this point, from a number of different sources, and a number of different networks around the world, is that it looks like it could be in Vietnam. Hanoi, Vietnam, for example, appears to be the frontrunner at this point. But, of course, that could all change.

Now, he's also said that the timing is almost set end of February, probably, will be the time that Mr. Trump will meet with Kim Jong-un for a second time. And that's pretty much all we know about the summit at this point. There are also talks ongoing in Sweden, from this weekend.

We know that the U.S. special representative for North Korea, Stephen Biegun, has been meeting with Choe Son-hui, this is the Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs in North Korea. So, these are more working level talks, and you would assume that they would be talking about this summit, and potentially talking about the sort of topics we could be hearing at the -- at the summit as well.

But, of course, it is a very different kind of summit because you have two leaders who liked to rule from the top down. So, whereas most summits, you will have a lot of working level talks and most will be organized and agreed upon before the leaders even walk into the room together. It's really the other way around in this scenario.

[00:35:07] VANIER: But the first meeting didn't yield much measurable progress toward denuclearization, so what would be the points of the second one?

HANCOCKS: It's a good question. And it's a question that critics are asking. Critics of the Trump administration concerned about what kind of concessions the U.S. President could give to North Korea, as there is a perception that not much was achieved in that Singapore summit back in June, last year.

The declaration itself was very vague. The wording was that North Korea would work towards denuclearization. There was nothing concrete that the U.S., in the following months, was able to pin on North Korea and try and keep them to their word, so certainly, there is a concern that as also the U.S. President did postpone and suspend those U.S.- South Korean military drills that North Korea doesn't like.

So, there is a concern about what exactly could come out of this meeting. But as I say, these are two leaders who do not have working- level talks ahead of time. They go in to meetings and they decide what happens, they really are the top down kind of leaders, so potentially this is the way that it would have to be dealt with, with Donald Trump and with Kim Jong-un.

And critics also say that Kim Jong-un probably assumes he'll get more concessions out of the U.S. President than he could, if he started talking to the U.S. Secretary of State or had his people talking to Stephen Biegun, for example. VANIER: That's really interesting. Really interesting point, Paula, thank you very much. I'm not sure we've seen any type of diplomacy that looks quite like this before. Paula Hancocks, reporting live from Seoul, thank you very much.

ALLEN: As the U.S. government shutdown enters its fifth week, there are serious impacts far beyond Washington, of course.

VANIER: Yes, Federal worker Andrew Robinson, for instance, writes in a CNN opinion column. The stress of this shutdown is real. Now, he's a U.S. military veteran, working for the U.S. Department of Agriculture and earlier, he told CNN about the technical troubles facing furloughed workers.


ANDREW ROBINSON, FURLOUGHED FEDERAL WORKER: Emotionally, it's been hair pull. The stresses are far beyond what I could've imagined. I don't know -- honestly, I don't know how my wife stays so calm. I, like, inside, like, I feel like I'm -- like, I'm freaking out inside. But my wife tells me -- she said we'll be fine and she's confident. And so, you know, with her being calm and relax, it helps me out a little bit.

My daughter is very smart. She's a -- she picks up on everything. And I said in the interview, like, we're very transparent with her. So, we tell her, you know, what's going on. But we try to break it down to her level, of course, but she knows, and she knows the implications of it. She knows that I'm trying to find the job. She knows that I'm trying to make some incomes.

So, you know, she's living in her daily life. I'm trying not to let my stresses and my wife's stresses, get to her, you know, the best that we can. My story is probably minimal compared to some others. I mean, I'm hearing stories of, you know, the coast guards out there. They're -- a lot of those families -- their one -- their single family, like they -- the service member is usually the one who works and the wife will stay home.

So, where's their income, coming, you know? They've got childcare. You know, you cannot pay childcare or you lose your spot.


ALLEN: You can certainly hear his pain. You can read Andrew Robinson's column on

Art imitates life, even in outer space. Ahead here, details of a T.V. show inspired by Donald Trump's intergalactic military plans.



VANIER: When Donald Trump announced he was creating a space force to protect the U.S. from the cosmos, comedians all had a good laugh. ALLEN: A lot of people had a good laugh, but now, Netflix, is taking the joke one step further, with a familiar face. Here's CNN's Jeanne Moos.



JEANNE MOOS, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: You can tell President Trump likes the ring of it.

TRUMP: the Space Force. The Space Force. Space Force.

MOOS: His supporters like chanting it.

CROWD: Space Force. Space Force. Space Force.

TRUMP: Space Force.

MOOS: But even though the real Space Force --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ignition, lift off.

MOOS: has barely gotten off the ground, already a comedy series is launching to make fun of it, as if President Trump hasn't already been sufficiently mocked about the sixth branch of the Armed Forces. Here comes Steve Carell.

He and the developer of the U.S. version of The Office are teaming up with Netflix to tell the story of the men and women who have to figure out how to create Space Force. Fans were stoked, though, this sounds like a blast, Carell's previous experience in space.

STEVE CARELL, ACTOR: Oh, God, Mother of God.

MOOS: Was as commander of the space station in an SNL skit. An air log blew in the bio lap that housed the monkey experiments.

CARELL: He is cold. Wave hello, everyone. Oh, my God.

MOOS: Sadly, it sounds like the show, Space Force, will take place mostly on Earth. You know what's really out of this world, Steve Carell's reported salary, likely to be over a million per episode of Space Force, according to the Hollywood report. Carell has imitated Trump in The Office.

CARELL: You're fired. Oh, you're fired. He just makes people sad. And an office can't function that way.

MOOS: Up on the space station, things weren't functioning so well.

CARELL: Look at that beautiful blue marble called Earth. Isn't that spectacular? Oh, my God!

MOOS: Real professionals will be building a Space Force at the same time that actors will parody building a Space Force. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm sorry, kids, this is a bad day for space.

TRUMP: Space Force.

MOOS: Jeanne Moos, CNN --

CARELL: Oh, my God, she's breaking like look a saltine.

MOOS: New York.


ALLEN: All right, will be a Netflix hit? Stay tuned. Thanks for watching. I'm Natalie Allen.

VANIER: I'm Cyril Vanier. "WORLD SPORT" is up and that means one thing, Patrick Snell is up next.

ALLEN: There he is.


[00:45:00] (WORLD SPORT)