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White House Official, No Fresh Plan On Healthcare; Venezuela Crippled By Second Blackout In A Month; Parliament Rejects Brexit Options As May Offers To Resign; Boeing 737 Training Didn't Include MCAS Software; Fleet Of Boeing 737 Max 8's Grounded Globally; State's Attorney Now At Center Of Smollett Case; Random, Senseless Act; Wrapping Up Historic Visit; No Options Left for Theresa May; President Trump Nosedive to Healthcare Issue Without Offering New Plans; U.S. lawmakers Questions FAA and Boeing. Aired 3-4a ET

Aired March 28, 2019 - 03:00   ET



ROSEMARY CHURCH, CNN ANCHOR: A new CNN poll reveals what Americans think about the findings from Robert Mueller's Russia investigation as President Trump turns his focus elsewhere.

The British parliament says no to all eight alternatives to Brexit. We are live at 10 Downing Street with more on where the U.K. goes from here.

And Boeing announces a software fix for its beleaguered 737 MAX, as U.S. lawmakers demand answers about the grounded planes and two deadly crashes.

Hello and welcome to our viewers joining us here in the United States and all around the world. I'm Rosemary Church. This is CNN Newsroom.

Well, Donald Trump is fresh off what he says is totally exoneration by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. And U.S. president is now focusing on healthcare. Republicans have been campaigning against Obamacare for a decade. But the senior White House official tells CNN the administration actually has no fresh plan of its own.

CNN's Abby Phillip reports.

ABBY PHILLIP, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: President Trump is defending his administration's surprise decision to join a lawsuit that would entirely eliminate the Affordable Care Act. Commonly referred to as Obamacare


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Phase one of the lawsuit terminates Obamacare, essentially terminates Obamacare, you know that. That's the Texas lawsuit. We think it will be upheld, and we think it will do very well in the Supreme Court.

(END VIDEO CLIP) PHILLIP: But sources tell CNN there is no such plan.


TRUMP: We are going to be the Republicans, the party of great healthcare.


PHILLIP: The administration's decision came after months of heated debate among Trump's advisers. But sources say, it's still caught key lawmakers and even some White House officials off guard.


SEN. SUSAN COLLINS, (R) MAINE: Last year, I wrote to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and protested that the department not to bending the parts of the law that provide protections to consumers with pre- existing conditions.

Now the administration is going way beyond that and seeking to invalidate the entire law. This is contrary to the tradition of the Justice Department which generally defends laws.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: One key areas helping --


PHILLIP: CNN has learned that Health and Human Services secretary Alex Azar and Attorney General Bill Barr oppose the move. Azar worry that the administration did not have a plan to replace Obamacare. And Barr backed lawyers within the administration who opposed the legal case being made by the states against Obamacare.

But Trump's acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney argued for overturning the entire law hoping to put the issue back on the agenda for congressional Republicans.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are chances any greater than zero. That this Congress could come together on a replacement?

SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM, (R) SOUTH CAROLINA: You know, I doubt it, but what is the Republican Party for? Don't you think --


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What is the Republican Party alternative?

GRAHAM: A black grant. They take the money out of Washington.


PHILLIP: All this as the debate rages about why Special Counsel Robert Mueller decided against taking a position on whether Trump obstructed justice.

According to NBC News, former FBI Director James Comey telling an audience in Charlotte on Tuesday "The part that's confusing is I can't quite understand what's going on with the obstruction stuff. I just can't tell from the letter why he didn't decide these questions when the entire rational for special counsel is to make sure the politics aren't making the key charging decisions."

The president's lawyer Rudy Giuliani offering this explanation instead.


RUDY GIULIANI, PRESIDENT TRUMP'S ATTORNEY: I have a guess as to what happened. I think his staff was in debate over it. And it's a question of interpretation not fact.


PHILLIP: And as Democrats demand to see the full Mueller report, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, again blocked the Democratic effort to call for the report's full release.

And despite Trump's claim that the report is a total and complete exoneration, a new CNN poll shows a majority of voters say the president and his campaign have not been exonerated by Mueller.

Instead, 56 percent say they believe collusion simply could not be proven.

As President Trump tries to shift the attention from Mueller to this issue of healthcare, that decision is causing some consternation among some congressional Republicans. This issue was such a big motivator for Democrats in the 2018 election. And Republicans are not eager to put it back on the table.

[03:04:54] One of them, the House Republican Leader, Kevin McCarthy reportedly called President Trump to tell him it was a bad idea. But of course, President Trump seems convinced that Republicans can ultimately win on healthcare.

Abby Phillip, CNN, the White House.

CHURCH: Joining me now to talk more about this is Jessica Levinson. She is a professor of law and governance at Loyola University in L.A. Great to have you with us.


CHURCH: So, a lot to cover. Let's start with that CNN poll. It shows 56 percent of those surveyed think the Mueller report does not exonerate President Trump and his campaign of collusion. But instead, they think collusion could not be proven. And 57 percent say Congress should hold hearings. So, what do you make of those numbers?

LEVINSON: Well, what I make those numbers is that at least a majority of American public understood that Attorney General Barr's letter said very clearly, Robert Mueller's report does not exonerate the president.

And despite the fact the president said great news I'm exonerated. That at least the majority of the American public know that that's not true. And so, what the attorney general's letter tells us, is that at least with respect to this issue of collusion and what we really mean is, was there conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

That Robert Mueller did not find enough evidence in the attorney general's view to show beyond a reasonable doubt that there was conspiracy. That doesn't mean that there was no evidence. It means that they both concluded there wasn't enough evidence.

CHURCH: Right. And Attorney General Bill Barr has agreed to testify before the House judiciary committee, that's according to its chairman, but he wouldn't commit to releasing the full report, the full Mueller report. Why do you think he's refusing to release it in its entirety even as calls grow louder from the Democrats and from the public to do just that?

LEVINSON: Well, I think because he really has been very clever about controlling the narrative. And the longer that the only document that we have made public is that four-page letter, which is supposedly a summary of the principal conclusions. Then the longer that the American public hears that this really was something closer to an exoneration.

And longer that, it again as the attorney general who's able to frame this entire story. I also think that what the American public will see if the report comes out is that exactly what the latter told us. There's a lot of evidence on both sides but there's a difference between hearing.

There is evidence on both sides, for instance, of obstruction of justice and actually seeing that evidence. I think that that evidence is potentially, again, potentially very damaging to the president.

And what we've seen from the attorney general I think is that he's been very protective of the president in his stance. And therefore, I think there is really no motivation for him to release the full report.

CHURCH: Right. And then of course, in a surprise move, President Trump pivoted from the Mueller report to healthcare. Announcing a plan to wipe out Obamacare and replace it with a plan that hasn't actually been written yet.

Why is the president so convinced that terminating people's healthcare would be a win for him in 2020, particularly when his own attorney general, his health secretary and top Republicans are warning him against it?

LEVINSON: Yes. I think that this is a really risky move. I think that President Trump recognizes, that this weekend he essentially has the best days of his presidency. That he was able to say even though the report didn't actually say this, I'm exonerated, the Mueller -- the Mueller investigation really was a witch hunt.

And I think that he really wants to take his political capital out for a spin. And one of the things that he's been trying to dismantle, and he's tried to do it at piecemeal, and he's tried to do it by essentially just a sledgehammer is the Affordable Care Act, is Obamacare. And I think that he really believes that this is important to his base.

And one of the things we've seen President Trump do despite his presidency is ignore the people that you talked about, the many people who have said that's not a good idea. This isn't actually popular with the voters. I think it's extremely popular with his base and those are largely the voters that he continues to speak to.

CHURCH: Right. And of course, it has to be said, Obamacare had its problems in the beginning. But many Americans now would rather see improvements made to Obamacare than have the entire law overturned. And the big question has to be, how likely is it that this Congress could ever come up with a replacement healthcare plan, that they'll all agree upon?

LEVINSON: Well, I think extremely unlikely. So I think it is more likely that we will see the entire Barr report unredact -- excuse me -- the entire Mueller report unredacted than it is that we will see some sort of bipartisan fix to healthcare.

I think that with a Democratically controlled congress it's very unlikely that we will see anything nearing President Trump's proposals.

[03:10:01] And I think if we see anything frankly it probably will be incremental. But this as I said, a big political risk for President Trump because voters across the aisle are essentially happy with having some level of healthcare.

And as you said, it's not a perfect law, there's a lot of problems with the rollout. But what we do know, is that a lot of vulnerable people will lose their access to healthcare if Obamacare is fully overturned.

I don't think congressional Democrats will let that happen, and I don't think that there will be a happy bipartisan solution, that is anywhere near there on the horizon.

CHURCH: We'll be watching that particular part of the story. Jessica Levinson, thank you so much for joining us. We appreciate it.

LEVINSON: Thank you for having me.

CHURCH: We turn out to the Brexit chaos in the United Kingdom where lawmakers took control of the process and promptly did nothing. Parliament could not agree on any of the eight alternatives put forth, leaving the prime minister's twice rejected deal as the most viable option to avoid crashing out of the E.U. with no deal. And at this point, Theresa May is down to her last resort offering to

resign her post in the hopes of getting hard line conservative Brexiteers behind her plan.


JEREMY CORBYN, LEADER, LABOUR PARTY: My question on Monday went unanswered. So, will the prime minister now say what is her plan B? Prime minister.

THERESA MAY, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: Can I say to the right honorable gentleman. As he knows we are continuing to work to ensure that we can deliver Brexit for the British people and guarantee that we deliver Brexit for the British people.

We have a deal which cancels our E.U. membership fee, we stop the E.U. making our laws, which gives our own immigration policy and as common agriculture policy for good and as a common fisheries policy for good. Other options don't do that. Other options would leave to delay, to uncertainly and risk never delivering Brexit.


CHURCH: Well, CNN's international diplomatic editor Nic Robertson is live outside 10 Downing Street. He joins us now. Good to see you, Nic. So, who would have thought British lawmakers would blow a chance to find a solution to a deadlock parliament? But sure enough, no majority for any of the eight options on the table. So, what comes next?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: I think perhaps Theresa May might have thought that was possible because she is the one that's been trying to pull together and coalesce support an opinion for an idea and for a plan.

And what it shown, is that there are two ideas that have some currency. The customs union that was only defeated by eight votes. And a second referendum on whatever the outcome of an eventual agreement could be did score the highest number of yes' although it was defeated by 27 votes.

So, if you like, and it is liked by a number of M.P.'s in the house. That's what they've take away and learn from last night's vote which absolutely did not produce a clear winner.

And those same M.P.s would hope on Monday that they can begin to refine the process. They call this, you know, this was indicative, this was a sort of a first vote type system. So, Monday they would go on to preferences, if you will. Take those to ideas potentially and refine them down further.

But where does this leave the prime minister? She has said that she will quit and not lead the party and the government into the next phase of negotiations with the European Union. Once this phase of the Brexit, the exit part of the deal is done, she's made that clear, that she isn't it appears today in a position to pass the so-called meaningful vote three. That would be the vote on the agreement that has failed twice so far.

And that is because her political allies in Northern Ireland, the DUP refused to come on board. There is not enough in it for them, and that's the position she's in. So, despite, essentially, again, sacrificing her leadership on a shorter-term basis now, and without having a clear way forward, if you will, the prime minister is in this position, perhaps this morning wondering can she really call for a vote, which there is a good possibility, a strong possibility as we stand here now, could fail, Rosemary.

CHURCH: It's possible, isn't it? And then there might be a no Brexit, that's possible too. But what about the fact that the speaker has said that she can't bring that to a third vote unless there are substantial changes made. And that hasn't been done yet, has it?

ROBERTSON: And he reaffirmed that again last night. If there was ever a doubt that he was softening his position, yesterday he put it on parliamentary record again that that's not something that he can countenance.

Now we don't know how the prime minister may try to get around that. You know people I talked about perhaps ending the session at parliament and restarting another one, but that's so unlikely. I mean, that would involve bringing the queen into play on this to reopen the next session so unlikely.

[03:15:05] But what other idea does the prime minister and her team have to convince the speaker to allow another meaningful vote on the basis that she had already to go through. And will they be addressing that with some other language. Will she there to stand up and say look, M.P.'s had their opportunity Wednesday for these indicative votes.

And as you said at the very beginning there, the prime minister's plan is the one that still seems to take many of the boxes. Certainly, in her opinion. But I think you're going to hear the pushback from the opposition benches to say, well, hold on a minute. There's something in here called the customs union, let's talk about.

That's been a red line for Theresa May until now. But you know, is that the way she's going to be force to go forward? And because this would be the initial still the first phase of Brexit she would still be around to manage that for the country, and for the government and for her party.

CHURCH: It's fascinating yet astounding, isn't it? Nic Robertson at 10 Downing Street. It is 7.15 in the morning there. We thank you as always.

Let's take a short break here. Still to come, U.S. lawmakers put the focus on aviation safety and Boeing. Sharp questions about what was compromised in certifying the 737 MAX 8. We'll take a look at that.

And later, an exclusive look inside the simulator. What pilots encounter when they fly that jet.

We're back in a moment.


CHURCH: In the aftermath of two crashes in five months, U.S. lawmakers grilled the Federal Aviation Administration about its relationship with Boeing. And if that close relations compromise safety.

Tom Foreman has the details.

TOM FOREMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The software update would make the 737 MAX 8 rely on two indicators to determine the planes angle. Not just one. In theory, reducing the likelihood of an automatic leveling system erroneously kicking in and forcing a dive. What's more, the update would prevent that called MCAS from repeatedly fighting pilots who are trying to control the plane.

And Boeing an MCAS warning light for those pilots previously an option sold to airlines will now be standard. Yet, for all that Boeing insist the planes as is pose no danger to passengers.


MIKE SINNETT, VICE PRESIDENT, BOEING: The 737 family is a safe airplane family. And the 737 MAX 8 builds on that tremendous history of safety that we've seen for the last almost 50 years.


FOREMAN: That maybe hard for safety advocates and families of crash victims to believe. The Lion Air and Ethiopian air accidents only five months apart claim 346 lives, and raised serious questions about MPAS as a possible cause.

Evidence shows the Lion airplane pitch up and down for nine full minutes as some investigators believe the crew was battling that on- board computer. And aviation analysts say the Ethiopian crash looks suspiciously similar.

So, on Capitol Hill tough words from lawmakers about the Federal Aviation Administration's decision to ground the planes only after almost every other country had.


SEN. RICHARD BLUMENTHAL, (D) CONNECTICUT: If I had been a passenger on one of those planes and I knew about these incidents, I would've wanted the parachute.


FOREMAN: The acting head of the FAA suggesting while others reacted to sentiment his agency did it the right way.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) DANIEL ELWELL, ACTING ADMINISTRATOR, FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION: The United States and Canada were the first countries to ground the aircraft with data. For cause and purpose.


FOREMAN: Still, questions persist about MCAS changing being made now and whether certain safety features should have been add-ons.


ELAINE CHAO, UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION: It is very questionable if there were safety-oriented additions why they were not part of the required template of measures that should go into an airplane.


FOREMAN: Boeing says these fixes won't take a lot of time and it won't take long to train the pilots either to deal with them. But this is about a lot more than technical issues now, it is about confidence. And until regulators, the airline industry, pilots, and importantly, passengers are convinced that these planes are safe they may very well stay grounded.

Tom Foreman, CNN, Washington.

CHURCH: And for more on all this we turn to CNN aviation analyst, Mary Schiavo. She's the former inspector general for the U.S. Department of Transportation. She is also an attorney who represents families of the airline crash victims, and currently has litigation pending against Boeing.

Good to have you with us.


CHURCH: So, at the Senate hearings Wednesday on Boeing's safety concerns linked to those two fatal crashes we heard Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao say that based on the information aviation authorities had on March 10, 11, and 12, there was no factual basis upon which to ground the Boeing 737 MAX 8. What's your reaction to that?

SCHIAVO: Well, I think part of this hearing was literally like being at an alternate universe. There's been so much information evident that has come out, not to mention the office of inspector general right in the Department of Transportation reporting before the Lion Air and Ethiopia crashes that there were tremendous difficulties with the FAA oversight over Boeing.

It singled out the FAA oversight over Boeing in a 2015 report. That is really surprising to hear the officials from the Department of Transportation and the FAA really summarize their whole situation as they didn't see a problem. CHURCH: Yes. Fascinating isn't it? Because at the hearings the acting

head of the FAA, Dan Elwell defended his agency's handling of these 737 MAX jets, and its relationship with Boeing and stood behind decisions made. But he did acknowledge that the FAA had delegated to Boeing, the approval of the anti-stall system that could be a possible factor in these two fatal crashes. What could be the consequences of that revelation?

[03:25:07] SCHIAVO: Well he said that they delegated because, I mean, he was really caught he's really stuck. There's -- even the FAA has admitted that they almost completely delegated to Boeing and to other manufacturers in the airline.

And of course, that was by an act of Congress back in 2005 that allowed them to delegate almost completely. And that too has been the subject of an investigation.

But the acting FAA administrator made some really astonishing statement in following up with that statement. He said that the FAA had full confidence in the 737 MAX MCAS system, that MCAS that put the plane on a dive. He argued with the senators on whether or not it was the anti-stall device.

He said they had full confidence in the angle of attack indicators. And he said, and by the way we don't know what cause these crashes but I have full confidence in the system in the plane. It was stunning.

CHURCH: It is extraordinary. And of course, when the whole world takes the decision to ground the Boeing MAX fleet, in an abundance of caution because there is no explanation for why two 737 MAX 8 planes fall out of the sky. How does the United States justify allowing their fleet to continue flying until the president steps in and grounds them?

SCHIAVO: Well, they can't. I mean, it's really such a, it was such an amazing series of just astonishing statements. And really, I mean, I've heard many Americans say, you know, thank heavens for the rest of the world keeping us safe.

There are couple others astonishing statements that came out. For example, in the office of the inspector general, the office that I used to had, the inspector general said well, FAA, the FAA said that you could do this training on a simulator.

But, by the way, the inspector general said, none of the simulators in the United States of America were configured or are MAX 8 simulators. So, yes, you could do simulator training but there aren't any.

CHURCH: Mary Schiavo, thank you so much for joining us.

SCHIAVO: Thank you.

CHURCH: Extraordinary, isn't it? And coming up, CNN gets rare access to a Boeing 737 MAX simulator as an Ethiopian Airlines pilots shows us how they train to fly the popular but troubled fleet of planes. Also ahead, we will look at the options facing the British parliament now after rejecting all eight alternatives to Theresa May's Brexit deal. Back with that and more in just a moment.



ROSEMARY CHURCH, CNN ANCHOR: Welcome back everyone. This is CNN Newsroom, I'm Rosemary Church and it's time to check those headlines for you.

A senior White House officials say the Trump administration has no fresh plan on healthcare. One day, after it back a court ruling that completely strikes down Obamacare. Other sources describing heated debate within the White House of exactly what its healthcare policy should be.

The second major black out in less than a month is now in its fourth day in Venezuela. National assembly leader Juan Guaido is calling for demonstrators to protest this weekend and battle President Nicholas Maduro, claims the U.S. for sabotaging its electrical network. That's what he's blaming them for.

Well, British lawmakers have rejected all eight alternatives they laid out to Theresa May's Brexit deal, the Prime Minister has now offered to resign. If fellow conservatives will back the deal she negotiated with the E.U. But the Speaker of the House said, yet again, there will be no third vote on Mrs. May's deal without substantial changes.

So, joining us now from Brussels to discuss all things Brexit. New York Times chief diplomatic correspondent, Steven Erlanger. Good to see you as always.


CHURCH: All right. We do want to take a quick listen to a summary of what happened in the U.K. parliament Wednesday, let's bring that up.


JOHN BERCOW, SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS: The no's were 400, so the no's have it. So, the nose have it. So, the no's have it. So, the no's have it. So, the no's have it. So, the no's have it. Order! Order! Order!


CHURCH: So, British lawmakers Steven, they blew their chance to come up with a solution. Does that make a no deal Brexit more likely? Or will it sway hardline Eurosceptic and others to get on board with Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit deal, given she has promised to resign, if they do.

ERLANGER: Well, there's a lot of negativity as you've heard there. They are really stuck, and it feels like Theresa May has sacrifice herself without getting the deal that she wants. Because the Democratic Union Party is so far still refused to go along with her deal. And that means a lot of conservatives wont either. So it could be, but her deal dies, if it even comes to a vote Friday. It may come to a vote Monday.

In the meantime parliament won't be trying again to come up with an idea on Monday, but as we keep saying, the clock is ticking toward a no deal Brexit on April 12th.

CHURCH: Yes, and that is a concern for many people. But if there is a rejection, and of course this is the third time that Theresa May's deal will go to vote. If it's rejected, then there's a possibility of no Brexit. So, how possible viable is that?

ERLANGER: Well, I think what is possible to happen, I mean, I think, Theresa May as we've said, her prime minister-ship was coming to an end anyway. If she cannot get her vote passed, her deal pass, then I believe what will happen, the parliament will move to try to avoid a no deal Brexit, because that is where the majority is.

Which may mean, oddly enough, the (inaudible) has to vote in European election in May. Three years after voted to leave the European Union. The problem is Brussels, is getting pretty fed up with it too. So, my guess is, the most likely thing is a long delay, and a general election under a different Conservative Prime Minister.

CHURCH: So, we are seeing a lot of maneuvering during the course of all of this. All trying to outmaneuver each other. It was the Prime Minister out maneuvered here or the lawmakers?

[03:35:02] ERLANGER: Well, I think to some degree she was betrayed. I mean, she's, you know, her party has been split forever on Europe. David Cameron lost his job over Europe. John Major, pretty much loss his job over Europe. Theresa May is gonna lose her job over Europe also. It's very, very divided.

And this is inevitably the problem. If you cannot get the (inaudible) party and you don't have a clear majority in parliament which she doesn't, she's dependent on the Democratic Union as senate, it's very hard to get this complicated deal through. And I think she will fail to do it.

I think it will be much easier if she managed to do it in the end, but it doesn't feel like the Democratic Union is either going to abstain which would help or vote for her deal, which means that her sacrifice maybe in vain.

CHURCH: It could be. It's anyone's guess what comes next, quite honestly. Steven Erlanger, thank you so much for joining us and sharing your analysis. We do appreciate it.

ERLANGER: Thanks, Rosemary.

CHURCH: Well, pilots have said their training on the Boeing 737 Max was a short self-administered online course, they say it made no mention of the software system that is now being investigated as the possible cause of two crashes. One of those crashes occurred earlier this month in Ethiopia. Robyn Kriel, is in Addis Ababa and joins us now, good to see you, Robyn. So, in an exclusive report you actually went inside the 737 Max simulator and discovered what pilots encounter when they fly that jet. What did you find?

ROBYN KRIEL, CNN AFRICA CORRESPONDENT: Well, in fact, Rosemary, it was the same 737 Max simulator that two pilots were flying Ethiopian airlines flight to ET 302 would have trained then inside the Ethiopian Airlines, a pilot academy, their aviation academy, where they are training around 4000 student pilots a year. The chief pilot, (inaudible) took us for a ride in that simulator, here's that story.


KRIEL: We are strapped in for a flight onboard an Ethiopian airlines flight simulator. At the airlines aviation academy. This is the only simulator in Ethiopia. For the Boeing 737 Max Eight. The aircraft that crashed two weeks ago, killing all onboard. The simulator were told was purchased in January of this year. Chief pilot (Inaudible) takes us through the brief pre-flight checklist before take-off.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So, we are in Addis.

KRIEL: Within minutes, our simulator flight has begun.

The flight ET 302 took off in a similar way. From Bola (ph) international airport, nestled in rolling green and gold (inaudible). It was at this point, six minutes into the flight and still climbing to cruising altitude. That the Ethiopian airline flight 302 encountered major problems.

It eventually crashed into a field, south of Addis Ababa. How and why this happened is still under investigation. And it was also at this point the 13 minute mark, that Lion Air flight nearly five months before began its tragic and deadly dissent as well.

Our simulator journey however continue safely. But, on board October's Lion Air flight, the automated MCAS anti-stall system was trying to force the nosedive.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is what we call (inaudible) quick reference on the book.

KRISHNAMOORTHI: Chief pilot (inaudible) shows us the flight manual for a 737 Max Eight. This manual contains everything a pilot needs for a flight or at least it should. A source with knowledge of the aircraft says there's no information inside about the new MCAS system.

A pilot on board a flight encountering problems could've found all kinds of emergency procedures and systems descriptions, but according to our source, nothing on the MCAS. Inside the simulator, the safest it is, our flight progresses smoothly. Chief pilot (Inaudible) flies the plane manually. Effortlessly even, but in an actual flight where to experience an MCAS failure, the pilot would be left wrestling the airplane. These levers particular, the pilot pulling up, the system pulling down

in a tug of war, one that according to our source, the aircraft doesn't know to stop fighting.


KRIEL: I should just add, Rosemary that this was a very impressive facility and I've heard from numerous aviation experts, that it is a world class facility, seven simulators in total. And we were shown a few of them, including another one from airbus.

[03:40:09] The investigation as you say ongoing, Ethiopian Airlines officials are tight lip not wanting to say too much, because the ministry of transport here is really handling the results of that investigation along with Boeing and other aviation groups, international ones.

But the pilots really deep down, very saddened by what happened. Really trying though to look forward to move on with Ethiopian Airlines, one of the biggest and most successful airline in Africa. Everyone here really trying to make the best of what is a very sad situation, Rosemary.

CHURCH: It's certainly is heartbreaking tragedy there. Robyn Kriel, joining us from Addis Ababa, many thanks to you.

We'll take a short break here, still to come, the Jussie Smollett case is closed, but now investigations are starting into how it was handled after all charges against the actor was suddenly dropped. Back with that in just a moment.


CHURCH: Chicago police have released a portion of their investigation into Jussie Smollett. It comes after prosecutors dropped all charges against the TV actor, accused of staging a hate crime and filing a false police report. In the documents, Smollett is referred to as an offender. And now the focus is on the state attorney. Sara Sidner, reports.


SARA SIDNER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Tonight for the first time, the state's attorney Kim Foxx, speaking out and addressing the criticism for dropping all charges against empire actor Jussie Smollett I

KIM FOXX, COOK COUNTY STATE'S ATTORNEY: I don't want people to believe that there are two measures of justice for the privileged and those without. That is why were so transparent, and I think the course of the last couple days and once the rhetoric and the emotion stop, we will stand by our record.

SIDNER: She said feeling the entire case was not supposed to happen.

[03:45:00] FOXX: I think what happened was the clerk sealed the whole thing. We did not advocate, do not believe that the court file should be sealed. We believe in transparency, even under difficult situations.

SIDNER: Foxx, who was elected to her post in 2016 said her office should not be making examples of people and the city has more serious crimes to worry about.

FOXX: I do want to use or resources effectively, I do want to go after violent crime. I do want to make sure our streets are safe. And when there's an alternative, to use diversion for non-violent offenses involving people without a criminal background. We will do that.

SIDNER: Foxx, is now facing questions about her handling of the case, questions that rose early on when she recused herself in the case due to contact with Smollett camp. Expelled out in e-mails and tax. Tina Chena, former chief of staff to first lady Michelle Obama emailed Kim Fox saying she was in touch with Smollett's family. I wanted to give you a call on behalf of Jussie Smollett and family who I know. They have concerns about the investigation, she wrote.

Smollett's family member then contacts Foxx asking for a chat. Foxx eventually respond, spoke to the superintendent earlier, he may be asked. Trying to figure out logistics, I'll keep you posted.

Smollett's family member responds, OMG, this would be a huge victory. Foxx responded, I make no guarantees, but I'm trying. The fraternal orders of police initially asked for an investigation into Foxx's recusal, now they want more.

KEVIN GRAHAM, CHICAGO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE: We will be asking for full investigations in the entire matter, why the charges were dropped and the U.S. attorney's involvement in this case.

SIDNER: Still, Smollett's attorney maintaining political connections were not used to get the charges dropped.

PATRICIA BROWN HOLMES, ATTORNEY FOR JUSSIE SMOLLETT: There was no political influence in this case. They were a team of lawyers, we communicated with the state attorneys. And we convince them that the right thing to do in this case, was to dismiss the charges.

SIDNER: The mayor of Chicago has blasted the decision.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you think it was a corrupt decision?

RAHM EMANUEL, MAYOR OF CHICAGO: I don't think it is, like I said yesterday, I stand by what I said. That's what everybody across the city of Chicago -- I've gone all over parts of the city. It's not on the level.


CHURCH: And that was Sara Sidner reporting.

Well, police in Seattle say a random senseless shooting rampage has left two people dead and two wounded. They say the gunman tried to steal a woman's car, shot at a bus, then carjacks someone else, killing the driver. The gunman led police on a brief chase, where he hit another car killing that drivers as well. The police captured the shooter after a brief standoff.

Well, a big step taken by Facebook to rain in hate speech and extremism online. Saying it will ban all praise support and representation of white nationalists and separatism. The social media company says the racist ideologies cannot be meaningfully separated from white supremacy and organize hate groups, while people will still be able to demonstrate pride in their ethnic heritage, we will not tolerate praise or support for white nationalism and separatism.

Well, the royal couple samples all Cuba has to offer. Coming up, what a visit by Prince Charles could mean for U.K.-Cuba relations. Back with that in just a moment.


CHURCH: Well, kissing the popes ring has long been a sign of respect for the leader of the Catholic Church, but video of Pope Francis pulling his hand away, has raised eyebrows. This happened at an audience in Italy. Some say approves that Pope Francis is abandoning church doctrine while others point out he had already greeted many people and, he had to meet others who were ill. Well, we are not sure how many strangers kiss them, but Prince Charles and his wife Camilla have just wrapped up their historic trip to Cuba. Our royal correspondent, Max Foster is traveling with the couple.


MAX FOSTER, CNN ANCHOR: Future King and (inaudible), the Prince of Wales driving his wife to a British vintage vehicle's event in style. The lotter of a cigar, to fish off the look. There was a sizable public turn out here for the British royal. That family isn't exactly high profile here. Despite the U.K. references around the capital.

William Shakespeare, John Lennon, local and international media falling over themselves to capture every moment of this historic official visit. The first by British royal. British links to the island celebrated, as relations deepen between the two countries. A very different approach from United States which is pulling back from Cuba.

TARIQ AHMAD, U.K. MISNISTER OF STATE, U.N. AND COMMONWEALTH: We haven't dispute with anyone, if you have a disagreement with anyone. You should never stop talking, diplomacy and discussion it's quite possible of how you and people around.

FOSTER: The prince and the duchess also enjoying this famous revolutionary song of the 1920's.

Later a chance for the duchess to indulge in her passion for horses. It wasn't entirely show though about the Cuban cuisine. At least that what she said before coming to Cuba. Which is why the cameras were braced for her reaction to this taste test.

Meanwhile, her husband was grappling with a sugarcane press. The media have given the couple glowing coverage of their time here. The pretty thing increase commercial and cultural relations between the two island nations. Mission then accomplished for the delegations from both countries. Max Foster, CNN, Havana, Cuba.


[03:55:04] CHURCH: Here's an interesting story, her daughter has long since grown up, but a 74 year old California woman is finally getting her child support plus interest. Totaling 150,000 dollars. Nearly 50 years, ago, Toni Anderson was supposed to start receiving monthly payments for her three year old daughter, but her ex-husband never paid. Anderson said, she live paycheck to paycheck. When she realized there is no statue limitations for child support in California. She went to court.


TONI ANDERSON, RECEIVING DELAYED CHILD SUPPORT: I'm not negating the fact that I was able to send my daughter to college, Paris and we did travel and had a good time and, but the money runs out, and I realized in the middle of a night, on night last year that, hey, there's no statue limitation on child support. He was only supposed to give me like 160 dollars a month, well, that was 50 years ago. So that today is a lot of more money.


CHURCH: Yes, apparently he went to Canada, but she collect them down. Anderson advises anyone who is due child support not to give up. So, she may have started something there.

Someone in the U.S. has hit a $768 million jackpot, one winning ticket was sold in Wisconsin for that huge power ball payout. The third largest jackpot in U.S. lottery history. Now, if they choose the cash option. The winner will get a lump sum of 477 million dollars. And a fun fact, this is now the 17th power ball jackpot one in Wisconsin in the last 30 years. There you go. Good start living.

Thanks for your company, I'm Rosemary Church, remember to connect with me any time on Twitter. Early Start is next for our viewers here in the United States and for everyone else, stay tune for more news with Isa Soares in London, have a great day.