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Trump Tweets Invite To Kim Jong-un For "Handshake" At DMZ; Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), Presidential Candidate, Discusses Trump, Foreign Policy & NATO, Russia, Trump Inviting Kim Jong-un to DMZ, Joe Biden & Ageism, Buttigieg And Officer Involved Shooting, Gun Violence; Trump Meets With Leaders Of China, Saudi Arabia, Russia At G20; Trump To Begin Deportation Raids As Volunteers Feed Migrants Stranded In Mexico; Harrowing Photo Of Dead Migrant Father & Daughter Jolts Immigration Debate; Suspect Arrested In Case Of Missing University of Utah College Student; Joe Biden Playing Cleanup After Rocky First Debate Raised Questions On Whether He Deserves To Be Frontrunner Or Not; Trump Dismisses Need For Climate Action Amid European Heat Wave & Rising Ocean Temps. Aired 3-4p ET

Aired June 29, 2019 - 15:00   ET


[15:00:00] FREDRICKA WHITFIELD, CNN ANCHOR: Chairman Nadler releasing this statement, saying, "Detective Alvarez lost his fight against cancer but his fight for 9/11 responders and survivors continues. It is time for Congress to honor his sacrifice."

Detective Alvarez was just 53 years old. He leaves behind a wife and three children.

Thank you so much for being with us today. I'm Fredericka Whitfield.

So much straight ahead in the NEWSROOM with Ana Cabrera, right after this.

ANA CABRERA, CNN ANCHOR: You made it to the weekend. You're live in the CNN NEWSROOM. I'm Ana Cabrera, in New York. Thanks for being here.

A simple handshake or a handing a priceless photo op to North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-un? Today, President Trump issued an invitation to Kim on Twitter to meet up at the DMZ, the Demilitarized Zone, and say hello.

Here's how he put it to reporters.


TRUMP: He follows my Twitter. And it's very hard --


TRUMP: Yes, I guess so --


TRUMP: -- because we got a call very quickly. A lot of people follow it.

But, you know, they've contacted us and said they'd like to see if they could do something. And we're not talking about extended, just a quick hello.

We won't call it a summit. We will call it a handshake, if it does happen. I don't know that it will, but it could happen. I know I think he would like to do it. And I wouldn't mind doing it at all. It'll be -- I'm literally visiting the DMZ.


CABRERA: CNN's Abby Phillip is traveling with the president in Seoul, South Korea.

Abby, the DMZ visit has been in the planning stages, as we know, for a while, but we heard some key officials didn't even know about the Kim Jong-un invitation until they saw the president's tweet. That seems troubling.

ABBY PHILLIP, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Well, it certainly is unconventional, Ana. This is the president doing what he does best, which is keeping people guessing.

For several weeks now, there has been so much speculation with President Trump scheduled to come to South Korea, will he go to the DMZ and will he also try to meet Kim while he was there.

This is all happening, in part, because the talks between the two sides, North Korea and the United States, have basically been stalled for several months after President Trump walked out of that last summit with Kim Jong-un.

So now we're here, and President Trump announced, unceremoniously, on Twitter that he wants to meet Kim at the DMZ for basically just a handshake, a photo op, between the two men.

He added today in a press conference that he would be willing to step foot onto North Korean soil, basically, an unprecedented gesture if he were to do it as an American president.

The question now remains, will Kim show up. And if he doesn't, what does that mean for the summit?

Here is how President Trump put it to reporters in his press conference.


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: You made this very public invitation to Kim Jong-un. Will it be a bad sign if he doesn't show up?

TRUMP: No. Of course, I thought of that. Because I know if he didn't, everyone is going to say, oh, he was stood up by Chairman Kim. No, I understood that. And we get along. There's been no nuclear tests. There's been no

long-range ballistic tests. Gave us back our hostages, which was great. A lot of good things are happening over there.

So I let him know we'll be there and we'll see. I mean, I don't -- I can't tell you exactly. But they did respond very favorably.


PHILLIP: In addition to very little planning going into this, there's apparently no real agenda. There's not going to be much time for them to do much other than have that photo op, that handshake. President Trump seems to believe that will be all he needs to potentially get this whole idea of denuclearization talks back up and running -- Ana?

CABRERA: Abby Phillip, in Seoul, South Korea, for us, thank you.

The president's foreign policy strategy was a hot topic at this week's Democratic debates, watched by 33 million viewers over two nights. Here is just a taste.


UNIDENTIFIED DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We've got to restore the relationships that he's destroyed with our allies.

UNIDENTIFIED DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: One of my first phone calls would be to call the European leaders and say, we're back.

MAYOR PETE BUTTIGIEG (D), SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We have no idea what important allies he will have pissed off between now and then.


What we know is our relationship with the entire world needs to change.

JOE BIDEN, FORMER VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES & DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We know NATO will fall apart if he's elected four more years, as the single most consequential alliance in the history of the United States.

SEN. KAMALA HARRIS (D-CA): All the members of the NATO alliance.

REP. ERIC SWALWELL (D-CA): The first act of foreign policy, we're breaking up with Russia and making up with NATO.


CABRERA: Over the course of the next several hours, we'll be talking with some of those candidates that were on that very stage this week.

The first one joins me right now, Democratic presidential candidate, Eric Swalwell. The California congressman sits on the House Intelligence Committee and Judiciary Committee. Congressman, let me pick off where we just left off.

SWALWELL: Good afternoon.

CABRERA: Good afternoon.

We just heard you say your first act in foreign policy would be to break up with Russia and make up with NATO. What does breaking up with Russia look like?

SWALWELL: We're going to get out of whatever contract Donald Trump has gotten us into with the Russians.

I'm going to lead us with our NATO allies and other countries affected by Russian aggression to counter Russia until their behavior changes.

[15:05:05] But also, I will command a cyber army for the 21st century because the warfare theaters now are not necessarily on land, in the air, or by sea. They're very much online. And we need a 21st century leader who understands that. I see that in my Silicon Valley congressional district.

And I want to challenge the next generation of Americans to step up and protect this country, and protect our ballot boxes, protect our grids, our airports, and our banks.

CABRERA: Staying with foreign policy for a moment, the president has invited Kim Jong-un to meet him along the Demilitarized Zone. What is your response to that? Would you also break up with North Korea?

SWALWELL: Yes. You know what, it's nice to have the president out of the country, frankly. But I don't know what any of us are getting out of this trip.

He was -- again, failed to confront the Russians with what they did. He almost -- he was laughing with Vladimir Putin at the expense of all of us.

As to the North Koreans, I've been to the DMZ. It's a somber, serious place. It's not the place for a photo op unless serious action is going to be taken.

Since the president directly engaged with the North Koreans, which I supported, there have been no steps that the North Koreans have taken to reduce their nuclear capabilities, to reduce the --


CABRERA: They have reduced their missile launches and nuclear --


SWALWELL: They're nuclear missile launches, but they're still conducting missiles tests. They have not wound down anything.

Meanwhile the president pulled us out of the nuclear treaty that we did have with the Iranians, putting us closer to nuclear war with them.

So, again, he gets a lot out of this personally. I mean, he has other leaders flatter him. Us, at home, I don't think we're getting much.

CABRERA: I want to ask you about another moment during the debate. It was when you said it was time for Joe Biden to pass the torch. I know you're selling T-shirts with that phrase on it. Senator Bernie Sanders says that was blatant ageism. Listen.


SWALWELL: I was 6 years old when a presidential candidate came to the California Democratic convention and said it's time to pass the torch to a new generation of Americans. That candidate was then-Senator Joe Biden.

Joe Biden was right when he said it was time to pass the torch to a new generation of Americans, 32 years ago. He's still right today.



SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (D-VT): I think, if one -- if I were to say to a younger person, you're not qualified because you're only 35 or 36 or something like that, you don't have the experience, that's not right. I don't think so.

Judge people on the totality of who they are, what their ideas are, what their experience is, what their record is.


CABRERA: Congressman, to Bernie Sanders, you say what?

SWALWELL: It's not ageism. It's urgency on these issues.

I appreciate that Senator Sanders has spent a lot of time recently on working on canceling student loan debt. As someone who has $100,000 of student loan debt, and as a part of this generation, the 40 million of us that have student loan debt. We just wish when Senator Sanders and others went into government back in the '80s, they would have prevented this from becoming a problem the first place.

So I would just suggest that the people who were around when these problems really started to get created are probably not the people we can count on to get us out of them. So this generation is ready to step up.

I want zero percent interest on all loans, a college bargain that is debt-free college for anyone who goes into public service, and to let employers contribute tax-free to their employees' student loan debt.

CABRERA: Let me challenge you because, when you say pass the torch, you imply that it's a generational thing. And clearly, voters at home don't see age or generational gaps as the biggest issue. Biden, Sanders, Warren, all three in their 70s, are leading the polls.

SWALWELL: It's early. But if you look back at history, if history has its way, we will win if we look forward. John F. Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, the last four winners we've had for our party in the general election, were all a leap forward. I don't think that's a mistake. We have to always be thinking about the future.

My candidacy, whether it's on addressing climate chaos, student loan debt, or saying we have to end gun violence, those are all issues of the future. In part, we're where we are on these issues because of failed policy and leadership in the past.

CABRERA: Another 2020 opponent, Pete Buttigieg, took part in a peace march back in South Bend today after the death of a black man killed by a white police officer.

You went after Buttigieg on this issue. I want to play that moment for our viewers.


BUTTIGIEG: Look, we've taken so many steps toward police accountability that the FOP just denounced me for too much accountability. We're obviously not there yet. But I accept responsibility


BUTTIGIEG: for that because I was in charge.

SWALWELL: -- you should fire the chief.

BUTTIGIEG: So, under Indiana law, this will be investigated and there will be accountability for the officer involved.

SWALWELL: You're the mayor. You should fire the chief.

BUTTIGIEG: That's the policy when someone dies.


CABRERA: You saw his reaction. What do you tell people who say that was kind of a cheap shot?

SWALWELL: We're running for president of the United States. We have to make tough decisions. We're evaluating who would be able to lead us.

[15:10:04] He's the mayor of a town where a policy was not followed. Someone is dead. So where does the buck stop? He fired the last chief. And so I'm wondering, why wouldn't he fire this chief.

As president, as someone who is the brother to police officers, a former prosecutor, I've said that I would not give federal funds to any police department unless they had a body camera and unless their police departments look like the communities that they patrol.

If you talk to the African-American communities today, there's a lot of distrust of the police. We have to be mindful of that and work to build trust with those communities. Body cameras and having departments that are diverse is the step in that direction.

CABRERA: Let's talk more about what you do as president when it comes to gun violence. You were very clear Thursday night that no other Democrat on stage with you goes as far as you in taking away people's guns, Specifically, you're proposing a buyback program for assault weapons.

Senator Kamala Harris says that's a great idea but Congress lacks the courage to act.

How would you pass any gun control legislation as president if Mitch McConnell has control of the Senate?

SWALWELL: I used to think that, too, until I saw the Parkland generation and the Moms Demand Action and the Giffords group and the March for Our Lives go to the ballot box this last election and they beat 17 NRA-endorsed members of Congress.

So the message I take away from that is we should not be afraid to address this issue and to really negotiate up.

So let's beat Mitch McConnell. And let's talk about gun safety in Kentucky and Arizona and Maine and all these other states, because the moms are with us. And so we have a lot of momentum to seize right now.

So I'm not even accepting the premise that Mitch McConnell is going to be there. But I would challenge the Senate, anyone in the Senate, if you're a Democratic Senator, to force a vote on background checks. We did the work in the House. We won the House. We passed background checks in the first hundred days.

I haven't seen a single Senator yet try and filibuster for background checks. If I was in the Senate, I would speak until my voice wouldn't let me, and I would stand until my legs gave in to do all I could to get checks passed in the Senate.

CABRERA: Do you own a gun?

SWALWELL: No, but I shoot. I took a couple of veterans in my district a couple of months ago to the range. We do this with our veterans to talk about mental health issues.

I brought Shannon Watts, the founder of Moms Demand Action. What I found, when we had veterans and NRA members and moms that care about gun violence, there wasn't much we disagreed on. And 72 percent of NRA members who are polled say they want background checks, too.

So I think we need a president who is really going to ride that momentum so that we're all safe in America.

CABRERA: Background checks is one thing, taking away guns is another.

We'll have to continue the discussion another day.

SWALWELL: I look forward to that.

CABRERA: We'll have you back.

As always, thank you, Congressman Eric Swalwell.

SWALWELL: Thanks for having me.

CABRERA: We appreciate it.

A day after former President Jimmy Carter raised questions about the legitimacy of Trump's presidency, President Trump is hitting back.

This, even as he invites North Korea's Kim Jong-un to meet him at the DMZ.


[15:16:34] CABRERA: President Trump, overseas right now, is about to do something that nearly every president from Reagan to Obama has done. He's going to stand at the Korean DMZ and look into North Korea.

Of course, as we've talked about, the big question is if North Korea leader, Kim Jong-un, will accept Trump's tweeted invitation and meet him there and, as he put it, shake his hand and say hello.

Our Global Affairs Analyst, Max Boot, is here with us.

Max, talk to us for a moment about what a big moment that would be, if Kim does show up. And what if President Trump surprises the world and steps across the line into North Korea? It's not unheard of. We know the South Korean president did it last year and shocked everyone on both sides of the border.

To use the president's words, it would be huge, right?

MAX BOOT, CNN GLOBAL AFFAIRS ANALYST: Not really, Ana. It would be a photo op devoid of any real policy significance, sort of similar to the meeting a year ago in Singapore between Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump, where North Korea agreed, supposedly, to denuclearize but has made zero progress on that pledge to date.

The last summit between the two men in Hanoi in February ended in failure. There have been almost no communications since then. There's no substantive progress on actually achieving what Donald Trump wants to achieve with North Korea.

Instead of progress, you would basically have this big photo op, which is what Donald Trump loves, the spectacle, but really devoid of substance.

CABRERA: If it is meant to be nothing more than a photo op, what's the impact of that? Is there anything to gain on either side by a third Trump/Kim meeting?

BOOT: There's certainly something to gain for Kim Jong-un because he gains legitimacy on the world stage. He once again has the president of the United States treating him as an equal.

Actually, even more than equal, because Trump is on there on Twitter beseeching Kim Jong-un to with him, as if he's a young girl wanting to meet at the ice cream parlor. That's humiliating. That's debasing. That shows weakness on the part of the American president. It elevates the dictator of North Korea above the president of the United States.

So certainly having Trump beseech him to have this meeting is a victory for Kim right there whether he comes or not. If he comes, he gets -- both Kim and Trump would get a photo op on it. But if he doesn't come, Kim is humiliating Trump even more by saying, I know you're begging me to come but I'm not going to do it.

So either way, Kim winds. And this is a no-win situation for the United States. But Donald Trump sees it as an opportunity to basically create a spectacle that will leave a lasting photo that will go around the world.

That's all he really cares about. He doesn't really care about the substance of negotiations with North Korea.

CABRERA: Max, let's look at some of the pictures from the G20 that just wrapped up in Japan. President Trump extending his hand in friendship to the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who the United Nations implicates by name in the brutal execution of a journalist.

And take a look at this image, the president and Russian leader, Vladimir Putin. The two of them, we know earlier, shared a joke about a not-so-funny subject of election meddling.

Contrast their photo in these pictures to these other photos with Putin and British Prime Minister Theresa May. May not hiding the way she feels about meeting Vladimir Putin. Remember, Russia is blamed for poisoning two people in England last year.

Max, is this just two different leadership styles on display or does it show a real rift between how the U.S. and other countries deal with the West's rivals right now?

[15:20:00] BOOT: It shows a real rift, Ana, because what you're seeing is that Donald Trump kisses up to our enemies and kicks our friends. He does not stand up for liberal democracy. He literally does not know what Western democracy is all about.

He was asked by Peter Baker, of the "New York Times," what about Putin's attacks on Western democracy, and Trump replied by attacking the state of California because he seems to equate Western democracy with what west coast Democrats are doing. He doesn't understand the very concept.

And he acts buddy-buddy with Putin. He says that Putin is a terrific person.

He says that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is doing a spectacular job, even though part of the job that MBS is doing is being responsible for the murder and dismemberment of my "Washington Post" colleague, Jamal Khashoggi.

Yet, Trump is letting him off the hook for that by claiming no one has implicated him. Au contraire, both the United Nations and the U.S. Intelligence Community have implicated MBS in this brutal murder.

Yet, Donald Trump doesn't seem to care. He's paling around and joking with these odious dictators and basically giving them a license to kill again.

CABRERA: Max Boot, thank you.

BOOT: Thank you.

CABRERA: President Trump just gave an update on when he plans to enforce ICE deportation raids.

Plus, how a horrific yet powerful image of this migrant father, who died at the border with his daughter, is changing the conversation on immigration.

And are journalists being banned from reporting on the crisis?

You're live in the NEWSROOM.


[15:25:16] CABRERA: President Trump today vowing his administration will carry out immigration raids, starting sometime after the Fourth of July holiday. Take a listen.


TRUMP: But, yes, we will be removing large numbers of people. People have to understand, yes, the laws are --



TRUMP: Yes, starting in a week after -- sometime after July 4th.


CABRERA: President Trump delayed those raids initially planned for last week.

Meantime, thousands are waiting in Mexico, trying to come into the U.S. the legal way.

I want to take you to a city in Mexico where CNN's Michael Holmes spoke with volunteers trying to feed Central American migrants stuck waiting there.


MICHAEL HOLMES, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It's 6:00 a.m. in this Mexican border town, and Yazmin Ramirez Vasquez and her co-workers begin their day in their sandwich shop.

Not working for profit but to help feed the dozens of migrants waiting here sometimes for months to see U.S. immigration authorities and pray their asylum claims are accepted.

(on camera): Now, the operation here is funded by private donors in the U.S. The people who work here, they do it for free. They even let migrants use the little shower in the back. They say they're paying it forward, doing it for God.

YAZMIN RAMIREZ VASQUEZ, VOLUNTEER (through translation): To see people desperate, hungry. If I had more to give, I would.

HOLMES (voice-over): Also working here, Brian, a former Nicaraguan policeman, who said he fled after threats to his life. Now sleeping on a park bench by night, volunteering to help feed fellow migrants by day as he waits to plead his case with U.S. immigration.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translation): My mother taught me values and principles. We must always help those in need. So I help whoever I can and they help me. It's a miracle I've made it this far.

HOLMES: Around 8:00 a.m., Yazmin and Brian walk a familiar route to the plaza where other migrants wait at the border crossing. It's close. Maybe five minutes away. And hungry families already know Yazmin is coming.

VASQUEZ (through translation): They're happy. They're happy when they see me coming with the cart. They get in line, kids first, then women, then men.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For my part, I appreciate what they're doing. There's somebody up there thinking about us.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translation): There are so many people that don't have money here. Waiting for two to three months and they don't have money to eat. This is a big help.

HOLMES: Elsewhere in Mexico, the government crackdown continues in the wake of the Trump administration's tariffs threat. More than 450 Central Americans detained in Veracruz, mostly Honduran and Guatemalan. The operation targeted hotels and lodging houses. More operations are to come.

Also, nearly 180 migrants found in a trailer on Thursday.


HOLMES: Back in the town, the sandwiches are gone for another day. The migrants grateful for locals who care. VASQUEZ (through translation): It breaks my heart to see them

suffering. I wouldn't want my children, my family to go through this. It's really sad.

HOLMES: And so, tomorrow, Yazmin and her team will be back feeding those who wait for their number to be called.

Michael Holmes, CNN, Mexico.


CABRERA: There was one image in particular that jolted the national immigration debate this week. This harrowing photo showing the bodies of a drowned migrant father and his toddler daughter lying face down in the Rio Grande. They had waited months for an appointment to seek asylum and decided to try to swim to American soil.

This heartbreaking image of this little girl, Angie Martinez, and her father, Oscar, now serve as a harsh reminder of the realities at the southern border. Their bodies will return home to their native El Salvador tomorrow.

CNN's Chief Media Correspondent and Anchor of "RELIABLE SOURCES," Brian Stelter, is with us.

Brian, you see that photo, it's hard not to have an emotional response. You're a parent. I'm a parent. It's so heartbreaking.

And after that image came out this week, we saw Congress act. They passed a funding bill in a bipartisan way to send more resources to the border. Is that proof of the power of a picture?

BRIAN STELTER, CNN CHIEF MEDIA CORRESPONDENT: It is proof of the limited power of a picture. I would say this photo has had enormous power but still limited power. Empathy is important but not enough.

[15:30:00] ": We've seen people across the country reacting in, obviously, an empathetic way to this photo. Yet, I think the reactions show the limits of media access, the limits of photography, because this is still an ongoing daily humanitarian crisis.

And images, once in a while, will focus the country's attention. And then after a day or two, it's sometimes back to normal.

We saw this in Europe several years ago when that terrible photo on the baby of the shores of the Mediterranean --


CABRERA: In the midst of the Syrian war crisis.

STELTER: That certainly focused attention on the issues there. A year later, the child's aunt said it seemed like people moved on. I worry that, in a case like this, we'll see the same.

Unfortunately, there are an unknown number who die every year trying to cross into the United States. Normally, we don't see any of it. It's important that the public see images like this to know the real toll. But I don't think that is enough, of course, to move action.

CABRERA: That picture didn't just grip Americans. Take a look at this headline, this London newspaper --


CABRERA: -- that came out here, and it has the picture. And it says, "The picture that shamed America."

This photo made international headlines.

STELTER: Yes, and in some ways, that's even more important. It's important for Americans to know how the rest of the world sees a situation like this, a story like this.

I think what has been -- there has been a positive move in the past few weeks, more news coverage about this ongoing problem at the border, a multifaceted problem, of course.

That is, in part, because of photos, in part, because of the border aid bill fight. It's partly because of activists making more noise to this, trying to draw attention. It's partly because the Democratic candidates are trying to go to these facilities and standing outside. We're seeing more attention on this issue for several reasons.

It's a reminder to the public that some families are still being broken up, and unaccompanied children are still at the border. More than 150,000 this year have been transferred from DHS, Homeland Security, to the Department of Health and Human Services. An astonishing number. And 60 percent more than this time last year.

CABRERA: We know there's so much overcrowding at these shelters because it's a surge of migrants right now that are coming across the border. And so many of them are children and families.

There's been a lot of discussion about the conditions inside some of the facilities where migrants are being held. We've heard from the lawyers, independent monitors, who describe unconscionable conditions.

Journalists, as we try to cover the story, journalists have been blocked from taking pictures.




CABRERA: Why can't we take pictures inside there? Wouldn't that help?

STELTER: We're not seeing enough. We're not seeing enough. The answer from the government is, legal restrictions and privacy concerns. But these lawyers who have been inside say, if there were photos and

videos, this would be changed. The public deserves to know more about what's going on inside these camps.

If the conditions are better than these lawyers say, then photos and videos would show that. It would be a good thing for the government to enable as much access as possible.

Yes, there were a few tours this week, reporters were allowed in. There were also reports they were cleaned up ahead of time.

CABRERA: And only allowed with pen and paper.

STELTER: And not video cameras and photographs. I think it is disturbing. Everyone should be aware that there's a virtual blackout when it comes to conditions at these champs.

CABRERA: We'll keep reporting on it.


CABRERA: Thank you so much, Brian Stelter, for being here.

STELTER: Thanks.

CABRERA: Don't forget to catch "RELIABLE SOURCES" with Brian tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m., here on CNN.

New details in the disappearance of a Utah college student. Police in Salt Lake City have charged a suspect in the murder of Mackenzie Lueck. Ahead, the evidence that led police to make an arrest, including a tip from a neighbor who said she smelled something foul.


[15:37:15] CABRERA: For days, news outlets across the country showed the picture of missing University of Utah student, Mackenzie Lueck. Now police in Salt Lake City say they've arrested a man who is expected to be charged with her kidnapping and murder.

CNN's Scott McLean is following developments in Utah.


MIKE BROWN, CHIEF, SALT LAKE CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT: It is with heavy heart that I address you today.

SCOTT MCLEAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Police have made an arrest as chilling details emerge in the case of missing University of Utah student, Mackenzie Lueck. Investigators detailing what they uncovered on a property they've been searching since Wednesday.

BROWN: Charred material was located, which has now been forensically determined to be female human tissue. A DNA profile of that human tissue was obtained during forensic testing by the Utah state lab. That DNA profile was compared and is consistent with the DNA profile obtained through further forensic testing of personal items of Mackenzie Lueck.

MCLEAN: Lueck's uncle saying just a few words.

UNIDENTIFIED UNCLE OF MACKENZIE LUECK: The Lueck family would like to express their gratitude for the effort put forth by the Salt Lake City police department. They are also grateful to her community, her friends and others around the nation who have supported this investigation.

MCLEAN: Salt Lake City police say they would not have made an arrest were it not for the digital breadcruMBS left behind by Lueck and the suspect leading investigators to this home.

Police questioned the property's owner, 31-year-old Ayoola Ajayi, Thursday as a person of interest. He was arrested on Friday morning at a nearby apartment complex.

BROWN: After an exhaustive week of investigation, we are filing charges of aggravated murder, aggravated kidnaping, obstruction of justice, and desecration of a body in the homicide of Mackenzie Lueck.

MCLEAN: The clues leading to Ajayi's arrest began at the Salt Lake City airport early last week. A 1:00 a.m. text Lueck sent to her parents confirming to her parents that Lueck had arrived back in Salt Lake City safely.

CCTV showing her with her luggage near a baggage carousel. Then, police say, a Lyft ride, dropping her off at 3:00 a.m. at Hatch Park in north Salt Lake.

BROWN: Investigation of Mackenzie's phone records show that her last communications were with the arrested person.

Phone records show the location of their phones to be at Hatch Park within less than a minute of each other. This was the same time as Mackenzie's phone stopped receiving any further data or location services on June 17th at approximately 3:00 a.m.

MCLEAN: Thursday, police investigating other clues into Lueck's fate. A mattress and box spring given away a week ago. And a tip from a neighbor who described the suspect burning something in his backyard.

[15:40:08] Chief Brown composing himself as he described the call to Mackenzie's parents.

BROWN: This is one of the most difficult phone calls I've ever made. As both Greg and his wife, Diana, were devastated and heartbroken by this news.

MCLEAN: Questions remain as to how Lueck and Ajayi initially came into contact and what led to her horrific death.

(on camera): According to his LinkedIn page, the suspect worked in I.T. for Dell and previously for Goldman Sachs.

His neighbors say he was quiet but pretty ordinary. They say he ran an Airbnb out of his basement that was booked most nights.

One person even called him the epitome of a great neighbor -- Ana?


CABRERA: All right. Scott McLean, thanks very much.

Joe Biden is playing cleanup. He's having to further explain his record on civil rights after that rocky first debate. But can he prove he deserves to remain the frontrunner in the Democratic presidential race?

If you love films, get ready for our new original film, "THE MOVIES." The series will give you the behind-the-scenes stories to the movies you love, starting with the most iconic films from the '80s. Hear from the actors, the directors, and people who brought your favorite scenes to life. "THE MOVIES" premiums Sunday, July 7th, at 9:00 p.m., only on CNN.


[15:45:29] CABRERA: President Trump addressing a contentious moment between Democratic hopefuls, Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris, during their first debates this week. Biden took the stage as the frontrunner and took fire from a number of his contenders.

One of the biggest moments was when Harris confronted him on the controversial issues of race and busing to desegregate schools. President Trump, overseas, noticed and came to Biden's defense.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I thought that she was given too much credit. He didn't do well, certainly. And maybe the facts weren't necessarily on his side. I think she was given too much credit for what she did. It wasn't that outstanding. And I think probably he was hit harder than he should have been hit. I thought he was hit actually harder.


CABRERA: President Trump, meanwhile, also refusing to say whether Harris would be a tough opponent if she wins the nomination.

CNN's Senior Washington Correspondent, Jeff Zeleny, has more.


JOE BIDEN, FORMER VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES & DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Before I start, I would like to say something about the debate we had last night.

JEFF ZELENY, CNN SENIOR WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Joe Biden is playing cleanup after a rocky first debate raised questions about whether he deserves to be the frontrunner in the Democratic presidential race. BIDEN: I heard and I listened to and I respect Senator Harris. But,

you know, we all know that 30 seconds to 60 seconds on a campaign debate exchange can't do justice to a lifetime committed to civil rights.


ZELENY: In a previously scheduled appearance at Jesse Jackson's Rainbow/PUSH coalition meeting in Chicago, the former vice president trying to turn the page over this extraordinary moment with Senator Kamala Harris Thursday night in Miami.

SEN. KAMALA HARRIS (D-CA): There was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools and she was bused to school every day. And that little girl was me.

Do you agree today that you were wrong to oppose busing in America then?


HARRIS: Do you agree?

BIDEN: I did not oppose busing in America. What I opposed is busing ordered by the Department of Education.

ZELENY: It was a performance even many admirers charitably described as rusty, with one ally telling CNN, he knows he has to do better.

After waking up to brutal headlines and tough critiques, Biden is trying to seize command over his long record, which he struggled to do on the debate stage.

BIDEN: I want to be absolutely clear about my record and position on racial justice, including busing. I never, never, ever opposed voluntary busing.

ZELENY: But the issue wasn't voluntary busing. It was the federal government stepping in to desegregate schools which Biden repeatedly opposed.

BIDEN: The one way to ensure that you set the civil rights movement in America further back is to continue to push busing because it's a bankrupt policy.

ZELENY: In 2020 campaign, the controversy isn't really about busing, but instead, a conversation about the direction of Democrats and whether Biden fits the moment as the party increasingly shifts to the left.

The post-debate spotlight would have shined even brighter for Harris if she wasn't still trying to clear up a political mess of her own, about whether she would abolish private health insurance.

LESTER HOLT, NBC ANCHOR & DEBATE MODERATOR: Who here would abolish their private health insurance in favor of a government-run plan? ZELENY: She and Senator Bernie Sanders were the only candidates to raise their hands. But she now says she misunderstood the question, insisting she was only talking about her personal plan, not those for millions of Americans.

It's an issue she's repeatedly struggled to make clear since this moment at a CNN town hall in January.

HARRIS: Let's eliminate all of that. Let's move on.

ZELENY: Jeff Zeleny, CNN, Washington.


CABRERA: When "CNN Hero," Jamyle Cannon, was in school, he had anger issues and got into fights. Once he took up boxing in college, everything changed. Now he's using the sport to help students on Chicago's west side.


JAMYLE CANNON, CNN HERO: All right, let's work.

We're using this to teach kids to fight for their own success.

Hands up. Pump, boom, boom, just like that.

I want them to learn how to apply all the positive aspects of boxing, the self-control and the discipline, the focus, and walk around with those principles every day.

This is your homework for today? Check you out.

When we give the support that they need, they learn that they are capable and the sky's the limit.

I can't wait for people to see just how powerful our kids are.


[15:49:59] CABRERA: To learn more about how Jamyle is changing the lives of kids in Chicago, go to And while there, nominate someone you think should be a "CNN Hero."

We'll be right back.


CABRERA: If you thought it was hot here, think about this. Extreme heat bringing much of Europe to a standstill. Today, in Japan, President Trump stood alone among G20 leaders by dismissing the need for climate action.


TRUMP: We have the cleanest air we've ever had. But I'm not willing to sacrifice the tremendous power of what we built up over a long period of time and what I enhanced and revived. I'm not -- I'm just not willing to do that.


CABRERA: The president's comments come as ocean waters off the coast of Alaska are approaching 10 degrees above normal, putting both jobs and food production risk, while in southern France streets are empty has temperatures hit an all-time high yesterday, hotter than in 2003, when heat killed 14,000 people in France.

I want to turn to CNN Meteorologist, Allison Chinchar.

Allison, this is all very unusual. What's going on here?

ALLISON CHINCHAR, AMS METEOROLOGIST: The thing to know is this is a continuation of the trend. The trend is the extreme heat events are becoming more frequent and occurring earlier than usual.

Take for example the heat wave we talked about in Europe. Look at the countries, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic and France. They've all recently broken in the last few days all-time record for the entire month of June. France actually broke their all-time record for any months.

[15:55:09] But the previous record prior to that was in July. Meaning it is a little bit more normal to have some of the temperatures reach the extreme temperatures in July, maybe August. Not this early. And that's the trend we're seeing. Unfortunately, they are longer lasting events.

The good news is, for the northern tier of Europe, we will see a cooldown on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday. But not the southern tier of Europe. Take for example, Madrid. Yes, you see that slight cool down here for next week. Every single one of these next seven days will have temperatures 10 to 15 degrees above-average.

It is not just in Europe. We have been seeing the extreme jump in sea surface temperatures, specifically in the Bering Sea. That's along the western coastline of Alaska. Not only is it making the temperature warmer, but it is doing a lot of changes.

This is what you're looking at. This ice that is here, this is March of 2013. Fast forward to March of this year. You notice that significant loss, Ana.

That is the problem. It is not only impacting what we look at, but fisheries and a lot of the economy up there as well.

CABRERA: Wow. What a difference when you put it that way with the images. It really does paint the picture for us.

Allison Chinchar, thank you.

President Trump makes a surprise invitation asking North Korea's Kim Jong-un to visit him at the DMZ. But will the North Korean dictator attend?

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