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Europe's Heat Wave Shatters Temperature Records; Boris Johnson's Personal Life Makes Waves; Sources: Trump Views Mueller's Testimony as Vindication. Aired 12-1a ET

Aired July 26, 2019 - 00:00   ET



[00:00:17] GEORGE HOWELL, CNN ANCHOR: The heat wave in Europe the second in weeks as scientists warned climate change is making extreme weather events, more frequent and more intense.

Plus, Democrats plat their next move, their hopes of impeaching the U.S. President diminish their next focus on beating Mr. Trump at the ballot box.

Also ahead, a setback for the future of flight, a man tries crossing the English Channel on a jet-powered flyboard but runs into a little trouble along the way there.

Live from CNN world headquarters in Atlanta, welcome. To our viewers around the world, I'm George Howell. The CNN Newsroom starts right now.

Around the world, good day to you. Across Europe a heat wave is breaking record temperatures and making things miserable for millions of people on the continent. Several countries recorded all-time highs on Thursday including Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands, each of them reaching at 40 degrees.

In the meantime, the UK experienced its hottest day ever in the month of July but it fell just short of an all-time high. And the scene in Paris temperatures there soared past 40 degrees breaking a record that was set back in 1947.

In Paris again, the heat so threatening it was a problem for the Notre-Dame Cathedral just three months after is gutted by fire. The high temperatures are put the landmark at risk again.

Our Jim Bittermann explains.


JIM BITTERMANN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The Notre-dame chief architect in charge of reconstruction after the devastating fire was worried the heat wave could cause further damage. The heat, he reasoned, might dry out the stones and timbers doused by firemen back in April might pried about too quickly which could weakens joints and bring parts of the voltage ceiling crashing down. The French electric company worried about the state of two nuclear reactors. Cooling water was flowing out of the reactors at higher temperatures and permitted endangering plants and animals downstream.

No one has forgotten other heat waves here like the sustained high temperatures in France back in 2003 which are blamed for more than 13,000 deaths.

In Britain, the concern was about the railroad tracks which officials feared might buckle with the heat. Labor Unions wanted more flexibility and working hours to avoid the heat and there was anger about higher prices for air conditioners and fans which were in high demand. And everyone in France and across Europe there were concerns about staying cool, hydrating, checking in an older relatives and neighbors as new record temperatures were set in Britain, France, Germany and the Netherlands.

As one experts observed, heat waves are on the rise. Indeed, the hottest temperatures in Europe since 1500 have all been observed in the past years.

(On camera) For the tourist, many of them come from countries where the average temperature runs a lot higher than they have been in Europe. The Europeans must seem to be just a little bit precious but as the French Prime Minister said recently our bodies are just not adapted to this kind of heat and it should be remember that according to one survey only 5% of European homes have air conditioning. Jim Bittermann, CNN, Paris.


HOWELL: Jim Bittermann there.

The city of light, Derek Van Dam, the city of heat instead and it is hot, hot, hot in Paris and across France.

DEREK VAN DAM, CNN INTERNATIONAL WEATHER ANCHOR: Yeah, you know, it's really interesting statistic that Jim just talked about only 5% of the homes within Europe have air conditioning. You can imagine just how uncomfortable this heat wave is for millions and millions of people but what I found most astounding about this heat wave that we are currently in right now is that the records, the all-time records I should say that were set on Wednesday only held up for 24 hours because they were shattered yesterday for Germany into the Netherlands, Belgium and by the way, Luxembourg was also included on their hottest day on record.

I mean, that's incredible amount of heat people. If you need proof, this picture was captured in the heart of Paris, 42.5 degrees. And that's actually not as high as the mercury climb. We all know the all-time record temperature was set in Paris 42.6 degrees. I mean, we're talking about seven degrees shy of doubling their average temperature. I mean, this is incredible, just incredibly warm it got in Paris.

People are doing whatever they can to cool themselves off including finding some of the fountains just outside of the Trocadero there. You can see that it was not only France that peaked yesterday in the past couple days it was the United Kingdom yesterday specifically in Cambridge they set their July all-time record high temperature. They just came shy of the all-time record high across the UK today or yesterday I should say which was of course set back in deadly heat wave of 2003.

[00:05:14] Here is some silver lining, some good news is this forecast. We are finally going to beat the heat. We're going to see some relief. We'd like to see this weather map replace -- the oranges and reds replace with more greens and yellows because that means cooler weather is in store for much of the western sections of Europe.

One more day of heat for Frankfurt, Leon, into Venice and Vienna but you can see temperatures cool off dramatically. Here's Amsterdam seven-day forecast through the course of the weekend. And one thing that's interesting to note, this is back enough on what Jim was talking about, George, is that we're starting to notice that the frequency of heat waves is on the rise. And we're also seen heat waves starting to occur earlier in the summer months.

June, we had our record high temperature set for Europe. Now we're in the month of July typically our highest temperatures this time of year will occur in August. So we're seeing that fingerprint of climate change also familiar for Europeans. George?

HOWELL: For those who deny it I guess they will sweat it out with the rest of us but it is a real thing. Derek Van Dam, thank you very much.

DAM: Yeah.

HOWELL: And the intense heat it continues across Europe. The United Nations has a grim warning as well. Its World Meteorological Organization warns that heat waves like this as Derek indicated could become the new normal. It says Europe's intense temperatures are likely the result of the climate crisis.


CLARE NULLIS, WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION: Heat waves bear the hallmark of climate change. And they are, as we saw in June they're becoming more frequent, they're starting earlier, and they're becoming more intense. So it's not a problem that's going to go away.


HOWELL: To talk more about this, we have Jess Phoenix with us. Jess is the Executive Director and Cofounder of Blueprint Earth joining this hour from Baltimore, Marilyn. It's a pleasure to have you with us.

JESS PHOENIX, VOLCANOLOGIST: Thanks for having me.

HOWELL: Jess, fair to say this has been a hot summer here in the United States. And across Europe, they are definitely feeling the heat right now. By all indications this will be more of a rule than the exception?

PHOENIX: That is correct. We can only expect to see more extreme weather events like these heat waves in the upcoming decades with climate change.

HOWELL: Let's talk more about that. The long range outlook here, taking this quote that's part of a report from the union of concern scientists, it reads as follows. "Extreme heat is poised to rise steeply in frequency and severity over the coming decades bringing unprecedented health risks for people and communities across the country." What are your biggest concerns looking ahead in the years to come?

PHOENIX: Well, the main issue that I see is that climate change itself is a threat multiplier which means that if you have an issue and it's already bad like say terrorism or water or food scarcity or immigration challenges, these are climate change into the mix and it just complicates everything. It increases the difficulty of dealing with those issues exponentially. So I'm really concerned about not just one single effect but really the cascade effect that we will see from a slow motion disaster in progress.

HOWELL: We hear the warnings. The time to act is now despite though climate change deniers and even governments and leaders like the U.S. President and the U.S. Vice President, there are still those who don't quite seem to see the urgency. There is the one teenage climate activist, who sees the challenge is clear as day. Listen.


GRETA THUNBERG, CLIMATE ACTIVIST: I will start with the good news. The world as a small number of people having saying lately will not end in 11 years. The bad news, however, is that around the year 2030 if we continue with business as usual, we will likely be in a position where we may pass a number of tipping points.


HOWELL: Greta Thunberg there making the case of child, you know, a teenage who says this better than adults. But there is a narrow window for humans to make some impact even if minimal they could make a difference but we're running out of time.

PHOENIX: That's true. And what really is concerning is the inaction by certain governments, U.S. government included. When we have such a dire threat that is not going to go away, if we do not take decisive action and that means government action, it means private industry action, it means every day citizen action these affects that we see from climate change will be not only irreversible but they will be even worse than what we already thought about because, the challenges of a changing world with the growing population seem to multiply. And adding climate change to that is only going to complicate things.

[00:10:09] HOWELL: You know, you hear from the U.S. President when it comes to climate change that any action on climate change, he says, wouldn't do it -- he wouldn't do anything to the detriment of the economy. Do you see that as the challenge or is the President seeing this wrong in your opinion?

PHOENIX: Well, he's completely wrong and that seems to be sort of par for the course when it comes to science and this administration.

I worked in coal mining and I worked in hard rock mining as well. And I can tell you that we do need to extract resources from the earth however coal mining is the way of the past. We need to be looking into sustainable technology development and green energy innovation. We already have a lot of technologies that are going to help us drive forward into a climate changing world. But we need to continue to invest in those.

Whenever we have a big change whether it's industrial revolution type of change or a digital revolution type of change, we see economic stimulus from that. So from what I've seen, when we have investments in green and sustainable technology, we only reap the benefits.

HOWELL: All right, Jess Phoenix, we appreciate your time and perspective on this. Thank you.

PHOENIX: Thank you.

HOWELL: Now, on the Mediterranean where it is being called the worst tragedy of the year by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. At least 150 migrants drown on Thursday. And for their boat sunk off the coast of Libya.

It's believed that some 300 people left on the dangerous sea crossing from the Port of Tripoli. Some survivors rescued by local fishermen. Each year thousands of people pour across Libya's borders. The final stop before treacherous journey across the Mediterranean into Europe.


CHARLIE YAXLEY, UNHCR SPOKESMAN: More than 600 people have now lost their life on the Mediterranean Sea this year. If current trends continue, we are likely to see more than a thousand people lose their life on the Mediterranean for the sixth year in a row, which is a bleak milestone for us to be reaching.


HOWELL: The survivors have been sent back to Libya. As human rights organization called on the country to close its controversial, migrant detention centers.

In the United Kingdom, the nation's new leader says that its government needs to turbo charge preparation for a no deal Brexit. In his first speech to parliament as Prime Minister Boris Johnson told law makers Britain will leave the E.U. on October 31st with or without a deal. And he says, there's no way they'll accept the one that it's on the table now.


BORIS JOHNSON, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: Certain things need to be clear, the withdrawal agreement negotiated by my predecessor has been three times rejected by this house. Its terms are unacceptable to this parliament and to this country.

No country that values its independence, and indeed, its self-respect, could agree to a treaty which signed away our economic independence and self-government as this backstop does.


HOWELL: The Irish backstop would keep northern island in the E.U. customs union if no deal is reach. It would avoid a hard border with Ireland but Johnson says separating northern Ireland from Britain's customs union is a no go. The EU's chief Brexit negotiator is pushing back saying this. This is of course unacceptable and not within the mandate of the European Council.

It's not just Boris Johnson's style of governing that's raising eyebrows, his personal life might also introduce some new first to number 10. Our Anna Stewart explains.


ANNA STEWART, CNN INTERNATIONAL REPORTER (voice-over): Justice Boris Johnson made a statement of defiance in his debut address as Britain's new prime minister.

JOHNSON: Never mind the backstop, the backstop here.

STEWART: He also made a statement about his personal life. Walking through the famous black door of number 10 Downing Street alone. An iconic moment usually shed with the prime minister's partner or children but he wasn't completely alone. Boris Johnson's girlfriend, Carrie Symonds watched from the sidelines.

Now speculation grows as to whether she will move in making Boris Johnson the first prime minister to live unmarried with a partner.

CAROLINE WHEELER, DEPUTY POLITICAL EDITOR, SUNDAY TIMES: They are going to make history by being a boyfriend and girlfriend couple moving in to that power-based in number 10 Downing Street.

STEWART: The British media is also fascinated by this relationship given the new prime minister's reputation for powerful (ph) personal life.

Boris Johnson is going through a divorce after a married of 25 years and four children. The relationship with Symonds more than 20 years, his junior begun last year.

[00:15:01] And despite the couple often living together in Symonds' London home they succeeded in keeping their romance out of the limelight. Then the leadership contest began.

Police record to their address by neighbors who complained about allowed argument. Questions then swirled in a media about Boris Johnson's fitness to become the next prime minister. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're not going to make any comments at all on what happened last night?

JOHNSON: I think that's pretty obvious from the foregoing.

STEWART: Symonds though is no strangers to the world of politics or the media. Formerly working as a communication officer for Boris Johnson's conservative party and as an advocate for environmental courses. And as a couple, she's even (inaudible) with giving Boris Johnson a makeover.

WHEELER: Ever since she came on the scene he's become a much a much trim figure, he's looks white, he'd had his hair cuts that he doesn't look quite this disheveled. He's definitely smart in terms of his appearance. So it's been a much more disciplined Boris Johnson that we come to see.

STEWART: It will be uncharted territory for the couple and the country as Britain's new prime minister carries out some duties that would normally include a spouse. Although Symonds' presence in his first day suggest he is not alone. And he may need that support giving the daunting challenges he faces not less Brexit.

IAIN DALE, LBC PRESENTER: This can be a very solitary existence. And I think old prime ministers need to have a partner that they can not just rely on but maybe consult on some things. And I think she will be a real rock for him in many ways.

STEWART: Johnson may also now be relying on Carrie Symonds to be his rock for turbulent times. And the prime minister and his girlfriend chose to take their relationship further. Well, the world may witness the first wedding of a sitting prime minister in over 200 years. If that happens of course it's likely to be off the Brexit for better or for worst. Anna Stewart, CNN London.


HOWELL: Next year on CNN Newsroom, Robert Mueller's testimony falls flat on Capitol Hill but one thing the former special counsel said is haunting the White House.

Plus, after more than 50 years the return of the federal death penalty in the United States will explain why the U.S. government is bringing back now.


HOWELL: Here in the United States, the former special counsel testified on Capitol Hill but failed to jump start congressional calls for impeachment. It has Republicans claiming victory and some Democrats examining their next steps.

[00:20:01] Our Kaitlan Collins has this report for you.

(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) KAITLAN COLLINS, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): With prospects of his impeachment stalled for now, President Trump is brushing off damning assertions by Robert Mueller and touting his testimony as a victory instead.

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Phony cloud, that's all it was.

COLLINS: Visiting the new defense secretary at the Pentagon today, as sources say he's declaring vindication behind the scenes.

ROBERT MUELLER, FORMER SPECIAL COUNSEL: The team -- Excuse me it's my time.

COLLINS: One day after Robert Mueller's testimony fell short of what Democrats were hoping for and exceeded Republicans expectations, many in Washington are left wondering what's next. And House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she won't discourage her caucus on impeachment.

NANCY PELOSI, (D-CA) HOUSE SPEAKER: Never have done that. I've never, never have done that.

COLLINS: But Democrats are now being forced to confront that the only way to beat Trump may be at the ballot box in 2020.

REP. JAMIE RASKIN, (D) MARYLAND: The clock is ticking.

COLLINS: The White House is working to weaponize the outcome of Mueller's testimony.

RUDY GIULIANI, ATTORNEY FOR PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: The real culprits have not been investigated yet.

COLLINS: Though questions remain about how triumphant the President should be. He has repeatedly claimed the special counsel's report exonerated him.

TRUMP: I have been totally exonerated.

COLLINS: An assertion Mueller flatly rejected.

REP. JERROLD NADLER (D), NEW YORK: That is not what your report said, is it?

MUELLER: Correct. It is not what the report said.

COLLINS: But it's this question from Wednesday's hearing --

REP. KEN BUCK (R-CO): You could charge the president of the United States with obstruction of justice after he left office?


COLLINS: That sources say is irritating the President.

TRUMP: And let me just tell you, the fact that you even asked that question, you're fake news.

COLLINS (on camera): Now some people may look at Bob Mueller's testimony and wonder how the White House walks away from that. Also seeing it as a win since he criticized the President and contradicted him and push back on some of the President's most repeated claims.

But White House officials say that for now they believe because there were blockbuster moments from the testimony that it helped calm this drumbeat of impeachment that's been existed in Washington for several months now. And they hope now that Congress is on recess, that drumbeat of impeachment is going to fade even further. Kaitlan Collins, CNN at the White House.


HOWELL: Let's talk more about this now with Michael Shear. Michael is CNN Political Analyst and a White House Correspondent for the New York Times joining this hour from Washington. Good to have you with us, Michael.


HOWELL: Like so many things today, Michael, Democrats heard certain things from the testimony that they wanted to hear and Republicans like the House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy heard other things vindication. Here's what he had to say about it. Let's listen.


KEVIN MCCARTHY, U.S. HOUSE MINORITY LEADER: I hope yesterday was a historic day. I hope the failure of what they saw and what they thought they would actually try is the final chapter of this book that they have put us through.


HOWELL: So looking at this straight down the line, objectively what are your big takeaways from Mueller's testimony and which side really benefited more from it, what do you say?

SHEAR: Well look, all of these kinds of political moments on Capitol Hill are always staged by one side or the other and part of the dynamics of Washington D.C. is who can spin the best. I think, you know, the Democrats clearly hoped for more. They hope that Robert Mueller would prove to be the kind of witness that galvanizes not only the city but the country and the world that people would be grip by the testimony that clearly didn't happen. So I think the Democrats are spinning today as if to suggest well, they didn't really expect that and they didn't want that to happen and that they're just moving ahead just like they were, the day before the hearing.

On the other hand the Republicans clearly are hoping that, you know, given the disappointment that clearly the Democrats spoke privately really feel that the Republicans can use this as an opportunity to sort of put that final mail in the coffin and try to put this behind them and more importantly behind the president. And I think, you know, part of their messaging is not only messaging for their constituents and members of the public but also for President Trump. They want the President see that they are supporters on -- his supporters on Capitol Hill are kind of driving home the message that they want this to end.

HOWELL: OK, but you know, where does this leave Democrats on what has been a divisive issue of impeachment?

SHEAR: Well, look, I think, you know, in some ways there kind of where they were before, which is to say, you know, it was pretty clear when the report came out. When the Mueller report came out that the substance of the Mueller report was not going to be enough to sort of drive the party directly to impeachment proceedings against the President. There just wasn't enough there. There was too much division. And so I think they are left and essentially the same place which is, you know, can they, you know, set up a series of investigative hearings? Can they call the fact witnesses like Don McGahn, the former White House Counsel and Hope Hicks, the former sort of communication aid to President Trump.

[00:25:07] Can they subpoena more information documents and gather information that at the end of the day they hope will lead to some kind of consensus around impeachment. Or as Nancy Pelosi, the House Speaker would rather do, you know, sort of do a more sort of perfunctory approach and then move on to other issues. That's the real danger the Democrats as if they focus too much on this investigation that they risk communicating a message to voters that, you know, they're obsess with it and that they aren't working on things like, you know, equal pay and the economy immigration and some of the other things that people really care about.

HOWELL: Well, the former special counsel did underscore during his testimony that he did not exonerate President Trump. Mueller also indicated Mr. Trump though could face charges after leaving office. So given that statement, what would you say the implications are for Trump world? Should he lose come 2020?

SHEAR: Yeah. I mean, so one thing to keep in mind if you'll remember that President Clinton was impeached and then not convicted in the Senate during his time in office. One thing that people may not remember is that the Justice Department kept the possibility of the prosecution of Bill Clinton for lying, kept that in reserve until literally the day before the inauguration -- the day before President Clinton was going to leave office.

And on that day they negotiated the deal with President Clinton to take away his -- that he would relinquish his law license, you know, in exchange for not being prosecuted. And that is still a possibility with President Trump. I mean it's sort of unclear whether this Justice Department would do that given that this Justice Department is obviously run by President Trump. But in theory, you know, there is that risk of a possible prosecution hanging over the president said.

HOWELL: And then speaking also of the next election. I want to go to election interference the FBI Director Christopher Wray had this stark warning about what to expect. Take a listen.


CHRISTOPHER WRAY, FBI DIRECTOR: We expect much the same in 2020 especially with new cyber tools that are continuing to fall in the hand of adversaries who would do us harm.


HOWELL: And now new warnings from the Senate Intelligence Committee report that Russia may have targeted numerous state election systems. What are your take from this warning, this report and from a Republican Party and president who don't strike the bell on the subject with the same sense of urgency?

SHEAR: You know, one of the things that I think we may find this time around and this is speculative so who knows. But the public's awareness of kind of the dangers of sort of the online world, you know, all not just in election but n all kind of areas has grown much more sophisticated.

You know, we use to four, five years ago, we use to go on Facebook and some of these other sites and not a give a second thought of the information we were handing over to them. I think everybody is more sophisticated now about recognizing that along with those benefits of these, you know, great online tools there are also great risks. And, you know, may be as a positive thought here that it is possible that some of these warnings which we all sort of ignored collectively as a society like, oh, you know, don't worry so much about, you know, online privacy, don't worry so much about fishing attacks and some of these things.

We didn't really sort of have that in a public consciousness. Going into 2020, I think people are going -- people generally are going to be much more aware of those dangers. And, you know, perhaps that will give some, you know, sort of new power to the people both at the state and local level but also at the federal government who, you know, are sort of raising the alarm about this and then maybe will actually do something about it.

I mean, I think the big question mark is, President Trump who obviously hasn't show no interest in kind of supporting that effort but nonetheless there have been focus on both parties. And people like Chris Wray, the director of the FBI who are ringing the alarm bells, and so maybe that will happen.

HOWELL: It is a serious issue that does not seem to be going away. Michael Schear, we appreciate again your time and perspective, thank you.

SHEAR: Sure.

HOWELL: After 16 years without an execution, the U.S. government orders the deaths of five inmates. Take a look at the dramatic change in policy and what some intend to do about it.


[00:32:13] HOWELL: A warm welcome back to viewers all over the world. You're watching CNN NEWSROOM live. I'm George Howell.

With the headlines we're falling for you this hour. Across Europe an historic heat wave has broken records across the continent is seen in Paris, France. People sweltering through the hottest day on record while several countries set all-time highs, scientists say that hot temperatures are the result of the ongoing climate crisis.

Off the coast of Libya, at least 150 migrants drown on Thursday, this after their boat sank. It's believed some 300 people left on the dangerous sea crossing from the Port East of Tripoli. U.N. says more than 600 people have died on the Mediterranean, so far this year alone.

Britain's new my Prime Minister says his government is turbo charging preparations for a no deal Brexit. In case the European Union won't negotiate the divorce deal. Boris Johnson says the U.K. will leave by October 31st by the deadline with or without a deal but he warns we're not ready as we should be.

North Korea says it's fired two missiles into the ocean as a warning to South Korea, ahead of next month's military exercises with the United States. North Korean media report it was organized by leader Kim Jong-un. South Korean officials say it appears the North has a new short range ballistic missile.

The United States has reinstated the death penalty for my federal crimes, this after a 16-year pause. Attorney General William Barr made it official by ordering the execution of five inmates on federal death row.

CNN's Evan Perez has more on the dramatic change in policy here in the U.S.

EVAN PEREZ, CNN SENIOR JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT: The federal government is making plans to carry out its first execution of a death row inmate since 2003. Attorney General Bill Barr ordered the Bureau of Prisons to schedule the execution of five inmates beginning in December.

The Justice Department says that these are people on death row for murdering and in some cases torturing and raping people including children and the elderly. The Department says these are all inmates who have exhausted their existing appeals. And the Bureau of Prisons has come up with a new death penalty protocol that includes using drugs that some states have been using in recent years to carry out executions.

The U.S. Supreme Court has allowed those state executions to go forward. Now, this all comes at a time that some states and other countries have moved away from the death penalty. But early in the Trump administration, Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered the Bureau of Prisons to come up with a new way to carry out the death penalty. Now, there are now 62 people on federal death row and there are thousands more slated for the death penalty in the states. Opponents of the death penalty say that just because the Justice Department has come up with a new protocol, doesn't mean that these executions will happen as scheduled. They're vowing legal challenges to the new procedures.

[00:35:18] Evan Perez, CNN, Washington.

HOWELL: Evan, thank you.

The trial of an American rapper is set to start Tuesday in Sweden. A$AP Rocky and two others accused of using a bottle to beat up a man. The case is drawn international attention even the U.S. President has weighed in on this case tweeting that "Give A$AP Rocky his freedom. We do so much for Sweden but it doesn't seem to work the other way around. Sweden should focus on its real crime problem" says the U.S. President.

CNN's Melissa Bell has more from Stockholm. And a warning, some of the images you'll see in this report are disturbing.


MELISSA BELL, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Thirty-year-old American rapper, A$AP Rocky has been charged with assault in Sweden. The country's public prosecutor says these images of a street fight on June 30th first posted by TMZ and widely circulated on the internet are part of the evidence against A$AP Rocky.

As are these pictures just released today in court documents. According to the prosecutor the steals is taken by surveillance cameras show A$AP Rocky and two members of his entourage assaulting a man by kicking him and beating him with a glass bottle.

The 30-year-old rapper who's real name is Rakim Mayers was deemed a fight risk and has been in custody since July 3rd. His lawyer has maintained that his client was defending himself after being assaulted and that he is innocent and acted in self-defense.

Among the 552 pages of court documents released today, images of the victim, Mustafa Jafari's injuries. Jafari is an Afghan national who moved to Sweden in 2016. The investigation into his role in the brawl was dropped on Monday according to the Swedish prosecutor. Jafari's lawyer says his client is pleased with the outcome but traumatized by the events.

MAGNUS STROMBERG, ATTORNEY FOR MUSTAFA JAFARI: This is very difficult for him. When it comes to the injuries, there has been a lot of pain. When it comes to mental condition this has been immensely stressful. He has problems to sleep. So it's very, very difficult for him.

BELL: Just today, the prosecutor said he'd based his findings on video already widely circulated, others not yet seen. As well as surveillance CCTV footage and witness statements. The prosecution says that the bottle was used to beat the victim although police didn't find any DNA evidence on it.

Over the weekend U.S. President Donald Trump got involved tweeting that he called the Swedish Prime Minister an offering to vouch for A$AP's bail on Twitter although Sweden doesn't have a bail system. The Swedish Prime Minister told the American President that the government wouldn't interfere in the independent judicial process. We asked A$AP's lawyer what the rapper had made of that.

SLOBODAN JOVOVIC, ATTORNEY FOR A$APROCKY: He's in a place where he's in total isolated and gets detained for that he has. And I think it's better for him to come out and explain about his feelings. I mean now he's just in the place where he's very, very thankful for everyone that's risen (ph).

BELL: A$AP Rocky's lawyer says that his client is trying to keep busy in jail answering the many letters he's received as he waits for trial that will begin on Tuesday. Melissa Bell, CNN, Stockholm.


HOWELL: In London, four teenagers have been charged with an aggravated hate crime in a homophobic attack that has sparked outrage around the world. The victims, two women they were minding their own business on a bus when one of them says they were taunted by several teens, they were called lesbians, they were ordered to kiss, they were then allegedly assaulted and robbed.

The accused are between the ages of 15 and 17 years old and are ordered to return to Youth Court on August 21st.

We're going to take a brief break here on NEWSROOM. But still ahead a man on top of a jet powered fly board goes from soaring to a splash down.


[00:40:51] HOWELL: Humans have always dreamed of flying alone themselves and Franky Zapata has probably come closer to that than most having that superman thrill. But as our Amara Walker explains Zapata's latest flight started hopefully in the skies but then came to a wet and soggy ending.


AMARA WALKER, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: He wowed the crowds in Paris on Bastille Day. But the rough surf on the English Channel defeated him. Franky Zapata, now better known as "Flyboard Man" had wanted to bring history full circle, attempting to cross the channel on his jet-powered flyboard. He ended up taking an early bath instead. Still, he says it was worth it.

FRANKY ZAPATA, FLYBOARD AIR INVENTOR (through translator): It was certainly fantastic. I was flying really without any trouble. The air in the middle of the sea at that distance is way more calm, more fluid, than near the coast so I was flying. It was just like a dream really, it was great. WALKER: Zapata was hoping to emulate fellow Frenchmen Louis Bleriot who made the first cross channel flight in 1909. After he safely touched down in England, Bleriot decided to play it safe on the return journey and took a ship back to France. But the French give him a hero's welcome.

On Thursday, Flyboard man also came home by boat. He had to be rescued when he fell into the channel while refueling midway through his crossing.

ZAPATA (through translator): The fly board is destroyed literally. All of the electronics need to be remade and most were screwed, everything is screwed. But we built it, so we know we can build it again and very fast since it's not the first time. I hope it will be the last time.

WALKER: In Flyboard man's fans are sticking by him, the mayor of the French town where Zapata took off says, he was just unlucky this time.

GUY ALLEMAND, MAYOR OF SANGATTE, FRANCE (through translator): He was in his element flying and his plan was good. He was about to land on the refueling boat and unfortunately he fell and missed the boat.

WALKER: And this loyal fan was definitely looking at a glass half full.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): The way he sped off was really impressive.

WALKER: So for now, its back to the drawing board for Zapata until the next attempt.

ZAPATA (through translator): We will go to the workshop tomorrow and we'll try to across again.

WALKER: Amara Walker, CNN, Atlanta.


HOWELL: Despite the bad ending, that is just cool.

Thanks so much for being with us for NEWSROOM. I'm George Howell at the CNN Center in Atlanta. World Sport is next.


[00:45:29] KATE RILEY, CNN WORLD SPORT ANCHOR: Hi there. Welcome to WORLD SPORT. I'm Kate Riley at CNN Center. We'll going to breakdown the heat wave in Europe which is affecting the Tour de France in a moment, but let's talk about what happened on Thursday with stage 18 of the tour.

Well earlier, the riders tackle three daunting climb to summit with over 2,000 meters it was demanding for sure with Nairo Quintana winning the mountain stage to Valloire. Meanwhile, Geraint Thomas, the defending champ rode away from the overall leader. Julian Alaphilippe on the final climb, but the yellow jersey wearer caught up with them in the end.

The Colombian Quintana attack some kilometers from the summit, the last climb though Galibier, he owned that one for sure. However, Alaphilippe will be spending a 14th day on Friday in yellow.

Hard work for these riders in the European heat wave while at the FINA World Swimming Championships in South Korea was really bad news for Lilly King out there. The American star swimming in lane four was disqualified from the 200 meter breaststroke prelim. She won the 3rd heat but failed to touch the wall with the hands at the same time in the first turn.

Her team had filed a formal protest denied by FINA's appeals process and then the matter was then escalated to a jury of appeal at the Kings request which she has since also lost.

Meanwhile, it was better luck for team USA's Women's 4 by 200 freestyle team, they picked up silver earlier, Australia winning gold and setting a new record in doing so, seven minutes, 41.50 seconds, and knocking 0.58 seconds off the previous mark set by China in 2009.

Days after the Irishman, Shane Lowry, won the Open at Royal Portrush, the news gets even better for Ireland. Adare Manor has been confirmed as the host course for the 2026 Ryder Cup. The deal struck between the Irish government and European tour organizers will bring the biennial tournament between Europe and the USA to Limerick.

The event was last staged in Ireland at The K Club near Dublin back in 2006. Europe will look to defend their title at next year's Ryder Cup in the United States at Whistling Straits in Wisconsin when the host will be hoping to finally dry their tears.

One of the world's biggest football stars is reportedly unhappy at his club but Neymar was all smiles with PSG teammates over in China.


[00:50:02] RILEY: Despite plenty of speculation about his future, the superstar Neymar has traveled with Paris Saint-Germain to China for preseason. Remember we told you on WORLD SPORT recently that the former Barcelona man failed to turn up from first day of training. Earlier this summer his coach Thomas Tuchel confirmed the forward wants out.

As the United is unbeaten preseason run continues after another good showing from Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's men. It was an old premier league affair against Tottenham Hotspur in a competitive International Champions Cup tie in Shanghai. Anthony Martial getting United the half-time lead before Spurs level through Lucas Moura's deflected Shaw's hand just as the game seemed destined for penalties.

Heurelho Gomes beating two defenders to fire home the winner. That strike completing a remarkable sequence of goals during the United, the four match tour of Australia and Asia. But, all 9 neither scored by or assisted by players develop by their economy, reason for cheer United fans. All right, Atletico Madrid are certainly making the most of their time in America for preseason away from their duties with their International Champion's Cup and upcoming MLS All-Star Game. They've had a chance to catch up with the Dallas Cowboys. The likes of Koke, the Atletico captain, having a bit of a laugh with some of the best in the NFL from the Jersey swaps to catching practice and also a visit to the trophy room admiring the five Super Bowl wins by the Cowboys. It really has be a summer of fun for the La Liga side. Next stop, New York.

And that's a city which is home to some of the biggest rivalries in the world. But on Friday, a whole new sporting dividers coming to the big apple which could make the New York Yankees versus the Boston Red Sox paling comparison, the Madrid derby is coming to New York on Friday for the 2019 International Champion's Cup Eli Mengem from our partners at COPA 90 went to New York as well as Madrid to talk to those and to know about the historic derby and also what it means for the fans all over to see this historic rivalry being played out of Europe, for the very first time.


ELI MENGEM, SCOUT REPORTER FOR COPA 90: New York City is played host to some of the greatest sporting rivalries in the world from Giants- Cowboys.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We hate the Cowboys.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't like Cowboys. We don't like them.

MENGEM: To the subway series.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: People are yelling at each other at the stairs, people are throwing food, beers at each other.

MENGEM: And of course, Yankees Red Sox.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I love the Red Sox.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's a rivalry. Don't you love --

MENGEM: But this summer, a sport divide on a whole another level is coming to the big apple. So they make anything you've seen at Giants or Yankee Stadium piling comparison.

And that's because on July 26th, the Madrid derby between Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid is coming to MetLife Stadium for the first time ever. And trust me. You're not going to want to miss this one.

Thanks to over a century of unbelievable moments brought upon by two clubs who are completely divided but on and off the pitch. But to get to the heart of this rivalry and find out why it coming to New York City is such a big deal? Well, there's only one place to go and that's to the home of it all, Madrid, Spain.

Now, when it comes to soccer rivalries in Spain, your first thought is probably El Clasico between Real Madrid and Barcelona. However, when you speak to most experts in the game here, you quickly come to realize that it's actually the Madrid derby between Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid that most people considered the ultimate Clasico in Spain.

SID LOWE, SPANISH FOOTBALL JOURNALIST: One of Real Madrid directors put this in great, great terms. El Clasico was 600 kilometers away. We didn't even smell them, the problem was Atletico right here in the city.

JAIME GONZALES CASTANO, ATLETICO MADRID SUPPORTER: Real Madrid I think was founded in 1902. We were founded 1903. It is a rivalry that has been on for well over 100 years.

MENGEM: And El Clasico may have taken over the headlines these days. The rivalry between Real and Atletico hasn't died down at all. But if you're looking at the last decade of soccer alone, it really shouldn't be of any surprises. These two teams have recently met in the biggest games, not just Spain, but of all the Champions League.

LOWE: And the fact that you get two teams in the European Cup Final, two out of three seasons from the same cities it never happened before.

MENGEM: In fact, these days you could say the Madrid derby means more than ever.

ROBERTO CARLOS, REAL MADRID LEGEND: (Speaking Foreign Language).

MENGEM: On one side, sit Real Madrid are powerhouse club and not just Spain, Europe but the entire world whose massive fan base expect nothing but consistent glory, triumph, and dominance whoever they face.

MARCO VERDASCO, REAL MADRID SUPPORTER: Madrid, has won 13 champion leagues. It's not even an argument that is the biggest team in the whole history of soccer.

MENGEM: And they expect that glory to be achieved with the biggest and best name in the game.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Alfredo Di Stefano.



[00:55:00] UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Sudan (ph).

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Cristiano Ronaldo.






MENGEM: Hence the nickname Galacticos, a turn board upon by the galaxy of stars that they in the mid 2000s and continue to posses today.

And then there's Galactico Madrid who despite being one of the biggest clubs in world soccer today have a fan base who take their pride, joy, and in fact identity from their strength and never ending support in the face of decades of adversity, feng shui what they considered curse existence that had seen some of the almost unlucky and unfortunate moments in the game, hence the nickname El Pupas or the cursed ones.

Despite their contrasting entities, both fan bases thought they embodied what it meant to be from the city.

LOWE: (INAUDIBLE) let's go fans and they hate Real Madrid. You know, they really do feel like Real Madrid is sum up everything is wrong with the world.

MENGEM: But truth is last season was actually forgettable for both sides of the city. But for clubs as big as these two, that situation was never going to be accepted and they responded in the off-season with hugely ambitious moves.

From the dugouts where Atletico Madrid have tied down their highly in demand coach to a brand new contract, to the pitch where some of the biggest names in world soccer have made Madrid their home which means these two sides first ever meeting in New York gets even more exciting in July 26th, won't just see a brand-new location for this derby but an introduction to their famous Madrid robbery hostilities for both clubs superstars.


RILEY: All right, so we know that Atletico Madrid have plenty of money to spend on replacements for their star striker, Antoine Griezmann. And we think we found the perfect signing for them as a "Catletico". Well, this is worth pressing, paws on late in the league's cup tournament match on Wednesday night to an MLS team Real Salt Lake and Liga and excited Tigres and a cat, yup, that's a cat, invaded the field. Our feline friend did some great work preventing a Tigres goal nearly taking the ball off, Andre-Pierre Gignac.

The last suit (ph) could not prevent Tigres from winning the match, 1- nil. Perhaps the cat will be available for Real Salt Lake's next match on Caturday. Yes, apologies for all of that, thanks for indulging us. That's it for WORLD SPORT, thanks for watching. Stay with us, the news is up next.