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Two Mass Shootings In America Within A 13-Hour Span. Texas. Aired 2-3p ET

Aired August 04, 2019 - 14:00   ET


[14:00:19] ANNOUNCER: This IS CNN breaking news.

FREDRICKA WHITFIELD, CNN HOST: Hello, everyone. Thank you so much for joining me this Sunday. I'm Fredricka Whitfield live at the CNN world headquarters in Atlanta along with my colleague, Jim Sciutto, who is in El Paso, Texas.

And we begin with two American cities reeling today and a nation devastated. A pair of mass shootings, one in El Paso, Texas, Saturday afternoon. The other in Dayton, Ohio, overnight which left a combined total of 29 people dead and more than 50 injured between these two mass shootings. The horrific bloodshed taking place in the span of just over 13 hours, as leaders in all of those cities and across the nation struggle to make sense of such violence.


MAYOR NAN WHALEY, DAYTON, OHIO: The suspect was wearing body armor and used an AK-like gun, assault rifle, .223 caliber with high- capacity magazines and had additional magazines with him as well. In less than one minute Dayton first responders neutralized the shooter. I'm just still completely amazed at the heroic nature of our police department.

ADRIA GONZALEZ, SHOOTING WITNESS: He didn't say anything, he just started -- he walked in and start shooting at everybody. That's when I ran back with my mom and I told her let's go, let's go, let's go. And I started to help the senior citizen, help her get out, and just getting people out of there. Just letting them know we need to exit out.

JOHN BASH, U.S. ATTORNEY WESTERN DISTRICT, TEXAS: We are treating it as a domestic terrorism case. And we are going to do what we do to terrorists in this country, which is deliver swift and certain justice.


WHITFIELD: Two mass shootings, two American cities, Dayton, Ohio, El Paso, Texas. In El Paso, distinctive clarification from officials that they are treating this as a hate crime, domestic terrorism. My colleague, Jim Sciutto, has our coverage from El Paso, Texas -- Jim.

JIM SCIUTTO, CNN HOST: Well, Fred, what else can we say but here we are again. It's another otherwise peaceful American community scarred by gun violence. I spoke to a resident earlier today who's lived here all his life and said that he and his family have always felt safe here. Safe from crime, safe from gun violence, no longer. And as you look at this scene behind me, all too familiar the flowers out front, the police cars.

There is still blood on the floor of that Walmart behind me, blood on the sidewalks in front of it. The local police chief says when he came to the scene he was overwhelmed by the smell of blood. Those are the facts of a mass shooting, a massacre like this.

And we should be clear about two things as you said, Fred. One, we are identifying the 21-year-old white male shooter as a white supremacist based on his writings. He apparently went in there wanting to kill Hispanics. That was his goal.

Two, we are calling this an act of domestic terrorism, as local law enforcement, as federal law enforcement is. A white supremacist guilty of an act of domestic terrorism and that's how we're covering this story today and will continue to.

I'm joined by Ed Lavandera. He was on the scene within hours of the shooting yesterday. I know you and I have covered so many incidents like this in the past several years. There's familiarity to it, but every community is different and every crime is different. Tell us what you are learning today about the shooting.

ED LAVANDERA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, we have learned that he has been booked on capital murder charges, which in the state of Texas means that he could very well face the death penalty. And obviously federal investigators are also carrying on a parallel investigation as well. What comes of that isn't exactly clear at this point, but local authorities are taking the lead on all of this, so capital murder charges on the table. And that means in Texas the death penalty.

Local officials released the mug shot of this suspect earlier today as the police chief was talking about that gruesome experience of walking into there, into this Walmart. We do know that this suspect has been talking with investigators since he was taken into custody. In fact he had turned himself in to a investigator, to cop here just moments after the shooting just up the road from where we are standing about two blocks away from this shooting scene. So you can imagine in the chaos of that moment here yesterday that this guy just nonchalantly approaches an officer and turns himself in. That's when he was taken into custody. But that is a gruesome scene.

We were told that the victims' bodies are probably still in there at this point as they continue to do the forensic work and piece everything together. And I have spoken with several people here in town who are still waiting to hear from their loved ones.

One family in particular, there is two children looking for their 86- year-old mother who was in the store. She was on the cell phone with another relative four minutes before the shooting happened. They have not heard from her.

[14:05:29] SCIUTTO: Nothing? LAVANDERA: Nothing.

SCIUTTO: Are authorities helping families out in those conditions to give them some sense of whether they are injured or dead?

LAVANDERA: There's a meeting place and they are at that location to get this information. They are still waiting on it. Obviously this family is bracing for the worst news right now.

SCIUTTO: And we know as you were saying the suspect is speaking to police. Do we know what he's saying to police about this?

LAVANDERA: Well, it's hard to say at this point. We know some of the details about the manifesto and the racial motivation for wanting to target those victims. It's not exactly clear if that's carried on into the conversations directly with investigators. So we are still trying to piece that together.

SCIUTTO: Ed, we know you will be on the story.

So Fred, imagine that, the family still without the knowledge at this point some of them about the fate of their loved ones. Are they injured? Are they dead? The pain in this community really just beginning.

WHITFIELD: Right. And it's a horrible presumption that comes with not knowing, not being able to contact those family members at a place so central to the El Paso community.

All right, thank you so much, Jim Sciutto. We will check back with you.

And Ed Lavandera, we appreciate it.

Now to Dayton, Ohio, where we are learning new information about the victims and the gunman in this second deadly mass shooting in just a matter of hours. Geographically different locations, but the pain is a constant common one.

The lone gunman is identified as 24-year-old Connor Bets. Authorities say he opened fire in downtown Dayton's busy nightclub district killing nine people. And we are learning one of the women killed is the gunman's 22-year-old sister. Dozens of people were also injured. Officials say the suspect was wearing body armor and started shooting as he made his way toward a bar. But in less than a minute of the gunfire ringing out, police in the area responded and killed the shooter.

CNN's Polo Sandoval is in Dayton.

So Polo, what more can you tell us knowing now that one of the victims was the suspect's sister. Are officials saying anything more about whether there's a link to that and the suspect's motivation?

POLO SANDOVAL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes. To answer your question, Fred, here on the ground at the site of the nation's latest mass shooting, there's a sense we may not have to wait until tomorrow before we learn more about a possible motive.

Just a little while ago, they hinted they do expect to release some significant information that could potentially touch on just that, a potential motive here by 4:00, so that's in less than two hours. So we will be looking out for that.

In the meantime that latest update, authorities releasing the names of the nine people who were gunned down a few blocks from where I'm standing just beyond the city vehicle at the site of that shooting here. Authorities releasing their identities. Their ages ranging from 22 to 57. And you just mentioned the youngest, actually the victim's own sister as well as the sister's boyfriend.

Investigators, though, not going as far as to say whether or not she could have potentially been targeted. But again we do expect more information touching on just that. But as you mentioned, it was this morning about 1:00 in the morning when the gunman, a 24-year-old local man, came here with body armor, with a rifle, and multiple ammunition magazines and opened fire, shooting and killing those nine people.

Here at the site, though, Fred, I have to tell you it's certainly eerie. This is supposed to be a vibrant part of downtown Dayton, on a Sunday afternoon likely with two people walking up and down, Fifth Street which is where the shooting happened, not just on the street but on the sidewalk. But instead it's now expected to be the setting of a memorial, of a vigil that will happen tonight at 8:00, Fred.

WHITFIELD: All right. Polo Sandoval, we will check back with you. Thank you so much.

All right. Still ahead, El Paso, Texas, reeling after that deadly shooting that killed 20 people. We will talk live to a Texas state legislator about how this community is coping and the outpouring of generosity and support that they have seen in the wake of that violent rampage.


[14:13:07] SCIUTTO: I'm Jim Sciutto in El Paso, Texas, outside of the Walmart here which remains a crime scene. There is still bodies on the floor, blood on the floor, police outside. We have been seeing people come up one by one to leave flowers, a small memorial to the 20 victims of this attack.

Let's say this clearly, the shooter, a 21-year-old white male, a white supremacist based on his manifestos posted prior to this crime. And local law enforcement and federal law enforcement treating this not only as a hate crime but an act of domestic terrorism. We are going to stay on this story.

As we do, we have been speaking to local politicians. I'm joined pie one of them. He is state senator Jose Rodriguez. He represents this part of El Paso in the Texas state Senate. He is also a native of El Paso.

I want to ask you first about the families here because we have been hearing that some of them still don't know the fate of their loved ones who were inside the Walmart. Just disturbing, alarming, heartbreaking to hear. You have been in touch with some of the families. What are they telling you?

JOSE RODRIGUEZ (D), TEXAS STATE SENATOR: Well, I think the families are all distraught, needless to say, having their loved ones spending the night in the parking lot deceased without them being able to get to them. Families over at the middle school, which is a central area for families to come and wait for news of their loved ones.

It is a tragic, tragic event here in El Paso. It's a sad day. But I'm very proud of the first responders, the police law enforcement and other members of the community that have come together to console the families, to offer support to the families. Our Paso community foundation just advised me they have collected up to $200,000 already in a fund that was established. I saw in the local news this morning that several of the funeral homes are offering free funeral services.

And so this is what El Paso is all about. We all, of course, don't want to see this happen, not just in El Paso but anywhere else. We are going to have to think long and hard about taking some real concrete steps. We talk about this every time there's a mass shooting.

[14:15:23] SCIUTTO: We do.

RODRIGUEZ: We give them -- offer prayers and consolation to the families. Obviously that's not enough. We have to do more.

SCIUTTO: Yes. As you mentioned that you often see the best of communities like this in the worst of circumstances. We got a little taste of it when a father and his daughter brought us some food and cold drinks as a welcome here as we cover this.


SCIUTTO: Let me ask you about the motivation for this because this was a white supremacist. He made postings targeting Hispanics. Those were his targets here. In fact he's not from here. He came here specifically on a town that's right here on the border with Mexico. That is Mexico you can see just beyond, a couple of miles away.

RODRIGUEZ: That's it.

SCIUTTO: Tell us about that hate and your reaction to that hate.

RODRIGUEZ: Well, unfortunately that hate has been growing in this country for quite some time. Driven as we all know by President Trump himself.

SCIUTTO: You are saying the president adds to that hatred.

RODRIGUEZ: There's no question about it. I think his comments over a period of time have indicated his animosity towards people of color. He starts his campaign by calling Mexicans rapists and criminals. He has continued ever since against Muslims, against different people of color. So it's not just starts at the top. And we have some of that rhetoric here in the state of Texas as well. We have heard that from some of our state leadership, unfortunately. And that's not something that we should tolerate. That's something that we as a society, not just here in Texas but across the country, need to come to terms with. We need to do something more than just offering prayers and consolation to the families.

SCIUTTO: That addresses the motivation. Then there was the weapon. It appears it was a long rifle, based on the speed with which he was able to kill so many people. It looks like you will have another situation with a high-powered rifle, high-capacity magazines perhaps. Tell us in the state of Texas, which values its gun rights, the chances of passing legislation measures to limit access to particular kinds of weapons. Is that a nonstarter here?

RODRIGUEZ: That's almost -- that is a nonstarter here, unfortunately.

SCIUTTO: Even after something like this.

RODRIGUEZ: The state leadership has just not -- even after Parkland. After Parkland, some of us decided we would introduce measures in the Texas legislature this session that just concluded to provide some common-sense gun violence prevention. I have been filing those types of bills since three sessions ago. And this last session I had a red flag law, one of those that would deny guns to people who exhibit tendencies to have violence against themselves or others or a history of violence. And didn't even get a hearing. I had another bill that related to gun storage. Just last week we had another young kid kill himself finding a gun at home. We have lax gun laws in this state.

SCIUTTO: Does something like that change that?

RODRIGUEZ: Well, it hasn't changed it up to this point. I am hopeful, Jim, that this kind of mass shooting here in El Paso and up in Ohio and the two last week finally begin to have people realize that we have got to do more than this. We can't allow this to continue.

So I think there's a lot more we can do in legislation. Texas is a gun culture state, unfortunately. It's gone in my view way to the extreme of allowing guns. Open carry, conceal carry, campus carry. There were bills that passed. No gun prevention bills, but there were bills that passed that allowed guns in churches for the first time. Bills that allow more people in schools even to carry guns, school marshals. Bills that make it easier for people to obtain guns.


RODRIGUEZ: So this is -- this is not -- this is not acceptable. And I think we need to hold people to account for not doing our job to make sure that we do everything that we can.

I just heard that some people, as you know, blame mental health concerns. This morning I heard that one of our leaders said, well, it's video games and social media that are contributing to this. And we need to do something about that. I mean we have a culture of violence in this country. Yes, it's

driven by video games, by movies, by TV, by organizations, but it's also in my view, and it's been my long standing view, the proliferation of guns. We are the only society in the world that allows these many guns on the street.

[14:20:29] SCIUTTO: Well, we'll see if this is a tragedy that changes that dynamic. We have been here many times before and of course the patter remains the same.

State senator Jose Rodriguez, we appreciate you taking the time. And we are sorry for what your community is going through.

RODRIGUEZ: Thank you. I appreciate that.

SCIUTTO: We wish you the best and the people you represent.

RODRIGUEZ: Yes, sir.

SCIUTTO: We are going to continue to stay on this story as we learn more about the shooter, what he is telling police. We understand he is cooperating with police, but also how the families are learning of did their loved ones survive or were they lost in that Walmart behind me.

We will be right back.


[14:24:43] WHITFIELD: All right. Welcome back now with this breaking news on two deadly mass shootings. Both tragedies happening within a span of 13 hours. The first in El Paso, Texas, at a crowded Walmart where families were back-to-school shopping. Twenty people died and dozens of others were injured. The 21-year-old suspect has been booked on state capital murder charges.

The second shooting happening in Dayton, Ohio, as people were enjoying a night out in the downtown area. Nine people were killed, including the gunman's own sister. Police shot and killed the suspect in less than a minute of him opening fire.


[14:25:22] GOV. MIKE DEWINE, OHIO: All the victims are from our own backyard too. And so, you know, this is just an immense tragedy. You know, no matter where the victims are from, they Are victims and our heart goes out to the families, but this is -- this is a Miami valley tragedy.


WHITFIELD: Two tragedies, two separate cities, and endless questions.

My colleague, Jim Sciutto, is in El Paso, Texas, where that investigation into the shooting there at that Walmart is under way.

So, Jim, I know people are confused and perplexed. They are hurting. I mean, just a host of emotions.

SCIUTTO: Absolutely, Fred. And one of the most troubling parts of that is that many families still in the dark about the fate of their loved ones, who may have been injured, may have been killed.

That is still a crime scene behind me in the Walmart. The bodies still there because it's a crime scene, they need to gather the evidence, collect the forensics to chronicle the crime, particularly since they have a suspect in custody.

Now a 21-year-old white man, a white supremacist based on his manifesto posted before this shooting. Local law enforcement, federal law enforcement referring to it as an act, not just a hate crime, but an act of domestic terrorism.

Our Shimon Prokupecz, justice reporter, has been following the story from Washington where federal authorities are getting involved.

And Shimon, so many weapons used, the motivation, the manifesto. Let's start first with what this suspect wrote before this about who specifically he was targeting here.

SHIMON PROKUPECZ, CNN CRIME AND JUSTICE REPORTER: Certainly targeting they believe, and based on the interviews that they have already conducted with the suspect, based on this manifesto, that by all accounts, everyone thinks came from him, that he was targeting Mexicans, that he was targeting Hispanics here in this shooting and that's why we're seeing authorities say this is a hate crime. That they are going to be investigating this as a hate crime.

Significant that we heard from the U.S. attorney's office already there in El Paso very likely that they are going to bring charges in this case, hate crime charges. There aren't any direct domestic terrorism charges in this country, but what happens is usually authorities try to find other ways to bring charges against people they suspect are involved in domestic terrorism. And that's where the hate crimes come in. Sometimes gun charges. So that's what we're seeing in terms of the federal authorities and where they're going to come in. So that is significant because you have the FBI heavily involved in this and they already have a lot of information.

As we said, we have the manifesto. We have the suspect, the shooter in this case, in his own words talking to authorities, providing information to them. Obviously they have been able to corroborate a lot of that. And so we should be seeing some charges here probably in the next 24 hours, Jim.

SCIUTTO: You mentioned how his target was Mexicans. Just so folks are aware of the geography here, virtually all of the city you see behind me there is actually Mexico. It's Juarez. The border just a mile or two away. And this Walmart was one that people would come across the border, shop during the day and then return home at night, so it's very likely that you have in that Walmart at the time and among the victims Mexican nationals as well as Americans.

Shimon, let's speak about what we know about the weapon here. I know it's early, but this much dead, this many injured in so short a period of time tends to indicate a certain category of weapon.

PROKUPECZ: Definitely high-powered. And we have seen authorities say that a long gun, a rifle. What's not entirely clear is whether this was a semiautomatic, whether it was automatic. How rapidly was he firing? Did he have any additional ammo? Did he bring extended magazines into this? That is still something that we don't know.

However, we have been told and authorities have been saying that this was a long rifle, an assault weapon, highly powerful. There's even a photo of him in that Walmart with it. So it's very significant. They say, though, that he purchased it legally so there's no issues in terms of the purchase as far as authorities see right now. But of course the weapon that was used in this is going to be significant, is going to be something that certainly folks are going to talk about.

SCIUTTO: No question. And then the question is these oftentimes are similar to weapons of war. They can cause than enormous amount of carnage in a short amount of time.

Shimon Prokupecz, good to have you on the story.

We will come back to him with updates as federal authorities learn more about this shooting here. We are outside yet another American crime scene, another mass shooting. One of the deadliest in fact in American history.

We are going to stay on this story. Stay with us.


[14:33:53] WHITFIELD: Welcome back. Two mass shootings in America within a 13-hour span. And now we are receiving surveillance video from the Dayton, Ohio, shooting that took place just after 1:00 a.m. And we do want to warn you, it is troubling, it is upsetting video, but this is surveillance video on the street there on the sidewalk depicting what took place when a gunman who is now identified as a 24- year-old opened fire.

People were running for their lives there. Sadly, so many were hit. Nine people in all were killed and now police have at least revealed the identical of the 24-year-old gunman. And among those nine killed there at Dayton, Ohio, at a busy nightclub area there in Dayton, his 22-year-old sister among those killed. And of course, we are still awaiting more about the motivation behind this shooting.

This shooting took place 13 hours after that horrific deadly shooting at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, earlier on Saturday. Two people there killed.

And so as a result of these two shootings, we are hearing from the president of the United States on these tragedies tweeting God bless the people of El Paso and Dayton. The President referring to the El Paso shooting as an act of cowardice. A twitter account linked to the Texas shooting suspect showed the suspect retweeting the President's posts about the border wall and memes disparaging house speaker Nancy Pelosi. The gunman in the El Paso case is in custody. And today a number of 2020 Democrats vying for a seat in the White

House placing blame on President Trump and his racist rhetoric.


BETO O'ROURKE (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Let's not mince words right now. This President is encouraging greater racism, and not just the racist rhetoric, but the violence that so often follows.

MAYOR PETE BUTTIGIEG (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: It is very clear that this kind of hate is being legitimized from on high. And if that were not true, the president would be acting and speaking very, very differently than what he's doing right now.

JULIAN CASTRO (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: And there is no question that this president is setting a tone of division and fanning the flames of bigotry and of hate.

SEN. CORY BOOKER (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Donald Trump is responsible for this. He is responsible because he is stoking fears and hatred and bigotry. He is responsible because he is failing to condemn white supremacy and see it as it is, which is responsible for such a significant amount of the terrorist attacks. He is responsible because he is president of the United States and has failed to do anything significant to stop the mass availability of weapons to people who intend to do harm.

And lastly, he is responsible because leaders take responsibility. We are responsible for each other in this culture, in this society. And our president in the highest moral position in the land should be taking responsibility in this painful, difficult moment and coming forward and telling us what he will do to address hate, to address white supremacy, to address the availability of guns and this mass violence. His talking about the cowardice of others is more of a reflection of his failure to take responsibility and cowardice in a time we need courageous leadership.


WHITFIELD: Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff pushed back that the president is fanning the flames of white nationalism.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do you say to Americans who look at what happened in El Paso and say that the president's rhetoric is in part to blame? What do you say to those Americans? You know there are many.

MICK MULVANEY, THE ACTING WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: The President is just as saddened by this as you are. The President is just as angry about this as you are and wants to do something about it just as much as everybody else does.

I hate to draw attention to the manifesto, but if you actually go and look at it, what the guy says is that he has felt this way a long time before Donald Trump got elected president. This was a sick person. The person in Dayton was a sick person. No politician is to blame for that. The people responsible here are the people who pulled the trigger. We need to figure out how to create less of those kinds of people as a society and not trying to figure out who gets blamed going into the next election.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I want to read you something that George P. Bush said yesterday. He said there have now been multiple attacks from self-declared white terrorists here in the U.S. in the last several months. This is a real -- there is a real and present threat that we must all denounce and defeat.

Mick, why has the President downplayed the threat of white nationalism?

MULVANEY: I don't think he has. Go look at what he said yesterday.


MULVANEY He condemned this without any reservation whatsoever, John, so I don't think that's fair.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Can I read the President's words? Because back in March he was asked directly, do you see today white nationalism as a rising threat around the world? And his answer, I don't really. I think it's a small group of people that have a very, very serious problem. He downplayed the threat of white nationalism. Was he wrong to do that?

MULVANEY: No. I don't believe that's downplaying it. And look at what he said.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He said I don't really when asked if it's rising.

MULVANEY: Read the last sentence. I know I have it in front of me. This is a small group of people. Finish the sentence.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'll read the whole thing again. He was asked directly. Do you see white nationalism as a rising threat around the world? His answer, I don't really. I think it's a small group of people that have a very, very serious problem.

MULVANEY: That's exactly -- look, this is not the same as international sort of nuclear weapons. This is a serious problem, there's no question about it, but they are sick, sick people. And the President knows that. So again, John, I don't think it's fair to try and lay this at the feet of the President.


WHITFIELD: All right. Let's bring in CNN senior political analyst Ryan Lizza.

So you know, Ryan, Mick Mulvaney, you know, keeps using in this, you know, exchange words like, you know, this cancer, sick people, sick people do this kind of stuff, but is that the kind of message likely to come from the President? You know, a label for the gunman or the act but nothing about the root, the contributing causes, the remedy.

[14:40:10] RYAN LIZZA, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: Yes, you see a real difference from the White House in how they treat, say, Islamic terrorism or groups like Al-Qaeda and treat it as a more systemic issue with a fixed ideology and focus a lot on radicalization and how they say what happened in El Paso yesterday, which is to just talk about a lone wolf, a crazy person, someone who had these views previously. And those things may all be true, but most terrorism researchers and most people who are looking at this problem carefully see it a lot more and think that we all should see it a lot more the way we see a group like Al-Qaeda. That there's an ideology behind this. People are being radicalized online. And national leaders, people who are influential, can help push people one way or the other, depending on how they talk about this issue. And Trump -- go ahead.

WHITFIELD: And Ryan, we are talking about it's a little bit more than 24 hours now after that happened. You know, we have seen a tweet coming from the President. You saw Mick Mulvaney, chief of staff, coming on the Sunday shows today.


WHITFIELD: But this is a huge lapse of time, is it not, for the president at this point to say something with some real clarity after law enforcement with great distinction has now said this is a domestic terrorist attack. There was a manifest that helps underscore the motivation of this person, and now as the nation is hurting, you have heard from candidates who are vying for a position, you have heard from lawmakers, leaders of all walks saying with real clarity how painful and hurtful this is, and nothing from the president as yet.

LIZZA: Yes, I think --

WHITFIELD: Like in front of the camera. You know, speaking to the nation.

LIZZA: Yes. There are two things missing. It's really what's missing from his statements, which have mostly been via tweet so far. One is describing this as a white supremacist -- white supremacy, domestic terrorist attack. That's for some reason missing in his language. And two is playing the role that we're used to president is playing, which is some kind of leading a national conversation about this. You know, the cliche is, I guess, consoler in chief.

WHITFIELD: Calming, comforting, giving hope that, you know, this is not the norm. This shouldn't be the norm, that there is a better day ahead.

LIZZA: This was a terrorist attack. This was a terrorist attack. And if someone from the Middle East had gone and blown up a place, there was a suicide bombing and killed this many people, it would be treated differently by the White House. And you are seeing a real split among Republicans, by people who are treating it like domestic terrorism, people like George p. Bush. I was just looking at some of Ted Cruz's comments.

WHITFIELD: Well, heard earlier, you know, Tim Scott, South Carolina Republican. I mean, they had some very -- real messages of clarity, you know, that this should not be tolerated. This is exactly what it appears to be, based on what law enforcement has already told us, an act of terror, domestic terror.

LIZZA: And it is bizarre that there should be any kind of partisan split about that. And when I look at Trump's comments, I see a lot of defensiveness. I think he sees Democrats criticizing him and that gets him in some kind of defensive crouch and he doesn't want to talk about it the way that everyone else is. So the way he is treating this is not the way that a traditional president would treat it.

WHITFIELD: So the President has tweeted, his daughter has tweeted just moments ago. Ivanka Trump tweeting this. White supremacy, like all other forms of terrorism, is an evil that must be destroyed.

So we are hearing from the president's daughter but not the president. I mean, well, the same fashion, we are hearing from the president and the daughter via tweet, but it's the president who needs to get out in front. And I'm surprised that whether it's his chief of staff or somebody, you know, wouldn't be encouraging that. I mean, why is the President potentially missing this opportunity of immediacy?

LIZZA: I don't know, Fred. I don't know why. But we do know that he has made a series of comments over the last few years that at the very least certainly haven't helped stop white supremacy. He was at a rally recently in Florida and someone shouted out "shoot them" when he was talking about people crossing the border and he made a joke about it. The other day on twitter he made a joke about an African-American congressman's house getting robbed. He has described most immigrants from south of the border in ways that treat them like criminals.

[14:45:20] WHITFIELD: And I can't tell if that means, Ryan, you know, the examples that you cite, and we all have been --

LIZZA: I have got 10, 20 more.

WHITFIELD: Yes, I can't tell if that means he doesn't realize the power of his potential influence or that he does realize that he is influential and wants to use that cacophony to speak on his behalf. It's so confusing. I just don't understand what that means when you have the power to, you know, you have the power to either quiet or, you know, calm, coax, and you don't use that power in a positive fashion.

LIZZA: So one possibility is that he's just simply a racist, so that's what we are getting from the president in those moments. Another possibility that the people discuss quite frequently is that given the demographic divide between the two parties, he -- to succeed electorally, he needs to stir up more frankly white voters because of -- because nonwhite voters have fled him in such great numbers and that this is more of a political strategy, so he feels like talking about white supremacy. I can't believe he thinks talking about white supremacy is somehow politically bad for him. Either way, it's a really, really bad place for the country to be when the president can't confront this issue head on.

WHITFIELD: Yes. And we are having this conversation because in moments like this, we have plenty of reference points, whether it's 9/11 and the comfort from the president of the United States, George W. Bush at the moment, and how he handled it, or after Sandy Hook, Newtown, how president Barack Obama handled it and helped by way of the way in which they handled it helped a nation try to grapple or fig out, you know, what's next. That's what's missing here and that's what's really important to happen here right now.

Ryan Lizza, thank you so much. Appreciate it.

LIZZA: Thanks, Fred.

WHITFIELD: And we will be right back.


[14:51:31] SCIUTTO: We are here live in El Paso outside what remains an active crime scene on an act of domestic terrorism. The Walmart there still contains the bodies, the victims of this, one of the most deadly shootings in recent memory here in the U.S. Families still waiting to find out if their loved ones survived this shooting. Many still don't know at this hour.

Three times in eight days a mass shooting in America. Last Sunday in Gilroy, California. Yesterday here in El Paso, Texas, and again now overnight in Dayton, Ohio. A scourge of gun violence in this country. You might be asking at home what's happening here, what can be done about it.

We are joined now by Dr. Lina Alathari. She is the head of the assessment center that has just completed a study about mass shootings. We are glad to have the doctor Alathari with us here to tell us what you learned.

And Dr. Alathari, what have you learned and in the simplest terms are shootings like this becoming more common in this country?

DR. LINA ALATHARI, CHIEF, NATIONAL THREAT ASSESSMENT, CENTER OF U.S. SECRET SERVICE: Yes, thank you for having us. I would like to start by offering the condolences on behalf of the men and women of the secret service to the families of the victims and the communities that are impacted.

And to answer your question, I want you to know that the secret service national threat assessment center has been studying these types of attacks for the last 20 years. And while I can tell you there is no single one type of profile of the type individual that might carry out this attack. And as you see in the report we released this year and similarly the mass attacks report that we have released last year, they vary in age, in demographics and so on, but we do see some commonalities in the backgrounds of these offenders that I think offer us opportunities for prevention. That includes concerning behavior, communications they may have made, but also some of the situations in their lives such as significant stressors and other aspects and circumstances.

SCIUTTO: OK. That's fair. That gets to the profile. We do know from justice department statistics, though, that incidents of domestic terrorism driven by white supremacy are on the rise. As you look at mass shootings, is white supremacy, white supremacist feelings, we know that the shooter here in El Paso made a posting referencing that, talking about his animus towards Mexicans, specifically targeting Mexicans in this attack. Is white supremacy increasingly a driving force for shootings like this?

ALATHARI: We haven't studied that specifically. I can tell you from the report the secret service put out last year and one this year, they are instance tents of ideologically motivated violence in the report, such as the tree of life synagogue tragedy that happened this year and some of last year's attacks as well. However, there are other types of attacks motivated by workplace violence, domestic violence. And I will tell you over and over we see that one of the main motives for why people engage in this kind of violence, whether it's ideologically motivated, workplace violence or domestic violence driven is to retaliate for some kind of perceived personal wrong or real personal wrong they felt was done to them. Whether it's related to a domestic issue, whether it's related to personal issues or might be related to workplace or other issues within their families or their work environment.

SCIUTTO: OK. Well, we know that this shooter posted a lot about a perceived wrong committed upon him by immigrants to this country. That fed into his motivation based on his public postings.

Let me ask you about weapons here because you look, for instance, at the Dayton, Ohio, shooting. In less than a minute the shooter was able to kill nine people. We know that he had a long rifle, a high- capacity heavy magazine weapon, a .223. How often do you see such weapons involved in mass shootings, and how do they contribute to the depth of the violence and the number of victims?

[14:55:29] ALATHARI: Looking at weapons in the research that we have done, we study obviously how the incidents are carried out and tactics. And like you said, we know that the majority of these incidents end in under five minutes. And so we know that law enforcement response is important, but we also want to focus on prevention and identifying these individuals before they even show up at a site or think of violence as an option.

SCIUTTO: But the weapon is obviously a factor, is it not. If law enforcement can get there in less than a minute and the shooter can still kill nine people. Is that -- in the data is the weapon a factor in increasing the number of victim in these shootings?

ALATHARI: We know that from the last two reports that we put out that handguns were used most often in these types of attacks. They are more obviously high-capacity weapons were used as well. It's not an area I'm an expert in. I defer to law enforcement on that. But I will tell you t hat what we want to focus on is prevention.

We know that these individuals are eliciting concerns in the community, whether it's through social media or someone is talking to them and they are airing their grievances. And in fact, in last year's report, over 50 percent had elicited concerns for safety issues. So these are people on the radar for various behaviors and communications, which is why at the secret service we advocate the same approach that we use to protect the president and to protect our interests in protecting the communities. We call that a threat assessment. Identify, assess and intervene.

SCIUTTO: In prevention, does preventing -- but is part of prevention preventing certain types of weapons from getting in the hands of people like this?

ALATHARI: What we can tell you is we take a holistic approach. So if we are concern about an individual and if someone in the community is concern, one of the things you want to ask about is has their behavior been deteriorating? Are they posting online? Are they making threats? Are they suicidal? Are there depressive symptoms? Whether it's a school kid or someone in the community. And you also want to know if they have access to weapons because obviously if you are extremely concerned about somebody, that is one of the factors that you want to be accounting for.

SCIUTTO: Yes. For sure so they don't get them in their hands.

Dr. Lina Alathari with the U.S. secret service, we appreciate your time.

Please stay with us. We are going to stay on all we are learning as the shooter here in El Paso speaks to authorities here. What we learned from him, his motivation and also what families are learning about their loved ones, many of whom are still missing. Stay with us.