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Americans Head Outdoors on Memorial Day Weekend; Arkansas: 'Second Peak' in Cases after Increased Testing; Brazil Has Second Highest Number of Cases Worldwide; China's Controversial Hong Kong Proposal Set for Approval This Week; Trump to Lay Wreath at Arlington Cemetery; Japan Set to End State of Emergency; Domestic Flights Resume Across India; U.K.'s P.M. Defends Top Advisor's Alleged Lockdown Breach; Trial Against Netanyahu Begins. Aired 12-1a ET

Aired May 25, 2020 - 00:00   ET


MICHAEL HOLMES, CNN ANCHOR: Hello and welcome, everyone. I'm Michael Holmes. And coming up here on CNN NEWSROOM, crowds in the U.S. are packing the beaches this holiday weekend, as fears grow it could result in an early second wave.


Greeting crowds with apparently no mask, Brazil's president copes with growing cases and new travel restrictions.

Also, protesters in Hong Kong met with tear gas. Will this be the end of one country, two systems?

Welcome, everyone. It is Memorial Day in the United States, and millions of Americans have been marking the holiday by heading outdoors, even as the coronavirus continues to claim lives.

Over the weekend, dozens flocked to beaches in South Carolina, few of them wearing masks, but most trying to keep a safe distance from one another.

That was not the case at this pool party in Missouri. As you can see, dozens of tourists crammed together, in clear violation of safety guidelines. Officials have warned the virus can spread through people in proximity like this.


DR. DEBORAH BIRX, WHITE HOUSE CORONAVIRUS TASK FORCE COORDINATOR: We've made it clear that there's asymptomatic spread. And that means that people are spreading the virus unknowingly. And this is unusual in the case of respiratory diseases, in many cases.

So you don't know who's infected, and so we really want to be clear all the time that social distancing is absolutely critical. And if you can't social distance, and you're outside, you must wear a mask. These are items that are really critical to protect individuals.

(END VIDEO CLIP) HOLMES: Meanwhile, some churches in the U.S. have started to reopen days after President Trump called them essential. Despite warnings, many people attending mass on Sundays, most of them wearing face masks, not all.

But in Brazil, the president took off his own mask when he greeted supporters. He has repeatedly ignored safety guidelines, even though Brazil has the second most infections in the world.

The U.S. has now suspended entry to travelers from Brazil for two weeks.

And in the U.K., the prime minister is standing by an adviser accused of breaching lockdown measures there. Boris Johnson says Dominic Cummings acted legally when he traveled out of London with his wife, who had coronavirus symptoms, and their 4-year-old son.

Mr. Johnson says Cummings will not resign.

As the U.S. continues to ease restrictions, some Americans are taking extra measures to remain safe.

CNN's Rosa Flores tells us what beachgoers in Florida were doing.


ROSA FLORES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: I'm in Pensacola Beach, Florida, and I want to show you around. Because here's what people are doing to make sure that they social distance.

If you look behind me, you'll see the umbrellas are separated by more than six feet apart. Now, this allows families to have a good time, intermingle, but also, social distance. And that way, they don't have to be intermingling with other families.

Now, this is definitely a downward scale from what Memorial Day weekend normally is here in Pensacola. I talked to the county commissioner that represents this area, and he says, normally, this beach would be shoulder to shoulder. There would be concerts going on.

At the other end of the island, Pride Week would also be going on, which brings out about 50,000 people. So this is definitely a downgrade in the number of people.

But take a look at the numbers, because he was able to help us out with some figures. If you compare Memorial Day weekend 2019 to 2020, it almost looks the same.

Take a look at these numbers. From Thursday to Monday, according to this commissioner, there was about 85,000 cars that drove into Pensacola last year. This year, he was able to get the numbers for us from Friday to Sunday, at about 1:50 p.m., and that's about 50,000 cars.

But if you just compare Saturday, it's about 20,000 cars coming in to Pensacola. Now, this is a very drivable beach, because people from Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, Tennessee, drive to this beach for Memorial Day weekend.

Now, I asked this commissioner the obvious question: Is he concerned about the spread of the coronavirus? And here's what he said.

ROBERT BENDER, ESCAMBIA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER: It's something we are concerned about. This is why we closed the beaches to begin with in March. But of course, as we learn more about it, as people know more about the symptoms, and what to do. We've been very fortunate that we've had a lot of testing available here. And so, if people are experiencing any types of symptoms or anything like that, then they need to get tested, if they come.

FLORES: According to the county commissioner, 34 lifeguards have been on duty throughout Memorial Day weekend, and if you look around me, you'll see that a lot of social distancing is going on, but not very many people are wearing masks. And that's because, while social distancing is required, masks are not.

Rosa Flores, CNN, Pensacola Beach, Florida.


HOLMES: Meanwhile, several U.S. states are seeing a surge in new infections. Over the weekend, the Arkansas governor said his state is experiencing a second peak, which he attributed to more testing.

CNN's Ed Lavandera has the details.


ED LAVANDERA, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Arkansas is one of the few states in the country where the governor did not issue a stay-at- home order for its residence. They did have restrictions put on businesses and restaurants, and schools were closed, but that is one of the reasons why this second wave here, as the governor here is describing it, of coronavirus infections, is concerning.

This started on Thursday of last week. The governor says that more testing is being done of the coronavirus, and it's one of the reasons why they're seeing the second wave.

Four hundred and fifth case or so reported last Thursday. Another 150 on Friday, then 160 about on Saturday. The case totals were a little bit lower on Sunday, but that could have something to do with the way weekend test results are reported.

So we'll have to see how this continues to play out here in the coming days.

But the governor has described it as a second wave. He says one of the silver linings here is that the positive infection rate of these tests, and the hospitalization rates for the virus, remain low.

So by and large, the state of Arkansas has not seen the case numbers, and the death totals as high as many other places in the country. And the governor here says that the state and its residents must learn to manage and learn to essentially live with this virus here for the months to come.

Ed Lavandera, CNN, Little Rock, Arkansas


HOLMES: Well, as the U.S. continues to reopen over the holiday weekend, health experts are reminding the public not to let their guard down and continue that social distancing.

For more on that, I'm joined by Dr. Jorge Rodriguez in Los Angeles, an internal medicine and viral specialist.

Always a pleasure, sir.

I think when you look at some of the video of the gatherings at the weekend, that Missouri pool party, the Arkansas cluster that's being reported, another one in Atlanta after students at a party, how do you react to some of these images this weekend? Do you expect spikes in a couple of weeks?

DR. JORGE RODRIGUEZ, INTERNAL MEDICINE AND VIRAL SPECIALIST: Yes. I do. And I react to them, actually. I've become very depressed and frustrated by this. Because those actions are both ignorant, selfish, and dangerous at the end of the day.

I think Dr. Birx said that the virus is asymptomatic, and I'm not sure if people realize what that means. Asymptomatic means no symptoms. Up to 35 to 40 percent of the people that have the virus do not have fever, do not have cough, do not have any symptoms.

Therefore, it's not even if, they are going to spread it to other people. It's not even an "if." There will be a second spike, unless something miraculous happens.

So right now, everyone needs to take precautions. And there's some people think that they're -- they're not vulnerable, because they're young, which is a complete misconception. So yes, it's very, actually, frustrating, I think, to those who know.

HOLMES: And I think there -- there are 20,000 new infections a day in the U.S., 1000 deaths, more than 1,000 deaths. You've got these spikes in various parts of the country.

But yet, this weekend, Donald Trump called for, basically, demanded churches reopen. And I don't know if you saw it. Literally, a couple of hours ago, he tweeted schools in our country should be opened ASAP, because, quote, "much very good information now available." Your thoughts on that?

RODRIGUEZ: Much very good information?

HOLMES: Not the grammar, but the --

RODRIGUEZ: No, no, no, no, no. Somebody else who needs to go to school. But, you know, we need clear and concise leadership. And perhaps

schools should open, but there needs to be a plan. Every time that people congregate, there is the threat of disease.

And listen, this country was raised, and, founded on religious freedom. But you don't necessarily have to go to a church to express that, and every congregation, every pastor, every minister, every rabbi, I think, is most concerned about the health and the safety, both emotionally and religiously, of their flock. And they should ensure that.

So can churches open? With a plan, I think they can safely open. If there's distancing, if people wear masks. But look at us. We're communicating, you know, through video right now, so why not do that for a little bit until things quiet down?

HOLMES: Yes, and -- and a lot of pushback on his tweet on -- on schools. But of course, in the U.S., I mean, most schools are out for the summer anyway.


HOLMES: So I'm not sure the point of that -- that tweet. What is it in human nature that, you know, with 100,000 dead, as I said, 20,000 new infections a day, what is it that makes some people seemingly oblivious, you know, rejecting the risk, just willing to gamble with their health? But as you point out, not just their health, the health of others. There's a lot of people who think this is all overblown.

RODRIGUEZ: It's -- well, it's not overblown. And, you know, luckily, it hasn't gotten to the point where we thought it might get to, just because of actions that have been taking.

I mean, look at New York. I mean, it is exemplary. That curve went spike went up and then went down. But, you know, the New Yorkers took it very seriously.

So what is it in human nature? You know, one is, I think, that people don't see it, so it is not a reality to them. It's a reality to me. It's a reality to someone who's lost a wife, or a husband, or a brother.

And then the second thing, which I think is very odious, is the fact that so much of this, I think, is political. It is almost showing that you agree with -- with some party in this country. And it's a form of machismo, and it's -- again, it's very depressing to see that.

HOLMES: Yes. It's almost a culture war issue. Yes, I tend to agree with that.

Would you also agree that, when we talk about testing, there is still not enough of it here in the U.S.? There needs to be for people to have that confidence to go to work. There needs to be widespread testing, contact tracing, and so on, as other more successful countries have done and are doing. RODRIGUEZ: Yes, absolutely. You know, the issue is, Michael, that a

lot of those countries that are most successful also have a different form of government here, and they're a little bit more totalitarian. So they can therefore force their people to do, you know, certain Things like in China. They need to be quarantined without movement, and they would bring them food.

The United States, right, blessed as we are, we have certain freedoms, and you can't force people to do anything. So we really have to make people understand testing is important. But again, testing to what degree? Antibody testing, if we know that antibodies provide immunity, that's great. But if we want live testing, how often we do it? Who gets it?

And again, this is a plan that needs to come from upstairs down. But do we need testing? Yes, absolutely we need more testing.

HOLMES: Dr. Jorge Rodriguez, always a pleasure. Thank you so much.

RODRIGUEZ: Have a good night.

HOLMES: You, too.

Well, Brazil's foreign ministry has responded to President Trump's restrictions on travelers from Brazil to the U.S. In an email to CNN, the foreign ministry reiterated that the two nations are collaborating in the fight against COVID-19.

CNN's Nick Paton Walsh has that and the worsening health crisis Brazil is facing.


NICK PATON WALSH, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Brazil pretty clearly now the second most impacted country in the world by coronavirus after figures emerged late on Saturday night.

That seemed to be responded to by the United States, the most impacted country in terms of confirmed cases, by banning entry into the U.S. for those from Brazil, or those who've been to Brazil, in the last 14 days.

It seems definitely a bid to try and prevent the infection here, from getting into the United States and contributing. It's spread inside the U.S.

But this piece of bad news, of course, for Brazilians comes on a day in which their president, Jair Bolsonaro, is a game being seen near crowds of supporters, not wearing a mask.

An unexpected rally and Brasilia, the seat of government in Brazil. He was reported to have flown over these crowds in a helicopter, then landed wearing a mask and is then later filmed, flanked at one point by cabinet member and two lawmakers supporting him, greeting supporters. These are very common displays by the president of his support in the capital of government, and is often used to suggest that he is comfortable amongst other individuals, that masks aren't necessarily essential, despite the growing catastrophe inside Brazil itself.

Jair Bolsonaro's statement was always it was a little flu, coronavirus, or a cold. He's later modified his language to talk about the fight against it being a war, but that was more to justify the use of the drug hydroxychloroquine, which has, in some studies, been proven to actually be harmful to individuals, and certainly, yet to be proven to be beneficial in the fight against coronavirus.

But Brazile still, it seems, a week to two weeks away from its peak, and its political leadership giving very divided signals themselves. The main figure, Jair Bolsonaro, not wearing a mask this day.

Nick Paton Walsh, CNN, Manaus, Brazil.


HOLMES: Now on Sunday, the Mexican president said the pandemic could cost the country up to a million jobs. Health-wise, it has been the worst week for Mexico since the start of the outbreak. Officials there say more than 2,700 new cases and 215 deaths were reported on Sunday alone.


In total, nearly 7,400 people in Mexico have now died of the virus.

When we come back, protests and crackdown in Hong Kong. Thousands of people defying police and tear gas to tell the mainland to keep its hands off their freedoms. We'll talk about that next.

Also, Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the U.K. defending his top advisor and his alleged breach of national lockdown rules he helped write. The latest fallout from a tense situation in the U.K. after the break.


HOLMES: Protesters there in Hong Kong dodging tear gas thrown by police. Several thousands people turned out to march on Sunday, opposing China's plan to introduce a new national security law this week during the National People's Congress, Beijing's rubberstamp parliament.

Hong Kong police say they arrested at least 180 people and accused protesters of setting fires and throwing bottles.

Some democracy activists are calling for Hong Kong's independence from China before Beijing clamps down harder.

Steven Jiang is joining us now from Beijing. Give us a sense of Beijing's view of what has been happening in Hong Kong and why they see the need for these new laws.

STEVEN JIANG, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Michael, you know, these almost 3,000 delegates to the NPC were just meeting this morning, and part of their agenda was to discuss this new law.

Now, its passage in terms of this decision to enact this law is never in doubt. As you mentioned, the NPC is largely ceremonial, so by Thursday when it closed this annual session this decision will be passed, and this law will probably be enacted shortly after.

Now, from Beijing's perspective, this is because they're increasingly frustrated with the Hong Kong local governments inability, its failure to enact a similar law, 23 years after Hong Kong's sovereignty returned to Beijing.

Now, back in 2003, the Hong Kong government tried to do so, triggering huge protests on the streets. So they shelved the plan and have never, really, reintroduced this -- never really reintroduced this ever since.

So that's why Beijing feels, especially with the current protest movement, shows no sign of abating, this is really reinforcing this notion that Hong Kong has become a bastion of anti-China forces in the minds of the Beijing leadership. Not only with local pro-democracy activists but also with, as you mentioned, a pro-independence movement, not to mention, in their minds, a rampant interference and involvement of external forces, including governments led by the U.S. government.

So that's why they feel this is urgent. This is necessary to do so, from their perspective. That's why they have to do something right now, to bypass the Hong Kong local government.


And so they are using this rarely-used method, very controversial, to enact this law and enact this very soon. And also, of course, there is political calculation, as well with the U.S. and many other western governments preoccupied with the pandemic. So they probably have less resources of political will to fight Beijing on this one. Not to mention from President Xi Jinping's perspective, this is hugely important, emotionally important for him in terms of this national rejuvenation and also when he's increasingly confident and less fearful of international rebuke -- Michael.

HOLMES: Yes, and to that point, I mean, it's been interesting to see, perhaps, a shifting in diplomatic attitudes with China. You asked the Chinese foreign minister, in fact, on Sunday about the so-called wolf warrior diplomacy. What is it and what did he say?

JIANG: Well, "Wolf Warrior" is actually a Chinese blockbuster movie about a former soldier turned security contractor fighting American- led mercenary groups around the world to defend Chinese interests.

The state media has used this name to describe China's increasingly assertive and some would say aggressive diplomats as the ambassadors, spokespeople around the world, fighting a daily war of words with

their foreign counterparts, especially U.S. officials on a whole range of issues. But of course lately, about government responses to the pandemic. Now, some of them have really gotten into trouble by tweeting

questionable information. So that's why I asked the foreign minister, is this the new norm for China's diplomacy? And have they abandoned this longtime practice or philosophy of hiding your strength and biding your time advocated by the late leader Deng Xiaoping?

He actually did not answer this question directly. He said, We never pick a fight or bully others, but we also have principles and guts. We will defend our national dignity and honor, and we will push back against any deliberate insults -- Michael.

HOLMES: All right. Steven, thank you very much. Steven Jiang there for us in Beijing.

All right. Let's talk more about China's moves, not just in Hong Kong but elsewhere, too, Jean-Pierre Cabestan. He is the professor of political science at Hong Kong Baptist University and author of "China Tomorrow: Democracy or Dictatorship." He joins me from Hong Kong.

And thanks for doing so, Professor. Let's begin with Hong Kong specifically before we broaden it out. Why do you think Beijing is taking this move and why now?

JEAN-PIERRE CABESTAN, PROFESSOR OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, HONG KONG BAPTIST UNIVERSITY: Why no. That's a good question. Mainly, it's because of the right time. And everybody is busy with the fighting against COVID-19. The pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong is groggy. There -- you know, it's illegal to gather more than 8 people in the street of Hong Kong.

And -- and there is a problematic legislative election taking place in September this year, with quite a chance for the -- for the pan- democrats to win this election. And that is something which China wants to avoid. So that's why they've taken the initiative to take -- to adopt that new law.

HOLMES: Right. OK, let's talk more broadly now, quite apart from Hong Kong. China has taken a series of, well, you can say, aggressive type actions in economic, diplomatic, military areas, from Taiwan to the South China Sea, even its border with India.

Speaking of the timing of that, and you touched on it in a way, the world is distracted by coronavirus. What's China's goal? What is its message to the world?

CABESTAN: I think its goal is to assert its power. China sees itself now as a rising power. It sees the U.S. as a declining power. And they think it's the right time to push its advantage around the world and to try to put more pressure on Taiwan to take control of the south China Sea and to sideline the U.S. in the western Pacific.

Now, there may be also domestic reasons to that, which is the fact that, actually, the COVID-19 crisis has created some problems with China. I think the level of trust of the Chinese society in their government has been affected. It's been damaged by the crisis. And there is a need to sort of stirring up nationalism and to unite

the society around the leadership of the Community Party in this particular time. Hence these aggressive acts you've seen around the world of the Chinese diplomats.

HOLMES: So given all of that, has China basically made or Beijing made the assessment that they would not be significant geopolitical price to pay for taking bold moves now? Sort of, you know, now is the time and when it comes to the U.S., what are you going to do about?


CABESTAN: Well, actually, from Beijing's point of view, Hong Kong is an easy target, because they're in control of Hong Kong. They're just tightening, you know, the control of Hong Kong. They're shortening the leash.

Taiwan has a much more pro-democratic objective. That's why, in a way, enabled to change the equation in Taiwan, unable to put pressure on Taiwan. As the democratic Taiwan, China is trying to sort of in a way kill democracy and Hong Kong and make Hong Kong which more obedient to Beijing.

HOLMES: China used to sort of -- and correct me if I'm wrong -- sort of prefer a sort of soft power approach, with its Belt and Road initiative, quietly sort of expanding its influence, not just in the South China Sea but in places like Africa and so on.

Under Xi Jinping, is that sort of softly, softly approach disappearing? Do you detect that there's less concern with international reaction or rebuke that Mr. Xi has made a calculation now?

CABESTAN: I think China has realized that its soft power is also not without limits. Actually, China is having difficulty selling around the world its return (ph) but a nation (ph) strategy.

And as a result, we move from soft power to sharp power with Xi Jinping, with a mixture of carrot and stick. China had a lot of financial economic leverage to put pressure on other countries, but that's not so far (ph).

China is exerting more and more ministry pressures, administrate pressure on other countries, including Taiwan. And that -- and that's also not soft power but hard power a lot. And that's actually the current strategy of Xi Jinping.

Whether it's going to bear fruit is another story. I think China is actually reigniting a new cold war with the U.S. and with the west in doing that.

HOLMES: Where does -- what -- yes, where does this go, then? I mean, you've got the U.S. secretary of state, Pompeo. He said with regard to Hong Kong, the legislation could be a death kneel for autonomy.

The U.S. is imposing some restrictions in some areas, trade and technology, praising Taiwan's presidential inauguration. But is it complicating the U.S. response that Donald Trump has this

professed friendship with and admiration for President Xi, because, you know, he wants to protect that trade deal ahead of the election. Does that embolden President Xi?

CABESTAN: Yes. I think Trump's friendship for Xi Jinping has been put on pause for -- for quite a while. And now the U.S. also and the offensive.

Now, for Hong Kong, the trouble for the U.S. is -- is that he doesn't have much leverage. And he has to be careful with the Hong Kong policy act. Because a lot of companies, a lot of Hong Kong, and a lot of Hong -- American nationals living in Hong Kong, so I don't think the Trump administration wants to damage these big interests in Hong Kong. But so it will have to be very careful not to exert too much pressure on Hong Kong, which will be detrimental to the Hong Kong society and -- and the economy.

HOLMES: Professor Jean-Pierre Cabestan, thank you so much. Really appreciate your expertise on this.

CABESTAN: Thank you. You're welcome.

HOLMES: We're going to take a short break. When we come back, Japan moves to shore up its slumping economy. The prime minister is expected to make an announcement in a few hours. We are live for you in Tokyo when we come back.



HOLMES: Welcome back, everyone. I'm Michael Holmes. You're watching CNN NEWSROOM.

In the U.S., millions of Americans have been celebrating the Memorial Day weekend holiday by heading outdoors, even as the coronavirus pandemic rages on.

Despite fears of another spike in infections, tourists from Alabama to Washington have been flocking to beaches, restaurants, and public parks.

In Missouri, dozens even attended that, a very crowded pool party. People crammed together in violation of pretty much every safety guideline.

Daytona Beach, Florida, also saw huge crowds this weekend. Here's how the city's mayor reacted to it.


MAYOR DERRICK HENRY, DAYTONA BEACH, FLORIDA: We expected large crowds, so my reaction was concern. Great concern, in large part because of the fact that they were not, obviously, practicing social distancing, nor were they wearing masks. So that is my first concern. Our beach, we're used to, we're accustomed to having large, large

crowds on -- on the barrier islands very often. So the biggest issue was the fact that they weren't practicing social distancing, and then they weren't from here, so they did not necessarily respond in a lot of ways that we wanted them to as it relates to the normal expectations of visitors.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How do you prevent things like this, though, in the future?

HENRY: Education. You continue to educate folks in your community as to how to respond. And then we have to do a better job, I think, of promoting it to surrounding communities and let them know what our expectations are and what the rules and protocols are here in the city of Daytona Beach.

But it's a tall order, because the real reality is, folks do not have movie theaters to attend. As I said, Disney World is not open. Even the rides and other amenities that are associated with our -- our parks in our city are not open. So the one thing that is open is the beach.

And so when you get this volume of people, it's going to be tough it will be tough to control until we get the other things open, or close things off.


HOLMES: U.S. President Donald Trump will participate in the annual wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday, but the ceremony will be closed to the public. It's only one of the ways the virus has changed Memorial Day in the U.S. this year.

CNN's Boris Sanchez reports.


BORIS SANCHEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Even at a time of great uncertainty, there are still efforts underway this Memorial Day weekend to honor those Americans who lost their lives serving their country, though this Memorial Day weekend will be very different than any years past.

With officials weary of having large crowds at the memorial because of coronavirus, many ceremonies, including wreath layings, are going online.

The annual observance at the Arlington National Cemetery will be livestreamed and closed to the public, though on Thursday, about 1,000 old guard soldiers were allowed to continue the annual tradition of placing small American flags near each headstone, more than 240,000 in all.

The cemetery only allowing family members visiting their loved ones' grave sites this weekend. And everyone will be required to wear face masks. Hoping to avoid big gatherings at monuments across the nation's

capital, the National Park Service also planning to broadcast wreath layings online.

MICHAEL LITTERST, U.S. NATIONAL PARK SERVICE: It wasn't a question of are we going to do something or aren't we going to do something? It was a matter of how can we still honor these fallen men and women while, at the same time, protecting our visitors and folks that might want to come out?


SANCHEZ: Meantime, the national Memorial Day concert will not have an audience on hand this year. It will just be a virtual one.


While Americans may not be paying their respects in person, this Memorial Day weekend will not go by without Americans, in various ways, honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Boris Sanchez, CNN, Washington.


HOLMES: Meanwhile, Japan is set to end its state of emergency. Those measures were already lifted in most regions. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expected to hold a news conference in a few hours to announce his lifting of the -- those restrictions for the rest of the country.

Japan's finance minister telling reporters the economy is in extremely severe state and needs to come out of restrictions as soon as possible. The country fell into recession last quarter and is moving towards its deepest financial slump in decades.

Kaori Enjoji is in Tokyo with details and getting out onto the street. Is that indicative of the change in restrictions? What is going to happen? Is there a sense that Japan has progressed enough for it?

KAORI ENJOJI, JOURNALIST: Well, Michael, there is a sense of relief amongst citizens here in Tokyo that, after seven weeks, the state of emergency is about to end, and the doctors advising the prime ministers -- prime minister has given the green light this morning to end the state of emergency.

But at the same time, there's also a sense of uncertainty, a sense of whether or not it is OK to relax some of the rules that have been in place and the advice that has been in place.

And when the prime minister meets the nation later on tonight, he would have been able to declare somewhat of a victory, given that the death toll from the coronavirus in Japan is roughly around 800. So really, incomparable to the death rate that we've seen in other major cities.

But instead, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is facing mounting pressure and mounting criticism. There's a poll conducted by "The Asahi Shimbun" over the weekend that shows the approval rating for the prime minister, Shinzo Abe, is now at 29 percent. This is a record low since he took office in 2012. And this is at a level with -- where previous prime ministers have been forced to resign.

And there are two reasons, Michael, that the public says they disapprove of him. One, the lack of PCR testing here in Japan. And two, his response to the economy. We already know Japan is in recession. In this quarter, we could see the economy tanking to levels that we haven't seen since the end of the war -- Michael.

HOLMES: And just quickly, what will, with these restrictions lifting, what will the, quote unquote, "new normal" look like in Tokyo?

ENJOJI: Yes, the prime minister is being outshone by the governor. So the Tokyo governor who would make -- set the regulations for Tokyo has said that this is going to be a reopening in three distinct phases.

So phase one starts later tonight at midnight. And as you can see, this is like a typical retail street in downtown Tokyo. If you can see, most of the stories are pretty small.

So if that's a typical size store, you need social distancing of two meters. A shop like that will tell me, Look, I can only fit five or six people at a time. And how is my business going to survive as a result of that?

What will change, however, that until now, during the state of emergency, you could only remain, or they advised to stay open until 8 p.m. No alcohol after 7 pm.

But that will change from tomorrow, and that will be extended to 10 p.m. And as the phases progress, to phase three, lifted to 12.

The schools are likely to reopen sometime this weekend for many of the areas here around here. And some of the sports theaters, the libraries, the museums will start to gradually open, as well.

I mean, the governor of Tokyo, Yuriko Koike, has said that, initially, if you want to congregate, keep it to 50. A couple weeks' time, we might expand that to 100 and then 1,000.

So this is going through a very multi-stage process and a slow reopening, at least authorities hope, for Tokyo.

HOLMES: Kaori Enjoji on the streets of Tokyo, out and about from her own place. That's good to see a change there. Appreciate it. Thanks, Kaori.

Domestic flights resuming across India. That's as the number of new cases of coronavirus reached a new high on Sunday.

The World Health Organization reporting more than 6,700 new cases in a 24-hour period. India imposing strict lockdown measures in late march, but began easing some of those restrictions earlier this month. India's government allows its 28 states to set their own rules, and

some wanted to limit the number of flights. The civil aviation minister said the resumption flights was the result of a day of hard negotiations.

Vedika Sud reports on the precautions being taken.


VEDIKA SUD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Most airports in India have reopened after two months in lockdown. While domestic air services resume one-third of its operations, new standard operating procedures are being strictly implemented to encourage contactless travel.


On arrival at the Delhi airport terminal, self-service kiosks will have print boarding passes and bag tags. Passengers will undergo a quick temperature check while their luggage goes through ultraviolet disinfection tunnels. These measures have been introduced to prevent COVID-19 infections.

V.K. JAIPUNAR, CEO, DELHI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT LIMITED: Overall, about 45, 50,000 passengers in terms of departure and arrival is the level that we're looking at.

SUD: Early security personnel will check documents handed over by passengers. Now, they stand behind glass shields to verify identification papers.

Thermal scanners have been placed at the entrance of the Delhi Airport to detect any active cases of coronavirus.

Efforts are also on to avoid any contact with airline staff behind counters. Check-in bags are to be dropped off at designated areas.

After clearing security where self-distancing will be given priority, travelers will be guided to the waiting lounge, where the distance between seats will be maintained. Strict guidelines have also been issued over ticket pricing and cabin crew.

HARDEEP SINGH PURI, CIVIL AVIATION MINISTER, INDIA: The cabin crew will be required to be in full protective gear, full protective suit.

SUD: While a host of safety precautions have been announced, keeping the middle seats of flights vacant isn't one of them. Full flights are still allowed to operate.

DR. NARESH TREHAN, CHAIRMAN AND MANAGING DIRECTOR, MEDANTA HOSPITAL: Whenever possible, and that's my preference, middle seats should be kept vacant. It only helps to distance. It doesn't harm.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You are requested to respect social distancing while you are at the airport. SUD (on camera): At a time when India is witnessing a consistent rise

in the number of COVID-19 cases, the government of India has taken a bold step with its decision to reopen the skies for domestic travel. Is this a risk worth taking? We'll be watching.

Vedika Sud, CNN, New Delhi.


HOLMES: Now, the U.K. cabinet offices is investigating an unauthorized tweet sent from the country's official civil service account, accusing the government of being, quote, "arrogant and offensive." That tweet since deleted, not surprisingly.

It appeared on Sunday after Prime Minister Boris Johnson defended his senior adviser, Dominic Cummings. Cummings is under fire for allegedly breaking the country's lockdown rules twice.

CNN's Max Foster with the details.


MAX FOSTER, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Boris Johnson swinging behind his top advisor, saying he had no alternative but to travel 260 miles with his wife, who had virus symptoms, for childcare reasons.

(voice-over): The prime minister saying of Dominic Cummings, he acted responsibly, legally and with integrity.

But opposition Labour Party leader Keir Starmer adamantly disagrees, saying Boris Johnson's judgment was an insult to sacrifices made by the British people.

He called for an inquiry, adding that millions of people across the country have made the most agonizing choices, not to see relatives, not going to funerals. They deserve better answers than they got from the prime minister.

(on camera): And several conservative backbench members of Parliament in Boris Johnson's own party have added to calls for Cummings to resign.

And on Monday, "The Daily Mail" newspaper, a big backer of Boris Johnson, added to those calls for Cummings to resign.

On whether Cummings actually broke any laws or guidelines here, Johnson said there's actually guidance about what you need to do about the pressures that families face when they have childcare needs. He feels Cummings didn't across the line.

He also dismissed additional claims in "The Observer" and "Sunday Mirror" newspapers that, whilst Cummings was in isolation or meant to be in isolation, he traveled 30 miles to visit a beauty spot.

Johnson's making a political gamble here. He's hoping the public will back him and have sympathy for Cummings, as opposed to looking at this whole situation and thinking, there's one rule for them; there's one rule for us. And it's unfair.

Max Foster, CNN, outside London.


HOLMES: A nursing home manager in the U.K. tells CNN this stretch has been the worst of her career. Some caregivers there say they've been let down by their government during the crisis.

CNN's Nina dos Santos explains.


BECKY BARKER, CAREGIVER, CHARLTON COURT NURSING HOME: Hi, Mom! Are you OK? There's a virus going around the world.


BARKER: And we have to keep you in your room to protect you.

NINA DOS SANTOS, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): For Becky Barker, the coronavirus has been a double agony. She's a carer at this nursing home in Leeds, where her mother, Jean, is also a resident.


BARKER: It's just so hard. I just want everything to go back to normal. Washing your hands all the time, changing your PPE all the time, when you've got it. Panicking about it. It's awful.

DOS SANTOS: For the home's manager, keeping everyone safe is a daily struggle.

ROBOTIC VOICE: We're very sorry. Today's allocation of test kits have been issued.

DOS SANTOS: Only five of Kelly Hopkinson's 62 staff have secured tests.

(on camera): How long is that going to last you?


DOS SANTOS (voice-over): Protective equipment has been hard to access, and she's had to resist pressure to take residents carrying the virus back from hospital.

Kelly normally deals with three deaths a month, but in April, she lost 19 guests. She says she can't even be sure those who died actually had the virus, because unless they're admitted to hospital, her residents still aren't getting tested. That means for now, they're confined to their rooms and visitors banned.

HOPKINSON: I've got residents with capacity signs in the bedroom, crying, saying, Kelly, am I going to die of corona. Have I got it?

And I can't answer them, because they're not testing them. I think the figures that we're seeing on a daily basis, the charts and the graphs that everybody seems to be obsessed with, I don't think the numbers are accurate at all.

This is just the worst time of my entire career.

DOS SANTOS: More than a quarter of coronavirus deaths in England and Wales occurred at care homes, despite the government originally saying the risk they faced would be low.

In a statement to CNN, the Department of Health and Social Care said that all care home staff and residents can now be tested, whether they have symptoms or not. But that's months after the pandemic took hold here and years into a profound crisis in social care.

(on camera): Have Britain's elderly been forgotten?

HOPKINSON: Absolutely. I think it's a national tragedy, is what I think.

DOS SANTOS (voice-over): About 70 miles away, life is slowly getting back to normal for Joyce and Janet at this home for the elderly with dementia in Nottingham. Out of isolation, they're having their hair done and picking up the thread of a story which is now theirs.



DOS SANTOS: The community had 13 cases of coronavirus but no fatalities, thanks to former ICU nurse Maria, who turned this annex into a ward in hours.

MARIA SPOLLIN, CLINICAL LEAD, SKYLARKS CHURCH FARM CARE: My heart plummeted. Several residents displayed symptoms of the coronavirus, and I had to move quickly.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Have you had your cold?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh yes! Yes, I'd forgotten all about it, really.

DOS SANTOS: Many of the residents here don't even remember being ill. But Britain's care sector won't forget how it was left to fend for itself.

Nina Dos Santos, CNN, Nottingham.


HOLMES: Israel's prime minister has had his first day in court. He's facing criminal charges and continues to call it a political hit job. We'll have an update when we come back.


HOLMES: Day one of the Israeli prime minister's corruption trial is in the books, and Benjamin Netanyahu says it is part of a political coup against him. He's facing charges of corruption, bribery, fraud and breach of trust in three criminal cases. Oren Liebermann updates us.


OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Prime Minister Netanyahu entered room 317, Jerusalem district court, marking the start of his criminal trial.

He stood defiantly, refusing to sit in the defendant's chair until the camera was removed from the courtroom. Inside, he told the three-judge panel he understands the charges against him -- bribery and fraud and breach of trust -- but said little else during the hearing.

In the State of Israel versus Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister fired his first shot before the hearing began.

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER (through translator): Elements in the police and prosecution have aligned with the left-wing press in order to stitch up hallucinatory and false cases against me with the aim of toppling a strong prime minister from the right.

LIEBERMANN: The criminal trial is just beginning, expected to take years. But the court of public opinion, or at least its rival halves, decided long ago.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He's not alone, and we are grateful about everything that he's doing.

LIEBERMANN: Dueling protests faced off outside. Those demonstrating in support of Netanyahu. Those demonstrating against.

No matter the outcome, half the country will feel their side lost.

Senior members of Netanyahu's Likud Party came to the courthouse to support the 70-year-old head of state. They stood behind their leader as he attacked the media and the judicial system.

NETANYAHU (through translator): I hear it from so many citizens, telling me, Be strong. We don't buy that nonsense. We all understand they stitched up a case against you. Elements in the police, the prosecution, the media are trying to commit a government coup against the will of the people.

LIEBERMANN: Right before the hearing, Netanyahu held his first cabinet meeting, where he spoke about coronavirus and the budget, showing it's business as usual. His coalition partner and formal rival, who swore never to serve under an indicted politician, didn't mention the court proceedings either. This is the country's new normal: a prime minister on trial.

Oren Liebermann, CNN, Jerusalem. (END VIDEOTAPE)

HOLMES: Well, sports legends come together for a good cause. NFL and golf greats raising millions for coronavirus relief. That's when we come back.


HOLMES: Golf great Tiger Woods and football star Peyton Manning took the win, raising more than $20 million for COVID-19 relief. Patrick Snell reports.


PATRICK SNELL, CNN SPORTS (voice-over): It may have been wet and rainy, no caddies, no spectators. Golf as we know it now. Instead, though, for global superstars who simply refuse to have their spirits dampened. There were cart cams, old drivers reacquainted. All mic'ed up and most definitely not holding back.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I had the coffee. I've got to activate the calves. And I've got to step on one there.

Come on baby.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The man does have some calves.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen. I have to listen to this every time we play.

SNELL: They're also enticing challenges from the commentary booth at the event presented by Turner Sports, a division of CNN's parent company, Warner Media. The match, Champions for Charity and all in support of COVID-19 relief.

NBA legend Charles Barkley.

CHARLES BARKLEY, NBA HALL OF FAMER: You know what, Tom, because you're my man. Fifty thousand dollars if you hit the green.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Chunky, saved yourself 50,000 dollars.

BARKLEY: Woo! But you know, Tom, I should have just said if you can just keep it on the planet.

SNELL: On that occasion, Brady playing with Phil Mickelson was well off the green.

Meantime his lifetime NFL rival, the now-retired Peyton Manning, was partnering with Tiger Woods, Manning gleefully draining a 25-footer, much to the Master's champion's delight. As Woods also shared some personal insights after further back issues earlier in the year.

TIGER WOODS, PROFESSIONAL GOLFER: It's been nice to be home and be able to train each and every day and get some treatment on it. Get into a routine basically. You know, I didn't have to play for a while. I'm trying to peak for Augusta, trying to get ready for that. And you know, obviously, with this pandemic and everything that's happened, we've all been, you know, very careful and have had to stay at home. And it's been good in that regard. And I've been able to spend a lot of time with my kids, which has been awesome.

SNELL: What followed at 7, though, was quite extraordinary. Brady, a 6-time Super Bowl champion, he and Mickelson three down at this point, but the legendary quarterback with the perfect response, holding out from the fairway after some apparent ribbing from that man Barkley.

TOM BRADY, FOOTBALL STAR: Did you see that shot! Wow!

BARKLEY: Hey, man. That's awesome.

BRADY: Shut your mouth, Chuck.

SNELL: That shot alone earning an extra $100,000, courtesy of a donation from four-time major champion Brooks Koepka. A majestic birdie. But then came a somewhat humbling fall from grace for the Buccaneers superstar.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: By the way, did you just add some rain pants or change pants or?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I split my pants. There was so much torque in that swing.


SNELL: In the end this would be a close-fought one up victory for Woods and Manning, live sports back, albeit a brief temporary destruction from the devastating global pandemic.

(on camera): Although there was plenty of fun and frivolity out there on the courts at times, there was also real power and purpose to Sunday in south Florida. And now, four global sporting icons who can say they played their part in helping to raise $20 million for COVID- 19 relief efforts.

Patrick Snell, CNN, Atlanta.


HOLMES: More news in a moment.