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North Korea Tests New Long-Range Cruise Missile; Afghanistan's Future; Coronavirus Pandemic. Aired 1-2a ET

Aired September 13, 2020 - 01:00   ET




MICHAEL HOLMES, CNN ANCHOR: North Korea claims it's spent the weekend firing off long range cruise missiles why Kim Jong-un is testing his arsenal again.

A new COVID outbreak in China what caused it and the measures being taken to stop the spread.

And the calendar slammed turned back on and the New York court. Novak Djokovic runs into a buzz saw at the U.S. Open.

Hello and welcome to CNN Newsroom, everyone. Appreciate the company. I'm Michael Holmes.

North Korea says it's test fired a new strategic weapon in a move that will likely ratchet up tensions in the region. According to state media that country's successfully tested long range cruise missiles over the weekend which hit targets they say 1,500 kilometers away.

Both South Korea and the U.S. say they're looking into the claims which come as South Korea's top nuclear envoy is set to meet with U.S. and Japanese officials.

Let's head to Seoul with our Paula Hancocks is tracking developments. I mean, what more do we know about this? They say it was last weekend. Do we know it was?

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Michael, at this point, we have the North Korean claim and quite frankly, that is sometimes how we find out about these cruise missile test fires. We heard from the South Korean side, the defense ministry official saying that they had also noticed they had done a couple of these test fires earlier in the year. But they hadn't publicized it either from the North Korean or the South Korean side.

So it's certainly something that both the U.S. and the South Korean side say they're looking into. It is the kind of weapons tests that is concerning because it does appear to be a new weapon, or at least that is what the North Koreans are saying a new strategic weapon. But it's not as concerning for many in the region and further afield as a ballistic missile test might be for example, using that technology does violate UN Security Council resolutions. But using this kind of missile test firing a cruise missile technically does not break any rules set out by the United Nations.

But we did see in a couple of military parades back in January and also October of last year, that there were new weapon systems being showcased, being unveiled by North Korea. And since that point, experts have consistently said that at some point, the North Koreans will want to test them potentially this is exactly what they have done over the weekend. Michael.

HOLMES: You know, it's always seems to be that there's a message being sent with these launches in terms of timing and so on. What could that message be this time?

HANCOCKS: We were expecting something because we didn't know that that last month Kim Yo-jong that the sister of the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un had slammed both the U.S. and South Korea for carrying out joint military drills. These are the annual drills that that always do infuriate the North Koreans, although the U.S. and South Korea insist that they are defensive in nature.

But they had this year being called for to be canceled by Pyongyang, something which neither Washington nor Seoul was prepared to do. And so, Kim Yo-jong had given this statement saying that they will face a more serious security threat. So we were expecting some kind of weapons testing or missile launch. And this is what we did see.

It's worth pointing out there, Michael, that's according to North Korean state run media, Kim Jong-un himself was not present. Now he is always front and center when it is a significant weapons test or missile launch. And it is something that he does want to show off to the rest of the world.

The fact that he wasn't there could be taken as an indication that this was not a significant weapons test for North Korea as well. And the fact that it was on page two of the North Korean newspaper Rodong Sinmun was not splashed over the front page. Again showing that from a North Korean perspective, this is a significant they say, a strategic weapons test fire but not as significant as if the North Korean leader himself was there and showing the rest of the world what he was doing. Michael.

HOLMES: There's a lot page two news, all right. Paula, thanks for that. Paula Hancocks there in Seoul. It make the front page.

The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency meanwhile welcoming a last minute deal with Iran that will allow inspectors to maintain nuclear monitoring equipment inside the country.


That development coming as IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi met with the head of Iran's Atomic Energy organization for talks in Tehran. Iran had previously threatened to prevent inspectors from reviewing video footage at nuclear sites until there was an agreement to salvage the 2015 nuclear deal. Grossi is hailing Sunday's agreement as a very concrete result for both sides.


RAFAEL GROSSI, IAEA DIRECTOR GENERAL: The important indispensable work that Iran and the IAEA have to carry out together requires reinforcement, and most of all, requires that we get to know each other.


HOLMES: Now under the deal, the IAEA will be able to service equipment for nuclear matter -- for nuclear monitoring, including cameras and also replacing the memory cards in those cameras.

The United Nations, meanwhile, will hold an aid conference for Afghanistan in several hours, with the goal of raising $600 million. The UN warning of a humanitarian crisis after the Taliban takeover, effectively shut off billions of dollars in foreign donations.

Meanwhile, Qatar's foreign minister held talks with Afghanistan's Taliban leaders Sunday calling on the Taliban to involve all Afghan parties in national reconciliation.

And the Taliban's new Higher Education Minister says women will be allowed to study in universities, but they will be segregated by gender and taught by female teachers wherever possible.

Ivan Watson joins me now from Hong Kong to discuss. You're back when the Taliban overran the country. They were those Afghan pilots who fueled up their jet planes and fled. And there are updates on that, fill us in.

IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, I mean, you had as the government was collapsing in spectacular fashion, Michael, members of the Afghan Air Force were fleeing across borders without the permission of the neighboring governments, with their aircraft and running away by the hundreds, basically, of crew members of the Afghan Air Force.

And we've learned from multiple sources that on Sunday, a charter flight from Uzbekistan flew to the United Arab Emirates with about 175 members of the Afghan Air Force on board, most of whom were told are going to be applicants for Special Immigrant Visas to ultimately try to get to the US.

There are still hundreds of additional African Air Force crew members and pilots in Uzbekistan. And we're told more than 100 that are believed to be in neighboring Tajikistan as well who fled there. We do not know what's going to happen to more than 40 helicopters and fixed wing planes that were taken to Uzbekistan that I'm sure the Afghan government would, sorry, the new Taliban government would surely like to get their hands on.

HOLMES: I'm sure they would. Tell us more about this visit to Kabul by the Qatari foreign minister. And what that means. WATSON: Well, this is the highest level of foreign official now to have traveled to Kabul to meet with the new Taliban regime, the Qatari foreign minister. A Taliban spokesperson thanking Qatar for its support of the Taliban and as they put it, of the Afghan people, and Qatar has played this very interesting role diplomatically for years now, because of course, the Taliban opened its overseas office way back I believe, in 2013 in Doha, and the Doha agreement was signed between the Trump administration and the Taliban in 2020. That set the roadmap for the U.S. withdrawal, which the Biden administration then followed through on.

So Qatar has played an important role here. The diplomacy surrounding Afghanistan and the abrupt collapse of the U.S. backed government there is continuing on all fronts. This weekend, we saw a fascinating meeting hosted in the Pakistani capital of spy chiefs from the neighbors of Afghanistan. So you had the top intelligence officials from Pakistan, of course hosting this from Russia, China, Iran, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, for example.

And of course, the Pakistani ISI chief. He recently traveled to Kabul and was photographed there kind of what some people described as almost a victory lap because Pakistan has always been accused of providing a supporting role to the Taliban, which Pakistani officials would contest that accusation.


It's not just these neighbors that have been playing a role here. The U.S. spy chief William Burns, the head of the CIA was in Kabul a couple of weeks ago in the final days of the chaotic U.S. evacuation meeting with the Taliban, a top Taliban official and just days ago, he was in Islamabad as well. So keep an eye on this. There's a lot of this kind of shuttle diplomacy and sheitel (ph) spy craft that's taking place in and around Afghanistan.

HOLMES: Awful lot of regional interests. Ivan Watson, appreciate it. Good to see you. Thanks for that.

Now, a newly declassified document is shedding more light on the FBI his investigation into the 9/11 terror attacks and suspected Saudi government support for the perpetrators.

The document doesn't provide conclusive evidence about whether the kingdom itself played a role, but it does reveal new information about support provided by Saudi nationals to at least two of the hijackers. CNN's Alex Marquardt with a closer look.


ALEX MARQUARDT, CNN SENIOR U.S. CORRESPONDENT (on camera): The FBI has released the first of what will be a series of declassified documents from the FBI investigation into how 9/11 happened. The declassified memo that was released late on the 20th anniversary of the attacks on Saturday provides a more detailed look at the behavior of Saudi Arabia nationals connected to two of the 9/11 hijackers, but it does not provide any stronger evidence of the awareness or the direction of the 9/11 plot at the highest levels of the Saudi government or royal family.

The 16 page document is heavily redacted and much of it is a summary of an interview with an unnamed Saudi national who was interviewed in 2015 by the FBI when applying for US citizenship. That person the report says had worked at the Saudi consulate in Los Angeles and was in regular contact with other Saudi citizens who provided or who are suspected of providing significant logistical support to the first two hijackers to arrive in the US in Los Angeles.

One of those who provided that support was Omar al-Bayoumi, a supposed student suspected of being a Saudi intelligence official. Boyoumi offered, quote, travel assistance, lodging and financing to the two hijackers.

In response to this new report, the 9/11 Families United Group says it, quote puts to bed any doubt about Saudi complicity in the attacks. The victims' families have long pushed for greater transparency about what the U.S. knows about any possible role that the Saudi government had in 911.

And President Joe Biden recently ordered the Department of Justice to release declassified documents over the next six months and this was the first one.

The Saudi government has said it welcomes the documents release saying that they would show that there was no Saudi government involvement. Alex Marquardt, CNN, Washington.


HOLMES: Protests against Brazil's President filled major cities around the country over the weekend demonstrators calling for Jair Bolsonaro to be impeached, with many of them citing his handling of the COVID-19 crisis. Other critics call him a threat to democracy because of his political attacks on the courts. The President has since walk back some of his remarks. Anthony Wells of CNN Brazil filed this report from an anti-Bolsonaro protests in Sao Paolo.


ANTHONY WELLS, CNN BRASIL REPORTER (on camera): Hello everyone. Thousands of Brazilians across the nation took to the streets to protest against President Jair Bolsonaro. A lot of the protesters believe Bolsonaro delayed the purchase of vaccines that could have saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of Brazilians.

They also accused the president of trying to undermine confidence in the country's institutions ahead of elections next year. Polls show that over 60 percent of Brazilians would not vote for Bolsonaro, putting him behind former leftist president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. His ratings have nosedived as a result of a pandemic that is claimed almost 600,000 Brazilian lives.

Protests happened in other cities like Florianopolis and Curitiba. Ciro Gomes, presidential candidate in 2018, Joao Doria, the governor of this state of Sao Paolo, and Luiz Henrique Mandetta, former health minister were among the political figures who are possible candidates in the election next year to speak to protesters.

The turnout was lower than recent pro-Bolsonaro demonstrations. That is largely because many leftist activist groups and supporters did not participate in today's protests. Anthony Wells, CNN, Brazil, Sao Paulo.


HOLMES: Still to come on the program, officials in China say a traveler is the source of a new COVID outbreak in the country and he spread the virus despite a lengthy quarantine and many tests.

Plus some airlines say they'll only fly past to get the fully vaccinated against COVID-19. We'll discuss whether these mandates can actually make a difference.



HOLMES: A new COVID outbreak in southeastern China likely caused by a traveler from Singapore according to local officials. They believe the travelers spot the outbreak despite spending three weeks in isolation before testing positive. China reported 49 new cases Monday, almost half of which were locally transmitted and all of them detected in the same province where that traveler arrived last month. For more CNN's Kristie Lu Stout joins us from Hong Kong.

One thing about China is they don't like any case. So how did this come about? And what are they doing?

KRISTIE LU STOUT, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, and they follow the rules of their own very strict plan pandemic playbook. But this is a very concerning development, as it involves a traveler who was fully quarantined and China cases are rising once again, we're seeing this first flare up of COVID-19 infection in Fujian Province.

On Monday, China reported 49 new cases of the virus of which 22 are locally transmitted an experts have identified it as the highly transmissible and highly contagious Delta variant. The epicenter is a city called Putian, it's in Fujian province that is in the south eastern part of China.

And according to state run media, they say that the initial cases involved Primary School students, two, so they believe that the origin was the father of one of these students who had recently traveled back from Singapore just over a month ago on August the fourth.

Now, this individual had went through the proper quarantine procedures and protocols. He went through 14 days mandatory quarantine followed by seven days of home monitoring. He attested nine times negative for COVID-19 during 21 days of quarantine, and yet on Friday, he tested positive.

In light of this uptick in cases in Putian authorities there in the city they have instituted, you know, strict responses. They're seeing people need to stay home, work from home is in place, schools have been suspended, public venues like cinemas, museums, libraries have been shut down as well.

And this comes as China continues to vaccinate the population. You know, over 2 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered, but the efficacy of those vaccines continues to be called into question Listen to this.


DONGYAN JIN, VIROLOGIST, UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG: Another major, major concern is the efficacy or effectiveness of their vaccines and emerging data from several different sources suggest that the inaccurate way the vaccines were problematic. That's also why they don't have the confidence (inaudible).


STOUT: You know, just last week, Hong Kong which has very strict pandemic measures announced that it will loosen measures for mainland Chinese residents who would not have to quarantine if they were to travel here to the city with this to take place Wednesday this week but in light of this uptick in cases in Fujian, that new move may be reconsidered. Back to you.


HOLMES: Yes, I wanted to check in with you too on New Zealand which is another country that --


HOLMES: -- really wants zero cases as well. What is the latest there?

STOUT: Yes, you're right. Zero COVID strategy in place in New Zealand like in China and what we've learned is earlier today, New Zealand is reported 33 new cases of the coronavirus, all taking place in its largest city of Auckland.

There was a Cabinet meeting that took place in the last couple of hours on whether or not 11 (ph) for lockdown will continue in Auckland. It will continue. Now under a level four lockdown, individuals living in Auckland they can't leave their homes unless they need to source essentials like food or medicine or get vaccinated or they're allowed to exercise outside but only in their neighborhood.

Auckland will remain under a level four lockdown until September 21. The rest of the country New Zealand will be under a level two lockdown. And as of today, only 1/3 of the country has been fully vaccinated. Michael.

HOLMES: Right. OK, terrific update. Kristie Lu Stout there in Hong Kong. Appreciate it. Thanks.

STOUT: You got it. HOLMES: Now the seven day rolling average of U.S. COVID cases has dropped somewhat in recent days, but the country is still reporting some of the highest numbers in months. Students returned to the classroom today in New York City, the nation's largest school district. It will be their first in-person learning experience in a year and a half.

And as school districts struggle with surging infections, there is a glimmer of optimism. Former FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb predicts vaccines could be available to children five to 11 years old by November.

Meanwhile, top disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci says millions more people need to be vaccinated to end the pandemic and vaccine mandates might be the solution.

It's something U.S. President Joe Biden is already focusing on last week announcing mandatory vaccinations for federal employees while also doubling fines for those not wearing their masks properly on planes, trains and buses.

Those mandates do seem to be working for some businesses.

According to Marketwatch, Delta Airlines has seen its vaccination rates climb the past two weeks after announcing a $200 a month insurance hike for unvaccinated workers.

For more on all of this, let's bring in Dr. Carlos del Rio, the Executive Associate Dean of Emory University School of Medicine here in Atlanta.

Doctor, great to see you. You of course also advise Delta Airlines on COVID mitigation strategy, what made the company adopt this particular strategy of the 200 a month healthcare surcharge, other restrictions as well, like weekly COVID testing. What sent them down that route?

DR. CARLOS DEL RIO, EXEC. ASSOC. DEAN, EMORY UNIV. SCHOOL OF MEDICINE: Well, you know, I cannot speak for Delta's decision. I can say that Delta has from the beginning of the pandemic been committed to the safety and the well-being of its employees as well as customers, the passengers. And they have put safety first. Airlines are very familiar with this concept. You know, if anybody has flown, they always say the first commandment is for your safety. So safety for them for the passengers and to the employees was the number one priority.

And throughout the pandemic, they have done everything, you know, they have implemented testing very rapidly. They have done all sorts of things, including making vaccines available to their employees. They have also set up a very large vaccination site in collaboration with state of Georgia, at the Delta museum to get vaccines into the community. So they're committed to people vaccinated and safe in the air is one a priority.

HOLMES: Yes, it seems that they're going down that route that others are. I mean, the time seems to be turning on making life hard for, let's call them, the willfully unvaccinated. There are a number of airlines, Qantas and others moving in the direction of mandating vaccinations, not just for staff but for air travelers. The Canadian Prime Minister said he's going to demand that. France is banning U.S. unvaccinated travelers. Is this where it's headed? Do you think the people who want to travel by air, you have to be vaccinated?

DEL RIO: Well, you know, I would say like that, you know, before the Labor Day weekend, the CDC director, Dr. Rochelle Walensky said, if you're unvaccinated you shouldn't travel during this weekend. I was disappointed that when President Biden issued his six-point plan on how to resetting, you know, try to end this pandemic. He did not put that into one of his priorities. I would have asked, I would have been delighted to see him say that travelers were going to be required to be vaccinated.


The federal government has the authority to do this. They can regulate interstate travel and international travel. They already have testing as a requirement from international passengers to enter the US. And I wish they had also made vaccination requirement.

HOLMES: And when it comes to the Delta surcharge, I mean, charging employees more in their health care charges, if they're not vaccinated. Do you think that could be a more effective method of persuasion for employees generally, or a more acceptable one? I mean, Delta is also saying no sick pay for unvaccinated workers who need time off for a COVID infection. Do you think that that that's a more effective way of going than perhaps mandates?

DEL RIO: Well, you know, at the end of the day, each one has different approaches. United Airlines has gone with a mandate. And Delta is using a different approach. Everybody's looking into different ways. At the end of the day, what we need to get people -- we need good people vaccinated. And whether you do that through a mandate or you do it that through making it harder for people who aren't vaccinated.

At the end of the day for an airline, you know, whether you have, think about it being inside of plane, think about being, you know, a pilot, a flight attendant, think about being a customer facing representative. I think if we can get everybody vaccinated, I will feel so much more comfortable to know that I'm getting on a flight where everybody vaccinated.

HOLMES: I got to say, me, too. I mean, what do you think about the president doubling fines for people who, you know, won't keep their mask on? I mean, should have even more than that?

DEL RIO: Well, you know, that's also a very good question. I think at the end of the day, I just got off a plane a little while ago. And there were plenty of people not wearing their mask appropriately. And it's very hard for the flight attendants and for the crew in general to have to go up to them and say, please put your mask correctly, because most of those passengers are not paying attention.

So at this point in time, is simply please do this, as opposed to Hey, I'm giving you a fine, who's going to be in charge of implementation was fine. So I think that still needs to be decided, right?

HOLMES: Yes. Yes, I think you're right, though. I think a lot of people that I speak to would love to travel with vaccinated people does seem to be heading down that road. Dr. Carlos del Rio, as always, appreciate your expertise. Thanks so much.

DEL RIO: Thank you, Michael, the way I talk to you.

HOLMES: South Africa will start to ease some COVID restrictions with infection rates beginning to fall. The country has been battling a devastating third wave and is one of the worst hit in Africa in terms of reported cases and deaths.

But even with cases falling in most provinces, President Cyril Ramaphosa is urging South Africans to get vaccinated saying there are enough doses for everyone who wants one. Less than 15 percent of the population, however, there is fully vaccinated.


CYRIL RAMAPHOSA, SOUTH AFRICAN PRESIDENT: With more than five and a half billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide so far. However, our continent is still right at the bottom of the vaccination experience that is just beginning to pick up against all the odds that we've been facing as a continent.


HOLMES: Quick break. Now when we come back here on the program, drama at the U.S. Open will tell you whether Novak Djokovic was able to pull up the first calendar Grand Slam in more than half a century. I suspect you already know. Plus, 18 year old Emma Raducanu opens up about her historic winner the tournament and her new role as a breakout star in tennis.



MICHAEL HOLMES, CNN ANCHOR: Novak Djokovic's historic bid to win all four major tennis tournaments in the same year was shut down by Daniil Medvedev. Number 2 ranked Medvedev cruised to straight sets victory to defeat number 1 rank Djokovic at the U.S. Open in New York on Sunday.

Now, the last men's tennis player to win a (INAUDIBLE) in the Grand Slam was Rocket Rod Laver, who I always point out is Australian, back in 1969. That is more than 50 years ago.

And Patrick Snell, he did it twice. But I digress. Tell us about Medvedev.

PATRICK SNELL, CNN WORLD SPORTS ANCHOR: Where is Rod Laver from again?

HOLMES: Australia, I believe. Yes.

SNELL: Ok. Let's get that clear. HOLMES: I know. Don't get me started on F-1 where a Perth boy won.

SNELL: Oh, yes.

HOLMES: Ricciardo. But anyway.

SNELL: Anyway. You digressed.

HOLMES: Tell us Medvedev.

SNELL: Let's talk Medvedev. Quite a story because so much of the buildup, Michael, centering on -- and rightly so -- on Novak Djokovic. But the 25-year-old from Moscow just superb, getting his first slam title under his belt at the U.S. Open. Shattering, I have to say, the history-making hopes and aspirations of that man, Djokovic.

This is all surprisingly straightforward in the end. A beaten finalist, Medvedev, remember two years ago at Flushing Meadows -- straight sets defeat. A straight sets triumph on this occasion though for Medvedev, helping to erase memories of his 2019 loss to a certain Rafa Nadal.

It was a magnificent display, he thoroughly deserved it. And here is what is important about this, because it denies the top ranked Serbian, not just the men's record 21st Slam crown, but also a chance to become the first man since that year in '69 to complete the count of slam. That's a sweep of all four majors.

The elated Russian player then (INAUDIBLE) it was also, get this, Michael -- it was also a very special day for other reasons. Take a listen to find out why.


DANIIL MEDVEDEV, U.S. OPEN CHAMPION: It's a certain anniversary for me and my wife today. And you know, during the tournament, I couldn't think of a present or anything. So that when I went in the final after the semis I thought ok, if I lose, I need to find a present fast.

And when I won -- when I won, the only thing I thought was, well, if I lose, I have no time to get a present, so I have to win this match. I love you Tasha. And thanks a lot.


HOLMES: What a great soundbite. Tell me, Pat, what happened to Djokovic?

SNELL: Yes. I didn't have time to buy a present, but I did win the U.S. Open, he said.

Yes look, what happened -- I think, you know, emotions were very much on display. This video does say it all. It's very powerful. There was so much at stake, wasn't there for Nole?

And I will say, that video speaks volumes. Because see I think it was just, you know, it was maybe, dare I say, a burden of the weight of the occasion, Michael. The weight of history and how it all may have impacted on him.

But he's as tough as nails, mentally. You know, the 34-year-old there, fighting back tears on this occasion.

He'd come off that 5 sets semifinal victory over Alexander Zverev. I will say, he didn't have his usual zest and energy at times about him. But he has so much to be proud of.

And then he came up with these really powerful and poignant words.


NOVAK DJOKOVIC, U.S. OPEN RUNNER UP: I would like to say that tonight even though I have not won the match my heart is filled with joy. And I am the happiest man alive, because you guys made me feel very special on the court.

You guys touched my soul. I've never felt -- never felt like this in New York, honestly. I've never felt like this. I love you guys. Thank you so much for your support.

Everything you have done tonight to me. I love you. And I will see you soon. Thank you.


SNELL: Yes. Just so emotional there, Michael. I mean he was gracious in defeat as well.


HOLMES: And he said I'll see you soon.


HOLMES: No quitting, this guy.

SNELL: Next Grand Slam tournament, the Australian Open. We all know he loves that one.

HOLMES: He does.


HOLMES: He will start all over again.

SNELL: Yes. Thank you mate.

HOLMES: Always good to see you my friend.

SNELL: Great to see you this weekend.

HOLMES: Thanks so much. All right. Now on Saturday, of course, 18-year-old Emma Raducanu won the women's final, and became the first British woman in more than 40 years to win a Grand Slam.

CNN Sport's Carolyn Manno spoke with Raducanu about her historic performance. Have a listen.


CAROLYN MANNO, CNN WORLD SPORT CORRESPONDENT: I heard you a moment ago say that it's your dream to win a Grand Slam. How real has this moment become for you now?

EMMA RADUCANU, U.S. OPEN WOMEN'S CHAMPION: It still hasn't sunk in, to be honest, because after the match I haven't really had a moment to just stop and embrace everything that just happened. But yes, I can't wait to just really sink in with my team tonight and enjoy and celebrate.

And then when I get back home to see everyone at home -- it's been seven weeks away now. So, to go home, I'm just really excited to see my family and friends.

MANNO: You continue to get better as this tournament went on. And you mentioned that there are a lot of areas that you want to work on.

Still, when people consider this fortnight that you played 20 sets and won every single one of them. I mean what is it about the journey that allowed you to execute so flawlessly? What was your approach, mentally?

RADUCANU: Yes. I think that, you know, you can look at the score, and be like straight sets every match but I think in every single one of those matches that were maybe a one or two point difference between winning or losing that set. And I probably could have lost a lot of those sets that I managed to win. And even some of the score lines they did not reflect how the matches were going, and the dynamic. Because a lot were going to deuce games, and in tennis, the margins are so fine. And you know, one-point can make the difference between a set.

So, I think that just my focus on the point ahead of me, and what I was trying to execute, point for point, game for game, not getting ahead of myself at all has just allowed me to be (INAUDIBLE) laser with the title.

MANNO: I know you haven't had a lot of time to process this but this is a season of change in tennis on the women' side. And both you and Leyla have really been tagged as the future here from what you guys are able to do.

I mean how much do you feel that? That you and her could develop a rivalry that will be significant in the sport? Taking up the mantle of the sport?

RADUCANU: Yes. I hope so. I hope we'll play each other in more finals and more matches on the tour and on the stages. On such occasions like this, (INAUDIBLE) it is so enjoyable.

And for the Grand Slam final here, to have two of us that are young and coming through, I mean it definitely, it just shows how strong the future of tennis is, and hopefully, we will be able to follow in the footsteps of some of the legends who played or playing right now.


HOLMES: Good for her. Now, we are tracking a typhoon, headed towards Shanghai after battering the northern Philippines this weekend. We'll go live to the CNN Weather Center for the latest, after the break.



HOLMES: We are continuing to track Typhoon Chanthu as it makes it its way towards Shanghai. The storm skimmed Taiwan earlier on Sunday. It's weakened since hitting the northern Philippines as a super typhoon over the weekend.

But Shanghai is still expected to experience heavy rain and flash flooding from the storm, if Chanthu remains at typhoon strength, this will be the first time since 1985 that a typhoon has hit that city of Shanghai.

Joining me now meteorologist Pedram Javaheri with more. You always tell us that the main damage from these storms is water. And this has plenty of it.

PEDRAM JAVAHERI, CNN METEOROLOGIST: It does, and it's going to take its time passing across this region. And that is the concern.

We could see as much as half a meter or more rainfall, Michael, across portions of some of the most densely populated quarters of eastern China there.

But here's Chanthu and back toward the west across the Bay of Bengal, another tropical system in the works. But I want to show you just how close this gets to land here over the next few hours and just how long it takes before it gets out of here because that's really the biggest concern.

And we've already seen the storm system produce upwards of 200 plus millimeters across Taiwan. Taiwan in the mountains across this region have played a significant role in weakening the storm system, bringing its wind speeds down below 240 kilometers per hour.

Right, now it sits at about 160. And Taiwan by the way is home to the highest density of tall mountains anywhere in the world. 200 mountains here rise over 3,000 meters incredible elevation gain across the area which really break systems apart.

And we had Chanthu just go very close to the eastern shores of Taiwan. The interaction with the mountains here really played a significant role in weakening the wind speed. But again, that's not what I'm concerned about. I'm more concerned about its proximity to a population of 26 million there in Shanghai, which happens to be the most populous in all of China. And also one of the busiest shipping ports in the world. And we know disruptions are already observed across the airports there, from shanghai and points just to the south.

But when you see the storm system make a close approach and then make that right turn, you know it's going to be a soggy week here in and notice the forecast here take us for three consecutive days of scattered to heavy rainfall potential in store in shanghai before conditions finally dry out.

And this storm actually goes about 4 to 7 kilometers per hour, each of the next three days as it makes that right turn. So that's why we expect some of the highest rainfall anywhere across the world over the next few days to happen right here.

Notice the white contours which are the top of the chart. Those exceed half a meter. Those are going to be awfully close to Shanghai here, from really today on until Thursday before conditions gradually dry out.

And this system will make a sharp right turn. Could potentially skirt the southern tip of South Korea, enter the Korea Strait. And really important to note, this system has skirt a lot of heavy population zones from eastern Taiwan into eastern China, potentially into portions of the Korean Peninsula.

So we kind of watch this meander and not want to make landfall but has significant impacts, Michael when it comes to flooding concerns along the coast of these populated regions.

I'll send it back to you.

HOLMES: Absolutely. Pedram, thanks for keeping track of it for us. Pedram Javaheri there.

And thank you for spending part of your day with me.

I'm Michael Holmes. You can follow me on Twitter and Instagram @HolmesCNN.

Stay with us, "MARKETPLACE AFRICA" is up next on CNN.






ROBYN CURNOW, CNN ANCHOR: Hi. Welcome to our viewers here in the United States and all around the world.

Thanks for joining me. I'm Robyn Curnow.