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CNN Newsroom

Europe Welcome American Tourists; India's Healthcare System Desperate for Help; Eighty People Killed in Baghdad's Hospital Fire; Palestinians Celebrate Their Access to Jerusalem on Ramadan; President Biden's to Address Congress on his 100th Day in Office; Presidents Biden and Putin May Meet in Person this Summer; Brown Family Want Justice; Asian Women Won Oscars Award. Aired 3-4a ET

Aired April 26, 2021 - 03:00   ET




ROSEMARY CHURCH, CNN ANCHOR (on camera): Hello and welcome to our viewers joining us here in the United States and all around the world. You are watching CNN Newsroom. And I'm Rosemary Church.

Just ahead, after more than a year long hiatus, some Americans might be able to add Europe to their summer travel plans. India again breaks the daily coronavirus case record as countries step up to offer desperately needed supplies.

And history is made in Hollywood. A woman of color wins best director for the first time ever but her home country is censoring the news.

Good to have you with us.

And we begin with good news for Americans who have been dreaming of a European vacation after more than a year of COVID restrictions. The European Commission president tells the New York Times that fully vaccinated Americans will be able to visit E.U. countries this summer. That's also good news for European economies that have felt the financial sting of travel bans.

So, let's bring in CNN's Melissa Bell, she joins us live from Paris. Good to see you, Melissa. So, this is great news for fully vaccinated Americans and for tourism across Europe but how will this work exactly, and when will this likely happen?

MELISSA BELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, the idea was already, Rosemary, that Europeans who'd get what the E.U. is calling a green certificate. A vaccination passport that shows whether you have either been vaccinated, or immune because you recently had COVID-19 or whether or not you have had tested shows that you're negative, so something that would allow you to cross from European country to European country.

The idea now is laid out by Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission to the New York Times, is that this certificate could be extended to allow non-Europeans to cross the external borders in the European Union. Now the exact details of that still need to be worked out, whether it is simply that the Europeans certificate could be given to Americans upon landing if they can show their own American certificate that they've been vaccinated.

But the idea is that then they would be able to come back to Europe. It's been over a year. I think it's important to remember how long it's been since Europe has been deprived of this much needed revenue. An industry here in Europe that is worth hundreds of billions of euros every year, essentially at a standstill.

And of course, American tourists represent an important part of that. Not only here in cities like Paris, but also to countries like Greece, Italy, Portugal, all have been campaigning for a while now for some kind of system that would allow even before we fully got populations vaccinated, those that have been vaccinated the opportunity of traveling once again.

Now, this as things continue to improve here in Europe. Here in France, we're going to see over the course of the next few days the slow easing of some of the restrictions, Rosemary, primary and primary schools and very young children go back to school this Monday. High schools will have to wait until next week, but the idea is that this week we will also see a slow easing of the internal French travel restrictions. So, some return to some sense of normality and some hope that things will improve soon enough, Rosemary.

CHURCH (on camera): Yes. And that progress, as you say bringing hope to so many people. Melissa Bell, live for us from Paris. I appreciate it.

Well, experts say vaccines are one of the biggest factors in getting life back to normal. White House senior adviser Andy Slavitt told CNN's Pam Brown that this will happen much faster for those who are fully vaccinated.


ANDY SLAVITT, SENIOR ADVISER, WHITE HOUSE COVID-19 RESPONSE TEAM: So far, we have more than half of adult America -- of adult Americans that have done their vaccine shots. That's great, but that also means that we have near half of Americans that still haven't done that yet. So, I think we are increasingly going to see a world where people who have been vaccinated are going to enjoy a lot of freedoms. They're going to feel like they can take a lot of activities, a little risk. They can reunite with families and the cases are going to continue to be there for people who haven't been vaccinated yet.

So, whether it's traveling to Europe or whether it's just seeing your family and friends without having to worry, vaccination is the key.


CHURCH (on camera): So, let's talk now with Dr. Anish Mahajan, chief medical officer of Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. Thank you, doctor, for talking with us and for all that you do. ANISH MAHAJAN, CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER, HARBOR-UCLA MEDICAL CENTER:

Thank you.

CHURCH: So, I want to start with this, because the E.U. is set to allow fully vaccinated U.S. tourists to visit the continent this summer. How safe will that likely be and what will those traveling Americans need to do when they return to the U.S., considering Europe has very low vaccination rates at this time?


MAHAJAN: Well, you know, I think first of all it's a real vote of confidence in how vaccination protects all of us from getting the virus or getting very sick from the virus and from giving the virus to someone else, as data is now emerging about that.

Now, the fact that the European Union is allowing Americans to come over if they can prove that they have been vaccinated it's just that. It shows that that's the case. Coming back from European Union, I think Americans have to take the same precautions that they're going to take wherever they go, whether it's the United States or within the U.S. or in the E.U. They have to watch their own symptoms. They have to test themselves, get tested if they know some symptoms. They have to ensure that they're wearing their masks in the appropriate settings and following CDC guidelines.

CHURCH: OK. And speaking of CDC data from the CDC shows that about 8 percent of Americans are actually skipping their second COVID shot and 43 percent of Republicans say they won't even get the vaccine. What is going on here do you think, and how do you convince people to get both shots and overcome this clear hesitancy?

MAHAJAN: Well, it's very difficult to say exactly what's happening. A lot has been made about many segments of our population being hesitant to take the vaccine vaccination. But a lot of work is happening with those communities to show them how important it is and how safe the vaccine is.

Now, when it comes to the second dose there are a variety of factors. It may simply beat that a given place that was giving the first dose doesn't have the second dose available. It might be that people think that all I need is one dose to be safe. And now in those groups -- in those situations, we have to get folks to understand that both doses are essential to maximize your protection from getting COVID.

Now, there are groups as you point out who are just against taking the vaccine. This is a big problem for us because we know that we need about 70 to 90 percent of the U.S. population to be resistant to getting COVID either by getting the vaccine or having had COVID and so this is very concerning.

CHURCH: And while Americans have had extraordinary access to these COVID vaccines, Indians have not. Despite their own country being one of the biggest producers of the AstraZeneca vaccine, which the Indian government had been exporting to other nations instead of vaccinating their own people. Now, the U.S. will send test kits, oxygen, ventilators, and PPE to

India as it tackles these record surging daily cases and deaths. But what India really needs at this time is the vaccine itself because less than 1.6 percent of their population has been vaccinated so far. Should the U.S. be sending its own supplies of AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines to India given a lot of Americans are reluctant to take both?

MAHAJAN: Well, let me just start by saying that in India, in Brazil, and other parts of the world, we are witnessing a humanitarian disaster. I myself have lost relatives in the last several weeks who live in India. I have several relatives in Bombay who are quite sick. If they need hospital beds and oxygen, I am very worried as to whether they will have access to that.

Now, the United States is first answer when this was discussed last week was, well, America comes first. That's what we heard from the State Department. This is an entirely wrong-headed approach. This is a global pandemic. The virus crosses border very easily. So, what can we do?

As you point out, the U.S. now with pressure has agreed to send a lot of supplies that India does need but we need to do much more than that. We have -- we have 100 nations including India and South Africa requesting the World Trade Organization to put a temporary halt on that patent rights to vaccines. Now, why should they do this?

Well, doing this would enable the sharing of that vaccine knowledge. The sharing of the knowledge of how to increase production along with the assistance of increasing that production in countries like India, and the continent of Africa and other places, will be the real answer to help us get vaccination to lower income countries at the current pace, we're looking at two to three years before the majority of people in the globe can be vaccinated. That is too long and too risky.

CHURCH: Yes. The whole world needs vaccinating and if it isn't -- if those vaccines aren't sent out to everyone, then we are all vulnerable, aren't we? Dr Anish Mahajan, thank you so much for joining us. I appreciate it.

MAHAJAN: Thank you.

CHURCH: More now on the dire situation in India. The country just smashed another global record for new daily cases for a fifth straight day. Health authorities reported nearly 353,000 new infections Monday. That brings the total number of cases since the pandemic began to more than 17 million.


CNN's Anna Coren is tracking developments. She joins us now live from Hong Kong. Good to see you, Anna.

The surge in COVID cases and deaths is just devastating. Those numbers are horrifying. What is the latest on this and of course efforts to help the people of India? ANNA COREN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (on camera): You mentioned the

international aid coming from the United States, Singapore, the E.U., the U.K. is also looking to send supplies but as for what is happening on the ground in India, the government of Narendra Modi, he has announced that they will set up these oxygen generation plants, 551 of them around the country.

I mean, Rosemary, that is cold comfort for people who are dealing with COVID right now who are trying to get oxygen for their loved ones. I mean, what is supposed to be the responsibility of the government is being left up to families and individuals. People are having to buy cylinders and resort to the black market to do so, paying exorbitant amounts. Ten times as much as what they normally cause.

This is what they are having to do to keep their loved ones alive and that is people with money. With privilege, who can afford to do that. So many people cannot, so they are taking their loved ones to the hospital because they have no other means of keeping their family members alive, only to be told, Rosemary, that there is no room for them, that there is no bed, no oxygen.


COREN (voice over): Volunteers roll up canisters of oxygen to victims of COVID desperate for air. But this is no hospital. It's a Sikh temple in a city on the outskirts of New Delhi where aid workers are treating people in the back seats of cars since medical facilities in the capital are too overwhelmed to take in new patients.

JASPREET SINGH, SEEKING OXYGEN FOR FATHER (through translator): People who are not getting beds or oxygen and are dying in government hospitals. For them, it is a great help. They are getting oxygen. It's a great help for the people struggling to breathe.

COREN: It's life and death for some. Conditions aren't much better inside hospitals. In some places, with two to three patients to a bed and little room for standing. Outside, another hospital people are treated in cars and ambulances as they hope and wait to be admitted.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi says the second wave of the virus has shaken the nation. The government has deployed military planes and trains to bring in more oxygen from around the country and overseas. The U.K. now promising to send ventilators and other medical equipment. The E.U. and the U.S. say they will help too.

But that's little comfort to those infected right now. For days India has had the highest number of new daily cases in the world causing critical shortages and forcing some people to turn to more immediate means to help loved ones.

UNKNOWN (through translator): My father is 70 years old. Last night I purchased an oxygen cylinder on the black market and it's already empty. Oxygen cylinders aren't even available on the black market now.

COREN: Dwindling resources and a scramble to replenish them. Until then, the anguish of families trying to help the sick and dying is one thing in India there is too much of.


COREN (on camera): Now, the prime minister has described this second wave as a storm. And the backlash, though, Rosemary, against the prime minister has been staggering. You have to remember that he has a cult following in India, but people have been very vocal in their criticism.

Now, the government has taken an exception to this. They have asked Twitter to remove dozens of tweets from lawmakers, from journalist filmmakers and ordinary citizens that have criticize the handling of the pandemic, particularly with the second wave. They made an emergency order to do this.

Twitter, interestingly, has complied and removed some of those tweets. But people up in arms saying you cannot silence us when people are dying. And that is what is happening, Rosemary, on an epic scale. A catastrophe is unfolding in India and the government seems more concerned about censoring their critics than they are in helping their own people.

CHURCH: Yes, absolutely. That is flawed indeed. They need to focus on helping the people of India. Anna Coren bringing us the very latest on that from Hong Kong. Many thanks.

Well, families split between Singapore and Hong Kong will finally get to see loved ones after months apart. The two cities are set to resume air travel with each other on May 26th. They are looking to remove the need for quarantine due to COVID. It's been called an air travel bubble and there are restrictions. They cover vaccines and contact tracing apps from each city.


Well, just ahead, more than 80 people are dead from a fire in a Baghdad hospital and Iraq's prime minister says that some government officials are under investigation as a result of this tragedy.

Plus, we will tell you why Palestinians broke into cheers Sunday night after nightly clashes with police in Jerusalem. Back in just a moment.


CHURCH (on camera): Welcome back, everyone. We are tracking heartbreaking news out of Indonesia with a search for a missing submarine has come to a tragic end. Officials say all 53 crew members are dead and the wreckage of their ship has been found on the sea floor. Video has emerged of sailors on board the sub in happier times. They are gathered on their ship singing a love song.


An official says the ship didn't sink due to human error. He blamed natural causes. The military says the lost sailors will be given honors and promoted. Iraqis are searching for answers after more than 80 people died in a

hospital fire in Baghdad. There's growing anger after footage from inside that hospital captured the chaos revealing the fire alarm was not working properly. And the emergency response was delayed. Iraq's prime minister has suspended the country's health minister and the governor of Baghdad over this and says they will face questioning.

CNN's Arwa Damon has the latest.


ARWA DAMON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice over): The person filming cries out in horror. There is the sound of another blast from within the inferno. A woman screams. It's Baghdad's infectious diseases hospital, filled with COVID-19 patients and their family members.

Hussein Salem (Ph) was inside caring for his mother, he was urging her to try to eat something. "I couldn't save her," he sobs. "We tried to evacuate my mom, but once we reach the door, we were blown away by one of the blasts," he remembers. The pain is still so raw, so incomprehensible.

He's at the Baghdad morgue waiting for her charred remains along with the others whose loved either suffocated to death or were burnt, some beyond recognition. His father's anger seeps through his sorrow. "When tragedies happened, government officials always give a bogus reason. They always try to justify their devilishly ways," he said.

As seen in the CCTV video of the explosion believed to be an oxygen tank that blew came from inside one of the rooms. People start to run. Someone it looks like a patient. An elderly man is pulled out. The flames appear to be getting larger. A man arrives with a handheld fire extinguisher. But with no fireproofing, it was not enough.

That blast lead to a series of others. The fire alarm was faulty. It was half an hour before the civil defense says it got a call. By the time they responded, so many were dead, so many were wounded. Residents in the area had taken it upon themselves to try to help, breaking through windows to save those inside.

Back in February, we filmed at this hospital in the intensive care unit. We spoke to doctors and family members about people's reluctance to come to hospitals, about the lack of faith in Iraq's health care system who have yet to recover from sanctions dating back to the Saddam Hussein era, and then, nonstop war and rampant corruption.

This, this is what all of that has led to. Murtad (Ph) stares at his hands, cut from breaking glass to let in some air. His aunt and grandmother perished inside. He could not save them. "No one could imagine this could happen," he says. But, tragically, Iraq has a way of delivering the unimaginable, and with it, unimaginable pain.

Arwa Damon, CNN, Istanbul.

(END VIDEO CLIP) CHURCH (on camera): The withdrawal of American troops from

Afghanistan is underway. The commander of the U.S.-led mission says the official modification to withdraw will be this Saturday. The General, Austin Scott Miller says troop movements have already begun in local areas. President Joe Biden has promised to get troops out of Afghanistan by September 11th, putting an end to America's longest war.

But many are warning the Taliban will seize on a U.S. exit, and could launch a bid to topple the central government.

Palestinians celebrated on Sunday night after police barriers at the center of nightly clashes in Jerusalem came down. Palestinians say Israeli police put up the barricade to prevent them from holding their usual Ramadan evening gatherings.

CNN's Hadas Gold joins me now from Jerusalem. Good to see you, Hadas. So, what is the latest on the situation?

HADAS GOLD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, I'm standing in the plaza outside of Damascus gate. This is the main entrance for Muslim worshippers to enter the old city of Jerusalem. Now it's clear and calm today. There's people sitting in this plaza. But that hasn't been the case for several nights since the beginning of Ramadan up until just about last night where Palestinian protesters were clashing with Israeli police over the erection of these barricades that were preventing people from sitting and gathering here, something that's very popular especially young Palestinians during Ramadan.

Now there was violence, protesters were throwing glass bottles and rocks at police. Police would be responding with rubber bullets, stun grenades, and foul-smelling water.


But last night, those barricades came down to cheers from hundreds of Palestinians who were in the plaza, who also began praying. Now, there is a hope that this will bring some calm to the city that has seen rising tensions in the last few days. Not only because of the protests here in the plaza, but also because of incidents of violence both Palestinian on Israeli and Israeli on Palestinian. Also, there was a march by Jewish extremists, at one point they were chanting death to Arabs, that has really riled up tensions here in the city.

Now tensions have also been spreading down south from Gaza, where Gaza militants have fired more than 40 rockets towards Israel in the last three days including five last night, and Gaza militants, specifically are citing the tensions here in Jerusalem as one of the reasons why they have been firing rockets into Israel.

But there is a hope that by moving these barricades it will hopefully bring some calm back to the city. Because tensions here have been rising, and there have been higher tensions and the city has seen in quite a few years. It's been a few years of relative calm, there is a lot of worry about the tensions in the city. Rosemary?

CHURCH: All right. Hadas Gold joining us live from Jerusalem, many thanks.

And coming up next, U.S. President Joe Biden is getting ready to mark 100 days in office. A look at what he has planned this week, plus could a meeting between Mr. Biden and his Russian counterpart be just months away? A Kremlin aide tells state media it's a strong possibility. We'll have the details next.


CHURCH (on camera): Welcome back, everyone.

Well, U.S. President Joe Biden is set to mark his 100th day in office this week. But before he does, he will give his first address to a joint session of Congress Wednesday.


Mr. Biden is expected to outline his economic and infrastructure agenda and his proposal on how to pay for it.

CNN's Joe Johns has more.

JOE JOHNS, CNN SENIOR WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT: So how does Joe Biden stack up against some of his predecessors in the White House? He is coming in at the low end of modern American presidents, according to some recent polling, he is ahead of Donald Trump, but substantially behind both Barack Obama and George W. Bush. So, the question is, why is that? The answer is, the country has been polarized since Donald Trump left office.

It's clear that most Democrats give Joe Biden high marks, most Republicans do not. It's going to be a big week for Joe Biden, the capstone of it will be that speech on Capitol Hill the address to Congress, but even before that he is expected to lay out some of the facets of his plan for American families on Tuesday.

And then on Thursday, he is expected to fly to Georgia to celebrate what he sees as the accomplishments of his first 100 days in office.

Joe Johns, CNN, Wilmington, Delaware.

CHURCH: Joining me now, CNN political analyst Sabrina Siddiqui. She is also a White House reporter for the Wall Street Journal. Good to have you with us.


CHURCH: So President Biden's overall approval rating for his first 100 days in office is at 53 percent. That's 13 points above former President Donald Trump but below other presidents. What do you make of the number with most Americans impressed by the way he has dealt with the pandemic but he's clearly vulnerable when it comes to the issue of immigration?

SIDDIQUI: Yes. I think that what you are seeing with President Biden's initial approval ratings is that Americans broadly support his administration's response to the coronavirus pandemic. Of course, the pace of vaccinations has accelerated dramatically under the Biden administration. But it's just a slim majority of Americans who approve of President Biden's performance overall.

And in many ways, it reflects just how polarized this country is. Think about the backdrop against which he took office a very contentious election that in some ways dragged on. Many Republicans including former President Trump is refusing to acknowledge the outcome of the election, and so with that context it's not very surprising that President Biden's approval rating is a little bit lower than some of his predecessors, albeit higher than former President Trump.

And then of course there is the immigration issue with the surge of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border. That has been a point of vulnerability for him and his administration is certainly still tackling that ongoing crisis. So those are some of the potential challenges facing not just President Biden but Democrats who currently hold both majorities in Congress going into the 2022 midterm elections.

CHURCH: Right. And of course, Joe Biden will give his first address to the joint session of Congress Wednesday. What does he need to say in his speech at this critical time?

SIDDIQUI: Well, this is really going to be the first opportunity for President Biden in a very high profile, with a very high profile stage to kind of lay out what his administration has accomplished so far, I think you are going to really hear him talk a lot about what they call a wartime footing against the coronavirus pandemic, and their efforts to vaccinate most of the American population with now more than half of the eligible U.S. population having received at least a first dose of the coronavirus vaccine.

But he also has to lay out his vision, and he is going to be detailing more aspects of his economic plan. The administration has already rolled out a $2 trillion infrastructure and jobs plan that President Biden says is necessary to revitalize the economy amid the post- pandemic recession, but also, he is going to lay out the second part of that plan which focuses on childcare, you know, and making education more affordable, family leave, and other domestic priorities.

So, this is the broad, I think, vision for his first term that we're really going to really hear for the first time in greater detail.

CHURCH: Right. And of course, on the other side of the political equation, House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy is defending Donald Trump's response to the capitol riot when he put out a video at the time. What's your reaction to McCarthy's efforts to clean up that very poor response to the January 6th insurrection? And will this come back to bite the GOP in 2022?

SIDDIQUI: It really just reinforces the kind of hold that Donald Trump still has on the Republican Party. And some of these, it's early, yes, but om some of these initial polls of the possible 2024 Republican presidential field, Trump still has support from a majority of Republican primary voters.


And it's by a landslide. The next closest contender is former Vice President Mike Pence who has about, you know, 18 percent of support but then everyone else is in single digits. So that's the reality that Republicans are dealing, and this is still very much still the party of Trump. And it looks like if you even look in the way in which Kevin McCarthy is changing his tune once again, Trumpism is still very much alive and well.

CHURCH: All right. Sabrina Siddiqui, always a pleasure to get your analysis, many thanks.

SIDDIQUI: Thank you so much.

CHURCH: The Biden administration is dealing with challenges both at home and abroad. Among them, heightened tensions between the U.S. and Russia. Now, we are hearing the two leaders might sit down for a meeting as soon as this summer.

CNN's Frederik Pleitgen has the details from Moscow.

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: A senior aide to the Kremlin, Yuri Ushakov, he went on Russian state TV on Sunday, and there he said that June is a possible day for a summit between President Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Now the way that Ushakov put it, he said that June is being talked about and that there are also even specific dates being talked about as well.

However, he does say, of course, there are still many things that need to be worked out. We did reach out to the Biden administration and they so far have not given any sort of update on the matter. The Russians for their part are also saying that so far there are no meetings on a working level to try and hash out what exactly these two leaders would be talking about. And also, what progress could possibly be made.

However, now all this does sound quite plausible as President Biden will indeed be in Europe in June, he is first going to attend the G7 summit in the United Kingdom, he is then set to go to the NATO Summit in Brussels. So, in and around that time, and of course somewhere in Europe is where a meeting between President Biden and Vladimir Putin could then take place.

Now all this of course comes during a period of heightened tensions between the U.S. and Russia. You have the Biden administration hitting the Russians with some really tough sanctions for the election meddling in 2020, and also of course, for the SolarWinds hack. The Russians for their part retaliating and banning an array of top U.S. officials.

Then you had the Russians, though, this week withdraw some of their forces from the border with Ukraine. That eased some tensions. And also, Alexei Navalny, the opposition politician, he was able to see some independent doctors as well. Nevertheless, the tensions between the U.S. and Russia do remain high.

Fred Pleitgen, CNN, Moscow.

CHURCH: There are growing calls for police reform in the U.S. after several recent shootings. And Vice President Kamala Harris spoke exclusively with CNN about it. That's just ahead.



CHURCH (on camera): Welcome back. Well, the family of a Black man shot and killed by deputies last week in North Carolina may have a chance to watch the body cam footage. Few details have been released in the shooting of 42-year-old Andrew Brown, Jr. Wednesday in Elizabeth City.

CNN's Natasha Chen is on the scene and has the latest.

NATASHA CHEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (on camera): The family of Andrew Brown, Jr. has an appointment Monday to meet with a county attorney and potentially view the body camera footage. It has been five full days now where no one has seen the footage from the body cameras worn by the deputies on scene last Wednesday when Andrew Brown was shot and killed.

And seeing this footage could help answer some questions because right now, all we have is the 911 audio that was publicly released where you can hear an emergency responder, saying that a 42-year-old man has been found with a gunshot wound to the back.

A witness also told CNN that she saw sheriff's deputy shooting at Brown's car as he was allegedly driving away, so a lot of concern from the family and community especially if Brown was in fact shot in the back. But the community has been marching peacefully in the streets of Elizabeth City in last few days. The family also held a press conference over the weekend where a couple of Brown's children were there.

Here is his oldest son talking about how difficult this past week has been.


KHALIL FEREBEE, ANDREW BROWN, JR.'S SON: With all these killings going on, I never expected this to happen so close to home. Like, he left a close and tight family with each other every day, talking to each other every day. And we, my brothers, my sisters, we, is what drove him as a person. We, is what made him better.

And now I got to live every day, my newborn without getting a chance to meet him at all. And that's going to hurt me every day. I just want justice.

(END VIDEO CLIP) CHEN (on camera): At the close of that press conference we were introduced to a special guest. The mother of Eric Garner actually travels to Elizabeth City to support Andrew Brown's family. So, a lot of support from the clergy as well, community members, all asking for transparency.

Right now, there are seven deputies who are on administrative leave. They were the ones involved in the shooting on last Wednesday morning. Another two deputies have resigned, and a third deputy has retired.

Monday is also critical because several entities will be formally filing a petition with the court to ask a judge to release this video to the public. And those entities include the sheriff himself, as well as the coalition of 14 news organizations including CNN.

Natasha Chen, CNN, Elizabeth City, North Carolina.

CHURCH: And there is disturbing new body cam footage, an emergency audio from the shooting of an unarmed Black man in Virginia. A sheriff's deputy had given this man, Isaiah Brown, a ride home. Then a 911 call set off a chain of events that ended with the man being shot multiple times by that same deputy. Authorities say the deputy was responding to a domestic disturbance call and mistook Brown's phone for a gun.


UNKNOWN: Isaiah, are you holding your hands up?

UNKNOWN: Show me your hands!

UNKNOWN: Put your hands up. H

UNKNOWN: Show me your hands now. Show me your hands!

UNKNOWN: Drop the gun!

UNKNOWN: he's got a gun in his head.

UNKNOWN: Drop the gun now, stop walking towards me, stop walking towards me. Stop! Stop!

UNKNOWN: He shot him.

UNKNOWN: Shots fired. Shots fired one down. Show me your hands, show me your hands! Drop the gun, drop the gun!


CHURCH (on camera): And here is what the deputies body camera shows. And a warning, some may find it disturbing to watch.


UNKNOWN: Drop the gun!

UNKNOWN: He's got a gun to his head.

UNKNOWN: Drop the gun now! Stop walking towards me. Stop walking towards me. Stop! Stop.



CHURCH (on camera): The Virginia state police confirmed that Brown was unarmed at the time of that shooting. His family says he was shot 10 times and remains in serious condition.

Well, protesters marched in Los Angeles Sunday demanding justice over the police killings we've seen in the U.S. Activists say the guilty verdict in the trial of disgraced former officer Derek Chauvin is a good start but much more police reform is needed. Others went further and called for defunding and abolishing the police. But overall, everyone was united in their desire to keep up the momentum in fighting for justice.

Well, the lead prosecutor in Derek Chauvin's trial says he felt gratitude, humility, and a certain sense of satisfaction by the verdict. Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison tells CBS News 60 Minutes it's what the prosecution was aiming for the whole time. He also made a candid confession.


SCOTT PELLEY, CORRESPONDENT AND ANCHOR, CBS NEWS: Was there ever a time that you thought you could lose this case?

KEITH ELLISON, ATTORNEY GENERAL, MINNESOTA: I was never convinced that we were going to win this case until we heard the verdicts of guilty. I remember what happened in the Rodney King case when I was a pretty young man, a young lawyer, and I remember how devastated I felt when I heard that the jury acquitted those officers. Whenever an officer is charged with an offense, particularly when the victim is a person of color, it's just rare that there is any accountability. And so, there was every moment of this case I thought, what are we missing? What haven't we done?


CHURCH (on camera): Ellison says he thinks Chauvin deserve to be convicted for the murder of George Floyd. Chauvin's sentencing is scheduled for June.

Well, there is increased scrutiny, and in some cases, outrage over policing in the United States. Vice President Kamala Harris is echoing those calls for more action on police reform. And she spoke exclusively to CNN's Dana Bash.


KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: There is no question that we've got to put an end to these moments where the public questions whether there is going to be accountability, questions whether there's going to be the kind of fairness that we should all expect and deserve.

In all of our lives, and in particular, as it relates to people of color with a particular emphasis on Black and Brown men in the criminal justice system as it relates to policing.


CHURCH (on camera): A Chinese filmmaker has made history at the Oscars, but we'll explain why Beijing isn't celebrating Chloe Zhao's big win.




UNKNOWN: And the Oscar goes to Chloe Zhao, "Nomadland."



CHURCH (on camera): It took 93 years for the motion picture Academy to name an Asian woman as best director. Chloe Zhao made history Sunday night when she won the Academy Award for "Nomadland." The celebrated film also won best picture. And in another historic win, Yuh-Jung Youn became the first Korean actress to win an Oscar for her supporting role in the film "Minari."

And for more on the Oscars, I want to bring in CNN's Will Ripley, he joins us live from Hong Kong. Good to see you, Will. So, history was made at this year's Oscars, particularly for Asian women. Take us through the highlights.

WILL RIPLEY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: There were a lot of historic moments, just the fact that 15 of the 23 of these statuettes were movies that went out on streaming services, people not watching in the theaters but at their homes in their pajamas, and a lot of people now are going to be looking up "Nomadland" which was a Hulu release, you know, that was written and directed by Beijing-born director Chloe Zhao who you see right here.

She was considered the front runner here, and so people have been talking for a while about what a historic this now is. First Asian woman, second woman ever to win for best director, and yet, Chinese state media has been completely silent on this.

Earlier when we were talking about this on the air, they block out CNN signal in the mainland, and even the hash tag Oscar is censored. Why would they not want Chinse audiences to know about this historic moment where she spoke lovingly about her upbringing and her parents. She even spoke in Mandarin about the inherent goodness of people, the kind of message that would have gone viral in China with hundreds of millions of social media users.

But because of one interview that Chloe Zhao gave back in 2013 for filmmaker magazine, she has been accused of insulting China by Chinese nationalists because there is a quote where she called China a place where there are lies everywhere, talking about the exact kind of censorship that we're seeing today. Because not only are the Oscars not being seen in Mainland China, they're also not being seen here in Hong Kong.

This territory is meeting TV broadcaster for the first time in more than 50 years didn't put on the Oscars because they were concerned about repercussions. That's the theory even though the TV broadcaster told CNN it was a business decision. Because of course nobody here would be interested about this major night for Asian talent, including the minority co-star who you're going to see on screen in just a moment, Yuh-Jung Youn, the first Korean actress, there she is, first Korean actress to win an Oscar for best supporting actress.

She's a huge star in South Korea and the broadcast was seen there. And people are celebrating across this region for a big win by two Asian women. And this movie, in particular, was about the South Korean immigrants who went to the United States and their struggles that they had 40 years ago back in the early 1980s.

It's interesting that this story won at this time in history where there has been violence against Asian- Americans in the United States. In fact, just last week, the U.S. Senate passed a hate crimes bill, aimed at combatting all that has been levied against, the hatred that's been levied against Asian-Americans in the United States as a result of COVID.


So, these diversity and these historic wins are also sending a signal that there are Asians and people of all colors need to be included. And that was a major theme, Rosemary, in the broadcast everything from the Black Lives Matter movement to these two Asian women who have now made history 93 years after the first Academy Awards.

CHURCH: It is just extraordinary, isn't it? Really something worth marking. Will Ripley joining us live from Hong Kong, many thanks for that.

And some of the other big Oscar moments, the streaming service Netflix was nominated for 36 rewards. It brought home seven in the end, the most of all studios. The company's wins include two Oscars for David Fincher's "Mank." Anthony Hopkins won best actor for his role in "The Father," at 83, he is now the oldest Oscar winner ever.

He beat out the late Chadwick Boseman whom many considered a front runner for his role in "Ma Rainey's Black Bottom." The actor died last August after a battle with colon cancer. And British actor Daniel Kaluuya won his first Academy Award, taking best supporting actor for his portrayal of Fred Hampton in "Judas and the Black Messiah."

And thank you so much for joining us. I'm Rosemary Church. Be sure to connect with me on Twitter at Rosemary CNN. And I'll be back with more in just a moment. Don't go anywhere.