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India's Healthcare System on Breaking Point; A Quarter of Americans Hesitant of Vaccine; Dereliction of Duty Have Consequences; Brown Family Demands Justice; Israel Honored 45 Victims of Stampede; World Leaders Calling Out China and Russia for their Actions; Coronavirus in Asia as India COVID Cases Surge; Coronavirus Pandemic in Europe; Infighting is Threatening the Future of Republican Party; Protests on the Pitch. Aired 3-4a ET

Aired May 03, 2021 - 03:00   ET




ROSEMARY CHURCH, CNN ANCHOR (on camera): Hello and welcome to our viewers here in the United States and all around the world. I'm Rosemary Church.

Just ahead on CNN newsroom. India's COVID-19 outbreak spiraling out of control, the cases keep climbing, and there are not enough supplies to keep up with the rising infections.

The world's richest country will meet for the G7 summit. Why the United States and U.K. both agree that China and Russia need to be matters of concern. And as retaliation for trying to create the Super League, hundreds of Manchester United's fans protest against their club's ownership.

Thanks for joining us.

India's healthcare system is at the breaking point as the country hurdles towards 20 million COVID cases. The country has recorded more than 300,000 cases a day from the 12th consecutive day and more than 3,400 deaths Monday as Indians battle to get much needed medical oxygen, people scrambling to get vaccinated around the country, but in some states vaccination drives have been pushed back due to a shortage of shots.

Several regions including the capital New Delhi have imposed lockdowns and restrictions and people are frustrated with the chaotic situation.


UNKNOWN: We are the largest population, the second largest population in the country, I mean, in the world, but we still do not have the kind of planning and organization that we should have done. This has been there for a year now and we are still reeling to like come to terms with it.


CHURCH (on camera): And CNN's Anna Coren is following this story from Hong Kong. Anna, I want to start talking about the elections because I want to find out from you how big a role the mishandling of this pandemic played in India's ruling party suffering a crushing defeat in local state elections.

ANNA COREN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Rosemary, it's a really good question, and there is no denying that Modi's BJP his party had hoped to win West Bengal. There were five legislative elections, one of those being West Bengal which is a state of 91 million people. I mean, the amount of money and resources and manpower that went into the lobbying and the rallies that took place in West Bengal.

And with just two weeks ago, less than two weeks ago, the prime minister himself was there holding rallies with thousands of people packed together, many of them mask-less on behalf of his party. He, in fact, Rosemary, attended 20 rallies, hosted rallies in the state of West Bengal.

But as you say, they suffered a humiliating defeat in that state. Perhaps the odds were against them. And they never been able to win that state, the BJP. But they never expected to win -- to lose, I should say, this badly.

And critics say, well, it's people's frustration and anger at the mismanagement of this -- the handling of the second wave -- the second wave, which as we've been reporting now for weeks is claiming thousands of lives every single day. And we know that is a massive undercount.

The health ministry again today, you know, issuing another global record of more than 368,000 daily infections, more than 3,400 deaths, and we know that is a serious undercount. So I think for Modi you would have to assume that he is looking at this election results overnight, they only won one out of those five legislative elections.

And perhaps it's sinking in that the mismanagement, that the arrogance which is what critics are saying, the arrogance of the government thinking they had defeated this back in January and then this second wave came with a vengeance, you know, killing people it's catching up with the prime minister who, as we know, is one of the most, most popular leaders in India for decades.

CHURCH: And Anna, I mean, that is all horrifying of course, and India's Supreme Court is now ordering local authorities to show how they plan to curve the spread of COVID-19. What more are you learning about that?


COREN: Well we've been reporting on these acute shortages of oxygen and we know that Modi met with his cabinet ministers to discuss ways of possibly converting nitrogen plants into oxygen plants to get more oxygen to those hospitals just over the weekend. And now the hospital in the capital run out of oxygen, eight people died. The Supreme Court has told the central and state government that they

have to have buffer stocks of oxygen. It's also told the government that it needs to rectify the situation in Delhi. I mean, it's beyond the joke. This is the capital of the country and it is running out of oxygen.

Obviously, aid is coming in, and we're talking about oxygen cylinders, oxygen concentrators, oxygen generators, they are all desperately needed but it's a drop in the ocean when you are talking about 1.3 billion people. Vaccination is also, you know, we know that there is a major shortage of vaccines.

Delhi today announcing that the vaccination program for 18 to 44-year- olds is being rolled out today. So perhaps a positive sign that things are perhaps improving in Delhi. Rosemary?

CHURCH (on camera): Yes. Let's hope. Anna Coren joining with the very latest from her vantage point there in Hong Kong. I appreciate it.

Well, the United States is among many other countries sending much- needed medical supplies to India. Anita Dunn, a senior adviser to U.S. President Joe Biden explained the aid efforts underway.


ANITA DUNN, SENIOR ADVISER TO PRESIDENT Biden: We also had our first aid flights to India land there on Friday, they will continue. We are getting them essential products that they need urgently, oxygen, PPE. It's a global health crisis. And unfortunately, what is going on in India is something that, you know, we have to worry about for the rest of the world as well.


CHURCH (on camera): Meanwhile, here in the United States getting people more people vaccinated has been a major concern for health experts. According to the CDC more than 245 million vaccine doses have been administered, but the number of new shots administered has been declining in recent weeks. The Biden administration is urging Americans to get their shot.


DUNN: As people get vaccinated, they are enjoying it, and they're enjoying that freedom. So, as we move forward, I think that you will see more and more people enjoying that freedom getting the vaccine and realizing it's one big step towards normalcy in this country.


CHURCH (on camera): Joining me now is Dr. Amy Compton-Phillips, she is the chief clinical officer for Providence Health System.

Thank you so much, doctor, for talking with us and for all that you do.


CHURCH: So, more than 245 million doses of the COVID vaccine have bene administered across the U.S. and the nation is nearing the point where supply will outstrip demand but still leaving about 25 percent of Americans refusing to get the shot. Is the CDC giving these more hesitant individuals enough incentive to get out and receive the vaccine? Should the CDC be relaxing more restrictions to show how life can return to normal if most of us are fully vaccinated?

COMPTON-PHILLIPS: You know, I think starting to release restrictions is really helpful as well as thinking about different mechanisms to get the vaccine out to people that are a little hesitant or don't find it as convenient to get down to a mass vaccination site. So making it really easy, getting it into doctor's offices, getting it very highly available at pharmacies and drugstores, and the places that people go all the time.

I had one of the nieces got hers at a brew pub, you know, it's really been able to get vaccines into locations where people are is going to help reduce that capacity, the barriers that people are having to getting vaccines today.

CHURCH: And of course, with all these access COVID vaccines, is it time for the U.S. to start sending more doses overseas to try to prevent this pandemic getting out of control? Because India and South America are driving global surges of COVID cases right now. India hitting a record 400,000 new cases on Saturday.

COMPTON-PHILLIPS: Well, there are certainly capacity particularly for things like the AstraZeneca vaccine which we have not approved yet here in the U.S. but we have some stockpiled. And so, start thinking about how we can share that out with the rest of the world that does have it approved would be really helpful.

That said, it's not only vaccines, that places like India need, it really is oxygen concentrator, it's PPE. It's the things that we needed back a year ago when we were worried about, about setting spike in cases and we were talking about flattening the curve.


India is back there at this point that they have to be able to flatten their curve. And vaccines are not going to be the only way India gets out of the mess it's in at the moment.

CHURCH: And doctor, how concerned are you that the Indian COVID variant will enter the United States, and perhaps infect those Americans who haven't yet received their vaccine? And ultimately, increase the chances of the variant becoming too strong for the current COVID vaccines.

COMPTON-PHILLIPS: It is absolutely a risk. When the virus is circulating anywhere in the globe out of control, it means there is lots and lots and lots of copies of the virus being made. And the more copies of the virus that are made the more chances there are for a vaccine variant, a virus variant that could outstrip our vaccine. And so, we, as an entire planet really need to work together to get the viral replication under control so we can get behind, you know, get this entire pandemic behind us.

CHURCH: And doctor, what are you seeing in the many hospitals that you manage in terms of patients coming in, you know, what ages are tending to come in, how severe are these COVID cases now? What are you able to share with us?

COMPTON-PHILLIPS: What we are seeing is a little bit scary. So, we have this April about 500 more people in our hospitals across our footprint than we had last April. So, we actually are seeing more cases now than we were last April when the whole world was shut down.

And on average that age is about 10 years younger, because now we have so many of our seniors that are vaccinated, people that are getting COVID are younger. In fact, about a quarter of them are under the age of 40, and a lot less people with chronic conditions, so a lot less people with diabetes and hypertension.

So, what we're seeing is younger healthier people now getting sick enough to be in the hospital and on high dose oxygen, really scary.

CHURCH: Yes. That is very sobering, indeed. Dr. Amy Compton-Phillips, thank you so much as always for talking with us.

COMPTON-PHILLIPS: Thank you, Rosemary.

CHURCH (on camera): The Biden administration is looking to show the world America is here to stay as a major player on the world stage. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is in London right now. He is there for talks as part of the first face-to-face meetings of G7 foreign ministers in more than two years.

Both U.S. and British officials have raised concerns over China and Russia. In an interview with CBS 60 Minutes, Blinken says that the U.S. will defend its interests abroad against any threat.


ANTONY BLINKEN, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: Our purpose is not to contain China, to hold it back, to keep it down. It is, however, to uphold this rules-based order that China is posing a challenge to. Anyone who poses the challenge that order we are going to stand up and we defend it.

NORAH O'DONNELL, ANCHOR, CBS NEWS: What is China's goal?

BLINKEN: I think that over time China believes that it can be and should be, and will be the dominant country in the world.


CHURCH (on camera): CNN's international editor Nic Robertson joins me now from London. Good to see you, Nic. So, China and Russia, they are on the agenda, what is expected from those talks? NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: A lot. The G7

talks which begin tomorrow, the gathering of the sort of most powerful economic democratic nations, but what's really interesting, and I think this point to the issue of China being really very much front and center here. You also have other countries invited. You had India, you have South Korea, South Africa, and Australia.

And Australia and South Korea, and India are all very important when the United States tries to align itself with allies and partners that value democracy around the world. And it sees them as a natural ally in sort of containing China's less democratic tendencies, its treatment of Uyghurs, its human rights violations, its intellectual property theft.

You heard Secretary of State Blinken there speaking about that exact issue. So, he'll meet this morning with the foreign minister of South Korea, the foreign minister of Japan. Foreign minister of Brunei is here representing the ASEAN nations, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

Again, their presence, their representation, their relevance at a time when China is the very big issue, really speaks to, you know, the secretary of state taking the opportunity to be in the U.K. for the G7, but also rallying other nations around. And he finds a kindred spirit there in the British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab who he will meet later this afternoon. This is what Dominic Raab had to say about Russia and China, as well.



DOMINIC RAAB, BRITISH FOREIGN SECRETARY: We want to construct a relationship with China, but on things whether it's intellectual property theft, or standing up for human rights in Hong Kong, in Xinjiang, obviously we are going to be very clear on our values, I mean, Russia as well.

I think we've seen obviously with the Novichok attack and the imprisonment of Alexei Navalny, the saber rattling on the border with Ukraine and all of these areas. We want to be absolutely firm.


ROBERTSON: So, one of the State Department officials ahead of this trip say they were very excited to come because this is face-to-face meeting. It's not face-to-face as it was before but it's a significant change. It's sort of a test for the U.K. and others to see how they can run the main G7 leaders' summit later this year in about a months' time. But there will be COVID protocols. There will be testing, there will be screening, there will be Perspex screens between some of the places where people meet, and the delegation sizes are being kept to a minimum.

So, it's very much in the era of COVID. But the hope of coming out and getting back to work is normal. CHURCH: We'll see how it all goes. Our Nic Robertson joining us live

from London, many thanks as always.

As the U.S. continues its withdrawal of forces from Afghanistan, a top general says the Afghan military has been leading the fight for quite some time. Joint chiefs chairman, General Mark Milley says the performance of the Afghan troops will be a critical part of peace negotiations.

On Saturday, the U.S. began turning over a base in Helmand province, the site of some of the fiercest fighting. U.S. President Joe Biden is pulling all American forces out of the country by September 11th.

And still to come here on CNN, Israel's parliament is set to hold memorial for those killed during the stampede at a religious festival. We'll have a live report from Jerusalem.

And demands are growing for police to release body cam footage in the killing of Andrew Brown. We will find out what his family is saying about this.



CHURCH (on camera): At least four people are dead after a suspected smuggling boat capsized off the coast of San Diego. Authorities say there were about 30 people on board when the vessel crashed against a reef on Sunday. The report most people made it to shore but six had to be rescued from the water. Nearly two dozen have been taken to the hospital.

U.S. Customs and Border Patrol say they had been beefing up patrol operations after a recent increase in maritime smuggling attempts.


JEFF STEPHENSON, SUPERVISOR AGENT, U.S. CUSTOMS & BORDER PROTECTION: We are putting more resources out on the water to interdict vessels like this. And we announce it in advance to try to deter as much as we could. To try to kind of send the message to smugglers, the sea and ocean is inherently unsafe.

The reality is crossing the border illegally is unsafe no matter the method, especially at sea, you know, with water temperatures being what they are, and as a lifeguard described, high surf, it's a very dangerous scenario and the smugglers really just don't care about the people they're exploiting.


CHURCH (on camera): Authorities say the two suspected smugglers on board will face federal charges.

And just hours from now the family of Andrew Brown, Jr. will lay him to rest without many of the answers they are seeking in his death. Brown was shot on April 21st as deputies were trying to execute an arrest warrant. His death has sparked outrage across the United States. And civil rights activists are demanding transparency and accountability.


UNKNOWN: Say his name.

CROWD: Andrew Brown.

CROWD: Say his name.

CROWD: Andrew Brown


CHURCH (on camera): On Sunday, the family led a march for criminal justice reform. CNN's Natasha Chen is in Elizabeth City, North Carolina and has more.

NATASHA CHEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Protesters march Sunday afternoon starting from here at the waterfront all the way to Andrew Brown's house where he was shot and killed by sheriff's deputies on April 21st. Then they moved on to the Pasquotank County Sheriff's Office, all the while demanding transparency.

At this point family members and the Brown family attorney tell me that only two family members have actually seen the 20-second footage from the body camera that was shown to them last week. At this point a judge has said that the family may see more body camera footage in the coming days but that it should not be released to the public at this time.

We talk to a cousin and an aunt of Andrew Brown, Jr. who told us how difficult this moment has been.


LILLIE BROWN CLARK, ANDREW BROWN, JR.'S AUNT: I just don't understand, you know, what are they trying to accomplish. What is the purpose of having the video, what is the purpose of having taxpayers pay for body cameras if they're not going to be seen? I think we are grieving but we are doing what we have to do because of the way the things happen. We have to be here. We have to support. We have to protest. We know that we have a long road ahead. This is literally just the beginning.


CHEN (on camera): The Brown family walked at the front of Sunday's march. At the same time there was a public viewing for Andrew Brown's body. And there will be a funeral held Monday at noon at the Fountain of Life Church where Reverend Al Sharpton is expected to speak.

Natasha Chen, CNN, Elizabeth City, North Carolina. CHURCH: Later today, Israel's parliament will hold a memorial for the

45 victims killed in a stampede Friday at a religious festival. That memorial will be followed by a special debate to allow lawmakers the opportunity to address criticism over the handling of the mountain top site where this stampede occurred.

Meantime, new video has emerged showing desperate scenes where the stampede happened. As the crowd tried to make its way to the exit, they've also learned that six U.S. citizens were among those killed in that tragedy.

So, we do want to bring in journalist Elliott Gotkine, he joins us live from Jerusalem. Elliott, what more are you learning about how this happened?


ELLIOTT GOTKINE, JOURNALIST: Well, this video is as you've seen is really quite harrowing. And shows quite vividly what was going on in the particular spot where this crushed took place. And you can see the pain and desperation in the eyes of the people there and hear it in their plea, in their pleading for help. At one point you can hear someone saying, you know, he's crushing my legs. And that same voice a little bit later says, I'm begging you, I'm begging you.

And at the same time, you've got stewards and high visibility vests and police officers trying to tell the crowd not to push forward, to try to move back but it seems that they were unable to do so. We can't see in the video but it looks like there's some kind of railing perhaps there which was pinning some of the people up against. And they were simply unable to move.

You mentioned the news about the U.S. citizens. We also now know that at least 10 of the victims, of the 45 victims were under the age of 18, the youngest just nine years old, a boy by the name of Yehoshua Englander. And he died alongside or along with his brother age just 14, Moshe Nathan (Ph). The oldest victim was a 65-year-old rabbi.

And funerals have also been taking place. And we also know that one of those U.S. citizens was Menachem Knoblowitz who was buried after the Sabbath on Saturday evening. He just got engaged just two weeks ago to a woman the daughter of a rabbi in New York. Rosemary.

CHURCH: Just so tragic. And Elliott, Israel's parliament will hold a memorial for the victims and also a debate. What might the ramifications of this be?

GOTKINE: So, the memorial as one would expect will be very respectful, very somber with everyone honoring the 45 victims. That might stand in contrast to what happens next in this debate, every member of the Knesset which you can see behind me, every member will have up to three minutes to speak. They may choose to use that time to express their condolences, to show solidarity with the victims, but they may also use it to address criticisms of themselves.

For example, Aryeh Deri, the leader of the Shas Party, he's also interior minister, he's coming for criticism for his alleged complicity perhaps or involvement in ensuring that this gathering took place in terms of its size and also by ensuring that perhaps, you know, certain safety procedures were not adhered to. He will have a chance to address those concerns.

And then I understand that the leader of the opposition, Yair Lapid, will use the opportunity to call for a state committee of inquiry. So, there could be some fireworks when that debate gets underway after the memorial this afternoon. Rosemary?

CHURCH: All right. Elliott Gotkine bringing us the latest there on that tragedy, joining us live from Jerusalem.

Well protesters in Myanmar are standing firm against military rule despite a rising death toll.

These are protest along the streets of Yangon on Sunday, it's not clear where it happened but a human rights organization says Myanmar security forces killed at least eight protesters Sunday as large crowds gathered across the country to protest military rule.

That rights group says more than 700 anti-coup protesters have been killed by security forces, since the military seized power on February 1st.

Well the ongoing COVID crisis in India is spilling over to some of its neighbors. Nepal is taking steps to protect themselves and combat rising infections. Nearby nations are doing the same. That is ahead.

And some signs the pre-pandemic normalcy in Europe the easing of restrictions. We're back with that in just a moment.




CHURCH (on camera): As India reports another day of shocking case numbers, the coronavirus variant first discovered there has been reported in Mexico for the first time.

Meantime, India's neighbor, Nepal, is banning flights from India starting Wednesday and officials are suspending commercial domestic flights as of Monday.

New infections have skyrocketed across the region in the past month as India's COVID crisis surges across borders.

Kristie Lu Stout has more.


KRISTIE LU STOUT, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka pray for divine help to stop a deadly wave of the coronavirus that is sweeping across India.

KOLLUPITIYE MAHINDA SANGHARAKKHITHA THERA, CHIEF PRELATE, BUDDHIST TEMPLE: Buddhist monks and Buddhist people in this country want to share the -- our sympathy with the people of India.

LU STOUT (voice-over): India is grappling with the world's worst COVID-19 outbreak with record numbers of infections and deaths. The crisis has spilled across the border into Nepal, where the capital is now under a two-week lockdown. Officials say the rate of infections there has increased beyond the control of the health systems in several districts, most of which are near the border of India.

Before the restrictions went in effect, people crowded bus stations to get out of the city.

PAVITRA PARIYAR, PASSENGER (through translator): There is fear of coronavirus. We may die of coronavirus if we stay here, so we are going back to our villages.

LU STOUT (voice-over): In Sri Lanka, more than 100 areas across the country are under lockdown because of a jump of infections in April. Schools are closed and employers are being asked to limit the number of people reporting to work.

The Philippines is extending its lockdown in many cities until mid- May. Last week, the country surpassed one million confirmed cases, stretching hospital resources, especially in the country's capital where the outbreak is at its worst.

ROSE MARIE ROSETE-LIQUETE, HOSPITAL DIRECTOR: Beds -- we don't have enough beds. They are full already.

LU STOUT: Thailand is converting a check in terminal in its main airport into a vaccination center.

PHASIN SRISAYAM, THAI AIRWAYS STAFF (through translator): The airport has a lot of space and the team has managed good social distancing.

LU STOUT (voice-over): Bangkok recently closed public parks, gyms, and day care centers until May the 9th and introduced fines of up to $640 for not wearing a mask in public.

Pakistan is cutting 80 percent of incoming international flights in the next few weeks to try to curb the number of cases there.


LU STOUT (voice-over): The military also stepping in to patrol the streets in cities like Lahore to enforce mask wearing and to make sure shops close at 6:00 p.m.

Countries across the region taking measures to contain the spread of the virus but it may not be enough for some places. Singapore announced it is tightening its entry restrictions, closing its borders to visitors from Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

Kristie Lu Stout, CNN, Hong Kong. (END VIDEO TAPE)

CHURCH (on camera): In Europe, the situation is more optimistic with restrictions easing in many areas. The U.K. will look at whether people who have been exposed to the virus can take a daily COVID-19 test instead of going into quarantine. As many as 40,000 people will be part of the government study on safe alternatives to self- isolation.

Meantime, Italy reopened beach resorts on Sunday, even though the weather wasn't ideal for sunbathing. And restaurants in Greece are reopening after six months of lockdown. Customers will be served outdoors for now.

Let's turn to Jim Bittermann. He joins us live from Paris with more on all of this. Good to see you, Jim. So talk to us about the situation across Europe as the continent prepares for summer and, of course, fully vaccinated tourists to arrive from the United States.

JIM BITTERMANN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Absolutely, Rosemary. I mean, I think one of the things that are interesting here is that in a very general way, the case count has been going down and the number of people vaccinated going up. So that's a very positive trend.

Here in France, one of the things that happened today is that you can no longer -- you are no longer required to walk around with the permission slip either on your cellphone or on paper that indicates why you're out and about in the non-curfew hours. You still have to have it for curfew hours, but during the day, at least, you can go out and about without having this permission slip with you, this sort of bureaucratic form that you have to carry around.

Also today, the middle and upper schools are opening again for students. They have been closed and gradually they will -- not be opening. And today, those middle and upper schools will be opened for classes at least partially because some of them will come back at only half time.

Last week, however, the results weren't particularly positive. Even the primary schools open, there are more than a thousand classes that had to be shut down. There's a rule here that if you have one COVID case, one positive case per class, you got to close the entire class down. They have had to do that in more than a thousand cases.

Elsewhere, Germany is taking a look at measures that they can -- restrictions that they can ease, especially for people who have had two vaccinations. They are going to take a look at what kinds of things they might do to ease things there as the days go by.

There's another thing that we need to be watching here and that is the results from the Mayday weekend because on Mayday, there were demonstrations all across Europe, in Spain, Germany, France, and there's a question about whether or not social distancing rules will really respected and what that could lead to a couple weeks down the line. But in general, it's kind of easing restrictions in the wind and the vaccination numbers are going up. Rosemary?

CHURCH: Jim Bittermann joining us live from Paris. It is nice to hear some good news coming from that part of the world. We appreciate it.

Argentina has surpassed three million COVID-19 cases. In Latin America, only Brazil has more. The same day Argentina's health ministry announced the new record, officials launched a nationwide vaccination campaign. In the meantime, hospitals are overwhelmed with patients. Official data shows intensive care beds are more than 68 percent occupied. Argentina's government has responded with a new round of tougher restrictions.

Brazil recorded another 1,200 COVID deaths on Sunday, bringing the total to more than 407,000. That total is second only to the United States. New cases have fallen since a late March peak. The country received nearly four million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine on Sunday through the COVAX program. Brazil is expected to receive a total of more than 10 and a half million doses.

Infighting and bullying within the U.S. Republican Party is tearing it apart at the seams. Why they have suddenly turned an even high-ranking party members, when we return.




CHURCH (on camera): Well, there is a fight going on inside the U.S. Republican Party to determine what it will look like in the future. Supporters of former President Donald Trump are still quick to come back at anyone with the disparaging word about him despite the historic loss of the House, the Senate, and the White House, all under Trump's watch.

Even Utah Senator Mitt Romney, the Republican nominee for president in 2012, was subjected to boos from his own party when he appeared at a convention.

SEN. MITT ROMNEY (R-UT): I don't hide the fact that I wasn't a fan of our last president's character issues --


ROMNEY: -- and am also no fan --


UNKNOWN (voice-over): Show us that respect! (Ph)


ROMNEY: Aren't you embarrassed?

(BOOING) ROMNEY: And I'm also no fan of the president's -- yes, sir.

UNKNOWN: My friends, this is the moment I was talking about. Please. Thank you. Show respect.



CHURCH (on camera): Romney was one of seven Republican senators who voted to convict Trump in his second impeachment trial. On Sunday, one Republican senator expressed her concern to CNN's Jake Tapper.


SEN. SUSAN COLLINS (R-ME): I was appalled. Mitt Romney is an outstanding senator who serves his state and our country well. We Republicans need to remember that we are united by fundamental principles such as a belief in personal responsibility, individual freedom, opportunity, free markets of strong national defense. Those are the principles that unite us. We are not a party that is led by just one person.


CHURCH (on camera): Then, there is Congresswoman Liz Cheney, the third ranking Republican in the House. She is paying the political price for pushing back against Trump. Now, his supporters in Congress are vowing to punish her for supporting his second impeachment.


CHURCH: And to make matters worse, they don't like how she greeted President Joe Biden this week with a friendly fist bump.

Joining me now is Ryan Lizza, CNN's senior political analyst and chief Washington correspondent for Politico. Good to have you with us.


CHURCH: So, a CNN poll shows that lies have consequences, revealing that 70 percent of Republicans still believe the false and baseless claim that Joe Biden didn't win the 2020 election. Donald trump and GOP leaders keep pushing this election lie and it's clearly working. So, how is it possible the lie of this magnitude is being accepted by the majority of the party?

LIZZA: Well, it is a basic fact of politics that partisans look to their most trusted political leaders on big issues. And if you have the leadership of a party on his or her own and through partisan media channels repeatedly saying something, then partisans adopt those -- those views. And it takes an enormous amount of information from people that they trust to change that.

CHURCH: And Ryan, at the same time, GOP infighting is intensifying with Liz Cheney in danger of losing her leadership post because of what she has said about Donald Trump. Mitt Romney narrowly avoiding censure, but was booed instead while speaking at a Utah GOP convention. Cindy McCain slammed the Arizona GOP, ordered to vote in that state. And former President George W. Bush says Republicans are behaving like they want to be extinct.

What's the likely future of the GOP and those that dare to criticize Trump?

LIZZA: I think this -- this argument, this debate, this -- you know, to use the cliche the Civil War in the Republican Party will play out for quite a bit longer. And the Trump faction has the upper hand. No doubt about it.

I think Romney in Utah is a very important race to watch. He is up in 2004, so he has got -- he has got a long way to go. Cindy McCain has all but left the Republican Party in Arizona.

A lot of this fight really is playing out in the states even more so than in Washington D.C. and Congress. But the big way it is playing out in Congress, of course, is this fight between Cheney and McCarthy. McCarthy has sort of distanced himself from Liz Cheney recently. There is talk among House Republicans that there could be another vote to try and expel Cheney from leadership.

It is all over the same issue. It is all over fealty to Donald Trump. Liz Cheney is not willing to change her mind about him and what he did and his responsibility for January 6th. Other Republicans either don't want to talk about that or defend Trump outright.

CHURCH: President Biden is getting the pandemic under control, unemployment is going down, the economy is looking good, but Republicans will say, hey, we are paying more for gas. They just can't accept that President Biden is getting the country back in shape. How do the Democrats counter all that in 2022?

LIZZA: Well, they are going to, one, pass much of their agenda as they can. Even absent passing the full Biden agenda, they have two big things going for them. You know, Biden talked about getting the economy back on track and ending the pandemic. He is looking quite good in terms of accomplishing both of those goals. That alone is a pretty good two years.

On top of that, he has got a decent chance if he can maintain his slender margins in the House and the Senate to pass some pretty big loss. So, the crazy thing is in American politics, all of that might not be enough for Democrats to have a good midterm election.

CHURCH: We will be watching to see what happens. Ryan Lizza, many thanks as always.

LIZZA: Thank you, Rosemary.

CHURCH: And coming up here on "CNN Newsroom," a dramatic scene in Manchester, England as fans storm the pitch before kickoff. Why they are upset and the change they want to see. We'll be back with that in just a moment.




CROWD: We want Glazers out! We want Glazers out! We want Glazers out!

CHURCH (voice-over): These Manchester United football fans are furious at the American ownership of their club. Chanting, Glazers must go, in reference to the Glazer family that bought the team in 2005.

Now, this was the scene at Old Trafford just hours before the team was set to play Liverpool in a Premier League match. Fans are upset with ownership and its role in the failed attempt to form a breakaway Super League. The match with Liverpool was postponed for a later date.

Let's discuss all of this with CNN world sports Patrick Snell. He joins us now live. Always good to see you, Patrick. So, fans made it very clear. They are angry and they want changes. So, how did this all play out and where is this going?

PATRICK SNELL, CNN SPORT ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT: Rosemary, this is absolutely huge in terms of the impact and the global impact. Those images on Sunday are coming out of Northwest England. The iconic Old Trafford stadium, the images are shocking and rocking the world of football.

No question about that and beyond the scenes as the famous venue invaded by fans hours before that (INAUDIBLE) between the United and Liverpool, the two most decorated and most famous clubs in English football.


SNELL (on camera): No question about that. As you said, the protesters are chanting, we want Glazers out, as they glance down to the monitor. I'm looking at that aerial view of Old Trafford and the pick (ph) side view as well.

Protests against, I want to point, the Florida-based owners of the club, owners perceived essential to the now failed, ill-fated, breakaway European Super League. Flares were thrown there, damage to camera equipment. We now know two police officers injured. The two teams, Rosemary, didn't even get to the ground to play. The match initially delayed and then postponed.

Now, GMP, Greater Manchester Police, saying over a thousand fans had actually gathered at the stadium, around a hundred or so. We've had other figures concerning how many had gone on to the pitch. Police say a hundred got on to the pitch there, another 200 protesting at the Lowry Hotel in Salford. That is where United's team headquarters before all home games. The team is eventually leaving that hotel, with video of the team leaving that hotel. That was several hours later on Sunday evening.

I want to bring in now former United player, Red Devils legend, in fact, Gary Neville. He was in Old Trafford on Sunday. Take a listen.


GARY NEVILLE, FORMER MANCHESTER UNITED DEFENDER: I don't think they trust the owners of this club. They don't like them. They think they should leave. I think, beyond today, I think the reality is it should be about reform and regulation and making sure that, obviously, they can't do it again. Not really needs to be because, obviously, protesting is the right of every single person in this country to do that. You know, we must retain, you know, the element of being able to protest.

However, I think beyond today now, I think it is a case of making sure that the fans across the country unite to ensure that there is reform in English football. That is the most important thing. If anything, today has got to be a precursor to that or else it will be a waste of time today if there isn't reform in English football.


SNELL (on camera): Paraphrasing here, United, basically saying though they understand the passion of the fans, Rosemary, but they do not condone the behavior they saw out there on the pitch. Back to you.

CHURCH: All right. CNN world sport Patrick Snell, many thanks.

And thank you for your company. I'm Rosemary Church. I'll be back with more news in just a moment. Stay with us.