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Israeli Police Sweep through Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound; Israel- Hamas Fragile Cease-Fire Enters Second Day; Biden Turns Focus to East Asia; False Voter Fraud Claims Fuel Audits Months after 2020 Presidential Election; Anti-Semitic Attacks in U.S.; New Video of Ronald Greene's Encounter with Police; European Nations' Different Approaches to U.K. Travelers; U.K. Prime Minister "Concerned" after Diana's BBC Interview Inquiry. Aired 5-6a ET

Aired May 22, 2021 - 05:00   ET




ROBYN CURNOW, CNN ANCHOR (voice-over): Hi. Welcome to our viewers here in the United States and all around the world. Thanks so much for joining me this hour. I'm Robyn Curnow.

Just ahead, the Israel-Hamas cease-fire appears to be holding. We will get the latest from Jerusalem.

Then as tensions flare, several people have been injured in anti- Semitic attacks across the U.S. We will hear from a victim who was targeted.

And newly released police videos document the brutal fatal arrest of Ronald Greene, who died two years ago. Details ahead this hour.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over): Live from CNN Center, this is CNN NEWSROOM with Robyn Curnow.

CURNOW: It is now noon in Israeli and Gaza. The cease-fire between Hamas and Israeli is well into its second day without any violations reported. But it is an uneasy peace and tensions do remain high.


CURNOW (voice-over): Friday prayers at Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem ended with Israeli police sweeping through the plaza in an aggressive show of force. The police said they were responding to a riot by Palestinians and used stun grenades and rubber bullets to drive people out.

The Palestinian Red Crescent reports 20 people were hurt. And Israeli opened a key border on Friday to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza. Among the shipments was a mobile hospital.

The U.N. announced it is sending more than $22 million of aid, including food and medical supplies and COVID vaccines.


CURNOW: Hadas Gold joins us from Jerusalem.

Hi, so the cease-fire is holding.

HADAS GOLD, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: The cease-fire has been holding for more than 24 hours. No rockets have been launched from Gaza into Israeli. There have been no Israeli military activity over Gaza. That is the most important headline.

However, we have seen tensions flare between the Palestinians and Israel police and what happened on Friday there were hundreds of Palestinians who gathered to protest to chant in solidarity with Gaza in support of the cease-fire.

But also, in the campaign that preceded it from Gaza, there were flags of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Police say they were responding to people throwing stones.

And mostly these tensions, these sorts of clashes, the Al-Aqsa compound clashes and protests in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Jerusalem, where several Palestinian families face possible eviction, this led to the latest military conflict.

The militants in Gaza saying they fired those rockets at Jerusalem two weeks ago in response to the tensions in Jerusalem. Hamas positioning itself as sort of a defender of Jerusalem for the Palestinian people.

What we saw yesterday, although things calmed down quickly, when I was up there on Friday afternoon, the situation there around the Al-Aqsa compound seemed quite calm and everything seemed OK.

It goes to show you the tensions are still raw here. The cease-fire is holding but it goes to show you the underlying issues are still at the forefront here in Jerusalem.

CURNOW: With that in mind, how has the last two weeks changed the political situation there on the ground, in Israel?

GOLD: Well, there is political vacuums, you can almost call them on both sides because, on the Palestinian side, elections were postponed shortly before this conflict began. Palestinian Authority partly placing the blame on Israel saying there is issues over voting in East Jerusalem.

There have not been elections for the Palestinians in quite a long time. On the Israeli side, actually, the morning that those rockets were fired at Jerusalem, I was being briefed by people in the anti- Benjamin Netanyahu bloc.


GOLD: They felt they were just weeks away from forming a government and removing prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Then rockets were fired, and the calculations changed because the

leader of a small right wing party, who was supposed to join that anti--Netanyahu bloc, changed his mind and decided not to join that bloc and that changes the calculations.

That doesn't mean that Netanyahu now will somehow be able to get the mandate back to try to form a government or that he has the numbers to do so. But what it does mean, it shows that the situation here, the conflict, very much can change the political calculations.

Now what might happen is that, if the anti-Netanyahu bloc cannot form a government in the next few days, the mandate might go back to the Israeli Parliament and likely Israelis are headed to a fifth election. And all of that is going on until a new election is in place and prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu will remain as prime minister.

CURNOW: Thanks, Hadas Gold there in Jerusalem.

As we mentioned, tons of humanitarian aid is arriving in Gaza and all supplies needed by the 2 million people there. Ben Wedeman takes us inside the Gaza City to tell us what they are coping with there.


BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SR. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): This was a home, this was the kitchen, the mundane trappings of everyday life all gone.

The cease-fires holding and now the people of Gaza are able to see what this war has wrought. Shortly after midnight on May 16th, Israeli warplanes bombed buildings on this street in Gaza City, killing more than 40 people according to the health ministry here. Two of this man's daughters were killed. He says the Israeli army gave no warning.

"Our souls to them are cheaper than a phone call," he says. "They could've called and said, 'Evacuate the building.' You want to hit tunnels? Hit them but you have to warn us."

Israel claims it was targeting tunnels in the neighborhood and collapsing the buildings was unintended. Those buildings are now jagged mounds of concrete and metal, littered with the odds and ends of lives lost, lives ruined.

"I thought, that is it, I'm going to die," says a teacher who lives on the street. "I felt judgment day had come."

Members of Hamas' military wing parade by the ruins of a war they claim to have emerged from victorious.

Four wars, 13 years have not shaken the group's grip on power as life in Gaza has gone from bad to worse. Gaza has been under an Israeli Egyptian blockade since 2007. Power is on just a few hours a day. The tap water undrinkable. And unemployment is running at nearly 50 percent. All of that made worse by this war.

WEDEMAN: Israel calls its occasional operations in Gaza "mowing the lawn," cutting Hamas down to size. Sometimes, however, it looks like it's throwing Gaza back into the pre-industrial age.

WEDEMAN (voice-over): Yet, for the first time in 11 days, life resumed a semblance of normalcy. There is no longer a need to hide -- for now -- Ben Wedeman, CNN, Gaza.


CURNOW: Reports of anti-Semitic attacks are on the rise in the U.S.

Can the fragile cease-fire put an end to the growing violence?

We will have a report on that coming up later.

Meanwhile, many U.S. Presidents have been confronted by the difficult situation in the Middle East and Joe Biden is no exception. Phil Mattingly has more on how he navigated a path to a cease-fire.


PHIL MATTINGLY, CNN SENIOR WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Well, for President Biden, it was a week that served as a split screen of sorts. What the administration actually wants to focus on in its foreign policy and what it inevitably was going to have to focus on, at least at some point, in his foreign policy.

As for the latter, that was obviously the conflict in the Middle East. An explosion over the course of an 11-day period that led to the deaths of hundreds in fighting between Israel and Hamas.

And where that ended up with the president, well, it was days of what the White House said repeatedly was quiet but intensive diplomacy, diplomacy, the president in a press conference on Friday made clear, he believes was effective in reaching an outcome, an outcome in a much shorter time period than the last time tensions flared up in the region back in 2014.

He also gave some insight into his relationship with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


MATTINGLY: Now keep in mind, these two have known one another for more than 40 years, obviously an extensive relationship, one that several people involved with the relationship said has a level of trust and even a level of friendship.

And Biden, over the course of the conflict, called Netanyahu six different times and the tone, particularly towards the end, shifted, with the president taking a harder line with the prime minister. However, the end result was what Biden wanted and this is how Biden framed things.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: But what I can assure you, though, is, last time, it took 56 days and six months to get a cease-fire. I'm praying this cease-fire will hold. I take Bibi Netanyahu, when he gives me his word, I take him at his word. He's never broken his word with me.


MATTINGLY: Biden made clear that he expects significant support, and the U.S. will play a role in providing significant humanitarian aid to the Gaza area, trying to ensure what was damaged or destroyed over the course of the 11-day period is rebuilt -- or at least has the funds to do so -- while also ensuring that Hamas gets no access to those funds.

That is always a difficult needle to thread but that is what the president laid out. It's also important to note the president was meeting with the South Korean president, Moon Jae-in. And that has been a focus that the administration wants to keep its eye on.

Obviously, the second leader visit to the White House, the first by the Japanese prime minister; the Indo-Pacific is the area Biden administration officials have made clear is where they want to shift the foreign policy focus, which, for so many administrations, has been focused on the Middle East.

They want to focus on a rising China. They want to focus on increasingly competitive China and U.S. allies in that region. That was the genesis for having the South Korean leader to the White House so early on.

And with that visit, the president laying out some details in his perspective on dealing with the most important issue for South Korea and the Korean Peninsula, the nuclearization of the North Koreans.

The president making clear he's taking a very different pathway than his immediate predecessor, who met with Kim Jong-un in Singapore and tried to reach a grand bargain to denuclearize the peninsula.

He's also made clear he wants to take a different approach than other predecessors as well, saying he wants his approach to be carefully calibrated, to be flexible, to see how things go.

And when asked if he was still willing to meet with Kim Jong-un, with preconditions, the president said -- didn't take it off the table. He made clear, however, that he was going to be in a very different place than former president Trump, saying that his teams would have to have a sense of where Kim Jong-un stood on the issue of his nuclear arsenal and where North Korea planned to go in terms of changing the direction of things.

But, again, he didn't take it off the table. Some sense of where the president stands on obviously a crucial issue in the region, an issue the president himself named as probably the gravest security threat that he was facing as president.

He also named a special envoy to South Korea, something the South Korean president commended the president for doing, said they were aligned on several different issues. But clearly, for a president that wanted to shift the focus to the

Indo-Pacific, this week a reminder that, while that is definitely still occurring and that is definitely still the administration's focus, old areas of conflict, old areas that have bedeviled previous administrations, well, they obviously aren't going away anytime soon -- Phil Mattingly, CNN, the White House.


CURNOW: During that summit with South Korea's president, Mr. Biden announced that the U.S. will provide COVID vaccinations to more than 500,000 South Korean service members. For that I want to go straight to Paula Hancocks, and she is in Seoul.

That must have been met with welcome relief.

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Absolutely. We have heard from the South Korean president Moon Jae-in that they want to wrap up the vaccination program in South Korea. But the rollouts have been slow. To this point, just over 3 percent of the population have had both of their doses and just over 7 percent has actually had just one of the doses.

So clearly, this is a concern from the South Korean side that they are not able to ramp up the program as much as they would like. President Moon saying the global supply of vaccine is tight and welcomed that 550,000 South Korean military personnel will be vaccinated and those who work alongside and closely with American troops based here.

The two leaders said they would have an established a comprehensive vaccine partnership. They wanted to make sure, in the second half of this year and next year, they could produce a further billion doses of vaccine.

President Moon saying the U.S. has the tech knowledge and South Korea has the production. It will be interesting to see how they work together in the future.


HANCOCKS: And what they want to do, both sides said, was to scale up the global vaccine supply. President Moon saying he wants to be very much involved in that, saying that South Korea has that capability to produce more vaccines. But at this point, the actual rollout here in this country has been fairly slow.

CURNOW: Thank you for that, Paula Hancocks in Seoul.

More states are looking to follow Arizona's lead, where a questionable audit of the 2020 election results is underway. We will take a closer look at that.

Also, the family of this man was told he died in a car crash during a police chase. Videos obtained by CNN show the truth is very different and even more horrific.




CURNOW: More than six months after the U.S. presidential election, a ballot order is set to move forward in Georgia, even though they have already rescanned the ballots. Those reviews upheld the election results that President Biden won the state, but it has not stopped Donald Trump pushing for orders there and other states after his loss.


CURNOW: A judge in Henry County, Georgia, has ruled that absentee ballots in Fulton County can be unsealed to see if there's any evidence of fraud. The chairman of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners calls the move "outrageous."

And there is Arizona. A controversial order of the 2020 election results is taking place in the state's biggest county there. There have already been two audits there and both show Joe Biden won. Some Republicans blame wild conspiracy theories for all of this as Kyung Lah now reports.


KYUNG LAH, CNN SENIOR U.S. CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): You can connect the dots between this high school auditorium in Windham, New Hampshire ...

PROTESTERS: Stop the steal. Stop the steal.

LAH (voice-over): -- a right wing gubernatorial candidate in Georgia ...

VERMON JONES (R), FORMER GEORGIA STATE REPRESENTATIVE AND GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: I found myself troubled by the recent findings coming out of Arizona.

LAH (voice-over): -- and Antrim County, Michigan, says Michigan secretary of state Jocelyn Benson, talking to me in Phoenix.

LAH (on camera): Are you hearing the exact words "Arizona style audit" being thrown around in Michigan?

JOCELYN BENSON, MICHIGAN SECRETARY OF STATE: Yes, we're hearing that as well as "forensic audit."

LAH: I'm talking to you about a parking lot and you're saying that what we're seeing here is also there.

BENSON: Well, what we're seeing in Arizona is really a high watermark of this sort of Big Lie.

LAH (voice-over): Benson says Arizona is where the next chapter of the Big Lie is being written. That Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump

centers on what you're seeing on the silent, unmoving overhead security video. These trailers hold nearly 2.1 million 2020 ballots from Arizona's Maricopa County.

While in storage now, a so-called audit of these ballots run by the Republican-controlled Arizona Senate and its little-known contractor, Cyber Ninjas, will restart this weekend after ballots are moved back onto the floor.

Over the last three weeks, we've seen workers use UV lights on ballots, chasing a QAnon conspiracy about a secret watermark; cameras hunting for bamboo fibers in ballots, supposedly proving that they were flown in from Asia.

"Comical," say Maricopa County supervisor Bill Gates and county recorder Stephen Richer, but it's also dangerous.

LAH (on camera): Are you guys the Petri dish for what's going to be the playbook?



GATES: Yes, absolutely. I mean, we now see the videos from other states where they're demanding an Arizona-style audit.

RICHER: I think it's a proxy word for this playing out on a national level, so I guess we are the experiment in democracy here in Arizona.

LAH (voice-over): Richer and Gates are both lifelong Republicans, who are speaking out against their own state party leadership as they watch Trump loyalists like Corey Lewandowski last week question the vote in New Hampshire.

COREY LEWANDOWSKI, FORMER TRUMP CAMPAIGN MANAGER: (INAUDIBLE) every single vote that every vote matter, how come we're not (INAUDIBLE) presidential race in this election?

LAH (voice-over): They're urging Republicans, both state and national, to fight back with the truth.

LAH (on camera): You've seen the polls of what Republican voters believe.

Have you already lost?

GATES: The answer is absolutely not. If we start to have voices of Republicans saying Joe Biden was elected president, he won.


GATES: We're not moving. We're not going to do this any longer. We're not going to have Arizona-style so-called audits in other states. You will see those numbers start to change. LAH: The Michigan secretary of state says, the more successful these partisan efforts are today, the more you will see in 2022 and 2024 -- Kyung Lah, CNN, Phoenix, Arizona.


CURNOW: I'm now joined by Leslie Vinjamuri, head of the U.S. and Americas Programme at Chatham House in London.

Hi, Leslie. So Trump's Big Lie about the election is becoming more and more entrenched as a political strategy by Republicans.

How dangerous but how effective could it be in discrediting Biden and the vote?

LESLIE VINJAMURI, CHATHAM HOUSE: I think that it's, you know, it's clearly mobilizing a strong but select group of voters. Part of it is to do with Donald Trump himself now is becoming more visible and continuing to perpetuate that.

It gives some people, I think, something to really focus on. I think the question really going forward is to what extent the interventions that the current administration is making, whether it is on stimulus checks, whether it's on infrastructure, whether these things begin to resonate with ordinary voters in a way that can, you know, shift the attention towards a productive and foreign looking agenda.

But I think really the disinformation and the mobilization by certain members of the Republican Party is so entrenched that it looks like this is going to run for a while. And it's clearly and also affecting efforts to rethink and relegislate on how the vote will actually take place in future elections. So it's very destructive and clearly very divisive.


VINJAMURI: But I think it will recede as the country moves forward and opens up and there are further investments in ordinary people.

CURNOW: Let's talk about that. Mr. Biden is compromising with his infrastructure counterproposal.

How effective do you think he will be on that?

VINJAMURI: This is very interesting to watch because, clearly, President Biden has decided two things: one, is that he will get that infrastructure, that jobs plan through.

But secondly, a political strategy here, that is going to take some part of it and forge a bipartisan consensus, it might be -- go through in two separate packages, the part that Republicans are supporting.

Infrastructure we know is something has had bipartisan support for a long time. Donald Trump was behind it. He didn't deliver it but he certainly advocated for it. I think Biden sees, if he can get some of that through with bipartisan support, the rest, you know, on a single party line vote, he can still then claim that the Republicans and the Democrats are behind this.

I think that will go some way to beginning to, you know, to shift the narrative, because forging that bipartisanship is going to be absolutely critical for what we have just talked about, right?

Which is shifting the narrative away from this being just completely polarized and divided politics in Washington.

CURNOW: Let's talk about foreign policy. I know that our reporters have said that Mr. Biden wants to focus and has been very open about wanting to focus on Asia and a rising China, but the Palestinians have dominated the past two weeks.

How do you think he did in managing his first Middle East policy test?

VINJAMURI: Yes. I mean, this was, clearly, perhaps not what President Biden was having -- expecting to deal with in the last 11 years -- 11 days. I think that the world's attention and focus was galvanized on this -- on this conflict, on the extreme violence.

President Biden, I think, you know -- the administration was clearly attempting to pursue a quiet diplomacy, which, in some ways, stands, you know, at contrast with the very public attention that it's focused on, democracy, on human rights, on diplomacy.

And this instance, because of the very tricky position that America is in, with greater pressure now to have a more even hand toward the Palestinians but still a very clear commitment to Israeli, President Biden decided to move slowly, quietly, to obstruct any movement in the U.N. Security Council.

But what we have seen is a cease-fire; I think now the question is whether the investment in diplomacy by the Biden administration is enough to move that conflict towards a more durable peace, a very high and tall order.

It's something that Donald Trump promised and absolutely failed to deliver on. But I think a lot of people, you know, will judge the result in due course by how long the cease-fire lasts and how long it transforms.

I think there is a lot of feeling that Joe Biden didn't move fast enough. His overt diplomacy and condemnation of the disproportionate killings were not forthcoming.

But nonetheless, I think a lot will come down to the result and, again, how much the investment in that diplomacy works. Right now, it looks like a short-term success but a very difficult one, with a lot of people having died.

CURNOW: Always good to see you and thank you for joining us.

VINJAMURI: Thank you.

CURNOW: Still ahead, anti-Semitic attacks spreading across the U.S. between Israelis and Palestinians. Can the cease-fire help stop the violence?

And new video shows appalling story about a Black man's death at the hands of U.S. police. We will show you.





CURNOW: Welcome back to our viewers in the United States and all around the world. Great to have you along this hour. It's 32 minutes past the hour.

The newly minted cease-fire between Israeli and Hamas appears to be holding. This is now day two of that fragile peace. Desperate humanitarian aid rolling in Gaza on Friday after Israeli opened a border crossing. The U.S. says it's sending more than $22 million of food and vaccine supplies to the Gaza people.

On Friday, at Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, Israeli police swept through the compound, firing stun grenades and rubber bullets to drive out people. The Palestinian reports 20 people were hurt.

A spike in attacks on Jewish Americans is reported across the U.S. as tensions flare over the conflict half a world away. Some of these incidents have been captured on camera. We warn you, some of what you are about to see can be disturbing.




MIGUEL MARQUEZ, CNN SENIOR NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Pro- Palestinian demonstrations turned violent. In New York City, a 29- year-old man wearing a yarmulke, beaten by a group of five to six individuals Thursday, some chanting "Eff Jews, eff Israel."

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I mean they were just wailing on my head, beating on me my -- I'm like just literally cowering for cover.

MARQUEZ (voice-over): One 23-year-old is now under arrest and facing numerous charges including one related to a hate crime according to a law enforcement source.

In Los Angeles, police investigating a possible hate crime after a pro-Palestinian demonstration turned violent, with some protesters shouting, "Death to Jews" and "Israel kills children." One witness telling CNN, pro-Palestinian protesters started throwing bottles and one, asking diners seated outside, who was Jewish. A fragile ceasefire between Israel and Hamas may bring the temperature down here but protests and allegations of anti-Semitism on a sharp rise, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

In Vegas, Miami, Tucson and Long Island, protests and reports of hate crimes as tension and violence half a world away continues to incite anger here.


JONATHAN GREENBLATT, CEO AND NATIONAL DIRECTOR, ADL: We're literally tracking more than a 50 percent increase in anti-Semitic acts over the past week.

MARQUEZ (voice-over): The Council on American Islamic Relations says there have been incidents of violence against Muslims as well and condemns anyone on any side of an issue who engages in hate speech, intimidation or violence.

MARQUEZ: New York police say that 26 individuals were arrested, some of them pro-Palestinians and others pro-Israelis, and both sides believe if that cease-fire in the Middle East can take root, that the violence and the anger here in the U.S. will decrease -- back to you.


CURNOW: The 29-year-old victim you saw in that report gave a detailed account of the attack to CNN's Don Lemon. Joseph Borgen says he was in sheer survival mode while on the ground, being beaten and pepper sprayed by his attackers. Here is part of that interview.


JOSEPH BORGEN, TIMES SQUARE ATTACK VICTIM: it's ironic because I had gone to, you know, we -- there was a rally, you know, called at 47th and 7th, as there was last week. I went to this rally last week.

I was there, I wore my kippah, my yarmulke, my head covering for the, you know. I was there for upwards of two or three hours without any major issues. You know, here and there be an incident but, you know, for the most part, it was pretty peaceful.

But last night there was another rally called for and, you know, I got off the subway at 57th and 7th. Same routine, walk into the rally. You know, honestly, texting my friends I'll be there in a few minutes, see you soon.

And then you know, next thing you know, at the corner of my eyes I see someone chasing me from behind. Before I could even react, I was surrounded by a crowd of people, who proceeded, as you can see in the video, beat me down and then after the fact, pepper sprayed and Maced me.

As soon as they were on top of me attacking me, I literally fell to the ground just protecting head and protecting my face doing what I could to ensure that you know, honestly, my main thought was to survive at that point. Make it out alive and, you know, we'll see what happens next.

And thankfully, you know, the NYPD showed up within a few minutes pretty quickly, you know, dispersed the crowd, you know, apprehended one of the suspects.

And I'll be honest, you know, at the hospital, I met with some of the highest levels of the hate crime unit and they seem pretty intent on, you know, doing more research more diligence and figuring out everyone else that was involved. So I'm very thankful for that as well.


CURNOW: CNN has obtained new video of a deadly encounter between a Black man and police officers in the U.S. state of Louisiana.

Ronald Greene's family says they were told he died in a car crash during a police chase two years ago. But the video shows a completely different and horrifying story. We warn you the video is disturbing to watch and the case is under a civil rights investigation involving the FBI and the Department of Justice and the attorney's office. Here is Ryan Young.


RYAN YOUNG, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Newly obtained video by CNN shows haunting images of Ronald Greene's last moments while in custody of Louisiana State Police in May of 2019.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All you were doing was speeding a little bit and run a red light.


YOUNG (voice-over): The video shows what appears to be a supervising officer arriving on scene engaging with responding officers while Greene remains cuffed from the ground face down.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, it hurts, doesn't it?


YOUNG (voice-over): After early video shows of being beaten and Tased, police claiming Greene had resisted arrest after attempting to pull him over.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Don't you turn over. You lay back -- lay on your belly. Lay on your belly.



GREENE: OK. Yes, sir.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: -- you understand?

GREENE: Yes, sir.


YOUNG (voice-over): In the video we hear Greene in distress as he continues to be restrained by officers.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I was going to sit him up but I didn't want him spitting blood all over us.


YOUNG (voice-over): Minutes after the supervisor engages with the officers, medical aid is rendered by emergency personnel on site for the first time. Greene appears to be unresponsive.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It took three of us to take him down, so you can consider that if you want to take the cuffs off him.


YOUNG (voice-over): The car visible in the new body cam footage shows Greene's vehicle that sustained damage. Lee Merritt, attorney for the Greene family, says the state police response was outrageous.


LEE MERRITT, GREENE FAMILY ATTORNEY: This was a supervisor who showed up to the scene. He didn't even acknowledge Ronald on the ground.


YOUNG (voice-over): Greene's family says they were originally told the cause of death was a car crash following the high speed pursuit.


MONA HARDIN, MOTHER OF RONALD GREENE: There's been a coverup from the very moment it happened. My son wasn't meant to walk away from that. He was purposely killed. He was murdered.


YOUNG (voice-over): But state officials tell CNN that Louisiana State Police were investigating Ronald Greene's death as a criminal matter the same night of the incident. Two officers involved in the incident were reprimanded for their actions. A third officer died in a single car crash last year.

An autopsy report obtained by CNN listed cause of death as cocaine- induced agitated delirium, complicated by motor vehicle collision, physical struggle, inflicted head injury and restraint.

The written incident reports were provided to the medical examiner despite requests.


YOUNG (voice-over): No medical records were provided neither was detailed information about the car crash.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They were left in the dark. They were stonewalled by the state police, which, again, is another policy to show how systemic this is.

YOUNG: The report also states that lacerations on Greene's head were inconsistent with the motor vehicle collision injury and most consistent with multiple impacts from a blunt object.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.


YOUNG: We do know video has now been released from all of the body cam so we will be able to go through that piece by piece. But this is what the family has been asking for: transparency.

It's been two years since their loved one lost their life and, still, there is a lot of questions about how this investigation will move forward -- Ryan Young, CNN, Atlanta.


CURNOW: CNN continues in a moment.




CURNOW: Welcome back. I'm Robyn Curnow.

Taiwan is racing to find more COVID vaccines as it faces its worst outbreak since the pandemic began. Even with new restrictions put in place, more than 320 new infections were reported on Saturday. Almost all of the cases were locally transmitted.

Less than 1 percent of Taiwan's population has been inoculated and the supply is running low. The island is now asking for the U.S. to donate some of its doses from overseas.

Spain is rolling out the red carpet for British and Japanese travelers. Starting on Monday, visitors from those countries will be able to enter Spain without health controls. British travelers will have to quarantine for 10 days when they return home to the U.K.

But Germany, on the other hand, will require travelers from the U.K. to quarantine for two weeks before entering the country. That begins at midnight Saturday. German officials designated Britain and Northern Ireland a virus variant region.


CURNOW: Let's get more on this with Cyril Vanier.

Cyril, hi.

I wonder if you could decode all of that, particularly for U.K. travelers who might be a little bit confused.

CYRIL VANIER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes. Understandably so. The summer months are upon us. U.K. travelers who went through weeks of a very strict confinement and who see low COVID rates in this country understandably want to travel.

And traveling has been authorized for a week now, with a three-colored system, green, amber and red, with countries they can either go to without having to quarantine upon their return or go to and have to quarantine or not go at all.

On the flip side of the story, you have European nations, who are, in Spain's case, looking at the positive news out of the U.K., which is high vaccination rate and low COVID rate.

And Germany are looking at the less positive news, which is a variant of concern has been found in the U.K. They are being more cautious. The difference between Spain, which is opening its borders to U.K. travelers, and Germany, which is now imposing a strict two-week quarantine on U.K. travelers, is one is highly dependent on tourism and wants to see the U.K. tourists come in. . And the other not so highly dependent upon tourism, Germany, not exactly a sunshine destination. Even though European Union nations are adopting a common travel policy and announced that, just this week, already we are seeing that each individual country is, of course, allowed to make decisions based on its own national interests.

And they do so. That's why Spain is opening up the British travelers and Germany isn't.

CURNOW: Recently, you also reported about a huge indoor party held to examine the risk of COVID transmission in a crowded environment. I'm fascinated to know what was learned by this.

VANIER: This is really interesting. The U.K. held a series of pilot events before they opened up all crowded events -- concerts, clubs, sporting events, et cetera. So they held a series of events and, on average 60,000 people attended.

And now we can tell you that 15 individuals got COVID in the days that followed those events, which doesn't mean that they were infected at those events, right?

Because they, obviously, carry on with their lives; 15 out of 60,000 as a rate of infection is well below what you would see in the average population. The conclusion that it is possible to bring back large crowds safely.

Now how was it done?

Because if you remember those events, I don't know if we can bring up those pictures and especially of that nightclub in Liverpool, no social distancing and no face masks.

How do you do that?

You test people before they come in. If you bring COVID-free people, who come in, and test them to make sure they are COVID-free, you can limit to almost zero the infection.

CURNOW: That is great news. Cyril Vanier, thank you for that report.

As pandemic restrictions ease in many parts of the world, most people are looking for some kind of return to normal. But there is nothing normal about Europe's campiest and weirdest musical event.



CURNOW (voice-over): Eurovision returns later today after being cancelled last year. The song contest features performers representing 26 countries. Tens of millions of fans are expected to watch the broadcast; 3,500 COVID-19 tested fans will actually watch in person at an arena in Rotterdam. Past winners including Abba and Celine Dion.


CURNOW: The BBC recently apologized over Princess Diana's controversial tell-all interview from 1995. But the scandal is far from over. More reactions and outrage, that is just ahead.





CURNOW: British prime minister Boris Johnson says he is concerned about a recent investigation into the BBC. It says journalist Martin Bashir used "deceitful methods" to convince Princess Diana to sit down with him for a blockbuster interview back in 1995. Now London's Metropolitan Police are looking at the report to see if

there is no significant new evidence. Max Foster reports.


MAX FOSTER, CNN LONDON CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It was the bombshell interview that stunned the world.

DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES: Well, there were three of us in this marriage. So it was a little crowded.

FOSTER (voice-over): Princess Diana, discussing the collapse of her marriage with Prince Charles nearly 26 years ago. And, now, Prince William and Prince Harry are slamming the BBC this morning after an independent investigation, commissioned by the broadcaster, revealed how journalist Martin Bashir secured the interview with their late mother.


PRINCE WILLIAM, DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE: It brings indescribable sadness to know that the BBC's failures contributed significantly to her fear, paranoia and isolation that I remember from those final years with her.


FOSTER (voice-over): The 127-page report concluding Bashir used deceitful behavior and created fake bank statements to arrange the meeting with Diana.

It also criticized the actions of the BBC, saying that, without justification, the BBC covered up its press logs. Such facts as it had been able to establish about how Mr. Bashir secured the interview.

The Duke of Cambridge also noting his concerns about how the BBC ignored alarm bells about Bashir's campaign to gain access to his mother.

PRINCE WILLIAM: What saddens me most is that if the BBC had properly investigated the complaints and concerns first raised in 1995, my mother would have known that she had been deceived.

FOSTER (voice-over): Prince Harry, spreading the blame not only to the BBC but also to coverage of Diana by other outlets and publications of the time, writing in a statement, he said, "To those who have taken some form of accountability, thank you for owning it.


FOSTER (voice-over): "That is the first step towards justice and truth. Yet, what deeply concerns me, is that practices like these and even worse are still widespread today."

The Duke of Sussex, who high school had his own issues with tabloids, recently discussing his ongoing struggles with his mother's death and the steps he is taking to heal.

PRINCE HARRY, DUKE OF SUSSEX: I was so angry with what happened to her and the fact that there was no justice at all.

FOSTER (voice-over): Speaking to Oprah Winfrey for a new streaming series the two created about mental health for Apple TV Plus, Harry said, he turned to alcohol as an escape.

PRINCE HARRY: I was willing to drink, I was willing to take drugs, I was willing to try and do the things that made me feel less like I was feeling.

But I slowly became aware that, OK, I wasn't drinking Monday to Friday, but I would probably drink a week's worth in one day on a Friday or a Saturday night.

FOSTER (voice-over): In the same program, Harry talked about comforting his wife, Meghan, who he said broke down and cried over, quote, "the combined effort of 'the firm' and the media to smear her over allegations that she bullied members of staff," allegations first appearing in "The Times" newspaper.

Those bullying allegations are being investigated by an independent law firm -- Max Foster, CNN, Hampshire, England.


CURNOW: Thank you so much for joining me. You can follow me on Twitter and on Instagram. Stay with us. For our viewers in the U.S. and Canada, "NEW DAY" is next. For everyone else, it's "MARKETPLACE ASIA." Enjoy.