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CNN Newsroom

Raid Yard Shooter Used Legally-Obtained Guns But the High- Capacity Magazines He Had Are Outlawed in CA; Home Shortage Sparks Bidding Wars; 3 NBA Teams Ban Fans for Unruly, Disrespectful Behavior; Tiger Says Rehab is Most Painful Experience of His Life. Aired 1:30-2p ET

Aired May 28, 2021 - 13:30   ET



JOSH CAMPBELL, CNN SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: I spoke with the top FBI agent here in the bay area who says the three handguns that were used by the shooter were obtained lawfully. They were obtained legally.

We also are getting information on the amount of fire power that he brought, the amount of ammunition he had on his body whenever he killed himself.

Eleven high-capacity magazines. There were several other of these magazines in and around the scene. A lot of ammunition brought for this mass shooting.

We also heard from the FBI agent, what's happening at the shooter's house. There they found a number of firearms as well as Molotov cocktails, explosive-type material.

And so this obviously concerning. They continue to process that scene.

Those are the new details, of course, trying to get into what actually transpired, what shooter brought here.

The question remains, had law enforcement not came as quickly as they did, could there have been additional deaths? Because there were certainly a lot of rounds of ammunition that he brought on him.

ANA CABRERA, CNN HOST: Every time there's a horrific tragedy like this, we always ask why, what was the motivation?

Is there any new update on that front? I know you spoke with the sheriff who said the suspect may have targeted his specific victims?

CAMPBELL: That's right. I spoke to the sheriff yesterday. She said that it appears as though he was choosing his victims.

And that assessment is based on the fact that she said there was an individual here at this rail yard who wasn't an employee. It was a union official. And according to the sheriff, the shooter went up to this person and said, "I'm not going to kill you," and then proceeded to shoot other people.

Now that theory that he was targeting his victims squares with what we're also hearing from eyewitnesses. Take a listen.


KIRK BERTOLEL, SHOOTING WITNESS: I do know that he had a specific agenda and was targeting certain people. He walked by other people. He let other people live as he gunned down other people.


CAMPBELL: Now at this point, authorities don't have a specific motive but they tell us that all signs now are pointing to workplace violence.

They tell us that they still have a lot of work to do, both here at the scene as well as at the residence, trying to dig into this person's past to glean any piece of information that can help them understand why this transpired here.

Just yet another mass shooting in America -- Ana?

CABRERA: Josh Campbell, in San Jose, California, thank you.

An update to that attack on a flight attendant we told you about earlier this week.

Southwest Airlines says today it has permanently banned the woman accused of that violent assault on a flight from Sacramento to San Diego. A flight attendant ended up with two teeth knocked out and injuries to her face.

The FAA says it has received about 2,500 reports of unruly behavior since the beginning of this year.

And you're going to want to see this, a truly heroic act. This is police bod cam video of the moment two Texas police officers pulled a man to safety just seconds before that truck he was trapped in explodes.

Now, this happened in Austin, Texas. And police say they received multiple 911 calls about an unconscious man trapped inside this burning truck.

This is what they encountered. And look at what happens. They go there. They get him out.



(END VIDEO CLIP) CABRERA: Just in time. These heroic men are Officers Eduardo Canada (ph) and Chandler Correra (ph). Incredible.


Well, the housing market looking more like the "Hunger Games," or maybe "Fight Club?" You get what I'm trying to say. The competition is so fierce right now. But who is winning?



CABRERA: The housing market can be summed up in one word, "wild." Combine low interest rates and a rush to buy homes, plus a shortage in home building materials, and you have a recipe for serious competition and sky high prices.

CNN's Vanessa Yurkevich digs in.


LARA WARD, SOLD HER HOME DURING THE PANDEMIC: We put the house on the market on a Friday afternoon at 3:00, and by Sunday evening, we had 12 offers over asking price.

VANESSA YURKEVICH, CNN BUSINESS & POLITICS CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Lara Ward's story is not unique. In a housing market so hot, buyers are gifting a trip to the Caribbean, promising to name their first- born child after the seller, or offering $100,000 in cash over the asking price just to secure a home.

WARD: It didn't even end there on Sunday evening. The people who had already bid in were bidding higher. So offers were climbing.

YURKEVICH: The pandemic fueled demand in the housing market, as did low interest rates. Now with low inventory, U.S. home prices are at a record high, up more than 19 percent in the last year.

Ward listed her home in New Milford, Connecticut, for $300,000.

WARD: If we had put it on the market a year before, it probably would have gone on the market for $270,000, and we were looking at being happy with $250,000.

YURKEVICH: She accepted a $350,000 all-cash offer just days after she listed her home, $50,000 above asking.


YURKEVICH: Connie Strait has been a realtor in Danbury, Connecticut, for 45 years. She says homes are closing in record time.


STRAIT: We're selling in six hours.

YURKEVICH: This townhouse in the area sold in one day to this buyer from New York, who are often pricing locals out of their own market. A lakefront piece of land was listed for $1 million.

STRAIT: We sold it. And within 20 minutes later, that gentlemen went down to his attorney, you know, on the same street and sold it for an additional $250,000.

And it was just -- I mean I've never seen anything like this, nor has anybody else in this area.

JON CORBISCELLO, REALTOR, KELLER WILLIAMS CITY VIEW: We're marketing this as -- to be turned into a duplex.

YURKEVICH: For a buyer, the market can be discouraging. Jon Corbiscello has shown his client, Breana Van Rye, half a dozen homes in her $500,000 price range in Bergin County, New Jersey. They've made several offers but are outbid every time by cash buyers.

CORBISCELLO: The asking price is really the start at what the bid is. You know, if you're not prepared to pay 25 percent over asking price, you're not prepared to buy that home.

YURKEVICH: Open houses are like survival of the fittest. One pitted Breana against 40 other buyers.

BREANA VAN RYE, LOOKING FOR HOME: I was like, is this normal? Like -- like, this is crazy. You know, it looked like the new, you know, iPhone was on sale or something. It just was a crazy, chaotic experience.

YURKEVICH: She's adjusted her expectations and requirements, but not her budget. So the search continues.

YURKEVICH (on camera): When you find that perfect home, how do you think you'll feel after all that you've been through this past year or so?

VAN RYE: We'll be excited. We'll definitely throw a party.


YURKEVICH: Now Breanna and other home buyers are probably going to have to wait a little longer for their homes, if they're sticking to their budget.

And that is because inventory is so low, down 20 percent. And new construction is also down. And then you couple that with high lumber prices, that makes anything coming on the market much more expensive.

Ana, think about all those people who put in bids for homes but didn't get them. That command still exists.

There's one thing that could change the market a little bit. The CDC moratorium on evictions is expiring next month. That means that, sadly, there will be some foreclosures, and short sales.

But it's good for buyers who are really interested in snapping up homes as fast as they can -- Ana?

CABRERA: It is nuts to hear what you just reported with these of houses going for $50,000 above asking, $250,000 above asking, 40 people bidding all at once. It's just nuts.

Thank you, Vanessa, for that look.


CABRERA: That was so inciteful.

Unruly, disrespectful, just plain bad behavior. The latest venue for this disorderly conduct as the U.S. comes out of the pandemic lockdown and returns to public gatherings, the NBA playoffs.

CNN sports anchor, Andy Scholes, joins us.

Andy, teams and players are not having it. They are fighting back against this bad behavior.

ANDY SCHOLES, CNN SPORTS ANCHOR: Yes, Ana, some fans came back and just forgot how to act when they're in an arena. And players like Russell Westbrook have had enough of it.

Now the NBA put out a statement yesterday saying that they were going to vigorously enforce the new enhanced code of conduct policy for fans.

The very first line of that code of conduct policy says that players and fans will respect and appreciate each other.

Now, this all comes as three teams had to ban fans from their stadium or arenas this week for bad behavior.

The Philadelphia 76ers banned a fan indefinitely and revoked his season tickets after he threw popcorn on Russell Westbrook as he left the court due to an injury.

The New York Knicks, meanwhile, say they banned a fan from Madison Square Garden for spitting at Atlanta guard, Trae Young.

And the Utah Jazz say they've banned three fans for disruptive behavior and abusive language directed at the family of the Grizzlies star, John Morant.

After his game last night, LeBron James spoke up about this and he said he's happy teams are stepping up to protect players.


LEBRON JAMES, NBA BASKETBALL PLAYER: All the heckling, that's great. You know, we don't mind that. We understand that. Maybe be a couple curse words here and there, and we understand that as well. Actually, I actually love that. I'm absolutely OK with that.

But there's a line. And I think we're all -- we're all grown and we all know what the line is when you cross it.


SCHOLES: All right. And Tiger Woods giving his first interview since the car crash that caused him to have emergency surgery.

Tiger talking to "Golf Digest." And he said this rehab, more painful than anything he's ever experienced.

Adding, "My physical therapy has been keeping me busy. I do my routines every day and focusing on my number-one goal right now, walking on my own. Taking it one step at a time."

Tiger not commenting when asked about his hopes of playing golf again."

Ana, we've only seen him twice since that crash. This picture he posted with his dog on Instagram. And he also took a picture with a fan out at some soccer fields.


When we see him again, out in public, that's still anybody's guess.

CABRERA: He talked about how painful the rehab has been.

Thank you, Andy Scholes for all of that reporting.

We asked, you answered. How viewers are making their comeback as things slowly get back to normal.

Stay with us.


CABRERA: President Biden heads to Tulsa, Oklahoma next week to mark the 100th anniversary to mark the anniversary of one of the deadliest and most destructive race massacres in American history.

It happened on Mary 31, 1921 in what was the thriving community of Greenwood, a corner of north Tulsa, also known as Black Wall Street, where black business, art and culture flourished.


Now the new CNN film, "DREAMLAND: THE BURNING OF BLACK WALL STREET," takes a revealing looks at what really happened on the tragic day a century ago, the damage inflicted. And what's being done to restore Greenwood to former glory.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The "Tulsa Tribune" published a series of inflammatory articles that really fomented hostility in the white community against the black community.

Tulsa was a powder keg or a tinder box needing only something to set the community alight.


CABRERA: Historian Hannibal Johnson joins us. He's the author of "Black Wall Street, From Riot to Renaissance in Tulsa's Historic Greenwood District."

Hannibal, it's good to have you with us.

That clip just leaves the viewer hanging in terms of what happened. What else lit that fuse?

HANNIBAL JOHNSON, HISTORIAN & AUTHOR: It's important to understand the national context in which the 1921 Tulsa race massacre occurred.

This was a really dark period in history that historians and sociologies call the nadir of race relations in America, the low point in race relations in America.

Because the proliferation of race riots, assaults on black communities, and because of the proliferation of lynching, a form of domestic terrorism, to enforce white supremacy that existed all over the United States.

And it's against this backdrop that the 1921 Tulsa race massacre occurs.

CABRERA: What happened? Tell us a little bit more about what took place and the damage it did to the black community in Tulsa.

JOHNSON: This was a -- a remarkably successful community. It was dubbed Black Wall Street because of the prevalence of black entrepreneurship and black businesses.

And so this was a community in which you could find really all manner of businesses, from movie theaters to grocery stores, to restaurants, to barber shops, to beauty salons, dance halls, pool halls, hotels, services, a number of professionals, doctors, lawyers, accountants and dentists.

I really think a better term would be Black Main Street. This is not an investment or banking for black people. It was really kind of a commercial district that existing, a budding downtown separated by the Frisco tracks.

And the massacre of 1921 quite literally obliterated the community, wiped out virtually every structure in the community.

Damage ran into what would be the tens of millions of dollars today. At least 1250 homes in the black community were destroyed. Many black people were interned, very much like people of Japanese

ancestry were interned during World War II. The dead numbered between 100 and the 300 and the injured hundreds more.


JOHNSON: What's remarkable about the community, though, is what I call the indomitable human spirit. That is, even as the embers from the disaster still smolders, the black community began to rebuild.

And the community was rebuilt substantially within four years, by 1925, when it hosted the National Negro Business League, the black Chamber of Commerce in Tulsa.

Then in the early to mid-1940s, the community peaked as a black business community. More than 200 black-owned and operated businesses right here in Tulsa's Greenwood District.

CABRERA: There's a bit of a comeback, I guess, happening.

JOHNSON: Absolutely.

CABRERA: However, I know it has not returned to its full glory at this moment.

JOHNSON: That's right.

CABRERA: But why do you think this history, this story, isn't more well well-known.

JOHNSON: It's what I consider to be hard history. It's complex. It's difficult to hear. It's difficult to process.

And historically, we haven't done a good job teaching our hard history, be it slavery, be it lynching, be it the so-called race riots, like the one in Tulsa in the '20s and ''30s and beyond.

So we know what is incorporated into our curricula. And sometimes, talks of color, often times folks of color are not at the table when curricula decisions are made.


JOHNSON: Therefore, this history gets marginalized if not totally erased.

So we are now, in the last few decades, beginning to come to grips with that --


JOHNSON: -- and to begin to rectify those absences.


CABRERA: Well, this obviously raises our awareness, this film. Thank you, Hannibal Johnson, for being with us.

Be sure to tune in to the all-new CNN film, "DREAMLAND, THE BURNING OF BLACK WALL STREET." It premiers Monday at 9:00 p.m. Eastern here on CNN.

We asked you to tell us how you are making your comeback as COVID restrictions ease. And you delivered.

Bob Avery sharing this photo of his family, the first time they gathered in 20 months. All vaccinated. Bob's 92-year-old mother smiling in the center.

Amy Sanders celebrated her best friend's 42nd birthday at Disneyland.

And in Texas, a heartfelt reunion Mother's Day. Separated a year and five months, Anthony Noriega surprised his family. Finally got to hug his mom.

Oh, I love these. Thank you.

Keep sharing your comeback with us. Tag me, @AnaCabrera with hashtag, thecomeback, on Twitter.

And thank you so much for joining me today. Happy Friday. Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

NEWSROOM with Alisyn and Victor starts right after this.