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Manhunt For Suspects In Mass Shooting Near Miami; Texas Democrats Walk Out Over Voting Bill; Osaka Out At The French Open; Biden Honors Fallen Service Members and Delivers Warning; Democrats to Discuss Next Move on January 6 Commission; Michael Flynn Appears to Endorse Myanmar-Style Coup; Osaka Withdraws after Press Conference Boycott; Brazil Step in as Host 13 Days Ahead of Tournament; CONMEBOL pulled Colombia and Argentina from hosting. Aired 2-3a ET

Aired June 01, 2021 - 02:00   ET




MICHAEL HOLMES, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR (voice-over): An urgent manhunt in Florida right now. A search is underway for the suspects in a mass shooting that left two people dead. Almost two dozen injured in the Miami area.

Texas Democrats are pulling out all the stops to block a restrictive new voting bill from reaching the governor's desk.

And then the world's number two is out of the French Open not because of her performance, but because of her concerns with her own mental health.

Hello, everyone. Welcome to CNN NEWSROOM. Appreciate your company. I'm Michael Holmes.

Manhunt in Florida entering its third day after a brazen shooting at a Miami area concert venue. Two people were killed, at least 20 hurt when gunman opened fire on a crowd outside a banquet hall. Police say masked attackers jumped out of that SUV, you see there, fleeing seconds later and the car speeds away. Official say they did find that car in a canal. And as they hunt for suspects, they warn the months ahead could get much worse.

Violent crime is surging in Miami-Dade County. With this year's homicide numbers already matching the total for all of 2020. Miami's police chief wants tougher gun laws and says it's not just criminals who need to be held accountable.


ART ACEVEDO, CHIEF OF POLICE, MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT: It is a time in our country's nation where our courts have been shut down. Courts are not holding people accountable unless the American people speak out. It's going to be a long, hot bloody summer and we can thank a lot of elected officials for that. (END VIDEO CLIP)

HOLMES: Well, as police scour the area for clues, families are grieving and a reward for an arrest has grown. CNNs Leyla Santiago with more from Miami.


LEYLA SANTIAGO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Newly released surveillance video shows three individuals jumping out of an SUV with assault rifles and handguns before opening fire into a crowded banquet hall near Hialeah, Florida just after midnight Sunday. The three get back into their car and take off less than 10 seconds later.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have a total of 23 people were shot, two were deceased on scene.

SANTIAGO: All three of the shooters still at large.

DANIELLA LEVINE CAVA, MAYOR OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY: We need your help. We need information. We need you to come forward if you have information. To help us solve these crimes.

SANTIAGO: Miami-Dade Police found the SUV they say the suspects were driving Sunday morning. It was submerged in the Biscayne canal approximately nine miles from where the shooting occurred. The vehicle was reported stolen on May 15th.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ruining families --

SANTIAGO: High emotions for those left behind.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You all killed my kid, you must fired.

SANTIAGO: Clayton Dillard Jr. lost his son Clayton Diller III in that shooting.

MARCUS LEMONIS, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, CAMPING WORLD: UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That is the pain that affects our community right there, right before you. I just want to try to do my part.

SANTIAGO: Miami community leader, T.V. hosts and Camping World CEO Marcus Lemonis has pledged $100,000 reward for anyone with information that leads to the arrest of those responsible. Separately, Crimestoppers and the Miami ATF are offering a $30,000 reward.

CAVA: We will bring all those responsible for these heinous crimes to justice and we will work together to break this cycle of violence.

SANTIAGO: Miami-Dade County determined to get this cycle of gun violence in their city under control.

MORRIS COPELAND, MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CHIEF COMMUNITY SERVICES OFFICER: We're investing in our young people, particularly those that have been disinvested in and disenfranchised from the process that behind, none of them are born with A.K.-47 is in their hands. None of them were born killers.

SANTIAGO: And Investigators tell us that a lot of this stemmed from an ongoing rivalry between two groups even that back and forth on social media played a role here. Here at the hospital, we are still seeing family members coming and going just hoping that their loved ones will be OK. In Miami, Leyla Santiago, CNN.


HOLMES: Now the mayor of Miami-Dade County says that videos showing the gunman could be crucial to cracking the case. She spoke earlier about what investigators might be learning.


CAVA: This video was so critical and people are calling. There are tips coming in. People are able to perhaps identify some of the shooters, other information. So we're very hopeful that we can place the shooters very, very soon. They're being monitored. These are groups that are kind of loosely called gangs. They may be taunting each other on social media, maybe even in the rap music. So these are clues as well.


HOLMES: The mayor of Miami-Dade County speaking to CNN earlier.

Now Texas Democrats are preparing for the next political battle over voting rights after their strategic win Sunday night. Texas looking to join 14 other Republican-led states that have already passed voting restrictions. Their version is one of the most restrictive bills in the country. And Republican governor Greg Abbott not backing down, promising to bring that bill back up for vote. CNN Sara Murray with the details.

SARA MURRAY, CNN POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Texas Democrats walking off the House floor late Sunday night in a dramatic move to block Republican efforts to pass new voting restrictions.

REP. NICOLE COLLIER (D-TX): We are no longer going to stand and allow them to continue to push measures that disenfranchise our voters.

MURRAY: To move left Republicans short of the minimum number of lawmakers required for a vote. Killing the bill for the legislative session. But the measure may be blocked only temporarily. Texas Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican saying it's deeply disappointing the voting building reaches desk and vowing to call a special session where lawmakers can take up the issue.

Democrats leaving the House floor Sunday night after hours of heated debate, including Republicans refusing to take questions from Democrats about the legislation.

CHRIS TUNER, TEXAS HOUSE DEMORATIC CAUCUS CHAIRMAN: It became clear that Republicans were going to resort to an extreme tactic to shut off debate, even though we were still fighting the bill that forced our hand and that's what led to the walkout.

MURRAY: The bill would have banned drive through voting and 24-hour voting. Both measures that made Houston area ballot boxes more accessible to black and Latino voters during the 2020 election according to voting rights advocates. And it would have barred early voting on Sunday before 1:00 p.m. A blow to souls to the polls efforts that are popular with black churches.

REP. JESSICA GONZALEZ (D-TX): Really this is a witch hunt. It's a witch hunt that is aimed at people of color.

MURRAY: The bill also would have made it easier to overturn an election, allowing courts to throw out results if so many ballots were cast illegally that it could have made a difference, as opposed to proving fraud actually impacted the outcome of a race. The push to restrict voting in Texas follows similar efforts in Florida, Georgia and other Republican-controlled states that have clung to former President Donald Trump's lies that the 2020 election was stolen. Texas Republicans have cast the bill as a step toward more consistent and secure elections.

REP. JACEY JETTON (R-TX): There should be consistency between the counties or whether you live in Fort Bend County, Harris County, Montgomery County, Dallas County.

MURRAY: But it comes after record turnout in the 2020 election and no evidence of widespread fraud. Sara Murray, CNN, Washington.

HOLMES: Now, in the United States, there are growing signs life might be getting back to normal from the pandemic. Large numbers of Americans have been hitting the beaches and ballparks for the long Memorial Day weekend. And airlines have posed boys for record breaking holiday travel. Alexandra Field with the details.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We're ready to rock and roll starting today.

FIELD: Americans from coast to coast are taking full advantage of the first nearly normal holiday we've had in more than a year.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You never thought that the shutdown was going to last that long.

FIELD: After so much time spent at home, AAA says 37 million people are expected to travel this weekend. Airports are clucking pandemic arrow record numbers. 1.9 6 million passengers were screened at airports on Friday according to the TSA, but today is poised to be the busiest air travel day yet.

STEPHEN KAUFER, CEO AND PRESIDENT, TRIPADVISOR: Travel is back, half the people in America want to take a summer vacation and domestically another quarter want to take an international trip.

FIELD: Miami Beach deployed extra police in anticipation of unprecedented crowds. California's beaches are also open this holiday weekend.

BOB ALFERA, SANTA MONICE RESIDENT: It feels very, very close to normal. And it's nice to see people really all in a good mood.

FIELD: Tonight is the night New Yorkers have waited for. The curfew lifts on indoor restaurants and bars. The party is already on just outside of New Orleans where 50,000 people turned out for this weekend's delayed Mardi Gras style parade.

KELLEY CARTNER, JEFFERSON PARISH RESIDENT: It feels amazing. Like to be out here with family and friends. It's just amazing.

FIELD: And it's because of vaccines. More than 40 percent of Americans are now fully vaccinated.


FIELD: As of this holiday weekend, more than 60 percent of adults nationwide have already received one dose of the shot. Bringing us closer to President Joe Biden's goal to get that number up to 70 percent in time for the next holiday weekend, July 4th. And when it comes to children who have already been vaccinated, this summer promises to be better than the last, New CDC guidances vaccinated campers don't need to physically distance or wear a mask.

(on camera): And in this country over the next few weeks, you will see a major push to try to meet the President's July 4th goal. The strategy now centers on trying to conquer vaccine hesitancy where it exists and trying to make shots more convenient for people. To that end, New York City deploying mobile vaccine units to crowded summer hotspots this holiday weekend, like right here in Central Park and to the city's beaches.

In New York, Alexandra Field, CNN.

HOLMES: We're going to take a quick break. When we come back, could the Benjamin Netanyahu era in Israeli politics be about to end? He's facing a serious threat. The fight isn't over. We'll have details and analysis when we come back.

Also, Donald Trump's former National Security Adviser apparently endorsing a military coup in the U.S. How his attorney is now trying to walk it back.



HOLMES: Welcome back. Israel's longest serving leader could be about to lose his grip on power but analysts are warning against counting Benjamin Netanyahu out until that fight is completely over. He's facing a serious threat from a diverse coalition of rivals, who are in turn facing a midnight Wednesday deadline to clinch a deal. And experts are predicting a bit of fight to the very end. CNN's Hadas Gold with details from Jerusalem.


HADAS GOLD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Nearly 10 weeks after Israelis cast their ballots and a decisive primetime move from former defense minister Naftali Bennett.

NAFTALI BENNET, FORMER ISRAEL DEFENSE MINISTER (through translator): Well, although it is now clearly proven, there is no right-wing government possible with Netanyahu at its head. It is either a fifth election or a unity government.

GOLD: Once a close a to the Prime Minister now perhaps the man to sink Netanyahu is 12-year unbroken run as Israel's leader.

BENNET: I'm announcing today that I intend to act with all my strength to form a national unity government together with my friend, Yair Lapid so that God will, together we will rescue the country from this tailspin and we will get Israel back on track.

GOLD: Minutes later, Netanyahu lashed back.

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER (through translator): He is deceiving the public again, the same lies the same hollow slogans about hatred and division. This from a man who was actually contributing to hatred and division. A man who was committing the deception of the century.

GOLD: Apparently no greater crime for Netanyahu than seeking to create a left-wing government. An accusation at which Bennett scoffed, given his own previous support for West Bank annexation.

BENNET: The left is making difficult compromises when it bestows upon me, the former leader of the (INAUDIBLE) proponent of the land of Israel, the role of Prime Minister.

GOLD: Up to eight political parties would likely take part in any unity government. But sources close to coalition talks say the hard work has already been done. The position of Prime Minister is widely expected to rotate with right-wing Bennett going first and centrist Lapid second. An announcement could come in the next few days, then parliament has a week to give its approval.

Even so, in a country so long used to seeing Netanyahu in power, few rule out the possibility of a further twist or two before this story finally resolves.


HOLMES: Natan Sachs is the Center for Middle East Policy Director at the Brookings Institution. He joins me now from Washington. A good voice on this, a knowledgeable one. Nothing is ever certainly in Israeli politics and Benjamin Netanyahu known for his ability to manipulate maneuver, stay in charge. What is your read of the landscape in the days ahead?

NATAN SACHS, DIRECTOR, BROOKINGS INSTITUTION'S CENTER FOR MIDDLE EAST POLICY: Well, as you said, never count Netanyahu out. That -- the man is a master of politics, and really has been the master of politics in Israel for many years. But nonetheless, he seems closer than ever to being out of the Prime Minister's residence which would be a huge thing for 12 consecutive years. The opposition seems to have a coalition coming together.

A very unwieldy, very broad coalition with one main goal and that stand Benjamin Netanyahu's reign as prime minister.

HOLMES: And that's the thing, isn't it? We've got this -- it even sounds ridiculous to say, you have a center left-wing, hard right wing coalition with Arab involvement. You know, it sounds inclusive but will it be workable in real life? They might be united against Netanyahu, as you say. But will they agree on much else if -- and when they governing?

HOLMES: While they disagree on a loss. The profound differences in ideology on almost every issue, they agree, of course, I'm getting it any out of office, but it's a bit more than that. They agreed that Israel needs to comes back to some kind of governing normalcy after two crazy years with four national elections, with no state budgets since 2019, with no functionaries in various different positions all on behest of Netanyahu's political own goals.

And so they do have this goal of trying to come together and returning to governance. And secondly, they're all taking a big risk and forming this coalition in particular who the man who might be the next prime minister, Naftali Bennett, is really losing his base to do this. And that means that he has an interest to try and govern well and stay in power in this new government. So, they'll try to freeze things and all the issues they disagree

upon, most importantly, the Palestinian issue.

And then they'll try to move forward on domestic issues which are less politically contentious, but might give them some dividends as a governing coalition.

HOLMES: You mentioned the Palestinians and Naftali well to the right of Benjamin Netanyahu especially on the issue of a two-state solution, which is a non-starter for him settlements as well.


HOLMES: What does that mean for any potential, "process" if Naftali is a prime minister? I mean, the Palestinians have their own political issues to deal with as well. But is that basically an issue that's just off the table for the foreseeable future?

SACHS: Any major progress on the peace process, as it used to be called is off the table. Naftali Bennett is openly opposed to the two- state solution. He is hard, right. He himself positions himself that way. He was one of the leaders of the settler council that represents the settlers in the West Bank. And he is vehemently opposed to any concessions on territory. But it's important to note he's not governing alone. He may be the first prime minister, but there'll be an alternate Prime Minister and they will rotate after two years of the coalition last, they will each have a veto. The alternate Prime Minister will be Yair Lapid from the center who is pro two-state solution and quite different. He's not a big leftist. But he is very different from Naftali Bennett. So, where that leaves as well, in a sense, is in an attempt to freeze that issue, to freeze the Palestinian issue to wait by -- while Israel deals with other things.

But of course, reality doesn't always wait. The Israelis may want it to be frozen. But either reality or the Palestinians themselves may unfreeze the issue and cause a crisis in this government since there's such profound disagreement on the Palestinian issue.

HOLMES: Yes, yes. Yes. Great analysis. I mean, what's your read on the, you know, the voters. I mean, to people right now, and I've been talking to some people over there, even supporters of the Arab parties, they just want a functioning government and they're not expecting huge changes either. Just stability. Is that your feeling?

SAHCS: Yes, more or less. We have a very deeply divided electorate in Israel. So there is a majority for this government. There is a majority that wants a functioning government first and foremost, after two years, certainly among the Palestinians. Citizens of Israel as 21 percent of the country, there are many who want functioning policing, they want budgets, they want things to move forward.

But of course, the profound differences between left and right remain. So, there are many people are very unhappy about this as well. First, Netanyahu almost won these last four elections. And his supporters are of course, extremely upset about this possibility. And especially they feel that Bennett who comes of course on the hard right is betraying the right wing by going with the opponents of Netanyahu.

So there's still a lot of division about this. Israel is still a very polarized country, but a period of normalcy where there's at least a government that can function, that can appoint functionaries and just pass a budget. As simple as that sounds. This will be a huge step for Israel in many respects, even if some very important issues. Palestinian issue, Iran issue, other things will not see any dramatic change.

HOLMES: Natan Sachs with the Brookings Institution. Terrific analysis. Thanks so much. I really appreciate it.

SACHS: Thank you very much. It's my pleasure.

HOLMES: Expo experts say China's decision to allow couples to have up to three children might not actually do much to grow the younger population. They point to the high cost of living and education. The government is pushing for a younger workforce to drive its booming economy. The latest census figures show a surge in the share of population over 65. But not everyone's on board.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): I think the country should have published this policy earlier. Couples like us have missed the time that we could have another child.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): If there are better conditions, then we'd have more kids. Nowadays and people have to buy a house. This amount of pressure is already huge. And then you have to consider the cost of the child's education.


HOLMES: And CNN's Steven Jiang joins me now from Beijing to tell us a little more about this. So, it's a major change in policy but for a major reason.

STEVEN JIANG, CNN SENIOR PRODUCER: That's right, Michael. You know, for the past few decades, this country's breakneck economic growth was largely the result of so called demographic dividend that is surplus or abundance of available young and cheaper workers who have been of course churning out products of all sorts. Turning this country from economic backwater into the world's factory floor and then of course, the world's second biggest economy.

But the latest sensitive census result shows that not only the country's population is growing at its slowest pace in decades, but that critically important segment of population people aged from their late teens to 59, that segment has been in decline. Now when dropping below 900 million accounting for some 63 percent of the population, that's seven percentage points down compared to just a decade earlier.

So this is very alarming and this trend is expected to continue. Many experts say this labor force will peak in just a few short years and then shrink by five percent by the end of the next decade. That of course is very alarming to this leadership here and also to this government who of course have been relying on rapid economic expansion for its legitimacy.


JIANG: So, if this trend cannot be reversed, this will of course, lead to economic stagnation or even decline which in turn could translate into political crises or social instability. That's why they need this change now. This is so important and urgent to them because they not only need people to join the labor force, but also their military forces and security forces. Michael?

HOLMES: Yes, yes, yes. As we just heard, a lot of people saying, well, it's expensive to have a lot of kids. Steven, good to see you. Steven Jiang in Beijing. Appreciate it.

Now, a rise in COVID-19 infections linked to the variant first identified in India has parts of Europe on alert. France says it will restrict entry to all but E.U. nationals, French residents and those traveling for essential purposes. Now, that's bad news for Brits who for months have been looking to June 21st for what's been called Freedom Day. The day the government had hoped to have all restrictions lifted.

A scientific adviser to the government says that date should change over fears of a third wave in the U.K. Warning cases are rapidly rising with the potential to explode. Quick break here. When we come back. The U.S. President honoring fallen troops on Memorial Day with a special tribute to his late son.

Plus, the tennis superstar Naomi Osaka drops out of the French Open. Why she did what it says about sport today. That's still to come.



HOLMES: Monday was Memorial Day in the United States and President Joe Biden paid his respect at Arlington National Cemetery with a passionate and personal speech. But it also came with a serious warning, and in the days ahead, he will be shifting from reflection to pushing forward with the critical agenda.

CNN's Phil Mattingly explains.


JOE BIDEN, U.S. PRESIDENT: Remember that sacrifice, their valor, and their grace.

PHIL MATTINGLY, CNN SENIOR WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT (voice over): For President Biden, a deeply personal day of remembrance, Memorial Day, always a heavy moment for any commander-in-chief, particularly poignant for a president clinging tightly to the memory of his son.

BIDEN: I always feel Beau close to me on Memorial Day.

MATTINGLY: An Iraq more veteran who die of brain cancer, 6 years ago.

BIDEN: Yesterday marked the anniversary of his death and it is a hard time, a hard time of year, for me, and our family, just like it is for so many of you. It can hurt to remember. But the hurt is how we feel, and how we heal.

MATTINGLY: Reflecting on true sacrifice, Biden drew attention all of those who gave everything for their country.

BIDEN: Our freedom and the freedom of others had been secured by young men and women who answered the call of history and gave everything in the service of an idea, the idea of America.

MATTINGLY: Using it to underscore his long held view of the stakes of this moment.

BIDEN: Democracy itself is in peril, here at home and around the world. What we do now? What we do now? How we honor the memory of the fallen will determine whether or not democracy will long endure.

MATTINGLY: And the responsibility that requires from all Americans. BIDEN: Democracy thrives on the infrastructure when democracy is strong.

MATTINGLY: Returning from the infrastructure of democracy to the infrastructure of the country itself, in a crucial week, and a tough road ahead for Biden's investment plan.

PETE BUTTIGIEG, U.S. TRANSPORTATION SECRETARY: Just a week from tomorrow, we need a clear direction.

MATTINGLY: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg setting a clear deadline with Republicans as their ongoing negotiations inch forward, telling Jake Tapper --

BUTTIGIEG: The president keeps saying inaction is not an option, and time is not unlimited here.

MATTINGLY: Negotiations that, to this point, still leave the two sides far apart, including on the top line cost with the White House sitting at $1.7 trillion, and Republicans at 928 billion, but only a fraction of that, representing new spending.

Senator Shelley Moore Capito, the lead GOP negotiator, set to speak with Biden this week, expressing optimism for a potential outcome and trust in Biden's intentions.

SEN. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO (R-WV): I think we are building those blocks towards a really good solid infrastructure package that has bipartisan support.


MATTINGLY (on camera): And President Biden, faces a careful balancing act going into this week. The reality for the White House is if they leave those talks with Republicans too soon without a deal, moderate Democrats who've made it clear that their preferred pathway was for a bipartisan agreement may not join them when they need every single Democratic vote, particularly in the United State Senate.

However, if they stay in those talks too long, there's a chance the window starts to close on the rest of their sweeping economic agenda. It's trying to thread a needle here, and White House officials are keenly aware of those dynamics, but also making clear, don't necessarily think there is going to be a massive agreement between Republicans and Democrats. Because the bar, as one White House official told me at this point is low, maybe a smaller scale deal could come to fruition, but obviously, this is a crucial week. And this is a week that the Biden administration wants answers, one way or another, about those talks with Republicans.

Phil Mattingly, CNN, the White House.

HOLMES: A quick break, and when we come back, cruise ships ready to set sail once again but they are facing choppy waters in Florida. How a new law could keep the state struggling cruise industry anchored. Plus, 32 years after the Tiananmen Square massacre, the Chinese government is still attempting to rewrite the past. The latest move to silence pro-democracy activists when we come back.



HOLMES: U.S. House Democrats will meet in the coming day, and they could signal their next step in investigating the January 6th Capitol insurrection. Senate Republicans have, of course, blocked a bipartisan probe, at least one Democrat, calling on Joe Biden to appoint a presidential commission.

A former top adviser to Donald Trump facing backlash for his comments at an event in Texas where he appeared to endorse a coup in the U.S.

CNN's Donie O'Sullivan with the details.


MICHAEL FLYNN, FORMER TRUMP NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER: I want to know why, what happened in Myanmar can't happen here? No reason, I mean, it should happen with no reason.

DONIE O'SULLIVAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): A former U.S. Army lieutenant general and former national security adviser appearing to endorse a military coup here in the United States.

FLYNN: Trump won. He won the popular vote here and he won the Electoral College vote.

O'SULLIVAN: Michael Flynn spend memorial weekend at a conference in Dallas, attended by QAnon supporters, so too did Sidney Powell, who is part of the former presidents election legal team. Powell, who is represented Flynn, said Monday that the media had grossly distorted Flynn's comments. She denied Flynn had encourage violence or a military insurrection but she didn't explain what Flynn had meant. Powell, herself, spoke of removing Biden from office over the weekend.

SIDNEY POWELL, ATTORNEY WHO CHALLENGED 2020 ELECTION RESULT: We're definitely in uncharted territory. There are cases where elections have been overturned, but there's never been one at the presidential level, which everybody will jump to point out. That doesn't mean that it can't be done though. It should be that he can simply be reinstated, that a new inauguration day to set and Biden is told to move out of the White House and President Trump should be moved back in.

O'SULLIVAN: They heavily criticize Republican-led audit in Arizona has given followers of QAnon and the big lie hope that the election could still be overturned.

And some are finding inspiration in the deadly military coup in Myanmar as a way to put Trump back in power. Flynn's comment were seen as an endorsement of a coup by some QAnon followers, they were welcomed overnight by prominent peddler of QAnon who has more than 70,000 followers on telegram, writing, General Flynn says the quiet part out loud.


Earlier this year, Trump supporters in California also cheered on the coup.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Biden is just -- he's like a puppet president. The military is in charge. It's going to be like Myanmar. What's happening in Myanmar, the military is doing their own investigation, and at the right time, they're going to be restoring the republic with Trump as president.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What's going on in Myanmar right now? The government took over and they are redoing the election, correct? That's supposedly happen here, possibly.

O'SULLIVAN: Would you like to see it happen?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I would like to see it happen.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you know why? Because the election was stolen from us.


HOLMES: Incredible. CNN's Donie O'Sullivan reporting there. To be clear, there is zero evidence of widespread fraud in the 2020 election, and the claim that it was somehow stolen from Donald Trump is a conspiracy theory.

Thanks for watching, everyone. I am Michael Holmes throughout our international viewers, World Sport coming up next. For those of us in the U.S., I'll be back with more news after this break.



HOLMES: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is clashing with cruise lines, a major industry in his state, over a law he signed that bans companies from asking customers for proof of COVID-19 vaccinations. But here's the thing, the CDC says cruise ships can't set sail unless nearly all passengers and crew members are vaccinated.

CNN's Alison Kosik breaks it down for us.

ALISON KOSIK, CNN BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: It's hard to not call out the irony of this. The state of Florida sued the Biden administration and the CDC to reopen cruising immediately, but Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is also standing in the way of getting ships back in the water.

DeSantis recently signed a law which prohibits businesses, including the cruise industry, from asking customers and employees if they've been vaccinated against COVID-19. The thing is part of the CDC's updated guidance gives the green light to cruise lines to set sail again if at least 95 percent of crew members and 95 percent of passengers are vaccinated.

But if they can't ask how will they know? It's leaving cruise lines in a real tough spot, especially with them wanting to relaunch this summer.

DeSantis is digging in and says he has not intention of allowing an exemption for cruise lines, telling the "Orlando Sentinel," "We are going to enforce Florida law. We have laws that protect the people and the privacy of our citizens and we are going to enforce it."

So what's a cruise line to do? The CEO of Norwegian Cruise Lines said the company may avoid the state all together, suspending operations out of its port in Florida if the governor doesn't allow COVID-19 checks for passenger and crew.

During the company's quarterly earnings call last week CEO Frank Del Rio said there are other states Norwegian operates from, meaning it could move its ships elsewhere. After being banned from sailing because of the pandemic and losing billions of dollars, the cruise industry is trying to stay afloat.

It also bring a huge amount of revenue to Florida and provides tens of thousands of jobs in the state. But with Governor DeSantis not budging on this, at least not at the moment, it's turning into a real face-off between the cruise lines and the governor.

Alison Kosik, CNN, New York.

HOLMES: A shocking move by tennis star Naomi Osaka on Monday announcing that she's withdrawing from the French Open. Now this comes after she was fined $15,000 for skipping a news conference after her first match. Osaka had said last week she wouldn't participate in media events, citing mental health concerns.

In a statement on Twitter she says, in part that the move is the best thing for the tournament, the other players and her own well being. One of her on-court rivals Serena Williams offered Osaka words of support.


SERENA WILLIAMS, PROFESSIONAL TENNIS PLAYER: I feel for Naomi. I feel like I wish I could give her a hug because I know what it's like.


HOLMES: Christine Brennan is the CNN Sports Analyst and Sports Columnist for "USA Today." She joins me now from Washington. Good to see you Christine. But, you know, it is -- it is very sad to read about Naomi Osaka's -- you know, her revealing this pressure, the depression, see her pull out of a tournament like this.

Speak to the level of pressure athletes are under to perform. And, you know, in the -- in the Osaka situation how does press scrutiny compound that?

CHRISTINE BRENNAN, CNN SPORTS ANALYST: Certainly attention of any kind on one's play, especially if it might not be your best day can be difficult. We're talking about young athletes. Naomi Osaka's only 23. She's been around awhile. She's won four Grand Slam Championships as you know two Australian Opens, two U.S. Opens.

But it -- she's still young and she has told us with the statement that came out a few hours ago, you know, dealing with bouts of pressure since she won that first major, the U.S. Open in 2018, which was the one with the Serena Williams meltdown with the chair umpire, so much emotion, so volatile, such a controversial first victory for her.

She talks about how she wears headphones to just block everything out. The anxiety that she feels. And, you know, let's face it, they're -- these young athletes are scrutinized, they're scrutinized often from teenage years onward.

There is a lot of pressure. There's a lot of money to be made. It looks like a beautiful, wonderful life. It looks like the life of your dreams. And for some it is, and for many it is. But it also comes with pressure and attention and can be bouts of depression and difficult ups and downs.


HOLMES: It was very poignant when she wrote, she said I've often felt that people have no regard for athlete's mental health and this rings very true whenever I see a press conference or partake in one.

It really makes me sad to read that. I mean, do you think that the International Tennis Federation as an organization needs to do more for players when it comes to things like mental health, depression and so on?

BRENNAN: I do. I do. I think this is going to open people's eyes to a conversation that we should be having.

And if it also helps others, because Naomi Osaka is such a role model to thousands, probably millions at this point, if it helps a young person or two or ten or hundred or a thousand as they start to deal with and grapple with some of these issues, then oh what a wonderful gift Naomi Osaka will have given even if she's struggling with these issues herself.

We have no idea of the extent, the depth of the this issues that she's dealing with and the troubles that she has. But if it helps others, my goodness as I said, what a gift as a role model.

And you know journalism, obviously I've been in those press conferences, I've asked tough questions of athletes. I think most of us has asked -- tried to be very heartfelt and I think this will have us all thinking about that and aware of that. We're still journalists. We need to do our job. And the athletes by and large, of course, want us to be there. And Naomi Osaka said that.

HOLMES: Right.

BRENNAN: She said (inaudible) journalists women's tennis is known for having a great relationship with journalists and let's hope that continues.

HOLMES: Yes. I did to get this in a broader sense. I mean, we've seen also NBA players spit on, water bottles thrown. I mean, one player made the point that he felt athletes are just seen as performers, commodities, rather than you know individuals with the same issues and feelings as everyone else.

I mean, Kyrie Irving in the NBA, he said some fans treat players like they're a human zoo. I mean, does he have a point?

BRENNAN: Yes. When we've seen some of the unrest and the trouble in the stands, even over the last few days in the NBA, it is -- it is -- it is troubling. It's very concerning. And I think what has happened is we -- these athletes are on such a pedestal. They're -- they almost feel untouchable, unreachable and we forget that they are human beings.

And also, the idea that we know them, right? There's so many -- someone screaming in the stands and it's as if they know this person down on the field, on the pitch, on the court, wherever it might. Well, they don't know them. I cover them and I know them probably be better -- some of them better than most people would and I don't know them.

HOLMES: Christine Brennan thanks so much and great to see you.

BRENNAN: Michael, you as well. Thank you.

HOLMES: Over the second year in a row China has denied an appeal to allow a vigil in Hong Kong commemorating the 1989 Tiananmen Square protest. One museum is working to preserve the truth of what happened despite Beijing's attempts to erase its bloody past.

CNN's Kristie Lu Stout reports.


KRISTIE LU STOUT, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Pictures seared into the minds of those allowed to see them.

Rights groups say hundreds if not thousands of pro-democracy protesters killed by their own country's troops at the Gate of Heavenly Peace Tiananmen.

For over 30 years Hong Kongers have refused to allow what happened in Beijing in 1989 to be forgotten. Through the annual June 4 vigil and the June 4th Museum in the city's Mong Kok district. Before he was imprisoned for his involvement, the 2019 pro-democracy

protests we spoke to veteran activist Lee Cheuk Yan, and organizer behind the museum.

LEE CHEUK YAN, PRO-DEMOCRACY ACTIVIST: For the mainland Chinese, you know, coming here I think is very important because they are the whole many in China brought out or black-out any mentioning about June 4th. So there's no -- the whole period of time the truth is totally disappear and suppressed.


STOUT: One country, two systems afforded Hong Kongers the right to speak their minds about the present ant eh past in a way not possible on the mainland. That right encapsulated here at the museum. Home to historical evidence not available to the public anywhere else in China.

This year organizers have lost their appeal to hold the candlelight vigil in Hong Kong's Victory Park, marking the second year that police have banned the gathering, citing coronavirus restrictions.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police have reasonable grounds to believe that the activities not only increase the risk of infecting COVID-19 by participants and other people, but also pose serious threats to the lives and health of all citizens, jeopardizing public safety and affecting rights of others.


STOUT: Hong Kong Security Bureau also issued a statement warning people not to take part in or advertise unauthorized assemblies or challenge the national security law. But on June the 4th the museum will unveil a new exhibit about the history of the once annual vigil.

YAN: The people support you.

STOUT: To its supporters the June 4th Museum is a place to honor those who stood up to harassment and fear. Lee believes that bravery will continue to be celebrated, remembered and harnessed by a new generation.

YAN: You know, no matter what happen this new generation, the younger generation will also have that memories, remembrance of June 4th. But the problem is, how about the next one?

STOUT: As China's tightening grip continues to minimize Hong Kong's freedom of expression a new museum is being built online. A crowd- funding campaign has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to digitize records and artifacts so the lessons of history will endure.

Kristie Lu Stout, CNN, Hong Kong.


[02:55:00] HOLMES: Now I want to share some incredible video with you out of Iceland. It's of a drone. Watch this, crashing straight into an erupting volcano. You see the drone coasting over the lava flow, headed straight for the crater. Now this video was taken out about 25 miles outside of Reykjavik. Just watch it going in there.

Now this an area that hadn't report -- hadn't seen an eruption in hundreds of years until about two weeks ago when this eruption stated. And that video is something. Let's see it go in before we go. Amazing. You don't get a view like that very often.

Thanks for watching. I'm Michael Holmes. Appreciate your company. My colleague Rosemary Church pick things up after a quick break. Thanks for your company.

