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Mass Shooting in Miami Killed Two People; Texas Pushing to Pass Election Bill; Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Fighting for his Political Fate; China Now Gives Green Light to Three Babies Per Family; Americans Back on Travel Galore; Record Breaking Holiday Weekend Travel Expected In United States; Florida Governor, Cruise Lines Clash Over Vaccine Rules; Tennis Phenom Drops Out Of French Open; Demands For A Mass Grave Search In Canada; Democratic Republic Of Congo, Dangerous Mount Nyiragongo Volcano; Gunmen Abduct Young Children In Latest School Raid. Aired 3-4a ET

Aired June 01, 2021 - 03:00   ET




ROSEMARY CHURCH, CNN ANCHOR (on camera): Hello and welcome to our viewers joining us here in the United States and all around the world. You are watching CNN Newsroom, and I'm Rosemary Church.

Just ahead, an urgent manhunt underway in Florida for suspects in a mass shooting that left two people dead and almost two dozen wounded in the Miami area.

Texas two-step. Democrats block a controversial voting rights bill. Why the state's governor says it will cost them.

And a major political shake-up in Israel with many wondering if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is on his way out after more than 12 years in power.

Thanks for joining us.

Well, a manhunt in Florida is entering its third day after a brazen shooting at a Miami-area concert venue. Two people were killed and at least 20 hurt when gunmen opened fire on a crowd outside a banquet hall. Police say masked attackers jumped out of this SUV and fled seconds later. Officials say they found the vehicle in a canal, and as they hunt for suspects, they warn the months ahead could get much worse.

Violent crime is surging in Miami-Dade County with this year's homicide numbers already matching the total for all of 2020. Miami's police chief wants tougher gun laws, and he says it's not just criminals who need to be held accountable.


ART ACEVEDO, CHIEF, MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT: It is a time in our country's nation where our courts have been shut down. Courts are not holding people accountable. Unless the American people speak out, it's going to be a long, hot, bloody summer, and we can thank a lot of elected officials for that.


CHURCH (on camera): And as police scour the area for clues, families are grieving and a reward for an arrest has grown.

CNN's Leyla Santiago has more now from Miami.


LEYLA SANTIAGO, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Newly released surveillance video shows three individuals jumping out of an SUV with assault rifles and handguns before opening fire into a crowded banquet hall near Hialeah, Florida, just after midnight Sunday. The three get back into their car and take off less than ten seconds later.

UNKNOWN: We have a total of 23 people were shot. Two were deceased on-scene.

SANTIAGO: All three of the shooters still at large.

MAYOR DANIELLA LEVINE CAVA (D), MIAMI-DADE COUNTY: We need your help. We need information. We need you to come forward if you have information, to help us solve these crimes.

SANTIAGO: Miami-Dade police found the SUV they say the suspects were driving Sunday morning. It was submerged in the Biscayne canal approximately nine miles from where the shooting occurred. The vehicle was reported stolen on May 15th.

UNKNOWN: Ruining families.

SANTIAGO: High emotions for those left behind.

UNKNOWN: You all killed my kid. You must burn.

SANTIAGO: Clayton Dillard Jr. lost his son, Clayton Dillard III, in that shooting.

UNKNOWN: That is the pain that affects our community right there, right before you.

I just want to try to do my part.

SANTIAGO: Miami community leader, TV host and Camping World CEO Marcus Lemonis has pledged a $100,000 reward for anyone with information that leads to the arrest of those responsible. Separately, crime stoppers and the Miami ATF are offering a $30,000 reward.

CAVA: We will bring all those responsible for these heinous crimes to justice, and we will work together to break the cycle of violence.

SANTIAGO: Miami-Dade County determined to get this cycle of gun violence in their city under control.

MORRIS COPELAND, COMMUNITY SERVICES OFFICER, MIAMI-DADE COUNTY: We're investing in our young people, particularly those that have been disinvested in and disenfranchised from the process, left behind. None of them are born with AK-47s in their hands. None of them are born killers.


SANTIAGO (on camera): And investigators tell us that a lot of this stemmed from an ongoing rivalry between two groups. Even that back and forth on social media played a role here. Here at the hospital, we are still seeing family members coming and going, just hoping that their loved ones will be OK.

In Miami, Leyla Santiago, CNN.

CHURCH: The mayor of Miami-Dade County says that video showing the gunmen could be crucial to cracking the case. She spoke earlier about what investigators may be learning.



CAVA: This video was so critical, and people are calling. There are tips coming in. People are able to perhaps identify some of the shooters, other information. So, we're very hopeful that we can place the shooters very, very soon. They're being monitored. These are groups that are kind of loosely called gangs. They may be taunting each other on social media, maybe even in the rap music. So, these are clues as well.


CHURCH: The mayor of Miami-Dade County speaking earlier to CNN.

Texas Democrats are preparing for the next political battle over voting rights after their strategic win Sunday night. Texas is looking to join 14 other Republican-led states that have already passed voting restrictions. Their version is one of the most restrictive bills in the country, and Republican Governor Greg Abbott is not backing down. He is promising to bring the bill back up for a vote.

Sara Murray has the details.


SARA MURRAY, CNN POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Texas Democrats walking off the House floor late Sunday night in a dramatic move to block Republican efforts to pass new voting restrictions.

UNKNOWN: We are no longer going to stand and allow them to continue to push measures that disenfranchise our voters.

MURRAY: The move left Republicans short of the minimum number of lawmakers required for a vote, killing the bill for the legislative session. But the measure may be blocked only temporarily. Texas Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican, saying it's deeply disappointing the voting bill didn't reach his desk and vowing to call a special session where lawmakers can take up the issue.

Democrats leaving the House floor Sunday night after hours of heated debate, including Republicans refusing to take questions from Democrats about the legislation.

CHRIS TURNER, CHAIRMAN, TEXAS HOUSE DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS: It became clear that Republicans were going to resort to an extreme tactic to shut off debate even though we were still fighting the bill. That forced our hand, and that's what led to the walkout.

MURRAY: The bill would have banned drive-through voting and 24-hour voting, both measures that made Houston area ballot boxes more accessible to Back and Latino voters during the 2020 election according to voting rights advocates. And it would have barred early voting on Sunday before 1 p.m., a blow to Souls to the Polls efforts that are popular at Back churches.

JESSICA GONZALEZ (D), MEMBER, TEXAS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: Really, this is a witch hunt that. It is a witch hunt that is aimed at people of color.

MURRAY: The bill also would have made it easier to overturn an election, allowing courts to throw out results if so many ballots were cast illegally, that it could have made a difference as opposed to proving fraud actually impacted the outcome of a race.

The push to restrict voting in Texas follows similar efforts in Florida, Georgia, and other Republican-controlled states that have clung to former President Donald Trump's lies that the 2020 election was stolen. Texas Republicans have cast the bill as a step toward more consistent and secure elections.

JACEY JETTON (R), MEMBER, TEXAS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: There should be consistency between the counties. So, whether you live in Fort Bend County, Harris County, Montgomery County, Dallas County.

MURRAY: But it comes after record turnout in the 2020 election and no evidence of widespread fraud.

Sara Murray, CNN, Washington.


CHURCH (on camera): Texas Republicans have insisted the bill is meant to protect election integrity. One provision calls for verifying signatures on mail-in ballots. The chair of the state's legislative black caucus says the measure is a solution in search of a problem.


NICOLE COLLIER, CHAIR, TEXAS LEGISLATIVE BLACK CAUCUS: Show me the receipt. Show me where there's a problem. This is it. There is no widespread voter fraud in Texas. The fact of the matter is people's signatures can change as they age, and so to proactively take somebody off the voter rolls because their signatures don't match is -- is an infringement of their voting rights.

There was no opportunity to cure. This is the thing. If you're going to do that, then give them the opportunity to cure these deficiencies that they're talking about.


CHURCH (on camera): Collier says lawmakers should be making it easier to vote, not harder.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is no stranger to intense political fights. In fact, his admirers call him the magician for his ability to wiggle out of tight spots. But now he's facing a serious threat from a very diverse coalition of opponents, including fellow right-winger Naftali Bennett. And as you might expect, he is pushing back hard.

Hadas Gold has the latest now from Jerusalem.

HADAS GOLD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: As the opposition party's work to finalize their coalition deals, Israel could be seeing the final few days of Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister. His replacement could be his former aide, Naftali Bennett, leader of the small right-wing party called Yamina, whose decision to join the centrist leader Yair Lapid in trying to form a new coalition government could change the course of Israeli history.


In a speech on Monday, Lapid said within a week Israel could be entering a new era with a new prime minister, promising a working government after two years of political dysfunction.


YAIR LAPID, LEADER, YESH ATID PARTY (through translator): If this government is formed, the key word will be responsibility, to take responsibility, to restore inner calm, not to blame others, not to look for enemies, not to brand anyone who thinks differently than us a traitor who should be killed. Even if Yesh Atid had 40 seats, this is the government I would form, right, left, and center, a unity government.


GOLD: In Israeli politics, seven days is an eternity where a lot can change. And just a few defectors could cause this coalition to crumble. As many political analysts here see Netanyahu as the ultimate political survivor, few are willing to write him off just yet.

Hadas Gold, CNN, Jerusalem.

CHURCH: And I want to bring in Gil Hoffman in Jerusalem for more on this story. He is chief political correspondent and analyst for The Jerusalem Post. Thank you so much for joining us.


CHURCH: So, if Benjamin Netanyahu's rivals are not able to finalize this coalition deal, then the country faces yet another election. So how likely is it that they can pull this off and oust Netanyahu from power after 12 years in office?

HOFFMAN: One hundred percent, Rosemary. Nothing can stop them now. I really don't think that there's going to be someone who's going to rebel at the last minute. It's looking like Yair Lapid will go to the president either tonight or first thing in the morning tomorrow, tell him that he's got the coalition government ready. They're doing their last-minute bickering, but it's a done deal, and Netanyahu is done, at least for now.

CHURCH: So, you don't see any moves left for Netanyahu, the magician as he's known as?

HOFFMAN: I don't think he has any rabbits left in that proverbial hat, Rosemary. He could have a month ago when he had the mandate to form a government made more of an effort to bring about a rotation with some of his political rivals that he did at the last minute over the last few days. Then perhaps it would have been successful.

CHURCH: Now, you say this coalition will be successful, 100 percent as far as you're concerned. It's a very diverse unity government, a true unity government for Israel. But how will this work, do you think?

HOFFMAN: Well, they're going to have to focus on consensus issues, which there are plenty of -- security, Iran of course, economy, dealing with the aftermath of COVID-19, and not deal with more controversial issues like matters of religion and state and of course the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

They are very diverse, but what unites them right now is obviously ousting Netanyahu. That's not going to change because Netanyahu is not going anywhere. He's going to be the opposition leader. He's going to remain the head of Likud. He's going to remain the most influential figure on that side of the political map the same way that Donald Trump has done in the United States without even holding a formal position.

So, imagine if Trump had a formal position as the head of the opposition in the United States. So that will keep them together as long as the specter of Netanyahu remains there on the sidelines.

CHURCH: Right. He is their motivation apparently. So, if this new coalition government deal is finalized and, as you say, you think it will be, what might that mean for Palestinians and the prospect of a two-state solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict given Naftali Bennett is more right-wing than even Netanyahu?

HOFFMAN: He is more right-wing that Netanyahu but his hands are completely tied by forming a government with the most left-wing parties in Israel. The left-wing parties are not going to give up any land. Naftali Bennett is not going to get to annex any land. It's going to remain the status quo that there has been for quite some time, and then maybe next election, which as a political reporter I hope won't be in another few months, somebody will win and then get to make big decisions on that.

CHURCH: Right. So, you feel that things will just stay as they are. What about a move in a direction of a two-state solution? Do you see that happening?

HOFFMAN: I don't see the Palestinians being able to facilitate that right now. They just canceled their election. It was supposed to be their first election for president since January 2005, because they knew that Hamas terrorist organization recognized by the world as a terrorist organization was going to win.

I don't see the Biden administration being too willing to involve itself in the Israeli/Palestinian issue where they're so doomed to fail and Biden has learned from the failures of his predecessors. I don't think the politics in any of those three countries facilitating that right now.

CHURCH: All right. Gil Hoffman, thank you so much. I appreciate your analysis on this issue.

HOFFMAN: Thank you.


CHURCH: Well, for the first time in more than a year, many Americans marking their first major holiday without masks. Memorial Day weekend across the U.S. That's next.

Plus, China is looking for a baby boom. Why the government now says families can have up to three children. We'll take a look at that.


CHURCH (on camera): Welcome back. Well experts say, China's decision to allow couples to have up to three children may not actually do much to grow the younger population. They point to the high cost of living and education. But the government is pushing for a younger workforce to drive its booming economy.

CNN's Scott McLean has more.


SCOTT MCLEAN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice over): China is hoping that three is a lucky number for families in the world's most populous nation. On Monday, the government announced it will allow couples to have up to three children, instead of the current limit of two.

The shift in policy comes after census data showed a sharp decline in births. A low of 10 million last year, compared to nearly 18 million in 2016. And experts say the population in China is getting older, with a smaller number of people in the workforce, the country's economic future could be at risk. Some residents say the changes came too late for them.


UNKNOWN (through translator): I think that the country should have published this policy earlier. People like us have missed the time, in which we could have another child.

MCLEAN: Beijing's one child policy, in place for decades, to slow the growth of China's population and reduce poverty. It was enforced with heavy fines and even forced abortions. But that strict policy relaxed a little bit five years ago when the government allowed married couples to have two children. But even that failed to boost birth rates. Many couples say it's just too expensive to raise children in cities.

UNKNOWN (through translator): If there were better conditions, then we'd have more kids. Nowadays, young people have to buy a house. This amount of pressure is already huge, and then you have to consider the cost of the child's education.

MCLEAN: Chinese media says the policy will come with supportive measures, but few details are available for now. Experts say the extra benefits will be needed to convince people who are under increasing financial strain to make room for one more.

JEAN-PIERRE CABESTAN, PROFESSOR, HONG KONG BAPTIST UNIVERSITY: Unless the government introduces really incentives, I don't think that Chinese couples are going to have more kids in the coming years.

MCLEAN: A trend that has Beijing worried and looks unlikely to change.

Scott McLean, CNN, London.


CHURCH (on camera): Here to discuss this is Dali Yang, a professor of political science at the University of Chicago and a senior fellow with the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. A pleasure to have you with us.


CHURCH: So, China's one-child policy resulted in many female babies being aborted or abandoned in favor of male babies, and women were sterilized to prevent more pregnancies. So, what is your reaction to this new policy that will allow three children per family, a policy reaction to China's aging population and minimal growth?

YANG: Apparently the general public response is very muted. In fact, there is a lot of wry comments on what is going on. Part of the reason is, again, for many people the basic reason for the policy switch is because people did not have the babies when they permitted two children per family.

So, the question, therefore, is would people want to have more children now that they are permitted to have three children per couple? Clearly, I think most people recognize that the policy is simply too late.

CHURCH: And of course, China's census in May revealed the country's population growth over the past decade was at its slowest since the 1950s with an aging population and a shrinking labor force that could derail economic growth in China.

So, if families don't have more babies, and from what you've said, it doesn't sound like they're inclined to because of the cost mostly, how concerned are you that some of these families may be forced by Chinese officials to have more children?

YANG: Well, typically in the past when the government imposed very draconian family planning policies, especially on the elite, the bureaucrats, the people who were employed in the state sector. So, I would not be surprised that in certain areas, in fact, the civil servants, for example, are asked to take certain measures. But overall, though, it's a little bit harder to switch on, people on to actually produce babies than forcing people not to have babies.

CHURCH: I did want to ask you this because of course it was back in 2016 that China dropped its one-child policy and allowed families to have two children. As you pointed out, a lot of families didn't take up that option. Why didn't China drop the one-child policy earlier than 2016 and offer financial enticements to having more children back then? That would have prevented a lot of heartache and solved China's aging population issues.

YANG: Well, yes indeed. The option was considered during the presidency of Hu Jintao, but he basically decided that the evidence was still not very strong, partly because China did face significant employment pressures. In many ways, actually, there was a lot of inertia as well. And within the population community, for example, the experts, there were also arguments actually against relaxing the policy too soon.

CHURCH: Professor Dali Yang, thank you so much for talking with us. We do appreciate it.

YANG: You're most welcome.

CHURCH: Crews in Sri Lanka are busy cleaning the beaches of debris from that cargo ship which caught fire nearly two weeks ago off the coast of Colombo.


It's been washing up for days now, everything from small plastics to giant mangled shipping containers. The ship's operators say it's still smoldering, but there are no visible flames. And as bad as the damage is, the hull is still intact, and no oil has leaked. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

Well, a surging Box Office and a record number of travelers. Americans are taking advantage of their first close-to-normal holiday in a very long time. We will show you Memorial Day across the United States.


CHURCH (on camera): Well, what a difference a year and millions of vaccinations make. Airlines are poised for record-breaking holiday travel over Memorial Day weekend. Monday was expected to be the busiest day at U.S. airports since the start of the pandemic.

Americans are also returning to theaters. Films like "A Quiet Place" part II helped kick off the summer movie season. Overall Box Office sales could hit $100 million for the first time in more than a year.

Alexandra Field has our report.


ALEXANDRA FIELD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): The comeback is big.

UNKNOWN: We're ready to rock and roll starting today.

FIELD: Americans from coast to coast are taking full advantage of the first nearly normal holiday we've had in more than a year.

UNKNOWN: You never thought that the shutdown was going to last that long.

FIELD: After so much time spent at home, AAA says 37 million people are expected to travel this weekend. Airports are clocking pandemic- era record numbers, 1.96 million passengers were screened at airports on Friday according to the TSA. But today is poised to be the busiest air travel day yet.


STEPHEN KAUFER, CEO, PRESIDENT TRIPADVISOR: Travel is back. Half the people in America want to take their summer vacation in domestically. Another quarter want to take an international trip.

FIELD: Miami Beach deployed extra police in anticipation of unprecedented crowds. California's beaches are also open this holiday weekend.

BOB ALFERA, SANTA MONICA RESIDENT: It feels very, very close to normal. And it's nice to see people really all in a good mood.

FIELD: Tonight's the night New Yorkers have waited for. The curfew lifts on indoor restaurants and bars. The party is already on just outside of New Orleans where 50,000 people turned out for this weekend's delayed Mardi Gras-style parade.

KELLEY CARTNER, JEFFERSON PARISH RESIDENT: It feels amazing. Like to be out here with family and friends, it's just amazing. FIELD: And it's because of vaccines. More than 40 percent of

Americans are now fully vaccinated. As of this holiday weekend, more than 60 percent of adults nationwide have already received one dose of the shot, bringing us closer to President Joe Biden's goal, to get that number up to 70 percent in time for the next holiday weekend, July 4th.

And when it comes to children who have already been vaccinated, this summer promises to be better than the last. New CDC guidance says vaccinated campers don't need to physically distance or wear a mask.

And in this country over the next few weeks, you will see a major push to try to meet the president's July 4th goal. The strategy now centers on trying to conquer vaccine hesitancy where it exists and trying to make shots more convenient for people. To that end, New York City deploying mobile vaccine units to crowded summer hot spots this holiday weekend like right here in central park and to the city's beaches. In New York, Alexandra Field, CNN.


CHURCH (on camera): Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is clashing with cruise lines, a major industry in his state, over a law he signed that bans companies from asking customers for proof of COVID-19 vaccinations. But the CDC says cruise ships can't set sail unless nearly all passengers and crew members are vaccinated. CNN's Alison Kosik breaks down the conflict for us.


ALISON KOSIK, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): It's hard to not call out the irony of this. The state of Florida sued the Biden administration and the CDC to reopen cruising immediately, but Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is also standing in the way of getting ships back in the water. DeSantis recently signed a law which prohibits businesses including the cruise industry from asking customers and employees if they've been vaccinated against COVID-19.

The thing is part of the CDC's updated guidance gives the green light to cruise lines to set sail again if at least 95 percent of crew members and 95 percent of passengers are vaccinated. But if they can't ask, how will they know? It's leaving cruise lines in a real tough spot, especially with them wanting to relaunch this summer.

DeSantis is digging in and says he has no intention of allowing an exemption for cruise lines, telling the Orlando sentinel, we are going to enforce Florida law. We have laws that protect the people and the privacy of our citizens, and we are going to enforce it.

So what's a cruise line to do? The CEO of Norwegian cruise line said the company may avoid the state altogether, suspending operations out of its port in Florida if the Governor doesn't allow COVID-19 checks for passengers and crew.

During the company's quarterly earnings call last week, CEO Frank Del Rio said there are other states Norwegian operates from, meaning it could move its ships elsewhere. After being banned from sailing because of the pandemic and losing billions of dollars, the cruise industry is trying to stay afloat.

It also brings a huge amount of revenue to Florida and provides tens of thousands of jobs in the state. But with Governor DeSantis not budging on this, at least not at the moment, it's turning into a real face-off between the cruise lines and the Governor. Alison Kosik, CNN, New York.


CHURCH: A strange turn of events in the Copa America football saga. Coming up, how the tournament could wind up moving from one COVID hot spot to another.

Plus, a stunning withdrawal from Roland-Garros by the world number two tennis player. Why Naomi Osaka says she's taking time away from the court.



CHURCH: Well, 52 days and counting until the start of the Tokyo games, and Olympians have already begun to arrive. The Australian women's softball team, the Aussie Spirit flew into Narita just a few hours ago and they're among the first international athletes to travel to the games since the pandemic forced its delay.

The team arrives as Japan is fighting a fourth wave of COVID infections. Several prefectures are under an extended state of emergency, and the country has now begun vaccinating its Olympic athletes. Japanese media report spectators may be required to have a negative COVID test in order to attend the games.

Well, a shocking move by tennis star Naomi Osaka. On Monday she announced that she's withdrawing from the French Open, and this comes after she was fined $15,000 for skipping a news conference after her first match. Osaka had said last week she wouldn't participate in media events, citing mental health concerns.

In a statement on Twitter, she says in part that the move is the best thing for the tournament, the other players, and her well-being. One of her on-court rivals Serena Williams offered Osaka words of support.


SERENA WILLIAMS, 23-TIME GRAND SLAM CHAMPION: I feel for Naomi. I feel like I wish I could give her a hug because I know what it's like.


CHURCH: Well, joining me now is a man who knows the pressures of professional tennis very well. Pat Cash is a retired champion who won Wimbledon back in 1987. It is indeed an honor to have you with us.

PAT CASH, 1987 WIMBLEDON CHAMPION (on camera): Thank you very much.

CHURCH: So I do want to ask your reaction to Naomi Osaka quitting the French Open over her refusal to participate in news conferences because of her own mental health concerns.

CASH: Well, I was a player who suffered a lot of mental issues myself, massive bouts of depression. I'm actually here in Paris. I'm coaching -- I've been on the tour for 5.5 months, the WTA tour. I coach China's number one player, so and she's playing today. I have a great understanding of the pressures that are involved, and I am 100 percent behind what she's done. I know it's part of -- press conferences are part of the business. That's why the month that players get the big money. It's why they get the big sponsorships.


But, you know, we are locked in this hotel. We're in a bubble week after week after week. We're getting tests. We have to test to arrive. We get a test every four days. I think if the governing bodies really think that this is a surprise for a player to have a mental breakdown and to cite mental issues, they're fooling themselves.

I'm surprised it hasn't happened before, and it's going to happen again. I think certainly it's something that I'm very passionate about, and it's something that -- mental health on the sports tour is particularly poor. That everybody is trying their best to get the tournaments going, and I understand that.

And so, you know, if some mental issues, mental health has slipped by, we kind of understand. I'm 100 percent behind what she's done. She's got to look after herself. I mean, in what insane world do they think a young girl has come out and said, I've got mental issues?

I don't want to do press conferences, and then they fine her $15,000 instead of going and talking to her and saying, hey, listen, we'll do the press conferences the way that you want to do it. How can we help you? Instead they fine her, forcing her hand and saying, I'm not going to be playing this tournament again.

So, it's a tragedy, but it's not -- for me, being on the tour as I said, for almost six months now, it's no surprise that this has happened, and it will probably happen again.

CHURCH: And Osaka, I mean, she really has put in a very bold way, put the spotlight on this situation, and least it's opened this up for debate to discuss this. What does it mean in terms of what tennis authorities should be doing going forward, how they need to deal with this because they must lose a lot of great players because not everyone is able to get in front of the media and talk to the media and answer so many of these questions. And Naomi Osaka has really very clearly laid that out for the world to see.

CASH: Yes. It will be very interesting to see how the grand slams react to this, whether they fine her a lot or not. Fining her, I think is a really bad move. To really hit hard on her, that's just going to shove mental health issues underground even further. And I think this is just an -- it's an interesting situation here for the whole world because everybody has been locked down for so long and put into situations that they're not used to.

And tennis players, look, they're normal people who do extreme things with their body and their tennis racket. So, they are very much humans. I did the same thing. I literally walked off the court at the end of my career and said I couldn't handle this anymore. I literally walked off the court. They said, what do we do about this? We'll just say you're injured. I said, mentally I'm fried.

They said, we'll just say you're injured because we have no protocol for this. And I don't think it's changed that much in 20 years. So I think it's big of an issue, but I think it's an overall issue of the pressure, the lockdowns that everybody in the world is feeling, and tennis players are just another part of that horrible situation that our hands are being forced all the time.

CHURCH: Let's see if there are any changes as a result of this. Pat Cash, again, wonderful to have you on the show and joining us live from Paris. We appreciate it.

Well, still to come, Canada's indigenous groups want every former residential school in the country checked for mass graves after the shocking discovery of hundreds of children's remains at one of those schools.

Plus, CNN flies along with experts in monitoring the risk of a second full-blown volcanic eruption in Congo. That is just ahead.



CHURCH: Brazil is reportedly in negotiations to host the upcoming Copa America football tournament. Joao Venturi reports, that would mean moving the competition from one COVID hot spot to an even bigger one.

JOAO VENTURI, JOURNALIST, CNN BRASIL: On Monday morning, the South American football confederation announced the Copa America was coming to Brazil. But hours later, the Brazilian government said it wasn't a done deal. Argentina and Colombia were stripped of their hosting rights in recent days.

Colombia lost its coheres in responsibilities following widespread protests sparked by a controversial fiscal reform while Argentina finds itself in a strict lockdown for the second time with all football games called off. More than 406,000 people have died from COVID-19 in Brazil, which accounts for almost half of COVID deaths in Latin America.

The announcement was made on Twitter with (inaudible) taking President Jair Bolsonaro and calling it the safest sports event in the world. On Monday night, however, Chief of Staff (inaudible) told a news conference that they were still in the middle of process and might have an announcement tomorrow. He also said if the event is confirmed, there won't be fans at the

games. Brazil has experienced hosting massive football events such as the FIFA World Cup back in 2014 and the most recent edition of the Copa America in 2019. But now the country has only 13 days to get ready.

The tournament, which was canceled last year due to the COVID-19 outbreak, is scheduled to kick off on June 13 with Rio featured 10 South American nations with the final schedule to be played on July 10th. Joao Venturi, CNN Brazil, Sao Paulo.



CHURCH: Canada's indigenous groups are calling for a nationwide search for mass graves at every former residential school site. That is after the shocking discovery of the remains of hundreds of children of one former school. The residential school system forcibly separated indigenous children from their families between 1831 and 1996. Thousands of children went missing, but the government failed to act. Paula Newton reports on the growing demand for answers.


PAULA NEWTON, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): The discovery last week has really left the entire country reeling, and there have been memorials from coast to coast to coast. But of course what indigenous peoples want is more than just the memorials. In many indigenous communities, they call it the knowing because it's not just a factor of how many bodies may be buried there in British Columbia. 215 they estimate now preliminarily.

But the fact there were schools like this, well over 100 of them, all over the country. The truth and reconciliation commission here in Canada determined that there were well over 4,000 children that had gone missing. The enormity of this really has been known for decades, and yet not many governments have been able to act on it.

Justin Trudeau said again that his government was committed to making sure that something was done here. He has certainly called all of this shameful, and yet there has not been a lot of action. I want you to listen now to the opposition leader Jagmeet Singh and how emotional he got in determining what should be done now.


JAGMEET SINGH, LEADER OF CANADA'S NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY: We're going to fight for justice for you.

The federal government has to play a role in making sure that these families know what happened, these families know the truth that these families can have closure and Canada can confront the reality of this genocide.

(END VIDEO CLIP) NEWTON: All of this happens really of course in a backdrop where

indigenous people today still suffer so much discrimination, systemic discrimination right across Canada. That is something that the federal government also says is a reality.

But when we talk about justice, indigenous peoples tell us that, look, so much more has to be done. When you consider the fact that even the Vatican has not apologized for its role. Many of these schools were run by the Catholic Church. This is what indigenous peoples want to get to and they want to make sure that of course, these families, who they say their suffering was real, that it must be acknowledged and that they must have some sense of closure. Paula Newton, CNN, Ottawa.


CHURCH: The Nigerian government is again searching for students kidnapped by armed gunmen. The latest attack happened Sunday at an Islamic school in central Nigeria. Police say bandits rode in on motorcycles shooting at random and killing at least one person. The school's headmaster says more than 150 children are missing or unaccounted for. A government spokeswoman says the school includes kindergartners, elementary, and middle school-age children. At least 11 of those abducted were later freed because they were too little to walk through the rough terrain.

These types of kidnappings have become all too common in northern Nigeria. A Reuters tally finds more than 700 students have been abducted for ransom since December. One Nigerian lawmaker tells CNN -- and I'm quoting here -- our security agencies are overwhelmed. We know where these bandits are, but we haven't been able to get rid of them.

Well, the danger still hasn't passed in the Democratic Republic of Congo where that volcano erupted last week. Nearly half a million people fled to safety. As Larry Madowo reports, they still don't know when they can return to their homes that already may be destroyed.


LARRY MADOWO, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Where deadly lava flowed in Mount Nyiragongo now relatively harmless. A week after one of the world's most dangerous volcanos erupted. CNN flew around it with scientists, including a volcanologist, who had studied the mountain since 1995. They need a few more days to determine if the danger is gone.

DARIO TEDESCO, VOLCANOLOGIST: I'm not ruling out the possibility of another eruption. I'm thinking and I'm saying that statistically, there is very few chances that this can happen.

MADOWO: Tedesco says the last eruption was impossible to predict. Nearby residents remain on edge. The Congolese city of Goma is surrounded by not one but two active volcanos. Mount Nyiragongo and (inaudible). I'm in the crater of the second. Any of these could erupt at any time, bringing death and destruction in their wake.

The pain of the first eruption still burns. [03:55:00]

Immaculee Kavira returns to where her home used to be.

IMMACULEE KAVIRA, LOCAL RESIDENT (through translator): I don't know how I'm going to get another house. Even my entire business got burnt in the house.

MADOWO: She's stranded with six children and no income. Immaculee Kavira (inaudible) local official but she doesn't think she will get any help to start over. West of Goma, this choir in Saki, rehearses for Sunday service as normal. But church is already full with a congregation of internally displaced people. They are among the 400,000 that fled. Without shelter for those evacuated, they ended up wherever they were welcomed, even on strangers' front porches. Agnes Milongo worries that too many people crowded in small spaces could make them sick.

AGNES MILONGO, LOCAL RESIDENT (through translator): We know that cholera is in this area so it's dangerous. There are limited toilet facilities and they're not hygienic. And we're also afraid that we might get COVID because we don't even have masks.

MADOWO: A day after CNN spoke to Agnes, she went back home against government advice. Not everyone has a place to return to. Many of the 900 homes that were flattened by the volcanic eruption belonged to some of this community's poorest people. This is one of them. These were their neighbors. All that's left now is a mountain of lava.

Their homes were made of tin or wood so they were particularly vulnerable. And without insurance or government support, they might never rebuild. Even with the cycle of natural disasters, disease, and displacement, joy and faith are never far in the DRC. Larry Madowo, CNN, Goma.


CHURCH: And thanks for your company this hour. I'm Rosemary Church. I'll be back with more news in just a moment. Do stay with us.