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Arkansas Woman Sues Police Over Traffic Stop Turned Crash; Biden Meets With G7 Allies Ahead Of Putin Meeting Next Week; British Prime Minister: Biden Will Give Putin "Pretty Tough Messages"; "Unruly Passenger" Forces Delta Flight To Divert; Sources: Barr Pushed Investigators To Finish Leak Probes; Thousands Of Volunteers Quit Tokyo Olympics; Denmark V. Finland Euro 2021 Soccer Game Suspended After Player Collapses, Is Resuscitated On Field. Aired 1-2p ET

Aired June 12, 2021 - 13:00   ET


AMARA WALKER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The lawsuit also points out what the dash cam video appears to show. "There were no exits or shoulder for Harper to safely exit the highway, before Defendant Dunn negligently executed a PIT maneuver on plaintiff's vehicle two minutes and seven seconds after Defendant Dunn initiated his overhead lights."





DUNN: Well, this is where you ended up.

WALKER: And it appears Harper acted in accordance with the Arkansas driver license guide. It instructs drivers to activate their turn signal or emergency flashers when being stopped by police to indicate they are seeking a safe place to stop and pull over to the right side of the road.

Arkansas State Police declined to comment on the case to CNN because of the pending lawsuit.


FREDRICKA WHITFIELD, CNN HOST (on camera): Amara Walker, thanks so much.

So, Janice Nicole Harper spoke to CNN's Chris Cuomo this week and explained why she didn't immediately pull over.


HARPER: I've never would have thought the police would hurt me.

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: So, you didn't pull over just because you thought that it wasn't easy enough to do on that road. HARPER: Right. I didn't feel like there was an adequate amount of space on the side of the road for my car and the officer to be standing beside it.


WHITFIELD: And CNN has reached out to the Arkansas State Police for statement. CNN has also not been able to reach Arkansas State Police Trooper Rodney Dunn, and it is unknown if he has an attorney.

All right, President Obama joins Anderson Cooper for a rare one-on-one about his life post-presidency. An "ANDERSON COOPER 360" Special Barack Obama on Fatherhood, Leadership, and Legacy airs tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. Eastern and Pacific.

All right. Hello again, everyone. Thank you so much for joining me. I'm Fredricka Whitfield.

All right, right now, world leaders of the G7 are meeting in their second day of the summit. President Joe Biden is meeting with his foreign counterparts about the topic of health. It comes at a critical time as the world tries to recover from the coronavirus pandemic.

Biden also held a bilateral meeting this morning with French President Emmanuel Macron.

All of this says the president prepares for his first meeting with Russia's Vladimir Putin this coming Wednesday.

This morning, the White House said Biden will hold a news conference after the meeting CNN's Kaitlan Collins is following all the developments from England. Kaitlan, the press conference will happen, but it will be a little different than how his predecessor handled things.

KAITLAN COLLINS, CNN CHIEF WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT (on camera): I think it would be a lot different even if they did a joint press conference compared to the one that we saw happen three years ago in Helsinki where, of course, President Trump famously took President Putin at his word when he denied election interference despite Trump's own intelligence officials saying, yes, we have concluded that Russia did attempt to interfere in that election.

It was a stunning moment, one of the many defining moments of Trump's presidency. But I think what you're trying to see here is not only the Biden administration change the tune of that meeting from what it was three years ago, but they're also changing the format of it, and this appears to be a U.S. side decision not to hold a joint press conference.

And a White House official told reporters earlier, they believe that's the best way for them to have President Biden convey what happened in that meeting, what they did agree on, and what they didn't agree on, which, of course, we know that list is pretty long. And we're waiting to see just how that happens. Because you've often seen President Biden -- excuse me, President Putin clashed with U.S. presidents in the past. He is someone who has been around for a long time. He is setting the stage for this meeting by praising President Trump, talking about what a great leader he believed he was and a great political figure he was, as he is going into this meeting with Biden.

And so, I think officials are trying to navigate it and make sure they are the ones controlling the narrative and that they have the upper hand here because, of course, that is not what we saw happen in Helsinki three years ago.

So, yes, that of course is the next high-stakes summit that is on President Biden's meeting list. He still is meeting with several world leaders while here in Cornwall, including the French president who he just sat down with for over an hour earlier. It's their first in- person interaction.

If you want to get a sense of what world leaders think of having President Biden here instead of President Trump, here is what the French president said earlier.


EMMANUEL MACRON, PRESIDENT OF FRANCE: We have to deal with this pandemic and the COVID-19, we have to face a lot of changes, a lot of crisis, climate change, and for all these issues what we need is cooperation. And I think it's great to have a -- the U.S. president part of the club and are willing to cooperate.


COLLINS: Willing to cooperate. Those are the words of Macron there. And after that, he was asked -- President Biden was asked by a reporter if he had successfully convinced American allies that the United States was back, as he said was his intention while here.

And he turned to Macron and said ask him. Let him answer that question. And we saw he said yes, definitely that he did agree with President Biden's sentiment.


WHITFIELD: It sounds like that's real expressed relief to see who is representing the U.S. and what the demeanor of everything thus far is. Kaitlan Collins, thanks so much.

All right, let's talk more about the G7, and while China is not a member, it certainly is the center of conversations there. With me now is Gordon Chang, he's the author of The Great U.S-China Tech War and The Coming Collapse of China.

Gordon, so, good to see you.

GORDON CHANG, SENIOR FELLOW, GATESTONE INSTITUTE: Thank you so much, Fred. WHITFIELD: Wonderful. So, let's talk about why China is center stage here, you know, how far apart are the U.S. and Europe when it comes to a strategy on how to deal with China, especially on trade?

CHANG: Well, when it comes to the U.S. and Britain, maybe not so far apart. But there is greater distance when you think about the U.S. and continental Europe. Got to remember though a couple of things. One of them is that the most pro-China leader in the E.U. would be Angela Merkel, the German chancellor. She is not running for a fifth term as the head of her party, so, she'll be stepping down later this year, and that gives President Biden an opportunity to work with the new German government.

But the more important thing is that Europe has really been China's to lose. Last year, Europe and China were very close. This year, especially last month, we saw China do things which really irritated European leaders. And so, Europe actually froze the implementation of that investment deal.

Lithuania left the 17+1 China forum. This is really important developments for the United States.

WHITFIELD: So, Biden will be pushing, you know, to lead a new infrastructure project to compete with China. Do you think he can get G7 allies on board?

CHANG: I think that he can get their rhetorical commitment to the build back world better. Remember, this is something that was started a couple of years ago, when you had the United States, Japan, and Australia with the Blue Dot Network.

That really wasn't funded. The question of going forward is whether Europe and the U.S. will fund the new program. I think what they'll do is they'll rebrand some of the existing aid, and it will look better than what it was during the Trump administration.

But really, right now, it's just going to be a question of do we have the money for this? And I'm not so sure that this is the most important priority for use of Europe -- European and American dollars.

WHITFIELD: The U.S. has also been pushing, you know, China on its human rights record. Can the president kind of put together European members to be on one accord when it comes to approaching China on that?

CHANG: I think that he actually -- Biden will be able to do this, and it's largely because China has shown an ugly face over the last couple of months, which is, that I mentioned, really irritated the Europeans and push them closer to the U.S.

The issue is going to be forced labor, whether they're going to do more than they've done in the past in blocking imports made with forced enslaved labor. That's not clear to me, and we'll find out a little bit more tomorrow when the communique of the G7 is issued.

And the other thing is going to be the Olympics in Beijing next winter. Whether the U.S. is going to be able to get some sort of effective action on that, that to me is not entirely clear either.

WHITFIELD: It seems I'm just listening to Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron, there is a great relief in Biden's presence at this G7. And then we also heard in an interview, the Russian President Vladimir Putin's analysis of President Trump and assessment of President Biden.

But I wonder if, you know, Biden goes into his upcoming meeting with Putin on Wednesday with a particular advantage. I mean, really, you know, supported by other G7 members.

CHANG: You know, I think so because I think that basically, Biden has a number of important advantages right now. The problem is that Putin has thoroughly penetrated Europe.

And so, you know, for instance, he's not going to have -- Biden's not going to have the support of Germany on important things. Remember, the U.S. relieved the sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. That probably was not a good move, but it certainly made Putin happy, it made Germany happy.

And one other thing, that probably had a China connection because if Biden is going to forge a coalition on China, he's going to need, as you point out, the cooperation of continental European countries. And he probably got a little bit of that cooperation by relieving those sanctions. So, there was some beneficial effect for something which is extremely controversial.

WHITFIELD: And Gordon, before I let you go, yes, I want to shift quickly to North Korea. You know, there have been some eyebrows raised, there is, you know, there is been a lot published about the noticeable weight loss of dictator Kim Jong-un and what to make of this. Are you willing to kind of take a stab at what this might mean if anything?


CHANG: Yes, I think North Korea is in more of a crisis than it normally is, and the reason is that COVID-19 ravaged North Korea, although Pyongyang says there's been no COVID-19 cases in the North.

But really what they did was they shut down their economy, and they're now feeling it. And I think that there is a lot of discontent. So, I think Kim Jong-un is right now at a point where he needs to make some overtures to the money classes in North Korea, otherwise, he's going to find himself in some difficulty with them.

WHITFIELD: All right. Gordon Chang, good to see you. Glad you're well.

CHANG: Thanks very much, Fredricka.

WHITFIELD: Thank you so much.

All right. Well, before today's meetings kicked off, CNN's Clarissa Ward sat down with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson for a one-on- one wide-ranging interview. She is joining us live now from Falmouth, England with more on this. So, Clarissa, the summit is, you know, always an important event to reaffirm alliances, you know, strategies moving forward. How does the Prime Minister Johnson feel these meetings are going thus far?

CLARISSA WARD, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (on camera): So, Fredricka, we started out by asking him whether he felt there was a different vibe this year with President Biden leading the U.S. delegation, of course, as opposed to President Trump?

He didn't want to talk about President Trump at all, but he did heap praise on President Biden, saying that the two leaders had a lot in common, that it was fantastic to have him here, that Biden truly values the transatlantic relationship, that they share similar passion such as climate change, and that the relationship between the U.S. and the U.K. is only getting better and better.

I also pushed him on whether he felt it was fair that Biden had once dismissed him as a physical and emotional clone of Donald Trump. He sort of brushed that off essentially, and said, listen, if I worry too much about everything that people say about me, we'd never get anything done.

We also asked, of course, about that all-important summit coming up next week between President Putin and President Biden. What Boris Johnson would like to see come out of it. Take a look.


WARD: President Biden will be meeting with President Putin.


WARD: President Biden famously said that he thought President Putin is a killer. Do you believe President Putin is a killer?

JOHNSON: I certainly think that President Putin has done things that are unconscionable, and the -- I'm fairly certain that he authorized the poisonings in Salisbury that led to the death of a -- of an innocent -- holy innocent member of the -- of the British public. The attempted poisoning of the -- of the Skripals, you've seen what's happening to his leading opponent, Alexia Navalny, who's in prison on trumped-up charges, and facing -- and is effectively being tortured.

And so, I think that what Joe Biden will be doing when he goes to see Putin will be giving some pretty tough messages, and that's something I'd wholly approve of. And I did the same last time I saw Mr. Putin myself.


WARD: He went on to say that essentially there will be no normalization of relations between the U.K. and Russia as long as he continues to see this kind of troubling behavior from the Russian leader.

But other than that, he didn't really want to be drawn too much on the specifics of what he would regard as the sort of metric for success, Fredricka, what would constitute a successful Biden-Putin summit, instead, of course, he wanted to focus very much on this summit, which unsurprisingly he views as having been a big success so far.

WHITFIELD: Well, he is -- he is the host. He better be optimistic, right? The host nation.

All right. Clarissa Ward, thank you so much. And, of course, we'll have Clarissa's entire interview with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson coming up in the next hour.

All right, coming up, also, a scare in the sky. Passengers rushed to stop a man who said he was going to take down the plane. We have new information on the suspect's bizarre behavior from a witness on board.

Plus, from death threats to a burglary, how President Trump's big election lie is turning families upside down.

And then later, I'll talk live with Olympic gold medal-winning speed skater Apollo Anton Ohno about the upcoming Summer Games.



WHITFIELD: All right, a Delta flight is forced to make an emergency landing after a man threatened to take the plane down mid-flight. Watch this shocking video recorded by one of the people on board, as a group of passengers rushed to the front of the plane and helped wrestle the man down.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Stop, stop, stop!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get him down, keep him down.


WHITFIELD: CNN's Polo Sandoval, joining me now with more on this. Polo, how did this start?

POLO SANDOVAL, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (on camera): A Delta spokesperson confirmed for me just a short while ago that, that unruly passenger is actually an off-duty Delta flight attendant. That's according to a Delta Air Lines spokesperson.

That individual responsible for this altercation that led to some extremely tense moments. Now, we're still actually trying to find out exactly what led to that disturbance and why this person behaved in this way. SANDOVAL (voice-over): But you can see this video that was captured by one of the passengers on board. Now, according to several witnesses and authorities, this all started a couple of hours before this flight was scheduled to land in Atlanta after taking off from Los Angeles when at one point, this off-duty flight attendant then makes his way to the front of the aircraft, begins using the P.A. system and speaking to passengers, and that's actually what initiated this altercation.


SANDOVAL: When the flight attendants who were working that flight then tried to get this individual off the P.A. system, and that's when things got extremely tense here. And at one point, even some of these heroic passengers jumping in to try to restrain this individual, which they were able to successfully do as that flight landed safely in Oklahoma City, while authorities boarded the flight to remove this individual from the plane as they continued to investigate to try to find out what happened.

I did -- I do know that you spoke to Ben Curlee a short while ago, who is actually sitting in the rear portion of the plane. This is how he describes what went on last night during this flight.


BENJAMIN CURLEE, PASSENGER ON DIVERTED DELTA FLIGHT: And my first interaction was when the intercom came on, and apparently, the perpetrator was on the intercom and was telling passengers to return to their seat because oxygen masks were going to be required of them. And that created quite a stir amongst everyone around us and became very tense.


SANDOVAL (on camera): That's one of the many statements that investigators right now are going over right now. Delta did release a statement regarding Delta Flight 1730, saying that basically, thanking not only the crew but also the passengers aboard that flight who assisted in detaining an unruly passenger as the flight was diverted to Oklahoma City.

Delta goes on to say the aircraft landed without incident and the passenger was removed by law enforcement. We should mention that flight was then allowed to continue the rest of its itinerary all the way to Atlanta.

But look, this is just the latest among a long list of cases that we have seen. The FAA track those numbers and reported that they've already seen at least 2,900 similar cases here.

In fact, about 2,200 of those, Fred, that has to do with passengers that refuse to comply with the federal mandate that still in place, requiring people wear masks while traveling on airplanes, according to -- you know, because of the pandemic.


SANDOVAL: So, it's certainly making things a bit more complicated, especially as airlines are trying to get back off the ground after the -- a very rough 2020.

WHITFIELD: Yes, but this is a very different distinction because it's -- you know what -- it's hard to believe what you said is that, that unruly passenger has now been described as an off-duty flight attendant for Delta airlines. So, that person --


SANDOVAL: That's correct.

WHITFIELD: The I.D. has not been revealed publicly, but that, too, makes this story even that much more astounding.

Polo Sandoval, thank you so much. Appreciate it.

SANDOVAL: Thank you, Fred.

WHITFIELD: All right, straight ahead, Congressman Adam Schiff is calling it a terrible abuse of power. An investigation launched after the Trump justice department issues secret subpoenas.



WHITFIELD: All right, the U.S. Justice Department's inspector general has launched an investigation into whether the Trump administration abused its power going after Donald Trump's perceived enemies. This coming as we are learning new details about former Attorney General William Barr's role in the Trump administration's targeting of Democratic members of Congress.

Sources tell CNN Barr pushed investigators to finish probes that included secret subpoenas on House Democrats, their staff, and family members. The White House is now responding to the reports.


JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: First of all, an I.G. investigation looks into how this happened, how could possibly happen. And let me be absolutely clear, the behavior these actions the president finds them absolutely appalling.

He ran for president in part, because of the abuse of power by the last president and by the last attorney general.


WHITFIELD: CNN crime and justice reporter Katelyn Polantz, joining us right now.

So, Katelyn, what more can you tell us about this case and the investigation?

KATELYN POLANTZ, CNN CRIME AND JUSTICE REPORTER (on camera): Well, Fred, this is yet again under Bill Barr's justice department, a series of questions where we have a real scramble on the Hill and from inspector general watchdog of the justice department trying to figure out how cases that had the potential to be politically charged or politically motivated, how they were handled under Barr.

So, what we know and what we've learned this week both through our reporting and reporting in The New York times is that Barr had brought in a prosecutor from New Jersey in 2020 to really give some juice to leak investigations that had languished in the justice department, and that Barr wanted to prioritize them either bring them to a close or have them prosecuted.

Now, we know that the inspector general that was -- said he would be doing a review of how these, these investigations were handled this week. We know that he's not only going to be looking at that but he's also going to be looking at court orders that required news organizations, including CNN and The New York Times to turn over their reporters' e-mail data as well as the subpoena sent to Apple that swept up members of Congress information.

Now, I should say that this really is going to be a review and asking a lot of questions that are bigger than Barr.

I mean, we have known from the beginning of the Trump administration that Trump himself was asking for leak investigations in 2020. We heard him ask for an investigation into Adam Schiff, the now head of the intelligence committee for the Democrats.

And you know, Schiff was one of the people in 2018 who was probed or had his information probed in a subpoena sent to Apple that swept up data in a leak investigation.

Now, that was a very broad subpoena, we learned a little bit about it last night from Apple. The subpoena sought metadata on 73 phone numbers, 36 e-mail addresses.


And that was regarding data from the inception of the accounts. So that could go back years.

In addition to that, it was -- that subpoena came in 2018, but it was under a gag order. So it couldn't be disclosed to people like Schiff that that data was being grabbed until now, after the Trump administration is over.

And I'll just say that, you know, it isn't he existence of leak investigations that shows us there could potentially be political motivation.

It is how aggressive those leak investigations were conducted and those answers we don't have yet fully -- Fred?

WHITFIELD: Katelyn Polantz, in Washington, thanks so much for that.

The summer Olympic Games just six weeks away and thousands of volunteers are quitting as the coronavirus spreads throughout Japan. Why they say the experience is just too risky.

And we'll get an Olympian's perspective of the games from Apolo Anton Ohno. There he is. We're going to be talking live next.




WHITFIELD: All right, the summer Olympic Games in Tokyo just six weeks away and organizers face calls to postpone the games once again over coronavirus concerns.

In fact, parts of Japan, including Tokyo, remain under a state of emergency. Citing a lack of protection against COVID around 10,000 volunteers at the games have quit.

CNN's Selina Wang spoke to some of the volunteers who are walking away.


JUN HATAKEYAMA, FORMER TOKYOU 2020 VOLUNTEER: I think it is belittling human lives.

SELINA WANG, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Jun Hatakeyama is one of some 10,000 Tokyo Olympic volunteers out of 80,000 that has quit amid pandemic fears.

HATAKEYAMA: I just quit because for my health condition and to show my opinion that I am against the Olympic Games.

WANG: When college student, Hatakeyama, signed up to be a volunteer, he was excited to witness the world's best athletes come together at this Olympic village. Instead, he has witnessed mounting problems.

HATAKEYAMA: The Olympic Game is belittling human lives. Our lives are not normal, so it's an emergency now. So I think why we can hold an Olympic game in 2020 now?

WANG: An army of enthusiast volunteers has been a key to the success of recent games, helping to operate venues, assisting spectators and athletes.

Tokyo organizers say fewer volunteers this year won't impact operations, given no foreign spectators and downsizing of events.

But volunteer, Nima Esnaashar, a language teacher who lives here in this prefecture, says protection hasn't been nearly enough.

(on camera): What COVID protection have you been given as a volunteer? NIMA ESNAASHAR, TOKYO 2020 VOLUNTEER: We are going to get two masks and a bottle of hand sanitizer.

WANG: So that's it?

ESNAASHAR: That's it.

WANG (voice-over): Volunteers are asked to take public transportation between their homes and Olympic venues. And for those who live outside of Tokyo, they have to find their own lodging.

Esnaashar has not quit yet but says he is thinking about it.

ESNAASHAR: I could be bringing back COVID to my family.

WANG: Organizers say the Olympics can be held in a safe bubble with the majority of the Olympic village vaccinated.

But many public health experts say that's impossible, especially if there are tens of thousands of largely unvaccinated and untested volunteers at Olympic venues across Tokyo and Japan, and less than four percent of Japan's population fully vaccinated.

BARBARA HOLTHUS, TOKYO 2020 VOLUNTEER: We are not being given neither testing nor a vaccine, so we have to go in and out of the bubble at all times. There is a significant pretension of this becoming a super spreader event.

WANG: Normally a symbol of national pride and excitement in the host country, many volunteers this year instead are scared, largely left on their own to protect themselves from COVID-19.

HATAKEYAMA: I think the meaning of Olympic Games was completely forgotten.

WANG: Selina Wang, CNN, Tokyo.


WHITFIELD: Let's talk more about next month's games.

Joining us right now is Apolo Anton Ohno, a retired short-track speed skater and also the most decorated U.S. Winter Olympian of all time, including winning gold at both the 2002 Salt Lake City and 2006 games. And he's also a member of the U.S. Olympic Hall of Fame.

Congratulations on all that. Good to see you.


WHITFIELD: Since your retirement from the sport, you also made a transition to entrepreneur and television personality. So we have a lot to talk about.

Let's focus in on these summer games. I mean, how sad and disappointing is it that there are so many problems now surrounding these Tokyo games?

OHNO: Well, I think that there's always challenges when you host a large-scale event like the pinnacle of all competitions like the Olympic Games.

Even going back many Olympic Games before, we have seen the challenges associated. This is an unprecedented situation with what has happened during this pandemic.

But just like in 2002, which was my first Olympic Games, the world came together. And they celebrated and they figured out a way to display how important the world loves to watch and celebrate and cheer their sports men and sports women in these types of competitions and events. And this is no different.

And although there are a lot of people that you've seen just on that feature and that premiere you just showed who have concerns and they're valid concerns, I'm confident that both the U.S. team, the Olympic team and the organizing team in Japan will be able to host the games safely.

But this is an unprecedented event. And we will be watching and cheering and, hopefully -- you know, I just spent time with the athletes in Salt Lake City talking to some of them.

I can tell you firsthand they are still focused and they've committed a lifetime for some of the races that only last 10 seconds long.

WHITFIELD: Wow. I mean, yes. The games will go on as we see so far it's six weeks away. And, yes, there will be cheering fans. But no live audiences in the stands. People will be cheering by watching it live and sometimes taped performances.


How might that impact the performances of the athletes without the arenas filled with people cheering and encouraging, et cetera?

OHNO: This is a different game. And I think you held the games even one year prior when they were supposed to be and intended to be. I think the outcomes would be drastically different than what we'll see next month.

But that is every single athlete faced the same challenge, whether you're a veteran on the last year or the newcomer who wishes that they had an additional year of training.

So these changes are volatile and, like life, we can't predict what happens. We can only keep forging ahead and figuring out what the best path forward is.

That's what we love about the purity of these Olympic Games is we love to see the athletes striving and going beyond these glass ceilings.

That's why I did it for so many years and why we fall in love with these stories. WHITFIELD: All of you Olympians have to be adaptive and make the

changes, you know, on a dime when you have to.

So then I wonder if you can tell me about kind of the worries and anxieties when ordinarily you would travel, you know, to a host country, get settled in, dorms, et cetera, and then you've got this ongoing pandemic.

OHNO: It's different, right? As we've seen with large scale events like soccer or with the NBA or the NFL or any really major large-scale event and sporting situation, there's going to be challenges associated.

Many of the athletes have competed in international competitions leading up to this event, so they know what that looks like.

I think the people are going to be prepared. Mentally these athletes truly have the ability to adapt.

And just like when they retire, there's going to be a reinvention and transition phase in terms of what's next.

What am I good at? What do I want to do? What's important to me. And how do I place greater impact on my communities, my loved ones and overall my personal career.

I went through that process. I've been writing a book about that process.

And it's not easy. Doesn't matter if you're an Olympic athlete or someone who is looking to transition and go out into a new venture or new career path.

The psychological framework towards reinvention and adapting and transformation is really hard because we're used to doing one thing.

And so, this is always our greatest asset or it can be a prison. So it's up to us to figure out how to measure and track these ways in which we can create better behavior habits.

WHITFIELD: Tell me about your transition. How did you find your way? Because it couldn't have been easy.

Like you said, you have this real myopic focus as an Olympian and you share that with a number of athletes. You've been able to talk to a lot of athletes.

But then in your transition, you had to figure out what's the other thing you're really good at. I understand the financial realm is one of those things.

But how did you get to that to be able to help people with their financial doctoring their financial health into shape?

OHNO: Yes. It's a great question. So I think that transition for all of us with that reinvention or hard pivot that's required, we saw that during the pandemic.

Doesn't matter if you're an Olympic athlete and your games are delayed or work in the same position for 20 years, you're now faced with something that seemed fresh and new and unknown and chaotic. And uncertain.

So the beautiful thing about the human spirit is that over millions of years we have evolved and survived and we have thrived. So we have this innate capability inside all of us.

But I think with this hyper-technological world we live in, it's up to us to always bring it back to center.

I partnered with this organization called Personal Capital. And one of the premier things we talk about is finding your home base.

Using this free dashboard and these free tools, going to the Web site,, and figuring out ways in which does this fit in line with what's important to me.

So as I went through my transition. I needed to identify, is my chasing this thing because it's shiny and glittery and I have FOMO, or am I doing these things over the long-term trajectory of what's important to me?

What are my real long-term goals and how can I track and measure just like I did in sport, just like you did in your previous career, in the same way?

So when we venture into something, if it doesn't fit into that overall realm, it becomes noise.

And as you know, we live in a distracting world. It's very hard to remain deeply focused on things. But that's where the sweet spot is. And so we don't know unless we can measure those things.

WHITFIELD: Wow. We're going to continue to follow your lead on inspiration and getting our financial houses in order too, now.

Apolo Anton Ohno, good to see you. Thank you so much.

OHNO: Thank you. Thanks for having me.


WHITFIELD: All right. And now we're following this breaking news in sports. A Euro 2020 game temporarily suspended after a player collapses on the field. We'll have all the details coming up next.


WHITFIELD: All right. Welcome back.

President Biden is to meet with the queen tomorrow more formally. They've already interacted a bit this weekend as the queen lightened the mood during a photo op for the G-7 leaders. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

QUEEN ELIZABETH: I suspect that you are enjoying yourself.



BORIS JOHNSON, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: We have been enjoying ourselves despite the appearances.


WHITFIELD: The first couple also attending a reception with the queen Friday.

And the queen had yet another funny moment at a charity event on the sidelines of the summit, insisting that she cut the cake with the sword.


QUEEN ELIZABETH: I didn't think that this would work.







QUEEN ELIZABETH: This is more unusual.


WHITFIELD: At the very least, it is more unusual to cut the cake with the sword. She was offered a knife but said, no, I will go with that. And she always has that handbag. And what is in that handbag?

Biden will be the 12th U.S. president to sit down with the monarch. During her 70-year reign, the queen has met with nearly every American president since Dwight Eisenhower.

Max Foster goes through the memorable moments.



MAX FOSTER, CNN ROYAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The special relationships or the dozen special relationships. RONALD REAGAN, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Ladies and

gentlemen, to Her Majesty, the queen.

FOSTER: Joe Biden is the 12th U.S. president to meet Queen Elizabeth II during in her reign. She will have met every American sitting president in her 69-year reign, except for Lyndon B. Johnson.

ANNOUNCER: Queen Elizabeth and Prine Philip were welcomed at the White House by the first lady at the beginning of a memorable visit to the nation.

FOSTER: Starting with Dwight Eisenhower in 1957, and most recently Donald Trump, Britain's monarch has seen her share of administrative change. And the conversations invariably remain private.

PRINCE EDWARD, EARL OF WINDSOR: People do respect the fact that this is a genuinely private off of the record conservation. So they really can talk about things and get to the heart of things in a genuine fashion because they know it is not going to come out.

FOSTER (on camera): Has it ever slipped to you in anyway?

PRINCE EDWAARD: Goodness gracious. Of course not. Of course not.

FOSTER (voice-over): Well known for the shared love of horses, Elizabeth took President Ronald Reagan horseback riding in Windsor in 1982.

ANNOUNCER: This was not expected to happen.

FOSTER: His successor, George H.W. Bush, brought the queen to first baseball game in Baltimore in a state visit in 1991.

Both Reagan and Bush were later given honorary knighthoods, the U.K.'s highest distinction.

REAGAN: I feel greatly honored.

FOSTER: Opportunities to meet the 95-year-old monarch are dwindling. The queen no longer travels abroad. The leaders are expected to come to her.

But when they do, the royal family rolls out the red carpet in a regal display of British soft power.

President George W. Bush was the first U.S. president to pay an official state visit in 2003. And Bush was also the last to host the queen at the White House in 2007.

Pomp and pageantry do at times provide awkward moments however, evident when President Trump visited in 2018. He also revealed the topic of their conversation, Brexit, which raised eyebrows, too.

His predecessor, President Barack Obama, also committed a faux pas by speaking over the national anthem.

BARACK OBAMA, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The vitality of the special relationship of our peoples.

FOSTER: And now it is the turn of Obama's V.P. and the current commander-in-chief to visit Windsor Castle. President Biden will be welcomed by a guard of honor before being invited in for tea.

BONNIE GREER, AMERICAN-BRITISH PLAYWRIGHT & AUTHOR: The future of the relationship depends ultimately on the American and the British people, what we understand about each other.

And Joe Biden is of a generation that is a special relationship means something. The queen is, certainly.

QUEEN ELIZABETH: To the continued friendship between our two nations and to the health, prosperity and happiness of the people of the United States.


Max Foster, CNN, Windsor, England.





WHITFIELD: All right. This breaking news into CNN. The Euro 2020 match between Denmark and Finland is halted after a player, Christian Eriksen, collapsed on the field and needed to be resuscitated. The terrifying moment was caught on camera.

Don Riddell, host of "World Sport," joins me now.

What do we need to know, Don?

DON RIDDELL, CNN HOST "WORLD SPORT": Well, the news, Fredricka, appears a little more positive. The last hour and a quarter for football fans and anyone who was following this sports occasion, I think that people were fearing the worst because it did not look good.

But the news we are hearing from both UEFA -- that is the football governing body, and the organizers of the event -- and the football federation, suggests that Eriksen's condition is a little bit more positive than we had feared.

The Danish federation tweeted Eriksen is awake, awaiting further examination. He is at the hospital in Copenhagen. The match has been postponed.

UEFA's tweet saying that the player has been transferred to the hospital and has been stabilized. A crisis meeting has been called between both teams and match officials.

And, Fred, look at the reaction of everybody here in the stadium. Because they really did fear the worst.


He collapsed under no challenge from any other player. He was prone in the corner for a considerable period of time. It was clear that CPR was performed on Christian Eriksen.

And the Danish players formed a protective cordon around him so that the prying broadcast cameras and photographers could not broadcast the images of the scene that was playing out.