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CCP Celebrates its 100th Anniversary; President Xi Jinping with a Blunt Message for the World; Ethiopian Forces Remains in Neighboring Eritrea; Delta Variant Seen Across the Globe; U.K. Watches Carefully its Daily Infections; Bangladesh Under Lockdown; More Countries Are Desperate to Have Vaccines; China's Ruling Communist Party Marks Centennial; Pilgrimage To China Communist Party Holy Sites; An Update On Florida Condo Collapse; Bill Cosby Released From Prison; Mexico Overpass Collapse To Be Rebuilt; Britney Spears' Legal Battle; Donald Rumsfeld Dies At Age 88; Estrange Princes To Reunite; Robot Dogs Take On BTS. Aired 3-4a ET

Aired July 01, 2021 - 03:00   ET




ROSEMARY CHURCH, CNN ANCHOR (on camera): Just ahead. China's Communist Party celebrates 100 years with pomp, pageantry and a warning to the west. Beijing will not be bullied by foreign forces.

Bangladesh hunkers down to halt the spread of the deadly Delta variant sweeping through the country.

And the royal rift will be on display later today at Kensington Palace. We will tell you why Princes William and Harry are reuniting.

Good to have you with us.

Well, Beijing is marking the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party with an enormous choreographed display of the party's unassailable control over the country.

The message from Chinese leaders, the communist party is the sole reason modern China has become a formidable world power. There is no mention of the party's history of brutal political repression and human rights abuses.

Addressing tens of thousands of people in Tiananmen Square, President Xi Jinping warned other world powers to stay out of China's affairs.


XI JINPING, PRESIDENT OF CHINA (through translator): At the same time the Chinese people will never allow ourselves to be bullied, oppressed, or enslaved by any foreign powers. Anyone who dares to try will find their heads blast bloody against the wall of steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people.


CHURCH (on camera): Well CNN's Steven Jiang has been following the celebrations for us in Tiananmen Square. He joins us now live. Good to see you, Steven. So, along with the celebrations came these threats. China's president sending a clear message to China's critics. What all did President Xi have to say?

STEVEN JIANG, CNN SENIOR PRODUCER: You know, Rosemary, that quote the soundbite you just played from President Xi" was the one that let's say the stronger response from this carefully selected crowd of 70,000 people in attendance Thursday morning. Including thundering applause and cheers from our government minders right in front of us. Seem to -- they seem to be determined to send us a very clear message, in case there is any lingering doubt.

Now as you mentioned, this ceremony itself was a highly choreographed event, and for the party, of course, it was all about putting on this enormous show to remind the people how much the party has given them. It was also about traveling down the memory lane, but very selectively.

Mr. Xi's hour-long speech as expected he was mostly stalling the party's virtues enlisting its accomplishments. Many of which of course, undeniable, you know, from its very humble beginning a century ago. This is now the world's biggest ruling political party boasting more than 95 million members commending the world's biggest economy and with the fast modernizing military that's increasingly unnerves the United States.

But what's missing from the official narrative of course, as you mentioned are the many chapters of the party's history that critics say has resulted in the deaths of millions of Chinese, including, for example, the bloody crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in the very place that were holding the celebration Thursday morning in Tiananmen Square in 1989.

So, this missing piece is a reflection of the party's ruthless nature, but it also shows how this party has always managed to not only survive, but even thrive after these dark episodes, because of its willingness and ability to shift ideologies and priorities. That's why the leadership launched its reformed opening policy after the disastrous cultural evolution ushering in decades of rapid economic growth.

That's also why President Xi has been increasingly reasserting the party's dominant role in every aspect of Chinese society. Not just in politics and military, but also in private business and private life to ensure the party's monopoly empower in this age of new technologies and social media.

And the party has always taken advantage of its top down power structure to deliver economic benefits and effective governance most recently of course, relatively quickly containing the COVID-19 virus within its borders even after initially mismanaging crisis.

[03:05:04] So, all of this of course has allowed the party to inject a growing sense of national pride among the people here. But also allowed the party to tout the superiority of its political system, even as its strawman leaders in the party's policies and ambitions are increasingly on a collision course with the U.S. and other liberal democracies of the world. Rosemary?

CHURCH: Steven Jiang joining us live from Beijing. Many thanks.


CHURCH: Joseph Cheng is a pro-democracy activist and former professor of political science. He joins us now from Oakland in New Zealand. Thank you so much for talking with us.


CHURCH: So, amid the celebrations of a century of communist party rule, President Xi had some very blunt words and warnings for China's critics, and for Hong Kong and Taiwan. What was your reaction to what he had to say and what might all this signal, do you think?

CHENG: Well, in the context of deteriorating domestic and international conditions the leadership typically appeals to patriotism and nationalism. And he is adopting a very strong position. Rejecting any attempts on the path of foreign governments to lecture on China, and stating that China is not to be bullied.

With regard to Hong Kong, he said that he's prepared to accurately implement a one-country two systems model. But certainly, people in Hong Kong believe that the model is dead. The change of the electoral laws means that there is no tolerance for the opposition, for the pro- democracy movement. The closing down of Apple Daily means there is no tolerance of critical and independent media, the implementation of the national security law again shows that the rule of law has been compromised.

CHURCH: And who do you think President Xi was referring to when he said foreign forces will never bully, oppress or enslaved China? Who does he think he is trying to enslave China?

CHENG: I think he refers to the old imperialist countries. Again, this is the centenary of the Chinese Communist Party, it certainly benefited from appealing to the people to fight against the forces suppressing China, including imperialism, bureaucratic capitalism, and federalism.

So, he is reminding the people that there is still this threat that people may try to bully China. And this is the communist party of China which has brought the Chinese people to pride which has enabled Chinese people to stand up, so much so that today China is the 2nd largest economy in the world, that China will be consulted on various important issues in the international community.

CHURCH: And of course, not surprisingly, there was no mention of the ruling party's brutal cultural or its repression of its political dissent and human rights abuses. Do you think the international community pushes back on China enough and how big a threat, do you think China poses to the world and indeed to democracy?

CHENG: In the recent years the international community, especially western countries have been reassessing the very nature of the Chinese communist regime. It is now increasingly seen as a potential threat to the world and a very, very serious competitor to be engage to be alert at the games.

Western countries especially the United States are no longer interested in engagement with China. And it is no longer interested in close partnerships with China, in transfer of high technology to China and so on. So, this goes against the very important objective of Chinese foreign policy, which is to maintain a peaceful international environment to allow China a chance to catch up with the most advanced countries of the world.


CHURCH: Joseph Cheng speaking with me last hour.

The Ethiopian military is making the ominous claim that it could re- enter the regional capital of Tigray anytime it needs to. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed acknowledged Ethiopian troops did leave Mekele, but he says it's because the city was no longer the center of gravity for conflicts.


Meantime, the spokesman for the Tigrayan fighters says forces from neighboring Eritrea have not left the region. That can't be independently verified because of the communications blackout.

So, let's turn to CNN's Larry Madowo who joins us now with the latest. Good to see you, Larry.

So, a lot of conflicting information about where Ethiopian and Eritrean troops are right now and what exactly is going on. What are you learning?

LARRY MADOWO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Rosemary, what we know for sure is Eritrean troops remain in the Tigrayan region in the north of the country and the Ethiopian government is attempting to reframe why they left Mekele, this regional capital. And the Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and his team essentially saying it is no longer the center of gravity it does not pose a threat to the nation of Ethiopia and that's why they left.

What we do not know is why the Eritrean troops remain there. One of the arguments from Addis Ababa is that this allows for humanitarian access to people that need aid. This allows for a discussion and to address -- that's what the international community has been calling for. The withdrawal of Ethiopian troops and a return to normalcy in Tigray.

However, the Ethiopian fighters, rather the Tigrayan forces see this as a victory for them. They saw -- they say that they gained so much ground that the Ethiopian troops had no other option but to leave.

In the meantime, the U.N. is describing the situation in Tigray as extremely fluid and unpredictable and is demanding that all parties allow access to this region. This is the U.N. deputy spokesman.


FARHAN HAQ, UNITED NATIONS DEPUTY SPOKESMAN: It's urgent to get additional staff and supplies into Tigray. Restore electricity and telecoms and ensure the cash and fuel are available through the region for the continuity of humanitarian operations.

We continue to closely monitor the situation and reiterate the secretary generals call for an immediate end to the fighting and for urgent steps to peacefully resolve the conflict.


MADOWO (on camera): Rosemary, we just returned from spending a week in Ethiopia and Tigray is at the top of everybody's mind. Whoever wins the election results when it is announced anytime now will have to deal this conflict and bring all parties to the table.

CHURCH: All right. Many thanks to our Larry Madowo joining us live from Nairobi.

A surge in new COVID cases forces Bangladesh into lockdown. And they are not taking any chances. We'll explain.

And later, video shot moments before the Florida high-rise collapse shows gushing water and debris in the parking garage. The latest on the search for survivors one week later.



VIVEK MURTHY, U.S SURGEON GENERAL: If you are not vaccinated, then you are in trouble.


CHURCH (on camera): The U.S. surgeon general there with a warning about the Delta coronavirus variant. He says it's the most contagious variant we've seen yet. But the good news is if you are vaccinated, you will likely have a higher degree of protection against it.


The Delta variant has now been detected in all 50 U.S. states, and you can see where COVID cases are rising in the orange and red states. Many of them have lower vaccination rates.

Well the Delta variant is also putting Europe at risk. A scientific adviser in France warns the country could see a fourth wave of coronavirus at the start of the school year. But he says stepping up vaccinations could help mitigate the effects. Right now, daily COVID cases are trending downward in France.

And the U.K. is also heading towards another potential wave of coronavirus cases with the Delta variant mostly to blame. The country just reported its highest number of new infections since the end of January.

Meanwhile, health officials in Scotland say about 1,300 new cases there have been linked to Euro championship events in England.

And CNN's Salma Abdelaziz joins me now live. Good to see you, Salma.

So, the spread of the Delta variant driving these new cases. What's the latest?

SALMA ABDELAZIZ, CNN REPORTER: Absolutely, Rosemary. And I think quite unintentionally the world is watching the U.K. because it is becoming the testing ground really for this great battle between vaccines and variants. That's because this is a highly vaccinated country, almost 85 percent of adults have received the first dose of their vaccine, and at the same time you have the Delta variant. The variant first identified in India. A variant that's described as extremely aggressive that spreads very easily within moving through the populations.

So, highest number of cases recorded since late January. But I think government officials will argue with you, Rosemary, that actually the most important figure is the death toll. So, you have over 22,000 cases recorded yesterday but only 14 deaths.

Now I'm going to compare that to late January when you had again, a very similar number of cases over 22,000 cases, at that time there was 1,245 deaths. So, 14 deaths versus over 1,200 deaths. And all of that government officials say is due to the layer of protection created by this country's vaccination program.

Essentially, the authorities say that they can vaccinate their way out of a potential next wave due to this Delta variant. That's why the solution has been so far, so yes, ease restrictions as planned, have that final easing of lockdown restrictions coming up in the next few weeks but at the same time increase the number of vaccinations.

The government wants to see two-thirds of adult have both doses of the vaccine by July 19th. But in the meanwhile, Rosemary, what we're seeing is that the groups that are most vulnerable are actually the younger populations because they don't have a vaccine yet.

The big breathing ground right now is actually schools. In the second week of June one in 30 students had some missed school due to COVID- related reasons, that means someone potentially tested positive in their classroom and everyone had to go home.

So, you are very much seeing a next this right now. A variant spreading while the country tries to increase vaccinations. We'll wait and find out if it's working but government officials say it absolutely is. The number of cases does not translate to anywhere near the amount of deaths and hospitalizations as it did during the previous wave. Rosemary?

CHURCH: Yes. That is critical. And just got to get those shots in arms. Salma Abdelaziz joining us live from London. Many thanks.

Well, Bangladesh is now under a seven-day lockdown after reporting a drastic increase in infections. No one is allowed to go outdoors except to get essentials with government troops patrolling to enforce those restrictions.

The government reported nearly 9,000 new cases on Wednesday as the country awaits the shipment of two and a half million doses of the Moderna vaccine from the United States.

So, let's turn to CNN's Vedika Sud, she joins us now from New Delhi with more on all of this. Good to see you, Vedika.

So, Bangladesh trying to control COVID cases caused by this deadly Delta variant. What is the latest on those numbers and the restrictions in place?

VEDIKA SUD, CNN PRODUCER: And that's the reason for that hard, nationwide lockdown, Rosemary, which will be in place for the next. It started Thursday morning at 6 a.m. and will continue to next Wednesday.

What we do know as of now is when speaking to local journalist, Dhaka is very quiet. People are not out on the roads. And the stay-at-home policy has been reinforced by the patrolling of the army, the border guards, as well as the police personnel, the checkpoints of the entry and exit of Dhaka as well.

Only essential services being allowed otherwise officers malls and everything else is shut down including public transport. If people do not have a valid reason to be out and about citing emergency reasons they could be arrested and face a jail time of six months is what the government has also said.


Remember it's the Delta variant that is the reason behind the cases, most of the cases that Bangladesh has seen Wednesday. So, the highest seeing early rise since the beginning of the pandemic in the country with almost 9,000 cases for four consecutive days, the death toll has been higher than 100.

And according to a study between an international medical center and the government affiliated center in Bangladesh at least 68 percent of the cases in the latest wave that Bangladesh is experiencing are off the Delta variant.

And remember, this Delta variant was first found in India, and is the reason behind that significant increase in the COVID-19 cases that Bangladesh is seeing. Also, this point, it is important to tell our viewers that a lot of people are trying to leave Dhaka because they were anticipating this lockdown, because of which there were a lot of people on ferries trying to leave the city. And there were (Inaudible) practice what we've got to know in through

(Inaudible) while leaving the city. Because of which the administration had to also take some action. but this is going to remain the status quo for the next seven days in Bangladesh where there is a hard lockdown in place. Rosemary?

CHURCH: All right. Vedika Sud joining us live from New Delhi, many thanks.

SUD: Thank you.

CHURCH: Joining me now is Eric Topol, cardiologist and professor of molecular medicine at Scripps Research. Thank you, doctor, for talking with us and for all that you do.


CHURCH: So, we are seeing the Delta variant served across the globe spreading to at least 85 countries, that's according to the WHO. And vaccinations just can't keep up. What in your opinion needs to be done to tackle this problem and how concern should be all be about it?

TOPOL: Well, we certainly have to be concerned in the places as you've alluded to, where the vaccination rates are low. We are seeing record numbers of cases and deaths in Russia, in Indonesia, and other countries that have low vaccination rates.

So, we do know that mitigation works, but that's only a temporary solution. We've got to get the vaccine production and equity across the globe as quickly as possible, especially the vaccines that suppress spread that have a really high efficacy.

CHURCH: Yes, indeed. And of course, you're talking about Pfizer and Moderna specifically there of course. By mid-June the Delta variant accounted for 99 percent of COVID cases in the U.K. that was according to the public health England, it said to account for 90 percent of cases in Europe by the end of August according to Europe CDC.

And then in the U.S. the CDC estimated the variant accounted for 26 percent of new COVID-19 cases up to June 19. Health authorities are taking this seriously clearly. But how do you make the public understand just how grim this could potentially be, if people don't do what they are told to do.

TOPOL: Right. Well, you know, I think actually the estimate in the U.S., the CDC is behind as usual, it's already about 35 percent in some states like Missouri it's at 70 percent.

Now this is an issue because this variant, this version of the virus is 40 percent more contagious than the Alpha variant which was the most contagious then. So, it spread so easily. And unless someone is vaccinated or with less immunity rendered by a natural infection of COVID, unless those things exist, the chances of getting COVID now are much higher wherever you are in the world. So that's why we have to pull out all the stops here because otherwise if we don't contained Delta, we are going to see further evolution of the virus, no less the toll that it will take.

CHURCH: Yes. And of course, that is the big concern with this, isn't it? And in some parts of the world like here in the United States people are lucky enough to have access to COVID vaccines, and yet, 20 to 25 percent of the population chooses not to get vaccinated even while so many vulnerable people across the globe would do anything to have that level of access.

What needs to be done about this hesitancy, and in some cases, resistance to getting the COVID shot, particularly when it could stop variants in their tracks as you point out.

TOPOL: Well, you know, it's actually astounding that we have such a high percent even higher than you cited for the U.S. resistant to taking the vaccines.

And we have tens of millions of extra vaccines that are not in use, that we could get to countries that are really in desperate shape. I mean, right now, for example, in Southern Africa, and South Africa, particularly they have a real problem where vaccines could help get them out of this jam they're in. No less many other places.


So, it would be great, since we have such a reluctance of vaccines to get that better distributed while we try to work out this hesitancy issue. Clearly, if we had the FDA grant full licensure in this country, we'd see a whole lot uptake of vaccines, but that doesn't appear to be imminent.

CHURCH: And why is that do you think?

TOPOL: Well, it's a really good question, Rosemary. I think the main issue is that just not moving fast enough in reviewing the application as we would expect to make it the number one priority. But it doesn't appear to be and it seems like, you know, it's long overdue now.

But once that happens, it will hasten things in this country. But until that happens, getting those vaccines elsewhere in the world would be the right thing to do, I think.

CHURCH: Yes. And you point out that the Southern Africa, and South Africa, some of the main areas that you would like to see those excess vaccines from the U.S. go. What other parts of the globe would need to be hit by those excess vaccines to perhaps crush this Delta variant?

TOPOL: Right. Well, we've got some hotspots, you know, certainly in many countries in South America. You know, I mention Indonesia, I mean, there are many places. But you know, the continent of Africa, you know, may wind up looking like India did several weeks ago because it has such a low level of prior COVID. It has, you know, very little use of any vaccines gets. So, it's highly vulnerable. And then the resources to care for sick patients are very limited. So, you know, Africa seems like, if we're going to go someplace to really help, that would be one high on the list.

CHURCH: Dr. Eric Topol, thank you so much for talking with us. We appreciate it and appreciate you.

TOPOL: Thank you, Rosemary.

CHURCH: Jumpstarting tourism is high on the list in Thailand. This is the first plane that landed on the island of Phuket just hours ago as part of the so-called Phuket sandbox program. The idea is to enable vaccinated tourists to come to Phuket with no need for quarantine. And after two weeks they would be allowed to go elsewhere in Thailand.

The island's famous beaches have been largely empty because of COVID. Thailand's tourism industry took a $50 billion hit last year. Still, the new initiative is expected to bring back only a fraction of that business.

And still to come, as the Chinese Communist Party marks its 100th anniversary, China's president has a stern warning for Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Plus, part history, part indoctrination. A pilgrimage for the communist party faithful.







CHURCH (on camera): From high above earth the three astronauts aboard the Chinese space station sent their best wishes and a hearty salute to the Chinese Communist Party as it marks its 100th anniversary. There were similar sentiments from engineers and scientists on the ground across China.

Well, the biggest celebrations in Beijing's Tiananmen Square, tens of thousands there cheering and listening to Chinese President Xi Jinping saying China quote, will never allow any foreign forces to bully, oppress and enslave us. And if they do, we'll find themselves on a collision course with a great wall of steel forged by 1.4 billion people. And in a stern message saying China wants to crush Taiwan independence.


XI JINPING, PRESIDENT OF CHINA (through translator): No one should understand estimate the (inaudible) or will and ability of the Chinese people to define their national sovereignty and territorial integrity.



CHURCH (on camera): CNN's Will Ripley is standing by in Taipei. But first, I want to go to Kristie Lu Stout who joins us live from Hong Kong. Good to see you, Kristie. So this is a day of many anniversaries for Hong Kong. How is the city marking this day?

KRISTIE LU STOUT, CNN CORRESPONDENT (on camera): Well, Hong Kong police are out in force this day. You know, this is July the 1st, this is the 24th anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong to China from British rule. It is also the one year anniversary of the national security law in Hong Kong's top leader, the chief executive Carrie Lam is not in Hong Kong this day. She is in Beijing marking the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party.

This is the very first time a Hong Kong chief executive has not been in Hong Kong for official hand over events. Hand over events started early this morning at the Golden Bauhinia Square in the Wan Chai district of Hong Kong. There was the flag raising ceremony, the Chinese national anthem was played, and we heard from Carrie Lam's deputy, the acting chief executive and the former secretary of security John Lee. He spoke and in his speech he defended the national security law. Take a listen.


JOHN LEE, ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE, FORMER SECRETARY OF SECURITY (through translator): I have to stress that the fourth article of the (inaudible) ensures the national security follows, protects and respects human rights. So defending national security means Hong Kong residents still enjoy freedom of speech, press, assembly, and protest etc.


LU STOUT (on camera): Today marks one year since the national security law was imposed on the city supporters say that it brings stability ongoing prosperity to Hong Kong. Critics say that it has eroded Hong Kong's autonomy and its freedoms and the city has fundamentally changed. Almost every aspect of society has changed, has been transformed over the last year with national security education being rolled out in the cities schools.

Students as young as six years old, learning the names of NSL offenses knowing what is terrorism or secession. The arrests of 117 people over the last year under the law including pro-democracy lawmakers as well as journalists, activists, and students including a 15 year old girl. The closure of a newspaper. The recent closure of the pro-democracy and anti-Beijing tabloid the Apple Daily after its top executives and editors were arrested under the law, and its assets frozen under the law. This is the new political reality here in Hong Kong. As China flexes its muscle this day and marks 100 years of Communist Party rule. Rosemary? CHURCH: And yet, Kristie, some brave souls have been out protesting.

What's the latest on that?

LU STOUT: Yeah. July the 1st is traditionally day of protest here in Hong Kong. In years past you would see tens of thousands of people marching on the streets. And the last two years, these mass marches have been banned with police citing coronavirus pandemic restrictions. But earlier today, we witnessed a group of four protesters carrying out a march that was surrounded by police, and during this march, and it was organized by Rafael Wang, a local politician and activist, they chanted slogans like free political prisoners, down with fascism. We want universal suffrage.

Again, this was a protest of four taking place in Hong Kong where years passed before the NSL, the national security law was imposed you would see tens of thousands of people out in force if not more. Rosemary?

CHURCH: Alright. Kristie Lu Stout joining us live from Hong Kong. Many thanks.

Will Ripley is in Taipei. Let's turn to you now. And of course President Xi also had very clear and stunning message for Taiwan. What all did he say, and has there been any response yet from leaders there?


WILL RIPLEY, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (on camera): Certainly a stunning message for much of the world, Rosemary. But not here on the island of Taiwan where they say they've been used to China's decade's long territorial claims over this self-governing island of more than 23 million people. Taiwan had its own government since 1949, at the end of China's civil war and it has gradually evolved into the world only Chinses speaking democracy.

But any notion of Taiwanese independence, President Xi said in his speech on the 100th anniversary of the CCP must be crushed. He said that his Party, the Communist Party will reunify Taiwan. And he said not to underestimate China's power. 1.4 billion people, just 23 million here Beijing spending more than 15 times on defense with Taiwan does. By Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen, attending a military awards ceremony this afternoon here said that this country will bolster its defenses and it will defend its Democratic system.

When I spoke with the Taiwanese Foreign Minister Joseph Wu, he echoed those sentiments and said that Taiwan is investigating isometric warfare capabilities to let Beijing know that there would be a steep price to pay if they were to try to reunify Taiwan forcefully as opposed to the peaceful unification that President Xi also talked about.

Here in Taipei, they're not convinced that China only has peaceful motives. And they say, evidence of that happened just last month with the largest ever recorded air incursion into Taiwan's air defense identification zone. 28 Chinese warplanes, a clear sign of intimidation. It came just days after that G7 joint communicate with western countries including the U.S. scolding China over a number of issues, including Taiwan.

Which Beijing describes at its most redline sensitive territorial issue. They want the rest of the world to butt out, they consider this a renegade province that really could be taken back at any time. But each move that Taipei makes closer to Washington, including just yesterday, the resumption of long stalled trade talks, is seen as a threatening gesture by Beijing.

And some analysts fear could be pushing this region to perhaps its closest point in many years, to a revival of the cross trade conflict that's literally artillery shells flying across the waters from the mainland to the outlying islands of Taiwan, and that was just a matter of decades ago. Rosemary?

CHURCH (on camera): All right, Will Ripley joining us live from Taipei. Many thanks.

Well, patriotism and nationalism are strong forces in China, and there are places the public can go to learn about the country and of course the Chinese Communist Party. They are part history lesson, part indoctrination.

CNN's David Culver shows us.


DAVID CULVER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over: In a country where organized religion is strongly discouraged, there is faith of a different type. Widely promoted here in China. Faith in the ruling Chinese Communist Party, that is. And this, one of its revered holy sites Yan'an in Central China. Yan'an is a place in which the party's founding fathers lived and worked before the communist took over mainland China in 1949. Just like over my shoulder here, this is one of the spots we're Mao Zedong called home for a brief time.

CNN recently joining other international media for a carefully curated government tour. A visit to the historical places that marked the parties rise over the past 100 years. So called a red tourist traveling here to make a pilgrimage of sorts. Some more enthusiastic than others.


The party's origins are central to a national curriculum aimed at indoctrinating the next generation. Schoolchildren brought here on field trips. Adult students here to further their understanding of the Party.

And what's the idea behind coming here? What does it do for you long term?

MA JIANHUI, PARTY SCHOOL TRAINEE (through translator): I come here to study the party's history, to have a better grasp of the party's mission. CULVER: We visited one communist Party school that grooms elite

members. A pristine and modern University like setting.

This is a campus where they gather business leaders, government officials, military officers, and are brought here and brought into lecture halls like this one that we are about to walk into to learn more about the theoretical and the party spirit education, as they consider it. Let's step inside.

Classrooms filled with trainees taking notes. They come here for a few days to a few weeks. For Wang Wenjun, it's about learning to think big, not climbing high.

WANG WENJUN, PARTY SCHOOL TRAINEE (through translator): Personally I want to serve more people to help them improve their lives and pursue greater happiness.

CULVER: These could very well be the party and country's future leaders. While originally founded in Shanghai in 1921, China's Communist Party did not take control of mainland China until the end of a brutal civil war in 1949. And since, there have been missteps, failures, and catastrophes that are often downplayed or even missing from the official narrative.


From the pains of the Cultural Revolution to the blood of the Tiananmen Square massacre, but they are also undeniable successes turning this once poverty stricken agrarian nation into the world's second largest economy with a fast modernizing military force that increasingly unnerves the United States, and those triumphs takes center stage.

In a dramatic elaborate production, officials invited us to watch a show created to celebrate the parties founding. Showcasing its victory over Japanese occupiers and then the nationalists, portraying a heroic journey, while projecting a future of promise and prosperity, and leaving the audience under a wave of red, and the Party undoubtedly hopes a washed with patriotism and gratitude for centuries long presents.

David Culver, CNN, Yan'an, China.


CHURCH (on camera): A Mexican billionaire reportedly plans to pay to rebuild a collapsed subway overpass. Cost to the taxpayer? Zero. But is that an act of goodwill? Or is there something more to it? We will take a look.

Plus, Bill Cosby is now a free man after a court threw out his sexual assault conviction. Why his lawyer says his criminal trial was unfair.


CHURCH (on camera): The bodies of two children ages four and 10 have been pulled from the rubble, bringing the death toll in that Florida condo collapse to 18. More workers will join the search and rescue effort in the coming days, but rain and thunderstorms with the potential for strong winds and lightning are complicating the mission. The mayor of Surfside says the work will go on until all 145 people still missing are found.


MAYOR CHARLES BURKETT, SURFSIDE, FLORIDA: You know, nobody is giving up hope here. You know, if I have anything to do with it, we are going to keep going until we pull every single person out of that building. There's no reason to stop. There's no reason to lose hope, and we are praying and expecting a miracle. The president is coming tomorrow. And, you know, the enthusiasm, the energy, the desire to find these people and bring them out alive is stronger than ever.


CHURCH (on camera): Two people staying at a nearby hotel recorded this video of water and debris gushing in the building's garage just minutes before the collapse. The U.S. federal government is launching an investigation into what caused that building to fall.

Well, the damage from another horrific collapse in Mexico will reportedly be fixed at no cost to the taxpayer. A subway overpass came crashing down in Mexico City in May, killing 26 people. Mexico's president now says it will be rebuilt without any public money.

Matt Rivers explains.



MATT RIVERS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): According to Mexico's president, the construction firm that is owned by one of Mexico's richest man billionaire businessmen Carlos Slim is going to pay for all the reconstruction costs associated with rebuilding a part of Mexico cities metro line 12, the section which collapsed suddenly, horrifically without warning on the night of May 3rd that ultimately ended up killing 26 people when the overpass that it was going across suddenly fell to the ground in the wake of that train.

Mexico's president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador telling reporters in a press conference on Tuesday morning that he spoke with the billionaire businessmen saying quote, he will take care of the reconstruction of the entire stretch, making sure it gets done with all the necessary safety measures and no cost to the Mexican people and without asking the government for a budget.

But this is not just the charity of a very rich man. In fact, this construction firm, owned by Carlos Slim played a major role in the original construction of this part of line 12 and as the investigation into exactly what happened with this collapse in to who should be responsible for all of this. Obviously questions have been raised about the rule of this

construction firm played and as a result there is some raised eyebrows right now here in Mexico wondering why a construction company that played such a crucial role in a line building the line and ultimately collapsed killing more than two dozen people, why would that construction company be in charge of this reconstruction project or at least financing it?

But still, the locals Obrador administration is all in on this plans, saying, they hope to have lined 12 up and running back as normal within the next year.

Matt Rivers, CNN, Mexico City.


CHURCH (on camera): After serving nearly three years in prison, disgraced comedian Bill Cosby is back home a free man with his sexual assault convictions surprisingly overturned by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court because of a major legal error by the prosecution.

The court said, Cosby's due process rights were violated because he was promised immunity for testifying in a civil case in 2005. But that testimony was used against him years later in his criminal trial. His accusers have said they're outrage and stunned by the ruling.

CNN legal analyst, Laura Coates, weighed in on how the decision impacts of the Me Too Movement.


LAURA COATES, CNN INTERNATIONAL LEGAL ANALYST (on camera): On a legally procedural basis, the decision was actually reasonable. But of course, you can't look at it in a vacuum, can we, you know that there is the emotion. We know about this silencing of voices of victims of sexual assault. We know about the notion of this being the first case in the Me Too Movement to actually be prosecuted and for a verdict to be rendered.

And the Supreme Court in Pennsylvania never said that Bill Cosby was innocent. They did not address the substance of the factual allegations, or didn't they say, nor do they say that the prosecutors in that case failed to meet their burden approved. The jury found him guilty. What they did say, however, was that look, a deal is a deal.


CHURCH (on camera): Cosby's attorneys told CNN earlier that the criminal trial was never fair.


JENNIFER BONJEAN, ATTORNEY FOR BILL COSBY: You also had a jury that heard evidence they shouldn't have heard. Both in the form of this deposition that was obtain illegally, and you also had a jury that heard evidence from frankly, other bad act or accusers if she never should've heard, because we don't live in a world where we try people's character. We try crimes. So, I do not believe we had a fair trial. And I do not believe you could look at this verdict and put any stock in it frankly.


CHURCH (on camera): Cosby thanked his supporters after his release, tweeting, I have never changed my stance, nor my story. I have always maintained my innocence.

Britney Spears' father will remain in charge of the popstars multi- million dollar estate, at least for now. A Los Angeles judge has denied a motion from November, which requested the singer's father be removed as her co-conservator. The decision is not a result of Spears bombshell testimony last week, where she asked a judge to help her regain control of her estate. To those close to the star say she plans to file a petition soon to terminate the nearly 13 year conservatorship.

Well, the military architect of the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan who served as defense secretary to President Ford and George W. Bush, has died. Donald Rumsfeld past away Tuesday at his home in New Mexico, he was 88. Rumsfeld was defense secretary when the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003. Critics blamed him for many of the things that later went wrong, including the Iraqi insurgency, the (inaudible) scandal and the fact that the brutal war dragged on for years. But Rumsfeld never accepted that blame.


In a statement, former President Bush said he and his wife Laura are very sorry to learn of Don's passing. Bush also called Rumsfeld an exemplary public servant and a very good man.

A ceremony to honor the memory of Princess Diana is just hours away. And it will bring her estranged sons together for the first time since Prince Philip's funeral in April. The details coming up.

And its robot dog versus boy band, after the break. Boston dynamics teams up with k-pop's biggest stars to see who has the best moves.


CHURCH: Welcome back everyone. Well, in just a few hours, a statue of Princess Diana will be unveiled at Kensington Palace in London. A lot of attention is expected to focus on her estranged sons, Princes William and Harry, who will formally unveil that statue. The last time they were together was at their grandfather Prince Philip's funeral back in April.

And our Anna Stewart is live at Kensington Palace, she joins us now. Good to see you Anna. So, of course the world will be watching very closely to see how the two princes relate to each other as they unveiled the statue of their late mother. How carefully will the palace have choreographed this whole event? ANNA STEWART, CNN PRODUCER (on camera): Good morning, Rosemary. Well,

as all royal events you can expect this one to be very (inaudible) choreographed and planned with the great attention to detail. I wish there's a difference of this event and it is that actually Prince William and Prince Harry themselves have had a huge role in planning it, that they commissioned the statue of Diana all the way back in 2017. It actually predates of course, the rift that even predates Prince Harry's engagement.

And I remember that, that engagement to Meghan was actually announce December of 2017 here in the Sunken Garden, which will be where the statue are (inaudible) today. And that was largely because, it was a really special place for Princess Diana. And she is of course, front and center of this day. The garden has had redesigned, lots of new flowers and planted some of her favorites life, forget-me-nots.

You are absolutely right in terms of the day people will be watching the brothers to see whether or not that rift has been healed. To see whether the relationship appears to have been improved over the last few months. Of we haven't actually haven't heard anything at least public in terms of statements or any interviews of late. And that's perhaps a good thing.

The royal family have had such a tumultuous year, a little roller coaster, starting of course in the Oprah Winfrey interview with the very sad death of Prince Philip. And hopefully this is a moment for them to be reunited. Prince Harry of course has recently had a new baby, Lilibet Diana another fantastic tribute to Princess Diana.

And hopefully, it's a day for really celebrating I guess Princess Diana's life, her legacy, and a chance to really unite her sons.

CHURCH (on camera): Yes. And I'm sure her sons won't want any distractions. It will be all about the late Princess Diana. Anna Stewart joining us from outside Kensington Palace. Many thanks.

So, why are robotics dogs and the world's biggest k-pop group have in common? Nothing, until now. Spot, the famous yellow cyber dog from Boston dynamics, appears in a new video with superstar musicians BTS. CNN's Jeanne Moos has more on how the old dogs picked up some new tricks.



JEANNE MOOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: See, spot, ding. Again, and not just one Spot. Seven Spots dancing before your eyes.

The Boston dynamics robo dog matching the seven members of the Korean pop group BTS. The boy band helps Hyundai sell the company's brand of electric vehicles, ionic. So that's the song the Spot robo dogs are dancing to. As Hyundai promotes its recent acquisition of Boston dynamics.

Spot has been dancing for years now. In 2018, he dance to uptown funk even shaking his booty. Followed last year by this. And now the even more complex dance moves in a video called Spots on it. In a blog describing the making of the video which revealed the same human choreographer Monica Thomas worked on all three video noting Spot has twice as many legs as a human dancer.

Who is imitating whom? Boston Dynamics once there is $74,500 robo dog to seem lovable. Rather than having it associated with scarier uses. Has been tested by police bomb squads and even the French military, as for the video, many viewers found that dancing Spots creepily awesome, I'm just waiting for them to go on tour. Seven Spots with a little like a (inaudible), but instead of kicking up their legs, they were sticking out there next.

Jeanne Moss, CNN, New York.


CHURCH (on camera): Some impressive moves there. Thanks for your company this hour. I'm Rosemary Church. My colleague Kim Brunhuber is up next with another hour of CNN Newsroom. Have yourself a great day.