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Emergency Order Issued To Demolish Remaining Florida Structure Ahead Of Tropical Storm Elsa; Sha'Carri Richardson Suspended After Testing Positive For THC; Trump Holds Rally In Florida; Vaccine Hesitancy Continues For Some Young Americans; Delta Variant May Make It Harder To Get To Herd Immunity In U.S.; Cosby Accusers Express Outrage Over His Release From Prison; CNN's "Off The Beaten Path" Visits Bruneau State Park In Southern Idaho. Aired 4-5p ET

Aired July 03, 2021 - 16:00   ET



PHIL MATTINGLY, CNN HOST: You are live in the CNN NEWSROOM. I'm Phil Mattingly in today for Jim Acosta. And we begin this hour in Surfside, Florida, where officials are racing against a tropical storm. Their goal this hour, to demolish the still standing portion of that condo that collapsed more than a week ago before Tropical Storm Elsa makes landfall.


GOV. RON DESANTIS (R), FLORIDA: We made the decision to pursue the demolition for the building. I'm supportive of it. I think it's the right thing to do. At the end of the day that building is too unsafe to let people go back in. I know there's a lot of people who were able to get out fortunately who have things there. We're very sensitive to that. But I don't think there's any way you can let somebody go up in that building given the shape that it's in now.

Our mission is to expedite it as soon as possible. Kevin Guthrie reports to me that once everything is ready to go that it can be brought down within 36 hours. And so it will entail minimal work stoppage from the search and rescue.


MATTINGLY: Today we learned the number of confirmed deaths has gone up by two, to 24. But search and rescue teams are not giving up hope, as they tirelessly look for the 124 people still unaccounted for to this point. And this all comes as we're learning new details about the condo's structural integrity and how an engineering firm held off on repairs because of stability issues in the months before the collapse.

CNN's Brian Todd is in Surfside, he's been covering this all week with lots of new details throughout the course of the week.

Brian, let's start with those plans to demolish the rest of the building. Give us the latest on what has been a rapid move over the course of the last 24 hours. BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Phil, there's clearly just a lot

of concern. You get the impression that every second, minute or hour, that the remaining part of that structure, the Champlain Tower South Complex, that the remaining part remains up, well, that gets even more and more dangerous for the rescuers, so they are in a really urgent scramble to demolish that building, to get it down so that they can not only continue combing through the rubble where they may be able to find possible bodies or maybe even possible survivors but also to eliminate the danger of that building to the rescuers.

And we got a good view of that building yesterday from a perch kind of at an elevated position just next to it. And you can see just huge slabs of concrete hanging from that building. A large concrete column hanging from a building. And you don't really know how stable these things are because the rescue teams did tell us that those -- some of those concrete slabs did have movements. Some of them moved several inches in recent days.

So it's really a concern. They also had sensors go off, Phil, that indicated some cracking going on. You know, when that happens, they have people working all around this rubble trying to find people and it just really presents a danger. So, again, they're trying to figure out a timetable to bring that building down.

The mayor of Surfside, Charles Burkett, said it could come as early as tomorrow but the mayor of Miami-Dade County, Daniella Levine Cava, has been a little more cautious than that, saying they don't really have a timetable.

We do know from talking to structural engineers, they've got to bring in a lot of heavy equipment. They've got to bring in explosives, demolition equipment, to get this thing done. And, you know, obviously a lot of planning goes into it to minimize the danger to everyone around, Phil. So it's going to be kind of a concerted effort, a very methodical effort. But again, there's real urgency.

The storm is coming. Not sure about what impacts it's going to have to this area. Maybe it will skirt up the West Coast of Florida. In that case that might give the rescuers a break here. But, again, the path of that storm really uncertain. Its timetable is also a little uncertain, Phil, so it's a race against that storm and against the urgency, of the danger of that remaining structure.

MATTINGLY: Yes, already an extraordinarily complex situation, as you've covered tirelessly, about the actual structure itself. Now you add the tropical storm into it or wherever it ends up, it doesn't make anything easier for the people on the ground.

But, Brian, I want to focus on I think something that needs as much focus as possible. We're learning heartbreaking new details today about one of the victims. She's a 7-year-old girl. She's the daughter of a city of Miami firefighter. What more can you tell us about her?


TODD: Right, Phil. It's just really tough to talk about this afternoon. We had a lady here who says that five of her family members were in the tower when it collapsed and we did confirm that a 7-year- old girl was pulled from the rubble within the past 36 hours or so. We do have her name. Her name is Stella Cattarossi, 7 years old. She is the daughter of a Miami City firefighter. She was confirmed dead in the rubble along with her mother, Graciella Cattarossi.

In addition, three other members of their family remain missing. Their grandparents Gino and Graciella Cattarossi, and the little girl's aunt, Andrea Cattarossi who's visiting from Argentina. Those three are missing. But we have confirmed that 7-year-old Stella and her mother Graciella Cattarossi were among the dead. The father, who is a Miami City firefighter, was in the area and working in the area of the rescue when they did find her.

He was made aware of it. He was brought over to the scene. He was not right there when they pulled her out, but you can just imagine what was going through his mind. And of course you see the images of the little girl and her mother and other family members. And it's just -- it's pretty striking, Phil.

MATTINGLY: Striking, heartbreaking on every level.

Brian Todd, thanks so much for your reporting on this story. We'll certainly keep an eye on it.

And now to another story drawing intense reaction from celebrities, from politicians, from athletes, from me. I think it's ridiculous. U.S. track and field star Sha'Carri Richardson has been suspended from the Olympic team for one month after testing positive for THC, a chemical found in marijuana.

CNN's Coy Wire explains.


COY WIRE, CNN SPORTS CORRESPONDENT: Sha'Carri Richardson was suspended for 30 days after testing positive for THC at the Olympic trials in Oregon last month saying that she used marijuana to cope after learning her biological mother had died. Marijuana is legal in Oregon, but it's banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency.

Many calling this rule antiquated. U.S. Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamie Raskin appealing to the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency asking to have the suspension overturned. Some star athletes like Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes, basketball legends Sue Byrd, Dwyane Wade, all slamming the ruling, hoping she'll be allowed to run.

Others, though, like former NFL player turned TV commentator Emmanuel Acho coming down on the other side, tweeting that while he doesn't agree with the rule, Richardson knew it was in place and was aware of the punishment for breaking it. Richardson could potentially still compete in Tokyo as part of the four-by-100-meter relay team if selected. That event takes place after the suspension would end.

CNN has reached out to Team USA for clarification but has not yet heard back. (END VIDEOTAPE)

MATTINGLY: Thanks to Coy Wire.

Now Richardson spoke to "Good Morning America" about her suspension yesterday.


SHA'CARRI RICHARDSON, U.S. TRACK AND FIELD STAR: I apologize for the sense that I need to know how to control my emotions, or deal with my emotions during that time but standing here, I just say don't judge me because I am human. I'm you, I just happen to run a little faster.


MATTINGLY: "I am human." Solid message there in the wake of what happened.

Joining me now is the last American woman to win the 100-meter races in the Olympics. Gail Devers, won gold at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, 1992 in Barcelona, one of three gold medals she brought home in her historic career.

Gail, I have to honest, it's a little surreal to be talking to you in person as an Olympics nut. However, there's nobody else I can think of that could put herself in the shoes of Sha'Carri Richardson than you could to the degree that you understand what went into moment, right? What went into those trials at the University of Oregon. To have that taken away from you just a couple of weeks before Tokyo, can you even draw any perspective on what that must feel like at this moment?

GAIL DEVERS, WON OLYMPIC GOLD MEDAL IN 100M IN 1992, 1996: Well, you know, obviously she's heartbroken because, like you said, you put all your everything into training. And think about the pandemic, no one knew if the trials or the games were even going to happen and they were a year delayed. So everybody trained. They did what they have to do, and then when they got the green light that the trials were going to go on, you know, now it's about saying that I want to go out and accomplish my goals.

And so I think that the main thing, like I hear people saying on both sides of this. And you know, we do have rules that govern our sport and a lot of people don't like the rules. And what that means is if you don't like the rules, then you have to do something to change those rules. But until those rules are changed, we have to follow them. And Sha'Carri herself said, you know, it was a decision that she decided to make.

And she knew that it was wrong but she made it that was something she needed to do to cope. So we have to talk about the community that she's representing that we as a community get together to help her deal with and cope with her issues in a different way. Like she said, this will never happen again. So she's hurt -- you know, yes, fans are hurt, but who's hurt the most? She's hurt the most because, you know, she's a fantastic athlete and she was on a great path to, you know, succeed when she got to the Olympic Games.


But this is something that she's accepted blame, and I think for a 21- year-old thrown into stardom, you know, there's a lot of responsibility that comes with that. And that she was able -- like she said, I want to be transparent, and she accepted that blame. She's going to take that suspension. Thirty days is not a long time considering what it could have been. And she's going to come back and be better than ever.

I think she will use that just like the athletes have used not knowing what was going on, as her fire to fuel her to come back and be, you know, better than she was before. I mean, all you have to do is look at her running style to know that she has a lot of potential.

MATTINGLY: Yes. No question about that, that's for sure. Also shares some similarities in the nails, I noticed, that you made famous back in the day. Can I ask you, you know, there's been a lot of focus I think over the last couple of years on mental health with athletes? You had Michael Phelps, obviously, you have Naomi Osaka. I think that was one of the things that Sha'Carri Richardson pointed to. She's lost her biological mother as well.

And I've always long thought, you know, the intensity of working for so many years for this one moment, this one moment. What does that do mentally to you? And particularly for someone like you who stayed in that, you know, elite level for so many years when some only do it for one Olympic cycle?

DEVERS: Right. Yes, I was like the grandmother of the sport, five Olympic Games. But it is. It is very intense because, like you said, you said it yourself. You train, Olympic Games come along for the most part every four years. And you train all those years and we'll talk about Sha'Carri. Training all those years for less than an 11-second race. And if it doesn't go right, then there's no guarantee you're going to come back four years later.

You know, you can try and you can put yourself in that position. So imagine training for your first Olympic Games and, you know, forget about the other things, because she was competing very well. She had a lot of responsibilities. You know, from your sponsor, from obligations of, you know, people wanting to get in touch with her, media, and all these kind of things that are thrown at her.

And then on top of that, you get to the Olympic trials and you're ready to compete very well because she had been competing well. And then you get another blow. Now this is on the personal side. And you heard her say that, you know, you've got to keep that face up. You've got to be basically camera ready and not show that things are getting to you. So what we have to have, you know, like you say, you talked about Osaka and Phelps, different people who a lot of athletes have talked about mental health.

What are we doing? Now it's great to be able to call a friend that you can lean on at 3:00 in the morning when you can't sleep or when things are bothering you. But we need experts that are going to help this community of athletes and beyond be able to accomplish the things that they need to accomplish because you get to the point where you feel like those walls are closing in on you and it's like what do you do? How do you dig deep down inside?

I mean, for me, I go for my Graves' disease and it being, you know, two and a half years before I was even diagnosed and trying to figure out how do you keep the faith, how do you keep going day after day, so mental health is real. But we've got to figure out what can we do to help these athletes become what they need to become and realize their dreams.

MATTINGLY: And can I just ask -- we only got about 20 seconds left. Has Sha'Carri Richardson reach out to you? And if she did, you know, particularly given what you had with your autoimmune disease and what you dealt with there, what advice would you give her to come back from this?

DEVERS: First of all, keep your head up. It's one of those things that -- it's 30 days. Like she said, I think the lesson that she can teach everyone is there are consequences to your actions. If you think about the consequences of your actions before you do them, half the things you thought about doing you wouldn't do. She is going to come back and be fueled. If you watch her front side, this girl is awesome. She's that one, she's patient and she's going to do what she's got to do. Watch for some great times when she comes back from these 30 days.

MATTINGLY: I think that is unquestioned, having watched her run over the course of the last couple of years.

Gail Devers, it was a pleasure to talk to you. Thanks so much for taking the time. I really appreciate it.

DEVERS: Thank you for having me.

MATTINGLY: All right, he's a twice impeached, one-term president. But his fans, his supporters, they are waiting for hours and hours for just the chance to see him.

Next, we'll take you live to Florida where Donald Trump is set to hold his second rally of this week.

You're live in the CNN NEWSROOM.

And a quick programming note. Tomorrow is July 4th. That means it's time to celebrate and there's nobody better to celebrate with than Don Lemon, Dana Bash, Victor Blackwell and Ana Cabrera. Join them all at the star-studded evening of music and fireworks. The fun, it begins on July 4th at 7:00 only on CNN.



MATTINGLY: He lost the last election. I'm going to go ahead and say it one more time. He lost the last election but try telling that to former president Donald Trump who's holding his second rally this week. He'll be in Florida tonight and his supporters have been lining up since yesterday for a chance to see and hear from him.

Our senior Washington correspondent Joe Johns has made the trek down south.


And Joe, take us there. What are you seeing and what do you expect tonight?

JOE JOHNS, CNN SENIOR WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT: Yes. It's a massive crowd and, you know, I was at the one in Ohio just a week ago. This is shaping up very similar, but obviously I can't tell you what it's going to look like by the time Donald Trump takes the stage. Nonetheless, a huge number of people here when we got here and a huge number of people expected.

The real test, of course, is how many people end up on the other side of the risers. Typically, you have thousands of people who are watching the jumbotrons come out in this weather, this heat, this sun, possibly rain today, to watch the jumbotron for Donald Trump. The true believers, if you will. So we're watching for that.

Also watching to see whether the former president when he does take the stage has anything to say about the Trump Organization indictments. Funny, last week in Ohio when he had a rally, we were just at the point when the indictments seemed to be very close and Donald Trump uttered nary a word about the prosecutors in New York and what they were doing.

This does seem to be an odd time to hold a rally, given the Trump Organization indictments. Also given the tragedy about 230 miles away from here involving that high-rise collapse, if you will. What we do know about that is that if there was any consideration given to postponing the rally over it, it was quickly dismissed. Instead, the former president's organization has sent out e-mails today asking people to donate to the families of the victims.

So all of that still on the plate. It will be hours before we see the president. Interesting, one other thing, by the way, Phil, the former president has a real thing for July 3rd. If you remember, it was one year ago today he was at Mt. Rushmore, a huge rally there at the height, if you will, of the pandemic. So the president keeping up his traditions. Back to you.

MATTINGLY: Joe Johns reminding us of something that was only 12 months ago but feels like it was about 20 years ago at this point in time.

Thanks so much, Joe, for being on the road for us.

Let's discuss tonight's appearance and so much more. With me my friend from the White House briefing room, White House correspondent and Washington bureau chief for "TheGrio," April Ryan, CNN political commentator and former adviser to former president Bill Clinton, Paul Begala. April, it is not very typical for a former president to hold rallies

across the country just months into his successor's term. Former president Trump is not very typical. I think the biggest question right now is, does this help his party that he's still doing this?

APRIL RYAN, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: Well, you know, the party has some issues right now. They're trying to create the narrative about January 6th. They're trying to push Democrats out in this next midterm election. This is a rally that this president needs them and his followers need him. And this is once again, Phil, another super spreader event as well as many of these followers do not believe in vaccines and don't trust this administration as it relates to the vaccines.

So this is going to be one of those events that this president is going to sound the bell again where it was a fraudulent election. He's going to be belligerent, belligerent, belligerent, and he's also going to bring a rally cry to support him, to continue to support him in the midst of his dysfunction as this president, Joe Biden, is trying to bring the country together from crises that the former president created in many cases.

MATTINGLY: And, Paul, you know, the former president held a rally in Ohio last weekend. Obviously, Florida tonight. In between he visited the U.S.-Mexico border with a couple dozen House Republican. He was with the Texas governor, other high-ranking officials. If you look at this video and everything that they're trying to create this image that he's on a presidential visit, he's still president, I don't think there's any question at this point in time he's the head of the Republican Party, the leader of the Republican Party.

Is him being in this position at this point heading into the midterms good or bad for Republicans as they try and regain control of the Senate and the House?

PAUL BEGALA, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Yes, I think it's terrible for the Republicans. And I don't say that as a Democrat, I say that as somebody who can read a scoreboard. He's the first president since Herbert Hoover, 88 years ago, to lose the House, the Senate and the White House in just a four-year period. Now that's just a fact. And when Republicans did that 88 years ago, they didn't rally around Hoover. They sent him off to Stanford and let him live the rest of his life in academia.

The fact that they're rallying around a guy who cost them everything that they had politically is astonishing. By the way, cost thousands of people their lives in COVID by botching the response, cost millions of jobs. So they want to rally.


April makes a really good point. It does feel good and I always like to see people active in politics. I wish that this man, Mr. Trump, would use these rallies to encourage people to be vaccinated as he has been vaccinated but I doubt that he will because he doesn't seem to care about anything but himself and the people who love him don't seem to care about winning, it's amazing.

MATTINGLY: It's a fascinating dynamic to watch play out over the course of the next couple of months. I also want to ask you, Paul, about this reporting we got from CNN's K-File. The team found videos, pictures of a Capitol rioter with the Republicans, House Republicans, at the U.S.-Mexico border. This, you can watch the video, it's Anthony Aguero. He's with Congresswoman Lauren Boebert. And here's Aguero during the visit, talking about Congressman Madison Cawthorn. Listen.


ANTHONY AGUERO, ATTENDED CAPITOL RIOT: All right, guys, Congressman Cawthorn is behind me. That is freaking awesome. That is freaking awesome, I'll tell you that.


MATTINGLY: April, you know, Republicans not only refusing to investigate the insurrection in many cases, but some now actually spending time with admitted Capitol rioters. It's just -- it's jarring and kind of surreal when you watch it play out in real time.

RYAN: Phil, they're trying to change the narrative of the truth of what happened at the Capitol on January 6th. And this man, I am sure, is being eyed by the FBI. The FBI is inundated right now. They are stressed and stretched trying to put names and names to faces that they see in video and also trying to get try triangulation with phone numbers for those who were there on that day.

And the question is, what are they looking for? Are they looking for those who did something? Or are they looking for those who just happened to do something and they were in the building?

And the way I understand it, this man, who was at the border with congressional leaders, if the FBI wanted to charge him, could be charged with federal violations to include federal trespass, also criminal mischief and violating Capitol police orders. So I am sure, and it's on tape, that the FBI and all other agencies are watching him. The question is, what are they going to do, when are they going to do it, and if his crimes, his videotapes that we have seen, rise to the occasion of being charged? Those are the questions.

MATTINGLY: Yes. It's very interesting. Paul, I want to ask you real quick with the time we've got left about something that I kind of raised my eyebrows in a positive way this week. This glimmer of potential bipartisanship when President Biden visited Florida at the site of the Surfside collapse. Listen to this exchange between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and President Biden.


DESANTIS: You recognize the severity of this tragedy from day one and you've been very supportive.

JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: You know what's good about this? That we can cooperate. We let the nation know we can cooperate. MAYOR DANIELLA LEVINE CAVA, MIAMI-DADE COUNTY: Yes, sir. That's right.

BIDEN: And what is really important.


MATTINGLY: Now, Paul, there's no question Ron DeSantis is a rising star amongst conservatives in the Republican Party, very much seen as somebody who could be president or run for president in 2024. And yet what we saw, which would have been considered very normal maybe five or 10 years ago, you know, his willingness to compliment President Biden and vice versa, does that give you any sense of hope about where the direction of things are going right now?

BEGALA: Oh, I'm a prisoner of hope as Cory Booker likes to say about himself. Absolutely. This is Joe Biden's sort of essence. He's a person of deep, deep empathy. And while very partisan, obviously the leader of one of the two great parties, he is always willing to set that aside, that partisanship, to try to work for the common good. And it looks like Governor DeSantis wanted to do that as well on that trip and I think it's terrific.

I'm old enough to remember when Charlie Crist was the Republican governor of Florida and President Obama went down there, and Crist kind of gave him a half bro hug and then it cost Charlie Crist his membership in the Republican Party. He's now a Democrat congressman from Florida.

So, I don't know, maybe this will blow up in DeSantis' face. I think you're right. He's a rising star. If Mr. Trump, the loser, would just get out of the way, but I don't guess Mr. Trump is going to be doing that any time soon.

MATTINGLY: Yes. It all connects back to the rally tonight. Still it was kind of nice --

BEGALA: Yes, and to have it in Florida. I'm sorry to interrupt, Phil. But to have it in Florida.


BEGALA: Do you remember last year the president wanted to have -- Mr. Trump wanted to have a rally in Tulsa on Juneteenth. We know Tulsa, the site of one of the worst race massacres in American history, in Greenwood in 1921. How tone deaf. Wherever he goes, he's going to -- it's 200 miles from Surfside, I know that, where he's having the rally. But it's still going to pull perhaps some number of first responders away to make sure that he's safe and the people there are safe.


So I just think it's a terrible mistake and very insensitive when we haven't even had a chance to claim the remains of the lost.


BEGALA: It's just typical Trump.

MATTINGLY: Yes. I mean, kind of the last point being the key point there.

April Ryan, Paul Begala, thanks as always for taking the time. I appreciate it.

And coming up next, there's worrying hesitancy among young adults to get vaccinated against COVID-19. It's not unimportant. What that means for herd immunity and the potential for future outbreaks. A medical expert joins me, live, next.

You're live in the CNN NEWSROOM.



MATTINGLY: As Americans get out and celebrate the Fourth of July, there are growing concerns that low vaccination rates in some communities could lead to new outbreaks.

Hesitancy among young adults is especially concerning to government officials.

CNN's Amara Walker has more.




WALKER: Do you plan to get vaccinated?

BRITT: No time soon.

WALKER (voice-over): Twenty-one-year-old Destiny Britt says she's given the COVID-19 vaccine a lot of thought.

BRITT: Don't take it as, when people don't want to take the vaccine as being rebellious.

Listen to understand and be compassionate and sympathize of the history of black people, black and brown people, and the medical industry.

WALKER: The Atlanta native is skeptical of the vaccines, thanks in large part due to the legacy of the unethical Tuskegee study in which black men with syphilis were deliberately not treated.

And despite the information she's seen, she worries about potential links to rare conditions, like inflammation of the heart, recently reported in 300 of the 20 million young people vaccinated.

BRITT: Well, how do I know that small percentage won't be me?

WALKER: Britt, who works at an Atlanta record label, says she doesn't trust the vaccine and instead trusts her own immune system.

BRITT: I would just rather go take Vitamin C or make sure that I'm eating healthier just to make sure that, on my end, it'll be better for my body to fight off rather than just taking the vaccination.

WALKER: Britt tells CNN she believes COVID-19 is real and wears a mask at work and when she's around friends and family.

But hers is the kind of mindset among some younger people that worries health experts, like CNN medical analyst, Dr. Leana Wen.

LEANA WEN, CNN MEDICAL ANALYST: Chances are you're not going to get that sick.

However, even individuals with mild illness could have long-lasting symptoms.

There are people who have lost their hair, people who continue to have loss of the sense of taste or smell, individuals who have difficulty concentrating, memory lapses, nerve and muscle pain.

WALKER: A new CDC report published on Monday shows the weekly rate of newly vaccinated adults, 18 to 29 years old, has slowed from 3.6 percent to 2 percent between April 19 and May 22.

And Britt lives in Georgia, a state with some of the lowest vaccination rates in the country and where COVID-19 deaths were among the highest just last week.

As the White House partners with organizations and private companies to incentivize adults under 30 to get vaccinated --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over): Being vaccinated is hot.

WALKER: -- some corporations, like Axe, a men's grooming products company, are holding events like this one at an Atlanta brewery to lure younger people.

BRITT: And the more that it's a push for me to go get vaccinated, it makes me not want it even more.

WALKER: When Britt's not at work, she's volunteering her time as an organizer with The People's Uprising, a nonprofit fighting for equality for the black community.

BRITT: And it's just a pain that almost every black person felt equally.

WALKER: Ironically, the organization she works for is planning on holding vaccine drives beginning in July to target people like Britt. JULIUS THOMAS, CEO & FOUNDER, THE PEOPLE'S UPRISING: Go to skating rinks, go to Topgolf, go to amazing places like the BeltLine here, that we know young people congregate.

WALKER: Julius Thomas, who started The People's Uprising after the deaths of George Floyd and Rayshard Brooks, is good friends with Britt and hopes she'll come around.

THOMAS: We really are pushing so hard because we care about you that hard.

WALKER: And while Britt knows the black community continues to die of COVID-19 at a higher rate than any other group, she says there's no telling if and when she may ever get vaccinated.

BRITT: I just need to make sure that it's been around for some time where I know specifically what the side e


MATTINGLY: Amara Walker, thanks for that reporting.

Right now, I want to bring in CNN medical analyst, Dr. Jonathan Reiner.

Dr. Reiner, you saw Dr. Anthony Fauci on TikTok this week. You recognize the White House knows how big of a problem this is.

But what's your reaction to young people remaining hesitant to get vaccinated after all of the information that's been provided by infectious disease experts like yourself?

DR. JONATHAN REINER, CNN MEDICAL ANALYST: Yes, I think we need to be a lot better at messaging.

Look, I'd like to see all kinds of different ways of getting to people. I'd like to see NASCAR get involved. I'd like to see Nashville and country music get involved. I'd like to see peer-to-peer discussions around the country.

The truth is that there have been about 2,600 folks 18 to 29 who have died in the United States from this virus. That's just about the same number of people who died in the World Trade Center towers on 9/11.

So this virus can kill you even if you're young and pretty fit.

As we saw in the piece leading into this, many people will get long- haul symptoms that are really tough to beat. So there are all kinds of reasons to do this for yourself.

The other really important community-based reason to get vaccinated is to prevent you from being a spreader and potentially infecting somebody who remains vulnerable in your community.

[16:40:07] MATTINGLY: One -- and I think to jump off that as the Delta variant starts to become more prevalent, I think one out of four cases, and you see mutations of things and it becomes a bigger risk.

I think it's, to some degree, something people are worried about right now.

But I want to get to this issue because there's a lot of concern about the Delta variant.

Bottom line -- and you've explained this better than anybody -- if you are vaccinated, how concerned should you be about the Delta variant?

REINER: You shouldn't be concerned at all. My wife and I walked through a small antique store with plenty of people around today. We weren't wearing masks.

We are fully vaccinated. I am not worried about contracting this virus.

In the extraordinary unlikely event that we do, the data shows us that the infection is either asymptomatic or incredibly mild. Vaccinated people are going about living normal lives now.

That should really be the incentive for unvaccinated people. You can shed your mask if you are vaccinated.

The other thing is we're getting to the point in this pandemic, where if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

And the problem in this country is the mass of unvaccinated people.

MATTINGLY: You mentioned masks. And I think this is an interesting thing that the government is trying to figure out.

We're seeing some cities urging residents to put their masks back on, wearing them again because of Delta, St. Louis, Los Angeles.

Do you agree? Is this something folks should be considering?

REINER: Well, how do you get -- how do you get just part of the population that you can't identify to wear masks? No one identifies themselves as unvaccinated.

So in places where Delta is really starting to surge, the only way may be to reinstitute mask mandates for all, since we have no readily identifiable way of understanding who isn't vaccinated now. It can come to that.

But from a physiologic standpoint, there's really no reason to mask vaccinated people, even with Delta. The vaccines that we are using in this country are very effective.

MATTINGLY: Can I ask, real quick, with the time we have left, Johnson & Johnson finally put out some data that tied into Delta. I think people have been waiting for that for a number of weeks. Are you confident right now on where J&J stands? There's been talk on

whether they need to get a booster from the mRNA vaccine.

Where are you sitting on that right now?

REINER: No, I'm not confident. I'm encouraged that this small study, basically of 10 people, looking at neutralizing antibodies to Delta, does suggest that with time the J&J vaccine stands up pretty well to Delta.

We really need to see that in a population-based study to understand how well in practice, in the real world the vaccine prevents infection.

I think we need more data about the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

MATTINGLY: I think that's probably true. But I appreciate you as always giving it to us straight.

Dr. Jonathan Reiner, thank you very much.

We will be right back.



MATTINGLY: It was one of those, stop everything, look at the alert that just popped on your phone, look at the screen. You can't believe the shocking development that just transpired this week.

It was when Bill Cosby was released from prison after Pennsylvania's Supreme Court overturned his sexual assault conviction, saying his due process rights were violated.

His accusers, their attorneys, they're outraged.

Here's CNN's Jean Casarez.


HEIDI THOMAS, COSBY ACCUSER: Sucker punched. Like the rug was pulled out from underneath us.

VICTORIA VALENTINO, COSBY ACCUSER: Dismayed, enraged, infuriated. And stunned.

PATRICIA LEARY STEUER, COSBY ACCUSER: While I'm sad and I'm feeling like this is a loss for me and for the other women who came forward.

CHELAN LASHA, COSBY ACCUSER: It's been hard to see him get away like that in everything he done to myself. He ruined a perfect, innocent girl.

(CROSSTALK) JEAN CASAREZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): On Wednesday, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court reversed Bill Cosby's conviction on charges of drugging and sexual assaulting Andrea Constand in 2004.

The panel of judges said Cosby's due process rights were violated because the former D.A., Bruce Castor, made the decision to not prosecute Cosby in exchange for his testimony in a civil case.

A decade later, another prosecutor used that testimony in a criminal case against him.

Constand released a statement saying the decision is "disappointing."

LISE-LOTTE LUBLIN, COSBY ACCUSER: Honestly, it's, of course, devastating.

CASAREZ: Shortly after being released from prison, Cosby professed his innocence to CNN.

BILL COSBY, FORMER ACTOR & COMEDIAN: I'm not guilty. So when I see what they're trying to put up and I'm saying this is not right.

LUBLIN: This just sets back victims for wanting to come forward and give their voice.

VALENTINO: This was a plan. This was a pattern.

THOMAS: I'm terrified that people aren't going to come forward because they won't want to go through this.

GLORIA ALLRED, ATTORNEY TO COSBY ACCUSERS: I would like to say to all the brave victims, even though his conviction was overturned by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, that will always be part of his obituary.

And that is due to the courage of all of the brave women who testified against him.


CASAREZ: Jean Casarez, CNN, New York.



MATTINGLY: It began as a routine check of their finances. Darren James and his wife, from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, opened up their Chase Bank account and saw this, an extra $50 billion had mysteriously appeared.

James had a sense of humor about it, saying that's not like a one or two zero error, that's someone fell asleep on the keyboard kind of error. That's true.

The money stayed in there four days before Chase Bank corrected the error. James said he never considered spending the money, knowing it was a

mistake. But for a few days, they were amongst the wealthiest people on earth, at least on paper.

Darren, my guy, spend the money. It's the bank's fault.


MATTINGLY: A better man than me.

All right. The tallest single-structure sand dune in North America, Caribbean blue waters, and a city of giant rocks. You might be surprised to find all of that in southern Idaho.

But you can in this week's "OFF THE BEATEN PATH."


BRAD NORMAND, RANGER, BRUNEAU DUNES STATE PARK: Welcome to Bruneau Dunes State Park. We are about an hour south of Boise.

And behind me stands the single largest structured sand dune in North America and it stands 470 feet tall.


Sand boarding and sand sledding has gained a lot of traction here recently. We wax up the boards and it just really helps them gain some speed on sand there.

I think people are just kind of discovering this new activity and you can't do it anywhere else.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This section of the Snake River, we have the best of both worlds.

I'm sitting here in front of Blue Harps Springs. It's a hidden cove where the springs come up from the bottom.

Because of the crystal-clear water and the sunlight, it just transforms it into a blue gem.

The water comes up year-round at a constant 58 degrees, so when you're swimming in it, you get really chilled.

But on the other side of the river, we have natural hot springs. Banbury Hot Springs, that we've piped it into pools to get warmed back up.

WALACE KECK, SUPERINTENDENT, CITY OF ROCKS NATIONAL RESERVE: We are in South Central Idaho where granite has been uncovered through eons of erosion to give us these giant monoliths on the surface of the earth.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You want to play something?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. KECK: City of Rocks has become one of the more popular places to rock climb in the country. Twenty-three square miles of granite outcrops, towers, pinnacles, just spread out before you. You can just take in the vastness of it.