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Forty-Million-Plus Under Hurricane Threat As Henri Aims For Northeast; Pentagon: U.S. "Fighting Against Time And Space" With Evacuations; Gov. Cuomo Gives Update On Hurricane Henri Preparations; Gov. Cuomo Gives Update On Hurricane Henri Preparations; Former Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) Is Interviewed Larry Elder Emerging As GOP Frontrunner In CA Governor Race & Growing Chaos In Afghanistan As Taliban Takes Over. Aired 1-2p ET

Aired August 21, 2021 - 13:00   ET



ALLISON CHINCHAR, CNN METEOROLOGIST (on camera): It will continue to push a little bit further inland before then going back out to the east over the open Atlantic.

One thing that we did notice in the last advisory that started to tick up was the winds that are forecast with this. The red area here, about 74 to 110 mile per hour wind gusts.

But look at this purple area here, including Montauk. We're talking 110 plus mile-per-hour wind gust, possibly. But even some of the other surrounding areas when you're talking 40 to 60 mile per hour winds, that's still going to be enough when you talk about the combination of winds and rain.

Now, all along the east coast, from North Carolina up to Massachusetts, high surf and rip currents will be a concern. But the heaviest rainfall is really going to be limited in and around that landfall location. But it does spread inland.

So, even portions of upstate New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, still likely to see several inches of rain, which is why you have that flash flood threat for several states.

It also is important to note that earlier this week, they had a lot of rain from the remnants of Fred. Now, you've got two different systems coming in bringing a tremendous amount of rain which is saturating the ground.

So, we talked about some of those high wind gusts, it's not going to take all that much to bring trees and even power lines down, which is why we're anticipating so many power outages.

Right along the imminent coast storm surge also going to be a big concern. This red area right through here, including the Hamptons, Nantucket, Providence, you're talking about three to five feet.

But even areas up around Boston, Fred, and even down towards the Jersey coast, still one to three feet of storm surge there. So, again, this is a multi-state issue and concern from this particular storm.

FREDRICKA WHITFIELD, CNN ANCHOR (on camera): All right, Allison, thank you.

Let's go to Derek now, where much of New England is buckling down for this? What kind of preparations if any are taking place now?

DEREK VAN DAM, CNN INTERNATIONAL WEATHER ANCHOR (on camera): Yes, there are preparations taking place, Fredricka. In fact, people have been removing boats from the marinas just offshore from here. There is also been beaches and some of the local parks here that are closed in preparation for Henri's final approached by Sunday morning into New England.

Of course, it's a glorious afternoon at the moment. But looks can be deceiving, because we know conditions are going to deteriorate overnight. The direct threats here, power outages, and also widespread tree damage as well.

But a lot of people have these benchmark storms. They often think about Hurricane Sandy. This will by no means be at Hurricane Sandy because it's a smaller storm. It's moving slightly faster than Sandy. But of course, the storm surge is a threat.

If you've ever wondered how these coastal cities right along the New England coastline, especially Providence. Protect themselves with storm surge, get a load of this. This is spectacular.

I came across this last night, if you've visited this location, you know about it. This is called the Fox Point Hurricane Barrier. And this is run by the National Army Corps of Engineers. They can drop the three gates behind me, which way, by the way, 50 tons each in a matter of 30 minutes. And that is going to protect the city of Providence, Rhode Island from the surge of water from the Atlantic Ocean as approaching tropical systems move their way into this area.

By the way, there's also a pumping station behind this that has the potential to take upstream river flooding, which is also a threat in Rhode Island, and actually, remove up to 3 million gallons per minute out of the Providence River that is directly behind me.

So, these working together will keep Providence safe. But, of course, with a strengthening storm and any wobble of any storms. That is a matter of miles -- a game of miles where Henri actually makes landfall. Fredricka.

WHITFIELD: Wow! That's an extraordinary system they've got in place there. I've never seen anything like that one.


VAN DAM: Yes, yes. Thanks.

WHITFIELD: So, thanks for letting us see that and telling us about it.

Derek Van Dam, Allison Chinchar. (CROSSTALK)

VAN DAM: Sure.

WHITFIELD: All right. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is set to give a press conference on storm preparations in just a few minutes. We'll bring that to you, live.

Right now, joining me Steve Bellone. He is a Suffolk County executive on Long Island, where the hurricane is expected to make landfall. Steve, did I get your last name right?


WHITFIELD: All right, fantastic. All right. So, how is your community getting ready?

BELLONE: Well, we're preparing right now. I'm expecting to issue an emergency declaration order this afternoon. And I just announced a voluntary evacuation order for Fire Island National Seashore.

Right now, one of the challenges for us, of course, is we're at the height of the summer season, in the Hamptons, on Fire Island, and so, making sure that people are safe with this storm approaching. And likely, in all likelihood, to strike us directly, whether as a tropical storm or maybe a Category 1 hurricane. We want to make sure people are safe.

And we haven't seen that since Hurricane Gloria back in 1985.


WHITFIELD: Right, great.

BELLONE: Where we've been hit directly by a storm.

WHITFIELD: So, it's been a while. So, there are a lot of people who haven't have had no concept of what it was to even go through a Gloria an entire generation. So, then, what are you hoping for the people who are going to stay put? What kind of preparations are you hoping that they are making now to ensure their safety?


BELLONE: Well, we have called been through this before. We experienced Superstorm Sandy which was absolutely devastating. And that storm did not strike us directly. This is a smaller storm, but with each passing hour, it becomes clear this is going to be a significant impact.

Even last year when we had a Tropical Storm Isaias, we saw 650,000 power outages. So, for residents and visitors to Fire Island, our message to them -- my message today was, evacuate that island today so you can be safe, and so, that we can allow the first responders to do their jobs. The last thing we want to do is put safe first responders at risk as they're trying to save others who made a choice to stay rather than evacuate.

WHITFIELD: Do you also preemptively, you know, kind of evacuate -- provoked the evacuation of some people who really don't have the means to get out on their own? Is there kind of an infrastructure in place to help people who might be among the most vulnerable ahead of the storm?

BELLONE: Yes, we have opened a number of shelters though actually working with the American Red Cross and local school districts. We'll have five different shelters that will be opened up tonight so that people can go in advance of the storm. We'll also have a pet shelter open as well.

So, trying to address, you know, the issues that may be happening in the Hamptons, of Fire Island. And for those who may need a shelter, and given that, we may see flooding here. We have the vehicles in place like Humvees, 500-ton high axle vehicles that can go in and help evacuate in the event that somebody can't get out because of flooding.

WHITFIELD: All right, Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone, thank you so much for your time. All the best to you and all of your neighbors.

BELLONE: Thank you.

WHITFIELD: Appreciate it.

BELLONE: Thank you.

WHITFIELD: All right, we're already seeing the early impact of this storm further south along the east coast.

WHITFIELD: (voice-over): You are looking at an overhead view of the dangerous rip currents in North Carolina. Lifeguards say they made over 50 water rescues, and that was yesterday, picking up swimmers swept away by the surf.

You can see -- I mean the torrents of water there. Those currents are serious the way they pull you out. And then, apparently, those currents could continue into the next week, up and down the coast. So, be careful out there.

WHITFIELD (on camera): All right, coming up, crises in Afghanistan. Americans targeted by the Taliban. The Pentagon investigating reports of people being harassed and even beaten on the way to Kabul airport.

Plus, hugs and tears. New information on the race to get out of Afghanistan as some of the first refugees arrived in the United States.


[13:11:49] WHITFIELD: All right, the U.S. is giving new details on what it calls a fluid and dynamic situation as the Taliban takes over Afghanistan.

WHITFIELD (voice-over): Pentagon officials briefing reporters this morning say they have evacuated 17,000 people including 2,500 Americans over the last week. Sources familiar with the situation tell CNN there are approximately 14,000 people waiting at the Kabul airport.


REAR ADM. JOHN KIRBY (RET.), PENTAGON PRESS SECRETARY: We're fighting against both time and space. That's really what we're -- that's what we're -- what we're -- that's the race that we're in right now.

And we're trying to do this as quickly and as safely as possible. I'm not going to speculate about whether windows are closing or opening. We're focused on accomplishing this mission as fast as we can.


WHITFIELD (on camera): CNN's Nick Paton Walsh is in Doha, Qatar, where some of these refugees are arriving. So, Nick, Kirby, there saying they are fighting against time and space. What does that mean?

NICK PATON WALSH, CNN INTERNATIONAL SECURITY EDITOR (on camera): It means they're starting to sound significantly more restrained than we've heard them in the past few days.

Yes, they've always recognized this is a huge challenge.

WALSH (voice-over): But to say that we are recognizing of our limitations here that they don't have forever, that they don't have the space that they need. This is the point.

They've got 14,000 people at least on this airport. That was the toll this morning. And we haven't you know, seen a massive number of planes takeoff. So, they're dealing with the huge challenge of simply clearing the airport to get more people on.

And now, of course, we're hearing reports from them as well, that there may have been Americans beaten or harassed on their way to the airport. That's new to the Pentagon, it seems, but not new to anybody who's been on that airport road or seeing the environment around the airport.

People have been given a terrible time on that way. The Taliban don't seem to be interested mostly in American citizens, but it might be in Afghan Americans, you can be both. And at the same time too, the violence is really at the main gate to the north.

So, I have to say listening to that, it sounds more downbeat. John Kirby, it is clear that situation on the airport itself is awful. I mean, absolutely awful.

One U.S. Marine said to one of our Afghan sources on the base that simply they were dealing with a trash-filled dumpster. Add to that 14,000 people, the fact you have to feed and give them more water in the heat and slowly start getting them all out once you've processed them.

They have a three-day, I would say, challenge ahead just to get those 14,000 out judging by the sort of dozen or so planes they've managed to do every day or so.

So, yes, I mean, a huge challenge. Time and space were always going to be the problem. But it is first time, perhaps, we're beginning to hear from the Pentagon that they don't have an indefinite schedule ahead of them.

I heard from a source speaking to this morning that some military figures on that base are beginning to talk about another week. I have to say hearing that, a week does sound like a long time in this kind of operation. Fred.

WHITFIELD (voice-over): Yes. So, there are refugees landing where you are in Qatar. We've seen tape of airplanes filled with people in Perth, Australia.


WHITFIELD: We've learned that in the last few hours, at least three flights landed in Washington Dulles Airport. So, how is it determined who goes where?

WALSH: Yes, I mean, they arrive -- I have to say the system is pretty opaque. And I think it's fair to say a lot of people even doing it don't fully understand how it works at this stage. They are sort of making it up as they go along.

But the system essentially is, do you have a reason to be part of our system? So, have you entered the SIV, Special Immigrant Visa program? Priority one or priority two? Priority two, being a much broader category of people who essentially assisted U.S. media or NGOs in the time that they've been there?

Is the answer, yes, fine, there can also be people who are there for humanitarian reasons or who simply have a friend who managed to get them on to the base. I've heard a lot of those stories too.

All those individuals are then processed, the paperwork filtration seems to be getting tighter as time goes by. It was a lot laxer a few days ago. They are then essentially most part for the American shifted out of country to wherever they can go.

We initially had Qatar that filled up now 5,000. Dubai, Germany, Kuwait -- although Kuwait apparently is very keen on people being -- people being straight taken off to the U.S., rumors of Hungary as well.

But that isn't the final destination. And it appears that people are now being moved from Qatar to the United States. So, they will, I think most likely end up -- those SIV applicants in holding patterns on route or also holding patterns potentially, on their way down to -- forgive the shot here. On their way down to the United States.

So, we have mentioned Australia as well. So, the destination countries will do their role, certainly at some point.

WALSH (on camera): But it is a mammoth operation. And one, I have to tell you, in a climate where migration is toxic in so many European countries, certainly in the United States, too.

And here we have this extraordinary influx, often a very quickly processed Afghans always top of the list if you look at the number of migrants trying to move around the world. And here they are with this massive, extraordinary airlift. Very limited in time, very confusing in how it seems to function, but so utterly necessary for these brave souls who assisted the United States and NATO allies during their war in Afghanistan.

WHITFIELD: Nick Paton Walsh in Doha, Qatar. Thank you so much.

So, among the growing fears on the ground in Afghanistan are the troubling images of Taliban fighters seizing U.S. military weapons, guns, body armor, and more were left behind as the U.S. quickly withdrew troops.

Here is CNN Brian Todd.

BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Row upon row of sophisticated assault rifles, boxes of pistols, ammunition, vision equipment. Videos posted by the Taliban online in recent days boast of what they say are their seizures of the assault rifles in the Afghan city of Herat.

And at Kunduz Airport, armored Humvees by the dozen, some Mine- Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles called MRAPs, costing half a million dollars apiece, even a small drone.

These are the potentially lethal spoils the Taliban are believed to have captured in recent days from defeated Afghan forces. Weapons made in America, supplied by the U.S. to their fallen Afghan allies.


MICHAEL PREGENT, FORMER UNITED STATES MILITARY INTELLIGENCE OFFICER: This is so bad that we will now not be able to tell the difference between a terrorist formation convoy and a U.S. convoy in Afghanistan because they will look the same.

TODD: This video shows Taliban fighters proudly parading through the city of Qalat, in white tunics, brandishing American-made M-4 assault rifles and ballistic vests. With al-Qaeda poised to build back its strength with the Taliban takeover --


WHITFIELD (on camera): All right, we're going to interrupt that story and take you live now to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo with this update as New York and New England brace for Hurricane Henri. GOV. ANDREW CUOMO (D-NY): Massachusetts, Rhode Island et cetera. But, when it hits New York, we're expecting a Category 1 hurricane. What does that mean? Well, it means steady winds of about 80 miles per hour, gusts up to 90 to 100 miles per hour. Storm surge, three to six feet.

What does that mean? Superstorm Sandy, which we all remember was also a Category 1 when it hit New York State. So, just to put it in perspective, how serious this is and how dangerous it is.

Remember Superstorm Sandy, and I'm sure we all do. But this is right now projected to be that level of a storm. So, it is as serious as a heart attack.


CUOMO: The also Superstorm Sandy, we had days and days to prepare for Superstorm Sandy. And people had heard about the coming storm four days with Superstorm Sandy.

This change trajectory, so we actually have less notice. And one of the things I'm concerned about is the people of the state have had less notice to really fully actualize what might happen here.

So, I hope people take this very seriously. The Hurricane is supposed to hit specifically in -- on Long Island, closer to Suffolk, central Suffolk towards eastern Suffolk. That depends on what model you follow for the track of the storm. As you know, they have a number of models, and the models change over time.

We still have about 24 hours. So, you could see the models change, it could move east somewhat, it could move west somewhat. It would obviously be more problematic for New York State.

But right now it is forecast to hit Long Island, go across the sound, and then travel into Connecticut and along the New York State border. And again, there are different tracks and we'll update you if the tracks change.

But the Long Island effects will be certainly serious. Tidal areas that talking about eight to 10 inches of rain, which will create significant flooding. Those wind gusts and tidal areas and the surge that will be a significant problem.

We will also be expecting issues in the Hudson Valley where you're talking about eight to 10 inches of rain in the Hudson Valley, Westchester, Catskills.

We know what happens when we get that amount of rain especially in a situation like this where the ground is already saturated. Creeks turn into raging rivers. There is Superstorm Sandy we saw entire towns carried away.

So, Long Island, Hudson Valley, Capital District as the storm moves north, even some effect in the southern tier. Right now by this storm track, New York City is largely spared. There will be heavy rainfall, some flooding. Eastern Queens may see a storm surge, especially in the Jamaica Bay Area.

Timing tonight expect the heavy rain to start. Tomorrow morning, you will see the winds pick up, you will see the rain pick up. Tomorrow noon, we expect the landfall of the hurricane on Long Island. And then about a 26-hour event. And it should be over by Monday 2:00 p.m.

Again, that depends on the tracks, and that depends on the weather reports, and that depends on the ultimate power of Mother Nature.

People should be prepared for the effect of storm surges in title areas. Expect significant flooding in the Hudson Valley and in Westchester. Think back to Superstorm Sandy, and what areas got flooded during Superstorm Sandy. And what homes were damaged on the Superstorm Sandy. And I would use that in these areas as a predictor of what could happen and could happen shortly.

Expect significant power outages and prepare for it. My advice is you stock up today. Again, we know what power outages have done and I would prepare for it on a personal level started -- starting now.

The state is doing everything we can to be ready. With our emergency resources. We are prepositioning heavy equipment, all throughout Long Island, all throughout the Hudson Valley, and the Capital District region.


CUOMO: We are preparing water rescue teams for Long Island and swift water rescue teams for the Hudson Valley and in Westchester.

I'm deploying as of today 500 National Guard, we are calling out with the necessary equipment that the National Guard brings with them, high water vehicles, et cetera. The State Police will have approximately 1,000 personnel who will be on duty in the affected areas.

Port Authority expects flights to be canceled. Obviously, I would check with your airline before you go to the airport tomorrow into Monday, maybe Tuesday.

The MTA is preparing for the storm. They have their emergency equipment out there, flooding team out there, pumpers out, et cetera. They're going to cancel service in Long Island starting midnight tonight. They are planning to cancel service, east of Ronkonkoma and east of Patchogue, and that would be at about midnight.

They're also thinking of canceling the Harlem Line service and the New Haven Line service. That again, would be about midnight tonight. But you should check with the MTA on the web site, obviously, before you proceed to any of those trains.

We're working with the power companies. I have told them clearly and convincingly, in my opinion, that this is what we pay the power companies to do to be ready for storms. We've seen this movie before. We don't pay power companies to be ready to prepare power for sunny days. We pay them to prepare power when it's hard and to recover quickly after a storm.

They have all been communicated with. They are calling in all additional personnel. They're calling in all additional private contractors. And we have made it abundantly clear to them that we do expect significant damage and we want them to have the resources in place to deal with that damage quickly and professionally.

I'm going to declare a state emergency declaration for Long Island, New York City, Westchester, Hudson Valley, and the Capital District region. Again, the Capital District region as the storm -- the storm hits Long Island and moves north, and moves north right along the state line is the current track.

And that's why you'll see it go right up north on the northern side, on the eastern boundary. And that's Westchester, Hudson Valley, Capital District. And again, we're hoping that it misses New York City proper, but we're also keeping our eye on that.

I spoke with the White House, the president is willing to sign what is called a pre-landfall emergency disaster declaration. To qualify for a federal funding, there has to be a federally declared disaster, and you can actually request that a disaster be called pre-landfall.

That's important because all these preparation costs for the state, for local governments are then covered. And the president has said that he is prepared to sign that, and that is good news.

I spoke with the head of FEMA, they are pre deploying FEMA teams, which is the Federal Emergency Management. We coordinate with them, again, in the same areas, Long Island, New York City, where we expect some flooding, but then primarily Capital District and the Catskills.

Our priority now is to protect life and safety. That's job one. Job two will be once the storm is over, we assess the damage and we come up with a plan to rebuild, but focus now is on life and safety.

We have probably the most experienced emergency management team this state has ever had in place. Mother Nature has created more emergencies for us than at any time in the state's history.


My father was governor before me, as you know, for 12 years. A snowstorm was a natural emergency. Do we close the throughway or not, was always the big question.

This is a totally different environmental situation. Hurricanes, floods, they didn't happen in New York but they do now.

And we've gone through it a few times. And I feel confident saying to New Yorkers that they could not be in better hands in terms of an experienced team. Now, that doesn't mean that Mother Nature doesn't win. She wins. She

wins. She won at Superstorm Sandy. She wins every time. But we will be doing everything that we can do to be prepared.

We have briefed all the local governments. We briefed the assembly. We briefed the Senate. We briefed the lieutenant governor on the situation. We briefed the White House, officials. We're briefing federal officials. We're speaking with county executives.

County executive, Steven Bellone, Suffolk County executive, has urged a voluntary evacuation of Fire Island. I think that is very important. I second the call. I think he's exactly right.

If you are on Fire Island and you do not evacuate Fire Island now, I think you are putting yourself in a position of danger. And you're doing that needlessly. So please heed the county executive's warning.

Last point is, we can do everything we can do to get ready. But this is not our first rodeo. And at the end of the day, it is up to the people of the state to make the right decision.

If you know you are in an area that tends to flood, if you know you are in a tidal area that tends to flood, if you know you are in an area that is subject to tidal surges, get out of that area now, please, and get to another and better place of safety.

The main situation we have in these emergencies are trying to rescue people who stayed in place. And then they create a dangerous situation for everyone.

I've been on the Swift Water Rescue Teams. I've been in the boats in the middle of storms trying to get to people as their homes are getting washed away. Trying to take children out of windows before the house gets washed away.

If you don't take the right actions, not only do you put your life in danger, you, then, put the life in danger of the emergency workers who have to come to help you. And that is an unnecessary risk.

I understand we didn't have the buildup we had with Superstorm Sandy. I understand that this is my first briefing on this. Superstorm Sandy, we did a number of briefings and people were acclimated.

Don't be deceived by that. It's because the trajectory of the storm changed. And we have short notice. We're talking about tomorrow.

So if you have to move, if you have to stock up, if you have to get to higher ground, it has to be today. Please.

Now I know New Yorkers and I know New Yorkers are tough and I know their first instinct is, we don't have to go anywhere, we're going to batten down the hatches and be fine. I understand that instinct.

But -- and I understand the questioning of the weather reports. I got into a lot of trouble once with all the weather forecasters across the nation when I suggested that a weather forecast turned out to be incorrect. I understand that also.

But we're talking about tomorrow and we're talking about the day after tomorrow. So this is not a long-term projection.

Normally, when you get this close to the event, the forecasts tend to be accurate. The track can move, plus or minus. But the basic track doesn't change.

So please, take this seriously. Yes, New York tough, we'll stay in place, we'll beat the storm. New York tough also means New York smart. And New York smart today means get out of harm's way, please.


And with that, I'll turn it over to questions on this topic, please.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thank you, Governor.

If you'd like to ask a question, please use the raised-hand function at the bottom of your window. We're going to take a second to compile the Q&A roster.

CUOMO: While we're doing that, the most recent update, 7:00 a.m. landfall tomorrow. Eye of the storm over Long Island, 11:00 a.m.

And again, this is a large storm. Just because you're not on Long Island, don't say, well, then we're fine. It's Long Island, flooding in New York City, storm moves north, affecting Westchester, Hudson Valley, capital district, right up the line.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Governor, your first question comes from Jon Campbell.

Jon, just please make sure your microphone is unmuted.


My question is, you know, the state's in a position where there's going to be a change in leadership, the governorship within days.

That could happen right smack in the middle of this storm recovery effort. And a big reason for that is because you decided on a two-week transition.

So I want to know, why was that two-week transition appropriate? And why are you the appropriate person to lead the storm effort right now rather than Kathy Hochul?

CUOMO: The two weeks was to have an orderly transition. There's a lot to transitioning a government.

I'm the longest-serving governor in the country right now. You don't just flip a switch and turn over a government. You don't want a mass exodus of people. You don't want a situation where you don't brief the incoming administration on the important projects, et cetera. Normally, you have, after an election, you have two months, November

and December, to transition governments. And transition -- I was a transition director for my father's administration. I also worked in the transition of federal governments.

Normally, in two months it's a hurry-up schedule. Briefing papers, policy papers. Where are we on the massive construction projects we're doing? Where are we on federal relations? What do we need to get done from Washington? There's a lot.

So we said two weeks, which is a very short period of time. And I am governor today and I am in charge. This is also something I've done a few times, Jon. So that's why.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thanks, Governor.

Your next question comes from Bill Mahoney from "Politico."

Your line is now open, Bill. Just unmute your microphone, please.

BILL MAHONEY, NEW YORK CAPITOL REPORTER, "POLITICO": Thank you, Governor. And my question was going to be somewhat along those same lines.

But what can we expect from you the next 48 hours? Are you going to be able to focus on this? Do you have transition stuff to deal with? Are you going to be moving? What's your involvement going to be with this as it unfolds?

CUOMO: I'll be 100 percent available to the people of the state of New York every minute of the day, which I have been for my entire tenure as governor.

And I've been working on this already for the past 24 hours. And we will continue right through the storm. And then we'll assess the damage.

Let's take one more question, guys.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Governor, your next question is from Ryan Tarinelli of the "New York Law Journal."

Ryan, your mic is open.



TARINELLI: Yes, thank you.

So yesterday, your personal attorney suggested that she had information that would call into question Charlotte Bennett's credibility. She did not specify what that was information was or provide any evidence.

Ms. Bennett's attorney said that might raise the level of post- employment retaliation.

What do you make of that? And why do you think it's appropriate for your attorney to make those remarks without evidence to back up the claim?


CUOMO: Yes. You know, I don't want to get into Albany politics, which is what has been going on for the past few months. This is about a storm briefing to save lives of New Yorkers.

But you're the law journal. If you think justice is to accept a complaint from a person without investigation and without credibility determinations and without looking at past actions of that person, then you don't know what the justice system is.

You've never been in a situation where you just reiterate complaints and you don't investigate them and you don't say whether or not the law even applies to them.

That's not justice. That's a bulletin board posting complaints.

Justice is -- I hear the complaint, we welcome everyone to come forward. And that takes courage and that takes bravery.

But we need to know the facts. Right?

I can make a complaint about you today. Maybe it's true, maybe it's not true. But that's why they do investigations.

New Yorkers, please take this storm seriously. I know it's short notice. Think Superstorm Sandy. That was a category 1. This is a category 1. Hopefully, we don't come anywhere near the damage of Superstorm Sandy.

But we do not know, and as I sit here today, I cannot tell you, and none of the experts can tell you, whether or not the damage is going to be less or more than Superstorm Sandy. It depends on how fast the storm moves and where it goes.

And we will be working around the clock and we'll do everything we need to do to be prepared.

As I said, this team has done this numerous times. We have more equipment than ever before. We have more personnel than ever before.

But I can't -- I can't substitute for intelligent action by New Yorkers. And I understand the instinct of, we're going to shelter in place, maybe the weather forecast is wrong, I don't want to leave my home.

I can't tell you how many people I have, in the middle of a storm, helped out of a house carrying everything on their back through floodwaters, with their children, putting them into boats, in dangerous situations.

And people saying to me, I should have left yesterday, I should have left yesterday.

Please, please, don't make that mistake. We'll update you constantly. And if there's a change and there's no rational causality to you leaving your house, I will tell you that.

But we know what happened in the Catskills. We know what happened in the Hudson Valley. We know what happened in Long Island. We know what happened in the low-lying areas in Queens and in the Rockaways.

We've seen this movie. We don't need to see it again. Please act responsibly.

Thank you very much.

WHITFIELD: All right. New York Governor Cuomo there. Also asking a question about his definition of justice ahead of what will be his last day as governor of New York on Monday.

And the governor there saying it's hearing the complaints and then carrying on with the fact-finding mission.

As for the storm that is now expected to hit New York and the New England areas as early as tomorrow, the governor there urging people to take precaution, urging them to take this storm and its potential very seriously.


We're going to take a short break for now. We'll be right back.


WHITFIELD: In California, the high-stakes gubernatorial recall election is just weeks away and the leading Republican candidate to replace Gavin Newsom is Larry Elder, talk show host and Trump supporter known for saying some provocative things, including derogatory comments about women.

Let's bring in Barbara Boxer, the former Senator from California.

Good to see you, Senator.

So, governor -- this campaign, is Larry Elder, in your view the biggest threat to the governor?

BARBARA BOXER, (D), FORMER U.S. SENATOR FROM CALIFORNIA: Well, that's what the polling shows.

It's rather shocking when you think of it. This is a guy who says there should be no minimum wage, none at all, zero. This is a guy who is so far to the right that, in many ways, he is Trump reborn. So he thinks that climate change is a plot.


And, you know, the whole thing it just repeats itself. What we've seen happen to the national Republican Party has happened to the California Republican Party.

And that's why they're about 24 percent of registered voters now, way down. And as a matter of fact, declined in state people who have no party preference or about the same.

So I think we're going to be OK, but people have to take it seriously.

WHITFIELD: Yes, and remarkable. This isn't even an election year.

And the vice president, Kamala Harris, is going to campaign for the governor on Friday. Is her star power enough to fight that voter apathy that you just touched on?

BOXER: Of course. Look, this is a terrible diversion, a chaotic diversion from what's happening here in our state, which is happening all over the country.

We have the governor, Newsom, who is focused mightily on the virus and is doing quite well compared to many of the states. The last I looked, we were the 15th best in terms of our mortality rate from this virus.

So he's doing well there. We're getting our economy back on track.

And then we have this $200 million-plus recall brought to us by the Republicans, who could have waited until next year for the general election. They didn't have to do this.

So for me, we have to send a strong message that this is a time when we should be pulling together, not a time that we should be having these, you know, debates over silly things.

And Elder, really, he, in my mind, represents this new Republican Party. They are so far to the right, they're going to fall off the cliff, frankly.

WHITFIELD: Let me ask you about Afghanistan.


WHITFIELD: The White House is saying it had no choice but to carry out the withdrawal in this manner.

Do you agree? Were mistakes made? Did they get it right?

BOXER: Well, let me speak as someone who voted to go into Afghanistan to get Osama bin Laden. And once we did that 10 years ago, I've been a voice to get out.

And this is the first president with the courage to actually say, yes, we need to end this endless war.

Now, am I concerned about the way we're exiting? Of course.

But I want you to know something. I was on the Foreign Relations Committee and I always had briefings from Intel. What they always tell you is there's four scenarios and the consensus

is scenario number three. So they presented to the president various scenarios.

And he probably picked the consensus one that he had a little more time. And now he's doing everything in his power to get everyone out of that country.

But, you know, I agree with the president. It was going to end badly because it's a civil war. I mean, I'm old enough -- as you can probably tell from the hair -- to remember Vietnam.

And, you know, getting out was horrific. It was horrific because it was a civil war. So it's a mess. It's not good.

But I do think the president is right to say we need to end this endless war and do everything, everything we can, now and into the future, to make sure that the human rights violations are confronted directly.

WHITFIELD: You just said, it's a mess, it's not good. Even if the U.S. pulled out 10 years ago after the death of Osama bin Laden, is it your view that the outcome might have been the same than what we're seeing today?

BOXER: If the Afghan government -- the president fled, you know -- and the Afghans just said, we can't fight the Taliban, after all that we did -- and I know many of them did, but the central government was corrupt -- we don't have enough time to go into all the problems.

But here's the deal, and I think it's important. I think people understand this. We went in there to get bin Laden to stop terrorism. We did those things. That was a success.

But we cannot force a free government on a people that essentially says, we really like it, but there's just so much we can do against the Taliban.

And I just hope and I do believe this will happen with the president, that he will certainly keep his eye on Afghanistan.

We're not running away right now. He said, if we don't get everybody out, we're going to stay there until we do.

We have leverage. I believe we have leverage.

WHITFIELD: Former U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer, of California, thank you so much. Appreciate your time.

BOXER: Thanks, Fred.


WHITFIELD: All right, we'll be right back.


WHITFIELD: All right. We're just a few hours away from the "We Love New York City," the homecoming concert.

And for the latest, let's bring in Athena Jones.

Athena, what about those crowds? What's it going to look like?

ATHENA JONES, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Hi, Fred. It will be thousands and thousands of people.

I'm at the beginning of the line. This guy has been in line since 4:00 a.m. This line now stretches at least three blocks long, all lining up for the gates to open in about an hour before this concert starts.

A star-studded lineup, on the screen there, Maluma, Patty Smith, Bruce Springsteen, L.L. Cool J, a long list of performers.

But here's the key. You have to have proof you received at least one vaccine shot.

All the folks in this line, they'll be able to show the CDC vaccine card, prove they've had a vaccine shot using the New York State Excelsior App or the New York City Safe App.

Bottom line, you can't get in this concert if you have not had at least one shot.

Organizers say this is a celebration of the city. And they want to try to mitigate risks by making sure everyone who comes in has been vaccinated, at least partially -- Fred?

WHITFIELD: That's right. Celebrate what it is to be vaccinated and then you can enjoy gatherings like that.

Athena Jones, thank you so much.


And of course, you can watch the "We Love New York City" homecoming concert tonight, 5:00 p.m. Eastern, exclusively on CNN.

All right, that's going to do it for me. Thanks so much for being with me today.

The NEWSROOM continues with Jim Acosta.