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Concerns Grow Over Omicron Variant; President Biden Conducts Medal of Honor Ceremony. Aired 2-2:30p ET

Aired December 16, 2021 - 14:00   ET




I mean, just look at the image that we have in front of us. Look who are up close to the stage, where the president is about to conduct the ceremony. All of those are Medal of Honor recipients who come to honor their brothers.

It's quite amazing. What it really tells you is three things. America still has incredible patriots that continue to raise a hand and will serve, will step forward. Secondly, there is no limit to the selflessness and sacrifice that these men and in the case of one woman during the Civil War will step up and do to protect their brothers and sisters in harm's way.

And the third thing is, good on DOD for continuing this process to review these initial awards, and then to come back and say it deserves the Medal of Honor. So it's quite significant across the board, Ana, that we are able to participate in ceremonies like this today.

ANA CABRERA, CNN HOST: Well, thank you so much, General Spider Marks, Oren Liebermann.

And we can see it looks like the ceremony is about to start any moment now.

Going to hand the reins over to my colleagues Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell to take it from here.

ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN HOST: Hello, everyone. Thanks for joining me on NEWSROOM. I'm Alisyn Camerota. Victor is off today.

CDC advisers are set to decide this hour on possible changes and guidance for the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine, after rates of a rare blood clotting condition linked to the vaccine were higher than previously thought.

But the biggest news is the Omicron variant, which appears on its way to becoming the dominant variant in the U.S. New COVID cases and hospitalizations are rising sharply in the U.S. And researchers now say that Omicron is markedly resistant to the four major vaccines.

Now some colleges are going virtual for the rest of the semester. Sports leagues are postponing games. And Broadway shows are getting canceled.

But government health officials are sticking to a remain calm and get your booster approach.

CNN's Nick Watt has all the details.


NICK WATT, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): "Tina" among the Broadway shows canceling performances once more after cases amongst the cast just two months after reopening.

Princeton and NYU joined Cornell and others, moving what's left of the semester back online, a depressing dose of deja vu. Officials in Philly are warning, don't party with people outside your household over the holidays.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's hard, and it feels impossible. And it feels unfair. These gatherings when we get together with friends and family are when we infect each other with COVID.

WATT: Pro sports teams demonstrating how the virus is spreading, Odell Beckham Jr. scored Monday night, next morning joined the long list of players and staff testing positive or quarantining after exposure.

DR. JEROME ADAMS, FORMER U.S. SURGEON GENERAL: They're really a window into community spread. And kudos to the sports leagues, because they are actually doing a fantastic job of surveillance testing. And the rest of the country, we're driving a car down a dark road with the headlights off while looking in the rearview mirror.

WATT: COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations climbed around 40 percent this past month, deaths, says the CDC, forecast to rise in the month ahead, the Delta variant still rampant, Omicron the rise.

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, CHIEF MEDICAL ADVISER TO PRESIDENT BIDEN: Very soon, it's going to be the dominant variant. We have seen that in South Africa. We're seeing it in the U.K. And I'm absolutely certain that's what we're going to be seeing here relatively soon.

WATT: No need at this point for an Omicron-specific booster vaccine, says Dr. Fauci, but this variant is now the most complete escapee, say researchers in a new preprint study, although the vaccines are still highly effective at preventing severe disease or death.

DR. JEANNE MARRAZZO, UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM: It is reassuring that these infections seem to be less severe. But that's really only true probably if you're a healthy person who's been immunized and ideally immunized with three shots.

If we have enough of these infections, which it looks like we're going to, our health care system has again the potential to be really overwhelmed.

(END VIDEOTAPE) WATT: Now, Alisyn, you mentioned that CDC advisers are meeting right now to talk about those very rare blood clots associated with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Now, a work group of CDC advisers, it is suggesting that the CDC should make what they call a preferential recommendation for the other vaccines, for the mRNA vaccines, over the Johnson & Johnson for certain groups of people who are most at risk of those clots.

Now, of course, all these advisers still need to vote. We expect that might happen within the hour. And then, of course, the CDC director would need to sign off on anything that they might vote on -- Alisyn.



Nick Watt, we're going to be keeping an eye on all of that. Thank you.

Joining us now to help sort through some of this confusion is Dr. William Schaffner. He's a professor for the Division of Infectious Diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Dr. Schaffner, always great to see you.

We need some help understanding what to do about Omicron, which is fast becoming a dominant variant. So, if Omicron is much more transmissible, as we have heard, than previous variants, is less severe than previous variants, at the moment, we think, what does that mean for Christmas? Should we, can we be getting together with our vaccinated loved ones? Or do you not recommend that?

DR. WILLIAM SCHAFFNER, DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE CHAIRMAN, VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY: Well, Alisyn, I would recommend that we hang our stockings with care.

I think we have to be careful. If we're all going to get together, we should all be vaccinated and preferentially boosted. We should wear our masks if we're uncertain. And another thing we can do is, we could all get tested the morning of our getting together.

We did that at our house over Thanksgiving, because we had a member who had a very serious condition that put them at risk of very severe disease, should they get infected. We were all negative.


SCHAFFNER: It worked out just fine.

CAMEROTA: That's a little easier said than done, Dr. Schaffner.

It's not that easy to get those at-home rapid tests right now still.

SCHAFFNER: You're exactly correct. It's not a panacea, but it is something some people certainly can think about. And I would certainly say, if you're going to any group event indoors,

whether you're vaccinated or not, please wear your mask. And, yes, I join the chorus of everyone saying vaccination, vaccination, vaccination.

If you have your first dose, bring those children in age 5 and older. And if you haven't gotten your booster and you're eligible, run, do not walk, and get vaccinated.

CAMEROTA: OK, next pressing question, air travel.

Is it time to rethink masks on airplanes? And that's what -- that we heard from the CEOs of some major airlines. That's what they were saying yesterday. So let me play for you what they think.


GARY KELLY, CEO, SOUTHWEST AIRLINES: Yes, I think the case is very strong that masks don't add much, if anything, in the air cabin environment. It's very safe and very high quality compared to any other indoor setting.


DOUG PARKER, CEO, AMERICAN AIRLINES: I concur. The aircraft, it's the safest place you can be. It's true of all of our aircraft. They all have these HEPA filters.


CAMEROTA: Is that true, Doctor? Masks don't add much on airplanes?

SCHAFFNER: Well, I would disagree.

Yes, air handling on airplanes is very discrete, and it goes through filters. However, in the past, we have had people with tuberculosis on airplanes. That's kind of another infectious disease. It also infected people, principally two rows of forward of you and two rows back.

And then some personal anecdotes. I have been on a plane a couple of times, and there were people coughing and sneezing across the aisle and another case in front of me. On both occasions, I came home and, within 48 hours, I became ill.

I wished those folks were wearing masks, and I wish I'd been wearing one also. I think we ought to keep wearing masks on airplanes.

CAMEROTA: Here's a question that I hear a lot. And I in fact have this question.

If you get a mild case of COVID, can you still get what's known as long COVID? Or is that really just for people who have gotten a severe version of it?

SCHAFFNER: Cases of long COVID have occurred after people having had only a mild COVID infection. So that's yet another reason to vaccinate particularly children. They

are less apt to get severe disease, of course, but we also want to prevent long COVID in those children.

CAMEROTA: That leads us to the next question, children under 5 who cannot get vaccinated.

So, parents, their parents are particularly concerned this holiday season. Can parents with kids under 5 -- is it a good idea for them to be getting together with loved ones? Let's assume everybody's vaccinated. But can -- should they be exposing their kids under 5 two groups like that?

SCHAFFNER: Or exposing the groups to those children under 5 who may be bringing the virus with them.

Remember the children's table? Let's keep things separate as much as possible.

CAMEROTA: Dr. Schaffner, I'm so sorry to interrupt.


We have to get right now to President Biden. He's awarding the Medal of Honor to three Army soldiers.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: ... and to celebrate the gift of gratitude.

It's an appropriate backdrop for the ceremony, we believe, because our hearts are overflowing with gratitude today, as we honor the unparalleled courage and commitment to duty and indispensable, indisputable gallantry.

And, Chuck (ph), it's just hard to explain where your soldiers got the courage they got, the late Sergeant 1st Class Alwyn Cashe, late Sergeant 1st Class Christopher Celiz, Master Sergeant Earl Plumlee, our nation's newest recipients of our highest military award, the Medal of Honor.

I want to thank all of our distinguished guests that are here today, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the secretary of the -- Secretary Austin, the enlisted adviser to chairman, Colon-Lopez, and the leaders of the United States Army, and the vice president of the United States and the second gentlemen.

And I'm Jill's husband. Jill is here.


BIDEN: And as we add these three names to our nation's role of honor, I also want to recognize previous Medal of Honor recipients who are here today to honor their brothers in arms, Matthew Williams.

Matthew, stand up, so people can see.


BIDEN: Thomas Payne.


BIDEN: And Edward Byers.


BIDEN: Each of you know what it means to stare down danger and summon the strength in the moment of trial. We're grateful for all that you three have done, so many more.

And the family of Sergeant 1st Class Alwyn Cashe has been 16 years -- this has been 16 years and coming. Representative Murphy, Representative Waltz, thank you for your efforts, the continued efforts, along with the team of Sergeant Cashe's commanders, commander in arms, his medical team, and the family, who worked with such dedication over so many years to make this recognition possible.

October 17,2005, Sergeant Cashe was commanding a Bradley Fighting Vehicle on night patrol in Iraq. They came under enemy fire. An improvised explosive device detonated, igniting the vehicle's fuel and engulfing it in flames.

The sergeant extracted himself and without hesitation and turned back to the vehicle to help free the driver and extinguish flames on the driver. In the process, Sergeant 1st Class Cashe's uniform, drenched in fuel, caught fire, causing severe burns.

The patrol was still taking enemy fire, but Cashe thought only of his fellow soldiers trapped in the troop compartment. So, he pushed his own pain aside to return to the burning vehicle as it was -- and pulled four soldiers free, four more.

At this point, with the second- and third-degree burns covering almost 75 percent of his body, his uniform mostly burned away, the sergeant saw there were still two soldiers and their interpreter unaccounted for.

So, he went back into the inferno for a third time and got everyone out of that inferno. That was his code. His love for his 3rd Infantry Division ran deep. No soldier was going to be left behind on his watch. When the helicopters began to arrive, he insisted that his troops be evacuated before he would go.

Later, at Brooke Army Medical Center in Texas, where he and other members of his team were taken for treatment, when he regained the ability to speak, his first thoughts were for his units. He asked first thing: "How are my boys? How are my boys?"

Alwyn Cashe was a soldier's soldier, a warrior who literally walked through fire for his troops. The sergeant succumbed to his injuries on November 8,2005, surrounded by those he loved and loved him. He was a hero. He was a beloved son and brother, a proud husband and a father of three children.

Sergeant Cashe and his family gave everything for our country. The devotion to his memory and their years working to make sure that his courage and selflessness were properly documented and honored is a testament to the love he inspired and the legacy he left behind.


Sergeant 1st Class Cashe is now the seventh individual to receive the Medal of Honor for his actions in Operation Iraqi Freedom, and the first African-American to receive it since the Vietnam War.

And, Tamara, Alexis, Kasinal, I'm so honored to award your husband, your dad, your brother the recognition that he earned.

I know it's tough. As honored as you are, it's got to be tough to be here today.

He will be remembered. He will be remember forever.

Sergeant 1st Class Christopher Celiz was an Army Ranger through and through with 1-75. The Rangers lead the way. On July 12,2018, nearing the end of a fifth deployment, a fifth deployment, Sergeant Celiz was leading an operation in the Paktia province of Afghanistan, not a very friendly place, to clear the area of enemy forces.

Attacked and pinned down by a large force, the sergeant exposed himself to the enemy fire in order to retrieve a heavy weapon system that allowed his team to fight back and reach a secure location.

And during the firefight, a member of his team was critically wounded, as they called for medical evacuation. But as the rescue helicopter arrived and began taking fire as well, the sergeant knew time was critical to get his wounded teammate loaded and treated.

So he once again knowingly and willingly stepped into the enemy's crosshairs. Sergeant Celiz used his body as a shield for the aircraft and his crew against the heavy incoming fire. The helicopter began to take off, and he put himself directly between the cockpit and the enemy, ensuring the aircraft could depart and sustaining what would prove to be a mortal wound.

He knew he was hit, but he waited for the air crew to depart without him. In the face of extreme danger, he placed the safety of his team and his crew above his own.

I can offer no better encapsulation than the words of U.S. Army ambulance pilot in command that day. He said -- quote -- "Courage, to me, is putting your life on the line to save the life of another, as demonstrated by Sergeant 1st Class Chris Celiz, who died protecting my crew" -- end of quote.

Christopher Celiz was courage made flesh. Today, we add his name to the elite vanguard of American warriors who generation after generation have strengthened and inspired our nation with their unwavering bravery and service. His legacy lives in the lives he saved, the teammates he mentored, and

the memories he made with his beloved wife, Katie, and especially -- and their precious daughter, Shannon.

Thank you for sharing your dad with our country, Shannon. We will never forget the debt that we owe you and your whole family.

August 28,2013, then-Staff Sergeant Earl Plumlee was snapping a quick photo with members of his unit at Forward Operation Base Ghazni in Afghanistan. Then, insurgents, it turned out, detonated a 400-pound car bomb that blew open a 60-foot-wide breach in a perimeter wall.

Staff Sergeant Plumlee and members of his special operations team immediately hopped in a nearby truck and raced toward the blast to defend the base. When they arrived, they encountered insurgents coming through the wall, all wearing explosive vests.

Our troops started taking rocket fire, recoilless rifle fire and small-arms fire. While the driver of their truck maneuvered into the line of enemy fire to shield injured members of their team outside the vehicle, the staff sergeant exited the vehicle and used his own body to shield the driver.

He left whatever cover the truck provided him and began to engage the invaders. Outnumbered, with no regard for his own safety, at times armed with only a pistol, Staff Sergeant Plumlee attacked the insurgent forces, taking them on one by one.

And time and again, bullets flew by, sometimes only inches away. And time and again, Staff Sergeant Plumlee closed with the enemy. On multiple occasions during the fight, the insurgents detonated their vest right in front of him, Plumlee, at one point hurling him into a wall and injuring his back.


When a fellow soldier was severely wounded, Plumlee immediately ran to the soldier's position, carried him to safety, and administered tactical combat casualty care, before returning to the fight. Ultimately, Staff Sergeant Plumlee was able to organize three Polish soldiers to mount an effective defense of the base, clear the area, and regain the security posture.

His heroic actions and the battlefield leadership gained the recognition some of our highest military commanders, including a man knows a little bit about battle, our chairman of our Joint Chiefs, General Milley, and General McConville, who are here today, who are here today to honor him as well.

They saw extraordinary bravery what then-Staff Sergeant Plumlee did. And they understood the worst outcome he prevented from taking place. They understood what would have happened had he not done what he did.

Now Master Sergeant Plumlee has this recognition. It has been too long in coming, delayed for you and your family as well. And no one, no one will ever forget how you sprang into action when our -- when the enemy attacked our base.

I'm grateful for your continued service and dedication to the country. And that goes for your wife, Terrie, and your children, Lillian (ph) and Lincoln (ph), as well, because it's not just the person who wears the uniform who serves. It's the whole family who serves, the sleepless nights, the missed holidays, the empty chairs, the celebrations, the way you give back to your community.

The English poet John Milton once wrote, they also serve who only stand and wait. They also serve who only stand and wait.

While, today, we honor three outstanding soldiers whose actions embodied the highest ideals of selfless service, we also remember the high price our military members and their families are willing to pay on behalf of our nation. We remember the strength and the sacrifices of these military families, caregivers and survivors.

And we remember and renew our sacred obligation to those who serve this nation in uniform. As a nation, we have many obligations, to our children, to the elderly, those in need. But we have only truly sacred obligation, sacred obligation. And that's to properly prepare and equip those troops we send into harm's way, care for them and their families, both while they're deployed and when they return.

That commitment never expires. And, as commander in chief, I promise it's a commitment that we will keep.

So, God bless you all. And may God protect the troops who are out there right now.

Now it's my great honor to ask for the citations to be read and award the Medal of Honor to Sergeant 1st Class Alwyn Cashe, Sergeant 1st Class Christopher Celiz, and Master Sergeant Earl Plumlee.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Will the Cashe family please join the president on stage?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Attention to orders.

The president of the United States of America, authorized by act of Congress, March 3,1863, has posthumously awarded in the name of Congress the Medal of Honor to Sergeant 1st Class Alwyn C. Cashe, United States Army, for conspicuous gallantry at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty.

Sergeant 1st Class Alwyn C. Cashe distinguished himself by acts of gallantry above and beyond the call of duty while serving as platoon sergeant with Company A, 1st Battalion, 15th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division, in Salah Ad Din Province, Iraq, on October 17,2005.

While on a nighttime mounted patrol near an enemy-laden village, the Bradley Fighting Vehicle which Sergeant 1st Class Cashe was commanding was attacked by enemy small-arms fire and an improvised explosive device, which disabled the vehicle and engulfed it in flames. After extracting himself from the vehicle, Sergeant 1st Class Cashe

set about extracting the driver, who was trapped in the vehicle. After opening the driver's hatch, Sergeant 1st Class Cashe and a fellow soldier extracted the driver, who was engulfed in the flames.

During the course of extinguishing the flames on the driver and extracting him from the vehicle, Sergeant 1st Class Cashe's fuel soaked his uniform, igniting and causing severe burns to his body.


Ignoring his painful wounds, Sergeant 1st Class Cashe then moved to the rear of the vehicle to continue in aiding his fellow soldiers, who were trapped in the troop compartment. At this time, the enemy noted his movements and began to direct their fire on his position.

When another element of the company engaged the enemy, Sergeant 1st Class Cashe seized the opportunity in moving the open troop door and aided four of his soldiers in escaping the burning vehicle.

Having extracted the four soldiers, Sergeant 1st Class Cashe noticed two other soldiers had not been accounted for. And, again, he entered the building to retrieve them. At this time, reinforcements arrived to further suppress the enemy and established a casualty collection point.

Despite the severe second- and third-degree burns covering the majority of his body, Sergeant 1st Class Cashe persevered through the pain to encourage his fellow soldiers and ensure they received needed medical care.

When medical evacuation helicopters began to arrive, Sergeant 1st Class Cashe selflessly refused evacuation until all of the other wounded soldiers were evacuated first. Sergeant 1st Class Cashe's extraordinary heroism and selfishness above and beyond the call of duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit and the United States Army.

Signed Joseph R. Biden, the president of the United States.

Well the Celiz family please accompany the president?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Attention to orders.

The president of the United States of America, authorized by act of Congress March 3,1863, has posthumously awarded in the name of Congress the Medal of Honor to Sergeant 1st Class Christopher A. Celiz, United States Army, for conspicuous gallantry at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty.

Sergeant 1st Class Christopher A. Celiz distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry above and beyond the call of duty while engaged with the enemy in Paktia Province, Afghanistan, on July 12,2018. As a leader of special purpose unit comprised a partner forces and members of the 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, Sergeant 1st Class Celiz led an operation to clear the area of enemy forces and thereby disrupt future attacks against the government of Afghanistan and allied forces.

Shortly after his team reached their final objectives, a large enemy force attacked, placed effective fire on him and his team, preventing them from maneuvering to counterattack. Realizing the danger the attack posed to his team and the operation, Sergeant 1st Class Celiz voluntarily exposed himself to intense enemy machine gun and small- arms fire to retrieve and deploy a heavy weapon system, thereby allowing U.S. and partner forces to regain the initiative, maneuver to a secure location and begin treatment of a critically wounded partner force member.

As a medical evacuation helicopter arrived, it was immediately engaged by accurate and sustained enemy fire. Knowing how critical it was to quickly load the casualty, Sergeant 1st Class Celiz willingly exposed himself to heavy enemy fire to direct and lead the evacuation.

As the casualty moved from a position of cover and out into intense enemy fire, Sergeant 1st Class Celiz made a conscious effort to ensure his body act as a physical shield to his team carrying the casualty and the crew of the aircraft.

As the casualty was loaded and Sergeant 1st Class Celiz's team returned to cover, he alone remained at the aircraft, returning a high volume of fire and constantly repositioning himself to act as a physical shield to the aircraft and its crew.

With his final repositioning, Sergeant 1st Class Celiz placed himself directly between the cockpit and the enemy, ensuring the aircraft was able to depart. As the helicopter lifted off, Sergeant 1st Class Celiz was hit by enemy fire.

Fully aware of his own injury, but understanding the peril to the aircraft from the intense enemy machine gunfire, Sergeant 1st Class Celiz motioned to the aircraft to depart, rather than to remain behind to load in.

His selfless actions saved the life of the evacuated partner force member and almost certainly prevented further casualties among other members of his team and the air crew. Throughout the entire engagement, Sergeant 1st Class Celiz significantly changed the course of battle by repeatedly placing himself in extreme danger to protect his team, defeat the enemy, and it ultimately cost him his life.

Sergeant 1st Class Celiz's extraordinary heroism and selfless above and beyond the call of duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit and the United States Army.

Signed Joseph Biden, the president of the United States.