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Israel To Give Fourth Vaccine Dose; Next Steps For Stalled "Build Back Better;" CDC: COVID Cuts 1.8 Years From U.S. Life Expectancy. Aired 2-3a ET

Aired December 22, 2021 - 02:00:00   ET



ROSEMARY CHURCH, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Hello and welcome to have you is joining us here in the United States and all around the world. Live from CNN headquarters in Atlanta. I'm Rosemary Church. And this is CNN NEWSROOM.

So let's get started. Israel announces new COVID vaccine recommendations amid global Omicron surges. How many doses and who's eligible that's just ahead.

U.S. President Joe Biden is vowing to get something done when it comes to his signature social spending bill. How he and Democrats plan to get it back on track.

Plus, how a group of missionaries in Colombia is trying to help those in need this holiday season.

ANNOUNCER: Live from CNN Center. This is CNN Newsroom with Rosemary Church.

CHURCH: Good to have you with us. Well, as if we needed more evidence of the ravages of the coronavirus pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says COVID helped cut 1.8 years from U.S. life expectancy in 2020. Americans live to an average age of 77 down from 78.8. That is the biggest single year drop in more than 75 years. COVID was the third leading cause of death behind heart disease and cancer.

Meanwhile, U.S. President Joe Biden is laying out his plan to fight surgeon COVID cases in the U.S. due to the Omicron variant. It includes making half a billion free at home test kits available starting next month.

And Israel is now the first country to offer a fourth vaccine dose. Medical workers, people over 60 and those with compromised immune systems will be eligible. And CNN House correspondents positioned around the globe to cover all the latest developments. We begin this hour with Athena Jones in New York and Phil Mattingly at the White House.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I know you're tired. PHIL MATTINGLY, CNN SENIOR WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT (voice over): President Biden's seeking to reassure an exhausted nation is it braces for what may be the largest COVID Wave yet.

BIDEN: This is not March of 2020. 200 million people are fully vaccinated. We're prepared. We know more.

MATTINGLY: But the remarks marked a complex effort to straddle the line between a dire message to the unvaccinated.

BIDEN: if you're unvaccinated. You're in a higher risk very severely ill from COVID-19. Getting hospitalized and even die.

MATTINGLY: And hopeful resolve for those with the vaccine and booster.

BIDEN: you have a high degree of protection against severe illness.

MATTINGLY: As the Omicron variant now makes up a stunning 73 percent of new U.S. COVID cases. Biden urging Americans to get vaccinated and boosted in making a point of thanking former President Donald Trump for doing just that.

BIDEN: Maybe one of the few things he and I agree on.

MATTINGLY: While also lambasted media outlets and personalities that push vaccine conspiracy theories.

BIDEN: You know, these companies and personalities are making money by peddling lies and misinformation that can kill their own customers and their own supporters.

MATTINGLY: As the White House rapidly prepares for the possibility of overwhelmed healthcare workers, mobilizing 1000 troops to deploy to COVID burden hospitals with emergency response teams already on the way to six states. All as the administration's shift to address the growing spike in testing need. Launching federal testing sites in hard-hit states and purchasing 500 million rapid test to be mailed at no cost to those who request them starting in January.

BIDEN: Beginning these test two Americans for free and we'll have Web sites where you can get them delivered to your home.

MATTINGLY: In abrupt shift from an administration that just two weeks ago said this.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why not just make them free and get them out and have them available everywhere?

JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Should we just send one to every American?


PSAKI: Then what -- then what happens if you -- if every American has one test? How much does that cost and then what happens after that?


MATTINGLY: Bt the President rejecting criticism that the administration was unprepared.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is it a failure that you don't have an adequate amount of tests for everyone to be able to get one if they need one right now?

BIDEN: No, it's not because COVID is spreading so rapidly. I don't think anybody anticipated that this was going to be as rapidly spreading as it did.

MATTINGLY: Even as Americans face long lines for testing throughout parts of the country.


MATTINGLY: Biden urging those vaccinated and boosted to maintain their holiday plans.

BIDEN: You know, you've done the right thing because you enjoy the holiday season.

MATTINGLY: And Americans listening, with the TSA reporting more than two million daily travelers for a fifth consecutive day. Underscoring the challenge at hand for a White House attempting to assuage the most serious concerns for the vaccinated and boosted while also delivering dark warnings to the tens of millions who have chosen not to get the shot.

ANTHONY FAUCI, CHIEF MEDICAL ADVISOR TO THE PRESIDENT OF UNITED STATES: Hospitals are full of people who made that mistake. And so are graveyards full of people that have made that mistake.

MATTINGLY (on camera): And President Biden was candid. Those who are vaccinated and boosted still very much could return positive tests. That's just the reality of the Omicron variant and it's throughout the country. And even here in the White House. The President acknowledged and he would know, White House officials acknowledging the President had close contact with a staffer that ended up testing positive for COVID.

Now the staffer tested positive on Monday, after that positive test, the President was tested, he tested negative on a PCR test. On Monday had already tested negative and an antigen test on Friday. He expected to be tested again on Wednesday. So far not showing any symptoms still considered negative. But obviously taking all precautions necessary, according to the CDC. Phil Mattingly, CNN, the White House.

FAUCI: We've really not seen anything like this before.

ATHENA JONES, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: hospitalizations are up 35 percent over a month ago. The U.S. now averages nearly 140,000 new COVID cases a day. And more than 1200 people are dying each day on average. And even as early indications suggest Omicron may cause milder illness than the Delta variant. The sheer number of COVID cases could overwhelm already stretched hospitals.

DR. MICHAEL OSTERHOLM, DIRECTOR OF THE CENTER FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASE RESEARCH AND POLICY, THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA: One of the things that we're very concerned about is in health care systems are already overstretched. Literally breaking now imagine taking 20 or 30 percent of the healthcare workers out because they now too are infected.

JONES: Doctos stressing people who have not been vaccinated are most at risk for the vaccinated getting boosted reduces your risk further. While just over 61 percent of the country is fully vaccinated less than 20 percent has gotten a booster shot. Even as a New England Journal of Medicine study says people vaccinated more than six months ago, were more than three times more likely to have a breakthrough case of COVID than those inoculated more recently.

In New York, where more than 70 percent are fully vaccinated, only about 40 percent of those eligible have received a booster. There is one potentially positive sign.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have right now about 460 patients in our hospitals. That's less than 10 percent of our overall capacity.

JONES: While the Empire State is setting daily records for new COVID infections. It is not yet seeing a corresponding increase in hospitalizations.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This time last year during the second wave. We had almost 1000 cases this time last year. And compared to where we were back in the first wave we had 3500 patients in our hospitals.


JONES (on camera): And here in New York City a big focus on boosters. Mayor Bill de Blasio announcing a $100 incentive for any city resident who gets a COVID-19 booster dose at a city-run vaccination site. This booster bonus program is in effect now through the end of the month.

Athena Jones, CNN, New York.

CHURCH: And as countries around the world race to administer third doses of COVID vaccines. Israel is now first to announce plans for a fourth. The move to add an additional shot comes as the country braces for another wave of coronavirus infections. And for more on this, we want to bring in journalist Elliott Gotkine in Jerusalem. Good to see you, Elliot. So why has Israel decided this is the time to move forward with a fourth COVID shot despite other experts suggesting it may be premature?

ELLIOTT GOTKINE, JOURNALIST: Rosemary, I think Israel just doesn't want to take any chances. And I think that when Israel started the third booster shots and one of the first in the world to do so back in what July, August. This was also before many other countries had said that it was necessary and many were saying that it actually wasn't necessary. So what's happening now is that Israel's panel of coronavirus experts has recommended this fourth dose for over 60s, medical workers and people with suppressed immune systems. It needs to be signed off by lawmakers. But I think that's going to be a foregone conclusion. And this is really just part of a battery of measures that Israel is taking in a bit to stem the spread of the Omicron variant. In addition to that we saw of course in the last -- just yesterday, the U.S., Canada and other countries being added to Israel's red no fly list so Israelis can't fly there anymore without special permission.

And also obviously when they come back they'll have to go into seven days of quarantine. That's one way to kind of cut off the main source of the Omicron variant because most of the country's cases came from people traveling back into Israel. On top of that they're extending the use of the so-called green pass to prove vaccination or recovery from COVID.


GOTKINE: So, there'll be further limits on where people without a green pass that they're extending the use of the so called green pass to prove vaccination or recovery from COVID. So there'll be further limits on where people without a green pass can go. And they're also getting half of public sector workers to work from home from Sunday and encouraging the private sector to do so as well.

So I think Israel accepts that this fifth wave is here, it's going to get worse, cases will spike higher, but it's doing everything that it can to slow the spread of the Omicron variant, and its fifth COVID wave. Rosemary?

CHURCH: All right. Elliott Gotkine joining us live from Jerusalem. Many thanks.

So let's talk more about this with Dr. Jorge Rodriguez. He is a board certified internal medicine specialist, and a viral researcher. He joins me now from Los Angeles. Thank you, Doctor for all that you do, and for talking with us.


CHURCH: Wonderful. So we are seeing very long lines of people in New York and elsewhere, waiting in the cold for hours to get a COVID test so they can spend holidays or holidays with vulnerable family members. And in response, President Biden says he will send Americans COVID testing kits and ramp up testing sites. But of course, none of this is going to happen in the next few days.

So what should people do if they can't get tested in time? What's your best advice for the holidays?

RODRIGUEZ: Well, my best advice is hopefully they have already been vaccinated, that trumps everything, and I don't necessarily want to use that word. But, you know, if you're not vaccinated and you don't have any symptoms then, you know, it might be safe. But the truth is, are many asymptomatic cases. So, I would just try to tough out those lines, if possible, so that you can reassure yourself and those that you love especially if there are elderly people in your family, that you are as safe as possible.

CHURCH: And Doctor, Israel is now recommending a fourth vaccine dose for people 60 years and older as well as medical workers making it of course, the first country to offer a fourth shot. Is this what needs to happen elsewhere for that vulnerable age group and health workers?

RODRIGUEZ: Well, I think they might be jumping the gun a little bit, even though Israel has led the way in many of the things that we are currently doing. I don't think there's any conclusive information right now that says that an immune response when you do what I'm calling a complete vaccination, not just a booster, because I think now complete vaccinations are three vaccines of an mRNA type of vaccine.

So we don't really know how long that is going to last. So, I know they're being really being offered awfully cautious. But I think they may be jumping the gun a little bit. And people that are triple vaccinated, I think should be very comfortable that they are protected against serious illness.

CHURCH: So, Doctor, I do have to ask what's going to happen to the unvaccinated who haven't even received one shot, if most of the population ends up having a third, perhaps later on even a fourth shot?

RODRIGUEZ: Well, what is bound to happen to them eventually, physically, is that they are more likely than anyone to come down with COVID. And I don't know how many times we can say that and how many times we can hammer that point home. Eventually, they are kind of causing themselves to get sick, at best getting sick. So that that's what's going to happen. The virus will land on the people that have not been vaccinated.

CHURCH: Yes. And in the U.S., it's that recalcitrant to 30 oercent or so. So, as you say, we can keep telling people that this is a good idea, but they're digging their heels in. So we all are learning as we go along, of course, including doctors and scientists. And now Dr. Anthony Fauci says they are considering shortening that isolation and quarantine period. What is the science behind that? And is it a good idea, particularly for those those of us with three shots of the vaccine?

RODRIGUEZ: Well, I think that once we know definitively, when someone who is infected is contagious, then we can narrow it down that window. And there's a lot of evidence there is evidence that says that probably the window of infectivity is sometimes -- somewhere between four to five days after you contract and start having symptoms. So to be very cautious they've always said 10 days since the initial initiation of symptoms and 24 hours without a fever.

But now that we know more, that may be judiciously shortened because after all, you want people to be able to be with others. You want people to be able to go to work. So we just need all the data to be solidified.

CHURCH: Yes. We still haven't got enough of that data for anything really have we? And of course, the FDA could soon authorize the use of the Pfizer COVID pill as an early treatment but even if this happens soon, supplies of that pill are very low at this time.


CHURCH: So how much hope do you have for these pills turning the pandemic around in conjunction, of course, with the vaccines?

RODRIGUEZ: Well, I don't have hope that they are going to turn the pandemic around. The only thing that will turn the pandemic around, are people getting the resolve to realize that they are the ones that control the destiny of this pandemic. And we do that by using the tools we have at hand to prevent the spread, which is vaccination and distancing. Those pills are for people that have already acquired the disease so that they do not evolve into something very serious.

Eventually, it may become like some of the flu pills that you can take within 24 to 48 hours of acquiring it. And then it will minimize the symptoms. All of these together. They're all sort of arrows in our quiver, if you will, that will help us fight the vaccine. But the only thing that will end this pandemic is international resolve to start vaccinating everyone in the world, which seems like a huge task almost simultaneously.

CHURCH: We have the tools, we just have to use them. Dr. Jorge Rodriguez, thank you so much for joining us and a very Merry Christmas to you.

RODRIGUEZ: Likewise, Merry Christmas.

CHURCH: Thank you. And still to come. Widespread COVID outbreaks are rippling through professional sports, forcing leagues to scramble to save their seasons. And Democrats are trying to get President Biden's derail domestic agenda back on track. But first they have to overcome some deep divisions within their own party. We'll explain on the other side of the break. Stay with us.



CHURCH: Well, U.S. President Joe Biden will be focused on the nation's supply chain in the coming hours. He will meet with administration officials and CEOs for an update on where things stand right now. And the efforts to keep goods moving and shelves stocked. Well, supply chain problems are just one of the big issues plaguing the U.S. President. Democrats are also struggling to pass a critical piece of his domestic agenda.

A sweeping climate and economic bill. Joe Biden stressed its importance to reporters on Tuesday, after laying out his plan for fighting the coronavirus pandemic.


BIDEN: You saw what happened yesterday. All the talk about how my Build Back Better plan was going to increase inflation and a cause these debts and all like. What happened? Goldman Sachs and others said if we don't pass Build Back Better, we're in trouble because it's going to grow the economy. Without it, we're not going to grow.


CHURCH: And one Democratic Senator, Joe Manchin is standing in the way of the Build Back Better act, but President Biden insists they will get something done. CNN's Manu Raju has the latest.

MANU RAJU, CNN CHIEF CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Democrats had a private conference call on Tuesday night trying to figure out if they can get this agenda back on track after Joe Manchin effectively derailed it on Sunday. Now, it's unclear if they can do just that, because there is absolutely no consensus on how to move ahead because particularly because Manchin reiterated his concerns to his colleagues I'm told.

He also said he had concerns about inflation and geopolitical concerns. He said this bill does not actually show the true nature of this costs. He said it would add to the debt. Now Democrats push back, there was some belief that Joe Manchin was not accurately portraying how this bill would be paid for. But there was a discussion by matching that he'd be willing to continue to discuss things going forward.

So does that lead to a smaller plan, a scale bank proposal? Is that something that even liberals in the House or even the Senate could accept? And could they get it all done? And to Joe Biden's desk in a matter of weeks or even months, that remains a big question, because midterm election season is heating up, and Democrats are on the defensive trying to keep the House, are struggling to keep the Senate as well.

And there are concerns that Democrats may go to the voters. Promising a lot but delivering nothing on this big agenda. Even as they point to the infrastructure bill, social safety net expansion had been hoped. There have been hoped from liberals and activists and their voters that they would do something but they may not be able to get it because of deep divisions between Joe Manchin and the rest of his party. Manuy Raju, CNN, Capitol Hill.

CHURCH: I want to bring in political analyst Michael Genovese. He is the president of the Global Policy Institute at Loyola Marymount. And he joins me now from Los Angeles. Great to have you with us.

MICHAEL GENOVESE, PRESIDENT OF THE GLOBAL POLICY INSTITUTE, LOYOLA MARYMOUNT: Thank you. So overall, how do you think President Biden's address to the nation on the COVID pandemic and of course, the Omicron threat win? Did he hit all the points needed or did he fall short do you think?

GENOVESE: Well, he had to walk a tightrope between optimism and pessimism. And so he had to give two really different speeches to two different audiences. On the one hand, one speech was to the vaccinated where he said it's a cautionary tale. It was a warning, but it was also a kind of reassurance that we'll be OK, we'll get out of it. Then he was also speaking to the unvaccinated which was the horror story of his speech.

A dark winter is upon us and things are going to go from bad to worse. You know, it's been the unvaccinated that have caused so many of the problems and as I tell my students all the time, you know, you can't fix stupid. If people aren't going to help themselves, there's very little you can do. And that's where Biden is really going to have a problem. He's got to get more and more people both vaccinated and then tested.

CHURCH: Right. Of course, that's difficult for those who are absolutely outright refusing. So President Biden said the lack of testing available to meet the current demand was not a failure on his part, but was this all too reactive and too little too late coming just days before Christmas?

GENOVESE: Well, you know, It's hard to anticipate every possible thing that could go wrong. You try to get as much of it right as you can and as long as you're making that effort it tended to get through the crisis pretty well.


GENOVESE: Yes, we have a lot of tests out there, but not enough. And that's because the Omicron is so contagious, much more than than anything we face before. And so that was the surprise problem. We weren't quite ready for it. But they're really focusing on that right now.

CHURCH: And President Biden has a full plate right now, of course, tackling this surge in cases in the midst of this Omicron variant, while he's trying to recover from Senator Joe Manchin's rejection of his Build Back Better plan and also dealing with high inflation triggered by the pandemic. And of course, all of this, giving him very low approval ratings. Is he up to the task do you think?

GENOVESE: Well, that's the new question that people are asking. I mean, in effect, up through the last few weeks, President Biden has lost control of the narrative, the story in people's head, the original narrative was hope. Back to normal, we're going to be OK. The new narrative and you'd mentioned it a bit is, is he up to the task? Is he up to the job? Afghanistan? Well, that went poorly, inflation's back. COVID is resurging. Can't get things through Congress.

The irony, of course, is that by most objective standards, most things have gone better and gone well. But much improved overall, but people are focusing on those negative things. And he hasn't really been able to keep people in the -- in the camp that says we're optimistic. We think it'll be OK. The irony, again, is that no perceptions, the things are getting worse, outweigh reality.

And so COVID fatigue is probably the biggest cause of that. Once we get over that I think he'll be much better off and we'll all be better off. CHURCH: Yes. I mean, he just hasn't had many wins, has he? And of course now, we mentioned the Build Back Better plan. It appears at this point that Joe Manchin has said that he will continue talking now. He seems to have come round to a certain extent. But where do you see this going? Will they have to pass this in small pieces for small wins? Or can this bill be done in one piece?

GENOVESE: Yes, yes. I think there are two routes to success. And I think some of the talking heads have been a little melodramatic. The sky is falling. The sky is not falling. There are two good routes for Biden for the next few weeks. One is to take the Manchin proposal that he gave to President Biden a few weeks ago, which is kind of Build Back Better life. Maybe that's what they'll have to settle for.

Half a loaf rather than a whole loaf. Biden's a deal maker, he could do that. The other way to do and you mentioned it is to break up the bill into smaller pieces and maybe get five things passed and three things not. But either route is possible. I think this the smart money should go with taking mansions Build Back Better light and see if you can get that through.

CHURCH: All right. Michael Genovese will watch to see what happens in the coming days and weeks. Appreciate your analysis.

GENOVESE: Thank you and happy holidays to all the CNN family.

CHURCH: Thank you so much and the same to you. Happy Holidays.

Well, time for a short break. Just head, the World Health Organization is warning a storm is coming as Omicron invades Europe. We're live in Rome.



CHURCH: Welcome back to CNN Newsroom live from headquarters here in Atlanta. I'm Rosemary Church.

The Australian State of New South Wales is reporting record COVID infections for the second day in a row. More than 3,700 cases have been recorded from Tuesday. France has also breaking its record for daily infections. The government blames the Omicron variant for Monday's case count of nearly 73,000.

Meanwhile, the U.K. cutting the required isolation period for most COVID cases in England from 10 days, along with two negative lateral flow tests 24 hours apart.

So, let's go live to Rome. And CNN contributor, Barbie Nadeau.

Good to see you, Barbie.

So, across Europe, holiday events are being canceled. Lockdowns are back for some. What is the latest on restrictions and efforts to contain this new Omicron threat? BARBIE NADEAU, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: Well, it's different all across Europe. You know, you've got German Health Ministry saying that they are not ruling out hard lockdowns, you've got new restrictions in Portugal, where they're, as of December 26th, closing bars and restaurants.

Here in Italy, as of tomorrow, everyone has to wear a face mask not just indoors but outdoors as well. And this is all just to try to contain the spread. And, you know, you have to consider in this -- Europe, as a whole, is not just dealing with Omicron, they are still dealing with the Delta variant here. Rosemary.

CHURCH: And, of course, as we know, the W.H.O. is warning that a storm is coming as Omicron invades Europe. What is the latest on that and, of course, this threat posed by the new variant?

NADEAU: Well, it is very troubling. And you've got -- every country in Europe seems to be deal with it differently. You've got Denmark, for example, who -- they're sequencing every single positive test. So, they know exactly how many Omicron cases there, the variant is -- the main variant of that coronavirus, right now. Then you have countries like Italy, which the Omicron cases seem to be very low because they're not sequencing every single result.

And so, until everyone across Europe is really testing the positive results the same way, we don't really know what is ahead. You know, hospitalizations growing up, deaths are growing up, more people are in intensive care. So, you have this result as these case numbers rise. But they really don't know exactly what -- they know what's coming but they don't know exactly where we are right now. Yes. Rosemary.

CHURCH: Definitely still so much more to learn about Omicron. And fascinating to see how all of the different countries are dealing with this threat. Barbie Nadeau joining, us live from Rome, many thanks.

Well, the pandemic has devastated Colombia's economy, many have lost their jobs, and inflation is a big concern as prices for basic supplies have surged. Stefano Pozzebon is in Bogota with a look at the crisis.



STEFANO POZZEBON, CNN JOURNALIST (voiceover): With about a week until Christmas in one of Bogota's poorest neighborhoods, a group of missionaries is handing out meals to the homeless and everyone who needs it.

The numbers they serve have growing steadily since the pandemic hit. Before COVID, most of the people they would attend were drug addicts. But things have changed.

CAMILO DEVIA, FUNDACION AMIGOS MISION COLOMBIA: Right now, there are more. Not -- there is (INAUDIBLE) between the people that are addicted to drugs here and the people who lost everything. There are too many people here.

POZZEBON (voiceover): Millions, in Colombia lost their job as a result of COVID-19. While the country is recovering, more than 40 percent of the population live in poverty. Among them are people like Edwin who used to work as a mechanic and now lives on the street. More than a health emergency, COVID has taken jobs away, he says.

POZZEBON (on camera): The pandemic had a devastating impact for informal workers in particular who did not have a social safety net to rely on when the lockdowns were imposed.

POZZEBON (voiceover): Distressingly, just as more people found themselves in need, prices have shot up across the board, from gasoline to food supplies.

POZZEBON (on camera): The price of meat increased almost 30 percent in 2021 in Colombia and that is just the tip of the iceberg. Poultry is up more than 20 percent. Fresh fruits and vegetables, everything that you want for a good Christmas meal is more expensive.

POZZEBON (voiceover): As a result, while these will likely not be a lockdown Christmas, the economic outlook is bleak. Colombia's situation is far from unique. Inflation hitting the whole region hard. In South America, 2021 has been a year of rising prices and waning meals.

According to UNICEF, 50 percent of Argentinian children under the age of six eat less than before COVID hit. While in Brazil, 90 million people are going hungry according to an independent survey.

SANRDA CHAVES, PROFESSOR, UFBA SCHOOL OF NUTRITION (through translator): We have never been in a situation as serious as it is now.

POZZEBON (voiceover): Tapping into international capital markets is not an option for most South American governments making it hard to finance this sort of large public support project common in the U.S. and Europe. As a result, the immediate future looks just as dreary.

The organization of Economic Cooperation and Development expects it takes at least two years to return to pre-COVID levels of wealth in Latin America. The food charity in Bogota has finished their deliveries for today. But the job is far from over. Tomorrow, somebody else will be hungry and wanting comfort.

Stefano Pozzebon, CNN, Bogota.


CHURCH: And COVID has hit some of Rio de Janeiro's poorest neighborhoods, particularly hard. But, this Christmas, dozens of children are getting a special delivery of holiday joy.

There he is. Santa Claus, known as Papa Noel in Brazil handed out presents to more than 100 kids in the favela vela known as City of God on Monday. They received toys clothing and food after a local woman posted pictures of some of the children in need on social media asking for donations.

And, still to come, China's rise on the world stage. A century the Chinese communist party. And Xi Jinping on the verge of extending his reign.



CHURCH: Welcome back, everyone. Well, in 2021, the Chinese president gained power and stature. And some now put Xi Jinping on par with a paramount leader, Mao Zedong. Under President Xi, China is growing strong and wealthy, but also moving farther away from the ideologies of western democracies. CNN's David Culver has the story.


DAVID CULVER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Walking the streets of China's capital, it is hard to see who is in charge. There are pictures of President Xi Jinping all over. This poster addressing the firefighting community.

At the center of life here is the Chinese communist party. But at the center of the party, is this man, Xi Jinping.

CULVER (voiceover): 2021 saw major steps to further consolidate power. In an early November meeting of China's ruling elites, the 400 or so top party officials passed an almost unprecedented resolution, highlighting the role of its current leader and Chinese president, Xi Jinping, on the nation's triumphant rise of the global stage.

VICTOR SHIH, PROFESSOR, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO: He wants to really highlight his own contribution to the development of the party. That also will seal hi legitimate rule over China in the foreseeable future. And, of course, no one would challenge his power within the party.

CULVER (on camera): Inside national museums, like this one, President Xi Jinping has elevated themselves to be on par with the pass paramount leaders like Deng Xiaoping and even the most famous, Mao Zedong.

CULVER (voiceover): China has already become the second largest economy in the world, on track to surpass the U.S. It has successfully lifted millions of its people out of poverty.

CULVER (on camera): Walking in the morning rush hour here in the Chinese capital, you feel the rush of energy. A lot of activity. Sometimes it feels like everyone in this country is on this constant drive for more ambition and more success. It's only amplified by a population of more than 1.4 billion people.

CULVER (voiceover): And incredible buying power bolstered by new technologies, making it quicker, and easier to spend money. Not to mention, track people. CULVER (on camera): Just to get into some of these stores and restaurants, you have to first take your temperature. It shows that you're OK. And, then you got to scan your health code. It then says, we're good to go. One thing that is incredibly convenient about China is you really don't even need to be carrying your wallet, places, everything is on your phone. Including your payment and ID.

CULVER (voiceover): 2021 marked 100 years since the party's founding in Shanghai. It's a triumphant rise that the leadership proudly displays at so-called communist party pilgrimage sites, historically revered spots that downplay or ignore failures and controversies. From the tumultuous cultural revolution to the Tiananmen Square Massacre, instead, they focus on a century of successes.


And China is now making other countries, including the U.S., increasingly uneasy with its rapid military expansions.

CULVER (on camera): With all the power of that President Xi has amassed coupled with an increased military might, many believe that his ultimate goal is to reunify with Taiwan. He has not even ruled out taking the island by force, if necessary.

CULVER (voiceover): China has been putting military pressure on the self-ruling democracy. Xi, stressing in a recent virtual meeting with U.S. president, Joe Biden, that on Taiwan, the U.S. is playing with fire. Biden trying to calm the rapidly rising tensions.

JOE BIDEN, U.S PRESIDENT: Our responsibility as leaders of China and the United States is to ensure that the competition between our countries, those now veered (ph) into conflict, whether intended or unintended. Just simple straightforward competition.

CULVER (voiceover): That's easier said than done. A deep-rooted geopolitical battle is lingering into the New Year, citing widespread allegations of human rights abuses against China's Uyghur population.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What can a country does this to people? To innocent people?

CULVER (voiceover): The U.S. announced a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The Biden administration will not send any diplomatic or official representation to the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

CULVER (voiceover): With allies following. Calls for boycotting the games fueled in part by the case of Chinese tennis star, Peng Shuai, the three-time Olympian who briefly disappeared in November after jshe accused a top communist party official of forcing her into sex. The Women's Tennis Association suspended tournaments in China, calling for Peng to be able to speak freely and openly. But for now, it won't halt the Winter Games. These, the first Olympics to be held under President Xi. 2022, setting the stage for Xi to rule for an unpresented third term and likely beyond.

David Culver, CNN, Shanghai.


CHURCH: And one of China's most popular influencer has been busted for tax evasion and hit with a $210 million fine. The largest ever penalty imposed on a livestream, according to Chinese state media. Huang Wei, known as the live streaming queen was also kicked off social media. Before her Weibo account was taken down, Huang posted she was deeply guilty. She allegedly evaded over $100 million in taxes by falsely reporting her commission income. Huang help talk goods worth billions of yuan. And it's not clear if or when she'll be back online.

Well, still ahead, another potential blow for the Beijing Winter Olympics. Why many of the world's premier hockey players may skip the February games.

Plus, how Jennifer King just made NFL history and continues to break down barriers in the coaching world. Back in just a moment.



CHURCH: You are going to love the story. Scientists in Germany say they have found a way to make indoor air, enclosed rooms, virus free. They have developed a prototype the produces floor to ceiling UV light that deactivates 99 percent of all viruses. A safety switch turns the system off when people get near it or walk through it. Then it immediately turns back on. The developers say the so-called Light Wall could increase safety in the workplace and allow people to stop wearing masks. That would be a breakthrough, wouldn't it?

Well, players from the National Hockey League are not expected to compete at the Beijing Winter Olympics due to COVID concerns, that's according to multiple reports and would be another major blow to the games now just six weeks away. Now, nothing is officially yet, and the NHL and its Player Association have been discussing the matter. Most major American sports leagues, including the NHL are seeing more players and team staff testing positive each day. As CNN's Brian Todd reports, the coronavirus is proving to be the toughest opponent yet.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's the Raiders and the Browns.

BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Tonight, the world's most popular sports leagues are flailing, struggling to figure out when they can hold contests and if their schedules can even survive the winter and the Omicron outbreak.

BARRY SVRLUGA, SPORTS COLUMNIST, THE WASHINGTON POST: It is moving fast. It's moving fast in the world and it's moving past in sports. And while there is a bit of a playbook now for how the leagues have dealt with it different then in March of 2020, Omicron is proving to move through these lockers and these teams at a much higher rate of speed.

TODD (voiceover): The National Hockey League has just paused its entire schedule for just a few days until just after Christmas after COVID outbreaks affected several teams. But after Christmas, one NFL reporter says, it's anyone's guess.

ELLIOTTE FRIEDMAN, NHL REPORTER, SPORTSNET: There's no guarantee they're going to be able to play or resume their full schedule next week. So, I think what they're doing is just calling a brief time out, giving the players the time and the staff the time that they normally get, and we'll see where we are on boxing day.

TODD (voiceover): The NHL had already started to play some games in Canada with no fans in the stands, like the Canadians and flyers did last week at Montreal's Bell Center. At least three NFL games over the past week had to be postponed after dozens of players tested positive, and many players had to be placed on COVID protocols as a precaution.

The NFL has also adopted a controversial new testing policy. Previously, the league required weekly testing of its players. But now, the NFL is only testing unvaccinated players, coaches and staff. And vaccinated ones only if they show symptoms of COVID.

DR. CARLOS DEL RIO, EXECUTIVE ASSOCIATE DEAN, EMORY UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE: I think today with Omicron, I would test everybody in a regular basis. If I had the capabilities, I would test everybody literally three times a week.

TODD (voiceover): Sports analysts say the NFL is determined for the show to go on and keep as many players as it can available for games. One problem with that say could be the mentality of the average NFL player.


FRIEDMAN: Football players are known for toughing things out. They tough through sprained ankles or pulled muscles. Are they going to voluntary come forward to their team doctors and say, look, I'm vaxxed. I'm boosted. But I am feeling some symptoms? I'm not sure that's 100 percent the case.

TODD (voiceover): Well, the NBA has also postponed some games.

ADAM SILVER, NBC COMMISSIONER: No plans right now to pause this season. We have, of course, looked at all the options. But frankly, we are having trouble coming up with what the logic would be behind pausing right now.

TODD (voiceover): But one medical expert says it could reach a point where Omicron may not give these leagues much of a choice.

DR. DEL RIO: What we need to do is try to limit transmission as much as possible. And I think it may be necessary to do what you're talking about, you know, holding -- you know, canceling events such as sports events and other things like that.

TODD (on camera): Sports columnist, Barry Svrluga, says one scenario we could see is indoor leagues like the NBA in the NHL playing games again in bubbles. Maybe not quite the extensive bubble that the NBA set up in Orlando in 2020, but clusters of teams and smaller pockets playing in different cities, as these leagues try to ride out the Omicron variant without completely shutting down.

Brian Todd, CNN, Washington.


CHURCH: And Jennifer King has made NFL history. She stepped in as Washington's running back coach on Tuesday, making her the first woman of color to be a lead position coach in an NFL game. And she filled in for Coach Randy Jordan who was sidelined due to COVID-19 protocols. King has served as a team's assistant running back's coach for the past year. Well done.

And thank you so much for joining us. I'm Rosemary Church. I will be back at the top of the hour with more global news. Do stay with us.



Americans' life expectancy fell 1.8 years to 77 years in 2020.>