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Some European Nations Ease COVID-19 Rules; Kremlin Plotting to Install Puppet Leader in Ukraine; U.S. Military Drawing Up Options in Case of Russian Invasion of Ukraine; U.K. Partygate Report Anticipated Soon; Southeast Asian Countries Grapple with Omicron; North Korea Ramps Up Missile Testing; Millions under Hard Freeze in Southern U.S.; Adele Calls Fans Left Hanging by Postponed Shows; Former Deejay to Become Jamaica's First Olympic Alpine Skier. Aired 4-5a ET

Aired January 23, 2022 - 04:00   ET




PAULA NEWTON, CNN ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): And a warm welcome to our viewers here in the United States and right around the world, I'm Paula Newton.

Ahead on CNN NEWSROOM, Putin's Ukraine ploy: Britain claims the Kremlin is scheming to install a pro-Russian puppet to lead Ukraine. We're live in Kyiv with the latest.

Plus --


NEWTON (voice-over): Taking to the streets, protesters marching through Paris and elsewhere in Europe against strict vaccine rules.



NEWTON (voice-over): And he was spinning records in a night club just four years ago. Now this alpine skier from, yes, Jamaica, is looking to make history at the Winter Olympics.



NEWTON: So with Russia's military looming over Ukraine from multiple directions now, the British foreign office claims to have information about an alleged plot by the Kremlin to install a puppet leader in Kyiv. The foreign office goes on to name a number of former Ukrainian officials that allegedly are in contact with Russian intelligence.

Now a source tells CNN that U.S. intelligence does, in fact have the same information as the U.K. The Kremlin angrily dismissed the plot accusation as misinformation and demanded the U.K., quote, "stop engaging in provocations." We want to go straight to our CNN chief international correspondent, Clarissa Ward. She is on the ground there in Kyiv for us now.

And you know, Clarissa, we just read the statement, right, from Russia calling this a provocation. And it was difficult really to ascertain what the motive was in releasing this information, whether credible or not.

What purpose could it possibly serve, especially given the Biden administration says diplomacy is still where it's at?

CLARISSA WARD, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes. I think there's a lot of confusion about this -- not that people find the idea implausible the Kremlin would be seeking to use its pawns to try to increase its influence in the Ukrainian political system -- but more a question of, is this intelligence new or old?

And what's the information behind it?

Because there's so little detail given in that statement from the foreign office.

We also saw foreign secretary Liz Truss, she tweeted simply, "We will not tolerate a Kremlin plot to install pro-Russian leadership in Ukraine."

But the question really, Paula, is, even if there was a Kremlin plot to try to install pro-Kremlin leadership here in Ukraine, how would that work?

How would they actually successfully seek to install a pro-Kremlin leadership here?

This is a democratic country with elections.

Would this happen in the context of an invasion?

We simply don't have many answers. But at the same time, as I said before, it's certainly not, you know -- doesn't seem farfetched at all to believe that Russia would be seeking to increase its leverage in the political system here.

We know, of course, as well that the U.S. Treasury sanctioned several individuals just earlier this week, saying that they were involved in pro-Russian efforts at the behest of Russia's security services, to try to destabilize the Ukrainian political system.

And one of the people on those sanctions is also mentioned in this foreign office statement as well. So there does certainly seem to be some agreement between the U.S. and the U.K. about Russian efforts to destabilize Ukraine politically.

NEWTON: Yes. It does follow a certain script, a script that we've seen before. But Clarissa, I want to ask you, you have a lot of experience in the region, been on the ground for a few days.

Do Ukrainians feel that deescalation is just a remote possibility?

Does it feel like a country getting ready for war?

WARD: I would say right now it does not feel like a country getting ready for war. It feels like a country that has lived for eight years now with the ever-present threat of war.

So there's no question that people are concerned, that people are deeply skeptical of whether Russia is entering into these continued diplomatic efforts in a spirit of good faith or whether, as one Ukrainian official put it to CNN, they're potentially using it as a delay tactic while they continue to prepare, sort of a potential military invasion, incursion.


WARD: Nobody quite knows what shape this thing might take. But I would say more broadly that there has been an effort on the part of the Ukrainian leadership to try to calm people down here, to try to play down the threat of Russian military aggression.

That may be in part because, ultimately, Ukraine feels like it's in a weak position here. It's not directly involved at the negotiating table.

It's also, while it's receiving military support from the U.S. and from the U.K., from the Baltic states, it's clear that it would be very difficult for Ukraine to repel a serious and sustained invasion from one of the world's most sophisticated militaries.

So for a number of reasons, I think Ukraine feels itself to be in a vulnerable position and, therefore, is really trying to project sort of an image of calm strength during what can only be described as a very difficult time.

NEWTON: Yes, absolutely, especially for the younger generation there. As you point out, they've been at this for a number of years. To a certain extent, it's all they've known as they have come of age during these years.

Before I let you go, in terms of what's possible here, de-escalation, is there a possibility that strategically something can still be forged between the U.S., NATO and Russia to really come to some kind of an agreement that's meaningful for all sides?

WARD: It's really difficult to see what that agreement could be and what the concession would be, coming from the U.S. side, because Russia has made its demands. The U.S. has really dismissed several of them as non-starters. And Russia has shown no signs of backing down from those demands.

So even though the diplomatic process lives on -- and I do think it's significant that those talks in Geneva did not result in a dead end but in what Blinken called, quote, "a clearer path ahead," that is significant. That should not be downplayed. But what ultimately that clearer path looks like in terms of a

potential resolution is really, I would say, very unclear at this stage. It's hard to imagine how president Vladimir Putin finds an offramp, a way to deescalate where he does not lose face.

Yes, I just can't think what it would be. But the fact that it is not yet a dead end means that there must be some hope from both sides -- or certainly at least from the U.S. side -- that there is the possibility still of some kind of diplomatic solution.

NEWTON: Yes. And still talking they are. Clarissa Ward live in Kyiv, really appreciate it.

Now the revelation of the alleged plot that Clarissa was just talking about, to install a pro-Russian leader in Kyiv, elicited this response from the U.S. National Security Council.

"This kind of plotting is deeply concerning. The Ukrainian people have the sovereign right to determine their own future and we stand with our democratically elected partners in Ukraine."

The unfolding crisis has also spurred rare bipartisan agreement on Capitol Hill. Take a listen.


REP. MICHAEL WALTZ (R-FL): We have seen massive amounts of tanks, planes and ships moving from east to west to the Ukrainian border. It's not just the numbers, it's the types of troops. Many of them are from his reserves and national guard, which are primarily intended for occupation duty. So I do think this invasion is imminent.

SEN. BOB MENENDEZ (D-NJ), CHAIR, FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE: I think we're going to have a pretty good sense of which way this is going to go.

Is it conflict that Putin chooses?

Then if he does, how many body bags does he want to count going back to Russia of Russia's sons?


NEWTON: While the Biden White House is still banking on diplomacy with Moscow, the U.S. military is making alternate plans, just in case that talking doesn't work. Here is Barbara Starr from the Pentagon.


BARBARA STARR, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: The Defense Department now working on a series of military options, detailing what it would do if Russian troops were to cross the border and stage an invasion of Ukraine.

Diplomacy obviously still front and center; sanctions still very much the first thing the U.S. might turn to. But the Pentagon has options for President Biden to consider, to beef up the U.S. presence in Eastern Europe, to reassure allies there, who are so concerned about what Putin might be up to.

Think Romania, Poland, the countries that are nervous right now.

So what's on the table?

The U.S. could move some troops and equipment that are already in Europe. It could also move troops and equipment from the U.S. or outside of Europe on to the continent.


STARR: All of this to give the allies reassurance and a deterrence capability against Russia. The Pentagon always likes to say it plans for everything. And this is one case when it is already doing just that, just in case -- Barbara Starr, CNN, the Pentagon.


NEWTON: COVID cases in some parts of the United States do seem be leveling off. Hospitalizations in the Northeast, see it there, are now down by about 11 percent after reaching a peak about a week ago. Now the Midwest is also seeing a slight drop, about 6 percent. And new hospital admissions are beginning to decline nationwide, a sign total hospitalizations may soon begin going down.

But take a look at this. In North Carolina, Arkansas and West Virginia, both cases and hospitalizations, unfortunately, are headed up.

FDA officials, meantime, are considering limiting the authorization of some monoclonal antibody treatments. Evidence indicates treatments from Eli Lilly and Regeneron don't effectively neutralize the Omicron variant.

Finally, you're looking at live pictures of Capitol building in Washington, D.C. Just in the coming hours here, thousands of anti- vaccine activists will march at the Defeat the Mandates rally.

China recorded some 56 new COVID cases Saturday; 19 were locally transmitted and 37 came from overseas. Now this comes less than two weeks before the start of the all-important Winter Olympic Games.


NEWTON (voice-over): Thousands of protesters, meantime, marched in Paris on Saturday to voice their anger at the vaccine pass, now required by law. Anyone over 16 must now show proof of vaccination in order to access most public venues.



NEWTON (voice-over): And across the Channel in London, some staff members of the U.K. National Health Service demonstrating against the vaccine mandate. They are required to be vaccinated by April 1st and must submit proof, in order to remain employed.


NEWTON: For more on this now I'm joined by journalist Al Goodman, live from Madrid.

Good to see you on all of this, Al. Let's go to Spain, first, still seeing a high number of infections. Despite this, it would like to ease restrictions, maybe even treat COVID the way we would normally have treated the flu in prior years.

How are Spaniards reacting to all this?

AL GOODMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hi, Paula. The Spanish prime minister is in a group of political leaders and medical experts, now talking about a need for a new strategy to not treat the coronavirus as a pandemic with emergency measures all over the world and restrictions but getting to a new phase, where it would be endemic, like the annual flu, the annual flu shot you get.

Now he's saying very pointedly this would not happen immediately but it would be possible when more people are vaccinated.

The Portuguese president also talked about that. For these two countries, Portugal with 90 percent overall vaccination rate, Spain with 90 percent of their 12-year-olds and over vaccinated, it's a little bit easier for them to talk about it.

But the world health experts, World Health Organization experts and some medical experts in Spain as well, are saying, wait, slow down, too quickly on this. The vaccination rates are not high enough in so many other countries and many parts of Africa and other parts of the world that this is an idea worth considering.

But it should not be implemented any time soon. Paula.

NEWTON: Yes. The problem there is that infections continue to rise and there is still the danger of new variants. As Omicron continues to punish Europe and, as we mentioned, the cases are high in places like France as well and countries still continue to want to move forward that easing of restrictions, how does that square, especially with the protests we just saw in Europe?

GOODMAN: Well, the protests are clearly against the vaccine mandates that you're seeing in some places, the vaccine passport like you just mentioned in France.

France is doing some of both, doing more restrictions and also doing some easings. So this vaccine passport for 16-year olds and older to do a lot of things of everyday life goes into effect on Monday. To get into a restaurant or bar you need proof of vaccination, not just a negative test; to get on a long distance train as well.

But at the same time, the French prime minister announcing they're going to in February allow full capacity at stadiums and indoor arenas and cultural events; people may be masked there and encouraging people to go back to their regular physical workplace, not their home.

In Ireland, restrictions eased; bars and restaurants are back to their normal operating hours. They were shut down to 8:00 pm in December due to the spike in cases. Now that's been backed off. The officials there also talking about a phased return to work.

One more example, Austria going for the European Union's first vaccine mandate. Everyone 18 and older, starting in February, will need to be vaccinated. This is aimed at getting the group of people in Austria who have not been vaccinated, get them to be vaccinated.


GOODMAN: Germany next door has looked at this. The German health minister says, good idea. German lawmakers are expected to consider something like this. The new German chancellor is listening to calls for a vaccine mandate there.

So for people in the streets protesting, you're getting some easing, some restrictions. These people who are out there don't like any of this in terms of restrictions. They just want to get back to the pre- pandemic days. Paula.

NEWTON: Quite a collection of policies throughout Europe. Thank you, Al Goodman.

Coming up on CNN NEWSROOM, as much of world eyes an end to the current coronavirus wave, parts of Southeast Asia are still bracing for the worst.

Plus, Britain's prime minister in peril. Boris Johnson is facing the fight of his political life as we await a key report on the so-called Partygate scandal gripping Downing Street.




NEWTON: British prime minister Boris Johnson is fighting for his political life as Downing Street awaits an official report on the so- called Partygate scandal. Now Mr. Johnson has faced growing concerns to resign, amid allegations his staff held a series of parties during strict COVID lockdowns.


NEWTON: Now the government is expected to release the findings of an internal investigation into those claims next week.

Meantime, Johnson is also fending off accusations by some members of his own party that Downing Street tried to intimidate them into staying silent amid the scandal. For more on all this, we're joined by CNN's Nada Bashir.

What can we expect this week, as this inquiry into the parties wraps up?

NADA BASHIR, CNN PRODUCER: Paula, this can certainly prove to be a decisive week for the prime minister, particularly in terms of his role as the leader of the Conservative Party.

As that confidence in him drops, we do expect to have the findings of that internal investigation into the social gatherings and parties reported to have taken place within Downing Street and across other government department buildings during times when the country was either under lockdown or facing strict restrictions on social gatherings.

Now as you can imagine, this has already been difficult for so many members of the public to hear, considering that many were separated from loved ones during these periods.

So to see the government themselves taking part in these parties and gatherings has, of course, led to a major drop in confidence. Boris Johnson himself directly implicated in this scene, in the Downing Street gardens, taking part in a drinks gathering.

He says he wasn't warned in advance that this was a party as such. He thought it was a work meeting. But that has been difficult for many to believe, including his own lawmakers within the Conservative Party.

This internal investigation, not an independent inquiry, led by civil servant Sue Gray, she is looking at the nature of the parties and who attended. She will look at that, not necessarily highlighting whether or not the prime minister was in breach of COVID regulations.

But if any wrongdoing is found in terms of breaching those restrictions and regulations, we can expect to see mounting pressure, not only from the British public but from within his own party. Paula.

NEWTON: Yes. That's the issue, right?

It is his own party who will make the decision for him.

Has he been able to firm up support among Conservative MPs?

BASHIR: Certainly growing tension within the party. We have seen one lawmaker leave the party and go to the opposition Labour Party. We heard from senior politician David Davis from the Conservative Party, openly calling for the prime minister to stand down.

Now on top of all that we're hearing allegations of intimidation within the party. Some lawmakers from within the Conservative Party apparently faced intimidation of threats that they could lose funding for their local constituencies if they didn't back the prime minister.

The MP who is leading these claims, William Ragg, saying that some of these accounts amount to intimidation and blackmail even. So serious allegations there. The prime minister and his government say they don't have evidence for these claims.

But if they are proven true, then, of course, they will take these very seriously. But of course, there is that growing tension there from within the party.

And if these breach of COVID regulations do come to light as a result of this investigation, we expect to see even further pressure coming against the prime minister and his role as the leader of the Conservative Party.

NEWTON: Interviews still ongoing for that inquiry. We'll hopefully learn more in the come days. Nada Bashir, thank you.

A new wave of Omicron outbreaks is putting plans into Jacinda Ardern's wedding plans. The New Zealand prime minister has had to send out cancellation notices. She's been planning to marry her long-time partner sometime soon. But it's not clear what their wedding date actually was. They have one child together.

But as Ardern herself has said, such is life.


JACINDA ARDERN, NEW ZEALAND PRIME MINISTER: My wedding will not be going ahead. But I just joined many other New Zealanders who have had an experience like that as a result of the pandemic.

And to anyone who's caught up in that scenario, I'm so sorry. But we are all so resilient. And I know we understand that we're doing this for one another.


NEWTON: As for the pandemic, the PM says health authorities have reported nine new Omicron cases in a single family household. The country is now on red light. It is its highest response setting.

Now while some parts of the world are showing signs that the latest COVID-19 wave might soon subside, in Southeast Asia, that's simply not the case and the worst might still be yet to come. CNN's Michael Holmes has more now.


MICHAEL HOLMES, CNN ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): In India- controlled Kashmir, health care workers cross rivers and hiking snow covered hills, with soldiers in tow. They are traveling far and wide, door to door, to inoculate villagers who, otherwise, would not have access to vaccinations.


HOLMES (voice-over): As COVID-19 cases rise, fueled by the fast spreading Omicron variant, some experts say it will take weeks to see the severity of the latest wave. But persistent efforts from the health care community is taking some stress off of the locals. UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): The medical team hiked here

amid heavy snow and, today, I received my first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. I'm very happy that they helped us in getting vaccinated.

HOLMES (voice-over): One local governing body, also, employing postal services to deliver COVID medical kits to people's doorsteps. In neighboring Nepal, a shortage of health care workers is hurting the nation. Rising new cases have put health care and frontline workers at risk and hundreds of medical professionals, are out sick, after catching COVID.

DR. LOCHAN KARKI, PRESIDENT, NEPAL MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: More than hundreds of health care workers are getting infected. So once they have to go for isolations, we don't -- we'll not be having -- it'll be the amount of health care workers to take care of the patients.

HOLMES (voice-over): Meanwhile, Pakistan recording its highest ever number of new cases. Big cities, like Karachi, are reporting the bulk of those cases. But even so, some people flouting COVID-19 restrictions.

With the amounting sales of self testing kits are on the rise in India. A leading local producer of home test kits, My Lab Discovery Solutions, is now, ramping up production from 200,000 kits per day to 2 million.

GAUTAM MENON, PROFESSOR, ASHOKA UNIVERSITY: The pace of cases has increased so fast, that you're seeing test positivity in the big cities in India, typically, somewhere between 30 percent and 50 percent, depending upon the city. So it's an obvious implication that they're not counting cases accurately. They're now somewhat far away from understanding the true measure of COVID-19 in India currently -- Michael Holmes, CNN.


NEWTON: OK. Coming up for us, North Korea is ramping up its missile testing and alarm bells are going off in Washington. Details on that ahead.





NEWTON: And a warm welcome back to our viewers here in the United States. I'm Paula Newton, you're watching CNN NEWSROOM.

Now the British foreign office says it has information indicating an alleged plot by the Kremlin to install a pro-Russian leader in Ukraine. A source tells CNN that U.S. intelligence, in fact, has the same information. Now the foreign office goes on to name a number of former Ukrainian

officials allegedly in contact with Russian intelligence. The Kremlin angrily dismissed the allegation as misinformation and a provocation.

But there's no sign that some 100,000 Russian forces are backing away from the Ukrainian border in what the West fears is, in fact, a prelude to another invasion.

Joining me now is Dmitri Trenin. He is the director of the Carnegie Moscow Center.

It's good to see you again, Dmitri.

What do you make of the U.K.'s statement here?

And even if it is true, what purpose does it serve, releasing this information so publicly in this way?

DMITRI TRENIN, DIRECTOR, CARNEGIE MOSCOW CENTER: Well, I have no way of knowing whether this is true or false. I would expect Russia to be following very closely but also actively engaged with what's happening within Ukraine.

That's what you would expect Russia to do, with a country as important as Ukraine is to Russia. But as far as this piece of information is concerned, really, I don't think there is anyone who would publicly comment on that. People who know probably don't speak about these things. People who speak probably don't know.

NEWTON: It is an old adage but likely still a wise one. We appreciate that.

You know, I have to say, weeks ago, you said Russia's demands were, in fact, an opening bid, right?

Something to be negotiated on. And you say Russia might accept a deal where NATO eases military activity on Russia's borders, all the way from the Baltic, perhaps to the Black Sea.

Would you still advise the U.S. and NATO to accept such a compromise if, indeed, it's even possible anymore?

TRENIN: Paula, I'm not in an advisory capacity to the United States or NATO. I did say that I believe that Russian demands are, on the one hand, Russian objectives, foreign policy objectives.

On the other hand, I think there is room for, let's say, accommodation, compromise, mostly on the format of any agreements to be reached, rather than on the substance of those agreements.

I think for the Russian leadership, Ukraine and NATO -- or NATO in Ukraine -- is totally unacceptable. And there's little compromise on the Russian side that I can see. But the format of the agreement on the actual details of what may be agreed, I think that there's some room for discussion, negotiations and eventually compromise.

NEWTON: So you still think it's possible?

TRENIN: Well, let's say this: I don't think that war is inevitable. I don't think that negotiations are doomed. But I do not rule out any of the worst scenarios that have been discussed.

Well, I wouldn't say any. But let's say I do not rule out the use of force under certain circumstances. For example, Russia has been on record, saying that, should there be a push into Donbas from the Kyiv side, there will be a push back and a very powerful one by the Russians.

I don't see how this will not be the case, should this happen. I understand this is not a likely scenario as seen from the West but that's one of the scenarios I have to consider.

NEWTON: And you mentioned the perspective of the West there. I want to get to the perspective in Ukraine right now.

You know, President Zelensky is not exactly the most popular; he has proven to be a bit volatile and he has made some tactical mistakes.

How do you think he, his politics, his cabinet will factor into all of this?

TRENIN: Well, I think that's a problem.


TRENIN: The problem for Russia is actually that the president of Ukraine is not strong enough to deal with Russia. Mr. Putin, soon after Zelensky's election to the presidency, expressed his openness to personal engagement with Zelensky.

The two presidential offices in Moscow and Kyiv were working hard in late 2019 to reach some sort of a platform for discussions and eventual accommodation in the framework of the Minsk accords.

And then a very powerful and very influential group of Ukrainians, who believe that the Minsk agreement is high treason, actually blocked that on the Ukrainian side.

And President Zelensky has gone back from his earlier, let's say, indications of willingness to compromise, to implement his part of Minsk and he has, in fact, taken a very tough stance on relations with Russia.

That's where we are. It's unfortunate that we don't have in Kyiv a strong leader, who is confident enough to deal with Mr. Putin and the Kremlin.

NEWTON: Yes. And before this, his popularity was sliding. I will note as well, you point out that Europe was supposed to be really one of the stakeholders in those Minsk accords and they've certainly fallen apart to date. Dmitri, I have to leave it there but appreciate your insights once again.

TRENIN: Thank you very much. You're welcome, Paula.

NEWTON: Now at least 83 people were killed in Friday's airstrike on a detention center in Yemen, according to an international charity group. Now Save the Children tells CNN that more than 100 others were injured in the facility in northern Yemen.

The Iran-backed Houthi rebels blamed the Saudi-led coalition for that attack. But a spokesperson tells Saudi state news that those claims are, quote, "baseless and unfounded." The airstrikes also hit a telecommunications center in western Yemen, causing a nationwide internet blackout.

North Korea has started testing missiles at an alarming rate over the past few weeks. On Thursday, Pyongyang also said it would reconsider the moratorium on long-range and nuclear missile tests. As CNN's Ivan Watson reports, the situation is causing renewed concerns across the region.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (Speaking foreign language).

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (Speaking foreign language).

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (Speaking foreign language).

IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Patriotic declarations on North Korean state television, announcements of fresh missile launches. North Korea has launched a salvo of six ballistic missiles in less than two weeks.

On January 5th, what Pyongyang calls a hypersonic missile, another on January 11th, two ballistic missiles fired from a train on January 14th and two tactical guided missiles fired early Monday morning.

Weapons tests that appear to be part of a plan laid out by North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, more than a year ago.

DUYEON KIM, CENTER FOR A NEW AMERICAN SECURITY: Fundamentally, Kim Jong-un has basically ordered his people to make the type of weapons that he thinks will make North Korea become a very advanced nuclear power.

WATSON: Weapons expert say some of this month's launches didn't break any new ground. But North Korea also fired this new hypersonic missile, which it first revealed to the public last year. And the South Korean military confirmed it flew 10 times the speed of sound.

MELISSA HANHAM, CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AND COOPERATION, STANFORD UNIVERSITY: What North Korea is calling a hypersonic missile is really a ballistic missile at the base when it launches. Then on the top, it has a maneuverable warhead, which means it can move in a way that's unexpected.

WATSON (voice-over): This type of missile poses a new potential threat to the U.S. and its allies in Asia. HANHAM: They're able to launch a missile in one direction and

essentially turn a corner, which makes it very difficult for radar systems and interceptors to track it.

WATSON (voice-over): The latest missile launches, a reminder of the flurry of missile tests North Korea conducted back in 2017. They sparked a war of words between Pyongyang and then president Trump.


DONALD TRUMP, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: Rocket man should have been handled a long time ago.


WATSON (voice-over): Eventually, Trump and Kim staged three historic face-to-face meetings and a lot of letter writing.


JOSEPH YUN, CNN GLOBAL AFFAIRS ANALYST: We've had what, you know, during the Trump administration, by my count, 27 letters exchanged between Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump. Kim Jong-un wants that kind of attention.

WATSON (voice-over): Former U.S. diplomat Joseph Yun advises the Biden administration to try harder to engage with the North Korean regime.


YUN: Otherwise, we're going to return to the bad old days of 2017, which is really a crisis atmosphere.


WATSON (voice-over): So far, Pyongyang has rejected multiple U.S. requests for talks. In the meantime, the Biden administration imposed sanctions for the first time last week in response to North Korean missile launches, targeting North Korean and Russian nationals as well as a Russian company accused of helping Pyongyang's weapons program.

North Korea accused Washington of gangster-like logic and launched two missiles the very same day. Clearly, the North Korea government does not want to be ignored -- Ivan Watson, CNN, Hong Kong.


NEWTON: Still ahead here on CNN NEWSROOM, winter weather warnings in place for millions of Americans in the southern U.S. The latest forecast coming up.



(MUSIC PLAYING) NEWTON: New satellite images are showing the sheer force of a recent volcano eruption and tsunami in Tonga.


NEWTON (voice-over): Have a look at this, the before and after pictures, showing lush, green lands, becoming a scene of gray.

The eruption sent volcanic ash raining down on the island nation. And massive tsunami waves have plowed into the coastline.

Now when it comes to recovery, a top lawmaker says Tongans will have to be in it for the long haul.



LORD FATAFEHI FAKAFANUA, TONGAN LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY: Tonga's recovery from this disaster is going to be long-term. And I think we need to ensure that we keep the momentum up. After Tonga has enough water, we're going to have to rebuild and it will be a long road to recovery.


NEWTON: Now on Saturday, Japan was the latest nation to send aid to Tonga. A military plane delivered three tons of drinking water and other supplies.


NEWTON: Yes, winter is alive and well in Beijing. Less than two weeks away from the Olympic Games, you can see the snow falling, thank goodness, and lining the ski slopes here at the Olympic Village.

And in the United States, though, meantime, more than 3 million people are under hard freeze warnings. That's even across the South.


NEWTON (voice-over): This was the scene Saturday in Virginia Beach, where more than four inches of snow fell across the area.



NEWTON: In less than two weeks, as we were saying, countries around the world will be cheering on their athletes in the Winter Olympics. And Jamaica, yes, Jamaica, has a lot to look forward to. We'll get to know the first alpine skier representing that nation. That's ahead.





NEWTON: Now Las Vegas is hosting some sad Adele fans, who traveled this weekend to see her now postponed residency. The singer gave fans a tearful apology, saying her show isn't ready because so many crew members got COVID-19.

But she also gave some fans, just a few of them, a much-needed boost Friday, when she called to say, hello, it's me.


NEWTON (voice-over): Wow, Adele is still looking emotional there. Now one lucky fan, James Mason Fox (ph), says Adele saw his social media post, complaining about the cancellation.

He got a private message directing him to a popup shop, where he and a handful of other fans got, you see it there, a FaceTime call from the Grammy-award winning singer.

Fox said his experience was transformed from the worst ever trip, right, to, of course, the best. Adele says her postponed shows will, of course, be rescheduled at later dates.


NEWTON: Now in less than two weeks, some of the world's greatest athletes will compete in the Beijing Winter Olympics. Among those competing is the very first alpine skier representing Jamaica.

The retired deejay says he hopes he can inspire a new generation of Olympians from his home country. CNN's Patrick Oppmann caught up with him.


PATRICK OPPMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It was only six years ago that Benjamin Alexander first strapped on a pair of ski boots. The former deejay was invited to play music on a ski trip in Canada. After watching skiers fly down the slopes, he knew what he had to do next.

BENJAMIN ALEXANDER, OLYMPIAN ALPINE SKIER: I decided there and then that I wanted to join them. And I would not come back on this annual trip as just a deejay ever again. I wanted to come back as a skier. So long story short, I had my first lesson in February of 2016.

OPPMANN (voice-over): Fast forward to today. Alexander is now the first alpine skier for Jamaica to qualify in an Olympic Winter Games. Born in England to a British mother and a Jamaican father, he is now realizing the dream of representing his Caribbean roots.

ALEXANDER: The goal of being the Olympic spectator in 2018 and realizing the powerhouse of the Summer Games Jamaica only had three athletes that year, I thought maybe there was a chance. So here we are now, talking about going to the Olympics, which is kind of nice. OPPMANN (voice-over): Alexander's path to success was swift but not

easy. He says he had limited finances, no full-time coach and missed long chunks of training due to the coronavirus pandemic.


OPPMANN (voice-over): But he persevered, drawing inspiration from a iconic Jamaican bobsled team who rose to international fame.


OPPMANN (voice-over): Their unlikely story became the basis of the 90s movie, "Cool Runnings." About four bobsledders from the Caribbean island competed in the Winter Olympics.

ALEXANDER: I have to say I wouldn't be sitting here if it wasn't for that movie, if it wasn't for the crazy exploits of that team in 1988. And so I hope that my story actually serves as a continuation of that.

OPPMANN (voice-over): Now Alexander is being mentored by one of the former bobsledders.

DUDLEY STOKES, FORMER OLYMPIC BOBSLEDDER: We speak on a weekly basis. And really just as a sounding board, try to ask him the right questions about what he was doing and, of course, navigating this very difficult curve ball of COVID.

OPPMANN (voice-over): Alexander expects to arrive in Beijing early next month before his competition begins on February 13th.

ALEXANDER: I think (INAUDIBLE) are really excited to see Jamaicans here. And honestly, after the events that happened in 2020, I think a lot has changed. People are now excited to see diversity work. Perhaps they may not have been as open (INAUDIBLE) to the suggestion.

OPPMANN (voice-over): In Beijing, Alexander says he hopes to inspire a new generation of winter Olympians from Jamaica, leaping barriers and snow banks all at one time -- Patrick Oppmann, CNN.


NEWTON: "Cool Runnings" still having an impact on Jamaica. Nice so to see that.

I'm Paula Newton. Stay where you are. I'll be back in just a moment with more CNN NEWSROOM.