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U.N. Security Council Meets for the First Time Over Russia- Ukraine Crisis; UAE Destroys Missile Launch Site by Houthi Rebels; Rams Against Bengals in Super Bowl LVI; New Omicron Variant More Contagious. Aired 2-3a ET

Aired January 31, 2022 - 02:00   ET




ROSEMARY CHURCH, CNN HOST: Hello and welcome to our viewers joining us here in the United States and all around the world. You are watching "CNN Newsroom" and I'm Rosemary Church.

Just ahead, the Russia-Ukraine crisis is center stage at the United Nations in the coming hours as the Security Council addresses escalating fears of military conflict. We are live in Kyiv with the latest.

Plus a live report from the Middle East where the United Arab Emirates says they've destroyed a missile launch site in Yemen. The latest on the series of attacks.

And we're days away from the winter Olympics and China just reported more COVID infections. We'll have a live report from Beijing.

Good to have you with us. Well, in just a matter of hours the U.N. Security Council will gather for an urgent meeting as tensions along the border between Ukraine and Russia show little sign of easing. The meeting, the latest push for a diplomatic solution to the crisis amid fears Russia is planning to invade Ukraine.

The American ambassador to the U.N. says the U.S. is ready to listen but will not be distracted by what she called Russian propaganda. And while efforts to stop further escalation push on, the British foreign secretary offered this stark assessment.


LIZ TRUSS, BRITISH FOREIGN SECRETARY: We think it's highly likely that he is looking to invade Ukraine. That is why we're doing all we can through deterrence and diplomacy to urge him to desist.


CHURCH: Ukraine's foreign minister also pushing diplomacy saying it's the only responsible way. In a tweet he says, "If Russia is serious about not wanting a new war, it must continue with diplomatic talks and pull back its troops." More than 100,000 Russian forces are massed near Ukraine.

Russia has been demanding Ukraine never be allowed to join NATO. And now Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov is questioning the framing of NATO as a defensive alliance.


SERGEY LAVROV, RUSSIAN FOREIGN MINISTER (through translation): Each time it turns out that the line they have to defend is shifting to the east. Now it has come close to Ukraine. They also want to drag this country there. Although it is clear to everyone that Ukraine is not ready and will not make any contribution to strengthening NATO security. This will really undermine relations with the Russian federation. Since it will be a flagrant violation of the official political commitment made by the presidents of the United States and other member countries of the alliance.


CHURCH: Joining us now from Kyiv is CNN's Melissa Bell. Good to see you, Melissa. So a new sense of urgency here with the U.N. Security Council now set to discuss the Ukraine issue, what is likely to come out of those talks?

MELISSA BELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, that's right. It will be an opportunity of course for Russia to sit opposite the United States and other NATO allies and speak directly to those concerns that they have. But as you were just hearing there from Sergey Lavrov, the positions are so far apart with NATO insisting over the course of the last few weeks, it is a defensive organization which will maintain its open doors policy come what may since it is one of its foundational principles, and Moscow for its part demanding not only that it renounce that, but also that -- the security arrangements that have predominated Europe since 1997 retreat to pre-1997 lines.

So positions that are so far apart they will once again no doubt dominate these discussions and show us once again how difficult it's going to be to come to any compromise on these matters. Now, beyond that meeting at the Security Council later today, there will also be a flurry of diplomatic activity here in Kyiv over the course of the week, Rosemary, with visits from the British foreign minister but also the French and German foreign ministers.

For their part, looking as they have stressed over the course of last couple of days for that diplomatic solution, those Normandy format talks to continue to seek some kind of de-escalation along specifically that question of the front line in the east of the country. So, attempts to find further common ground, but again, a great deal of difficulty to see on what basis any of those will be able to be found, Rosemary.

CHURCH: Melissa Bell, joining us live from Kyiv. Many thanks. So let's discuss with CNN political and national security analyst David Sanger.

[02:04:58] He is a White House and national security correspondent for the "New York Times" and author of "The Perfect Weapon." Always great to have you with us.


CHURCH: So, U.S. senators will be briefed Thursday on the Russia- Ukraine crisis. And then on Monday the U.N. Security Council will take up this critical matter. What do you expect will be accomplished other than just putting this crisis on the record?

SANGER: Not much. I mean, the Security Council of course has Russia as a permanent member. You've got the Chinese, who are not -- not really declared where they are in this crisis. So the only utility of the Security Council meeting is for the U.S. and other members of the Security Council including Britain to present some of their intelligence, explain the threatening nature of what's being arrayed around the border in Ukraine, charge the Russians with intimidation, and leave.

I mean, there's nothing at this point the Security Council is going to be able to do, especially in the absence of an actual invasion at this point.

CHURCH: Yes. And Ukraine has told Russia to pull back its troops, and the U.K. government says it's highly likely President Putin will invade Ukraine. Is that how it's looking to you or is there a possibility that this is a dramatic way for Russia to get the west's attention as one expert has suggested?

SANGER: Oh, yes. I mean, more than one has considered that possibility. And it is very possible that Putin is doing on a much larger scale right now something he's done on smaller scale before. He has been known to amass troops. He did it in April, but nowhere near on this scale. So what makes this different?

First of all, if you put 100, some would say the number's up closer to 130,000 out there, he's got to come home with something before he withdraws them or there will be a huge loss of face. So one question is has he cornered himself at this point? You know, Bob Gates, the former Defense Secretary and CIA chief wrote a column in the F.T. last week where he made the point that, you know, when you've unsheathed the sword like this you can do anything but sit on it.

And so he's either going to have to invade or he's going to have to pull them back. I think the second interesting possibility, Rosemary, is that he may just settle for some kind of agreement that Ukraine would not enter NATO anytime soon, anytime in the next decade or two. President Biden's already sort of said that. But my guess is if he was going to settle for that he would have done it by now.

CHURCH: Yes. So do you see any off-ramp at all here so that Putin can save face during this diplomatic process as they try to thrash out some possibilities here? SANGER: I do. So first of all, the Ukrainians, who are upset with the

United States and Britain for coming out and making public all of this data and creating in their minds a sense of crisis, might negotiate something on their own with the Russians. And they've certainly had some back channels going. The second possibility is that another NATO member like Germany may formally say we're going to block Ukraine's accession to NATO for the next 20 or 30 years.

The third possibility is that the U.S. and its NATO allies could come to an agreement to negotiate a new intermediate nuclear forces agreement with Russia. They may come to the conclusion to renew some kind of an agreement that would make exercises limited in size and pull them away from borders. And maybe the Russians will declare that was enough. But it doesn't sound like that right now.

CHURCH: No. And David, in just a few days President Putin is scheduled to attend the Beijing Winter Olympics. And we know President Xi Jinping would be furious if a Russian invasion were to overshadow his games. So, how might the timing of that play into any possible invasion?

SANGER: Well, there are two big factors that we've heard about. One is the Olympics. We don't know quite what the Chinese reaction would be. But I suspect you've got that just right. The second big factor here is when this territory is completely frozen, thus making it a lot easier for Putin to get his heavy armor across. Particularly if he's just going to take some territory in the east and doesn't want to get stuck in the mud.


So those two things would come together in the second or third week of February.

CHURCH: All right. David Sanger, thank you so much for joining us and sharing your analysis with us. We appreciate it.

SANGER: Great to be with you.

CHURCH: Well, North Korea is confirming what analysts suspected. The country's state-run news agency reports Pyongyang test-fired an intermediate-range missile, known as the Hwasong-12 on Sunday. This is the most powerful ballistic missile North Korea has tested since 2017 and the seventh missile test this month alone.

The Biden administration says it would like to return to diplomatic talks with Pyongyang but they're still waiting for an official response. One senior Biden official says North Korea could be using the tests to force the U.S. into a weaker negotiating position.

Well, the United Arab Emirates says it destroyed a Houthi ballistic missile launch site in Yemen. The UAE released this video which they claim shows the damage. They say the launch site was destroyed after their forces intercepted and destroyed another ballistic missile targeting the UAE. Now, this comes after a series of attacks initiated by the Iran-backed

Houthis against the UAE this month. And for more on this we want to bring in CNN's Jomana Karadsheh who joins us live from Istanbul. Good to see you, Jomana. So what more are you learning about this?

JOMANA KARADSHEH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Rosemary, this is the third Monday in a row where people in the UAE and across this region are waking up to this continued unprecedented escalation we are seeing. The United Arab Emirates ministry of defense says that it intercepted a ballistic missile that was targeting the UAE.

They say that the fragments, the remains of that ballistic missile landed outside of residential areas so there were no casualties and no damage reported as a result of this interception. And as you mentioned, a short time after that, the UAE's MOD released this video footage of what it says is a strike that destroyed the launch site of that ballistic missile that was launched by the Yemen-based, Iranian- backed Houthis rebels.

That strike they say was in Al Jawf Governorate in Yemen. Now, this is coming at a time where you've got a historic visit taking place in the UAE. The Israeli president there on a visit. A presidential spokesman telling CNN that the -- that President Herzog and his entourage were in no danger and that this ongoing visit is continuing.

This is the third attack or attempted attack by the Iranian-backed Houthis rebels targeting the UAE. Earlier this month, it was a deadly attack ballistic missiles and drones killed at least three foreign workers in the UAE. And just last week, UAE and U.S. forces intercepted ballistic missiles that were targeting Al Dhafra Air Base just outside Abu Dhabi.

You know, this was the first time since the Gulf War that U.S. forces used -- fired Patriot missile interceptors and they thwarted that attack that was targeting the base. You know, Rosemary, the Iranian- backed Houthi rebels have warned that this is an ongoing campaign. They have warned international companies in the UAE, ex-pats in the country that there is going to be more of what they call this ongoing campaign.

They want the UAE to end its involvement in the war in Yemen. As you'll recall, back in 2019, the UAE did withdraw most of its forces from Yemen. But more recently, a number of groups that it has been backing on the ground have been engaged in really intense fighting against the Houthi rebels in at least two oil-rich provinces.

And we have seen a real escalation in what is going on on the ground in Yemen, whether it is the intense fighting in those areas or the Saudi-led coalition that includes the UAE, of course, intensifying air strikes in Yemen with dozens of people reported killed in those airstrikes in recent weeks. So, a lot of concern about what is going on in Yemen and also these unprecedented attacks targeting the UAE.

The big question, Rosemary, that remains here is how involved is Iran in all of this? How much knowledge does it have of -- or prior knowledge of its proxies, the Houthis, carrying out these attacks targeting the UAE because this is really coming at a time when we're seeing this sort of move towards de-escalation in the region where Iran is involved in these talks, diplomatic talks with the UAE and Saudi Arabia, trying to mend ties with those countries.


You've also got the talks with the west to -- towards a new nuclear deal that seems to be making progress. So, a big question really when it comes to Iran's role in all of this that remains unanswered, Rosemary.

CHURCH: Yes, absolutely. Jomana Karadsheh, many thanks for that. And coming up this hour we will tell you more about the latest version of the omicron variant now spreading to dozens of countries. And what's behind the delay in Americans getting the COVID booster shot? That is part of the discussion with my guest coming up.


CHURCH: All right. We now know who will play in the Super Bowl LVI and it is a match-up few would have predicted when the season began. The Cincinnati Bengals will meet the Los Angeles Rams on February 13th. The Bengals led by star quarterback Joe Burrow won the AFC title on Sunday over the heavily favored Kansas City Chiefs.


Cincinnati overcame an 18-point deficit for a 27-24 overtime victory. And in the NFC the Rams beat the San Francisco 49ers 20-17. They'll be hosting the Super Bowl in L.A. the second straight year a team will play the title game in their home stadium.

All right. Well, we are now learning more about the newest coronavirus mutation. It is a version of omicron called BA.2 and was first identified in early December. It's already infected people in at least 49 countries including the United States. Early data suggests people who have previously tested positive for the omicron variant should likely be protected against the new version. Here's what the former commissioner of the FDA has to say.


SCOTT GOTTLIEB, FORMER U.S. FDA COMMISSIONER: So it appears to be more contagious. Data out of Denmark from the Serum Institut suggests it's about 1.5 times more contagious than the strain of omicron that has made it around the U.S.

MARGARET BRENNAN, CBS NEWS HOST: Which is already so transmissible.

GOTTLIEB: Exactly. Does it evade our immune system? Does it evade the immunity that we've acquired from omicron infection or the vaccines? Most of the evidence so far, and it's preliminary, suggests it does. And in fact, there's data out of the U.K. that suggests a fully boosted person may be more protected against this new variant than they were against the original strain of omicron. And then the final question, is it more virulent? Is it more

dangerous? And so far based on what we've seen out of Denmark and the U.K. which are collecting very good data on this, it doesn't appear to be a more virulent strain.


CHURCH: The new research comes as COVID infections are surging around the world. Russia registered more than 121,000 new cases Sunday, a new record. Over the weekend, Russia surpassed more than 100,000 daily infections for the first time.

Meantime, Reuters is reporting that New Zealand's prime minister has tested negative for COVID. Jacinda Ardern will remain in isolation through Tuesday after being exposed to an infected person. And thousands turned out in the Czech Republic to protest against COVID restrictions as cases hover around record highs.

Joining us now is Anne Rimoin, a professor in the Department of Epidemiology at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. Great to have you with us.


CHURCH: So let's start with this new version of the omicron variant called BA.2. It's showing up in nearly 50 countries including the U.S. and is apparently more contagious but less severe than the original omicron variant. So what more are you learning about this and how concerned should we all be?

RIMOIN: Well, it's not surprising that we're starting to see another variant arise and to start taking over. This variant appears to be more contagious than the original variant of omicron. But right now we still don't know enough about severity to truly understand it.

It appears not to be any more severe than the original omicron strain. But, you know, I think that we have to remember that this increased transmissibility does lead to more cases. More cases does lead to more hospitalizations and inevitably more deaths.

CHURCH: Yes, sadly so. And of course we are also seeing a steep decline in COVID cases across the U.S. with some experts suggesting this is the most optimistic sign they've seen in a long time. Do you agree with that assessment and when do you think we'll see an end to this pandemic?

RIMOIN: Well, Rosemary, I am very heartened by seeing this collapse in the number of cases. It means that we're going to be over this surge probably in the near future although this new variant is probably going to extend that runway a little bit longer before we get completely over this surge, but we can't lose track of the point that, you know, we're probably going to see other variants.

We have not vaccinated the rest of the world. This virus mutates very quickly and we've given it a lot of runway to do so. So, we're going to get through this surge. We have to do what we haven't done in the past, which is to really keep going forward, make sure we have adequate testing, make sure we have adequate vaccinations for all and that we're getting as many people vaccinated, and good treatments available as well. So when and if we have a new surge we're ready for it whenever that is.

CHURCH: So let's look at those vaccinations because in the U.S. nearly 64 percent of the population is fully vaccinated with the two shots but only about half of the eligible population is boosted, even though research shows that being boosted is essential to protect people from any severe illness or hospitalization. So why is that message failing to hit home for so many people, do you think?

RIMOIN: I think it's been -- the messaging has been very confusing to people, and I think that it's, you know, we've been learning about these vaccines as we go. And sometimes this messaging has to catch up. But the bottom line is that if you are fully vaccinated and you have not yet gotten your booster you're going to be more at risk of getting this virus.


If you get this virus, you have the opportunity to, I mean, you could get very sick from it. We still don't understand long COVID. But more importantly, you can still pass it on to other people, and there's still a lot of very vulnerable people including people who are immunocompromised, don't mount the kind of immune response that we like to see from these vaccines. So, it's still -- the best thing that we can all do is still do everything we can to reduce the spread of this virus.

CHURCH: And still more than 2,000 people are dying every single day from COVID here in the United States. Why is the death toll so shockingly high in this country, do you think?

RIMOIN: You know, there are a lot of reasons for it. First of all, we're seeing so many more infections here. We're seeing very large numbers of infections. We have also a lot of people with comorbidities here in the United States and people who -- you know, we have large pockets of people who have not yet been able to be willing to get vaccinated.

And that just means that this virus has the opportunity to run rampant. You know, we have a very -- we have a very diverse population here in the United States. And it's really hit populations where you have lower socioeconomic status, disadvantaged populations, the hardest here, and they've really borne the worst brunt of it.

So, you know, I think it's just important for people to remember that this virus is still very dangerous and still can do a lot of damage. And we've seen so many deaths. We're going to hit that million-death mark soon. And you know, many of these deaths were very preventable. Most of them were.

CHURCH: Yes. And we can't labor that point enough to get not just the two, but the third shot. The booster shot, so important. Anne Rimoin, thank you so much for joining us, as always.

RIMOIN: My pleasure.

CHURCH: Canadian police say they are trying to help people leave downtown Ottawa but they expect the protests against COVID-19 mandates to continue through the week.


The so-called freedom convoy made its way through Canada for several days before arriving in the capital for a rally Saturday. It began as a protest by truckers over vaccine requirements but gained other followers. Criminal investigations are under way in connection with the desecration of several structures including the National War Memorial.

Well, coming up, some in Ukraine are preparing for a possible Russian invasion as tensions remain high. We will have more from Kyiv. That's ahead.


CHURCH: Welcome back, everyone. Well, the U.N. Security Council will gather for an urgent meeting in the coming hours as tensions between Ukraine and Russia remain high. The meeting is the latest push for a diplomatic solution to the crisis amid fears of a potential Russian invasion. The Kremlin has built up more than 100,000 troops in the region.

And at least two U.S. defense officials say there are signs Russia has positioned blood supplies near the border, which could mean they're expecting casualties. But at least one Ukrainian officials says the reports of blood supplies are not accurate and this could just be psychological warfare by Moscow. With the threat of a possible invasion looming. Even Ukrainians outside the military are preparing to fight. CNN's Sam Kylie has more now from Kiev.


SAM KILEY, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): An abandoned asphalt factory near Kiev is now a training ground for civilians who volunteer to fight off the possible Russian invasion. They're outnumbered here by journalists and armed at best with pellet guns. They know there'll be outmatched by Moscow's military machine. But they aren't keen.

SERGIY CHURNIK, CLINICAL RESEARCHER AND VOLUNTEER: We have a crucial moment for our country. We have really big risk that Russian invasion might occur pretty soon. So that's why even civilians have to be ready.

KILEY: These men believe that it's their country's democracy that Vladimir Putin fears more than a threat posed by European Union or NATO membership.

MIKHAILO GERALDO RAMIREZ, LAWYER AND VOLUNTEER: In Putin's Russia, all Russian citizens are completely slaves. KILEY: He feels as a threat because Ukrainians gave to Russians and

Belurasians bad example.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We show to our neighbors how each citizen of free will must defend his social and national rights.

KILEY: He wouldn't know that Ukraine's government says that Russia has at least 127,000 troops masked on three sides of the country here in the capital, where there are no signs of impending war.

And in the poorer districts where people hope whatever they can to get by the mood is similar.

SVIETA, STYLIST (through translation): People are relaxed, although for some I would say not. It depends on the circles you communicated. If someone in your family is from the military or the police, it's a completely different view.

KILEY: But aged air raid shelters are being opened just in case.

(on camera): The Ukrainian government is appealing to its population for calm but at the same time dusting off the Soviet era bunkers because there is a threat to a young country's democracy.

(voice over): The shelter can house about 300 people. It even has a hand cranked air filtration system. Kiev has the capacity to shelter 2.8 million of the estimated three million residents in 5000 bunkers and in the metro system. It's an irony last or no one here that this shelter was built in 1956 to protect against NATO striking Russia and the Soviet Union. Now it's offering shelter against a possible attack by Russia.

Sam Kiley, CNN, Kiev.


CHURCH: The Beijing Winter Olympics kick off this week but new infections are on the rise as athletes arrive in China. We'll go live to Beijing for the very latest.



CHURCH: All eyes are on China with just four days until the Winter Olympics begin and now nearly 40 new COVID infections are being reported among Olympic personnel. Now this comes as the chair of the International Olympic Committee's Athletes Commission also tests positive for the virus. CNN Steven Jiang joins me live from Beijing with more on all of this. Good to see you, Steven.

So, just days away from the start of the games and more COVID cases reported. What is the latest on all of this?

STEVEN JIANG, CNN BEIJING BUREAU CHIEF: Well, Rosemary, this is something a lot of people have assumed even before the game start, obviously and this is also something even Chinese officials have now acknowledged publicly in terms of the inevitable reality of having infections inside this closed and loop. But they haven't are emphasizing the number of positive cases accounts for a tiny percentage of the total number of games participants inside those bubbles.

And they're determined to keep it that way. Now, obviously state media has also said so far, there appears to be no community spread of the virus within the bubbles. But this obviously is an increasingly daunting task as time goes on with more events kicking off and especially given how contagious the Omicron variant is. Now most of our CNN colleagues covering these games from within the bubbles have now arrived in the city.

And among their first impression they've been telling me are those high walls and fences around their hotels and all the venues and this is obviously, you know, for the strict implementation of this closed loop system. But this is almost all a metaphor of this sense of disconnect. A lot of ordinary Chinese citizens feel about the Winter Olympics as well because not only there is not a single ticket available for sale for them to watch the competitions because of the pandemic.

A lot of them have also seen their travel plans ruined or disrupted because of the increasingly tightened restrictions in and out of Beijing. And this of course right now is the Lunar New Year period as you know the most important holiday on a Chinese calendar.


JIANG: And for those of us who have covered the summer games back in 2008, I think the difference seems stark. You know, back then the sense of anticipation excitement, embrace in the outside world was palpable in the year in this times. If you talk to people on the ground, read social media posts, there seems to be more frustration, annoyance or even some hostility towards the West, especially at the Unite United States as you know, Rosemary, with Washington calling for diplomatic boycott of the games because of China's human rights record. Rosemary?

CHURCH: Yes. Absolutely. Steven Jiang joining us live from Beijing. Many thanks. All it was an Australian Open final for the ages as Spanish superstar Rafael Nadal rallied back from two sets down to win the men's singles title. The win puts Nadal name in the record books with his 21st Grand Slam title, the most ever by a men's tennis player. The 35-year-old beat Russia's Daniil Medvedev in five sets at Rod Laver Arena.

For our international viewers, World Sport is coming up next with in- depth coverage of Nadal's record-setting win. For those watching in the US. I'll be right back with more news. You're watching CNN. Please stick around.


[02:45:22] PATRICK SNELL, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Superbowl LVI now set. We'll get to that in just a few moments but we do start this Monday with reflections on a historic history making Australian Open final for the ages. And probably only Spanish tennis legend Rafael Nadal knows how he could summon a superhuman energy and all that drive to win that energy sapping five sets classic over the weekend against the Russian star Daniil Medvedev to make it a men's record, 21st Grand Slam crown.

The man from Malloraca was two sets the love down. Remember he was down in the third set two and yet somehow he dug deep but close to 36 years of age to stage. The most remarkable of comebacks. And remember Nadal who didn't even know is going to be playing in the final or even returning to the tour for sure because he had surgery on his foot just weeks ago and he had that battle with COVID-19 as well.

Yet somehow he finds the courage and the strength to soar to new heights at Melbourne Park Sunday and change the course of history for the sport of tennis. It all looked such a lost cause hitting at one point. But look at this, this is Rafael Nadal we're talking about, remember, emotional celebrations, he can scarcely believe it. Only the second time he's been Australian Open champion and sharing the moment of delight not just with the crowds there but with those that mean the most to him.

His box, his team, his entourage. Even Rafael at one point seemingly loss for words.


RAFAEL NADAL, 2022 AUSTRALIAN OPEN CHAMPION: Well, I even don't know what to say, guys. For me, it's just -- it's just amazing. Now being honest, one month and a half ago I didn't know if I will be able to be back on the tour playing tennis again and today I'm here in front of all of you having this trophy with me and you really don't know how much I find that to be here. I can't thank you enough for all the support that I received.

Since I arrived here you are just amazing. Thank you so much for the love and support.


SNELL: Why an achievement. Nadal out on his own now when it comes to men's Grand Slam titles breaking clear of Swiss icon Roger Federer and top right Novak Djokovic, who are both on 20. And Nadal's former coach for 16 of the 21. He's Uncle Tony telling me earlier his nephew's achievement is incredible. Adding Rafael is a big fighter.

Well, the speculation continues to swirl over the future of NFL superstar quarterback Tom Brady. We at least now know the two teams that will be contesting Super Bowl XVI next month. The Cincinnati Bengals are there for the first time in 33 years. A thrilling contest seeing Patrick Mahomes in the Kansas City Chiefs seemingly in total control at one point, they had a 21 points to three lead towards the end of the second quarter. But back came the Bengals led by their second year quarterback Joe Burrow. They simply never gave up and their award was to tie the game with a touchdown and a two-point conversion as the third quarter came to an end. This nail bouting encounter needed overtime to settle it and with Mahomes having been intercepted on his team's first possession it would be a Bengals field goal to win it.

Evan McPherson making no mistake, the Bengals have never won the Super Bowl but maybe now they're daring to dream in 27 points to 24. Cincinnati ceiling a famous victory. Congrats to them. Joining the Bengals will be the L.A. Rams who beat the 49th on Sunday night in Southern California. The Rams headed to their first Super Bowl since February of 2019 right here in Atlanta.

In fact, Matt Gay with a minute 46 to go with a 30-yard field goal, putting his team 20 points to 17 ahead. And the Rams joy complete when their defense intercepting the underpressure 49ers quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo. He feels the heat. Rams seal the victory. They'll play in Super Bowl XVI. Get this in their very own stadium right there in Los Angeles as well on February the 13th. Is it their date with destiny? Soon we shall know.

Other stories we're following. The semifinals of the African Cup of Nations now set as well. How Liverpool star Mo Salah ensuring an eighth title. Now very much in sight for the tournament's most successful nation.



SNELL: An extraordinary finish to the high-profile men's international T20 Cricket series between the West Indies in England. What Windy star Jason Holder just did utterly amazing and historic. What a way to win a series decider. Holder making a devastating impact along with some fine catching from his teammates (INAUDIBLE) taking four wickets in as many bowls to shatter. English hopes in the very last over the host ceiling a three-two series victory.

Holder now the first Windies player ever to take a hattrick in a T20 International and congratulations to him. What an achievement.

We're now down to last for this. The footballs Africa Cup of Nations in Cameroon the semi-final lineup complete. Among them, seven-time winners Egypt. They had to work for it though. I tell you against Morocco Sunday who would take the lead in this match. Thanks to a Sofiane Boufal penalty which have been awarded by VAR after Ashraf catching -- Hakimi their penalty converted.

Egypt with level though after the initial header from this play is Paris but guess who's on hand. It's the Liverpool star Mo Salah, he's not going to I miss from there and he doesn't. Extra time needed and in the 100-minute to play more super play from Mo Salah who's passed (INAUDIBLE) is affection. Wonderful team move to won Egypt. Morocco's players left absolutely heartbroken afterwards. In Sunday's other quarterfinal Senegal overcoming Equatorial Guinea, Senegal in control here. Thanks to a well taken strike from Famara Diedhiou who had been played in wonderfully by Sadio Mane there. That was the opener but with a score at one apiece, it will be the Senegalese again who retake the lead through the sub Cheikhou Kouyate taking full advantage, not the best defending or goalkeeping as to say, but that was well taken.

And then it was the turn of another service, Malang Sarr with a late third 3-1 Senegal, the final score. The Senegalese will face Burkina Faso on Wednesday and the semies. A day later, the tournament's most successful nation Egypt, taking on Cameroon in that second semi. Earlier, I spoke with North African football expert Ahmad Yousef.


AHMAD YOUSEF, NORTH AFRICAN FOOTBALL EXPERT: Yes, it was a wonderful game, say we saw a absolute amazing North-African Darby. And always with these type of games, you get a lot of rivalry, very fierce rivalry between the nations. And we really saw that today also on the pitch with a number of very heated scuffles. And it was really good to see the passion coming out of all the players today.

Morocco, as you said earlier, took the lead through a penalty. But that didn't stop Egypt. Egypt were very resilient. They played better football over the whole 90 minutes of the whole 120 minutes. And they really deserve that win. As you said, there's always got to be an Egypt game has to involve Mo Salah and he was there in the second and Egypt is first tapping in a loose ball from a corner.

And he was the talisman and the assister in the second goal that gave Egypt that win with a beautiful run down the right-hand side and he laid it over to Trezeguet and all you have to do is just tap the ball in. And Trezeguet is kind of that his best position just coming in at the back post. He did it for Aston Villa a couple of seasons ago to keep them in the Premier League. And he did it again today for Egypt to send them through to the semi final where there'll be playing Cameroon.

So the two most successful African nations battling out and in Cameroon, so it's going to be very tough for Egypt. To add to the difficulty, Egypt suffer two more injuries to the five already. They've got an escort. Second choice goalkeeper (INAUDIBLE) came off with an injury offer remarkable save, keep Egypt in it late on in the game. And the star center-back Ahmed Hegazi also injured.

but the whole game really has to go down to Mo Salah's brilliance today and he really did help Egypt win that game.

SNELL: Yes. That was some save, wasn't it? It was vital. I tell you what. We know how vital Salah is to Liverpool's cause but where would this Egyptian team be without Salah do you think?


YOUSEF: Yes. I mean, I don't think this Egypt team would even be in this tournament without him. Joking aside, you know, he has really helped this Egypt side. And I think what we've started to see throughout this tournament is Egypt changing the way they're playing. We saw in the group stages Egypt struggled and that was because they were playing a lot of long balls over the top which doesn't suit Salah.

Salah is that fast tallest man who likes to get behind players and run into the box and things have changed now. Salah is getting more involved in the game, making passes, running with the ball and you could see them rock and stay. They really fed him and rightly so. Cameroon should also be fearful of Mo Salah.

SNELL: Let me ask you about Senegal because they've never won this tournament. How do you feel? Why do you feel in fact they've historically fallen short and how much of a motivating factor is that for them? Got to be big, right?

YOUSEF: Yes. They really definitely need to have that tournament on a -- on a -- in their cabinet because it's one of, you know, one of those things where they've got all -- they've always had excellent players, but they've never really struggled and I think African Cup of Nations is really the epitomizes team team sport. It's not about the individual sometimes, it's all about how well that team plays with you.

And Sadio Mane is the tallest man for Senegal, but he's been helped amazingly, by the rest of his team in gold. He's got the Chelsea goalkeeper Mendy. He's got (INAUDIBLE) in defense. It's a very, very strong team throughout. They're managed by an excellent manager Aliou Cisse who's Senegalese. So he really knows that, you know, the country knows how things operate. They've been the favorites this tournament, they're ranked the number one-ranked team in Africa.

So, you know, this tournament really is there as they face Burkina Faso who are ranked one of the lowest -- well the lowest tournament team now in the competition. And so they really should go on to it and win that first title really.

SNELL: All right. Ahmad, I got a few seconds up my sleeve. Quick look at the semi finals, which two teams will contest the final and why do you think?

YOUSEF: Yes. So without being biased, I think Egypt might -- I think Egypt might kind of play through Cameroon. And -- so I'm losing my voice. It's been a -- it's been a long day (INAUDIBLE) so - but then, I think -- I think the final will be Senegal versus Egypt and it will be Sadio Mane versus Mo Salah again, you know, those two Liverpool rivals playing together against each other.


SNELL: It is all to play for. All right. Well, a reminder that Spanish tennis player Rafael Nadal is celebrating a men's record. 21st Grand Slam crown while Norwegian golfer Viktor Hovland celebrating victory at the Dubai Desert Classic. We're going to leave you this Monday with our latest Rolex minute for you. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)
