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Insurrection Investigation Continues; Donald Trump Brushes Off Rebuke, Insists On Legal Power To Overturn Election; U.S. Troops Arrive In Poland To Reinforce NATO Allies; IOC Keeps Focus China's Olympics, Not Human Rights Abuses; Joe Rogan Apologizes For Resurfaced Clips Of Him Using The N-Word; Queen Elizabeth Elevates Camilla To Future "Queen Consort". Aired 6-7p ET

Aired February 05, 2022 - 18:00   ET




PAMELA BROWN, CNN HOST (voice over): Chilling new video released by the Justice Department from January 6th.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Pull the police out. Grab them by the hands and pull them out ...

BROWN (voice over): Showing just how violent the capital rioters were.

RYAN NICHOLS, CAPITOL RIOT SUSPECT: We are going to take back what's ours, and if you are a patriot, then get on board. You either do the right thing or we're going to make you do the right thing.

BROWN (voice over): All while the man at the center of the threats is finally calling out his former boss about his role that day.

MIKE PENCE, FORMER VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: President Trump is wrong. Under the Constitution, I had no right to change the outcome of our election.

ANA NAVARRO, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: What he needs to do is sit down and go talk to the January 6 Committee. It's taken him 13 months to admit the undeniable.

BROWN (voice over): And as the Winter Olympics begin in Beijing, human rights abuses are in the spotlight.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The Chinese government is holding more than three million Uyghurs in concentration camps, and also glorifying the modern day slavery.

BROWN (voice over): Plus, we're following new developments on the future of Queen Elizabeth and the Royal Family.

BROWN (on camera): I'm Pamela Brown in Washington. You are in the CNN NEWSROOM. Great to have you along with us on this Saturday.

We begin this hour with the Republican Party coming out of a buzz saw of dramatic events compressed into 24 hours. Former Vice President Mike Pence delivering his most forceful rebuke to date of his old boss calling out Donald Trump and his lie that Pence was empowered to overturn the election.

And there are new images of the violence energized by the big lie that the election was stolen. The Justice Department has released more videos of the January 6 attack on the Capitol and we want to warn you, some viewers may find the graphic images and obscenities disturbing.

The curse-filled rant you're about to see from one protester is a reminder that Mike Pence was very much a target for not obeying Trump's illegal demands.


NICHOLS: I heard that Pence just caved.


NICHOLS: Is that true?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I didn't hear anything.

NICHOLS: I'm hearing reports that Pence caved, now I'm telling you if Pence cave, we're going to drag motherfuckers through the streets. You fucking politicians are going to get fucking dragged through the streets.


NICHOLS: Because we're not going to have our fucking shit stolen. We're not going to have our election or country stolen. If we find out you politicians voted for it, we're going to drag your fucking ass to the street.


BROWN: The Republican National Committee has censured two of its own congressional members for investigating the siege, or as the R.N.C. so remarkably called it, "legitimate political discourse."

The party's leader say Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger by sitting on the House Select Committee are taking part in quote, "the persecution of ordinary citizens."

Now, the R.N.C. has since responded to criticism of its censure by claiming it was only referencing those who engaged in discourse separate from the violence on January 6th.

So let's begin with the Justice Department's newly released videos from that day. CNN's Annie Grayer joins me now. Hi, Annie. You have poured through these. What's your takeaway?

ANNIE GRAYER, CNN CAPITOL HILL REPORTER: So Pam, the Department of Justice released last night as you mentioned new videos that show just how shocking and how violent and frightening the events of January 6th were. And as the video you just showed, you know it's important to play these videos, as shocking as they might be to viewers because as you mentioned, the Republican National Committee said just yesterday refer that the January 6 attack was quote "legitimate political discourse."

Now, this next video that I'm about to show and again warning folks that you know there is a lot of frightening images here show just how, you know violent the attack was on January 6th. Let's take a look.


GRAYER: So as you saw at the end of these videos, Pam, rioters really cheering as Capitol Police are being attacked and these videos are going to be used as evidence in the Justice Department's investigation where they've already arrested hundreds of rioters who were at the Capitol that day.


BROWN: And two sources tell CNN that as of the morning of the riot, President Trump spoke on the phone for 10 minutes with Republican Congressman Jim Jordan. You spoke to him. What did he say?

GRAYER: So before we get to what Congressman Jordan told me yesterday, I want to provide some key context here. The January 6 Committee has in its possession White House call records that show former President Donald Trump wanted to speak with Jim Jordan on the morning of January 6th, and the pair spoke for 10 minutes while Trump was still in the White House residence.

Now, this is significant because the pair spoke in the morning before the election certification process happened and Jordan was a key Trump ally on the Hill trying to help Trump in his efforts to stop the election certification process.

Now, Jordan has admitted that he spoke with Trump on that day, but he has been very evasive and unclear about how long that phone call was, how many times a day they spoke, what time of day they spoke.

So I spoke with Congressman Jordan in the Halls of Congress yesterday to try and pin down some of those details. Take a listen to what he had to say.


REP. JIM JORDAN (R-OH): As I said, I've had a number of calls with -- I talked to the President a couple times that day, but I don't remember the times. So I don't remember ...

GRAYER: So you do not -- you don't remember if it was the morning? If there was one in the morning before ...

JORDAN: I don't recall. But, I know, I talkedt o him after we left off the floor, but I don't recall.

(END AUDIO CLIP) GRAYER: So as you can see, Congressman Jordan not wanting to, you know, get more specific there, and these are key details, conversations that the Committee wants to learn more about.

In fact, the Committee has asked Jim Jordan to speak voluntarily with them. Jordan has declined that offer so the committee is now currently weighing whether or not it wants to take the unprecedented step of subpoenaing a sitting Member of Congress, namely Jordan.

But the big picture here, Pam, is the January 6 Committee is trying to write the definitive narrative and the definitive timeline about what happened to -- what happened in the days leading up to January 6th, and specifically, the day of January 6th, and the details of this phone call provide a new piece of evidence that can be added to the timeline of that day -- Pam.

BROWN: Yes, it certainly does. Annie Grayer, thank you.

And now let's turn to Mike Pence's push back. It may not have been a big mic drop moment, but he definitely raised some eyebrows before a group of conservative lawyers. Pence bluntly rejected Donald Trump's lies, that the then Vice President was empowered to overturn the election.


PENCE: I heard this week, the President Trump said I had the right to overturn the election. President Trump is wrong. I had no right to overturn the election. The presidency belongs to the American people and the American people alone. And frankly, there is no idea more un- American than the notion that any one person could choose the American President.

Under the Constitution, I had no right to change the outcome of our election.


BROWN: Donald Trump has responded, he didn't attack Pence directly in the way we had seen him attack other critics, but he said the current efforts in Congress to keep a Vice President from taking that action shows that it was indeed a legal option for Pence, that's not true.

Joining me now is Tom LoBianco. He is a Washington political reporter for "Business Insider" and a journalist who has covered Pence from Indiana's State Capitol to the White House. He is also the author of "Piety & Power: Mike Pence and the Taking of the White House."

Hi, Tom, good to see you. So the Capitol attack was about 13 months ago. Why is Mike Pence choosing this forum to make his strongest statement yet against the former President?

TOM LOBIANCO, AUTHOR "PIETY & POWER": Hey, Pam, well, thanks for having me.

Real quick, just before I hop in there. No longer at "Business Insider." I'm a contributor at "Vanity Fair" and a contributor at Yahoo News.

BROWN: Okay. Thank you for correcting that. We'll make sure our team has those notes, as well. Thank you for letting me know, and congratulations on your new role.

LOBIANCO: Thank you. Thank you. Yes, you know, I mean, look, I was surprised by this yesterday and I think what we're seeing here, you know, I wrote about this in a piece for "Vanity Fair" earlier in January, about a month ago after watching him give a speech at the University of Iowa, and you're seeing Pence come out of his shell more.

And, you know, look, it's Mike Pence, right? And you know, we don't -- he is not bombastic the way that Trump is, but you know one of inches counts as a movement of miles for that guy and going out there and saying that is heavily calculated.


LOBIANCO: You know, him and his team, they obviously see some kind of path for him potentially for the nomination in 2024, and, ultimately, potentially the White House and he is doing things the way he has always done throughout his career, which is methodically. I mean, in a very distinct sense, it is kind of anti-Trump how concerted and methodical it is.

BROWN: Right. Because we've sort of have been building up to this moment. I mean, incrementally, he has said things here and there that he didn't have the power to do this, and so forth. This is the most direct, he has been about it. And of course, it comes on the heels of Trump putting out their point blank in his statement last weekend that he could have overturned the election.

But you have to wonder had Pence pushed back like this a year ago, would it have mattered?

LOBIANCO: Great question. I mean, look, you know, 13 months ago, you know, right after January 6, he had the power to help try to invoke the 25th Amendment. He ruled it out in that moment.

You know, a lot of people thought his career was over. You know, a couple months later, he gets back on the campaign trail. You know, of course, he has not actually declared and nobody has actually declared for 2024 yet, but you know, they're all running in the shadow primary right now.

And, you know, he is doing it slowly. And for me, really the turning point, which you saw him, I mean, look a lot -- some of this stuff, as you point out, Pam, has been out there before. His statements on January 6th or you know, he's been talking about it as un-American for one person to decide an election.

He's been saying that before, and he keeps pushing the ball, as you said, just a little bit further. And, you know, look, this one caught. And I think, too, if you look at the way that Trump responded to it, Trump is not giving it oxygen, which is fascinating. BROWN: That is what is so interesting. Yes, what do you make of that? Because we've seen Trump go after critics, right? I mean, no matter who they are, he will go after them. And that was not the case with that statement that Trump released.

LOBIANCO: Exactly.

BROWN: What do you think of that?

LOBIANCO: Well, you know, in a very real sense, remember this, too? Why was Pence brought onto the ticket to begin with? You know, I wrote about this extensively in the book, you know, back in July of 2016. Why is he brought on to the ticket?

And it's because of the new demographics that he can bring into the fold for Trump, but also remember, too, that Reince Priebus and Paul Manafort, when they pushed Pence for the ticket, they weren't just thinking about Trump, they were also thinking about the down ballot races.

And I think a lot of those same groups, I write about this a bit, in terms of the difference between televangelicals which were already really on board with Trump, and kind of your Midwest evangelicals who are a little quieter about these things, and more might have stayed home and that was kind of the concern.

And I think what we're watching here is, you know, Pence holding on to the same groups that he developed that rapport with before. I mean, look, he's going to the Federalist Society. You know, the thing with Pence is, you've got to watch his actions more than the actual messaging and he is doing it methodically.

You know, he goes to Florida, he does not get heckled. That was astounding. You know, so this guy is a viable candidate right now.

BROWN: He must have been able to sense that he would not get heckled for coming out and saying that, and remarkably, you know, on the same day, that the R.N.C. censured those two members, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, which is essentially doing the bidding of Donald Trump, just a remarkable dynamic.

Tom LoBianco, thank you.

LOBIANCO: Thank you, Pam.

BROWN: Well, police say two people are dead and one injured after a shooting near Milwaukee, and you can see here the dramatic video of officers running, one holding a child away from the scene, running away there from the scene.

Police say officers arrived at an apartment complex this morning and found a person firing a gun from the second floor. The suspect then started shooting at police, but officers did not return fire. No officers were harmed in the standoff.

Police say the suspect, a 26-year-old Black man is also dead and that the incident started as a domestic incident between two people. The investigation is ongoing.

Coming up on this Saturday, with U.S. troops now in Europe, are we close to seeing war breakout on the Russian-Ukrainian border? We have quite the expert here, that would be former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, William Taylor. He's going to join me next to break it all down for you.

And as China hosts the Winter Olympics, NBA star Enes Kanter Freedom joins me live. He is criticizing China's human rights record.

Plus, Joe Rogan is apologizing, wait until you hear why.

And Queen Elizabeth's Royal pledge, what she wants Camilla to be called when Charles becomes King.



BROWN: U.S. troops from Fort Bragg, North Carolina have started arriving in Poland. They are there to reinforce NATO allies in Eastern Europe as Russia build up its military presence on Ukraine's border.

These troops are among nearly 3,000 President Biden order deployed this week to Poland and Romania.

I want to bring in former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, William B. Taylor. Hi, Ambassador Taylor. Thanks for coming back on the show.

Are the new U.S. troops in the region going to help ease the situation in your view?

WILLIAM B. TAYLOR, FORMER U.S. AMBASSADOR TO UKRAINE: Pamela, I think they are. They're designed to send a strong message to Mr. Putin and the message is, do not invade Ukraine. The message is, this would be a bad mistake for you to assume that the NATO allies will stand idly by if you start moving your troops and tanks toward NATO allies.


TAYLOR: So this is designed, Pamela, to deter Mr. Putin from starting that war with Ukraine. So yes, I think this is a good message, and it is designed to nudge Mr. Putin towards negotiation instead of invasion.

BROWN: At the same time, though, Russia does not want to look like it is ever capitulating to the West. Is there any concern for you that this could inflame tensions with Russia in an already very delicate situation there at the border?

TAYLOR: Pamela, it's very clear the cause of this problem and it is Mr. Putin. It is the Russians.

First, they invaded Ukraine in 2014, and now, they're threatening to invade again. So this -- let's be clear about where the problem is. The problem is not Ukraine trying to defend itself or NATO trying to support Ukraine defending itself or the United States trying to support NATO defending, helping Ukraine defend itself, the problem is Russia.

And no, I think the message has to be to Mr. Putin do not invade. It will be a bad mistake economically, financially, but also militarily, because Ukrainians will fight back, and many Russian soldiers will die. So Mr. Putin needs to decide not to invade and he needs to decide to negotiate.

BROWN: A few days ago, U.S. officials allege that Russia is planning a false flag operation that would be a pretext for the invasion of Ukraine. They're said to be planning a graphic propaganda video that would depict a fake Ukrainian attack on Russia. What is your take on this?

TAYLOR: Well, that is what the Russians do. They've done this before, and they're undoubtedly thinking about doing it now.

This is part of their information campaign. This is part of their attempt to justify an attack on Ukraine. They are going to put Russian soldiers and Russian Special Forces into Ukraine. Some are probably in Ukraine right now, and they're going to have these Russian soldiers attacking maybe into Russia or maybe into Donbass and they will be able to blame, they will try to blame the Ukrainians for doing this. This is what they do. This is the false flag.

And they will supplement it with these videos. They'll supplement it with all kinds of information designed to make it look like the Ukrainians are the one on the attack when in fact it's clear, it is the Russians.

BROWN: So, you have new troops in the region. You have false flag operations. None of this really sounds like de-escalation. What would that look like to you?

TAYLOR: The escalation would look like a message, some of which, Pamela, we're getting now, a message saying from the Russians that they are looking for negotiations rather than invasions.

Now. Mr. Putin has said and Foreign Minister Lavrov and said: Look, we don't intend to invade Ukraine. Well, good. If that's the case, then they can move these troops back, these 120,000 or 130,000 or 140,000 troops that are arrayed around the Ukrainian border. If they don't plan to invade, then they can move these troops back. And if they want to stand down, if they want to address security concerns, then the United States has offered to sit down and discuss these concerns.

So, that's what it would look like.

BROWN: Okay, Ambassador William Taylor, thank you so much for offering up your perspective tonight. We appreciate it.

TAYLOR: Thanks, Pam. Thanks for having me.

BROWN: Well, the Olympic Games are underway in Beijing and we have to call out what the International Olympic Committee isn't saying about human rights concerns in China.

Plus, there is pressure on athletes to speak up. Should they?

NBA player and outspoken China critic, Enes Kanter Freedom is here and he's going to chat with us, up next.



BROWN: The Winter Olympic Games are officially underway in Beijing for the first time since the 2008 Summer Games. With the eyes of the world locked on China, the government and the International Olympic Committee are trying to keep the spotlight away from the human rights issues China has been criticized for and has denied, most notably, the Uyghurs in Northwest China.

The Chinese government is accused of forcing members of this predominantly Muslim ethnic group into labor camps, torturing them, even sterilizing and killing them. Beijing continues to deny these allegations calling the camps quote, "vocational training centers."

The government highlighted an Olympic torchbearer, who it says is a Uyghur dissent in an effort to disprove allegations that it discriminates against her people.

For the record, when reporters asked IOC President, Thomas Bach about China's treatment of the Uyghur population, he refused to discuss it.


THOMAS BACH, PRESIDENT, INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE: If we are taking a political standpoint, and we are getting in the middle of tensions and dispute and confrontations of political powers, then, we are putting the games at risk.



BROWN: Putting the games at risk. Take that in. That is what is taking precedent over what some governments and human rights groups have labeled the genocide of an entire ethnic group under the same authoritarian regime hosting the Winter Games.

But Thomas Bach isn't the only one refusing to engage the political controversies in China. Here's what U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee Board Chair Susanne Lyons had to say.


SUSANNE LYONS, BOARD CHAIR, U.S. OLYMPIC AND PARALYMPIC CMTE: We were very opposed to having the athletes bear the burden of trying to send a message that the government wanted to send. We think that diplomats and government agencies should be working one with the other to resolve the world's differences. (END VIDEO CLIP)

BROWN: If you didn't want them to bear the burden, maybe don't have them there again.

Olympic organizers are only allowing athletes to speak their minds freely at certain forums. Even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi warned American Olympic athletes to be careful about getting political.


REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): I wish the athletes well. I do not encourage them to speak out against the Chinese government there because I fear for their safety if they do.


BROWN: So you have to remember, we're talking about the same country where the young tennis player Peng Shuai bravely accused a high ranking Chinese official of sexual assault. Since then, she has rarely been seen in public and then disappeared for weeks. We heard little from Peng until she resurfaced last month, claiming she never accused anyone of sexual assault and that she was simply misunderstood.

Thomas Bach will meet with her at some point during the games, although it's clear when. The IOC claims it will support an investigation into her allegations if she wishes, only if she asks, do we really think that's going to happen? The United States, United Kingdom, Australia and Canada have all declared diplomatic boycotts at the Beijing Games over what they say are China's human rights abuses. But is it enough?

Do more countries need to do more? Does the International Olympic Committee need to consider human rights before they awards the games to different countries? And who should hold the IOC accountable?

Some key questions there. We're going to discuss with none other than Enes Kanter Freedom. He joins me now. He plays for the Boston Celtics and is a human rights activist. So hi, Enes, good to see you again. I think, what, this is your third time on this program. Always good to have you on. So do athletes have a responsibility to speak out on these issues in your view?

ENES KANTER FREEDOM, NBA PLAYER: Thanks for having me. I think you know athletes is a huge platform to talk about not just the problems that are happening in America but all over the world. And obviously now because of the social media and everything, there are so many young kids that are out there watching us and idolizing us, I feel that we need to educate them.

And I feel like athletes play a very important role in this. And yes, I feel like they do need to speak out about all the injustices that are happening over there in China, because while we are talking right now, there is a genocide happening, so.

BROWN: A genocide that the Chinese government has repeatedly denied, yet as we just pointed out, in our - for the record there, many governments across the globe have said that what they are doing is genocide. Last year, the MLB moved its all-star game away from Atlanta over a Georgia law that infringed on voting rights. In 2017. You had the NBA All-Star game being removed from Charlotte due to its controversial bathroom bill. Should the IOC be willing to move its events like we see here in the States?

FREEDOM: I mean, first of all, people need to understand is IOC has backed the Chinese government despite force brutality, torture, mass arrest, execution, labor camps, religious repression, genocide. And I say this over and over again, but International Olympic Committee sleeps in the same bed with China and they do not care about human rights and they care about publicity and money.

And shame on them organizing a game while Olympic Games in a country like China, like we did talk about there is a genocide happening, but I feel like IOC clearly show their true color when they ask them about the missing tennis player, Peng Shuai. But I feel like someone needs to hold them accountable.

So I feel like athletes played a very important role to introduce the hold those and not just IOC, but the corporate sponsors and all the other people that are accountable.

BROWN: Right.


So what do you think - who do you think that should be? How do you think they should be held accountable?

FREEDOM: I mean, first of all, we need to call out sponsor for sure. I mean, I have the list of (inaudible) here. You got Airbnb, Coca-Cola, Intel, Panasonic, PNG, Samsung (inaudible) and visa. And I think other than that, I mean, athletes needs to understand, all the gold medals in the world that you can (inaudible) is not more important than your values, your morals and your principles.

And the other thing is I want them to understand, whenever I had a conversation with one of the athletes, I try to tell them like, Chinese Communist Party does not represent Olympic core values of excellence, of respect, of friendship and now the whole world knows they are a brutal dictatorship and they do not respect human rights. They hide the truth and they engage in censorship.

So I feel like - like I said again, we are playing a very important role. I wish that one of the athlete came on and said enough is enough, but I'm hopeful. I hope one of those athletes will speak out while they're playing the games.

BROWN: But what do you think about the fact that they're only able to do so in certain forums?

FREEDOM: I mean, it will - I mean, I will just say this, they're playing a very important role. While they're there, take a couple of days and try to visit the concentration camps, because to me it is all propaganda over there. Whatever Chinese government doing to them is all propaganda. Take a couple of days to visit concentration camps, go visit Hong Kong, go visit Tibetans and then after that take a couple days to go visit Taiwan to see what democracy means, so.

BROWN: And, of course, China has said that these camps in the region are voluntary vocational training camps centers. It has repeatedly condemned any attempts to politicize sports, calling the diplomatic boycott by the U.S. and others based on ideological bias, lies and rumors. In an attempt to disrupt the games, you've actually said, you would accept a visit to China, as long as you get to see, "the real China." What do you mean by that?

FREEDOM: Well, one of the former, actually, NBA player, Yao Ming, invited me over to China because of my criticism to Chinese government and I actually accepted his offer. I'm like, I will come to China, but I don't want to see a luxury tour of China or I don't want to see a propaganda.

Well, while we're in China, I want to go visit concentration camps. Because from firsthand, I heard what is happening over there, because I had a conversation with the survivors. And then after that, I want to see what's happened in Hong Kong and Tibet. And then after that I wanted to take him to Taiwan.

And then it is a shame because he actually blocked me on Instagram like a little kid. Actually, all my teammates were laughing at him and all the NBA families laughed at him right now. But now I wanted to show the whole world what the real China is, because right now all the athletes over there, they're only going to see propaganda, nothing else. But they need to educate themselves. They need to open their eyes.

BROWN: Yao Ming was a fellow NBA alum, as you point out, was a torchbearer during the relay before the Olympics. I want to ask you about what we've seen from major world players, including the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, all diplomatically boycotting the Olympics. Is that enough in your view?

FREEDOM: So diplomatic boycott is good, but it's not enough. It is definitely not enough. It still shows that, obviously, there's a lot of problems that are happening in the country, but it is not enough. I feel like we should definitely tell our athletes to not to go in a country like China, because China's going to use this for its own propaganda.

Well, I just hope that now the world see what's going on. And I hope that athletes can educate themselves about what's going on over there. But it's not too late. I encourage all the - unlike Speaker Pelosi, I encourage all the players over there to speak freely and say whatever they want to say because it will impact a lot and you will help so many people.

BROWN: Yes. Speaker Pelosi saying that she was worried if they did that they could be put in harm's way. It could be bad for them. Enes Kanter Freedom, thank you as always for the conversation and for sharing your perspective on this important issue here on the show. FREEDOM: Huge thanks. I appreciate that.

BROWN: Joe Rogan is out with a new apology as pressure grows on Spotify to pull the plug on his podcast. Find out what he said that prompted this.


JOE ROGAN: And I clearly have (inaudible) up.





BROWN: Joe Rogan is now apologizing and insisting he is not racist after videos resurfaced of him using the N word multiple times on his podcast. PatriotTakes, which put the videos together is an organization that aims to expose extremism on the far right. The video is an edited compilation of different podcast episodes and I do want to warn you this is disturbing to hear.



ROGAN: You know, the (inaudible) ...

Yeah, saying the word (inaudible) ...

I've already said (inaudible) ...

It's just like (inaudible) ...

(Inaudible) ...

She's call you (inaudible) ...

Boy, he's (inaudible) ...

Starts to called them (inaudible) ...

(Inaudible) ...

There should be a word like (inaudible) ...

Especially like the word (inaudible), that's our (inaudible) ...

(Inaudible) ...

He says (inaudible) ...

(Inaudible) start saying (inaudible) use the word (inaudible) ... (Inaudible) the word (inaudible) ...


BROWN: CNN's Oliver Darcy joins me. Wow. I mean, Oliver, it's just awful seeing that compilation and just how casually he is throwing out that word. What is Joe Rogan saying now?

OLIVER DARCY, CNN SENIOR MEDIA REPORTER: Yes. It's horrible to see Pam. Joe Rogan, he apologized last week, you'll remember, for being irresponsible with this platform regarding COVID misinformation and now he is saying he messed up again, this time for using those racial slurs.


ROGAN: I'm making this video to talk about the most regretful and shameful thing that I've ever had to talk about publicly. There's a video that's out that's a compilation of me saying the N-word. It's a video that's made of clips taken out of context of me of 12 years of conversations on my podcast and it's all smushed together. And it looks (inaudible) horrible, even to me.

Now, I know that to most people, there's no context where a white person is ever allowed to say that word, never mind publicly on a podcast. And I agree with that now, I haven't said it in years, but for a long time, when I would bring that word up, like if it would come up in conversation, instead of saying the N word, I would just say the word. I never use it to be racist, because I'm not racist. But whenever you're in a situation where you have to say, I'm not racist, you (inaudible) up and I clearly have (inaudible) up.


DARCY: Pam, let's remember that this is coming at the start of Black History Month, this controversy for Spotify, a company that positions itself as inclusive and promoting diversity. And now you have their top star, the top star that they pay a reported $100 million to repeatedly crossing a bright red line in old episodes of his show.

Spotify is not commenting on the matter at the moment, but a person familiar has told CNN that they spoke to Rogan about these episodes, and that he decided to pull the episodes from his Spotify library. And about 70 episodes, I think fans notice have gone missing.

And this is of course, big picture here, a problem for Spotify. They've been facing significant controversy, because of the things said on Joe Rogan's show for the last several weeks. Of course, it started with misinformation and Neil Young saying he's going to pull his library of songs from the platform because he didn't want to share it with Joe Rogan because of the COVID misinformation.

And now it's spiraling out of control where you have the top star of the platform repeatedly using the N word and this clip going viral. Certainly, just does not look good for Spotify.

BROWN: It certainly doesn't to say the least. Oliver Darcy, thank you.

DARCY: Thank you.

BROWN: A weekend of royal history and more ways than one the queen is marking 70 years on the throne and she's given a big title to her daughter-in-law. We're going to check in with Max Foster right outside Buckingham Palace next.



BROWN: It is a history making weekend for Britain's Queen Elizabeth II. Tomorrow marks 70 years to the day since she assumed the throne. The Queen traditionally marks accession day out of the public eye since it's also the anniversary of her father's death. The Queen this weekend also expressing support for Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, saying her daughter in law should receive the title of Queen Consort when Prince Charles assumes the throne.

CNN's Max Foster joins me now from London. All right. Hi there, Max. So tell all of us non-royal subjects watchers how big of a deal this is that the Queen approves of Camilla bearing the title Queen Consort? Camilla's place in the royal family has never really been cemented.

MAX FOSTER, CNN ROYAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, no. I mean, we all know the story, don't we? That Charles and Camilla had an affair and Diana eventually was divorced, left the family, blame Camilla for the breakup in the relationship. So she's always been a very, very controversial figure.

But over the years, she has been sort of promoted by the family, a part of the brand. I think one of the conditions here, when they got married, they talked about what sort of title Camilla might have when Charles becomes king. And they, excuse me, they agree that would be Princess Consort, because of the sensitivities about the title that Diana was going to have one day or had been destined for.

But over the years, Charles has made it very clear behind the scenes that he wants Camilla to be queen, when he becomes king. And the Queen, the current queen has finally agreed to that and she's hoping the public will support that. And what she's doing is creating a future shape of the British monarchy and Camilla is very much going to be at the head.

So Pamela, we're going to see Charles become crowned but also Camilla being crowned next him which is of huge significance really, emotionally. The test now whether or not the public accepts Camilla as Queen because many of them still would like to the idea of having Diana in that role.


FOSTER: Of course, it's impossible but they don't want see Camilla taking Diana's place.

BROWN: All right. Max Foster live for us in London. Thank you. We'll be right back.



BROWN: I'm Pamela Brown in Washington.