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U.S.: Russian Forces Moving Into Fighting Positions; U.S.: Russia Has Added 7,000 Troops Around Ukraine; U.S. Defense Secretary Meeting with NATO Leaders; Cross-Country Winter Storm Threatens Much of the Nation; Canada Beats U.S. To Win Women's Ice Hockey Gold; Kamila Valieva Set to Compete in Women's Free Skate. Aired 4-4:30a ET

Aired February 17, 2022 - 04:00   ET



ISA SOARES, CNN ANCHOR: Hello and a very warm welcome to our viewers joining us in the United States and right around the world. I'm Isa Soares in London.

MICHAEL HOLMES, CNN ANCHOR: And I'm Michael Holmes in Lviv, in Ukraine. Coming up on CNN NEWSROOM.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: More Russian force, not fewer, are at the border.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Russia maintains a massive invasion force ready to attack.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Our goal has to be that he eventually comes to the conclusion that that was a mistake.


HOLMES: False claims and no sign of de-escalation. The U.S. says Moscow has added thousands more troops along Ukraine's border. We're live here in Lviv, Brussels, Moscow this hour.

SOARES: Snow and severe flooding. More than a dozen U.S. states are in extreme weather alert as the cross-country storm packs a powerful punch.

And a disappointing day for Team U.S.A. at the Beijing Olympics. We'll have your gold medal winners.

ANNOUNCER: Live from London, this is CNN NEWSROOM with Isa Soares.

SOARES: Welcome to the show, everyone. It is Thursday, February 17th. And we begin with what the U.S. and NATO are calling false claims by Russia that it's pulling back some of its troops from the border with Ukraine. One senior U.S. official says talks of diplomacy from Vladimir Putin is just a guise and Russia has actually added about 7,000 troops just in recent days. Now, the Biden administration is cranking up its informational warfare

campaign against Moscow keeping the world of course on high alert for a Russian invasion.

We've got reporters on the ground in the region. CNN's Nic Robertson is in Moscow. We'll have much more details on Russia's claims of a troop drawdown. Our Melissa Bell is following developments and talks in Brussels. Nick Paton Walsh is in Poland, Ukraine border. But we begin with Michael Holmes in Lviv, Ukraine -- Michael.

HOLMES: All right, Isa, thanks so much. And Russia insists that more of its forces are heading back to the home bases today. But the U.S. State Department finds the numbers are actually growing with some troops moving into fighting position. The British defense minister says he's seen no evidence of a Russian withdrawal.

Meanwhile, new satellite images show the buildup in several regions close to Ukraine. These pictures show a newly constructed pontoon bridge in southern Belarus just four miles or six kilometers from Ukraine's border.


NED PRICE, U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT SPOKESMAN: In fact, we have seen the opposite in recent weeks and even in recent days. And more Russian forces, not fewer, are at the border. And they are moving concerningly into fighting positions. This is cause for profound concern. At the same time and as we've warned previously, over the past several weeks we've also seen Russian officials and Russian media plant numerous stories in the press any one of which could be elevated to serve as a pretext for an invasion.


HOLMES: Now the U.S. isn't taking any chances, sending even more troops to NATO allies including Poland. CNN's Nick Paton Walsh is there. We'll have his report later this hour. So, don't miss that. Meanwhile, the U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken offering his assessment.


ANTONY BLINKEN, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: We continue to see not only these forces amass, we continue to see critical units moving towards the border, not away from the border. So, what we need to see is exactly the opposite. We need to see these forces move away. We've heard what the Kremlin said about this. As President Biden said yesterday, we'd welcome that, but we haven't seen it on the ground. And the bottom line is this, we're prepared either way. We're prepared to engage in diplomacy with Russia if it's serious about it. We are also prepared for renewed Russian aggression.


HOLMES: NATO leaders are meeting again today in Brussels meanwhile to map out their strategy. The U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg are scheduled to hold a news in a few hours and we will be bringing you that. Now CNN's Melissa Bell is live for us this hour in Brussels covering that NATO meeting. But first let's go to our international diplomatic editor Nic Robertson who's standing by there in Moscow.


So, Nic, what is your read on this supposed troop pullbacks by Russia, small as they are? The U.S. and other Western nations say nonsense, troop numbers are going up, not down?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Yes, British Secretary of Defense Ben Wallace has just said that, you know, they want to be able to verify what Russia claims. Any even used what appeared to be the Russian word for lying, veranya (ph), is a reference to how Russia is sort of handling its information campaign here. Essentially accusing the Russians directly of lying.

What we heard from the Russian embassy in Washington yesterday was that this was more self-hypnosis. This was more hysteria. This was more disinformation coming from the United States. What the Russian military is saying happened overnight last night, they're claiming more troops from the western region of Russia have left the training that they've been undergoing close to the border with Ukraine and are now headed back to their bases. Saying that some of them are heading back over 900 kilometers to their bases where they will go back and refit and clean out their equipment and get ready for the next phase of winter training. That's what the ministry of defense is saying.

But the evidence that they're presenting for it are pieces of video but it's very hard to confirm where these pieces of video of troops moving and equipment are filmed. Where those pieces of equipment are going. Are they completing their journeys? So, there is a credibility gap on the information that the ministry of defense here is presenting because it's a very incomplete picture. And the analysis as we've heard from numerous Western officials is that it just doesn't match the reality of what they're seeing on the ground.

And again, what president Putin and his officials, and we know that the Italian foreign minister right now is meeting with Sergey Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister. What all of them are being told by Western interlocutors, if you want to have a dialogue to continue negotiations about your issues, your security concerns as Russia says it does, then you need to de-escalate those forces around Ukraine.

So, is Russia trying to create here the impression that it's de- escalating so they can have the diplomatic conversations? Certainly, on the face of it that appears to be what's happening. But it's lacking in substance and Russia certainly at the moment in the conversations it wants to have, they don't measure up to the conversations that the international community is prepared to have because they've already said no to Russia's maximalist demands -- Michael.

HOLMES: Yes. Great analysis. Nic Robertson there in Moscow, thanks. Let's turn now to Melissa Bell to you now in Brussels. So, this NATO

summit continues today. Ukraine also joining remotely. What can we expect?

MELISSA BELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: That's right. Oleksiy Reznikov, the Ukrainian Defense Minister, will be speaking remotely to his NATO counterparts. And at the heart of this, of course, beyond what NATO had to say yesterday about its intelligence assessments regarding the Russian buildup really agreeing with what we've heard so much of over the course of the last 24 hours. That as far as it was concerned, there was no sign of any de-escalation on the ground and that it was continuing to look at that.

Today really goes to what is at the heart of all this now. Ever since in 2019 Ukraine enshrined in this Constitution the fact that it hoped one day to join not only the European Union but also NATO. And that will course be at the heart of the defense minister's conversation with his NATO counterparts today. And Ukraine and Georgia take steps towards what they hope will one day be membership.

And beyond that we're going to be hearing, if you said, from the American defense secretary. We're going to be hearing as well once again from Jens Stoltenberg on what happens next and no doubt on the very latest in terms of their assessments of what's happening around Ukraine.

But the message from NATO really these last 24 and certainly at the end of the first day of its meetings was that not only was it more unified than ever against Russia with regard to what's been happening the last few weeks but also stronger with its determination to strengthen its eastern flank. And I think that was the message it wanted to send. But far from being divided by recent events around Ukraine, it had been united. And that's something we're going to hear also coming from European leaders. We don't expect a press conference today. They're all coming to Brussels today for their own summit, but they will be speaking also about Ukraine and the sanctions that they're preparing against Russia -- Michael.

HOLMES: Yes. Melissa bell, busy day for you there in Brussels and the same for Nic Robertson in Moscow. Thanks to you both for the reporting. Obviously, still a lot of moving parts in all of this, Isa. We'll send it back to you.


SOARES: Michael, we'll touch base in 20 minutes or so.

Meanwhile, in Washington, D.C., a bipartisan resolution condemning Russia's actions against Ukraine to get a vote on the Senate floor as soon as today. It comes as a group of U.S. Senators traveled to Germany for the Munich Security Conference. White House officials say Vice President Kamala Harris will meet with Ukraine's President while there.

And earlier in the tweak we told you if you remember about rising oil prices right across United States. Well, on Wednesday prices jumped to $95 a barrel before settling around $93 as investors try really to make sense of the latest developments in the Russia/Ukraine crisis. And the uncertainty is already impacting some Americans. In California the gas prices, if you can see there, hit a record average of $4.72 a gallon. Experts say $5 a gallon could be the norm there in just a matter of months. We'll keep an eye on that.

Millions of Americans are on alert as a massive winter storm stretches across much of the country. We're talking about the whole nine yards of extreme weather including snow, ice, high winds, flooding and possible tornadoes. Derek Van Dam is there with the details. And Derek, how bad are we expecting this to get? And good morning by the way.

DEREK VAN DAM, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Good morning to you, Isa. You know, this is a very dynamic and multi-faceted storm that is going to impact about 1/3 of U.S. Americans through today and into the early parts of the weekend. We've got the threat of severe weather and tornadoes. We've got a full-blown winter storm taking shape on the cold part of the storm. And on top of that a flood threat and an icing threat all encompasses this as well.

So, lots to unpack. Let's get right to it. Here's the storm. Anywhere you see that shading of red, that's where we have the potential for severe storms today. So, let's highlight that greatest threat this afternoon. Look at the storm prediction center and what they've highlighted. That shading of orange heads up Nashville, Little Rock all the way to Birmingham as well as much of Mississippi, that's where we have an enhanced risk of severe weather. That's our greatest probability of severe storms but it doesn't stop there. It stretches all the way to Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, even into the Ohio River Valley of that shading of yellow and green indicates a less likely event of severe weather. But still in the realm of possibilities.

Now on the cold side of the storm here comes the snow. We have a swath of 6 to 8 inches, even locally higher amounts, 40 million Americans impacted by this winter storm from the Colorado Rockies right through the lower Mississippi Valley into the Midwest and even into northern New England. That again is for Friday as the storm progresses eastward. 40 million Americans plus impacted by this potential, at least for flood threats.

We have flood alerts place for places like New York, Ohio, Indianapolis -- Indiana I should say, Southern Illinois and into Missouri. This is the warm center of the storm. So, it will be mainly rain where you see the shading of green.

And then to the South where we have this very dynamic, very fluid atmosphere creating are severe weather threat. We have the potential for wind gusts in excess of 50 to 60 miles per hour. That will certainly take down branches, potentially taking out power as well, places like Nashville, Birmingham all the way to Atlanta, by the way. That has just been issued for northwestern Georgia.

Here's the evolution of the storm system. Look at how many factors this is taking into consideration. We have rain on the warm side but also, stronger storms that will advance through D.C., New York and Boston by Friday. But it's really our snowfall potential we're concerned about. Travel disruptions Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis all the way to Oklahoma City. And then there's our chance of icing as well. Isa, back to you.

Yes, and it comes with more problems, that ice. Derek, thank you very much. Everybody please stay safe.

VAN DAM: Right.

SOARES: Thank you, Derek.

I'm going to show you this. Looking at really -- I want to show you these images. And you're looking at what's left of homes as well as other buildings after flooding and landslides ravage a city north of Rio de Janeiro. Brazilian officials say at least 94 people have been killed since Tuesday. That's when heavy rain sent water and turning streets into rivers. At the same time more than 250 landslides rolled down the mountains often sweeping up everything in their way. Rescuers are still looking for survivors. Officials are not sure how many people are alive.

It was a big win for Canada and a disappointing loss for a U.S. skier. It's the latest from day 13 of the Beijing winter Olympics -- Patrick.

PATRICK SNELL, CNN WORLD SPORT: Isa, yes, the celebrations for Canada's women's ice hockey team are in full swing at this hour as they inflict revenge, sporting revenge On Team USA for four years ago in South Korea. And I'll be telling you all about Mikaela Shiffrin's latest fall from grace in China today. What the American skiing superstar is now saying about it. All of that in a few moments when we return so do stay with us today.



SOARES: And it has been an action-packed day at the Beijing Winter Olympics full of highs as well as lows. Canada's women's ice hockey team is celebrating after beating Team USA to win the gold medal with a final score of 3-2. The two teams have won every, every Olympic gold medal for the sport.

Meantime, skier Mikaela Shiffrin crashed out of the alpine combined slalom event. The U.S. Olympian had a rough start for the games, if you remember, crashing out of her first two events.

The president, meanwhile, of the International Olympic Committee met with the U.S. figure skating team to discuss the ongoing medal delay in their event. As well as the situation surrounding Russian skater Kamila Valieva. Valieva is set to compete in the women's free skate event next hour. She's currently at the center of a doping scandal that sparked tensions in the world of sports.

CNN's team is coverage all angles of the winter games. Patrick Snell is in Atlanta with the latest on the day's events. But first let's go to Beijing where Steven Jiang has more on the Russian doping scandal. And Steven, we are expecting wonders of course from Kamila Valieva on the ice once more.


But how is this expected to play out with the other athletes competing against her here?

STEVEN JIANG, CNN BEIJING BUREAU CHIEF: Well, Isa, the thing is even though Valieva is favored to win, she is now really halfway towards another gold medal because no medals will be awarded on Thursday night according to the IOC. Instead, she will see an asterisk appearing next to her results to indicate the ongoing investigations. And indeed, no medal ceremonies for any event that she takes part in before the conclusion of the investigation.

So, the whole saga affecting not just her, the Russians but also other athletes who have won or potentially will potentially when alongside her. But because age plays such a big factor in this whole controversy. The spotlight is back on the minimum age for skaters to compete in these Olympic Games. Right now, it's 15 which is why Valieva is there. There have been suggestions to raise it to 17 or 18. But as many have pointed out, the issue here is not the age of the young athletes but rather the adults surrounding them. If the adults are corrupt, flouting rules to gain unfair advantages, then any change in the age requirement wouldn't make any difference. Here's what a former U.S. Olympic figure skater has to say.


MIRAI NAGASU, FORMER U.S. OLYMPIC FIGURE SKATER, 2018 BRONZE MEDALIST: Kamila is an intermediary to a bigger problem and there are people who are supposed to be guiding her appropriately who are most likely saying, you know, this is what you need to take to be your best. So those are the people that we need to hold accountable.


JIANG: Now there is an active investigation into Valieva's entourage taking place right now. But critics have also said another big issue here, is the IOC for too long has been giving the Russians a pass even though the Russians have been proven time and again, to engage in systemic doping -- Isa.

SOARES: Steven I know you'll stay on top of this story. Thanks very much. Do stay with us. Let's get to Patrick in Atlanta. And Patrick, meantime on the slopes, I believe it's been a pretty rough day for Mikaela Shiffrin. A disappointment for her no doubt?

SNELL: Yes, Isa, once again today proving a winter Olympic day I think we can all say, to forget for the American skiing superstar. Who once again has failed to finish a race at China's winter games. The 26- year-old a two-time Olympic gold medalist -- just to remind our viewers -- she did not finish the slalom portion of the alpine combined event, and that was earlier today. Sliding off course having entered that slalom portion in fifth place. Looking good up to that point. But then came the fall. This was Shiffrin's fifth Olympic event, by the way at these games. And just to recap for our viewers worldwide, in what was a major

shock. The American did not finish either in her favorite disciplines, namely the giant slalom and slalom. Shiffrin is expected to compete in the mixed team event, her sixth and final event on Saturday. Now the American describing what happened today as mind boggling having 60 percent of her did not finish rate for her whole career now happened that these games. That stat absolutely incredible. You do wonder to what extent now this will take a psychological impact on her.

One of the biggest names at these winter games, no question is the freestyle skier Eileen Gu. The American-born Chinese competitor who's already won gold. Remember that was in the big air event. Then she got silver in the slopestyle. Well, today the 18-year-old bursting with talent booking her space into the final of the free ski halfpipe competition after leading qualifying very impressively indeed. The teen landing all of her jumps. Of course, she did. Cheered on by the home fans there at the Genting Snow Park. Gu is leading afterwards as well. She's far from done. Why? Because she has a few more tricks up her sleeve as she says for the final itself. Can't wait for that.

And a short while ago this Thursday Canada crowned women's Olympic ice hockey champs after they race into a 3-0 lead against their big, big North American rivals the United States of America before ultimately ceiling a famous win 3-2. The U.S. won gold four years ago in South Korea by beating, guess who, in the finals? Canada on a penalty shootout. You know, between them these two countries have now won every Olympic gold medal in this sport. It's Canada who celebrates and our hearty congratulations to them.

And a reminder at this hour, the controversy surrounding the teenage figure skater from Russia remaining front and center at these Beijing Games. Today Kamila Valieva expected to take to the ice later for her free skate. With the 15-year-old comfortably leading the field. But there is so much more to it than that. We're following all of the key developments right through this day. Isa, back to you.

SOARES: Thank you very much, Patrick Snell and Steven Jiang there.

The NFL is boosting its legal team in preparation to fight a racial discrimination lawsuit filed by former Miami Dolphins head coach Brian Flores. Former U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch who was the first black female Attorney General in U.S. history is joining the defense. Flores is suing the league and three specific teams alleging they interviewed him for coaching positions with no intent to hire him.


U.S. troops are on the move near Poland's border with Ukraine and they're bringing along plenty of high-powered equipment. The message they're sending to allies as well as to Moscow.

Plus, inside Donald Trump's White House, visitor logs. Lawmakers investigating the January 6th insurrection are about to know the secrets.

Those are two stories after the break. You are watching CNN. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)

HOLMES: Welcome back to CNN NEWSROOM, everyone. I'm Michael Holmes in Lviv in western Ukraine.

SOARES: And I'm Isa Soares in London. If you're just joining us, let me bring you up to date with our top stories this hour.

Millions of Americans are under severe weather alerts with a cross- country winter storm threatening to bring tornadoes, ice, snow and flooding.

And it was a disappointing day for Team USA at the Beijing Olympics. Canada's women's hockey team is celebrating after beating Team USA to claim the gold medal with a score of 3-2.

Meanwhile, Mikaela Shiffrin crashed out of the alpine combined slalom event. And Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva will compete in about 30 minutes or so in the free skate event despite an ongoing doping scandal. We'll have much more on all those stories ahead in about 30 minutes on "EARLY START" -- Michael

SOARES: Thanks, Isa. The latest now on Ukraine for you. A short time ago the Russian defense ministry claimed once again that it is moving more of its military units away from Ukraine. But earlier Western allies said they don't believe Russian troops have withdrawn and they reject what they call Moscow's misinformation.


BLINKEN: They are moving, concerning into fighting positions.
