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CNN Newsroom

Officials: Russia Likely Ready To Start "Bombing Cities Into Submission"; Biden And Zelensky Speak At Length As Russian Invasion Rages; U.N. Says Over 1.3 Million Ukrainians Have Fled To Neighboring Countries Amid Russian Invasion; U.S. Working With Poland On Possibly Providing Fighter Jets To Ukraine; WNBA Star Arrested At Moscow Airport; Ukrainian Paralympic Athlete Dedicates Gold Medal To Countrymen Fighting Putin's Invasion; Ukrainian President Urges Ukrainians To Keep Up Resistance. Aired 8-9p ET

Aired March 05, 2022 - 20:00   ET



PAMELA BROWN, CNN HOST: And we just hope they're just doing as well as they can right now.

A new hour of NEWSROOM starts right now.

ANNOUNCER: This is CNN breaking news.

BROWN: I'm Pamela Brown in Washington. You're in the CNN NEWSROOM on this Saturday.

Our breaking news tonight, the White House says President Biden and Ukrainian President Zelensky spoke for more than half an hour this evening.

CNN is learning tonight that the U.S. is working with Poland on the possibility of Poland providing fighter jets to Ukraine along with consulting with other allies. That word from a White House spokesperson.

They say the U.S. is determining, and I quote now, "capabilities we could provide to backfill Poland if it decided to transfer planes to Ukraine."

The spokesperson adds that sending fighter jets into Ukraine is a sovereign decision for any country to make, and that there are a number of logistics to work through.

That word comes after Zelensky urged his nation tonight to keep up the resistance, praising what he calls a special kind of heroism.


VOLODYMYR ZELENSKY, UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT (through translation): Ukraine, which we know, love, protect, and will not give up to any enemy. When you don't have a firearm but they respond with gunshots and you don't run.

This is the reason why occupation is temporary. Our people, Ukrainians, don't back down.


BROWN: And this is just one example of that. Watch as the camera pans over from Russian soldiers and a military vehicle to a street filled with pro-Ukraine demonstrators. That is an occupied city where they are standing firm.

And the defiance can be seen in Kherson where Ukrainians took to the captured streets today, loudly condemning the occupation there. At times, they can be heard, "Kherson is for Ukraine."

Another view there from today, massive crowds waving those blue and yellow Ukrainian flags. Demonstrators also marching and chanting, "Glory to Ukrainian armed forces warriors."

But there is a crushing toll in places like Mariupol. That's one of two cities where the Ukraine halted evacuations today, accusing Russian forces of breaching a ceasefire agreement.

The mayor there says there's no power or water and no way to collect the dead.

In that same city, a Russian tank aimed its gun turret at journalists this week. This video is from our partners at ITN. They were along the last civilian convoys trying to leave. While they made it out, no one left behind is safe.

We're about to show you some heartbreaking images from Mariupol. They are hard to watch. But this is the reality of a war on civilians, innocent civilians, including an 18-month-old baby boy.

These pictures show his mother and her boyfriend rushing him into the hospital Friday after the infant was wounded in shelling.

The medical staff fought to save the baby, but he didn't make it. His mother could only grieve. A senseless and obscene tragedy in the name of power.

You just see the pain on their faces, unimaginable grief, heartbreak. A scene doctors and nurses across Ukraine will likely face again as the bombs keep falling.

And more of what we know this hour. Both Visa and MasterCard announced late today that they are suspending all transactions and operations in Russia.

That effectively cuts off the use of their credit and debit cards in the country or for Russian-issued Visa or MasterCards anyone tries to use outside its borders.

Meanwhile, this is one of the few Russian planes you will see landing on U.S. soil any time soon. And there's a reason for this. It's here to pick up the Russian diplomats the U.S. is throwing out as part of its retaliation against Putin. And British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to lay out his

own action plan in the coming week, one relying on an international humanitarian response that supports Ukraine's self-defense. His office says Putin must fail in his ambition.

Tonight, Ukraine's military and armed civilians are keeping up their resistance against Russian troops.

President Volodymyr Zelensky is pleading for help from the U.S. and NATO allies as officials warn Russia is likely ready to start bombing cities into submission.

CNN's Arlette Saenz has more.


ARLETTE SAENZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Tonight, new images emerging from the battlefront. Ukrainian armed forces releasing this video of the moments they say they shot down a Russian helicopter. The fire-engulfed-aircraft hurtling toward the ground.

Here, another Russian aircraft, a fighter jet, falls from the sky after reportedly being taken down by the Ukrainian military. Smoke billowing in its wake as it crashed into a residential neighborhood about 90 miles from Kyiv.


The Ukrainian Emergency Services says these are the remains of the jet. Bombs undetonated mere steps from homes. The scenes of war.


SAENZ: A war Ukrainians continue to fight with limited help from Western allies.

In a Zoom call with U.S. lawmakers, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky calling for greater military assistance, including the transfer of fighter jets from Eastern European countries and the establishment of a no-fly zone.

The U.S. and NATO still resisting such a move, warning it could prompt a full-scale war in Europe.

REP. RUBEN GALLEGO (D-AZ): A no-fly zone might be just the bridge too far -- (INAUDIBLE) -- right now. The U.S. plane shooting down a Russian plane or vice-versa could escalate to the nuclear war.

SAENZ: Russian President Vladimir Putin declaring that any country or organization implementing a no-fly zone would be considered as participants in the conflict.

And as Ukraine pushes for more sanctions, Putin stating the sanctions already imposed on his country are equivalent to a declaration of war against Russia. On the ground in Ukraine, a show of solidarity from the U.S. Secretary

of State Antony Blinken, side by side with the Ukrainian foreign minister on the Polish border.

ANTONY BLINKEN, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: As to the pressure on Russia, not only is it unprecedented, not only is it producing very, very concrete results in Russia, but that pressure, too, will not only continue, but it will grow until this war of choice is brought to an end.

SAENZ: Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett today also speaking by phone with Zelensky after a face-to-face meeting with Putin in Moscow.

Meanwhile, NATO and U.S. officials now fear Russia is ready to bombard cities into submission. A senior Western intelligence official saying Russia is poised today to deploy 1,000 more mercenaries in the near future.

But with the war in its tenth day, stories of Ukrainian bravery in the face of Russian aggression continue to spread.

Watch as a man jumps on top of a Russian armored vehicle waving a Ukrainian flag.


SAENZ: And the sounds of gunfire in a small town in eastern Ukraine. Unarmed protesters stood their ground while, according to a Ukrainian official, Russian soldiers fired their weapons to disperse them.


SAENZ: In this chilling video, a man in the front of the crowd appears to be shot in the street.


SAENZ: Another video shows protesters scattering as a barrage of gunfire rings out.

Tonight, Ukraine's foreign minister with a new message for Putin.

DYMTRO KULEBA, UKRAINE FOREIGN MINISTER: Putin, leave Ukraine alone. You will not win this war.


BROWN: Arlette Saenz is live from the White House.

Arlette, you're learning more about that phone call tonight between President Biden and Ukrainian President Zelensky.

SAENZ: Yes, Pamela. President Biden spent about 32 minutes on the phone with Ukrainian President Zelensky. The fifth time that the two leaders have spoken since Russia's attack on Ukraine began. We also know Zelensky spoke with lawmakers a bit earlier this morning

where he pressed them to encourage Eastern European countries to provide fighter jets, equipment for the country.

As well as calling for that no-fly zone, something that the U.S. has said that they are not going to implement.

I want to read you a portion of the White House readout of President Biden's call with Zelensky.

They said that, "The president highlighted the ongoing actions undertaken by the United States, its allies and partners, and private industry to raise the costs on Russia for its aggression in Ukraine."

The president particularly welcomed that decision by MasterCard and Visa to suspend operations with the country.

Additionally, the readout said, "President Biden noted his administration is surging security, humanitarian and economic assistance to Ukraine and is working closely with Congress to secure additional funding."

Now lawmakers are working on a funding package for Ukraine as they are trying to get more assistance into that country as this war is entering its tenth day -- Pamela?

BROWN: Arlette Saenz, from the White House for us on this Saturday night, thank you.

A U.N. agency now reports more than 1.2 million refugees have left Ukraine since the invasion began. Just over half crossed into Poland, and many more are on the move.

As CNN's Ivan Watson reports from Moldova.


IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): They are the world's newest refugees. Ukrainians fleeing en masse from the Russian invasion of their country.

The United Nations says more than 1.3 million Ukrainians have crossed the country's borders in the last week and a half. More than half of them traveling to neighboring Poland.

That's where the U.S. secretary of state was Saturday trying to send a message of support to some refugees that he met with on the border.


ANTONY BLINKEN, SECRETARY OF STATE: What Ukrainians are doing is inspiring the world.


BLINKEN: And the world is united in support of Ukraine -- UNIDENTIFIED TRANSLATOR: (SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE)

BLINKEN: -- and against Russia's aggression.


BLINKEN: And we are working very closely with our Polish friends.

WATSON: Hundreds of thousands of other Ukrainians have come to other neighboring countries.

And we have recently traveled through Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and now Moldova. And everywhere in the border regions, you can see Ukrainians on the move.

They're almost always women with children. They're in the train stations, in airports, sleeping on the floor, in hotels, in guest houses.

The populations of these neighboring countries have largely opened their arms to the displaced Ukrainians.

The government as well, providing free transport, warmth, food, even donated toys to give some sense of normalcy to the children.

Here in Moldova, there's an extra sense of vulnerability to this new conflict.

Because Moldova, the government, it shut down its airspace on the first day of the Russian invasion fearing that civilian aviation could be somehow damaged by the conflict.

And there's no real air access in and out of this former Soviet republic, so Ukrainians are largely traveling three Moldova to neighboring Romania. There are backups at the border.

And some Moldovans who are spooked by the conflict have also started to move away from here, clearly nervous that their country could become the next target of the Russian military.

Ivan Watson, CNN, Tishanel (ph).


BROWN: Our thanks to Ivan.

Our breaking news coverage of the war in Ukraine continues.

Former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, William Taylor, is here to react to news that the U.S. is working with Poland on the possibility of providing fighter jets to Ukraine.

And in a bit, we speak to a Ukrainian woman forced to flee with her 2- year-old, leaving her husband behind to fight.



BROWN: Two new developments tonight. The White House confirming that the U.S. is working with Poland on the possibility of providing fighter jets to Ukraine.

This news coming as we also learn about a new call tonight between President Biden and Ukraine's President Zelensky.

Joining me now is Ambassador William Taylor. He is the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine and current vice president for Russia and Europe at the U.S. Institute of Peace.

So let's talk about this news that the U.S. is working with Poland on sending jets into Ukraine.

Again, the U.S. would essentially be backfilling Poland, which would then presumably send the jets if they can figure out the logistics.

How important is this? How big of a development is this to help Ukraine fight back?


I was on the phone this morning with the senior opposition leader who's now totally on board with President Zelensky. All the opposition is united around him. There's no opposition.

And she was just very passionate about exactly this, about air defense, needing aircraft, needing a no-fly zone. We've heard a lot about that. Needing air defense artillery.

There's a lot of effort and a lot of concern about that whole aspect.

BROWN: This also comes at a time when you heard Putin just today saying that the sanctions against him from the U.S. were an act of war.

What is your concern that this could lead to further escalation?

TAYLOR: Pam, I'm glad that the sanctions are so effective. The sanctions are hammering the Russian economy. Apparently, President Putin is feeling it.

And that's something we didn't know. We didn't know if he was going to be shielded from this or not. He clearly understands the damage that these sanctions are doing to his economy.

So in one sense, that's a good thing. It's an increasing pressure. That's what we're trying to do, to increase the pressure on him to be able to pull back and to stop this invasion.

BROWN: You know, we were talking in the break just how extraordinary it is. This is one man who is running the show.

And you just have to wonder how he can wake up and go his day knowing that all of these deaths, these innocent civilians, all of that is on him. He is solely responsible for it.

TAYLOR: Solely responsible. War crimes are going to come to him. He may end up in The Hague.

Russian soldiers are dying because he sent them in. He has destroyed large parts of his own military. So this is having -- this must be having a big effect.

The Russian people are letting him know that they oppose this, that they are strongly opposed to invading Ukraine, what they perceive as a friendly nation.

There's a big backlash against President Putin in Russia.

BROWN: And he could be held accountable potentially, but not right now, right? It wouldn't happen in the near future?

TAYLOR: Investigations have to happen. You have to do investigations in order to prove war crimes.

And there's a lot of evidence out there already. People are gathering that evidence. This will not be hard to prove.

BROWN: I want to go to some of the viewer questions. We had some excellent ones.

One is: Did Putin underestimate the response to his actions?

TAYLOR: No doubt. Putin has underestimated Ukraine. Putin has underestimated President Zelensky.


I'm sure he thought the young politician, after never being in office until two years ago, all of a sudden, is now facing 200,000 troops on his border,.

I'm sure President Putin thought that President Zelensky and Ukraine would just fold, would just cave.

They're not. All of these demonstrations you're showing in Kherson. Kherson is occupied

BROWN: Occupied city. Exactly.

TAYLOR: And all of these flags out there.

BROWN: Right next to the Russian soldiers.

TAYLOR: Right next to the Russian soldiers. That's what Ukraine is. That's what the Ukrainian people are.

BROWN: And like you said, even if he says a short-term victory, the Ukrainians will win in the end. He won't be able to hold on to it.

This is something I get a lot of questions about, and that is: How is this going to end? When is this going to end?

No one has a crystal ball, right? But what is your view about when this could come to an end?

This person says, "Putin doesn't seem to be backing down."

Another person says, "Can anybody stop Putin?"

TAYLOR: Russians can stop him, Pam. Russians can stop President Putin. That is there are people around him who must be worried about his mental state.

There are thousands of Russians in the street -- if those get to be millions in the street, the Russians can stop him.

The Ukrainian military is effectively stopping him in certain places. They're not in the south, but they certainly are around Kyiv.

Ten days -- President Putin undoubtedly thought, like a lot of intelligence around the world, thought that in three days his military could be in Kyiv. It's 10 days. It's 10 days.

He underestimated Ukraine. He underestimated President Zelensky. He underestimated the unity of the NATO alliance and the ability of the American administration to pull this all together.

BROWN: You know, the 40-mile-long convoy, Russian convoy, is still stalled. It's been stalled for days. I think that symbolizes everything you've just said. Right?

TAYLOR: How many days have we been watching that very convoy?


TAYLOR: It doesn't move. Apparently, they gave them enough fuel and food for three days. And it's been 10 days. They're out of fuel and food.


All right. William Taylor, Ambassador, thank you so much.

TAYLOR: Thank you, Pam.

BROWN: And we all have questions about the situation in Ukraine. I asked some of yours but would love to hear what else is your mind.

Send questions through Twitter or Instagram, and I'll try to pose them to the experts joining me tonight and tomorrow.

What is it like on the ground right now for Ukrainians trying to save their homes from advancing Russian forces? I'll talk to a former Navy SEAL, Kaj Larsen. Do Ukrainian fighters have a chance to stop this attack?

We'll be right back.



BROWN: As the fighting in Ukraine continues, NATO's secretary-general says Russia is now using cluster bombs. That is a weapon that is banned under international law.

So what exactly is a cluster bomb? It could be a simple missile or bomb launched toward a target.

Inside this missile or bomb -- that you see right here in the graphic -- there are much smaller bombs.

Before it hits the ground, it explodes, releasing those small bombs packed inside of that right there. Those smaller bombs then head to the target, which can cover a larger area.

It all depends on how tightly packed the smaller bombs are inside. Not all these tiny bombs may detonate.

But this is one of the big reasons why weapons like this are banned or condemned by the international community.

Because not only can they raise the risk of more civilian casualties when used over more populated areas.

Some of these unexploded smaller bombs can be discovered days, weeks, months, even years later and can detonate then, injuring or killing those nearby.


KARIM KHAN, CHIEF PROSECUTOR, INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT: One thing is clear, of course, having human shields or using civilians is not permitted in international humanitarian law.

But even in circumstances where there's fighting taking place, there's belligerent activity in an urban area, that does not give a free license to use indiscriminate or very heavy weapons that will obviously disproportionately affect the civilian population.

So whether it's cluster bombs or thermobaric weapons, commanders in the battlefield need to use great discretion. And with great diligence decide how they wish to wage conflict now that it has started.

And the law is here, and the court is watching. And we have experts that will try to get to the bottom of it.


BROWN: Joining me now with more is Kaj Larsen, a journalist and former Navy SEAL. Hi, Kaj.

You say this invasion was slower than anyone anticipated. including Russia. That seems to be the consensus among experts.

But does it seem to be picking up steam in your view?


Thank you for having me. It's an honor to be here to talk about one of the most-grave humanitarian crises in the world happening right now.

And I think what you said at the top, your analysis is right. The Russian military, Putin sort of miscalculated the ferocity of the Ukrainian resistance that they would encounter.

But I do think that those -- that reality on the ground is changing as Russian armor and more and more Russian forces are making incursion further and further south into Ukraine.

You see like an anaconda, which is an analog, because the Russian military is encircling various cities in Ukraine, and they're slowly squeezing them off from supplies, from forced resistance.


And like an anaconda, their goal is to cut off their oxygen supply, to cut off those lifelines. And that will make it more and more difficult for the Ukrainians to resist the Russian incursion.

BROWN: Yes. We see the illustration of what you're describing there on the map on your screen.

So you think that although the amount of national pride in Ukraine is really strong, I mean, at least inspiring. It is strong too. It is not enough to prevail in the war against Russia. Tell me why.

LARSEN: Yes, unfortunately, I think you're absolutely right, Pamela. We've been inspired by some of the heroic stances of people like President Zelenskyy and the Klitschkos who are famous beyond the borders of Ukraine.

But as you know, I've been to war many times. And I will tell you that in battle, motivation matters. But it's also what economists call necessary but not sufficient. Motivation will fail to stop Russian armor as it rolls through the streets. And while it is an essential ingredient for any resistance for any insurgency, for any military, the sheer reality of raw Russian firepower is starting to meet the road.

And the -- Vladimir Putin employed a strategic strategy, right? He used one of the old adages that we say in the Special Operations community, which is don't run to your death. Putin knew he didn't have to rush this invasion. Probably they anticipated moving faster, but they also know that time is on their side. And they can make a deliberate march south as they take over more and more of these Ukrainian cities, and knock down more and more of this Ukrainian resistance.

So despite these inspirational models that you spoke about, and which I think have resonated around the world, it is a -- make no mistake about it. This is an extraordinarily difficult fight against a Russian army that has been sharpening their knife for the last decade, and places like Chechnya and Syria and all over the world.

BROWN: So it sounds like you think it's inevitable that Russia will gain control of Ukraine?

LARSEN: Well, I will say that war is chaotic and unpredictable. So, it is -- it is hard to make absolute predictions. There are a lot of factors here. Everything from military superiority to meteorological phenomena.

We've seen -- we've seen many parallels in history where extreme weather has bogged down an invading army. In fact, this likely saved the Russians in World War Two when the German army opened up an advanced front on the Russian border.

But all of that being said, the likelihood is that superior Russian military is going to ultimately be able to defeat any Ukrainian resistance. And most I think national security and military experts see this as inevitable.

BROWN: All right. Kaj Larsen, thank you for joining the show.

LARSEN: Honor to be here. Thank you, Pamela.

BROWN: According to the U.N., at least 1.2 million refugees have fled Ukraine since the Russian invasion started. Hear from one woman who left quickly with her young child while her husband stayed behind to fight.


ELENA BELAYA, FLED UKRAINE WITH 2-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER: We must survive and I think that Ukraine has a big, big and fewer future. I hope that everything one day will be OK.




BROWN: The war in Ukraine is tearing families apart.




BROWN: Russia rockets are now forcing many families to choose whether to stay or go or even leave loved ones behind who can't make the treacherous journey. Imagine having to make that decision.

CNN's Chloe Melas spoke to one woman who fled to Poland with her 2- year-old daughter, and Chloe joins me now. Hi, Chloe. Tell me about their story. How are they doing now?

CHLOE MELAS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Pamela, I was connected to Elena, who shared her harrowing story of what it was like fleeing Kyiv to get to the Polish border. She shared videos and pictures of a helicopter overhead as they were trying to escape and they were worried that they wouldn't even survive by the time they made it to the border. And she described to me this heartbreaking experience and what it was like saying goodbye to her husband.


BELAYA: I remember it was 5:36 a.m. and I took my phone and I saw on the phone messages that in different cities of Ukraine at the one moment something like a burst bomb, something like big, big burst. And then I said my husband to look what's going on outside. He said that, yes, really is some something going but very, very far. Then we -- then we started to look through the news and we realized that it's the war began.


And then we find out that my husband couldn't go with us. And it was the most difficult in this situation because of war, and he said that I must save our child and go to the safe place. And he convinced me to cross the border alone, only with my child.

MELAS: What was that like at the border? I imagined so difficult to say goodbye to your husband for now.

BELAYA: It was very, very hard, because I don't know Poland -- Polish language. I don't know Poland at all. I have only money for several weekend to live for this money with my child. And it's like something very unknown for me. And because of my child, I made this step. I couldn't let my husband go for a very long period of time. We will grind, we will harden.

MELAS: Can you talk to me about how are you feeling, you know, having to stay strong for your daughter not being able to be with your husband and the uncertainty of -- you know, the future that lies before you.

BELAYA: I cried many, many, many times. And now, I became a little bit unemotional. And I realized that I must stay strong for my daughter. It's a big mission for me to protect my daughter.

MELAS: Do you believe it's possible to one day return to your home and one day return to Ukraine? Are you holding out that kind of hope right now?

BELAYA: We must survive. And I think that Ukraine has a big, big and fewer future. I hope that everything one day will be OK.


MELAS: Pamela, Elena said to me that her daughter asks her every day, when is Daddy going to be here, and she said that she's constantly texting her husband just to see is he even still alive. She said that she hopes that one day she'll return to her home, and that they will be a family once again.

But for now, she's just living day by day in this hospital that she said this hostel that is filled with children and about 40 people with only the clothes she has on her back, but she says that her daughter has made some friends and that it's like a kindergarten there. There's so many young children. But they're holding out hope that one day they'll be together again.

BROWN: Do you know -- you said she has been texting her husband to see if he's alive. Has he been responsive at all?

MELAS: Yes. So, you know, as of this moment, her husband is OK. Obviously, he's devastated that they had to be separated. He was able to take her to the Polish border. And like you heard her describe that, you know, she had to be convinced to cross over. She doesn't speak the language. She doesn't have very much money, and that they encountered hours and hours of lines of cars. And then they had to go by foot for 30 kilometers just across the border from Ukraine into Poland.

And she said that, you know, every moment she doesn't know what the next moment holds, but she also told me how wonderful the people in Poland have been to them. But she says that she just hopes that one day she'll wake up from this terrible nightmare.

BROWN: Yes. We are all hoping that for her and for all of these other poor innocent Ukrainians having to flee their homes, leave loved ones behind. It's just awful.

Chloe, thank you for bringing her story to us.

MELAS: Thank you.

BROWN: Well as the crisis in Ukraine intensifies, California-based Direct Relief is shipping urgently needed medical supplies there.

CNN visited the organization's warehouse in California this week and the number one request from the Ukrainian government that Direct Relief is fulfilling, heavy duty tourniquets, the type needed to stop severe bleeding. The organization CEO says the urgency of Ukraine's need developed quickly.


THOMAS TIGHE, PRESIDENT, DIRECT RELIEF: If descended today, it would still be a major humanitarian crisis in Europe. We're -- we think directly physical loan to be trying to adjust to circumstances that we didn't anticipate in 2022 in Europe, that we would have basically a ground war that's targeting civilians, blowing up hospitals for reasons known only to one man. (END VIDEO CLIP)


BROWN: Direct Care expects it will be increasing its medical relief to Ukraine at least in the near term as the need escalates.

Well, an athlete from Ukraine honors his country after winning gold in the Paralympic Games. Patrick Snell has the incredible story, coming up.


BROWN: Tensions between the U.S. and Russia escalating tonight after the arrest of a WNBA star and two-time Olympic gold medalist, Brittney Griner. Griner was arrested at the Moscow airport after Russian customs officials say they found cannabis oil in her luggage.

CNN World Sports anchor Patrick Snell joins me now with more. So, Patrick, can you explain why Brittney was in Russia in the first place?


PATRICK SNELL, CNN WORLD SPORTS ANCHOR: Hi, there, Pamela. Yes. Brittney Griner, one of the biggest names in the WNBA as you rightly say, plays for the Russian team Ekaterinburg. Russia is one of the top foreign basketball leagues in the world and many of the top WNBA stars do play there during the offseason.

Now, as for context here, her stature in the game a glowing career resume a two-time Olympic gold medalist, WNBA Champion 2014, a seven- time all-star with the Phoenix Mercury. The 31-year-old, six-foot-nine tall, she's been playing in Russia during the NBA offseason since 2015.

Reaction coming in this Saturday, Pam, her team the Mercury saying, we love and support Brittney. And at this time, our main concern is her safety, physical, and mental health and her safe return home. USA Basketball adding, Brittney has always handled herself with the utmost professionalism during her long tenure with USA basketball and her safety and well-being are our primary concerns."

The WNBA also saying, Pamela, Griner has the league's full support and their main priorities are swift and safe return to the United States. So certainly following it very closely, indeed.

BROWN: And I want to ask you now about the English Premier League showing solidarity with Ukraine this weekend. What more can you tell us about that?

SNELL: Yes, some really powerful images coming in from the English top flight. A powerful show of support and solidarity for Ukraine. Screen throughout stadium over there displaying football stands together as supporters as well joining in the pre-match moments of reflection they were having on Saturday. The 20-club captains donning special armbands as well with a blue and yellow national colors of Ukraine. Defending champs Manchester City they play Sunday against United in the big local Darby. They're the club in the spotlight right now with their Ukrainian defender, Oleksandr Zinchenko saying how hard it is to watch the people in his homeland fight for their lives right now. But they will never give up, he says.

Now, unfortunately, after a report there's some Chelsea fans on Saturday singing the name of our clubs. Billionaire Russian owner Rolando Abramovich during the minutes applause for Ukraine ahead of their game at Burnley, Abramovich announcing his decision to sell the London club earlier this week. Chelsea's head coach criticizing the fans in question. Take a listen.


THOMAS TUCHEL, CHELSEA MANAGER: We show respect as a club and we need our fans to commit to this -- to this minute of applause in the moment we do it for Ukraine and there is no -- there is no second opinion about the situation there and that they have our thoughts and our support and we should stand together as a club. It's not the moment for other message.


SNELL: Chelsea head coach, Thomas Tuchel, Pam, speaking out on Saturday.

BROWN: Certainly didn't mince words there. And finally, Ukraine won its first gold medal at the Beijing Paralympic games today. What happened at today's ceremony?

SNELL: Yes. Some really powerful great storylines, inspiring ones as well Grygorii Vovchynskyi winning the Para Biathlon men's sprint standing event. His country topping the medal table with three goals on day one. So, a really impressive showing there for his country.

The 33-year-old saying afterwards, and this is really strong, I can dedicate this race to Ukraine for peace, for the people in Ukraine. It's first place for my country. So really wonderful words, inspiring words from him.

And what a storyline around Team USA's Oksana Masters as well as summer winter game star winning gold in Beijing. This was in the sitting sprint biathlon, bringing her total to 11 Paralympic medals, five gold, three different sports as well. Just incredible life story.

Oksana was born in Ukraine with significant birth defects believed to be linked, Pam, to the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. And Masters spending the first seven years of her life between various orphanages as well before being adopted by an American family. And after moving to the United States, Masters' legs were amputated, which really just put everything into perspective because everything that she has achieved so very, very inspiring indeed. Back to you.

BROWN: What a story that is. Wow. Patrick, thank you so much.

Well, on the outskirts of Kyiv Ukrainians trying to cross a damaged bridge to flee heavy bombardment in search of safety. CNN is there.



BROWN: Families who are choosing to stay in Ukraine have a decision to make. Do they stay in their home and risk the Russians knocking on their front door or bombing their home? Or do they flee, try to find safety in another country? Those are the questions seen in reporters and our camera teams have been exploring.


ANDERSON COOPER, CNN HOST: They want to feed people, they want to contribute to this effort.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Feeding is another form of fighting. Actually, feeding is a war way of fighting.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And I thought hey, before I die or something happens, I at least want to do something.

CLARISSA WARD, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Since we've been here, we have heard nonstop heavy artillery coming from that direction, also that direction. You can imagine how petrified these people are.

I'm just going to help her carry this bag a second. Excuse me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is the place where we belong. This is our nation and this time, it's our challenge and we have to face it.


BROWN: Organizations around the world and on the ground in Ukraine are trying to help those who need food, shelter, water, and other aid. For more information about how you can help, go to

And your next hour of CNN NEWSROOM starts right now.