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Zelenskyy Looking to Evacuate Soldiers at Azovstal; Red Square Prepares for Victory Day Parade; Massive Explosion at Havana Hotel; Sri Lankan President Declares State of Emergency; Russian Drone Captures Battle in Real Time. Aired 2-3a ET

Aired May 07, 2022 - 02:00   ET




ANNOUNCER: This is CNN breaking news.

ISA SOARES, CNN ANCHOR: Hello and a warm welcome to our viewers in the United States and right around the world. I'm Isa Soares. We are live in Ukraine.

Evacuations for the lucky few in Mariupol offer hope for safe passage for those still there. But they must survive Russia's shelling as the Kremlin looks for victory in the days ahead.

MICHAEL HOLMES, CNN ANCHOR (voice-over): And I'm Michael Holmes. I will have the day's other top stories, including a deadly explosion in Cuba, leaving an iconic five-star hotel in ruins. You are watching CNN NEWSROOM.


SOARES: Welcome to the show, everyone, it's 9:00 am here in Lviv in Ukraine.

At least 50 civilians were evacuated from Mariupol at that besieged steel factory. Two buses said to have carried some of the evacuees were seen arriving in the town east of Mariupol under Russian military escort.


SOARES (voice-over): The site has been under constant bombardment from Russian tanks, artillery and aircraft. President Zelenskyy says that he is pursuing negotiations for the safe evacuation of the 600 soldiers still inside.

VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT (through translator): We are also working on diplomatic options to save our military who remain in Azovstal. Influential mediators are involved, including influential states.

(END VIDEO CLIP) SOARES: Meanwhile, Russia is hastily putting its stamp wherever it can

in Mariupol ahead of victory day. A Russian flag flies over a city hospital and signs have been changed to Russian. An adviser to Mariupol's mayor said Soviet statues are popping up across the city.

Victory day, it appears this year, that the Kremlin may want to make a show of Mariupol or what is left of it as some sort of prize. Nick Paton Walsh is in southern Ukraine with the latest for you.


NICK PATON WALSH, CNN INTERNATIONAL SECURITY EDITOR (voice-over): Escorted by armor, curtains closed, inside are said to be some of the latest civilians to evacuate the unbridled hell of Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol. Yet these are Russian troops escorting them out, not the United Nations who helped evacuate earlier in the week.

Ukrainian soldiers here Friday said one of theirs died and six were injured in an evacuation bid.

And while Ukraine said it began a new operation to get people out from under this, the savagery of Russian bombardment at the factory, the U.N. said Friday, a total of 500 people had got out since their efforts began this weekend. Many, many more desperate to flee.

Battered and uninhabitable as much of Mariupol is, still ahead of Monday's Victory Day, it appears the city's drama theater, its basement packed with children when it was bombed by Russia killing hundreds is now being cleared up, excavated.

These satellite images first on CNN, showing rubble visible in April gone in recent days. Vehicles lined up and the ground around the theater cleared to make it more presentable. It's not clear why they are tidying the scene of what many called a war crime.

The warped world of what Russia calls liberation was also on view here in these rare images filmed inside a filtration camp where Ukrainians are held before being forced to go to Russia.

Passports taken, sleeping on the floor or in chairs, illness from the cold, all part of the experience of liberation, according to one woman whose father was there.

And this staged visit, evidence of Russia's rush to assimilate what it has clumsily torn off Ukraine.

This is Kherson, the first city it captured and the man in the beard is Denis Pushilin, separatist leader from Donetsk in the visit suggesting Kherson under Russian occupation where protests are crushed will also be declared a tin pot People's Republic soon.

It all has the whiff of empire.


WALSH (voice-over): Here, he sits discussing transferring food from Kherson to Russia's separatist areas, watermelons and tomatoes. He might call it trade, Ukraine a food heist.

But Moscow is far from having its way and the costs are heavy. These images CNN has confirmed were filmed in a graveyard in Ryazan, the flags of the Russian Paratroop Division, the elite and there are many just in this one city.

These are the dead behind the propaganda, with so much rubble in Russia's tiny victories -- Nick Paton Walsh, CNN, southern Ukraine.


SOARES: Well, about one out of three Ukrainians had to leave their homes because of the war. And that is an estimate from the U.N., which has more than 5.7 million Ukrainians have fled across the borders. Even more who escaped the fighting are still in the country, while some 30 million others are not able to escape and are stranded near war zones.

Some war refuges inside Ukraine will soon get help from Britain. The U.K. is sending power generators and other equipment for refugee centers and hospitals.

Meanwhile the World Food Programme is calling for the reopening of the Odessa port.

With us from San Francisco to discuss the enormous humanitarian relief needed is Kerri Murray, the president of ShelterBox USA, a non- government disasters relief organization.

Thank you very much for staying up for us. Give us a sense of what you and your teams on the ground have been hearing from the millions of refugees leaving Ukraine.

What stories have they been telling you?

KERRI MURRAY, PRESIDENT, SHELTERBOX USA: Well, it's absolutely unbelievable. It's a staggering amount of displacement that we are seeing. What we know now is that over 13 million people have been displaced. It's over 7.5 million internally that are displaced within Ukraine.

Families have had their lives ripped apart. So oftentimes, it's women and children, elderly and disabled who are fleeing to neighboring countries. ShelterBox is a humanitarian aid organization that brings emergency shelter and essential household items to people that have been displaced in the world's worst conflict zones with.

We are working in places like Moldova. They have the highest number of refugees and they are the poorest country in Europe. People need basic things, food, water, shelter, livelihood assistance.

And so, people really right now, just need the basic things for survival and that's why ShelterBox has been committed to helping refugees but also we have turned our attention to this massive displacement within Ukraine. Just finding a place to sleep for many has been staggering and difficult. SOARES: And the displacement, we have focused on the refugees and the

challenges of that. There's 7.7 million internally displaced. Let's talk about the immediate needs as well as long-term needs here.

MURRAY: Well, the short-term needs are, one, places to sleep. So what we have been focusing on are collective centers, churches, schools, evacuation centers, where people are sleeping on the floor.

So it's basic things, like mattresses. It's blankets. It's hygiene kits and, also, in places like central Ukraine, where ShelterBox is providing emergency shelter kits, things like tarps, ropes, tools to repair homes.

It's the same things, again, it's things like hygiene packs, so access to personal care items, soap, sanitary packages, as well as basic things like solar lanterns if you have lost power, containers to store water, thermal blankets.

So right now, we are really focused on how can we just help meet some of the immediate shelter needs and the immediate household needs for the millions of people who have been internally displaced.

And the situation is complex. It's changing all the time. And we know that there's been a massive displacement moving from southern and Eastern Ukraine to Western Ukraine. So really ShelterBox has tried to stage ourselves both in west Lviv, where we are doing distributions, and also Eastern Ukraine.

SOARES: You know, I have reports of some Ukrainians returning home.


SOARES: Have you heard the stories and why people are doing that?

Like you said, the situation here is still quite worrying, we're entering the third month of the war.

MURRAY: So we have actually heard reports of that. Some people have actually returned to Ukraine. The reasons that we are hearing, they are saying they miss their families. Their families have been torn apart. So often we heard that, that they have left their adult children behind; 18 and over if you are male, you have to stay; their husbands.

So they are returning for families. They are also returning because they need supplies. And they are also returning because they have not found adequate shelter.

SOARES: Yes, they have not found shelter. Some of them, many of them thought perhaps it would not last long, this war. But clearly it has and obviously the basic needs and the long-term needs are a huge concern for so many of them. Great to have you on the show, thanks so much, appreciate it.

Well, for the first time since the war began, the U.N. Security Council has managed to get on the same page on Ukraine. On Friday, the council released the first joint statement on the matter, saying it's deeply concerned about peace and security in the Ukraine and supports efforts to find a peaceful solution.

The council has been unable to speak in one voice or do anything to stop the war, partly because Russia has veto power in the chamber.

We will check in with you a bit later; meantime, we'll hand it back to Michael.

HOLMES: Isa, thanks for that.

We want to update you that on the developing story we brought you last hour. Japan's defense ministry believes a projectile fired into the sea by North Korea could be a ballistic missile.

The missile was fired into the waters off the east coast of the Korean Peninsula. North Korea have conducted repeated ballistic missile tests. The most recent on Wednesday. Let's talk to Will Ripley, coming to us from Taipei.

They keep coming. Speak to what this missile could mean in terms of significance.

And, also, why so many?

WILL RIPLEY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: You are right, they do keep coming. The fact that just after that launch Korean state media has yet to report it. Normally within 24 hours there's some sort of announcement about this launch. And that didn't happen this week, even though it was potentially an intercontinental ballistic missile.

This new launch is particularly interesting because of where it was launched from, a coastal city in North Korea. And now, that, along with the missile trajectory, has led the South Korean, the United States and Japanese intelligence agencies to assess that it's likely a submarine-launched ballistic missile.

Why is that significant?

Because submarine-launched ballistic missiles can be used to conduct a surprise attack on adversaries. Basically any country that has a coast, could theoretically be vulnerable. Now granted North Korea's fleet is noisy and older and can be detected easily.

But the fact that they are perfecting and demonstrating submarine- launched ballistic technology is noteworthy. There've been 14 launches this year, more than all of 2020 and 2021 together.

And it comes a matter of weeks after Kim Jong-un gave a speech on April 25th to mark the country's military foundation day. In that speech, he pledged to grow his nuclear arsenal at the fastest possible speed.

This is all happening as there's potential a major development on the horizon. Satellite images and United States military intelligence assessment, according to three U.S. officials speaking to CNN, is that there's been activity at the test site that was shuttered.

They have seen tunneling work and North Korea has been rebuilding the command center there, which leads the United States to believe there could be a seventh North Korean nuclear test. That would be a major escalation and a challenge for U.S. President Joe Biden.

Just like his five predecessors, U.S. presidents, has been unable to solve the North Korean nuclear crisis.

HOLMES: A lot of great information there. And significant if it's submarine launched. Wow. That is a development. Will Ripley, in Taipei, thank you for the update, we will check in with you later.

All right, nearly 2 dozen people are dead after a massive explosion ripped through an iconic hotel in Cuba. Now rescue workers are combing through the rubble, searching for survivors. The latest from Havana coming up.

Also Queen Elizabeth will soon celebrate her very special platinum jubilee. We will have more on that as well after the break.





HOLMES: At least 22 people are dead following an enormous explosion at a hotel in Cuba. Officials say a gas leak is thought to be the cause of the blast at Havana's historic Hotel Saratoga. Police and firefighters are combing through what is left of the destroyed building, trying to find survivors. CNN's Patrick Oppmann has the latest.


PATRICK OPPMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Rescue workers continued their grim task of sifting through massive amounts of rubble of what used to be the iconic five-star Hotel Saratoga, after an explosion ripped through the hotel early on Friday.

I'm told by Cuban officials is that a gas truck had arrived, gas for the hotel users for cooking. I am told that workers were ready to reopen the hotel to tourists next weekend. And somehow, as the gas was being delivered to the hotel, a leak apparently caused the hotel to fill up full of gas.

And that led to a massive explosion that has gutted the hotel. We arrived moments after the explosion, with some people being taken from the rubble and one woman barely able to walk.


OPPMANN: There was another woman covered in blood, obviously seriously injured, being taken away in a stretcher.

Rescue workers used their bare hands to try to claw away the rubble and see if there was anyone inside. Cuban president Miguel Diaz-Canel said that there was no sign of intentional terrorism that took place here but that a investigation would take place.

As the light goes out here, as the day ends, rescue workers say they will continue the difficult task of trying to look for any survivors, recover bodies. There is concern this building has been damaged so terribly that it could give way. So they are proceeding very cautiously.

But they say they will not stop until everyone is accounted for -- Patrick Oppmann, CNN, Havana.


HOLMES: Emmanuel Macron is just hours away from being formerly inaugurated as president of France for his second term. The ceremony will take place at the Elysee Palace in Paris. President Macron will sign official documents, be recognized as a grand master of the Legion of Honour and deliver a speech.

Macron had a close call in the runoff election last month. Macron defeated far-right candidate Marine Le Pen.

The U.K. is gearing up to celebrate Queen Elizabeth's platinum jubilee on June the 2nd. We are hearing that some prominent family members will not join other royals on the famous palace balcony, however. CNN's Nada Bashir has the details.


NADA BASHIR, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Preparations are underway for the queen's platinum jubilee, with members of the royal family gathering together to mark the queen 70th year on the throne.

We have learned that while Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are expected to travel to the U.K. to join in the celebrations, they have not been invited to join the queen on that famous Buckingham Palace balcony, along with other senior members of the royal family.

According to the palace, this is because Harry and Meghan are no longer working members of the royal family. They have stepped back as senior members of the royal family in 2020. They no longer take part in royal duties and have relocated their family to California.

But the decision has raised some eyebrows, because Prince Andrew has also not been invited to join the queen on that balcony. Prince Andrew has, of course, faced sexual assault allegations laid against him by Virginia Giuffre.

And while the civil lawsuit was settled and Prince Andrew has consistently denied those allegations, he did have his royal title removed as well as his royal duties. So he, too, is no longer a working member of the royal family. While Harry and Meghan won't be invited on the balcony, they are

expected to take part in other events and celebrations around the jubilee. We can expect to see them take part in church services, for example, to mark the jubilee.

And we do know that they are traveling to the U.K. with their two children, Archie and Lilibet. And this, of course, will mark the first time that the queen has had the chance to meet her great granddaughter, Lilibet.

She was, of course, named after the queen's family nickname. This certainly comes as a welcome first meeting on this very special occasion for the queen.

But the queen herself has not yet been confirmed to be in attendance at the jubilee celebrations. According to a royal source, the queen is looking forward to the jubilee and hopes to take part in celebrations.

But her attendance will not be confirmed until much closer to the event or perhaps even on the day of the celebrations. We also know that the queen is facing some health concerns in recent weeks. And she has suffered from some mobility issues.

She tested positive for coronavirus in February. And she has since expressed feeling tired and she has been forced to take a step back from some of her royal engagements. She recently celebrated her 96th birthday. She is marking 70 years on the throne.

So there are some health concerns there for the queen. But of course, that royal source saying she is looking forward to taking part in the jubilee celebrations and many royal fans will be hoping to catch a glimpse of the British monarch on that occasion -- Nada Bashir, CNN, London.


HOLMES: Sri Lanka's president is declaring a state of emergency following a month of anti government strikes and protests. The latest unrest is being sparked by the apparent mishandling of the country's economic crisis.

Sri Lanka's parliament will have 14 days to approve the measure, which allows for the arrests of protesters blocking roads and so on. The country's finance minister admits that financial reserves are close to empty and has appealed to the International Monetary Fund for emergency financing.


HOLMES: And with those coffers empty, prices for food, fuel and other necessities are skyrocketing all across Sri Lanka.

I am Michael Holmes. "INSIDE AFRICA" is next for our international viewers. If you are joining us from North America, however, the news continues, after the break. (MUSIC PLAYING)




SOARES: We are tracking efforts to evacuate civilians from the steel plant in Mariupol. More evacuation attempts are planned for today. Ukrainian fighters and civilians are sheltering inside the sprawling complex and have endured heavy Russian shelling.

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy is working on diplomatic options to get them out. Russian forces have started to blow up bridges east of Kharkiv to slow counter offenses. CNN cannot independently verify the claim. But Ukrainian troops have retaken a number of areas in the region recently.

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden said an additional $150 million in aid will soon be on the way to Ukraine. Kaitlan Collins reports the U.S. is running low to what can be sent without additional congressional approval.


KAITLAN COLLINS, CNN CHIEF WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: President Biden just announcing another aid package, to the tune of $150 million, that will include artillery, anti-artillery radar systems, jamming equipment and parts they need on the battlefield.

President Biden also issuing a warning saying the White House has nearly exhausted what Congress has authorized for them to send to Ukraine and calling on Congress to quickly approve that $33 billion request that he made in recent weeks.

Of course that is a request that the White House believes would get Ukraine through the end of the fiscal year, supplying them for the next five months or so. But it's something that Congress has not come close to passing yet.

They have been talking about it on Capitol Hill. You have heard lawmakers use urgency when talking about this. But it has not been passed and sent to President Biden yet.

While this is the talk in Washington, first lady Jill Biden is making a trip overseas, visiting Romania, going to see U.S. forces, who were there serving, of course, since Biden sent them to reinforce NATO allies. And she will be visiting with Ukrainian mothers, who have been forced from their homes with millions of other citizens -- Kaitlan Collins, CNN, the White House.


SOARES: Well, on top of that military aid package, the U.S. is funneling more money for military drones in Ukraine. The U.S. Defense Department will spend close to $18 million to send more Switchblade drones to Kyiv. They are known as kamikaze drones because they can deliver bombs on impact.

Well, we can now show you how crucial drones have become for both sides in Ukraine. You are about to see really a ground battle reported in real time by a Russian military drone. The footage was released by Pro Kremlin media outlet. Salma Abdelaziz reports Moscow is trying show it's not falling behind in the use of drone technology.


SALMA ABDELAZIZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): This is drone warfare as Russia wants you to see it, Moscow's troops hunting down Ukrainian defenders in the town of Popasna, backed by surveillance from the skies.

We sat down with a military expert to parse through the 22 minutes of aerial footage released by Pro Kremlin channels.

ABDELAZIZ: What am I looking at here, this column?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There are Russian forces there. The first soldiers moved into the trench to clear that trench.

ABDELAZIZ: Then we see that Ukrainian soldier popping out of that shed, over and over again.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Small arms fire taking place now. He's essentially pinned in that location. Whoever is on the drone will be speaking to the soldiers on the ground.

ABDELAZIZ (voice-over): This is close and intense combat with limited visibility. The Russian fighters here depend on the drone operator for a bird's-eye view and real-time intelligence.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You see him toss another grenade, this time he will be a little bit closer. He's done it properly this time. The fact that grenades did not kill him, I would be particularly surprised if he survived.

ABDELAZIZ (voice-over): Now watch this part carefully. The video cuts. We are still looking at the same location. But now there are at least six captured men on the ground, reportedly Ukrainian defenders.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We can see the Russian soldiers that are marked with the white armbands and white legbands. We have a series of soldiers that appear to be prisoners, on the ground. We don't know where the soldiers have come from.

ABDELAZIZ: What is the plan for these guys?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They have been told to take off their body armor. They have been stripped of their fighting capability immediately. We have here a Russian soldier that looks like he is giving physical

abuse to a prisoner of war that's on the ground just out of sight. They're looking for individuals of interest. They're looking for individuals of intelligence interest. And they will get taken away for questioning.

ABDELAZIZ: You can see him kicking that man.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, that's quite normal. But it's interesting where they are going to next. It's a bit crowded in a prisoner of war pen. And within that pen, they will get searched in more detail, they will get questioned. And then they will go back to a centralized prison system.

ABDELAZIZ (voice-over): The Ukrainian military's effective use of Turkish made drones helped it beat back Russian troops around Kyiv and other areas. Now the Kremlin wants the world to believe that it is capable of the same success.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What we are witnessing is that the Russians are being much slower to pick up the use of tactical drones than Ukrainians are.

ABDELAZIZ: Are you saying the message here is, look, we are really good at using drones too?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I believe it is. We also have propaganda material. This is effectively staged propaganda material.

ABDELAZIZ (voice-over): It's unclear when the footage was shot. But Russian troops are now largely in control of what is left of Popasna. And that's the other Kremlin tactic on display here: scorched Earth on the eastern flank.

Ukrainian troops have largely stood their ground, retreating if possible, surrendering when no options are left -- Salma Abdelaziz, CNN, London.


SOARES: The future of abortion rights in the United States appears to be up in the air.

How do Americans feel about possibly overturning Roe versus Wade?

And storms are threatening parts of the U.S. We will hear from the CNN Weather Center about the dangers and damage the system is bringing to the Southeast. You are watching CNN.




(MUSIC PLAYING) HOLMES: Welcome back to our viewers all around the world, I'm Michael

Holmes, you are watching CNN NEWSROOM.

Shock and anger have swept over the U.S. over the Supreme Court's likely plan to end federal abortion rights.

So how do Americans feel about overturning this landmark Roe v. Wade case?

It turns out most are against the idea. According to a poll following the leak of the draft opinion, 66 percent of Americans say Roe v. Wade should not be struck down. But many states are already preparing anti- abortion legislation to be ready if and probably when the ruling is overturned. CNN's Jessica Schneider reports.


GOV. KEVIN STITT (R-OK): We want to outlaw abortion in the state of Oklahoma.

JESSICA SCHNEIDER, CNN JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT: Nearly two dozen states are on the brink of banning abortion and it will happen almost immediately if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.

Thirteen states have trigger laws, abortion bans that will go into effect once Roe is off the books. Nine states have so-called zombie laws, abortion bans that were never repealed once Roe took effect in 1973. These bans would go back into effect if the conservatives on the court eliminate that constitutional right to abortion.

DANA NESSEL (D-MI), ATTORNEY GENERAL: That very moment, prosecutors around the state, could begin prosecuting doctors and I would argue, potentially women as well.

SCHNEIDER: Michigan's law makes no exception for rape or incest but it would allow abortions to save the mother's life. But the Republican running for attorney general in Michigan says he would prosecute even if abortion was performed in an effort to save the mother.

MATT DEPERNO (R), CANDIDATE FOR MICHIGAN ATTORNEY GENERAL: And then said, well, what about the life of the mother, OK. Do you have an exception for that?

I said, I do not. Because there is literally no medical diagnosis that says that if the mother's life is in danger, abort the baby.

SCHNEIDER: That is just one example of how uncertain the actual enforcement of criminal abortion statutes could be. In Wisconsin, the attorney general is already saying he'll refuse to prosecute and will instead leave it to local district attorneys.

JOSH KAUL (D-WI), ATTORNEY GENERAL: It's my view that we have problems that we need our law enforcement to be dealing with, like violent crime, drug trafficking. And we don't need to shift their focus from -- from those important efforts to -- to going after people for allegedly violating a ban that nobody had understood to be enforceable for almost 50 years.

SCHNEIDER: The wide-ranging prosecutorial approach reflects just how uncertain and uneven the legal landscape would be in a post-Roe world.

MARY ZIEGLER, VISITING PROFESSOR, HARVARD LAW SCHOOL: I think the most important and difficult question is going to be the, whether states can reach out of their own borders to prosecute people or whether states are going to prosecute patients for having abortions as Louisiana seems to be doing.

SCHNEIDER: Louisiana lawmakers passed a bill out of committee this week that would classify abortions as homicides, leaving the door open for patients to be prosecuted. And then there's the question about how officials would even find out about illegal abortions.

Privacy advocates are now raising the alarm that people's Google searches could be used against them or even their own cell phones. Alan Butler leads the Electronic Privacy Information Center and points

out that third parties can buy data from Google and perform reverse searches --


SCHNEIDER (voice-over): -- that could enable law enforcement to track who was at an abortion clinic and when.

ALAN BUTLER, ELECTRONIC PRIVACY INFORMATION CENTER: If the prosecutor goes and gets a court order to get this type of data or they go and try to buy this data on the open market, for example, which is another thing that happens, then they would know the information about the devices that were there, the idea of your device.

SCHNEIDER: Legal experts are now scrambling to fully understand all the implications of a post-Roe America. And many say rather than the Supreme Court's likely decision being the final word, it could instead spur a flurry of state-by-state legal fights in the years ahead -- Jessica Schneider, CNN, Washington.


HOLMES: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is launching a maternal health hotline for new and expecting mothers experiencing mental health challenges. It's confidential and toll-free and it's available by phone or text. That launches this Sunday on Mother's Day.

Around 100 undocumented immigrants were discovered inside a broken- down semitruck on a Texas highway on Friday. Those who were apprehended were transferred in to U.S. Border Patrol custody. Police are searching for dozens who ran from the truck. Nine people were treated for dehydration at a local hospital.

And we are learning more information about the manhunt for an Alabama inmate and corrections officer, who disappeared more than a week ago. The U.S. Marshals Service said this SUV was found in a tow lot in Tennessee a couple of hours north of Florence, Alabama, where the investigation began. Investigators believe it was the getaway car used by Vicky White. And

they released these photographs of the suspects, showing what they might look like with altered appearances. Casey White has easily identifiable tattoos. You can see one of them there.

In the United States, rising COVID cases aren't the only worry for health experts. The Centers for Disease Control is investigating more than 100 cases of severe, unexplained hepatitis in children.

Authorities say that the cases appear to be rare and that officials have not seen an increase in liver inflammation of children coming into emergency rooms. And they added that the cases appear to be linked to an adenovirus, that isn't known to cause hepatitis in otherwise healthy children.

CDC officials say they are considering a range of possible causes, including exposure to animals.

This week's Mother's Day celebration will be met with a record- breaking heat wave. The latest from the CNN Weather Center after the break.





HOLMES: Well, Mother Nature is cooking up a historic heat wave. In New Mexico, the governor telling people to heed evacuation orders as the heat could fuel the active wildfires. A red flag warning will go into effect in the coming hours.

Experts say as many as 120 record high temperatures in at least 13 states are forecast to be tied or broken in the next several days. This paired with an alarming drought and water crisis in the West, causing major reservoirs in some states to be at critically low levels.



HOLMES: And thank you for spending part of your day with me. I'm Michael Holmes, you can follow me on Twitter. We will be back with more news after a short break. I will see you tomorrow.