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U.K. Celebrates 70-Year Reign of Queen Elizabeth; U.S. President Pleading for Action on Gun Violence; Gunman, Four Victims and Likely Motive Identified in Tulsa Shooting; Suspect Pleads Not Guilty in Buffalo Shooting Spree; New Questions About How 911 Calls Were Being Handled. Aired 4-4:30a ET

Aired June 03, 2022 - 04:00   ET



MAX FOSTER, CNN ANCHOR: Welcome to our viewers in the United States and all around the world. I'm Max Foster outside St. Paul's Cathedral in London where we're about to enter day two of the celebrations to mark the Queen's 70 Year Platinum Jubilee. But the headline act won't be appearing today.

KIM BRUNHUBER, CNN ANCHOR: And I'm Kim Brunhuber and CNN World Headquarters in Atlanta following our other top stories including America's gun violence epidemic. President Biden addressed the nation and called for a ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines, but can the president convince the country do something this time.

FOSTER: More celebrations today. The world is watching, the U.K. is watching, many of the members of the public have arrived here to St. Paul's today. This just the second day of four days of celebrations. This is a public holiday in the U.K. How many public figures can command that in honor of their service.

Sadly, the Queen won't be appearing as planned here. Reluctantly the palace said she's had to pull out, she suffered discomfort yesterday during the military commemorations in central London. And that happened through the day I understand from my sources and she had to pull out of today's service. It's quite a distance here, the service is very long and she is clearly overexerted herself and they're being very cautious.

But Prince Charles will be stepping in for her today which is pretty symbolic because that's what's happening increasingly. She just can't do what she thinks she is able to do. The Service of Thanksgiving marking the Queen's 70 years on the throne, will still go ahead as planned. The bells of Great Paul will begin ringing at 10:50 London time, that is 5:50 Eastern. It's the biggest church bell in the land. So, you will hear it from a long way away.

Soon after the royal family will then begin to arrive, and the service will be followed by a lunch reception at the Guildhall. Now the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are planning to come today. We've heard that from their office. So don't expect to see the children, but they are here in the U.K. as well. On Thursday evening the Queen took part of course in beacon lighting.

And this is the lighting of fires effectively across the Commonwealth, a big tradition. Thousands of beacons were lit in many countries around the world. And that really did follow a day filled with pomp and pageantry and much excitement as we got a chance to see the Queen on day one of the jubilee commemorations.


FOSTER (voice-over): A monumental moment in history, one we won't see again in our lifetimes. Queen Elizabeth II marks 70 years of service and just a couple years away from being the longest reigning monarch in world history. To the awl and joy of thousands of her supporters who came from all corners of the globe to witness this once in a lifetime event.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just love the Queen. She's served so selflessly the last 70 years, dedicated her life to the country. I'm so grateful to her for that. I'm so proud of her. You know, so just wanted to come over and say thank you really. So, this is me just saying thank you to her for her service.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think that it is a once in a generation of type event. And to be able to be here is just amazing. And I can tell you the appetite back in the U.S. for not only this celebration but the royal family is through the roof.

FOSTER (voice-over): A special Trooping of the Colour military ceremony kicking off the for daylong celebration and even shameless the mascot dog of the Irish guards. Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, and Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, are the first royals to arrive with the Queen's great grandchildren. Closely followed by Princess Ann, Prince William and Princess Charles. The heir to the throne stepping in for the Queen of the parade as he will each time, she's unable to attend an event due to her mobility issues. All part of the gradual transition to his monarchy that comes next.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson amongst the guests nicknaming her Elizabeth the Great.


Indeed, the Queen of 15 nations, her Jubilee was also commemorated across the Commonwealth with the lighting of beacons in New Zealand, Figi and India. But the event was also marked by the absence from the symbolic balcony appearance of Prince Andrew, Prince Harry and Meghan, no longer working royals. And Prince Andrew having contracted COVID.

And despite concerns about her state of health, the Queen beams during the fly pass with her loyal subjects cheering her every move. Perhaps the same can't be said for her great grandchildren. Their presence also a symbol of the passing of the baton.

One that was passed to her back in 1953. And now she's preparing to hand the baton to her next in line.


FOSTER (on camera): Let's go to Windsor, that's where the Queen is today. I'm sure that she'll be watching the service here at St. Paul's on the TV. Anna Stewart is outside. Anna, we shouldn't be concerned about this, should we? The fact that she had to cancel today. They're just trying to be realistic about what she can actually achieve after a busy day.

ANNA STEWART, CNN REPORTER: Of course, and I think we knew that there would be almost day by day decision on whether her majesty would be able to attend all the various events. And speaking to people here in Windsor who were all glued to the Trooping the Colour. And actually, lots of people went to London for the day to watch it. I think a lot of people were surprised her majesty managed to do as much as she did given that she is 96 years old. Given we know she has mobility issues.

And I think it's important to remember looking back at yesterday that she lives here in Windsor Castle, so yesterday it was all about getting ready for the world's cameras, traveling in to London. She stood on the balcony for quite a long time for Trooping the Colours, taking the fleet, but also to the family. I imagine it was a big family gathering in Buckingham Palace as well. And then of course, she came back here to Windsor where she did start out the celebration for the beacon lighting and that was at 9:30 p.m.

I was asleep, Max, she outdid me. So, it was very long, very active day for a 96-year-old. So, no, I don't think it's concerning and all and hopefully she will be tuning in to St. Paul's Cathedral today and that service and hopefully to CNN and watching you, Max.

FOSTER: Of course, she's watching CNN. What else would she watch? Let's speak to our historian, royalty historian, Kate Williams. So, if yesterday was about the Queen being commander of the British forces, today it is about being head of the church would you say. I know the theme is going to be public service.

KATE WILLIAMS, CNN ROYAL HISTORIAN: Yes, and I think that is why the Queen will be disappointed to miss today because her faith is so important to her, it always has been. Her role as the head of the church is not always what we think about when we think about the Queen because we think about her opening of Parliament, but it means so much to her. She swore to God on the day of her coronation. That's the oath he's going to take. So, it'll mean a lot to her that there is a service. And of course, she only couldn't come here, that's really absolutely the case.

FOSTER: And another symbolic moment, where you know, we expect to see her, she can't come, so Prince Charles steps in for her. But these are always optics that they were prepared for, right. This is part of the longer term transition.

WILLIAMS: This is part of the longer term transition because the Queen knows she's incredibly popular. I mean, she's loved, she's respected all around the world. This incredible turnout for the Jubilee. But she wants to make sure there's a transition and we're used to seeing Prince Charles in these roles that we will one day see him in. FOSTER: What's interesting is that we know that the Sussexes Meghan

and Harry were at Horse Guards Parade yesterday, for that military parade, but they didn't put themselves in front of the cameras. There was a bit of video that came out but that wasn't planned. This is the day when we are expecting to see them, we've been told they're going to arrive. We know they're going to appear on camera. Will that be an extraordinary moment for you to see them back in the royal fold? What does it mean?

WILLIAMS: I think that it'll be a fantastic moment. It's great to see them back here. It's great to see them representing the royal family and of course we've got Lilibeth's birthday party that the Queen's going to attend tomorrow in Windsor. And it really does show that I think the Sussexes are so, as the Queen has said, valued and loved members of the family.

FOSTER: Do you think that the rift is healing?

WILLIAMS: I think that the rift is healing. I think the rift is healing and it is helped really by the fact that the press I think are off the Sussexes at present, there've been a lot of negative coverage before but they're not at the moment and that will really help the rift. Because it has been tough on them with the press they've had.

FOSTER: In terms of these events, what do you expect us to see? I mean, this will feel very regal, won't it. And this is the church that Charles and Diana were married in. It's very recognizable. How would you describe the atmosphere of these events?

WILLIAMS: It's going to be solemn. It's going to be regal. Yesterday was one big party, one big spectacular, fabulous party with the fly pass and the amazing tribute to the armed service. But today I think is much more solemn. It's a solemn sense of thanksgiving for the Queen, for her long life and this incredible 70 years in which she's been on the throne. In which the world and the country has changed so much.


FOSTER: And I understand the commendations are going to be made of people who contributed to public life particularly people involved in the response to the pandemic. And that was also reflected yesterday, the Irish Guards were honored yesterday and they were heavily involved in the pandemic. This is something that the Queen feels very strongly about that, you know, all that public work that went into that response should be recognized.

WILLIAMS: Yes, the Queen always likes to recognize people who have work so hard for the country. Particularly COVID. Let's think about in the dark days of COVID, she gave that amazing address on television saying, we will meet again, and this is exactly what she is saying. We'll meet again, we're up together and I cannot thank you for all the work you've done.

FOSTER: OK. Kate, thank you very much indeed.

WILLIAMS: Thank you.

FOSTER: The Prime Minister will be here as well, many dignitaries, people from all around the world reflecting the Queen's reign and her head, a position also as head of the Commonwealth. Stick with us, we're going to have all the highlights throughout date. After this short break, Kim will bring you the other top stories.


BRUNHUBER: The U.S. president makes an emotional appeal to lawmakers to pass gun control laws after a scourge of mass shootings. He says too many everyday places in America have become killing fields and asked how much more carnage are we willing to accept. In a primetime address to the nation, Joe Biden call the refusal of many Republicans even to debate gun reforms unconscionable. He says, quote, we can't fail the American people again and it is time for common sense to kick in. Here he is.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Over the last two decades, more school age children have died from guns than on-duty police officers and active duty military combined. Think about that. More kids than on-duty cops killed by guns. More kids than soldiers killed by guns. For God's sake, how much more carnage are we willing to accept, how much innocent American lives must be taken before we say enough, enough!


BRUNHUBER: His message follows mass shootings that recently have taken the lives of children, teachers, doctors, grandparents, mothers and fathers. Well, these are the faces of those killed in Buffalo New York, Uvalde, Texas and most recently Tulsa, Oklahoma. According to the Gun Violence Archive there have been 233 mass shootings in the U.S. since just the start of this year and 20 of those attacks happened in the ten days since the Uvalde massacre. The city's you see right there on the map. CNN's Kaitlan Collins reports from the White House on President Biden's gun control proposals.


KAITLAN COLLINS, CNN CHIEF WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Yes, President Biden delivering this rare evening address at the White House, but it came after he was briefed on three separate shootings within just three weeks. And the president clearly fed up with the violence that he seen taking place in the United States after coming face-to-face with a lot of the victims' families.

The president using the word "enough" several times throughout his speech saying it was enough carnage that has happened, that there is time for change. And where he thought that change should happen is in Washington. And you saw the president repeating a lot of lines he has drawn before when it comes to guns saying that there should be a ban on assault weapons. Calling for universal background checks, new red flag law, also gun safety storage laws, talking about that aspect as well which is something that is has been part of the negotiations on Capitol Hill.

But you also sensed a part of realism in the president's remarks. Because when he talked about this ban on assault weapons that he wants reinstated, you also saw the president say, if that's not going to happen, they should at least raise the age of which you can purchase one of those assault weapons from 18 to 21.

And the president even pushing back on criticism that you've heard from Senate Republicans as recently as this week saying, well it's different because they can be 18 years old and in the military. The president said he views that differently because those of course, are 18-year-olds who are trained by some of the best people in the military on how to use those weapons and it's a different dynamic, he argued.

And of course, audience here was not just talking about what the American people have been through, seeing this violence, seeing this carnage, but also those negotiators on Capitol Hill. As the president was using the words that victims' families in Texas, in Uvalde, Texas, have used to him the words, do something. He was saying he was giving that message to Congress.

Kaitlan Collins, CNN, the White House.


BRUNHUBER: Now we mentioned the mass shooting in Tulsa, Oklahoma a moment ago. Well, new details are emerging about that rampage that claimed the lives of four people. Police have identified the gunman as well as the victims and a likely motive. CNN's Lucy Kafanov reports from Tulsa.


LUCY KAFANOV, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, we are getting a sense of the motive, a grudge against a doctor blamed for ongoing back pain after a surgery as well as a TikTok of how this massacre unfolded.

The shooter, named by police as Michael Louis, had an operation in his back here last month, with Dr. Preston Phillips. Louis was released from the hospital on May 24th. But he complained of pain after the procedure. He called this office numerous times. He was seen again by Dr. Preston on May 31st. Phoning again on Wednesday, also on Wednesday at 2:00 p.m., Lewis apparently purchased AR-15 style rifle, semi- automatic rifle from a local gun store and the 911 calls began to flood in nearly 3 hours later.

Police say that Lewis used two guns, that AR-15 style rifle as well as a semi-automatic handgun that he purchased from a local pawn shop three days before the slaughter.


Police recovered a letter that the gunman had on him detailing how he was going to, quote, be killing Dr. Phillips and anyone who got in his way. The victim, Dr. Phillips, 59 years old when he was gunned down. A surgeon who traveled yearly on medical missions to Africa with the nonprofit. He provided surgical services to those in need.

He was killed alongside Dr. Stephanie Husen, a 48-year-old, sports medicine specialist. Amanda Glenn, a receptionist and mother of two boys. And William Love, a patient who happened to be there that day. Dr. Ryan Parker, who was at the press conference describing what happened, breaking down, apologizing to William Love's family for the trauma team not being able to save his life. Take a listen.

DR. RYAN PARKER, ASSOCIATE CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER, SAINT FRANCIS HOSPITAL: We so wanted to be able to utilize our skills and training to save these precious lives. To the family of Mr. Love, I am so sorry we couldn't save you. We are grieving with you. When I woke this morning, I really just want to this to all be a bad dream, but this is the reality of our world right now. And today, our world and our St. Francis family are devastated.

KAFANOV: Another community shattered by another mass shooting. This is America's 233rd mass shooting in 2022 alone.

Lucy Kafanov, CNN, Tulsa, Oklahoma.


BRUNHUBER: In Buffalo, New York the man accused in a shooting rampage that left 10 people dead has pleaded not guilty. 18-year-old Payton Gendron enter his plea during a court hearing Thursday. He faces 25 counts including first-degree murder, second degree murder as a hate crime, attempted murder as a hate crime and as well as terrorism and a weapons charge. Investigators say he went on a shooting spree at the supermarket last month targeting his victims because they were black. And because of that, prosecutors say that they're doing something unprecedented.


JOHN J. FLYNN, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, ERIE COUNTY: It is the first time in the history of New York state that this domestic terrorism charge motivated by hate in the first degree has been filed. That charge only has one sentence if in fact the defendant is found guilty of the charge and that is life without parole.


BRUNHUBER: Also on Thursday, a dispatcher who handled the 911 call from the store during the attack was fired. The dispatcher told the caller who was whispering to speak up. Officials say dispatchers should know the callers who whisper could be in danger.

Well, more questions are being raised about the police response to last week's elementary school shooting in Uvalde, Texas and who was actually receiving information about what was happening inside. CNN's Ed Lavandera has more.


ED LAVANDERA, CNN SENIOR NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice over): As families mourn, the investigation and search for answers deepens into the delayed police response to the mass shooting in Uvalde.

ROLAND GUTIERREZ (D) TEXAS STATE SENATE: I want to know specifically who was receiving the 911 calls.

LAVANDERA: Texas State Senator Roland Gutierrez is raising questions. He says he was told by the Commission on State Emergency Communications that 911 calls were directed to the city police and it's unclear if that crucial information was relayed to the school district's police chief who was the incident commander.

GUTIERREZ: Uvalde P.D. was the one receiving the 911 calls for 45 minutes while officers were sitting in the hallway -- 19 officers where in a hallway for 45 minutes. We don't know if it was being communicated to those people or not.

LAVANDERA (voice-over): The Uvalde Police Department and the Commission on Emergency Communications have not yet responded to CNN's request for comment. Local officials continue to dodge questions, including District Attorney Christina Mitchell Busbee, who wouldn't speak to CNN this morning, escorted to her car by security.

SHIMON PROKUPECZ, CNN CRIME AND JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT: There's a lot of information that needs to come out.

LAVANDERA (voice-over): This as new details emerge about a fourth grade teacher at Robb Elementary who was on the phone with her husband, an officer with the school district's police department, before she died. The "New York Times" is reporting that Eva Mireles was in her classroom with the shooter speaking to her husband as he was forced to wait outside the building with his unit. She's in the classroom and he's outside. It's terrifying. Uvalde County Judge Bill Mitchell, who spoke with deputies, tells the paper. Mitchell told "The Times" he doesn't know exactly what was said or if her husband shared any details about the call to his supervisor in charge of the scene.

But as communication and decision-making by police is called into question, this conversation suggests at least one person had access to real-time information from an adult in the classroom. It took responders 80 minutes to enter the classroom from the time they received the first call.


Uvalde's Mayor Don McLaughlin says he rushed to the staging site the day of the shooting and was placed in a room with someone he referred to as a negotiator who he says tried to call the gunman but did not get through.

DON MCLAUGHLIN, UVALDE, TEXAS MAYOR: I wasn't there at the initial. But at the moment you were in that classroom, they were trying to get numbers and call. They tried every number they could find.

LAVANDERA (voice-over): McLaughlin does not believe the negotiator was aware of any 911 phone calls from inside the classroom.

MCLAUGHLIN: While I was there, you know, I did not hear the 911 calls. I can assure you, had we been aware of it or I would have been, I would have been screaming.

LAVANDERA: The Texas Department of Public Safety says it will no longer answer questions about the investigation directing all questions to the prosecutors here in Uvalde. But as you have seen, they're not talking. State Senator Roland Gutierrez says he is hoping to get an updated report from state investigators on Friday. But it's not clear that that's going to happen and the Senator says that he is worried that there's a push to delay release of information in the hopes that attention on the story passes.

Ed Lavandera, CNN, Uvalde, Texas.


BRUNHUBER: An escaped con convict in Texas is suspected of killing a family of five including four children before he was fatally shot by police early this morning. Police say Gonzalo Lopez was serving a life sentence for murder when he escaped from a prison bus on May 12. According to police he ended up at a rural home near Centerville and there he allegedly killed the family, stole some guns and took a truck from the property. Police eventually caught up with Lopez this morning hundreds of miles away near San Antonio where he died in a shoot-out with officers.

All right, still ahead this hour, the battle for the Donbas in eastern Ukraine. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy delivers the latest battlefield update.

Plus, nations honoring the Queen's 70 year reign with festivities of their own. We'll look around the world for her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee. Stay with us.