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Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Shot Twice; Suspect in Abe's Shooting Used Homemade Weapon; World leaders Express Their Sympathy to Japan; Attack Against Shinzo Abe is Unforgivable; Crime Rate in Japan in Single Digit; P.M. Boris Johnson Stepping Down with a Heavy Heart; Boris Johnson Will Remain a Loud Voice in U.K. Politics; Japanese People in Shock; Shinzo Abe Fighting for His Life. Aired 3-4a ET

Aired July 08, 2022 - 03:00   ET




KIM BRUNHUBER, CNN ANCHOR: Hello, and welcome to all of you watching us here in the United States, Canada and all around the world. I'm Kim Brunhuber.

We're following breaking news out of Japan where former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been rushed to hospital after being shot. Now, it happened as he was giving a speech in Nara in western Japan. Have a look here.

Japan's current prime minister says Abe is in critical condition and doctors are fighting to save his life. The Nara City Fire Department reports Abe was in a state of cardiopulmonary arrest. Police were quick to arrest the, gunman described as a man in his 40s. And he is, quote, police say that he used a "homemade gun."

Blake Essig is live this hour in Tokyo. So, Blake, what more can you tell us?

BLAKE ESSIG, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Kim, you just heard those booming gunshots ring out in the video you just played. Japanese public broadcaster NHK, reporting that former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was shot twice once in the chest, and according to the fire and disaster management agency, once on the right side of his neck.

It happened while delivering a speech around 11.30 this morning local time, in the western city of Nara about one hour ago. Current Prime Minister Fumio Kishida held a press conference and addressed Abe's current condition. Take a listen.


FUMIO KISHIDA, JAPANESE PRIME MINISTER (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): First of, all in the morning today, in Nara prefecture, I received the news that former Prime Minister Abe was shot and is now in critical condition. Emergency operation is taking place to save his life, I pray that he pulls through.


ESSIG: Kishida went on to call today's shooting an unforgivable act. Now after the shooting, NHK says the former prime minister was bleeding from his chest and in a state of cardiac arrest, being transported to the hospital. And witnesses say that Abe who was shot from behind, didn't collapse after the first stop but did collapse after the second shot before receiving CPR.

The suspect, a man in his 40s has been arrested in possession of what NHK is describing as a homemade gun. Witnesses say the suspect didn't attempt to run, and was arrested on the spot before being taken to a local police station for questioning.

Now CNN has again seen the video, you just saw the video. While he was delivering that speech, you could hear those gunshots rang out. He was there in Japan's western city delivering a stump speech for liberal Democratic candidates ahead of the upper house set this Sunday.

Abe is Japan's longest serving prime minister, first elected in 2006 before stepping down in 2020 because of health concerns relating to ulcerative colitis, a long-term disease that can be debilitating.

Now despite stepping down, Abe remained a key player in Japanese politics, speaking very candidly about Taiwan, hinting at Japan's possible military role there. That being said, some of this policy and remarks have been seen as controversial, with some critics saying that his policies operated outside of Japan's pacifist Constitution, including revising the defense policy to allow for Japanese troops to fight overseas for the first time since World War II.

He also had intentions to revise the Constitution to legitimize military. You know, but at this point, Kim, policies aside, the situation surrounding the shooting remains fluid. What we do know is that prime -- former Prime Minister Abe was shot twice, currently is in critical condition, what we don't yet know is the motivation of the suspect in custody.

BRUNHUBER: Yes, and Blake, you highlighted the sound of those gunshots. I mean, gun violence so rare in Japan.

ESSIG: Yes. Kim, here in Japan, gun violence is almost nonexistent, the number of annual deaths resulting from firearms has not reached the triple digits since the year 2000, with the number of homicides involving guns often in the single digits.

The reason, according to gun control advocates is the firearm regulations are extremely restrictive here in Japan, under the 1958 firearm and sword law. Most guns here are illegal in the country under that law. And possession is only really allowed in special approval is obtained.


And before that can even happen, you've got to pass a background check, explain to police why you need a gun. Receive formal instructions and pass collective and written, mental and a drug test in order to even be allowed to be in possession of a gun.

So, you know, at this point, the fact that this happened, gun violence just so rare in Japan. And very shocking, especially since it happened to the former prime minister.

BRUNHUBER: Exactly right. Blake Essig, live in Tokyo, thank you so much.

Now we are getting new images from those who witnessed the attack on Abe. Have a look here this video was posted online and you can see people running for help and trying to provide first aid and assistance.

Meanwhile, reaction is pouring in from world leaders. Outgoing British Prime Minister Boris Johnson tweeted that he is, quote, "utterly appalled and saddened to hear about the despicable attack."

The Indian prime minister says that he is deeply distressed by the attack on my dear friend, Abe Shinzo. Our thoughts and prayers are with him, his family, and the people of Japan.

And the U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Rahm Emanuel says that Abe San has been an outstanding leader of Japan and an unwavering ally of the U.S. and U.S. government and the American people praying for his well- being.

The top U.S. diplomat is attending the G20 foreign ministers' summit in Bali and spoke out a short while ago. Here he is.


ANTONY BLINKEN, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: I do have to say before we meet, how deeply saddened and deeply concerned we are by the news coming from Japan about the attempt on the life of former Prime Minister Abe. We don't know his condition. We do know that apparently he has been shot. Our thoughts, our prayers are with him, his family, with the people of Japan. This is a very, very sad moment. And we are awaiting news from Japan. Thank you.


BRUNHUBER: And former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull tweets that he is horrified by this terrible news. Right now, we must hope and pray that he pulls through.

All right. Let's go now to CNN's Will Ripley, live in Taipei, Taiwan. Will, Abe had just recently made controversial public comments about supporting Taiwan.

WILL RIPLEY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, he has spoken out pretty at length about supporting the defense of Taiwan. Saying that the United States should do away with this policy of strategic ambiguity, leaving it an open question whether they would or would not come to Taiwan's aid if China were to made a move on this self-governing democracy that the communist rulers from Beijing continue to claim more than 70 years after the Chinese Civil War.

And Chinese -- Chinese -- I should say Taiwan, President Tsai Ing-wen just moments ago put out a statement strongly condemning the shooting of Shinzo Abe and saying that, you know, she is a friend of hers, a close friend of Taiwan who's strongly supported Taiwan over the years and spared no efforts promoting Japan-Taiwan relations and hoping that Prime Minister will pull through.

There's certainly a lot of people here who believe that former Prime Minister Abe's support of this island is crucial and also motivating the United States to perhaps, you know, come to the defense of this -- of this island, which is sitting in a very crucial spot on the front island chain when it comes to Japan's defense.

With its shores sitting, you know, some hundred miles or so from Japan's outlying islands. And Prime Minister Abe has been one of the people, former prime minister, whose voice has been crucial in getting Japan to publicly signal what it would do if China were to move on this island which would be to come to its defense.

Japan even now in the process of installing missile launchers at some of its own outlying islands. Signed up just really, you know, heightened tensions in this region. You know, Prime Minister Abe, given that, you know, as Blake was mentioning, his push for a move away from a pacifist Constitution into a more assertive role for Japan self-defense force, it does show that he is somebody who is really still, even after stepping down from the office of prime minister, really has his finger on the pulse of what is happening in this region, of the step at militarization of this region.

And certainly, he has the ear of a lot of leaders inside and outside of Japan. His point of view is still very, very crucial. He is still very relevant even after stepping down from being Japan's longest serving prime minister. Kim?

BRUNHUBER: Yes, and you mention having the ear of world leaders. Former U.S. President Donald Trump was just tweeting his prayers for Abe. And they had a very, you know, close, good amicable relationship, I guess, they seemed to get along really well, and Abe seemed to know exactly sort of what made Trump tick.

RIPLEY: Yes, and that was very deliberate on the part of Shinzo Abe. He was the first world leader. I believe to give then President-elect Trump a congratulatory phone call at Trump tower. And it was very soon that he made a point to go and meet with the former president.


And of course, President Trump when he visited Tokyo a number of years ago, Abe rolled out the red carpet for him. But he didn't subject Trump to the kind of traditional, you know, fanfare and ceremony and formalities that one might expect from the U.S. president coming to visit.

Abe took Trump out for a hamburger in Tokyo. They played golf together. And as a result, you know, President Trump always answered the phone when Shinzo Abe called. And Abe was able to suddenly kind of coax and cajole Trump to doing things that were in Japan's best interest. And in Abe's view the best interest of the United States as well.

So, he really understood very clearly the importance of a strong and stable relationship and alliance with the United States, how crucial that is for Japan no matter who is in the office of president and he was determined and really could have basically taught a lesson to a lot of other world leaders who struggled with how to deal with former President Trump. He showed exactly what needed to be done to have a sustainable and steady working relationship with him.

BRUNHUBER: Always appreciate your analysis, Will Ripley in Taipei, thank you so much.

And we'll be right back with more on our breaking news after this break, please do stay with us.



BRUNHUBER: Breaking news this hour, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is in critical condition after being shot during a campaign rally. Authorities say he sustained a gunshot wound to the neck and was taken to hospital by helicopter.

Japan's current prime minister says Abe is undergoing emergency treatment as doctors try to save his life.

Now this happened in western Japan in the city of Nara. Police arrested a male suspect said to be in his 40s who used a homemade gun.

Michelle Lee is the Tokyo bureau chief for The Washington Post, and with us from the Japanese capital. Thank you so much for being here with us. I mean, such a huge shock, how are people reacting there?

MICHELLE LEE, TOKYO BUREAU CHIEF, THE WASHINGTON POST: It's incredibly shocking, not only because Shinzo Abe is such a huge giant political figure, but also because gun violence is so rare in Japan. Last year there were 10 shootings, and eight of them were related to the Yakuza, the Japanese criminal network. So, it's very rare to see a shooting at all, and to see a political leader attacked like this, I mean, it's just a very shocking day.

BRUNHUBER: Yes, you know, Abe was the country's longest serving prime minister, he had to step down now for health reasons. So just tell us what he sort of represents now to people there?

LEE: Shinzo Abe, even though he stepped down in 2020, he remains very influential and he has the ear of the public. You know, there is a reason he is crisscrossing the country before an election to stump for his party's candidates because -- it's because people will turn out, and they will listen to him.

He represented an era of political stability, of a time when he raised Japan's profile abroad, when he really focused on Japan's defense and whether it is adequately defending itself, whether its Constitution is serving its people enough, and whether the economy needs to be really rejuvenated.

So, it's really the public respects, I mean, he's very controversial as well, but they respect what he has to say. And that's why he is stumping. And that's exactly what he was doing this morning when a gunman attacked him.

BRUNHUBER: Yes, and so what is he like not just as a politician, but as a man?

LEE: Well, he is -- he is likable, he has -- he's really good on the global stage, he's probably one of the most recognizable Japanese figures politically globally, and so he is very, you know, he is charming. He is a seasoned politician and comes from a political family.

He is incredibly well-connected, very well recognizable within the country too. And so, on the campaign trail people show up when he appears, people attend. There is quite a crowd today as well at the event.

BRUNHUBER: I'm wondering, you were talking about this level of gun violence in Japan, it's obviously so low. The country is often held up as a model of countries especially when we are looking at what we are seeing here in the U.S., with so much gun violence. But will this, do you think, sort of shake people's confidence in their own public safety that something like this could happen?

LEE: I think this is definitely going to be shaking event. There are some, you know, high-profile incidents of crimes here and there, and whenever there is one like an arson attack, it really rattles the country because crime rates in general are so low.

And if you think about the security that was precedent -- present today, there was at least one Secret Service person, but it's not really, like barricaded or anything because there's not that much crime anyway. So, I do anticipate this is going to start some sort of dialogue around safety, and how safe people feel, especially when it comes to guns.

It is so hard to get a gun here. And today the gunman appears to have homemade his gun. So, it might also raise questions about whether gun regulations are enough, too.

BRUNHUBER: Yes, absolutely. All right. We'll keep following the story. I really appreciate your insights here. Michelle Lee in Tokyo. Thank you so much.

And we'll be right back with more news after this break. Stay with us.


(COMMERCIAL BREAK) BRUNHUBER: All right, an update on our breaking news. We have some

graphic video to show you of the moment the former Japanese Prime Minister was shot and wounded. Have a look at this.

Well, this happened in Nara in western Japan. The current prime minister says Abe is in critical condition, and doctors are fighting to save his life. State broadcaster NHK sites police who say he was shot in the neck and chest.

Police arrested the gunman described as a man in his 40s. NHK reports he didn't try to run away. And according to police he used a homemade gun.

So let's go back to CNN's Blake Essig live in Tokyo. Blake, I know this is developing story, what more can you tell us right now?


ESSIG: Yes, Kim, a very emotional day here in Japan. But to talk about what happened early this morning, Japanese public broadcaster NHK is reporting that former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been shot twice, once in the chest, according to the fire and disaster management agency, once on the right side of his neck. It happened while delivering a speech right around 11.30 this morning local time in the western city of Nara.

Earlier this afternoon, just about an hour and a half ago, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida held a press conference and addressed current condition. Take a listen.


KISHIDA (through translator): First of all, in the morning today at Nara prefecture, I have received the news that the former Prime Minister Abe was shot, and is now in critical condition. The emergency operation is taking place to save his life. I pray that he pulls through.


ESSIG: And you heard the current Prime Minister Fumio Kishida say that Abe is currently in critical condition. He went on to call today's shooting an unforgivable act. Now after the shooting, NHK says the former prime minister was bleeding from his chest, and in a state of cardiac arrest while being transported to the hospital.

Witnesses say that Abe was shot from behind, he didn't collapse after the first shot, but did collapse after the second shot before receiving CPR.

The suspect, a man in his 40s, has been arrested in possession of what NHK is describing as a homemade gun. Witnesses say the suspect didn't attempt to run. He was arrested on the spot before being taken to a local police station for questioning.

Abe was there in Japan's western city to deliver a stump speech for liberal Democratic candidates ahead of the upper House elections set for this Sunday. Now Abe is Japan's longest serving prime minister, first elected in 2006 and then again in 2012 before stepping down in 2020 because of health concerns.

Despite stepping down, Abe remained a key player in Japanese politics speaking very candidly recently about Taiwan, hinting that Japan's possible military role there. That being said, some of his policies and remarks have been seen as controversial, with critics saying that some of his policies operated outside of Japan's pacifist Constitution, including revising the defense policy to allow for Japanese troops to fight overseas for the first time since World War II.

But policies aside, Kim, the situation here surrounding the shooting remains fluid, we don't yet know the motivation of the suspect in custody. But we do know former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe shot twice, and in critical condition.

BRUNHUBER: Yes, Blake, I want to go back to what you said off the top, to this being an emotional day there in Japan. Tell us about how people there are reacting to this shocking attack?

ESSIG: Kim, I mean, look, there an overwhelming sense of sadness and shock across Japan, and really across the world. Some have taken to social media calling today's shooting a barbaric act that shakes the root of democracy while others are saying whether or not you agree with his political stances, violence to suppress political stances is always unacceptable.

And while it's hard to really digest, especially since it only happened a few hours ago exactly what has happened, the majority of social media post are expressing concern for the former prime minister's health and well-being, hoping that he's going to survive.

Now, I talked about it earlier, current Prime Minister Fumio Kishida during that press conference really set the tone. He appeared emotional, almost in tears while speaking to the press, and said that this is not a forgivable act. And that we are going to have to comprehend the situation and take appropriate measures.

I mean, Kim, it's fair to say that it's been a shocking day for the people here in Japan, and really around the world with news of what has happened to former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

BRUNHUBER: Yes, absolutely. All right, Blake Essig, live in Tokyo. I appreciate the updates.

I want to go now to CNN's Selina Wang in Beijing. So, Selina, when it comes to Japan's relationship with China, Abe just recently again was stirring the pot, he wasn't afraid to confront China, especially about Taiwan and other issues.

SELINA WANG, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Kim, one of his lasting legacies is going to be paving the way for Japan's more hawkish stance on security issues, especially when it comes to China. In fact, experts tell me that even after he step down, he was behind the scenes and encouraging the current Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to take that more assertive stance.

Earlier this year he had of course written this op-ed, he was basically calling for the United States to end its policy strategic ambiguity when it comes to Taiwan to commit to defending Taiwan in the event of a Chinese attack.


And earlier in his leadership, there was already deeply frosty relations between China and Japan, partly over the disputed Senkaku Diaoyu Islands. And critics say that freeze, that the freezing relations didn't get better despite his years of leadership.

And his other major legacy is going to be strengthening those ties between Japan and the U.S. as a way to cope with the rising more assertive China.

He had that famously cozy relationship with previous President Donald Trump. He was one of the few world leaders that was able to sustain a relationship with him regularly, having phone chat, playing golf with Trump, and that was something that set him apart from other world leaders that really struggled to deal with this very peculiar U.S. president.

But he also strengthened these alliances across the Asia region, and he was the proponent of the quad as well. But he was also an incredibly divisive person partly in Japan because of his push to bolster Japan's military.

He wanted to revise the pacifist Constitution. He wanted Japan to have a fully-fledged military. He wanted to restore the country to previous economic military prowess. He wanted to restore national pride. And it is impossible really to overstate just how influential he was over Japanese society, over the public, over politics, even after he stepped down.

He is and was a political giant. He was incredibly influential over members of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. And we are seeing the impact of this reverberate around the world with global leaders rushing to express their condolences.

And I was, Kim, based in Japan before this posting, and when I'm speaking to people in Japan, there is this overwhelming sense of disbelief, shock, it seems unfathomable, culturally, of course because of gun violence is almost nonexistent. And also, because of how influential he was. This is really a moment that is shaking the national psyche in Japan. Kim?

KIM BRUNHUBER, CNN ANCHOR: On that, I just want to dial into your experience covering Japan. I mean, how rare is this kind of political attack?

WANG: Incredibly, incredibly rare. There are reports that the last political attack like this was decades ago. And to have this level, this gun violence happens to one of the most influential political leaders ever is shaking people. They are in disbelief. I mean, violence overall is so rare in Japan. It is considered one of

the safest places in the world that it is incredibly hard to get a gun. And in fact, because it is so hard to get a gun, well, attacks like knife attacks are more common, but even those are incredibly rare.

When I was in Japan, I covered a knife attack that happened on a subway on Halloween. And that was a moment that shook people's core. And this attack is certainly going to reignite this discussion in Japan about just how safe are people, and do they need to reevaluate how safe they are in Japanese society. Kim?

BRUNHUBER: All right. I really appreciate that, Selina Wang in Beijing. Thank you so much.

And we will be right back with more news after this short break. Please do stay with us.



BRUNHUBER: Updating our breaking news out of Japan. Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is said to be fighting for his life after being shot twice while giving a speech in western Japan. He is now listed in critical condition.

Have a look here, this was the moment Abe was attacked. Seconds later, the alleged gunman was tackled by security personnel. Local fire officials tell CNN that Abe was in a state of cardiopulmonary arrest. The current prime minister, Fumio Kishida, says Abe is undergoing emergency treatment.

The downfall of Prime Minister Boris Johnson is inevitable as it may have seemed, is still sending shockwaves through Britain and fueling a lot of uncertainty about its future. The British economy is struggling with soaring inflation, and ongoing troubles linked to Brexit.

The pound has been tumbling, and a recession is looming. Johnson lamented his early exit, saying it's painful not to be able to finish so many of his ideas and projects. Here he is.


BORIS JOHNSON, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: To you, the British public, I know that there will be many people who are relieved and perhaps quite a few who will also be disappointed. And I want you to know how sad I am, to be giving up the best job in the world. But then it's the break.

But as we have seen Westminster, when the herd instinct is powerful when the herd moves, it moves. And my friends in politics, no one is remotely indispensable. And our brilliant and Darwinian system will produce another leader equally committed to taking this country forward through tough times.


BRUNHUBER: Among those considered possible successors, Foreign Secretary Liz Truss. And two former top ministers form Johnson's cabinet, Rishi Sunak and Sajid Javid whose exits on Tuesday mark the beginning of the end of the prime minister's dramatic tenure. Another possible contender, the newly appointed finance minister Nadhim Zahawi.


Now for now, Johnson remains the caretaker leader while the conservative party works on appointing the next prime minister.

For more on this, I'm joined by Quentin Peel, who is a Financial Times commentator, and associate fellow with the Europe Programme at Chatham House. And he joins me now from London.

Thank you for being here with us.

So, you know, controversy after controversy, scandal after scandal, Boris Johnson withstood them all, are you surprised that in the end he did step down?

QUENTIN PEEL, ASSOCIATE FELLOW, EUROPE PROGRAMME AT CHATHAM HOUSE: Well, I am really because he absolutely wanted to hang on to that job more than anything else, the job of his dreams. But in the end, more than 50 members of his government had actually resigned and refused to work with him.

And I think that his situation became completely untenable. He lost the confidence, both of his party, as well as the country because he had been losing elections. So, the man who was the great campaigner, proved to be, I fear, a pretty disastrous prime minister.

BRUNHUBER: Does his lack of contrition or sense of accountability over this surprise you at all?

PEEL: No. I think he simply does not recognize that he is the problem. This is a man with an extraordinary ego and a very -- to be honest -- narcissistic personality. He is the center of his own world. And I think that he managed to sort of blame everybody but himself for his problems.

And that's really been his great tragedy. He is a man of extraordinary abilities but I think that his focus is so much on himself and his own world. He really doesn't see it when he is the problem.

BRUNHUBER: Now his plan to stay on essentially to govern without governing, I mean, is that feasible, given that there are still, you know, huge issues for the government to grapple with?

PEEL: Yes. I think that, I mean, the problems that are accumulating are really difficult. And his successor is going to have a terrible time sorting everything out. Having said that, well, we are in a relatively uncharted waters, but I think now it is accepted that he will be a sort of caretaker prime minister. It doesn't suit his character to basically just be sort of a neutral

figure. And I think it will be very difficult. It's not just the economy, which is clearly huge and the war in Ukraine requires possibly some really dramatic decisions which could happen during the lifetime of this transition.

But equally, the Brexit situation, where the problems in Northern Ireland and the very difficult negotiations with the European Union are very much looming. And I think that any transitional government, really has got to try and make the peace, rather than have a confrontation with Europe at a time like this.

BRUNHUBER: Now looking to the future, I mean, you've said about Johnson that, I'm going to quote you here. "Here is a man who has spent most of his political life dreaming that he would be prime minister." And now seemingly that dream is over. Or is it? What comes next for Johnson?

PEEL: Well, I do not think he will ever be prime minister again, I think he has burned too many boats, but I suspect that Johnson will go back to being the great voice, the great speaker, and the great journalist. He will go on the speaker circuit. And he will probably make lots of money.

In fact, many people said why did not resign sooner? He'd be making more money. The poor man actually doesn't really have anywhere to go and live when he leaves number 10 Downing Street. He doesn't have an obvious house. But the one thing that he is going to be able to enjoy is the wedding party to celebrate his wedding last year which was not able to really take place because of COVID.

He has invited people on the 30th of July to his country residents at Chequers, and he really did need to still be prime minister to enjoy that.

BRUNHUBER: All right. I guess so. So now looking quickly at the party here, already as I said earlier, a few people have thrown their hats in the ring or at least they're being touted to perhaps succeed him. But because, you know, so much of the party has revolved around Johnson as you have said, how different would it be with somebody else at the helm?

PEEL: Well, I think that they are desperate to find somebody who will be steady and clearly honest, the two things that Johnson was not. And that's why the party has wobbled so much.


On the other hand, they are also almost certainly going to go for somebody who was in favor of Brexit. So that rules out pretty quickly several of a saner candidate who are running like the excellent Tom Tugendhat, chair of the foreign affairs committee in parliament who is just very clearly thrown his hat in the ring. But he is a Remainer -- sorry -- yes, he wanted to remain in the European Union, so a majority of members of the conservative party probably wouldn't back him. So, it's probably going to have to be a Brexiteer. And the process

won't be very quick because there is such a large field to choose from and no obvious number one candidate.

BRUNHUBER: Well, the twists and turns are far from over. I really appreciate your analysis on this issue. Quentin Peel, thank you so much for joining us.

PEEL: Thank you.

BRUNHUBER: And we'll be right back with more breaking news after this. Stay with us.



BRUNHUBER: All right an update on our breaking news out of Japan. Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is fighting for his life after being shot and wounded several hours ago. Have a look at this.


BRUNHUBER: That video showed the moment when two shots were fired at Abe during a speech. The suspect was arrested immediately. Public broadcaster NHK says he used a homemade gun. Japan's current prime minister says Abe is now hospitalized in critical condition and receiving emergency treatment.

So, for more on this, we are joined by Kazuto Suzuki, a professor of public policy at the University of Tokyo, and he is speaking with us from the Japanese capital. Thank you so much for being here with us.

I just want to know off the top, how are people you know, people you speak with, how are they reacting to this?

KAZUTO SUZUKI, PUBLIC POLICY PROFESSOR, UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO: It's really shocking. This is something that we don't -- it doesn't happen often in Japan. The gun shooting, the political figure is very rare. So, it's really shocking.

BRUNHUBER: Yes, I mean in the video we just played, we heard the booming sound of those two shots. I mean, gunfire is a sound really heard in Japan, right?

SUZUKI: Yes, well, usually, you know, we do have very, very few gun crimes. We only die one or two -- I think in the last five years, we only had less than 10 casualties by guns. So, it is -- it is very rare. Nobody has any idea of what the sound of a gunshot like.

BRUNHUBER: Yes, it's incredible. Unfortunately, here in the U.S., we're all too familiar with both gunfire and with assassination attempts on the lives of our presidents. In terms of political violence, what kind of history does Japan have with this type of politically motivated attack? SUZUKI: Very rare. I think as far as I remember the most recent one

is 2007, the shooting against the mayor of Nagasaki who was a promoter of the disarmament, nuclear disarmament. And also, I remember in 1995, the police commissioner was attempt -- there was an attempt to assassinate the police commissioner by most likely the Aum Shinrikyo which was the domestic terror group.

BRUNHUBER: Yes, and I said politically motivated, I mean, we don't know the actual motive of the shooter in this case, but certainly attacking such a high-profile --


BRUNHUBER: -- political figure. We'll just have to see what comes out of that because the man has been arrested. Now, some former presidents some former prime ministers in various countries, I mean, they disappear from the public after they retire. Just go and head off into their private lives, but not so with Shinzo Abe. So, tell us more about his influence as a politician these days post -- post being prime minister?

SUZUKI: Well, he is still the member of Diet parliament, and he is also the leader of the faction of Abe which is the largest faction in the Liberal Democratic Party, the ruling party, so he is still a very influential figure. And he has lots of influence in the policy making, and also, you know, to put his, you know, his -- his people in the cabinet. So, he is still very much a big figure in the Japanese politics.

BRUNHUBER: Yes. All right, listen, we will have to leave it there. But thank you so much for your insight on all of this a shocking attack. Kazuto Suzuki, thank you very much. I really appreciate it.

SUZUKI: Thank you very much.

BRUNHUBER: Well, we are going to leave it there but please do stay with CNN for our continuing coverage on this important story with my colleague Max Foster live in London. This is CNN.



MAX FOSTER, CNN ANCHOR: Hello and welcome to our viewers joining us in the United States and all around the world. I'm Max Foster in London.

I want to get straight to our breaking news. It's Friday July the 8, 9 a.m. here in London, 5 p.m. in Japan where the country is in shock, as the former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been shot and critically wounded. It happened at a campaign rally in the western city of Nara ahead of upper house election scheduled for Sunday. Video posted on social media captured the moment of the shooting.


Well, police arrested the gunman who didn't.