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CNN Newsroom

U.K. Government in Chaos as Race for Next Prime Minister Begins; Missing College Student Found Dead on Campus; Putin Tours Training Facility, Meets with New Recruits; Pro-Russian Officials Accuse Ukraine of Missile Strikes; Brady Apologizes for Comparing NFL Season with Military. Aired 4:30-5a ET

Aired October 21, 2022 - 04:30   ET



MAX FOSTER, CNN ANCHOR: Welcome back to CNN NEWSROOM. I'm Max Foster. If you're just joining us, let me bring you up to date with our top stories this hour.

The U.S. president is back in Washington today after stumping for Democrats in his home state of Pennsylvania and touting his infrastructure plan. Joe Biden joins U.S. Senate candidate John Fetterman who's in a tight race with TV personality turned politician Dr. Mehmet Oz.

Now a new court filing shows that the Justice Department and former U.S. President Donald Trump are fighting over 15 records that are kept at Mar-a-Lago. The dispute is over whether they are Trump's personal documents or the property of the federal government.

And across the U.K. and indeed the world, the question is who will replace Liz Truss. She stepped down after a mere 45 days in office. Making her term as Prime Minister the shortest in British history. Truss will remain in office until her successor is named which could be as early as Monday. And just a few minutes ago we noticed this. Conservative MP Jacob Reese-Mogg tweeting his support for former Prime Minister Boris Johnson. It was Johnson's ouster that led to trusts becoming Prime Minister in the first place.

With me here out in the Green, conservative peer and polling Guru, Lord Robert Hayward. I mean really, what's going on in the U.K.?



HAYWARD: It really is. And it's important because it has impacts on the market, on the nation and obviously other countries are watching what is going on and it is a mess.

FOSTER: But we seem to be lurching from one crisis and the next. Because we were having similar discussions at the end of Boris Johnson's tenure and arguably Teresa May's as well. At this point, we're looking for a replacement and that looks like it could descend into chaos as well. Because you've got to clear candidates representing very different constituencies and there's no crossover at all from what we can see.

HAYWARD: I think there's some crossover but I think there's no question what the Tory Party has learned is that if it is a done, it is better to be done quickly. Because we have this protracted process through July and August into early September. Now we've got a position whereby we'll have a fairly indication what the position is on Monday and absolutely decision by Friday at the latest.

FOSTER: We don't have any polling numbers yet. This is just happening so rapidly. But what's your feeling about Sunak versus Johnson?


HAYWARD: The polling, we have to look back at what happened last time and the time before and the pollsters over assessed Boris Johnson and Liz Truss's position by quite a clear margin. And therefore, what I'd say to people whether they're in the city or just interested in British politics, when you look at a poll, probably reduce the estimated figure for Boris if he runs and raise the figure for Rishi and I'm sure he will be running.

FOSTER: None of them have declared yet. They've got a reach this 100 threshold. So, 100 Conservatives need to support them in order to go to the first round on Monday. Rishi Sunak and Boris Johnson presumably are shoe-ins for that, are they, because Penny Mordaunt is some way behind.

HAYWARD: There are suggestions that it's been said it 100 because Boris has got lots of very vocal supporters.

FOSTER: But they might not reach 100.

HAYWARD: They might not reach 100. There's no question. The strongest supporters are those for Boris but clearly with only 356 MPs, you can only have three candidates maximum. And I would suggest that both Boris and Rishi will make that threshold despite the fact that Boris might not.

FOSTER: And then what happens? Because I'm sure you or other members in your party will prefer one of them to drop out before the vote then has to go to Conservative Party members extending it for even more days.

HAYWARD: Well, the interesting thing about this is that Graham Brady and the 1922 committee have put in a final vote of the final two, as I understand it.


HAYWARD: And it seems as if that's clearly intended to create an indication to the party members, well, look, this is what MPs want. Please follow that guidance.


HAYWARD: And there's no question that a lot of Tory members, many of whom voted for Liz Truss last time round are saying, look, we made an error. We don't know what goes on in Parliament. We don't know what goes on in the government.

FOSTER: You make the decision.

HAYWARD: You make the decision. And that's why the 1922 is saying they're going to have the indicative vote between the two leading candidates.

FOSTER: But you can very easily on Monday are left with Rishi Sunak and Boris Johnson as the two front-runners and everyone wanting one of them to drop out.


FOSTER: And then it gets all bitter and twisted again, doesn't it?

HAYWARD: It does. There's an infinite possibility we can speculate on all sorts of routes.

FOSTER: But that's what you're worried about.

HAYWARD: I am worried about it. I think the party's worried about it. If the margin even on an indicative vote is close, and then the vocal party members say we want this and we want that, but there's even apparently conversations going on between Boris and Rishi at the moment.


HAYWARD: I don't know --

FOSTER: Suggesting that they would offer the other one a big job in the new --

HAYWARD: Yes. Yes.

FOSTER: But it's unimaginable that -- I mean, Rishi had the top job when he was in Boris Johnson's cabinet. And it's very hard to imagine Boris Johnson working for Rishi Sunak.

HAYWARD: That won't happen. One thing it would be, would be Boris in the top position. There's no reason for Boris to come back as number two.


HAYWARD: Equally, we have to remember that Jeremy Hunt is chancellor at the moment.

FOSTER: Isn't running.

HAYWARD: Apparently isn't running and I believe that that's the position, but he's working furiously hard --


HAYWARD: -- to produce an economic statement for presentation in only a few days' time, which is going to be pretty brutal but will have a dramatic effect on worldwide markets.

FOSTER: Penny Mordaunt, a quick word on her, but she seems to be number three and a potential compromise candidate. So, one of the others who drop out and support her

HAYWARD: Very interesting candidate because Boris Johnson snubbed her when he created his cabinet because she had not supported him -- although she is an ardent Brexiter and therefore she's been Secretary of State for Defense but didn't have a real front line job. Her performance last Monday at the dispatch --

FOSTER: Standing in for Liz Truss.

HAYWARD: Standing in for Liz Truss was the first over 129 Tory MPs had seen her perform in difficult circumstances --

FOSTER: And seen as going well.

HAYWARD: -- and seen as going very well.

FOSTER: Yes, OK, thank you very much for joining us with your insight, Lord Robert Hayward. And Good Luck over the next --

HAYWARD: Thank you.

FOSTER: -- few days.

In the U.S. a family's desperate search for a missing college student has ended in tragedy. The body Misrach Ewunetie has been discovered in the campus of Princeton University late on Thursday. Authorities don't believe foul play was involved in the 20-year-old's disappearance and death. Her family is grieving the loss of a wonderful young woman.


UNIVERSE EWUNETIE, BROTHER OF PRINCETON STUDENT MISRACH EWUNETIE: I would describe her as a sweet soul, like somebody that cares about people beyond her. Like she's very sympathetic, empathetic.



FOSTER: Our Brynn Gingras has more on this tragic story.


BRYNN GINGRAS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Just a devastating conclusion for the family of Misrach Ewunetie, a 20-year-old junior at Princeton University. The Mercy County prosecutor says that they have found the body of Ewunetie at 1:00 on Thursday on the facilities near the tennis courts. An employee actually found the body. And we're told there were no obvious signs of injury and her death does not appear criminal in nature or suspicious at this time. Of course, the medical examiner will determine the manner and cause of death.

Of course, the university's heart broken by this. They put out a statement and part of it is read like this.

Misrach's death is an unthinkable tragedy. Our heart goes out to her family, her friends and the many of those who knew and loved her.

Now they also added to that statement that there is not a threat on campus. Of course, this family is completely heart broken. They've been searching for her since over the weekend. Been putting up flyers around here on the university, trying to find some answers as to what had happened to her. She just seemed to have disappeared. They say she was the youngest of three children. Got into Princeton. Had a full ride. Actually, even accepted a job and was excited the last they talked to her about going to that job even though she wasn't set to graduate from Princeton in 2024. So certainly, this was not the news that they wanted to hear. And of course, our thoughts go out with them.

I'm Brynn Gingras, CNN, Princeton, New Jersey.


FOSTER: Coming up on CNN NEWSROOM, Ukrainian forces fighting back. New video shows a missile strike on a Russian target in the Luhansk region. Details just ahead.


FOSTER: A rare sight near Moscow on Thursday. Russian President Vladimir Putin visiting a training ground for new recruits.


Accompanied by Russia's defense minister, Mr. Putin's presence at the facility was apparently meant to demonstrate his personal support for the new soldiers. The Kremlin said its partial mobilization to draft 300,000 Russian civilians into the military is nearly complete.

The top U.S. diplomat has one word to describe Mr. Putin's actions in Ukraine and that is desperation. Secretary of State Antony Blinken also told ABC News, Mr. Putin is aware of consequences if he uses nuclear weapons in Ukraine. But Blinken said the U.S. isn't seen any reason to change its nuclear posture. But when he was asked if Mr. Putin is acting rationally, Blinken didn't give a yes or a no as an answer.


ANTONY BLINKEN, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: It's hard to put yourself in someone else's mind. I think he's rational, but the decisions he's making -- maybe better put, his objectives are not rational. (END VIDEO CLIP)

FOSTER: In Ukraine, a Russian military convoy became easy prey for Ukrainian missiles. Ukraine posted this video on Thursday saying it shows a missile strike in the Luhansk region. The footage also shows secondary explosions suggesting the Russian vehicles carried ammunition that blew up.

But just hours ago, pro-Russian officials accused Ukraine of missile attacks elsewhere in the region claiming six people were killed and 10 others injured. Down south there's similar accusation about an alleged Ukrainian attack on a river crossing in the city of Kherson. Two people were reportedly killed and 10 others wounded in the missile strike. Russia is conducting a mass evacuation of civilians from the city claiming some 15,000 people have already been moved. But Ukraine says Russia has mined the dam upstream from the city and may blow it up to slow down a Ukrainian offensive.

Salma Abdelaziz joins us with the very latest. What do you make of the latest movements and strategies?

SALMA ABDELAZIZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Max, (INAUDIBLE) the position is held for the winter months. Particularly these kamikaze drones which has caused devastating loss of life on the ground in Ukraine. Some of the victims (INAUDIBLE) this pregnant woman -- my apologies. My apologies there my mic was not on.

But as I was saying, these kamikaze drone attacks have had devastating impact on the ground in Kyiv this week. Some of those victims included a pregnant woman and her husband.

Now the U.K. and the EU trying to take the steps necessary to eliminate the use of these Iranian made drones. The U.K. and the EU imposing this new round of sanctions against three top commanders in the Iranian military, as well as one business that they think is responsible for providing these drones. The EU in particular saying they now have concrete evidence of this. The United States -- U.S. officials say not only are the drones being provided by Iran -- which has denied providing these drones despite the overwhelming evidence.

Not only is it providing them but according to U.S. officials they're also getting training on the ground in Russian occupied Crimea. So, a major request there from President Zelenskyy fulfilled with these new sanctions.

And another request you're going to hear President Zelenskyy again and again is going to be around energy infrastructure. That seems to be one of the prime targets now for the Kremlin. Civilian energy infrastructure, up to 40 percent of Ukraine's power grid has been taken out or partially destroyed in just the last couple of weeks, Max. That's forced Ukrainian officials in some towns and cities to impose rolling blackouts. That went into effect yesterday. Up to 4 hours without power. You can imagine how devastating that will be for families as they head into the winter months as it gets colder.

So, appeals from President Zelenskyy to the EU and NATO to provide help, provide generators, support their energy infrastructure in any way possible. The first bit of that aid should be arriving as early as next week -- 600 pieces of equipment that we understand will include generators. But they're going to need a lot more particularly if the Kremlin's attacks against the civilian infrastructure continues -- Max.

FOSTER: OK, Salma, thank you.

Now still ahead on CNN NEWSROOM, dramatic video of a bison attack in a Texas state park. We'll hear from a hiker who says she's sharing her story so others can learn.



FOSTER: Manchester United will face Chelsea on Saturday without star striker Cristiano Ronaldo. He's being dropped from the game as punishment for this. Walking off the field before the end of the match against Tottenham on Wednesday after not being played. Ronaldo later posted this statement on Instagram. I've always tried to set the example myself for the youngsters that grew in all the teams that I've represented. Unfortunately, that's not always possible. There's sometimes the heat of the moment gets the best of us. Right now, I just feel I have to keep working hard in Carrington, support my teammates and be ready for anything in any given game. Giving in to the pressure is not an option. It never was. This is Manchester United and united we must stand.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Tom Brady is apologizing, as well, for his statement about the NFL and the military. Here's the apology he gave on Thursday.


TOM BRADY, TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS QUARTERBACK: Earlier this week I made a statement about playing football and the military and it was a very poor choice of words. I just want to express that to any sentiments out there that people may have taken it in a certain way. So, I apologize.


FOSTER: We need to roll back a little and hear what he said three days earlier. That's when he spoke on a podcast about balancing his job with his private life. And he said this about the beginning of a football season.


BRADY: I almost look at like a football season like you're going away on deployment to the military.



BRADY: It's like, man, here I go again. And there's only one way to do it and I think, Jim, we've talked from time to time about how do you enjoy the certain moments of it.


FOSTER: Now to Texas where an experienced hiker is hoping other people will learn from her mistakes. Rebecca Clark was on a solo hike earlier this month when several bison crossed her path. She was recording the animals on her phone when this happened.




FOSTER: Clark says she thought her back was broken. She stayed on the ground until her text messages reached family and friends who sent rescuers to help her. She described the bison encounter to CNN.


CLARK: Hit me in the back, flipped me up. Gored me as he flipped me and put me into the mesquite bush face first. Now I've done my bison research and I realize that even me staring at them in the eyes when I walked by was threatening to him and that I should not have done and will not ever do again.


FOSTER: I think that's to be sure. Clark suffered bruises and puncture wound on her back which she says is healing well.

Now the day the Swifties have been waiting for has finally arrived. Taylor Swift's new album "Midnight" is out. Take a listen to part of the track "Sweet Nothing."


TAYLOR SWIFT, SINGER: They said the end is coming Everyone's up to something I found myself a-running home to your sweet nothings


FOSTER: Swift teased this released this with this post Instagram. "Midnight" is her tenth studio debut album. It features songwriting credits from Zoey Kravitz and William Barry, a pseudonym for her boyfriend actor Joe Alwyn. The music video, "Antihero" is set to premiere online in just about three hours' time.

Thanks for joining me. "EARLY START" is next, of course, with Christine. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)