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CNN International: "Giuliani: What Happened to America's Mayor?" airs Sunday at 9PM ET; U.S. Congress in Limbo as House Speaker Fight Drags on; W. H.O. Accuses China of "Under-Presenting" Outbreak Severity; Why has Putin Announced a Temporary Ceasefire; Violent Crashes Break Out after Police Detain "El Chapo's" Son. Aired 8-8:30a ET

Aired January 06, 2023 - 08:00   ET



MAX FOSTER, CNN HOST NEWSROOM: Hello, welcome to CNN "Newsroom". I'm Max Foster in London, just ahead only hours into a unilateral Russian ceasefire in Ukraine. CNN is reporting air raid sirens have already gone off in Kyiv we're live on the ground view.

Then chaos continues at Capitol Hill. As the house fails to elect the speaker for the third day running, will Kevin McCarthy make any headway today? Plus Greece becomes the latest country to require a negative COVID test from travelers coming from China as concern grows over the country's handling of the outbreak.

But we are four hours into a unilateral Russian ceasefire in Ukraine announced by Vladimir Putin and already air raid sirens have gone off in Kyiv. This was the scene earlier. CNN has also observed incoming and outgoing artillery around the Bakhmut area in Donetsk. Russia's Defense Ministry says Ukraine is not honoring the ceasefire.

But Kyiv never agreed to it with one top official suggesting the Russians are preparing terrorist attacks in churches in the occupied areas. CNN's Scott McLean joins me live from Kyiv. I mean, there's much cynicism where you are about the motivation as it were for the ceasefire?

SCOTT MCLEAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, I don't think that for one second, you would find many people in this country. Certainly in this city who expected that this ceasefire would actually go into effect or mean much of anything, frankly, for Ukraine. This is business as usual and you set it earlier that, less than two hours into the ceasefire.

I was at a church service at St. Michael's Church just behind me under those gold domes, a prayer service for members of the military led by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church led by the Head of the Ukrainian Orthodox church when the air raid sirens went off. And I spoke to the Head of the church after and he said that is proof that you can't trust what Russia is saying and that it is proof that Russia was never genuine in its offer to declare a ceasefire. And it seemed that this was doomed from the beginning because the immediate reaction from Ukraine was one of cynicism. As you mentioned, the President Zelenskyy saying that the Russians are just trying to use this time to regroup their troops bring in more supplies to the front lines and get new troops to the front lines as well maybe even improved their positioning along the front lines.

Obviously, the frontlines right now are still very, very active as we heard from my colleagues who witnessed firsthand both incoming and outgoing fire. You also mentioned that the Governor of Luhansk region, also other Ukrainian officials have warned people in the occupied or not in the occupied territories.

But in the parts of Eastern Ukraine where the fighting is most intense not to attend Orthodox Christmas Eve services, Christmas day services because of what they view is a threat of Russia to attack. So cynicism levels are extremely high here.

The Former President of Russia, though, said that in rejecting its ceasefire offer that Ukraine had rejected the Christian hand of mercy but the soldiers that I have spoken to so far today, Max have made abundantly clear that there is nothing Christian at all about Russia's bloody invasion of this country.

FOSTER: Scott McLean, live for us in Kyiv thank you. Now to the ongoing drama in Washington, the U.S. Congress is in Limbo. And unable to conduct the business of government, frankly, as the House of Representatives still hasn't chosen a Speaker.

Republican Kevin McCarthy will try it once again today to nail down the required number of votes. So far, he's failed 11 times in the longest battle for House Speaker in 164 years. McCarthy sounding optimistic that negotiation with a handful of holdouts in his own party will pay off.


REP. KEVIN MCCARTHY (R-CA): I think we're having good discussions. I think everybody wants to find a solution. And the good thing about it is we work this all out at the beginning. So the rest of the Congress would be very productive for the --.


FOSTER: The House set to reconvene in just under four hours. CNN's Lauren Fox joins us now live from Washington. I mean, you're getting any sense that things are shifting behind the scenes?


LAUREN FOX, CNN CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, you saw so much walking back and forth off the House floor into offices for private meetings as Kevin McCarthy and his emissaries were trying to negotiate a deal with those 20 Republican holdouts, so far, no deal has been reached, Max.

But they weren't too late into the evening yesterday trying to see whether or not there were some key concessions that might be able to win Kevin McCarthy, the votes he needs. Here's the problem and it's really one of arithmetic at this point.

Kevin McCarthy can only afford to lose four votes and some of the moderates, and some of the allies that I've been talking to over the last 24 hours predict that any deal that he reaches will probably give him about 10 to 12 votes. That still isn't enough to clinch the speakership. The question this morning, whether or not any deal is announced, whether they continue voting today, there are members who are trying to get home for the weekend?

And if you reduce the number of members on the floor, who are voting for Kevin McCarthy, or in favor of Kevin McCarthy, you run into a problem where he starts losing even more votes. So it's a major question right now, what's going to happen next? And just like the previous three days, on day number four, I just don't have an answer for you, right this morning, Max.

FOSTER: And you could be there for months. Could you based on historical precedent because there's no system really for getting out of this, if there's a complete deadlock?

FOX: That's exactly right, Max. You've heard from some of the Democrats that they aren't going to help Kevin McCarthy. I mean, perhaps they could cross the aisle, perhaps there's some concessions they could get, whether that is making sure they have subpoena power and committees or getting rid of Republican unilateral subpoena power in committees. But so far, every Democrat I've talked to has said, I'm not helping Kevin McCarthy, I don't trust him.

So it leads to a question of could they put together some kind of coalition to work with moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats to get a Speaker we're just not there yet. I think a lot of lawmakers are watching this play out within the Republican Party and for Democrats heading into a Presidential election cycle. This message is that Republicans just can't govern that they can't do their basic functioning work as a body and that politically benefits Democrats.

So I think that's part of the reason why you're seeing Republicans and Democrats really stuck in their corners for now, with Democrats arguing this is a Republican Party problem. They need to win a Speaker. They won the House of Representatives it's up to them, Max.

FOSTER: OK, Lauren, thank you. Now, while the chaos within the capitalist sector resumed soon. Washington is also remembering that very different kinds of chaos at the Capitol two years ago. Today is the second anniversary of the violent attempt by Donald Trump's supporters to disrupt the transfer of power after he lost the election.

Authorities have stepped up security ahead of several planned protests at the Capitol and Supreme Court. And President Joe Biden will honor heroes from that day including officers injured defending the Capitol. Greece is one of the latest countries to require mandatory negative COVID-19 tests for travelers in China.

It joins a growing group of nations around the world imposing similar new rules. This is China battles its worst ever COVID outbreak, the World Health Organization has accused Beijing of downplaying the extent of the crisis. Let's bring in CNN's Ivan Watson from Hong Kong, what is the daily update then, Ivan?

IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, you know, each day we present this map, Max, there's more and more, red on the map. One of the latest governments to impose mandatory pre-flight COVID testing for travelers coming from China is Greece and again, that number just seems to keep ticking up.

The Chinese government doesn't like this. It has been accusing other governments around the world of discriminatory practices and is promising reprisals. Take a listen to a spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry in China.


MAO NING, CHINESE FOREIGN MINISTRY SPOKESPERSON: There should be no discriminatory practices, let alone political manipulation and response to introduction of unreasonable practices by some countries. China will take corresponding measures in accordance with the principle of reciprocity.


WATSON: Now, what's kind of interesting here is that, Max, did you know that today and tomorrow anybody flying into China still has to go through quarantine? They have to go to a government mandated hotel and sit in quarantine there for at least five days and then conduct home quarantine for three days.

The enforcement of that has gotten a bit looser, but it is still imposing restrictions on people traveling from the outside of the world. That's still part one of the last remnants of the much vaunted Chinese government's zero COVID policy, which is being lifted on Sunday.


WATSON: So this is part of why there is this kind of question. What are you going to do when COVID is the virus is just surging all across the world's most populous country? And other governments around the world are kind of concerned that they could get floods of sick passengers.

According to official statistics published by the Chinese Center for Disease Control, there was one COVID death on Tuesday and five COVID deaths on Wednesday. The World Health Organization has really raised some questions about this. They think that the death toll is being severely underrepresented.

And they basically criticize Beijing, which is quite unusual. That said there is so much pent up demand in China to get out after years of self-imposed isolation. is reporting that the search interest for outbound flights from Mainland, China jumped at 3 percent over the last two weeks compared to the previous 2 percent and the bookings jumped nearly 60 percent in that same period. FOSTER: OK, Ivan, thank you very much indeed. Now, I have an uplifting story for you, did we win? That was the first thing NFL player Damar Hamlin wanted to know after waking up in hospital following his collapse on the field on Monday. Doctors say he's been using a clipboard to communicate and has made substantial improvement.

The Buffalo Bills player suffered a cardiac arrest after a hard tackle in the game against the Cincinnati Bengals. Doctors call his improvement remarkable that war on the road to recovery could be long. Adrienne Broaddus joins us live from Cincinnati with details. It's an amazing story that isn't the first thing he says when he wakes up and really speaks to the character of this guy.

ADRIENNE BROADDUS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, it is remarkable. His mind clearly was still on the game when he woke up writing that note, doctors here that are part of his medical team, also saying he's been able to wiggle his fingers and toes. He's communicating by nodding his head and shaking his head yes, shaking his head yes or no.

He can't speak because he still is on that ventilator and mildly sedated to make that a little bit more comfortable. Doctors telling us the ventilator are clearly something that's not comfortable. And one that thing that came from the update yesterday that everyone had been waiting to hear what happened on the football field Monday night, by the responding first responders led to that significant update.

Doctors telling us those moments were critical within seconds. We know medics were at his side and doctors also telling us you know these physicians see injuries on the field often but it's rare that someone is able to respond so quickly and that is what led to this? Listen to some of that response


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Go ahead and go over to the cot I don't like how he went down.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're going to need everybody, all call, all call.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We need everybody.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Come bring everybody, need - everybody. Bring the cot with the medics, all of you and get wheeled out there.


BROADDUS: Those moments were critical to Hamlin's survival, that care team here saying really praising the medical staff by the bills for recognizing that something was wrong. Meanwhile, the road to recovery will still be a substantial one for Damar Hamlin. But so many people are waiting for time when he walks out of this hospital and he's able to wrap his arms around those whom he loves, Max.

FOSTER: OK, well let's we wish him the best. Adrienne, thank you very much indeed for joining us all this week from Cincinnati.



FOSTER: Welcome back, Vice President Putin announced this temporary ceasefire in Ukraine. Is it all a ruse as Ukraine claims we're now more than four hours into the 36. Our proposed choose yet CNN's teams in Kyiv have heard sirens going off after it began in reported incoming and outgoing fire as well around Bakhmut.

Let's start though, with what the Kremlin actually said here. In their statement, they said based on the fact that a large number of citizens professing orthodoxy live in the combat areas. We call on the Ukrainian side to declare a ceasefire Bakhmut is one of those combat areas.

This was a scene yesterday. There is fighting there as well today. So presumably, relaxing and trying to remember Christmas isn't part of you know, isn't front and center their minds today. This is what Zelenskyy said, on news of the ceasefire.


VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, PRESIDENT OF UKRAINE: Now they want to use Christmas as a cover to at least briefly stop the advance of our guys and Donbas. And bring equipment, ammunition and mobilize men closer to our positions. What will this bring just another increase in the death toll?


FOSTER: What's the truth? International Diplomatic Editor Nic Robertson has been in Ukraine, of course many times that the war also was recently in Bakhmut. I mean, they're not going to be settling down. I mean, the air is completely destroyed. There's not even any church there either.

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: This is not the kind of city where you can, you know, take the words of a Russian unilateral ceasefire, quite literally because Russia has a propensity for shelling and Ukraine shells back as well. This is very intensely fought over.

So wherever people might go for sort of spiritual, you know, reference no churches, as you say, for spiritual reference at Christmas and no one's going to sit easy. The safest places in Bakhmut are in basements, buildings, hospitals that targeted multiple times, as you say much of the city destroyed. So, you know, take no one's taking this at face value. And it doesn't seem to be coming off the way that President Putin has said he wants it to come off at face value at least.

Dmitry Medvedev, the Former President of Russia has said that Ukraine is sort of denying the Christian hand that Russia is offering it. You know, Russia often seems to sort of stand logic on its Head because Russia invaded. It was an invasion that was illegal. It was without provocation from Ukraine, and then calling a unilateral ceasefire for the Ukrainians.

Number one, they don't trust it for the reasons that we've said. But number two, it feels awfully strange that somebody has busted into their country, shot them up, killed civilians, even this morning, and then says hold on, we'll just stop shooting at you. But you've got to stop shooting at us. It the premise just doesn't wash.

FOSTER: What do you think Ukraine strategy will be there just to carry on as they were, or try to figure out why Russia was trying to regroup?

ROBERTSON: You know, this is the battle lines are clear and what's required in these battles is clear to both sides as well. They both know what they want to achieve. Russia for example, in Bakhmut would love to push through that town and take control of a strategic highway there but it had an awful lot more highway to take control of them push into other towns in the area.

The Ukrainians, for the same reason want to push Russia right the way back out of them, right the way back to the Russian border. I don't think it changes anything. You know, the key to Ukraine success is the intelligence of were to fire it smart missiles. And it's shown recently that it's getting smart intelligence to fire those smart missiles on target and killed a significant number of Russian troops.


ROBERTSON: For Russia, it does seem to be quite simply trying to grind away at a defender who's fighting their homeland. And when their own troops are not particularly motivated and quite clear in this instance they're more motivated. It appears from their leadership level at least, to want to celebrate Christmas rather than do what President Putin wants them to do, which is to take more territory.

FOSTER: OK, Nic Robertson, thank you for your insight. Now, one of the most powerful drug traffickers is in custody. Coming up, we'll look at how the cartels are responding to the arrest of El Chapo son, nicknamed the mouse.


FOSTER: The son of the notorious drug lord Joaquin El Chapo Guzman is now in Police custody in Mexico. Authorities arrested Ovidio Guzman in a dramatic operation that led to violent clashes between Police and drug cartel members. CNN's Rafael Romo reports.


RAFAEL ROMO, CNN CORRESPONDENT, (voice over): Residents in the Mexican Northern City of Culiacan walk up to what seemed to, many like a warzone. Roads were blocked throughout the city including this one leading to the airport. This is how criminal groups responded after this man Ovidio Guzman-Lopez was detained by Mexican security forces. His arrest produced clashes between cells of his criminal gang and Mexican security forces. Mexican Defense Minister Cresencio Sandoval said that after Guzman's detention cells from his criminal group state 19 blockades and armed attacks in different parts of the city, including its international airport in an Air Force base. Ovidio Guzman-Lopez also known as the mouse, who is the son of Joaquin El Chapo Guzman, the Former Leader of the Sinaloa Cartel was convicted in the U.S. in 2019 of 10 counts related to leading a criminal organization, drug trafficking and firearms charges. He was sentenced to life in prison plus 30 years.

ROMO(on camera): Mexican Defense Minister Sandoval said Ovidio, El Chapo's son leads the criminal group known as the miners part of the cartel of the Pacific which is responsible for violence in four Mexican States and the country's Northwest region.

ROMO (voice over): And according to the U.S. State Department, law enforcement investigations indicate Ovidio and his brother, Joaquin Guzman-Lopez, function in high level command and control roles have their own drug trafficking organization, the Guzman-Lopez transnational Criminal Organization, under the umbrella of the Sinaloa Cartel. The Mexican government had already tried to capture Ovidio Guzman-Lopez in October 2019.

After he was detained, the Sinaloa Cartel unleashed the heavily armed fighting force. A gun battle in the streets of Culiacan ensued, putting the lives of countless civilians at risk. It quickly became painfully obvious that Sinaloa cartel had outmaneuvered and overpowered Mexican security forces. In the end, Mexican authorities decided to release Guzman to prevent further bloodshed. Rafael Romo, CNN Atlanta.


FOSTER: Now, the Taliban is weighing in on Prince Harry's new book, Spare.


FOSTER: The British newspaper, the Telegraph, so wasn't a change a copy of the book. The paper says Harry recounts killing 25 people while serving in Afghanistan. He reportedly wrote that he viewed these he killed as baddies before they could kill goodies. A senior Taliban official responded saying those Harry killed were not chess pieces.

Harry call them, they were humans who had families. Another of the bombshells from the book, according to the Guardian is that Harry alleges his brother Prince William heir to the throne knocked him down. He says it happened when they were arguing about William's wife Meghan Markle. He also discussed the confrontation in an interview with the British network ITV.


PRINCE HARRY, BRITISH MILITARY OFFICER: What was different here was this level of frustration. And I talked about the red mist that I had for so many years. And I saw this red mist in him. He wanted me to hit him back, but I chose not to. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There's a fair amount of Drugs, marijuana, magic mushrooms, cocaine, I mean, that's going to surprise people.

HARRY: Got an important to acknowledge I want reconciliation. But first, there needs to be some accountability. The truth, supposedly at the moment has been there's only one side to this story, right? But there are two sides to every story.


FOSTER: We haven't even had the full interviews yet that full interview will air on ITV on Sunday. Harry has a full round of interviews planned around the book in the United States as well looking at CBS on Sunday, ABC on Monday, and on Tuesday. The debut book launches it'll be on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert, so lots more to come.

Before we go after a nearly one month pause in activity, Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano is spewing lava again. It began erupting on Thursday inside its summit crater authority says contained within the crater and that there is no danger to residential communities. Thanks for joining me here on CNN "Newsroom", I'm Max Foster in London. "World Sport" with Andy Scholes is up next.