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Sources: Hamlin Could Leave Hospital In Coming Days; Prince Harry Speaks Out As Explosive Revelations Deepen Royal Rift; Prosecutors: Knife, Blood Found In Missing Woman's Home; Man Accused Of Kidnapping, Beating Woman He Met On Dating App; New Study Reveals What To Eat To Live Longer. Aired 1:30-2p ET

Aired January 09, 2023 - 13:30   ET




ABBY PHILLIP, CNN HOST: Some good news. Sources tell CNN that Buffalo Bills player, Damar Hamlin could be released from the hospital in the coming days.

It was a week ago that he suffered a cardiac arrest on the field and had to be resuscitated.

Hamlin tweeted during yesterday's Bills game and posted a photo on social media showing him sitting up in bed and wearing a "Love for Damar" T-shirt.

NFL teams and fans paid tribute during games across the country with jerseys and T-shirts showing Hamlin's number three.

And not only did the Bills win yesterday's game, but this amazing play happened in the game.


ANNOUNCER: Going to be short. At the four by Hines, comes up the middle to the 20. Cuts it back to the 25. He's got it down the right sideline to the 40, 50, down to the 40, 35, 30, 20, 15, 10, five, touchdown!


PHILLIP: And CNN sports anchor and former Buffalo Bills player, Coy Wire, is joining us from Buffalo.

Coy, what is the latest?

COY WIRE, CNN SPORTS ANCHOR: I got the chills hearing that play again, and not because it feels like 20 degrees but because of the magic that happened in that stadium yesterday.

And because of that news that Damar Hamlin could be released any day now. Remarkable when you consider it was almost a week ago that he nearly lost his life on the field having suffered cardiac arrest. There's a press conference, Abby, with doctors in Cincinnati scheduled

for 3:00 p.m. Eastern. Then a press conference with Bills' head coach, Sean McDermott, scheduled for about 4 p.m. and with offensive coordinator, Dorsey.

Moments after that surreal and inspiring game yesterday. One of the stars of the team, Offensive Lineman Dion Dawkins, walked with us on the field talking about the roller coaster of emotions and what it's going to be like when Damar does finally come back home.



DION DAWKINS, BUFFALO BILLS OFFENSIVE LINEMAN: It was extremely hard. I don't want to sugarcoat it. Like it was extremely hard. It still is because our brother is still not physically here. But the fact that he's in high spirits makes him here.

But until he physically touches his toes down, then it will be a full ah, you know. But it's -- it's a crazy balance.


WIRE: We have to go back to that surreal opening kickoff. It had been three years and three days since the Bills returned one for a touchdown. Of course, three is Damar Hamlin's jersey number.

Here's Nyheim Hines who scored the touchdown on the magic of the moment.


NYHEIM HINES, BUFFALO BILLS PLAYER, SCORED 2 TDS SUNDAY: We received a lot of support from not only the fans but every team in the NFL. It was all about three. It was all about Damar.

We were appreciative of that. I don't want that to outshine his moment because he was here for us, and I felt like he was running with me on that field.


WIRE: You could write a Hollywood script about the perseverance, the power of faith, rallying and rising up for someone in dark times.

This went from being a story about Hamlin to a story about humanity. It's pretty special stuff here in Buffalo -- Abby?

PHILLIP: Can't help but smile. What a team.

Coy, I feel like your voice is maybe hoarse from cheering so much yesterday during that game.


PHILLIP: Thank you so much, Coy Wire, in Buffalo.

WIRE: Yes, yes. True.

You got it.

PHILLIP: And there's some new allegations and deeply personal details dropping before Prince Harry's memoir is officially released. The duke of Sussex says that he's sending a message to his family and to the world following his very public split with the palace.

CNN's Max Foster is joining us now from London.

Max, you've been following all of this. It's hard to know where to start. But honestly, this seems like perhaps more than even focus over there in the U.K. expected.

MAX FOSTER, CNN ROYAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes. It is more bombshell. And now we are actually reading the book, as well, because the English version has finally landed.

A lot of the leaks came from a Spanish version released ahead of time last week.

But the book is called "Spare." So a lot of it is about Harry's dissatisfaction of constantly treated as the spare to the heir, his older brother Prince William.

The running theme is this conspiracy that Harry feels there was between the palace and the British press, particularly the tabloids.

Even going as far as accusing his stepmother, Camilla, of leaking stories about the family in order to build her campaign really to become queen. She's now queen consort, of course.



PRINCE HARRY, DUKE OF SUSSEX: She was the villain. She was the third person in the marriage. She needed to rehabilitate her image.

ANDERSON COOPER, CNN HOST: You wrote that she started a campaign in the British press to pave the way for a marriage. And you wrote, "I even wanted Camilla to be happy. Maybe she'd be less dangerous if she was happy."

How was she dangerous?

PRINCE HARRY: Because of the need for her to rehabilitate her image. That made her dangerous because of the connections she was forging in the British press.


FOSTER: Criticizing the queen. Camilla, seen as red line for Charles.

Buckingham palace, Kensington Palace, they're not responding to any of this.

Harry also accusing Prince William's office of leaking stories that criticized Meghan and Harry.

And he concedes his mother, their mother, Diana, wouldn't have liked to see any of this.


PRINCE HARRY: I think she would be sad. I think she'd be looking at it long term to know that there are certain things that we need to go through to be able to heal the relationship.

I think she would be heartbroken that it's ended up where it's ended up. I think she'd be heartbroken about the fact that William, his office, were part of these stories.


FOSTER: He still wants to reconcile. He says the door is open to any discussions.

PHILLIP: Max Foster, thank you so much there.

Let's break it down more with Emily Nash, the royal editor of "Hello!" magazine.

Emily, what has been the reaction over in the U.K. to all of these developments? I mean, Harry is on this book tour and he's delivering on the tell-all part of this.

EMILY NASH, CNN ROYAL COMMENTATOR: Absolutely. As he said himself overnight, he knows that by putting this book out he's almost feeding the beast. And there have been wall-to-wall headlines in the media that he professes to hate so much.

People are either shocked that he's gone as far as he has. There's a lot of sympathy for him around the Diana revelations and around that very heartbreaking discussion of the way he struggled following her death.

But people are surprised that on the one hand he's talking about reconciliation with his loved ones, and at the -- the other hand, he's speaking very openly about intimate conversations he's had with them.

PHILLIP: And on the one hand he, I think, has said he wants to reveal the relationship between the royal institution and the press and critique that.

But do you think that some of this has gone too far? Is he at risk here of losing some people who might otherwise have defended him?

NASH: Well, I think there's been a ugov poll today, a reputable polling organization in this country, and they found that he has a net favorability of minus 38, which is the lowest he's ever had in this country. And if you just look back even to sort of the time of his wedding, he

was immensely popular, second only to the queen in this country in terms of popularity.

It's sad to see how things have turned around for him.

And I think, as Max just said, you know, people do need to read the book in full to get all the context. But I think that certainly people who know him are surprised just how far he's gone.

PHILLIP: There have been so many details about this relationship between Harry and his brother, William, Harry and his father, King Chares.

Do you see that rift really ever being repaired? He said he doesn't see himself ever coming back as a working member of the royal family.

NASH: Well, it's interesting because he does seem to repeat throughout all the media he's done so far how much he loves his brother and his father and everyone in his family.

But he clearly feels that he has this duty that he's taken upon himself to be some kind of whistleblower for what he perceives to be, you know, this dysfunctional arrangement between the media and the palace.

Now, you know, at the queen said, you know, recollections may vary. Clearly, his family don't feel quite the same way as he does. That's a huge hurdle for them to overcome.

It's hard to imagine them coming toward at Westminster Abbey in May for the king's coronation unless some big truth and reconciliation- style meetings take place.

PHILLIP: We'll see if the royal family continues to remain silent on all of this.

Emily Nash, thank you very much.

NASH: Thank you.

PHILLIP: And the special interview everybody is talking about. Prince Harry is sitting down with Anderson Cooper. Hear more about his split with the royal family and all the allegations and all the drama. "THE HARRY INTERVIEW" airs tonight at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time.


And it was supposed to be a first date, but it ended in a nightmare. A Texas man is now being charged with kidnapping and assault of a woman that he met on a dating app. How she escaped five days later. More ahead.


PHILLIP: The case of a missing Massachusetts woman has gotten more disturbing. Prosecutors now say that blood and a knife were found in the basement of Ana Walshe's home.

Walshe was last seen early on New Year's Day and was reported missing on Wednesday.


This new information came during a hearing just a short time ago for her husband. Brian Walshe is charged with misleading investigators.

And CNN's Brynn Gingras is joining us now with more details on this.

So, Brynn, a lot has come out today. Get us up to speed on the latest.

BRYNN GINGRAS, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Abby, so the assistant district attorney there in Norfolk County laying out the instances where they say Brian Walshe lied about his whereabouts surrounding the disappearance of his wife, Ana Walshe, around New Year's Day.

Now if I could back up for a second for your viewers and explain that Brian Walshe was actually on pre-probation sentencing for a fraud incident that goes back to 2020. He pled guilty to.

As part of that, he was supposed to be checking in with authorities on his whereabouts. It seems that that's how investigators were able to tell that he was lying about those whereabouts.

And there are a number of instances that came out in court, but one that sticks out is he told investigators that he was going to take one of his sons out for ice-cream. And instead, it appears he went to a Home Depot.

I want you to hear from the assistant district attorney about what he was doing there.


UNIDENTIFIED PROSECUTOR: He's on surveillance at that time purchasing about $450 worth of cleaning supplies, that would include mops, bucket, tops, tvex, drop cloths, as well as various kinds of tape.


GINGRAS: And actually, we got the criminal complaint from that court hearing, and it goes into more detail about that visit to Home Depot.

It says that he was wearing a black surgical mask, blue surgical gloves, and making a cash purchase. As you heard, $450 worth of cleaning supplies.

Also mentioned a bloody knife found in the basement as well as blood stains.

He's not tied to the murder yet, but a lot coming out in court, Abby. He is being held behind bars and will be back in court on this particular charge at least in February.

PHILLIP: All right. Brynn Gingras, thank you so much for that update.

And a date turns into horror after a week. A Texas man is now accused of holding a woman that he met on a dating app captive in his apartment and beating her for five days before she was able to escape.

And 21-year-old Zachary Kent Mills is charged with aggravated kidnapping.

CNN's Ed Lavandera is joining us on this disturbing story.

Ed, walk us through what happened here.

ED LAVANDERA, CNN SENIOR NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Investigators have detailed what happened in court documents related to the arrest of that 21-year-old suspect.

And according to these court documents, on Christmas Eve, this victim connected with Zachary Mills over the dating site Bumble. According to those court documents, he drove to her apartment complex, picked her up.

And as soon as they got back to his apartment complex, he started making sexual advances and attempting to have sexual intercourse. The court documents say that the victim said she denied those attempts.

And then it became violent. Detailing several rounds of blows and being struck by the suspect. And also the court documents detail that the victim suffered bruised eyes, bruises all over her body.

And at one point that the suspect was even using a screwdriver to inflict punishment on her and kept her against her will in this apartment complex for five days.

On December 29th, according to court documents, he decided to leave the apartment complex and go visit his father. And that's when the victim was able to escape from the apartment there and turned -- gave the information to authorities.

Bumble says this afternoon that they are "shocked and saddened to hear about this horrible crime" and that they are working with law enforcement to turn over whatever information they need.

PHILLIP: Absolutely chilling.

Ed Lavandera, thank you.


A little news you can use. It turns out it's not just what you eat. It is how you eat that could cut your risk of an early death by 20 percent. We've got the study for you coming up next.


[13:53:47] PHILLIP: There's a new study out that reveals what and how you can eat your way to a healthy life and cut the risk of death by 20 percent, which sounds great.

CNN's health reporter, Jacqueline Howard, is here with all the details.

So, Jacqueline, what do I have to do?

JACQUELINE HOWARD, CNN HEALTH REPORTER: Well, Abby, the good thing is this study shows you can start a healthy diet at any age, incorporate healthy eating into any type of cuisine or cultural practice, and it still will have that added benefit to your health and it would reduce your risk of dying at a younger age.

And what we mean by healthy eating is we're talking more of a plant- based diet, one that's high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and legumes, and low in added sugars, sodium and red and processed meat.

So you see the list there. This is what you want to eat more of. This is what you want to eat less of.

And what the researchers did for this particular study, they looked at data on nearly 120,000 people. This is over the course of 36 years. And they found this association between healthy eating and reduced risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, cancer and respiratory disease.


So again, Abby, this is added data to really back that notion that eating a healthy diet can reduce your risk of dying early -- Abby?

PHILLIP: Yes. Well, that's great. It sounds like the good news is this is mostly stuff that we kind of already knew.

HOWARD: Exactly.

PHILLIP: Just keep going with the healthy eating. I think the point here is it matters.

Jacqueline Howard, thank you so much for all of that.

And that does it for me today. Don't go anywhere, though. We've got much more news still to come on this Monday right here on CNN.