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Eric Deggans is Interviewed about Super Bowl Commercials; Petro Poroshenko is Interviewed about the War in Ukraine; Six Officers on Leave After Man Dies in Custody; Protests over Judicial Overhaul in Jerusalem. Aired 9:30-10a ET
Aired February 13, 2023 - 09:30 ET
HILL: The Kansas City Chiefs, Super Bowl champions, again, after beating the Philadelphia Eagles 38-35. A pretty exciting game, even for someone who doesn't follow football that closely.
MVP Patrick Mahomes overcoming an ankle injury in the first half, leading the Chiefs to their second Super Bowl win in four seasons.
SCIUTTO: It was great football field, great action on the field, and great action above it. That halftime show, Rihanna's stunning performance on those platforms floating way above the field, a montage of some of her biggest hits. But there was more news. That's not the only thing that had people talking.
RIHANNA, MUSICIAN (singing): When you hold me, I'm alive, we're like diamonds in the sky. I knew that we'd become --
SCIUTTO: She was rubbing her baby bump there. That was news. After the performance, her representatives confirmed she is pregnant with a second child. That's quite a special guest.
HILL: Yes, indeed it was. She had teased a special guest, and she certainly delivered.
When it came to the highlights in between the plays, too, the commercials, which is what a lot of people watch for, let's be honest.
HILL: This T-Mobile ad starring actor Bradley Cooper and his mom certainly had plenty of people laughing.
GLORIA CAMPANO: I don't like the way you look.
Does T-Mobile really have a 5 --
BRADLEY COOPER: America's largest 5G network. Try it again.
CAMPANO: Oh, my (EXPLETIVE DELETED), you look like a flamingo in this.
COOPER: OK. America's largest 5G network.
CAMPANO: America's largest 5G network.
COOPER: How can I help you?
Hi, how are you? Can I help you?
CAMPANO: You're making me crazy.
HILL: Joining us now to discuss and be our TV critic, Eric Deggans.
Eric, great to have you with us this morning.
That was a fun one. I have to say, I was - I was sitting there with my son and I was like, is that really his mom?
HILL: This is really his mom? This is very cute. It was adorable. That one was adorable. Actually, a few good ones. I think a lot of duds. But definitely a few good ones in there.
What's your number one? What stood out to you?
ERIC DEGGANS, TV CRITIC, NPR: Well, first I want to say, you guys didn't play the coolest part where he says, I've been nominated for nine awards, and she goes, yes, but you didn't win.
HILL: Yes. You didn't win. That was so good.
DEGGANS: Mom did.
HILL: That was such a mom moment. Yes, thanks, mom. Thanks for bringing me back down to earth.
DEGGANS: Thanks, mom.
Well, I would say, you know, what surprised me about the ads was that I felt one of the most effective ads was a really simple ad. It was an ad for The Farmer's Dog, which is this company that makes fresh dog food. And it's a very sentimental ad about a young girl who has a puppy and she kind of goes through her life. She grows up, the puppy grows up with her. And by the time she has her first child, the dog is right there and she promises to love the dog always.
And that sums up how dog owners feel about, you know, their puppy, children, and it's sentimental and it tells a story and you don't have to spend a bunch of money for celebrities or special effects to tell a story that is embedded in the heart of your product and that makes people feel good.
SCIUTTO: Yes, yes, sometimes a story rules.
All right, so, personally, I tend to like the ones that just push the limits a little bit. And there was definitely one last night that pushed the limits. That one on the premature electrification. Let's play a clip from that one.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Are you excited about buying an electric vehicle but worried that it could leave you unsatisfied? Then you could be one of many Americans concerned about premature electrification. Symptoms may include fearing you might not be able to last as long as you'd like.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There was plenty of charge before and sometimes it goes away.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I've been working a lot.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Being unsure if you have enough power to handle your payload.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't know if I've got the power for this, baby.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm adventurous. I like to go all the way. I don't want to have to question if we're even going to make it.
SCIUTTO: The wife's reactions were the best there.
HILL: So good.
SCIUTTO: I mean, I don't know. What did you guys think of that?
HILL: So good.
DEGGANS: So, Jim, are you trying to tell us something? I don't know.
HILL: Thank you, Eric.
SCIUTTO: I'm just -- oh, my goodness. I'm going to leave now.
DEGGANS: No, I loved - I loved that ad. I loved that ad because, number one, I love Jason Jones, the guy who's the narrator. But it's a great way of sort of poking fun at the idea of you want a strong -- you know, people are worried sometimes that an electric vehicle wouldn't be as strong as a gas-powered vehicle.
DEGGANS: So, it's their way of kind of poking fun at that. And I really kind of love that.
HILL: It was - it was really clever.
I'd love to talk about Ben and J.Lo with Dunkin' because I love a good Massachusetts accent, but we don't have a lot of time.
So, let's talk Rihanna if we could.
HILL: Where do you think it stacks in terms of half time - I mean, look, I thought she was great. I was team Rihanna in the Super Bowl.
HILL: But, overall, what do you think this morning?
DEGGANS: Well, it's so hard to compare these things because, you know, every act brings their own uniqueness to it. And I think, for people who were Rihanna fans, this was like going to church. I mean she sung -- you know, an amazing cavalcade of a dozen or so hits. She was really well showcased. And on top of it all, she's doing it while she's pregnant.
DEGGANS: And, you know, my estimation for her talent and ability and her tolerance for heights just kind of went through the roof once I saw not only that she was doing this amazing performance but, you know, she was doing it, you know, while she was with child. And, you know, of course all her fans also kind of loved the way that we all found out about this.
So, you know, the emotional impact of it, you've got to score it up there.
HILL: Yes.
DEGGANS: At least among recent Super Bowl halftime appearances. I mean, for me, I'm a stone Prince fan, so Prince is always going to be my boy as far as, you know, most impactful. But she did an amazing job and I was really impressed in the end by everything that she pulled off.
SCIUTTO: Yes. Listen -
HILL: And how about her own commercial, right, for Fenty.
HILL: I mean, let's just remember, she is one hell of a businesswoman, too.
DEGGANS: Well, as far as the rumor goes, you know, that artists don't get paid --
SCIUTTO: And she is pregnant and she was floating above the football field. I mean -- yes.
HILL: And floating, yes.
DEGGANS: Well, as the rumor go, that artists don't get paid for doing those things. So, you know, I don't blame her for turning the halftime show into an ad for her for Fenty as well, you know?
SCIUTTO: All right, Eric Deggans, we'll keep talking about it. Thanks so much.
DEGGANS: Thank you for having me.
SCIUTTO: We are covering a lot of news this morning. Coming up next, NATO's latest assessment on Ukraine. They say Russia's new offensive has begun. I'm going to speak with the former Ukrainian president, Petro Poroshenko, right -- coming up.
SCIUTTO: Right now U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is on his way to Brussels to meet with counterparts from 50 nations. The war in Ukraine top of mind as the NATO secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, warned this morning that we are seeing the start of a new Russian offensive against Ukraine. One Ukrainian official says there was record shelling in the eastern part of the country this weekend. But these (INAUDIBLE) videos also show heavy losses for Russian tanks in that area.
Joining me now, former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.
Mr. President, thanks for taking the time this morning.
SCIUTTO: You heard the NATO secretary general there saying this morning that a new Russian offensive has started. I wonder, do you share that view? Has it begun?
POROSHENKO: Absolutely, but this is not starting like that on Monday. I was on this weekend on the south, and the Ukrainian artillery brigade, and the Ukrainian brigade of the artillery intelligence and reconnaissance now report there are very promising figures about how we attacked the Russian tanks near Ogledar (ph) and how many - or how big is the number of Russian tanks that were destroyed and Russian soldiers were destroyed. This is the brigade of Russian marines who make an offensive operation there and this is how Ukrainian armed forces destroy all the plan of the Russian troops near Ogledar (ph).
But definitely Russian new offensive operation is launched. Putin want to do -- receive the certain success on that one-year period from the launch of full-scale aggression. And we definitely need to concentrate how to stop new Putin crazy attack.
SCIUTTO: U.S. officials I've spoken with doubt that Russia has the manpower and the equipment to make real progress with the new offensive. And I wonder if you share that assessment.
POROSHENKO: Look, one year ago all the world said that the second biggest Russian army in the world do a blitzkrieg. And almost nobody believed that Ukraine can stop Putin, can stop Russian army, can destroy Russian attack potential.
We do that near Kyiv. We do that near Kharkiv. We do that near Kherson. And we definitely try to do our best.
But what we need for them definitely are very much welcome the last (INAUDIBLE) time decision about supply for us the more than 1,000 armed personal carrier. This is at least for aid brigade and this is exactly what we need. Definitely we very much welcome the tank solution. But, please, start with the more simple things. Ukrainian troops need ammunition. We need 155 and 105 for our artillery and this is vital like an air and urgently now.
POROSHENKO: We need a radar (INAUDIBLE) warfare system against Russian drones. And we need air defense against Russian missiles. Please, time is a key factor for that. We have one of the best armed forces in the world, which is fighting for the freedom and democracy in the world, but we need very simple things, ammunition. We need --
SCIUTTO: It sounds like you're saying with these pleas here that you're not getting the help you need and fast enough. Is that your view?
POROSHENKO: Without help of our western partners, situation would be significantly more difficult. This is the key factor for our victory. If you want I can give you all together at least three factors, weapons, which we need from the west, sanctions, which we need from the west to cut Putin's ability to finance, and NATO membership. This is the key factor for the future, victory for the future of peace. And we need just to be more sophisticated and faster.
And the second (INAUDIBLE) and I am happy when I speak with him during my last visit to -- to the America. And I'm absolutely confident that we need to accelerate. And I really admire the great leadership of the United States, with President Biden, the Secretary Austin in this Ramstein agreement for deportinization (ph) of the world to emplore (ph) assist Ukraine. But we need more. And everybody knows about that because we're fighting not only for Ukraine, we're fighting for you.
SCIUTTO: Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, thanks so much for joining us, and please be safe.
POROSHENKO: Thanks a lot.
HILL: Just ahead, he warned officers he had a heart problem as they continued to tase him. Now an investigation is underway after a 32- year-old man died shortly after that encounter with North Carolina police. What officials are now saying, next.
SCIUTTO: Six police officers in Raleigh, North Carolina, are on leave as authorities investigate the death of a young black man in police custody last month. This is a new case.
HILL: Very - exactly. Thirty-two-year-old Darryl Tyree Williams died in the hospital. That's after he was tased multiple times during an arrest.
CNN's Nadia Romero joining us now with a look at some newly released body camera footage.
Nadia, what do we know so far and what does this footage now add?
NADIA ROMERO, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, well, Erica and Jim, this provides us with more of a look of what exactly happened. This just released over the weekend. But this incident happened back on January 17th before 2:00 in the morning. So now here we are, almost a month later, getting a look at this video. And I do want to warn you that it is disturbing, especially after the nation watched the beating of Tyre Nichols at the hands of police officers Memphis, Tennessee.
So, as you take a look at this video, this all started because the Raleigh police department says that they do these proactive patrols. You may have heard them called "emphasis patrols in your neighborhood. This is when there have been repeated calls for service, criminal activity, and so police officers will target a certain area to try to tamper down those calls or those potential crimes.
In this video you can see the police officers approach the car of Darryl Williams. And they say they saw an open container of alcohol and marijuana plainly out in his car, and that is what caused them to try to arrest him. They say that was their probable cause.
At some point during this police interaction, Williams is asking the police officers over and over, what's this about? Why are you doing this? And then he runs from police. That is when he is then tased multiple times by multiple police officers.
And I want you the hear one of these incidents, or part of this interaction, where he was tased two times within just less than a minute. Take a listen and watch. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I have heart problems.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Or you're going to get tased again.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Put your hands behind your back.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Put your hands -
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Behind your back now.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Three, two, one.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hands behind your back now.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) release your hands.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let go of your -
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hands behind your back now.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hold what you got on that side. Hold what you got on that side (INAUDIBLE).
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, bro (ph), wake up.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Anyone's got a pulse?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, we got one.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's breathing.
(END VIDEO CLIP) ROMERO: But moments later he was no longer breathing. Police officers say they were not able to find a pulse. And just about an hour since the - his initial interaction with police officers and going to the hospital, he was pronounced dead.
Now, the family members of this man, of Darryl Williams, say that they believed officers used excessive force when they repeatedly tased him. I just spoke with their legal representation this morning and they say they believe that the Raleigh Police Department didn't even have probable cause to approach him, to arrest him. And they say that this is something that they're seeing time and time again in North Carolina.
And the mother of Darryl Williams wants there to be justice and she wants more information about exactly what happened because she says what she sees on the video, and what the police department told her a month ago, just isn't lying up.
SCIUTTO: God, the sounds of his cries as he's being tased is just horrible to hear.
Nadia Romero, thanks so much for bringing us that story.
HILL: We're following a massive protest in Jerusalem today. Tens of thousands of Israelis demonstrated against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's controversial plan to overhaul the judiciary.
SCIUTTO: I mean with a lot of self-interest involved it seems.
HILL: Yes.
SCIUTTO: Netanyahu facing corruption charges himself, has proposed changes that would allow lawmakers to overturn Supreme Court decisions with a simple majority.
CNN's Hadas Gold is live in Jerusalem.
Hadas, I mean, this would be a major constitutional change in Israel, would it not? Is it going to happen?
HADAS GOLD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Jim, I mean it would be the biggest overhaul in Israel's judiciary really since its founding, as you noted, if these reform do pass. Among the many issues that they would cover would, most importantly, allow the Israeli parliament with a simple majority to overturn Supreme Court decision. And that's why tens of thousands, potentially even 100,000, according to some estimates, turned out in the streets here in Jerusalem on a Monday, on a work day, in order to protest, because today was the day that the bill first came in front of the justice committee. It did pass that committee, but that's why the people came out to the street here. They were hoping that their voices would be heard within the halls of the parliament. And for many of the protesters here today, they see this - these reforms as ruining the independence of the judiciary, as you noted potentially helping Benjamin Netanyahu in his corruption trial, something, I should say, he denies. And for many people here, they believe this could be the beginning of the end of Israeli democracy. I should note that President Biden even interestingly weighing in yesterday in a statement to "The New York Times" calling for consensus to be built, saying that's the best way forward in order to - to avoid divisions.
HILL: Hadas Gold with the latest for us.
Hadas, thank you.
We'll be right back.