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CNN International: Charged Rhetoric Heats Up Among Trump Supporters; Former Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon Released Without Charge After Arrest in Party Finance Investigation; Vatican: Pontiff Took a Few Steps in Hospital; All Eyes on Interest Rates as Fed Prepares to Meet. Aired 4:30-5a ET

Aired June 12, 2023 - 04:30   ET



BIANCA NOBILO, CNN ANCHOR: Welcome back to CNN NEWSROOM. I'm Bianca Nobilo.

MAX FOSTER, CNN ANCHOR: I'm Max Foster. If you're just joining us, let me bring you up to date with the top stories at this hour.

Ukrainian forces say they've liberated several villages along the eastern front lines. But Russia claims to be repelling Ukraine's advances saying they've destroyed some Ukrainian weapons and equipment.

And former U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to head to Miami to huddle with lawyers ahead of his court appearance on Tuesday. Trump faces 37 federal criminal charges in the classified documents probe and is expected to plead not guilty.

NOBILO: And as that court date nears, law enforcement sources tell CNN FBI special agents assigned to domestic terrorism squads across the country are working to identify any possible threats. This as some Trump supporters have been ramping up their charge and sometimes violent rhetoric. Sources say that the FBI is aware that the group like the Proud Boys have discussed traveling to South Florida in show support for Trump. Some prominent right-wing figures are calling for protests in Miami on Tuesday, while others fear it could be a trap set up to incriminate Trump supporters which is what some believe happened with the January 6 riots. CNN as Donie O'Sullivan has more on these potential threats.


DONIE O'SULLIVAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: We're seeing a lot of chatter online. As of right now, no specific or credible threats of violence, according -- that's according to law enforcement officials that we have spoken to and also experts who monitor this kind of stuff online.

We're certainly not seeing, you know, anything like the lead up to January 6, 2021, where, you know, there's a mass mobilization effort on Facebook and elsewhere to get people to come to Washington, D.C. as part of the Stop the Steal movement. But look, a lot of, you know, because of January 6th, and because of

the prosecutions stemming from that. A lot of this organizing has moved into private channels, which law enforcement officials tell us, of course, that's a lot harder to penetrate. So, and there could be organizing happening, you know, in the kind of darker corners of the internet.


NOBILO: Trump says the criminal case against him is a joke and a political hit job. And in his first public remarks since the indictment, Trump railed against the special counsel telling the crowd at this weekend's Georgia Republican convention that Jack Smith is deranged. Trump's fans outside the convention seemed equally unshaken by the indictment. As CNN's Isabel Rosales reports.


ISABEL ROSALES, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Former president Donald Trump unapologetic and on the attack.

DONALD TRUMP, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Jack Smith -- sounds so innocent. He's deranged.

This is a political hit job.

ROSALES (voice-over): Georgia's GOP convention marking Trump's first public appearance after becoming the first former president to face federal charges.

JACK SMITH, SPECIAL COUNSEL: We have one set of laws in this country and they apply to everyone.

ROSALES (voice-over): Special counsel Jack Smith announcing 37 criminal counts against Trump, the majority for violations of the Espionage Act.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Doesn't matter to me. Not at all.

ROSALES (voice-over): Outside the state convention, his supporters are unfazed.

DARYL NEAL, TRUMP SUPPORTER: I think it's a bunch of bull (BLEEP). Trump hasn't done nothing wrong. The only thing Trump done is save this country.

JILL WILCOX, TRUMP SUPPORTER: We are not going to let it stop. They can't stand the fact that he's running for president. And I'm a Donald Trump fan.

GARY GRIESHEIM, TRUMP SUPPORTER: It is probably altered. But it's typical, typical liberal propaganda.

ROSALES (voice-over): None of the Republican voters CNN spoke with had read the indictment.

NEAL: No, I wouldn't waste my time on a phony indictment. I don't care about the indictment. You can indict a baloney sandwich.

ROSALES (voice-over): These loyalists share a deep sense of distrust against perceived opponents of Trump, including the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the press.

Supporters routinely brought up President Joe Biden, former Vice President Mike Pence, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton -- all had sensitive materials in their possession while out of public office.

One big difference, Trump and his aide Walt Nauta, face nearly a half dozen charges related to obstruction and concealment of documents including for allegedly suggesting to his lawyers to not cooperate with the grand jury subpoena.

TRUMP: And this whole fake indictment, they don't even once mention the Presidential Records Act.

ROSALES (voice-over): The indictment outlines two different occasions Trump allegedly showed classified documents to unauthorized people. And in 2021, Trump admitted on tape to having secret documents that he hadn't declassified, according to the indictment.

As president, I could have declassified, but now I can't, Trump said, according to a transcript of the audio obtained by CNN.

There's an audio recording of him doing so.

WILCOX: How do we know that that can be changed? We know that that can be altered.

ROSALES (voice-over): Within the 49-page indictment, pictures showing boxes of classified documents stacked high in a Mar-a-Lago bathroom, ballroom, office space, and elsewhere.

GARY GRIESHEIM, TRUMP SUPPORTER: What he did is incorrect, absolutely incorrect. But the system allowed it to happen. The system is broken. It needs to be fixed.

ROSALES (voice-over): The convention also drew a handful of anti-Trump protesters, co-opting one of his most popular catchphrases in this quick moment of tension.


NEAL: Lock you up. Yeah, you had to support Hillary Clinton. She done a lot wrong.


NEAL: Oh you're an idiot.

ROSALES (voice-over): Ultimately, these Trump supporters could not point to any piece of evidence that would cause their support to waver.

SHARON WILDER, TRUMP SUPPORTER: I think Trump is the best president we've ever had, and I'm all about getting him reelected.

ROSALES: And in a press conference this past week, special counsel Jack Smith encouraged people to read that full indictment, 49 pages, to get a grasp of the body of evidence.

It was clear in my conversations with these Trump supporters that they did not have any sort of interest in doing that.

Meanwhile, Trump has denied any wrongdoing and an attorney for Nauta has declined to comment.

Isabel Rosales, CNN, Atlanta.


NOBILO: Republican candidates running against Trump for president are divided on the federal charges he's facing. Here's what two of them told CNN.


VIVEK RAMASWAMY, U.S. REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Reading that indictment and looking at the selective omissions of both fact and law, then I'm even more convinced that a pardon is the right answer here.

ASA HUTCHINSON, U.S. REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We shouldn't be promising and holding out the fig leaf of a pardon, because that undermines our jury system. We don't need a commander in chief that disregards the nation's secrets from our nuclear secrets to our military responses to particular worldwide events.


FOSTER: Despite their opinions, new polling shows Trump is still the top pick among likely Republican voters of the election. If the election were held today, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis a distant second, actually.

NOBILO: And speaking of the 2024 election, be sure to tune into CNN later. Anderson Cooper will host a Republican Presidential Town Hall with former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie live from New York. That will be 8:00 p.m. in New York, 8:00 a.m. in Hong Kong on Tuesday.

Former Scottish first minister Nicola Sturgeon has reportedly been released without charges after she was arrested Sunday in connection with the probe into the Scottish National Party's finances. Police are investigating fund specifically earmarked for a second Scottish independence referendum campaign.

FOSTER: This marks the third high profile arrest in the investigation, including the Scottish National Party's treasurer and Sturgeon's husband. Back in April they were also released with no charges. I mean, these are the sort of -- this is how the Scottish system

works. Isn't it? If they want to question them, they arrest them.

SCOTT MCLEAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, precisely. And so, in this case, Nicola Sturgeon was arrested late yesterday morning. She was held and questioned for more than seven hours and then released without charge pending further investigation.

And as you guys mentioned. This all comes back to this police investigation, which has been ongoing for almost two years now into the finances of the party.


And specifically what happened, to 660,000 pounds more than 870,000 U.S. dollars that had been earmarked for Scottish independence campaigning -- according to the British Press Association. And so, initially Nicola Sturgeon's spokesperson said that she went to this interview voluntarily and that she'll continue to cooperate with the investigation.

We also later heard from Sturgeon herself and saying this.

She said, to find myself in the situation I did today when I'm certain I'm committed no offense is both a shock and deeply distressing. Innocence is not just a presumption I am entitled to in law. I know beyond doubt that I am in fact innocent of any wrongdoing.

And she went on to say that she will continue to sit as a member of the Scottish Parliament. Of course, none of this necessarily comes totally out of the blue. Because, as you guys mentioned, her husband was arrested in April, questioned for more than 11 hours, released without charge. The same thing goes for the treasurer of the party. Her house was searched. The party headquarters was raided as well.

FOSTER: They were all the three signatures to the accounts, weren't they? Any links back to, you know, her big resignation speech that was such a shock?

MCLEAN: Yes, it did come, absolutely, as a shock to British politics. Because she has been, you know, undoubtedly one of most effective and one of the most successful political leaders in this country over her past eight years. It's interesting to note that in January, she said that, look, I've got plenty left in the tank. If I ever get to the point where I'm not sure that I do, she hopes that she would have the courage to resign. But she said this, and I quote.

Just for the avoidance of all doubt, I don't feel anywhere near that right now.

It's only a few weeks though that Nicola Sturgeon actually did announce her resignation out of the blue. And she was asked point- blank whether this police investigation had anything to do with it and she said very clearly, no.

FOSTER: Scott, thank you. NOBILO: Will they, or won't they? Coming up, Wall Street waits and

wonders if the U.S. Federal Reserve will raise interest rates this week for an 11th consecutive time.

FOSTER: Plus, the Vatican says Pope Francis' recovery is going well after abdominal surgery. We'll have a live report from Rome for the latest on the Pontiff's.



FOSTER: Pope Francis is recovering well from abdominal surgery. The Vatican says the Pontiff took a few steps and worked for a few hours in hospital.

NOBILO: He also followed the holy mass live on TV and received the eucharist Sunday and gathered in prayer for the recitation of Angelus at a little chapel inside the hospital. For more now Barbie Nadeau joins us from Rome. Barbie, what more are you learning about the health of Pope Francis and how he's recovering from the surgery?

BARBIE NADEAU, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: Well, you know, his doctors spoke to reporters on Saturday and said that he was doing really as they expected him to do. That he was doing even better on some level because this is an 86-year-old man, obviously, who's been riddled with health issues for the last several years.

You know, the fact that he took a few steps that's really good news in terms of his recovery. We don't know how long he's going to stay in the hospital. We're expecting an update here in two hours' time. They told us a daily health bulletin that will come around midday. We've just been told by the spokesperson. And then we might have a little bit of an idea. But, you know, they had said on Saturday that he will spend the rest of this week in hospital. Beyond that it's hard to say. He's got a full -- you know, he can go back home to inside the Vatican and be taken care of as well. So, we're just waiting to see.

One of the things notable I suppose we haven't seen a photo of him yet. We're still waiting for that. We assume that will come in the next few days. Some sort of image of the Holy Father. But he's, you know, been very vocal. He thanked the children in the children's ward who drew some beautiful pictures of him to wish him well. So, as far as we know, he's progressing fine. He's getting healthier. He's getting stronger and, you know, he'll be back home with, you know, God willing, I guess, by the end of the week -- Bianca.

NOBILO: Barbie Nadeau, live outside the Gemelli Hospital in Rome, thank you very much.

FOSTER: It's a busy week for the U.S. economy. All eyes are on the Federal Reserve as they get ready to meet this Tuesday and Wednesday. Analysts believed the Fed likely will not raise rates this month which would snap a streak of ten consecutive hikes.

There's a sense of calm after lawmakers agreed to raise the debt ceiling. And it appears those previous rate hikes are helping to cool inflation as well. But whatever the Fed decides, two other key inflation reports will give us a better sense of where the economy actually stands right now. On Tuesday, May's consumer price data comes out detailing how much Americans are paying for goods and services compared to previous months. That's followed by the producer price report on Wednesday, both are expected to indicate that the Fed could have some big questions coming up next month.

NOBILO: Operations at the port of Seattle remain shut down and that has retailers concerned that this could have an effect on the supply chain, naturally. The Pacific Maritime Association is blaming the work stoppage on the International Longshore and Warehouse Union who are in the middle of contract negotiations. The shutdown began on Saturday.

FOSTER: Passengers aboard a Delta flight from New York to Los Angeles over the weekend were delayed due to an unusual reason. A slide inside the plane accidentally deployed whilst on the ground at Salt Lake International Airport on Saturday. The airline says one crew member was taken to the hospital for evacuation but was subsequently discharged.

NOBILO: Over 168 passengers on board at the time of the incident. And they were all transferred to another flight and made it to Los Angeles on Saturday evening.

And if you're already fear sharks in the water, this sight in Florida won't help calm those fears. More on this stunning moment, coming up.



FOSTER: Novak Djokovic is back on top of the world tennis rankings after winning his third career French Open title and a record setting 23rd grand slam men's title. He defeated last year's French Open runner-up Casper Ruud in three sets. With Sunday's win, Djokovic passed Rafael Nadal for the most men's grand slam titles. He also became the first male player to win each grand slam tournament at least three times. After the match, Djokovic downplayed the praise calling him the greatest male tennis player of all time.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Congratulations, how does it feel to be the greatest male player in history.

NOVAK DJOKOVIC, 2023 FRENCH OPEN CHAMPION: Well, thank you. I mean, I don't want to say that I am the greatest because I feel it's -- I've said it before, it's disrespectful towards the great champions in different eras of our sport that were played in a completely different way than it is played today. So, I feel like each great champion of his own generation has left a huge mark, a legacy, and paved the way for us to be able to play this sport in such a great stage for life.

(END VIDEO CLIP) NOBILO: In Major League Baseball, the Tampa Bay Rays defeated Texas

Rangers 7-3, in the matchup between the two top teams in the league. Rays short stop Wander Franco drove in three runs with eight of the season. Meanwhile, Tampa Bay's Shane McClanahan became the first pitcher in the league to reach 10 wins this year. The Rays now have won eight of their last nine games and lead the MLB with 48 victories.

FOSTER: Great crowd catch as well.

And now, the stories in the spotlight this hour. A big win for app- based foods delivery workers after New York City announced a minimum page rate. Officials say the average wages are set to increase from around $7 an hour to around almost $20 in the next two years.

NOBILO: The new change has been criticized by Door Dash and Uber Eats, two of the most popular food delivery apps in the U.S. Door Dash it is considering a lawsuit to push back against this change.

FOSTER: It's been ten years since the debut of K-pop's supergroup BTS. And they've come a long way since being marked as a hip-hop group in 2013 with their debut single.





FOSTER: It reminds me of listening to your music when you come in, Bianca. Since then, their music style in here colors have changed dramatically. Cementing them as one of the biggest pop acts in the world.


BTS: Shining through the city with a little funk and soul So I'm a light it up like dynamite, whoa oh, oh


FOSTER: And you're dance movements.

NOBILO: I was going to say that's not my music -- oh, my gosh. The group has gone on to break numerous records including the most hot 100 number one debuts and the most top 10 debuts among groups -- according to Billboard magazine. BTS is celebrating their anniversary with a music festival this weekend in Seoul. And a new single called "Take Two."

The Florida heat even has wild animals spending time at the beach. This little guy was spotted in the waters near Destin Beach on Sunday. The bear was seen splashing in the Gulf of Mexico for several minutes.

FOSTER: He's having a lovely time. I would've thought it looked like a small cow at first sight.

The animal ended up with the crowd of other beachgoers but safely made its way to the shore. And quickly shuck the water off its fur, ran away through the sand and into the dunes. No one was hurt during the surprise encounter. In fact, it was all pretty cute. That's the script. I think they're kind of pretty mad though because they're so relaxed about a bear.

NOBILO: It looks like a small bear though, like a baby bear.


NOBILO: Its priority is getting cool not mauling.

FOSTER: Yes. thanks for joining us here on CNN NEWSROOM. I'm Max Foster.

NOBILO: And I'm Bianca Nobilo. "EARLY START" is up next right here on CNN. We will see you again tomorrow.
