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CNN International: Protesters Ready to Hold More Massive Demonstrations in Israel; U.S. Marine Questioned in Teenage Girl's Disappearance; At least 22 Dead from Flood in Northern India; Singer Harry Styles Hit By Flying Object at Concert. Aired 4:30-5a ET

Aired July 10, 2023 - 04:30   ET



CIRO MENDOZA, FLORIDA INDEPENDENT VOTER: I think they put themselves in a position to be criticized. If they didn't ask for a loyalty pledge, the majority of the public would not perceive that there's actually a problem.

RANDI KAY, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Former Texas Rep Will Hurd has said he will not sign the Florida pledge, not because he won't support a Republican nominee, but because he won't support Donald Trump if he becomes the nominee. Chris Christie has said that this Florida pledge is useless.

Also as far as Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis go, neither has said if they will sign the pledge, and neither of them have said that they will support the other if that person becomes the nominee. They've been sidestepping those questions.

It's also worth noting that the Florida GOP seems to be taking its clues from the Republican National Committee who was also asked for a loyalty pledge for the primary debate. In fact, the Florida GOP told Politico that it's pledged basically mirrors language adopted by the Republican National Committee for that first debate.

Randi Kaye, CNN, Palm Beach County, Florida.


BIANCA NOBILO, CNN ANCHOR: Israel's legislature in the coming hour is set to hold the first of three votes on the central part of the government's controversial judicial measures. This one will reduce the court's ability to use what's called the reasonable standard. It enables courts to throw out edicts that they say are unreasonable and violate Israelis rights. Even if they don't violate any specific law. And that is facing massive opposition in the streets. Organizers say if the boat is approved, will demonstrate on Tuesday, a day of resistance. It comes after tens of thousands of protesters rallied against the measure on Saturday for the 27th consecutive week.

Police clashed with demonstrators in some areas and fired water cannons to clear major highway its in Tel Aviv. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is warning protesters that he won't tolerate actions, he says that infringe on rights of Israelis. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER (through translator): The right to demonstrate in the framework of the law is sacred for every individual in every sector and we strongly condemn any violence against demonstrators on this side or the other. This right is reserved both to the opponents of the reform and its supporters. While the government has not considered restricting this right, it has requested to receive a report on what is the enforcement policy regarding violations of the law that infringe on the basic rights of millions of citizens and which are carried out almost on a daily basis during the demonstrations.


NOBILO: Military investigators want to know why a missing 14-year-old girl was found in the barracks at California's Camp Pendleton, they've got a marine in custody for questioning. So, details on that ahead.

Plus, a manhunt for a California inmate who escaped from the hospital. Why police are warning the public to be careful if they see him.



NOBILO: NOBILO: Welcome back to CNN NEWSROOM. I'm Bianca Nobilo. And if you're just joining us, let me bring you up to date with our top stories this hour.

More than 30 million people are under heat alerts across the U.S., southwest Texas and Florida. Temperatures in states like Arizona are again expected to reach 110 degrees Fahrenheit or 43 degrees Celsius.

And U.S. President Joe Biden will meet with the British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in the next hour. Their meeting comes ahead of the high- stakes NATO meeting on Tuesday where the war in Ukraine will of course, be top of the agenda.

A U.S. Marine has been taken into custody for questioning after a missing 14-year-old girl was found in the barracks at California's Camp Pendleton. The girl who was reported missing by her grandmother was located on the base on June 28th. CNN correspondent Camila Bernal has the latest in this inquiry.


CAMILA BERNAL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: We know that a Marine was taken into custody after a 14-year-old girl was found at the barracks at Camp Pendleton. And this happened on June 28th, according to a statement from the Marine Corps.

I want to read part of that statement where they say: This command takes this matter and all allegations very seriously. The incident is under investigation and we will continue to cooperate with NCIS and appropriate authorities. Now the NCIS is the Naval Criminal Investigative Service. They are in charge of this investigation but declined to comment on the investigation saying out of respect for the investigative process.

Now, we did reach out to the San Diego County Sheriff's Department and what they're saying is that the 14-year-old girl was reported missing by her grandmother on June 13th. The grandmother told authorities that she ran away on June 9th and said this was not the first time that she ran away but usually returned home quickly.

So they entered her information into a number of missing persons databases, but she was found on June 28th by military police and the San Diego County Sheriff's Department says that detectives interviewed her. They were offered services and she was returned to her grandmother.

Now again, it is the NCIS who is in charge of this investigation, so we will have to wait for their findings.

Camila Bernal, CNN, Los Angeles.


NOBILO: At least nine people are wounded after a mass shooting in Cleveland, Ohio, early Sunday. Police say the victims were seven men and two women, all in their 20s or 30s. None of the injuries appear to be life-threatening. Police are looking for both a suspect and a motive at this point. Now that makes at least 370 mass shootings in the U.S. so far this year, according to the Gun Violence Archive.

And in New York, police say they have arrested the gunman responsible for a string of shootings in Queens and Brooklyn. This was the scene in Queens on Saturday after an 86-year-old man was fatally shot. Police say 25-year-old Thomas Abreu is facing murder, attempted murder and weapons charges and they say he may be tied to as many as six shootings that also left four people injured.

Police in Pennsylvania have discovered small stockpiles or campsites that they believe are linked to an escaped inmate. Michael Burham broke out of jail Thursday night. Officials say that he's a self- taught survivalist.


They're offering nearly $10,000 for information that leads to Burham's arrest. But authorities warn that he could be considered armed and dangerous.


LT. COL. GEORGE BIVENS, PENNSYLVANIA STATE POLICE: We have no reason to believe Burham has left the general area. With that said, we have received several tips for investigative leads, outside of the area and we're thoroughly investigating each of those. None of them has caused us to change our assessment that he remains in this area.


NOBILO: Officials say local residents should secure their homes and cars and should not approach Burham if they do see him.

Another manhunt is underway in California where police are searching for Eric Abril, a suspect facing multiple charges including kidnapping and murder. Police say he escaped from a local hospital. They say they're using every resource available to take the man back into custody. Multiple law enforcement agencies have come together for the search. Police have told local residents to exercise extreme caution.

Incredible scenes of flooding across India as one major city receives its wettest day in generations. Stay with us.


NOBILO: A landslide in Southern California has severely damaged an upscale neighborhood. It happened suddenly in Rolling Hills Estate, south of Los Angeles. Authorities evacuated at least 12 hilltop homes overlooking a canyon. Geologists say that the area has been unstable for hundreds of thousands of years. But it's not clear what triggered this latest earth movement.

Rescue efforts are under way in northern India after heavy rainfall turned into deadly floods. Dozens of people have been saved from the rapid floodwaters, tragically at least 22 people have died. More rain is expected in New Delhi, after the city's wettest day in 40 years. Schools there have been closed for the day. Delhi's chief minister says the city already received 15 percent of total rainfall for the entire monsoon season in just 12 hours. CNN's Michael Holmes has more.



MICHAEL HOLMES, CNN ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Waterlogged in New Delhi, umbrellas offering little protection from days of heavy rain. Over the weekend, meteorologists said Delhi received the highest amount of rain in a single day in July in more than 40 years. And a lot of it still pooling on the ground, flooding streets, snarling traffic. And bringing many parts of the city to a standstill.

This man says he's stranded because his scooter won't start. And he's not sure how to get his bike and belongings out of the water. Some residents are complaining on social media that the floods are a chronic problem in the capital, especially in monsoon season. And that the government should do more to fix the city's drainage problems.

SARITA GUPTA, NEW DELHI RESIDENT: We just came out to have lunch over here. But look at the state of the water logging. I don't know what government is doing about this. And it's not a matter of only one year. This happens every year.

HOLMES (voice-over): Delhi's chief minister on Sunday cancelled leave for municipal workers and said the city's ministers and mayor would also be on the job, inspecting problem areas caused by the rains. Pumps have been installed in some areas to try to divert the water. The deluge is causing similar misery in cities across northern India, with rivers bursting their banks, triggering landslides and flash floods. The monsoon rains are a vital part of life in India, necessary for replenishing reservoirs and watering crops. But too much rain with nowhere to go at times doing more harm than good.

Michael Holmes, CNN.


NOBILO: An aid group says at least 300 migrants are missing at sea near the Spanish Canary Islands. They were traveling on three different boats from Senegal when they disappeared. One boat was carrying 200 people. The others carried 50 to 60 people each. The Canary Islands off the coast West Africa have become the main destination for migrants trying to reach Spain. Others attempt to cross the Mediterranean to the Spanish mainland.

France has banned the sale of fireworks from Sunday through the upping Bastille Day weekend. The ban does not apply to professional pyrotechnics -- like these that you're looking at -- which are on display during last year's festivities -- festivals. But everyone else will be prohibited from selling, possessing or transporting fireworks until July 15th. Last month, demonstrators used fireworks to protest the fatal police shooting of a 17-year-old boy. And over the weekend, hundreds of people defied a ban to march against police brutality in the heart of Paris. Police disbursed the crowd from a public square and sent them to a wide boulevard where they then marched peacefully.

Singer Harry Styles is hit by a flying object in a concert in Austria. After the break, we'll break down the dangerous trend that is affecting some of the world's biggest performers out there.



NOBILO: U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is calling on the Food and Drug Administration to investigate the Prime energy drink. Citing experts, Schumer said the beverage contains a dangerous amount of caffeine. And the advertising deliberately targets young people. Take a look at part of the Prime ad.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have created our own drink company. Whoa! The fastest growing sports drink in history.


NOBILO: The website does say Prime's energy drink is not recommended for anyone under 18. But Schumer says the marketing is clearly aimed at young consumers.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY) U.S. SENATE MAJORITY LEADER: One of the summer's hottest status symbols for kids is not an outfit. It's not a toy. It's a beverage. But buyer and parents beware, because it's a serious health concern for the kids it so feverishly targets.


NOBILO: Prime's energy drink contains 200 milligrams of caffeine, the equivalent of roughly six chance of Coca-Cola or two Red Bulls.

If that wasn't dangerous, I should probably have one in the morning.

Allisen Corpuz won the U.S. Women's Open. Her first LPGA title at Pebble Beach, California on Sunday. Corpuz shot 3 under par in the final round becoming the first American to win the major since Brittany Lang back in 2015. The 25-year-old Hawaii native also took home a $2 million prize. She described her win as unreal and said this week has felt like a dream come true.

The NBA has unveiled details for a new in-season tournament. Starting November 3rd, all 30 teams will be placed into groups of five with those groups randomly drawn based on last season's records. Each team plays four games during the group stage. And the best team from each group, plus two wildcards, will then move to the knockout stage with the championship game being played in Las Vegas on December 9th. Every game counts towards the regular season standings except the championship game.

The story spotlight this hour, singer Harry Styles is the latest performer to be hit with an object thrown by a concertgoer. While performing in Austria over the weekend, Styles was leaving the stage when someone hurled an item that hit him in the eye. CNN's Chloe Melas has more him on the incident.


CHLOE MELAS, CNN ENTERTAINMENT REPORTER: Harry Styles on stage and a concertgoer throwing something. And in the video, you see him wince, and he grab his eye. He kind of puts his head in his hands. He bends down, but then he moment later continues the show miraculously. But this is a very concerning trend, right? We just saw Bebe Rexha who recently performed when someone threw a cell phone at her. You've heard that, right, injuring her. She had to stop the show, required a couple stitches. Something recently happened like that to Drake. And this is s -- several celebrities have had this happen. But Adele recently speaking out and said don't even think about doing this at my show. Take a listen.


ADELE, SINGER: People are throwing (EXPLETIVE DELETED) on stage. Have you seen that? I (EXPLETIVE DELETED) dare you. Dare you. Stop throwing things at the artists!

MELAS: I mean, look, I was at the Counting Crows last night at Jones Beach here in New York. I love going to live music. I'm going to go see Sting in the fall. And the idea that someone would go and throw something on the stage at one of your artists, it's just really concerning and hopefully someone will listen to Adele and stop doing this very, very dangerous -- these dangerous acts of violence and these shows where people are trying to have fun.


NOBILO: You've probably heard of method acting where actors immerse themselves completely into their characters' minds to prepare for their roles. "Barbie" stars of the upcoming "Barbie" movie did it in their own way.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Cold shower, falling off my roof.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And my heels are on the ground.


NOBILO: Ryan Gosling says Margot Robbie who plays Barbie instituted an all-pink dress code once a week. Cast and crew had to comply or face a fine that would be donated to charity. Gosling who plays Ken in the movie says everyone was excited to participate, especially the men on the crew. He says that they saw it as a way to show respect and admiration for the art they were creating. "Barbie" premieres on July 21st.

Monday night's Powerball jackpot is now worth an estimated $650 million making it the ninth largest drawing in the game's history. The amount has increased since no one has matched all the members and 34 consecutive drawings. The Powerball isn't the only lottery prize that's up for grabs this week either. The Mega Millions jackpot is also in play worth $480 million.

That does it here on CNN NEWSROOM. I'm Bianca Nobilo in London. EARLY START with Rahel Solomon is up next for you.