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CNN International: House Republicans Ramp Up Hunter Biden Investigation; All 15 Israeli Supreme Court Judges to Hear Overhaul Challenge; Torrential Rain Kills 11 People in Beijing, 27 Missing; American Woman Accused of Conspiring with Two Bahamas Natives to Kill Her Husband; Tense Moments for U.S. In Final Minutes Against Portugal. Aired 4:30-5a ET

Aired August 01, 2023 - 04:30   ET



MAX FOSTER, CNN ANCHOR: Welcome back to CNN NEWSROOM, I'm Max Foster. If you are just joining us, let me bring you up to date with our top stories this hour.

France will begin an air evacuation of French and other European citizens from Niger. The French Foreign Ministry announced the decision as the political crisis in that country deepens.

Trump codefendant Carlos De Oliveira has appeared in court for the first time in the classified documents case against the former president. He was released on $100,000 bond without entering a formal plea.

Republicans in Congress are wrapping up their investigation into the U.S. president's son. They Invited a former business partner of Hunter Biden to speak with House Oversight Committee. Meanwhile, the White House is slamming what it calls an evidence free wild goose chase. CNN's Melanie Zanona has the details.


MELANIE ZANONA, CNN CAPITOL HILL REPORTER: Well House Republicans are turning up the heat on Hunter Biden. The House Oversight Committee on Monday held a deposition with Devon Archer. He is a former business associate of Hunter Biden. He served on a board of a Ukrainian energy company along with Hunter Biden. And Republicans wanted to bring him in because they thought he could reveal key information about President Joe Biden and whether he was involved in any of his son's foreign business deals. That is a link the White House has seriously denied and link that Republicans have yet to establish.

But one of the things Republicans were particularly interested in was whether President Joe Biden ever spoke with any of Hunter's business partners. Democratic Congressman Dan Goldman was present for that deposition, and he confirmed that Hunter Biden did put Joe Biden -- who was vice president at the time -- on speakerphone, around 20 times in the presence of his business partners. But Goldman that was adamant that no business was discussed, and those conversations were casual. Take a listen. REP. DAN GOLDMAN (D-NY): There is still no connection of any of Hunter

Biden's business dealings with President Biden. Hunter may have put his father on the phone with any number of different people. They never once spoke about any business dealings. As he described it, it was all casual conversation.

ZANONA: And a source also told my colleague Zach Cohen, that Archer testified that Hunter was selling the, quote, illusion of access to his father but never provided any evidence linking Joe Biden to any of these business deals. And the same source also said that Archer testified he had no knowledge of allegations about a bribery scheme involving Joe Biden and a foreign national.

Now Republicans say they feel vindicated after this testimony, and that the speakerphone calls along with a dinner where Joe Biden was president, is proof that the president was more intimately involved in his son's business deals than was previously known. They say Biden lied to the American people, and they are vowing to continue to dig into the issue.

In fact, a trio of chairmen also launched a probe on the same day, looking into the Department of Justice plea deal involving Hunter Biden. They want documents. They want a briefing. A clear sign that they are not letting up on any of these probes anytime soon.

Melanie Zanona, CNN, Capitol Hill.


FOSTER: Two U.S. officials tell CNN President Joe Biden has decided to keep the headquarters of U.S. Space Command in Colorado. That reverses a decision by former President Trump to move the command to Alabama. Officials say the Air Force secretary also recently recommended to Biden that the headquarters we moved to Alabama. But we're told Mr. Biden ultimately followed the advice of the head of space command. He said the headquarters will be fully operational in August and moving it could jeopardize military readiness.

In a historic move all 15 judges of Israel's Supreme Court will take part in a hearing challenging a controversial new judicial overhaul law. In September, the legislation passed by the Israeli Parliament last month would strip the courts of its power to declare government decisions unreasonable.

For more let's go to journalist Elliott Gotkine who joins us live from Tel Aviv in Israel. And this presumably is making the decision, the court has to make as credible as possible.

ELLIOTT GOTKINE, JOURNALIST: I think it also shows, Max, the gravity with which the Supreme Court views the situation.


As you say, this is the first time that all 15 judges from the Supreme Court are going to hear these petitions against the bill, that eight petitions calling for the same thing basically, for the Supreme Court to strike down this reasonableness bill.

Now there was an occasion in the past where all of the Supreme Court justices got together, kind of around 1970, but that was a much smaller number of judges at the time, so this is the first time all 15 are getting together.

And as I say, it shows the gravity of the situation. We know when this hearing is due to begin. It's do to begin on September 12th. But we don't know what decision it is going to make or how long it is going to take to make that decision.

And the other thing that we don't know is how the government will respond. Because you recall that Wolf Blitzer interviewed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu just last week. And Netanyahu was noncommittal as to whether his government would abide by Supreme Court ruling. What that would potentially strike down this reasonableness bill. And also worth noting, that the Supreme Court has never in the past struck down one of Israel's so-called basic laws, which is the closest Israel has to a constitution. So that would also be unprecedented.

So Netanyahu was noncommittal in the CNN interview. He was noncommittal yesterday when asked the same question by NBC. And his Likud party actually put out a statement. A rather kind of ominous statement saying that governments in Israel have always been careful to respect the law and the ruling of the court. And the court has always been careful to respect the basic laws. And adding that these two elements on the basis of the rule of law in Israel, and the balance between the branches in any democracy. Adding that any deviation from one of these principles could cause serious damage to Israeli democracy, which in these days need calmness, dialogue, and responsibility.

So again, noncommittal. And the opposition is kind of seeing this and the protesters are seeing this as a kind of shot across the bow of the Supreme Court to make them think very carefully before looking to potentially strike down this reasonableness bill.

As we say, for now the protests continue. The opposition leader Yair Lapid has demanded an 18 month freeze to any further judicial overhaul bills as a precondition for reengaging with the government to try to negotiate some kind of compromise. But all eyes very much now, Max, on that September hearing September 12 is when it starts. We don't know how long it will take to make a ruling. And of course, we don't know what that ruling will be. There's a lot hanging on it -- Max. Elliott.

FOSTER: Absolutely, Elliott in Tel Aviv, thank you.

Thousands of people are waiting to get back into the homes of the remnants of storm called Doksuri weakens over China. Torrential rain caused flooding across the country, killing that least 11 people in Beijing with nearly 30 still missing, local media reports. Nearly 100 weather warnings were issued on Monday alone. Heavy downpours expected to continue through Tuesday, increasing concerns about dangers flooding and landslides.

CNN's Marc Stewart joins us from Tokyo. I mean, these images are just extraordinary, just don't expect to see it in Beijing.

MARC STEWART, CNN CORRESPONDENT: And, Max, we keep getting more and more images throughout the day of rescuers. Let's talk about what people in Beijing are facing right now. First of all, it's 4:30 in the afternoon right now in Beijing. And unfortunately there has been rain reported throughout the day. So that is getting in the way of evacuations, rescues and recovery.

Let's first talk about these rescues. Because the images are quite stark. They're very hard to miss. One rescue in particular happened just outside of Beijing. I believe we have some images you see there. There's a man stuck on top of his car. Driver stuck on top of the car. We see a rescue worker who is hoisted by a crane go down, provide a line, attached to that driver and then is able to rescue them. Despite, you know, despite these churning waters below. Fortunately a safe ending to report there.

There have been other rescues, not necessarily to that degree across Beijing. We've seen people though having to be escorted from their cars in some cases. People are walking through water that is well above their waist. In a city of 21 million people, a lot of rescue rafts really are a familiar sight now across the landscape.

We have seen a lot of damage. There's a new shopping mall that sustained some damage. There's a hole in front of it if you will. There is an Olympic venue, a winter Olympic venue that is dealing with flooding. Also a new luxury style hotel, according to state media, has also faced damage. So it's not -- it is encompassing all aspects of life. You see these people there in life preserver. It's very emblematic of what we've been seeing throughout the day.

By the way, getting around China, getting through China is also very difficult. Air service has been impacted. One of the airports in Beijing has seen flooding. Trains are running, but in some cases, there have been some delays along the way.

China's President Xi Jinping has spoken out about what's happening here. He talks about the need for mobilization of resources to deal with some of the transportation problems, some of the infrastructure issues.


Unfortunately, when we have rain like Beijing is seeing today, doesn't make things any easier.

Max, I should point out that here in Japan, and really across this entire Pacific region, everyone is bracing for more bad weather. We dealt with severe weather today. We saw some thunder, we saw lightning, heavy rain. There is concern that another typhoon is brewing, that could be an issue here in, Japan as well as in mainland China -- Max.

FOSTER: OK, Marc Stewart, thank you.

Still to come, an armed man opens fire at a Jewish school in Tennessee after he couldn't enter the building. What the police are saying about the gunman, just ahead.

Plus, police in the Bahamas say they followed an alleged plot of an American woman conspiring to kill her husband. Details on that too.


FOSTER: In the state of Tennessee, a gunman was shot and wounded by police after firing shots at a Jewish school in Memphis. Police say the man tried to enter the school Monday but couldn't get inside. No one in the school was injured. Authorities say the man was later injured though in an exchange of gunfire with police and is in hospital in critical condition.

The U.S. Congressman from the Memphis area said that the gunman's Jewish himself and a former student at the school. A motive for the shooting remains unclear.

An American woman has been arrested in the Bahamas and charged with conspiring to kill her husband just months after the couple filed for divorce. Lindsay Shiver is accused of plotting with two locals to kill Robert Shiver on July the 16th, whilst the couple was visiting the island. CNN's Nick Valencia has more.


NICK VALENCIA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Two local Bahamian men were also taken into custody. And according to prosecutors, the accused agreed to carry out a murder-for-hire plot on the husband of American Lindsay Shiver on the island of Abaco in the Bahamas on July 16.

That plot was foiled. It's not entirely clear how.


There is some reporting out there that CNN has been unable to verify. We do know that the three defendants were in a courtroom in the Bahamas on Friday, and they were not required to enter a plea. But they were told if they were seeking bail that they could appeal to the Supreme Court on the island.

Social media that appeared to belong to Lindsay Shiver showed that her husband and she attended Auburn University and it appeared to show a happy churchgoing family. But it was back in April that her husband filed for divorce citing his wife's adulterous conduct as the reason for that divorce filing. The next day Lindsay Shiver also filed for divorce.

Now we have reached out to the attorneys in those divorce proceedings but we have not yet heard back. Meanwhile the next court date in the Bahamas for those three defendants is October 5th.

Nick Valencia, CNN, Atlanta.


FOSTER: In the coming hours, the man charged with murder of three of four Gilgo Beach victims will appear in a New York court. It comes more than a week after investigators searched his home for evidence linking him to the killing. He is also the prime suspect in the disappearance and killing of the fourth victim that has yet to be charged in that case. An attorney for the suspect's wife says that she returned home to find the house torn apart from the search.


BOB MACEDONIO, ATTORNEY FOR ASA ELLERUP: She had no idea that this was going or the allegations were even that Rex, her was a suspect. She's not a suspect. She has not been questioned by the police regarding any of this. It's been overwhelming for her and the children trying to piece life back together, to what it was two and a half weeks ago. I don't know if it will ever really return to normalcy, but day-by-day she is getting better. She needs to show her strength so her children have something to focus on. A strong focal point of their mom really charged, and she is getting better each day.


FOSTER: According to her attorney, the suspect's wife filed for divorce last month.

Now first, a World Cup blowout and then a shocking nail-biter as well. Defending champions, the U.S., fight for survival in the tournament they were favored to win.



FOSTER: The character Pee-Wee Herman there brought to life by actor and comedian Paul Reubens, who died on Sunday. Reubens was best known for the Emmy award-winning a Pee-Wee Playhouse, or Pee-Wee's Playhouse. That was a series which spawned films, streaming specials and even a Broadway show. His team says the actor fought a private battle with cancer and left a message to be released after his death, which was posted on Instagram.

It reads, quote: Please accept my apologies for not going public with what I've been facing the last six years. I have loved you all so much and enjoyed making art for you.

Paul Reubens was 70 years old.

Now, almost seven months after suffering a cardiac arrest in the middle of a game, Buffalo Bills' safety Damar Hamlin returned to team practice on Monday in pads. After the practice, it told reporters how he felt mentally being blown out on the field with his teammates again.


DAMAR HAMLIN, BUFFALO BILLS SAFETY: For me, you know, it was tough. You know, just first day in pads. You know, but I'm just trying to keep everything as normal as possible. You know, just having my family here today, that was like that joy, that brightness, just trying to keep everything in perspective. And know that that I'm going to be OK.


FOSTER: Well all the U.S. needs to do to advance is a draw in the Women's World Cup. But they've barely have been staying really alive against Portugal. The heavily favored Americans who won the last two tournaments have really struggled. And there are just moments left, really, in the match. Let's go straight to "WORLD SPORT" Patrick Snell, live in Atlanta. How are they doing, Patrick?

PATRICK SNELL, CNN WORLD SPORT: Hi there Max. Yes, the USA taking on Portugal. We must give full credit to Portugal, who are making the world champions really sweat for the potential advancement to the round of 16 of the tournament. As it stands, it is currently goalless in that game. America needs only a point to advance. But just a few short moments ago, Max, Portugal hitting the woodwork there in injuries. They're in stoppage time, as I am speaking to you.

A huge scare for America's national team who are four-time world champions, Max. They're looking to win this for a fifth time. They're also looking to win the World Cup for a third straight time. Something that no country, men or women has ever done before. What an incredible historic achievement that would be.

In the other match, it's the Netherlands emphatically 7-nil up against Vietnam. Again, that one in stoppage time. So as it stands, by my mathematics, Max, it is the Netherlands who will advance as a group winner and it will be America advancing in second place. Now, that is not something that the U.S. women's national team is accustomed to. They did finish second, I will say, in the 2011 second place in their group at the 2011 FIFA World Cup. Back year Japan would go on to win the whole thing.

But this is an American team that has had so much focus on it going into this tournament. You know, the huge pressure that comes with being the world champions. Then we have the announcement of their storied player, the iconic Meghan Rapinoe announcing that she would be retiring from the sport at the end of this current season.

So many narratives in play, even before a ball was kicked. And of course, you've got this team that's achieved so much on and off the field of play in the recent years. Most famously in the battle for equity when it comes to equal pay. Such an inspiring group of players. But you do wonder if the pressure to some extent has at least got to them. This is a serial winning machine and right now, they are looking rather ordinary, I will say. They have won their tournament opener. In my opinion they were not the better team against the Netherlands. They drew that one. They dropped points against the Netherlands. And they've looked distinctly ordinary, I will, say against the Portuguese. Back to you -- Max.


FOSTER: OK, Patrick, that's exciting stuff and good on Portugal.

Now for stories in the spotlight this hour. The world's largest movie chain has reported a record sales week thanks to the box office a craze of Barbie and Oppenheimer.


KEN: Hey Barbie, can I come to your house tonight?

BARBIE: Sure. I don't have anything big planned.


FOSTER: AMC says both movies helped the company make more revenue last week than they have ever has had in its 103-year history. A lot of that was driven by the films incredible opening weekend in the U.S.

Barbie, which is distributed by CNN's sister company Warner Brothers, grossed more than $150 million alone.

An update on a story that we brought you yesterday. A concert goer in Las Vegas has filed a police report after being, quote, struck by an item that was thrown from the stage. It comes after a video went viral over the weekend of rapper Cardi B throwing her microphone into the crowd after being splashed with a drink. Police didn't mention the rapper's name, but the victim lists the location as Cardi B's concert in their report. No arrests or citation has been issued.

And more than one billion dollars in Mega Millions jackpot is up for grabs in tonight's drawing in the U.S. It's the fourth largest prize in Mega Millions history and the winner will be able to take home a lump sum option of more than $527 million. Good luck.

Thanks for joining me here on CNN NEWSROOM. I'm Max Foster in London. Early start is next here on CNN.
