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CNN International: Senate Returns From Recess Facing Looming Government Shutdown; China: Premier Li Qiang Will Attend G20 Summit; Ukrainian President Sacks Defense Minister; Bad Weather Delays Burning Man Main Event. Aired 4-4:30a ET

Aired September 04, 2023 - 04:00   ET



MAX FOSTER, CNN ANCHOR: Hello, Monday everyone, and a warm welcome to our viewers joining us in the United States and all around the world. I'm Bianca Nobilo.

I'm Max Foster joining you live from London, just ahead on CNN NEWSROOM.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Americans deserve a competent federal government that can pass a yearly budget.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are pro keeping the government open.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): I have decided to replace the Minister of Defense of Ukraine. The ministry needs new approaches and other formats of interaction with both the military and society as a whole.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's just really thick, dense mud.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You don't expect this kind of rain and the effect. Nobody's ever seen this kind of effect in there ever.


ANNOUNCER: Live from London, this is CNN NEWSROOM with Max Foster and Bianca Nobilo.

FOSTER: It's Monday, September the 4th, 9:00 a.m. here in London, 4:00 a.m. in Washington. Where U.S. Senators are set to come back from their August recess to try to broker a deal to avoid a government shutdown on October the 1st.

NOBILO: House Representatives don't come back until next week, but the clock is already ticking to get on the same page about the national budget and keeping vital federal agencies.

FOSTER: President Joe Biden has three main goals in the coming month. Both he and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy want Congress to pass a short-term bill to give lawmakers more time to address the national budget.

NOBILO: The President also wants lawmakers to provide more money for FEMA to help those affected by natural disasters, as well as additional aid for Ukraine. The biggest hurdle to a deal right now, the conservative Republican hardliners. They don't want to make any concessions on federal spending and are pressuring the House Speaker to stick to strict guidelines. Here's what House Democrats had to say.


REP. ERIC SWALWELL (D-CA): And this isn't about taking care of people or working for working people. It's just for working for Donald Trump. And many of them have said, unless we defund the special counsel investigations into Donald Trump, they're going to shut down the government.

REP. JAKE AUCHINCLOSS (D-MA): What Kevin McCarthy is going to need to do is jettison the most extreme hardliners in his conference. There's 25,35,45 members of that conference, who just are not serious about governing. They're nihilistic. And insofar as he lets the tail wag the dog, the government's going to shut down. Now if he wants to step up and be a true leader of the chamber and put together a bipartisan consensus like we did to raise the debt limit, then I think we can govern.


FOSTER: CNN's Priscilla Alvarez has more details on the negotiations in Washington.


PRISCILLA ALVAREZ, CNN WHITE HOUSE REPORTER: As Congress returns from recess this month, the White House is asking lawmakers to pass a short-term spending bill to keep the government running and avoid a partial government shutdown. They're also asking for a boost in funding for some key programs that provide assistance to millions of Americans.

Now separately, the White House is also asking Congress for a supplemental request. That is to provide more funds to FEMA, which has been responding to very expensive disasters across the country and whose funds are set to run dry by the end of this month. As well as more funding for Ukraine.

Now House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has said the FEMA funds will be replenished, but there is pushback about those funds being linked to Ukraine.

Now also, there is disagreement within the Republican Conference about the spending bill. Republican hardliners have asked for an impeachment inquiry into Biden action on border security, as well as cutting spending to pre-COVID levels as part of passing any type of spending bill.

So that is likely to play out in Congress in the weeks to come. But all of this really a Sprint to the finish in September when the fiscal year ends.

Priscilla Alvarez, CNN traveling with the president.


FOSTER: Age and mental health is also getting some attention on the campaign trail, including among some Republican hopefuls. Candidate Nikki Haley is citing Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell in arguing for mental competency tests for politicians older than 75.

NOBILO: McConnell has had a couple of recent episodes where he's frozen and seemed days only to recover moments later. He's 81 years old. But his fellow Senator, Republican Mike Rounds of South Dakota, says McConnell is quite capable of deciding his own future.



SEN. MIKE ROUNDS (R-SD): Mitch is sharp and he is shrewd. He understands what needs to be done. I'll leave it up to him as to how he wants to discuss that with the American public, but there's no doubt in my mind that he is perfectly capable of continuing on at this stage of the game.


NOBILO: President Biden is also busy keeping an eye on his prospective opponent in the 2024 election, and so far, all signs are pointing toward Donald Trump. A new poll from the "Wall Street Journal" shows if an election were held today, the current and former presidents would be evenly matched with votes. The same poll shows broad majorities of Republican primary voters believe Trump's four indictments are politically motivated and without merit.

FOSTER: Both the "Wall Street Journal" and CNN polling shows Trump holds more than 50 percent of votes from primary voters, edging out the opponents like Vivek Ramaswamy. He was in New Hampshire over the weekend holding multiple campaign events. Some of his other Republican opponents are set to stop there as well. New Hampshire primary has picked the eventual Republican nominee 5 out of seven times since 1980 without an incumbent Republican president.

NOBILO: Republican candidate Ron DeSantis, also Florida's governor, of course, has been concerned with matters at home over the weekend. The state is still recovering from Hurricane Idalia, which battered Florida last week.

President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden visited on Saturday to see the damage for themselves. The president vowed to send whatever aid was needed.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: These crises are affecting more than more and more Americans, and every American rightly expects FEMA to show up when they are needed to help in a disaster. So I'm calling on the United States Congress, Democrats and Republicans, to ensure the funding is there to deal with the immediate crises. As well as our long-term commitments to the safety and security of the American people.


FOSTER: DeSantis notably, didn't meet with the president when asked about the state's recovery process, the government slammed federal response to the fires in Maui, accusing the government of just throwing money at the disaster instead of actually helping. He praised Florida's preparedness for its own natural disaster.


RON DESANTIS, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We were prepared, we responded. And really what the federal government's role is just turning on programs that Congress has enacted over many, many years. And so, it's basically serving as a checkbook to get people reimbursed for debris cleanup to give people individual assistance. And so in that sense, I think that that has been turned on. I anticipate that that will go smoothly.


NOBILO: China's premier will attend the G20 summit in New Delhi, China for the Foreign Ministry says. Earlier, U.S. President Joe Biden says he's disappointed that he won't see Chinese President Xi Jinping at the G20.


BIDEN: I am disappointed, but I'm going to get to see him.


NOBILO: Biden will be travelling to New Delhi for the meeting of the world's top 20 economies and CNN's Kristie Lu Stout joins us now from Hong Kong. Kristie, this news that Xi Jinping won't be attending many factors that could be contributing. Obviously, there's been tensions between China and India recently over borders and maps, between China and the U.S. and also there was that last minute cancellation of his speech at the BRICS summit from Xi Jinping. So what do you think is behind this decision not to be there?

KRISTIE LU STOUT, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Bianca, we were seeking some clarity at today's daily Ministry of Foreign Affairs briefing, which just wrapped in the last hour and what we learned is that the Chinese Premier, Li Qiang will be at the gathering later this week in New Delhi. And this is the clearest sign yet that Xi Jinping is not attending the summit amid widespread speculation that he would be a no show.

Now this is what we heard from the Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning, who said this quote -- let's bring it up for you. At the invitation of the government of the Republic of India, Premier

of the State Council, Li Qiang will attend the 18th G20 summit to be held in New Delhi, India, on September the 9th and the 10th.

It's interesting to note, there was no mention of Xi at all in that statement. Now Xi has attended all other in person G20 meetings since becoming President 2013. Even during the pandemic in 2021, he joined via video link. And at this year's G20 he'll be missing out on key conversations on climate change, on Ukraine. And his no show, New Delhi comes -- as you pointed out, Bianca -- as China and India clash over a border dispute. It also comes as trying to battles a number of economic challenges at home with one of the country's largest home builders warning of default on Sunday.

We did hear from the U.S. President, Joe Biden, he told reporters when answering questions that he was disappointed that Xi was not attending the G20 summit. But he also suggested that he'll be meeting with Xi in the future. And they do need to meet because U.S., China, tensions have been flaring up over Taiwan, over trade, over territorial disputes.


And in a bid to stabilize that relationship, there's been a number of senior Biden officials who have gone to China to visit in recent months, including the U.S. Commerce Secretary. And President Biden previously did tell CNN he would be meeting with Xi Jinping in the fall. They may still have an opportunity to speak on the sidelines of the APEC summit in San Francisco in November.

It's important to note that Biden and Xi they last spoke on the sidelines of the G20 in Bali last November, and that has been the only in person encounter between these two leaders since Biden took office in 2021. Back to you guys.

NOBILO: Kristie Lu Stout, thank you.

FOSTER: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is overhauling the country's military leadership in the middle of a major counteroffensive. Zelensky said Sunday that he's dismissing his defense minister, Oleksii Reznikov. Reznikov just released a statement saying he has submitted his resignation to Parliament.

NOBILO: Reznikov has served as Defense Minister since before Russia's invasion. In recent months, the president has cracked down on corruption in his department. Reznikov hasn't been directly implicated himself, but Mr. Zelensky says it's time for change.


VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT (through translator): Oleksii Reznikov has been through more than 550 days of full-scale war. I believe that the ministry needs new approaches and other formats of interaction in both the military and society as a whole.


FOSTER: Ukrainian military officials say Russia has launched massive attacks across the country. Air defenses shot down 17 drones in the Odessa region. Though Ukraine says some hit their targets.

NOBILO: Salma Abdelaziz joins us now. Salma let's begin with the new defense minister. To external observers, it might seem like strange timing because we're hearing about Ukrainian progress breaking through the first line of Russian defenses. And yet the Defense Minister is now going.

SALMA ABDELAZIZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, it's a very significant dismissal. Because in many ways, Reznikov is one of the most important faces of this conflict. He's developed very close relationships with the West. He's made really good friendships and partnerships with his U.S. allies. He's been able to campaign and push for the material support that is needed on the ground on those frontlines. But his ministry has faced issues of corruption, allegations of corruption in recent months. And as you mentioned, while he is not directly implicated in those.

You may remember earlier this year, a slew of senior officials were dismissed amid issues of the procurement of military supplies. In the wake of that, the Deputy Defense Minister resigned in August. We saw President Zelenskyy dismissed the head of all military recruitment offices across Ukraine.

You have to remember, President Zelenskyy had promised to clamp down on corruption from the time he was campaigning as president. This has been a long-standing issue in Ukraine, probably only more magnified by the conflict. And as you mentioned, it does come as a difficult time this dismissal, a very key figure, a very key character being pushed out of the Ministry, of course as Ukraine says, it's making gains on the ground. Gains in the counteroffensive, able to break through those first lines. The person who is nominated, Rustam Omarov, his nomination has to go through Parliament still. He's going to face major pressure as the new defense minister to really ramp up that counteroffensive.

FOSTER: And what do we know about movements on the ground over the weekend?

ABDELAZIZ: Well, I think the key thing we really need to focus on this morning is Odesa. We have seen several drone attacks, Ukraine says, by Russian drones, of course, on port areas in Odesa, on the Danube River ports, all of this coming ahead of a very important meeting with President Erdogan. Who's going to try to revive the Black Sea Grain Deal -- initiative rather. And that Grain Deal is so key, so important to Ukraine being able to export grain to the rest of the world. That's caused major issues across the market.

The fact that Russia is using this point in time to attack those ports is a reminder of why that deal is so important and may be a way for Russia to, let's say, come at a stronger position on the negotiating table when they speak to President Erdogan today.

FOSTER: OK, Salma, thank you so much.

NOBILO: The annual Burning Man Festival has turned into a muddy mess this year. Thousands are still stranded after heavy rain, but some are trying to make the most of it. Details ahead.

FOSTER: Authorities think they may be closing in on a convicted killer who escaped from a prison near Philadelphia last week.

Three members from the International Space Station are now back on Earth. More on their trip back home, just ahead.



FOSTER: As Americans celebrate Labor Day, here's a look at what to expect with the weather. Heat advisories are in effect for the upper Midwest. That's as temperatures climb towards 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The dangerous heat is expected to move into the east through the week.

NOBILO: Meantime, four and a half million people are under flood watches across. Oregon, Idaho, Nevada and Utah. But conditions could improve in hard hit Las Vegas and the Black Rock Desert, the site of the Burning Man Festival. Right now, the weather is still wrecking havoc on the popular festival.

FOSTER: Yes, the non-stop rain in the Black Rock Desert delivered an unusual mix of mud, trapping thousands of festival goers, but some of the people who were there say it wasn't all that bad.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: On a lot of the headlines, it sounds like a huge disaster and people are stranded and my friends are trying to message me if I'm OK, but in reality, it was really nice.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: On the ground, things actually felt not only safe and comfortable for the vast majority of people for my impression, but actually fun because we, you know, we're there for our community and we all came together and made the best of it.


FOSTER: And we're learning that organizers now plan to postpone the main event. They say the burning of a large wooden effigy will happen on Monday night instead of Sunday. CNN's Camila Bernal has more.



CAMILA BERNAL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It is still muddy. It is still messy for thousands of people who are stranded here in Black Rock City. Where we are right now is the main entrance and exit point to the festival. So thousands are expected to exit here on Monday. We saw many, many cars trying to get out because this is the entrance of the Playa.

So here behind me is where people are getting stuck in that mud. And want to show you what that mud, that cakey mud looks like? This is what a lot of people are walking for hours in and you're seeing it in their shoes. They are covered in this mud is what you're seeing on this bike. It makes it impossible for not just bikes, but also for cars and RV's. Here behind me, this RV, they told me that they were stuck here for hours trying to get out of the mud. So it is difficult to get out. And the concern of course, is for people who did not bring enough supplies, enough food, enough water and need to get out. Here's one person that I talked to who told me she just needed to get out today.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's quite expansive out there and it probably took me 3 hours of slogging to walk just from my camp to the road, and I did get a little bit of a hitchhike in to in the back of someone's truck. But yes, it's just really thick, dense mud. So wherever it's wet, it's just heavy and sticky and it's a real sloppy mess out there. Most everything's turned off, but there's still some people partying.

BERNAL: And everybody that I've talked to has remained extremely positive, telling me they're making the best out of a very difficult situation, saying they're still having fun, that they've enjoyed this festival. Unfortunately though, authorities did report one death. They said a body was found in the Playa. They did not give any details as to what happened and organizers here are continuing to tell people to be safe. They're getting prepared to get thousands of people out of here. So they're telling them that this is going to be a long process. The exodus, as they call it.

Camila Bernal, CNN, Black Rock City.


FOSTER: It's funny because the mud is actually one of the selling points for Glastonbury, which is the big festival here.

NOBILO: But they've all got wellies and they're prepared. So it says that the central tenant of Burning Man is to provide a space where people can be unreservedly themselves. It that for you?

FOSTER: Should go next year?

NOBILO: Don't you feel unreserved for yourself already?

FOSTER: I've got the wellies.


FOSTER: I don't know.

NOBILO: I don't think we're Burning Man people, but best of luck to everybody there.

FOSTER: I think I would I I'd give a go. I can't imagine you there.

NOBILO: I'd rather be in the library.

FOSTER: The manhunt for a convicted killer who escaped a Pennsylvania prison near Philadelphia is heading into day five.

NOBILO: The 34-year-old had just been sentenced to life without parole for killing his former girlfriend. CNN's Polo, Sandoval has the latest details on the search.


POLO SANDOVAL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It is a very active manhunt that's underway in southeast Pennsylvania. Initially, on Friday, authorities had said that they were afraid that Danelo Cavalcante was making his way towards Mexico and then potentially to his native Brazil. However, at about 1:30 in the morning on Saturday, he was spotted on surveillance video. A mere mile and a half away from the Chester County Prison, which is where the was serving a lifelong sentence for murder.

And precisely in that area, authorities are really focusing much of the search with hundreds of SWAT team members, local, state, federal law enforcement officers that are now urging people who live in the area only about 30 miles West of Philadelphia to keep their doors locked. And certainly reach out to them if they spot the 34-year-old fugitive.

The 34-year-old man was initially, at least he was beginning his lifelong sentence after being convicted for the stabbing murder of his girlfriend. Investigators say that he stabbed her to death in front of her two children, which is why what we heard on Sunday from the Chester County District Attorney, now the urging residents to be extremely vigilant. That continue to describe him as an extremely dangerous man.

Polo Sandoval, CNN, New York.


FOSTER: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is set to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the coming hours. Details on what the leaders will probably discuss.



NOBILO: Welcome back to CNN NEWSROOM. I'm Bianca Nobilo.

FOSTER: I'm Max Foster. If you're just joining us, let me bring you up to date with our top stories this hour.

The U.S. Congress will get back to work after its August recess. The Senate and House need to approve a funding Bill right away to avoid the government shutdown on October 1st.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has fired his defense minister, citing the need for new approaches. Russia's war in Ukraine is now in its 19th month.

And this just into CNN. Romania is condemning the latest Russian drone attacks on the Ukrainian Danube River port. But it added that the drone attacks did not pose any direct military threats against Romanian territory. Ukrainian officials had claimed that some of the shared drones -- or Shahid drones, rather -- had detonated on Romanian soil.

Now there are hopes that a new Black Sea Grain Deal could be within reach as Russian President Vladimir Putin hosts Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Meanwhile, South Africa is trying to put to rest allegations that it shipped arms to Russia, saying an investigation has found no evidence supporting that.

Senior international correspondent David Mackenzie standing by for us in Joburg. But first let's go to CNN's Nic Robertson, our international diplomatic editor, who's here with us in the studio. I mean, there's so much resting on this, isn't there? Not just for Ukraine and Russia, but you know, the countries that receive this grain.

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Africa in particular and Russia is making a great point out of that. When President Putin met in St. Petersburg recently with those African leaders, his point was, it's not my fault that our grain is not getting through. So what TASS, the Russian news agency is saying that Putin and Erdogan will discuss will be the UN grain deal -- the original Black Sea grain deal. Possibly the use of Turkey as a midpoint for Russian to Europe, gas, natural gas. And the other thing that Putin is going to put forward apparently, according to TASS, according to their sources, is the Russian idea of a new Black Sea grain deal for them ...
