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Powerful Earthquake Hits Morocco; President Biden Attends Meeting Of Global Leaders In India; Judge Refuses To Move Meadows Case To Federal Court; Special Grand Jury Recommended Charges Against 39 People; Officer In Deadly PA Incident Charged with Murder; Hurricane Lee Tracking Toward Caribbean. Aired 11a-12p ET

Aired September 09, 2023 - 11:00   ET



COCO GAUFF, TENNIS PLAYER: I'm trying to enjoy the moment but also knowing that I still have more work to do. So yes, the final's an incredible achievement but it's something that I'm not satisfied with yet.


CAROLYN MANNO, CNN SPORTS CORRESPONDENT: It's the right attitude to have, Victor and Amara. People have been ear-marking Coco Gauff for this moment since she was 15 years old and now the moment has arrived. If she can step into it, you're going to be looking at a homegrown U.S. Open Grand Slam champion when this thing wraps up today. Back to you.

AMARA WALKER, CNN ANCHOR: Team Coco. Carolyn Manno, thank you.

Thanks for watching everyone.

VICTOR BLACKWELL, CNN ANCHOR: There is much more ahead in the next hour of CNN NEWSROOM. It starts right now.

FREDRICKA WHITFIELD, CNN ANCHOR: Hello, everyone. Thank you so much for joining me this Saturday. I'm Fredricka Whitfield.

And we're following breaking news out of Morocco, where more than 1,000 people were killed after a powerful 6.8 magnitude earthquake after it struck Friday night. Its epicenter located in the High Atlas Mountains, just southwest of Marrakesh. The quake was the strongest to hit the historic tourist area in over a century.

And rescuers are now struggling to access the hardest-hit areas after roads, of course, were damaged. One witness said that they're hoping for miracles from the rubble. More than 700 people were injured in the quake and are in critical condition.

Intense aftershocks have hit the area. Experts expect the death toll to rise.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) MOHAMED TAQAFI, WITNESS: I heard people screaming. Everyone went out of their houses, the street is full of people and women screaming. That's what happened. Even now, people can't go back home because they're still afraid.


WHITFIELD: I want to bring in now CNN senior international correspondent Ben Wedeman for more on this. Ben, the destruction is devastating. I mean what are emergency crews up against, especially when you have an earthquake of this magnitude? It means so many passage ways are simply impassable.

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, in addition to the strength of this earthquake, 6.8 on the Richter scale, you have to keep in mind that it took place in a very mountainous, a very rugged area. I've been hiking up there and you have very steep mountains, remote communities, villages, and towns scattered in the mountains.

And the Moroccans, it appears simply don't have the man power and equipment to deal with all of these different locations where we're seeing so much damage.

In fact, some eyewitnesses are telling us that in their towns where there has been damage and death, the rescue workers have not actually gone there, because they're focusing their efforts on the worst hit areas.

Now what we've seen throughout the day, and actually, the earthquake took place at 11:13 p.m. on Friday, and there have been more than a dozen aftershocks. So lots of people are staying outside, sleeping outside. That includes tourists as well, who have been sleeping in the streets.

But what we've seen is that the death toll has been rising steadily, throughout the day, as the rescue effort gathers pace. The last number we heard was 1,037 dead, more than 1,200 wounded, 721 of whom were in critical condition.

Now, what we're seeing is an outpouring of efforts and offers to help from a variety of places. The French have mobilized for instance firefighters to help with the rescue effort. Turkey is mobilizing more than 260 people, a thousand tents ready to go. The Israelis have also assembled emergency medical teams to go to the worst affected areas.

And in these affected areas, for instance, in many of them, there's no running water, there's no electricity. The medical facilities are overwhelmed.

For instance, the main hospital in Marrakesh, they have had to put beds out in the streets because they simply don't have the room to treat all of the injured people. And as I said, the number of injured and dead is expected to rise steadily, as the rescue effort moves forward, Fredricka. WHITFIELD: Yes, it is an incredible situation there. And then Ben, is

there a way you said kind of describe for people the Marrakesh region, the area from the locations where tourists love to flock to those more remote mountainous areas?

WEDEMAN: Well Marrakesh itself is in a plain, but that's an old -- it's an ancient city, and many of the buildings are very old there, and many of them have been severely damaged.


WEDEMAN: Now when you go up into the High Atlas Mountains, you have sort of deep ravines and mountain passes that are easily blocked by falling rubble, even rocks under the best of circumstances.

With an earthquake, you're seeing that some of these roads to the worst affected areas are blocked by boulders. And that's going to make the situation difficult.

And it is simply, you know, the area is so mountainous, and there's little villages dotted around up in the hills, very hard to reach. So they're going to really need all of the help they can get, the Moroccans that is, from outside to try to get to these people who are most badly affected in these very mountainous areas, Fredricka.

WHITFIELD: All right. Ben Wedeman, thank you so much. Appreciate you joining us from Rome. But you being very knowledgeable of the region, it was very insightful to talk with you.

All right. CNN researcher Benjamin Brown was on a rooftop in Marrakesh when the earthquake hit and said it took a while for people to realize what was happening. Earlier today, he described what he witnessed in the aftermath.

BENJAMIN BROWN, CNN RESEARCHER: A large cloud of dust had been shaken off the ground just erupted into the sky and covering -- covering basically the entire sky in dust.

And when the shaking then stopped, this is me, and all the guests in the hotel, made our way to open ground, farther away from high rises, (INAUDIBLE) and tall buildings that may collapse, obviously with the damage they've already suffered but also with potential aftershocks.

Yes. that is really when the panic I feel started to kick in for people. When people saw the true extent of the damage, but also of the horrific injuries.

I saw many people carried out of buildings in stretchers. One person wrapped in a carpet, being brought into the street. And some of them appeared to be very bad head injuries, a lot of blood. And even for one instance in which a woman had to be turned away by an ambulance crew, because the ambulance was full of injured people, and they simply said they couldn't take her in the ambulance.


WHITFIELD: All right. That was our Benjamin Brown.

With the rising death toll, many countries are poised to assist with recovery efforts. It will be a colossal effort, however.

For more on all of this, I'm joined now by Caroline Holt. She is the director of disaster climate and crises with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Caroline great to see you.

So with a disaster of this magnitude of this scale, what is the top priority?


I mean I think we've had a very clear outline from the previous guests as well. This is a very serious, it's a huge earthquake. It's a huge disaster. And what we're likely to see is really in the coming days, as the needs start to unfold, and the realization and the reality of the impact, I think we'll start to see that death toll unfortunately rise.

We will also see those who have suffered injuries, certainly in the initial earthquake, but again, to mention those aftershocks that your colleague also talked about as well, not only will that have -- not only does that have the potential to create further injuries to people and broken bones and severe head injuries, et cetera, but really, it creates a sense of fear amongst the population that has survived the initial trauma.

In the next few hours, it is search and rescue really to find those that are still alive, and under the rubble, and that will be absolutely the priority, as well as taking the best care that we can, of those people that have survived.

WHITFIELD: While leaders from around the world are offering condolences and say that they are ready to help, including the U.S., what kind of assistance or resources do you think are going to be helpful, whether they be coupled with your resources or stand alone?

HOLT: Yes. We're seeing huge international solidarity which, of course, is always very (INAUDIBLE) at such a terrible time like this. We also unfortunately or fortunately have a lot of experience when it comes earthquakes and have the response.

We know that there will be requirements of shelter in the form of tents no doubt in the early phases. Food, and safe and clean water will also be critical to make sure that we don't see a disaster within a disaster.

We need to make sure that people have access to those basic needs that they will continue to require. First aid and psychosocial support to help with the mental health needs of people that are suffering and will continue to suffer the trauma will also be prioritized.

And I can only imagine that we will see the international aid effort really start to scale up in the coming days.


WHITFIELD: Within the medical community, a basic need might be blood, but a blood center in Morocco is urging people to donate blood as quickly as possible because of the kinds of shortages that already seem to be evident, given the critical need.

What kind of donations might be coming your way? Through your organizations?

HOLT: Thank you. Well, in terms of the Moroccan Red Crescent, they're working very much in coordination with the governments, and with national agencies on the ground.

So the needs will start to be defined more clearly as we understand the breadth and the depth of those needs and what they really look like. But as you say there is already that very clear ask for blood which is very common in these early stages.

I think it is important to recognize that it is roads, transportation, it is health care, it's communication, everything is impacted by a disaster of this nature specifically by an earthquake. So everything is complicated and it is a very complex response that will be required.

People will be living outside for the foreseeable future. And not only is it very hot during the day and they will need some shelter but certainly in those mountainous areas that have also been hit where the epicenter was, it will experience very cold temperatures at night. So we need basic shelter to really protect people from the elements.

As the needs unfold, there will no doubt be further calls for specific aid, specific aid requests, and we fully expect as we've seen before that the international will step forward.

WHITFIELD: And we saw that in Turkey after that devastating earthquake, people sleeping outside for a very long time. And now, a very similar pattern happening here.

Caroline Holt, thank you so much.

All this happening while the G20 summit is under way in New Delhi. Leaders gathering to agree on key issues, including climate change and economic development but stopping short of condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Plus unredacted and now released. We'll have all the details of the Fulton County, Georgia's special grand jury report on the 2020 election subversion efforts.



WHITFIELD: Welcome back. Right now President Biden is in India where the G20 summit is

officially under way. Today, world leaders agreed on a joint statement laying out their views on a range of issues including climate change, economic development, and the war in Ukraine.

Earlier President Biden met one-on-one with Indian Prime Minister Modi as he seeks to embrace India as one of the most critical partnerships for the U.S. and a key regional ally to counter China.

Noticeably absent from the summit are Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping. This is the first G20 summit that Xi has chosen not to attend since he took power.

Let's bring in now CNN's Kevin Liptak live for us in New Delhi.

So Kevin, today's declaration, you know, came as a surprise to many. Bring us up to speed on everything that has happened thus far.

KEVIN LIPTAK, CNN WHITE HOUSE RPOERTER: You know, I think that was sort of the big surprise of today's proceedings, because heading into today, we were told that these discussions about this joint declaration were quite difficult. Diplomats really furiously trying to come up with some kind of consensus language when it comes to describing the war in Ukraine.

And so when Prime Minister Modi came out and announced that they had agreed to a statement, many people were sort of surprised that they were able to, and were able to do it a day before the summit ended.

Now, as you mentioned, this statement, the description of the conflict in Ukraine was pretty mild, and it didn't actually name Russia, it didn't condemn Russia explicitly for the invasion, instead it talked sort of in broad terms about the need to protect territorial integrity, sovereignty, and the necessity of not using nuclear weapons.

So certainly the divide is still very much on display in that statement. And certainly, the absence at this summit of the Chinese President Xi Jinping and the Russian President Vladimir Putin only underscores that this is a fractured moment for this alliance.

And in a lot of ways shall President Biden was hoping to use the absences as an opening for his pitch to poorer nations, to the developing world, and you saw that in the package of announcements that he made today here in New Delhi including bolstering the World Bank, hoping to use that institution as a more attractive lender to the developing world than China.

And also this major announcement about a train -- a shipping corridor from the Asia to the Middle East to Europe. Really an important announcement that President Biden is using to help to tell the world that the U.S. remains a reliable partner for them going forward, Fredricka.

WHITFIELD: All right. Kevin Liptak, thank you so much.

Let's talk more about this with Susan Glasser. She is a staff writer for "The New Yorker. Susan, great to see you.

So one of the first issues on the agenda, you know, was the war in Ukraine. Today's joint statement calls on all states to refrain from using force to gain territory from another country, but it stopped short of condemning Russia.

So is this in the win column for Ukraine and its allies?

SUSAN GLASSER, STAFF WRITER, "THE NEW YORKER": Well look, I think the problem is that you're going to inevitably judge it against what had come before, and the truth is, is that this language is significantly less clear than the G20 statement that was previously agreed on at the last G20 meeting.

And so in that sense, it doesn't look good for Ukraine, when you can't even come together to describe this as an act of Russian aggression.

This is simply goes with the very neutral sounding war in Ukraine, as if it was just sort of organic thing that happened.

But of course, what we know happened, reality gets re-written in this way. So I think that was significant and a surprise.


GLASSER: It also reflects perhaps a practical approach on the part of the Biden administration and other allies in Ukraine, where they in the end seem to have chosen to try to make headway with India and other partners in the global south, who have been more skeptical about aiding Ukraine.

Perhaps they're looking more in deeds not words to see if they can make a difference.

WHITFIELD: Chinese President Xi and Russian President Putin are not there at the summit. White House officials say the absence of, you know, two of Biden's chief global rivals affords him a unique opportunity at the same time Biden did say it was a disappointment that Xi wasn't there. So what could all of this mean for, you know, some sort of harmony globally.

GLASSER: Yes. I mean harmony and global are not things that we tend to think of in the same sentence very much anymore. And I think that the absence of these two leaders, Russia and China, suggests the kind of polarization, the polarization in American domestic politics, and at the global level, I think, you know, Biden himself has sometimes framed this moment in the world as an inflection point, as a conflict between democracies and autocracies.

That makes it harder and harder to have institutions in which the adversaries can come together. You see that in the relative ineffectiveness and fecklessness of the United Nations where the security council is essentially permanently gridlocked between Russia and China and the United States. The G20 as well.

And so I think that, you know, it really suggests either a future in which this will become much more common in which major world leaders cannot even come together to sit in the same room and speak with each other about mutual global problems.

I worry this is a harbinger of where the world is going. And a harboring of where the world is going, and the decline of these institutions from a different and less threatening global security order.

WHITFIELD: Good point.

All right. So back home in the U.S., Biden is facing some pretty tough poll numbers, heightened concern around his age as the race for 2024 heats up.

But on the world stage, his experience seems to supersede a lot of those thoughts domestically. So how does Biden use that to his advantage on the global stage while campaigning back at home?

GLASSER: Well, you know, it is very interesting. Of course, there's many times when incumbent U.S. presidents prefer to take the world stage and to, you know, be seen as a statesman at a time when there is, you know, messy or difficult electoral politics back home. That has been a common aspect of American presidents' diplomacy for a long time.

In Biden's case, I think it is very striking as well, because what I hear when go internationally and I am sure the president is hearing this as well, is enormous concern, especially for many U.S. allies, about the imminent -- the potential prospect of Donald Trump winning re-election again. You know, Trump was the first American president ever really to consistently have riffs and to downgrade America's allies at the expense of America's adversaries.

And he -- you know, as you know, has not just spoken admiringly of Vladimir Putin, he called Xi Jinping a great guy -- sorry a strong leader that he got along famously with. Kim Jong-un, same thing and so I think that is the contrast that's particularly helpful with Joe Biden when he is on the international stage.

WHITFIELD: Great points.

All right. Susan Glasser, thank you so much.

GLASSER: Thank you.

WHITFIELD: And this quick programming note. On "FAREED ZAKARIA GPS" Fareed is in Ukraine for an exclusive interview with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on the counteroffensive and corruption in Ukraine. Plus, will he ever compromise with Putin?

"FAREED ZAKARIA, GPS" tomorrow morning, 10:00 a.m.

All right. Still ahead, a judge rejects Mark Meadows' bid to move his Georgia election interference case to federal court. What that might mean for Trump's indictment.



WHITFIELD: A federal judge has rejected Donald Trump's former chief of staff Mark Meadows' bid to move his Georgia criminal case to federal court. The district judge found the election subversion allegations against Meadows were largely related to political activities and not to Meadows' role as White House chief of staff. Meadows has appealed the ruling, the order came on Friday, the same day the full special grand jury report was released.

The report provides new insight into the 2020 election subversion investigation in Georgia. And it shows the panel wanted to indict 39 people in the sprawling racketeering case.

CNN's Sara Murray has more.



SARA MURRAY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham.

GRAHAM: That was my focus, trying to verify signatures --

MURRAY: Former Georgia Senator David Perdue.

DAVID PERDUE, FORMER GEORGIA REPUBLICAN SENATOR: There are huge irregularities in Georgia. They need to be investigated. They need to be corrected in my opinion.

MURRAY: And former Georgia Senator Kelly Loeffler.

KELLY LOEFFLER, FORMER GEORGIA REPUBLICAN SENATOR: That's right. Every legal vote will be counted.

MURRAY: All on a stunning list of 39 people that a special purpose grand jury recommended for indictment after the panel spent months investigating efforts by former president Donald Trump and his allies to overturn the 2020 presidential election in Georgia.

EMILY KOHRS, SERVED AS GEORGIA GRAND JURY FOREPERSON: It's not a short list. We heard a lot of very compelling things and a lot of very compelling evidence.

MURRAY: The special grand jury final report now public. It recommended indictments for 21 individuals, who did not end up facing charges in Fulton County, including the current and former U.S. Senators, Georgia Lieutenant Governor Burt Jones, Trump adviser and attorney Boris Epshteyn and the Trump former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

But the Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis did ultimately charge the others on the list.

[11:29:49] FANI WILLIS, FULTON COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY: A Fulton County grand jury returned a true bill of indictment, charging 19 individuals with violations of Georgia law including Trump and 18 co-defendants.

DONALD TRUMP, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: You can't ever accept when they steal and rig and rob --

MURRAY: Another man, Trump 2020 campaign official Mike Roman, was charged but was not mentioned in the special grand jury's recommendation.

Those who were charged have pleaded not guilty. While some recommended for charges are criticizing the prosecutors.

GRAHAM: It is very bad for the country.

MURRAY: Graham called Georgia's secretary of state Brad Raffensperger in 2020. Back then, Raffensperger told Wolf Blitzer that he thought Graham pressured him to toss legal ballots.

BRAD RAFFENSPERGER, GEORGIA SECRETARY OF STATE: Well, I asked if the ballot could be matched back to the voters, and I got the sense that implied that then you could throw those out.

MURRAY: The South Carolina Republican has denied that, insisting he was carrying out his legislative duties.

GRAHAM: We can't criminalize senators doing their job when they have a constitutional requirement to fulfill.

MURRAY: Perdue had urged Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to call a special legislative session to aid Trump's quest to overturn the election results in a meeting also attended by Loeffler. All but Loeffler and Perdue were facing a Senate runoff election in January, 2021.

KELLY LOEFFLER, FORMER GEORGIA REPUBLICAN SENATOR: My number one objective right now has to be winning on January 5th, so that we can get to the bottom of what happened in these elections.

MURRAY: Both Loeffler and Perdue lost their run-off races.


WHITFIELD: Sara Murray, thanks so much.

All right. With me now to talk about all of these developments is Michael Zeldin. He is a former federal prosecutor and a former special assistant to Robert Mueller at the DOJ.

All right. So this special grand jury in Georgia recommended charges against 39 people, including Senator Lindsey Graham, and two former U.S. senators from Georgia, but only 19 people were eventually charged. So what does that tell you about the case against the people who were charged, and why the D.A. decided not to go after others?

MICHAEL ZELDIN, FORMER FEDERAL PROSECUTOR: So I think Fani Willis did what most prosecutors do every day, which is exercise her prosecutorial discretion. She looks at the evidence, and decides what cases can be brought, which can be won and sustained on appeal.

And I think that she did was to look at the cases, individual by individual, decide who it was that she thought were appropriate for indictment, and those who she decided would not be indicted. And I think we really can't draw much more from it than she exercised her judgment in the best interest of justice as she saw it.

WHITFIELD: You know, some Trump allies, you know, had just as many votes to indict as those who were indicted, Boris Epshteyn only had one no vote, so why do you think the district attorney Fani Willis decided not to pursue some of the people who at least based on some of the evidence did seem to play important roles?

ZELDIN: Yes, it is a great question. You know, some people, I think, were offered immunity, some of the electors and they probably took them. And there may be some cooperators, but Boris Epshteyn and Cleta Mitchell, two lawyers who played central roles and have so far avoided indictments in all cases -- in the January 6th federal case and in this Georgia case. And it raises questions about why this is happening.

And the obvious question is, are they cooperating? Which is a pretty dangerous proposition because Epshteyn is still working closely with former president Trump, having if you will, sort of a mole in the camp of the defendant is dangerous stuff.

So it is hard to know, but when I read this, that was the first thing that struck me, Fredricka, was why are these two not indicted?

WHITFIELD: And when you say dangerous, dangerous because that would imply almost like, you know, an informant kind of posture? I mean because you're -- you know, you're in two camps so to speak?

ZELDIN: Yes, exactly. They have, you know, to use the (INAUDIBLE) vernacular, they have a mole in the organization, and that is really tricky when Epshteyn is probably still playing a role as attorney for Trump, and so you know, I think you have to be very, very careful when you go down that path, if that's what they're doing.

We're just speculating. We don't know that that's the case. Maybe there is another indictment waiting down the line for Boris all by himself. But it sure raises that question.

WHITFIELD: Yes. All right. Yes. Let me shift gears now to the judge's decision, you know, rejecting the former chief of staff Mark Meadows' request to move his case to federal court.

And it seems as though the judge took a good amount of time asking a lot of questions, very probative before rendering this decision. Why do you suppose this decision was made this way?


ZELDIN: I think at the very bottom, what the judge found was that overwhelmingly, what Meadows was doing was acting on behalf of candidate Trump in his effort to regain the presidency, having lost it to Biden, and that that activity is not within the scope of his government official duties.

It is a fact question. What was he doing? Why was he doing it? Was it in the scope of his duties? And the judge meticulously went through all of the things that Meadows did, and said in the totality of the circumstances, what Meadows did was to act on behalf of the Trump presidential campaign, not on behalf of the Trump presidency, and then he made his decision.

Now, Meadows will likely appeal this thing if he hasn't already, and we will see what the 11th Circuit has to say about the judge's analysis.

WHITFIELD: Again that is potentially another delay tactic too, right? Because that would take some time, that appellate process.

So then given this decision, why would Donald Trump think he stands a better chance at being able to move his case to federal court, if the activity, right, the alleged activity was the same?

ZELDIN: Yes, exactly. I don't think it's a good sign for a Trump motion for removal because the judge found that Meadows was acting on behalf of candidate Trump, and then if candidate Trump comes along and says I deserve to be removed, the judge would say, well, wait a second, I just found that you were acting -- Meadows was acting on behalf of you as a candidate, not as an official. So since you're the candidate, how can I get you into federal court. I think that he would deny it.

WHITFIELD: All right. Maybe that too, is just to delay things.

All right. Michael Zeldin --

ZELDIN: Yes, it is. You know, the one thing as -- can I just say one thing? The one thing I found really interesting in the report of the special grand jury was that in all of the counts, there was always one person who said no. No to the indictment of Donald Trump. And in a grand jury, that's fine, because you have a majority rule.

In a trial jury, one person who holds out like that hangs the jury. And so Cleta Mitchell -- rather Fani Willis has to look at that and say, wait, I have one holdout juror. What do I need to do with my evidence to make sure I don't have that in my trial.

WHITFIELD: Interesting. All right. Michael Zeldin, good to see you. Thanks so much.

ZELDIN: Thanks Fred.

WHITFIELD: All right.

Some very disturbing body camera video showing the moment a Philadelphia police officer fatally shot a man at near pointblank range, during a traffic stop. The officer who pulled the trigger several times faces a first-degree murder charge, among several other serious charges. We'll break down the video next.



WHITFIELD: Welcome back.

New details today, on this tenth day in the man hunt for convicted killer Danelo Cavalcante who escaped from a Pennsylvania prison last week.

Authorities telling CNN that he was sighted twice within the search area on Friday, evading almost 400 law enforcement officers, canine units, and helicopters. Cavalcante has been spotted at least eight times overall since he escaped.

The 34-year-old is serving a life sentence for stabbing his girlfriend 38 times in front of her children. He is also wanted in his native Brazil for another murder that took place in 2017. Authorities are offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to his capture.

A police officer in Philadelphia is facing murder charges after a deadly shooting during a traffic stop. Officer Mark Dial was arraigned on Friday, but did not enter a plea.

All this happening after the Philadelphia D.A. released body camera footage of the moment when Eddie Irizarry was shot and killed. And that video forcing police to now change their original account of the incident.

I want to warn you, some of the video that you're about to see is disturbing. Here now is CNN's Omar Jimenez.


OMAR JIMENEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It began when Philadelphia police say they saw a man driving erratically and going the wrong way down a one way street. They catch up with the car that was now parked and all it took was a few seconds.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Shots fired. Shots fired. One hurt.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get your hands up right now.

JIMENEZ: Six shots were fired. Eddie Irizarry was later pronounced dead. But what you just saw is not what police initially said happened. They said they encountered Irizarry outside the car, and that they told him to drop his weapon before he lunged at the officers.

But as the video shows, the driver's side door never even opens. The department's police chief did correct their initial account two days after the shooting once they saw the body camera video. The officer who pulled the trigger, Mark Dial, was charged with murder. He turned himself in.

LARRY KRASNER, PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT ATTORNEY: I don't think we're saying anything more than the obvious when we say that firing six consecutive charges at close range is strongly supportive, together with other evidence, of all of these charges.

In my opinion, it is not even really a discussion.

JIMENEZ: An attorney for Dial though wants that discussion.

BRIAN MCMONAGLE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: As Officer Dial is firing, he's taking retreat. He's trying to retreat and trying to find cover because he believes the individual has a gun. In no world is those facts murder.


JIMENEZ: No gun is visible in the body camera footage but prosecutors did say Irizarry was holding a small open folding knife against his thigh behind what we see on video was a rolled up window video.

Here is one of the responding officers explaining on the scene what he did say to Officer Mark Dial about Irizarry in those final seconds.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mark comes on the driver's side. I'm over here. I try to get the door open. I can't. He pulls out a knife. I tell Mark, Mark, Mark he's got a knife. He's got a knife. And I guess he like -- I couldn't really see so I looked up at Mark. I saw his body come up like this. And then Mark fired.

JIMENEZ: Omar Jimenez, CNN.


WHITFIELD: I'm joined now by CNN senior law enforcement analyst Charles Ramsey for his perspective. He is also the former chief for Washington, D.C. police and the former commissioner of the Philadelphia Police Department. Chief Ramsey, great to see you.

So you know, you once led police there in Philadelphia. So what does this footage tell you about the officer's mindset, the alleged threat he saw, and the circumstances in your view?

CHARLES RAMSEY, CNN SENIOR LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST: Well you know, first of all, I'm glad the reporter that came on just before me started at the beginning with why they were there. They saw a car driving erratically, going up the wrong way on a one-way street. I've investigated a lot of police uses of force, including officer-involved shootings, and you literally have to look at the entire picture of what led up to the event, the event itself, and so forth.

At the time, the officers don't know what they have, quite frankly. They get out of their car, the one officer who I believe was the driver, peers through the passenger window and yells to the other officer that he had a knife.

Now, whether that officer heard knife, heard weapon, heard gun, I have no idea. He went around to the driver's side, I don't know if he saw something, thought he saw something, but the bottom line is, he opened fire on the individual.

Now, you know, the windows are rolled up, the door is closed, if there is a knife, there is no immediate threat to the officer. So based on that alone, this shooting would not have been justified.

Had he believed the individual had a gun, obviously, then a gun could fire through a window and you could be in danger.

It's going to be interesting, as this begins to unfold in court, exactly what was on that officer's mind at the time of the shooting. But from what I've seen, if I was, YOU KNOW, making a judgment on this particular incident, the use of deadly force in my opinion was not justified in this case.

WHITFIELD: And then knowing what you know about the training about, you know, the area of Philadelphia, I mean it can happen, people drive down the wrong way, on these narrow streets that are one way, and knowing the training of de-escalation, and seeing that video tape, was there enough time that elapsed between whether the other fellow officer said I see something through the window, and then Officer Dial coming over to the drivers side, you see his hand up, you know, touching the window, and then you very quickly thereafter see shots fired.

Do you see any -- do you see there is enough time there for that officer to assess anything before firing off that weapon?

RAMSEY: Well, officers are trained to de-escalate when feasible. And in some instances, it is really not feasible to de-escalate. These things can happen in a very short period of time.

I know there's been a lot said about how quickly it unfolded. That's the way it can go sometimes on the street, unfortunately. So that part of it, by itself, I don't find to be all that unusual.

But what I am concerned about, again, is the fact that this individual was armed with a knife, he was not outside the car, despite what was said earlier. He was inside the car, with the windows rolled up.

That would have given officers enough time to de-escalate, to actually, you know, coax him out of the car, or do whatever, short of using deadly force. So again, it is going to boil down to what the officer thought he saw at that particular point in time, and we certainly can't read his mind.

I think just as problematic as the shooting is what happened afterwards, when the department actually made a statement regarding the shooting.

WHITFIELD: Yes. And in fact, you know, I have a bit of that, while you have the Officer Dial who did turn himself in, and is facing additional potentially assault charges, the police union released a statement expressing its full support of Dial.

And one has to wonder, is that statement coming after seeing the body cam video?


RAMSEY: I mean probably so. I mean listen, I'm not surprised. The union usually takes that kind of position regardless of what the facts really would lead you to and that's unfortunate. Because again, that erodes credibility and trust for the entire department.

You know, it again, you know, people make mistakes, obviously this is a shooting that should not have happened. But then to try to justify it knowing that it really was not a justifiable shooting in my opinion is a problem in and of itself.

But the department when they first made a statement to the press about the shooting, made the statement that he was out of the car and that he lunged at the officers. Now, I have no idea where that came from, but obviously the individual from Public Information Office did not look at the video, because clearly that is not supported by the video.

And so to make a statement like that again, when you make those kinds of errors, it erodes trust, because people say, oh, they're trying to cover it up, you know. And it could be just a simple mistake.

I don't think anybody's dumb enough to make that statement knowing that the video shows somethings that's just the opposite. But that's what they've got to deal with now.

WHITFIELD: All right. Charles Ramsey, thank you so much, chief. Appreciate it.

RAMSEY: Ok. Thank you.

WHITFIELD: We'll be right back.



WHITFIELD: Hurricane Lee may have weakened to a Category 3 storm but is expected to possibly strengthen again.

CNN's Allison Chinchar joining me with more. This is one to watch.

ALLISON CHINCHAR, CNN METEOROLOGIST: It is. And it's kind one that's been all over the place. It is still a Category 3 major hurricane with sustained winds of 115 miles per hour, gusting to 140.

That track continuing to go to the west-northwest at about 12 miles per hour. We do anticipate further strengthening once it enters a more favorable environment likely in about the next 24 hours.

Right now most of the sheering is because of this Bermuda High, that's what's shifting it off toward the west. But over the next few days it's going to encounter a secondary high pressure system as well as this trough. And that's really what's going to make it tricky in terms of where it goes after say Monday or Tuesday of the upcoming week.

WHITFIELD: All right. Allison Chinchar, thanks so much.

All right. Breaking news out of Morocco where more than a thousand people are dead following a massive earthquake. More straight ahead.
