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Judge Rejects Meadows' Bid To Move Case; Morocco Quake Kills Over 600; Hurricane Lee Now Category 3; Ukrainian Troops Train for Future Fight For Crimea; G20 Members Divided Over Ukraine War; Hundreds Of Officers Search For Escaped Inmate; Mt. Fuji World Heritage Site Status Under Threat; U.S. Open. Aired 4-5a ET

Aired September 09, 2023 - 04:00   ET




KIM BRUNHUBER, CNN ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Welcome to all of you watching us here in the United States, Canada and all around the world, I'm Kim Brunhuber.

Coming up this hour, a powerful earthquake rocks Morocco in the middle of the night, killing hundreds. We'll bring you the latest on the search and rescue operations.

Plus, President Biden arrives at the G20 summit in New Delhi, we go live to India for what we can expect from the meetings.

Possibly bad news for Donald Trump. A judge has rejected a bid by his former chief of staff Mark Meadows to move the case he faces in Georgia to federal court.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over): Live from CNN Center, this is CNN NEWSROOM with Kim Brunhuber.

BRUNHUBER: We begin with breaking news out of Morocco, where the death toll from a powerful and devastating earthquake has gone up dramatically. The government says the quake overnight killed more than 600 people and injured more than 300. And it's expected those numbers will rise even more in the hours ahead.


BRUNHUBER (voice-over): Now as you can see here, rescues are underway around the country. The U.S. Geological Survey says the 6.8 magnitude quake was the strongest in the region in more than 120 years. Have a look at this video.

Video shows the harrowing moments late Friday night as residents run for safety, some as you can see just barely escaping falling debris.


BRUNHUBER: CNN's Larry Madowo joins us live from Lagos, Nigeria.

As I said, the strongest earthquake in the region in hundreds of years.

What more are we learning about the damage and rescue efforts?

LARRY MADOWO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Kim, this earthquake happened about 11:00 pm overnight, forcing a lot of people out in the streets, afraid of aftershocks. Authorities warned that could still happen.

The epicenter was in the high Atlas (ph) mountains but the aftershocks and tremors were felt as far as Casablanca. According to state TV, 632 people have died, more than 329 have been injured.

But the fear is that as these rescue operations continue those numbers could rise. Rescue operations began almost immediately. They are trying to go to the hard to reach areas.

The vast damage has been in these mountainous regions, where people live far from each other. Some roads are reported to be blocked or damaged from the effect of this earthquake.

It's been a few hours of sunlight now and so those rescue operations are underway. The Moroccan government saying it's deploying all resources available to respond to it. And so part of the operation now is search and rescue operations, pulling people who may be trapped under rubble, under debris.

There are buildings that are reported to have collapsed. So likely younger people, older people, people who might have been asleep when this happened, could still be under that.

So the U.S. Geological Survey estimating that there's a 34 percent chance that between 100 to 1,000 people have died. When this is all done and a full account is done, those numbers could be a lot higher.

I want to show you just the level of anxiety so many people had, spending the night in -- on the street, because they're afraid the buildings could collapse on them. Listen to this one man.


MOHAMED TAQAFI, WITNESS (through translator): The house rocked aggressively. Everyone was scared and I was shocked and didn't understand what was happening. I thought it was only my house that was moving because it's fragile and old.

I heard people screaming. Everyone went out of their houses. The street is full of people and women screaming. That's what happened. Even now, people can't go back home because they're still afraid.


MADOWO: The earthquake also damaged some historic buildings, especially in the nearest city of Marrakech, a popular tourist destination. Part of the walls, especially the historic part of the city, go back to the 12th century. They have survived a lot of elements over the years and they were standing.

But this one seems to have taken out some of them. The depth of the earthquake was about 11.5 miles under the Earth's surface. But even a shallow earthquake like this can still do extensive damage as we're seeing from the video, Kim.

BRUNHUBER: Absolutely. Just tragic. All right.


BRUNHUBER: Larry, thanks so much.

Earlier we heard from Benjamin Brown, a CNN researcher, who happened to be in Marrakech when the quake struck. Here he is.


BENJAMIN BROWN, CNN RESEARCHER: The part of Marrakech I'm in, things are relatively calm. A rather unusual sight is people are still sleeping in the streets. Definitely not as many as last night.

Many people decided to camp out in the streets on open areas and parking lots just to avoid having to go back into buildings for fear of aftershocks or simply because their homes had been destroyed. So that's obviously a rather unusual sight this morning, seeing people sleeping on the streets on makeshift beds, too scared to return home.

And the other thing is people lining up for public buses with suitcases packed. Many people trying to leave the city last night on motorbikes and cars, some even on horseback, just trying to make their way out of Marrakech. There are far fewer people going to the buses but still people with suitcases trying to leave the city.


BRUNHUBER: We want to take you back to New Delhi and the other big story we're following, the annual G20 summit being hosted this year by India. In opening remarks, the prime minister announced that the African Union will become a permanent member of the G20, a major accomplishment for him.

U.S. President Joe Biden won't have a chance to speak directly with two key players, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, who chose not to come. Now some observers openly wonder if disagreements with the G20 over Ukraine will result in no joint communique this year. CNN's Kevin Liptak joins us live from New Delhi.

On two of the most pressing issues, Ukraine and climate change, there's unlikely to be any consensus.

For President Biden, what exactly are his realistic priorities here?

KEVIN LIPTAK, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Well, President Biden really came into the summit with a goal of convincing members of the developing world that the U.S. can be a good partner when it comes to investments. And he does have an opening there because president Xi Jinping of

China is not attending this summit. He does want to sort of demonstrate that the U.S. is committed to showing up to these fora and talking about the investments it will make in emerging economies.

What you'll see today is President Biden making announcements on infrastructure, including a major infrastructure project, a transit corridor going from Asia through the Middle East and eventually on to Europe. That could be potentially a major challenge to China's trade infrastructure projects that it is looking to expand around the world.

President Biden also coming with proposals to reform and invest in the World Bank, potentially unlocking what the White House said is hundreds of billions of dollars in loans and grants for the developing world.

So really trying to demonstrate that the U.S. is committed to that area of the world. And that has been sort of a centerpiece of this G20, that prime minister Narendra Modi has ensured the leaders are talking about that.

But of course, Ukraine is casting a long shadow over these talks. And in the leadup to the start of the summit today, diplomats were furiously trying to come up with some kind of compromise language that would be included in a final statement about the war in Ukraine.

I'm told by a source that they have reached some sort of consensus language but it does remain to be seen whether the leaders themselves will actually sign off on that and put their names on that when the summit concludes tomorrow.

Whatever they do come up with is inevitably going to be watered down from what U.S. and European leaders would have wanted. Last year's declaration said that most countries condemned the war in Ukraine. Of course, that means that some did not; principally Russia, which is a member of the G20.

Certainly the leaders will be talking about that today. We are told, in his remarks to the leaders at the summit meeting that was underway earlier today, President Biden was going to raise this issue of Ukraine, potentially trying to convince some of these so-called fence sitters that are part of the G20, including India itself but also Brazil and South Africa, to be more forceful in their condemnation of the invasion.

Certainly, President Biden did have a number of tasks that he had set out for himself over the course of this summit. It remains to be seen exactly what the conclusion will be.

BRUNHUBER: Interesting. We'll check in with you next hour. Kevin Liptak in New Delhi, thanks so much.

A significant setback for Mark Meadows, the former Trump White House chief of staff. On Friday a judge rejected his bid to move his Georgia election subversion case to federal court. Meadows had argued that his case should be moved because his actions were connected to his official White House duties.

The ruling doesn't bode well for Donald Trump who's also expected to try to get his case moved to federal court.


BRUNHUBER: CNN's Evan Perez reports.


EVAN PEREZ, CNN SR. JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT: This is a 49-page decision. The judge really goes through chapter and verse of what evidence Meadows presented. You remember he actually testified on his own behalf and at the evidentiary hearing and provided additional evidence for the judge to consider.

And as a matter of fact, the judge points out that some of the things that Meadows presented, even in his testimony and evidence that his lawyers presented, actually went against him.

They point out Meadows had trouble even trying to explain the scope of his authority, the limits of his authority as a federal officer. And they also said that Meadows acknowledged that everybody on that now infamous phone call with Brad Raffensperger, everyone, all the lawyers were actually campaign lawyers.

I'll read you a part of what the judge says, where he describes the limits of what Meadows was trying to do.

He says, "The evidence at the hearing establishes that the actions at the heart of the state's charges against Meadows were taken on behalf of the Trump campaign with the ultimate goal of affecting state election activities."

One of the most interesting parts of this is he talks about the limits on federal officials' ability to interfere with state elections.

He says, "The executive branch cannot claim power to involve itself in states' elections procedures when the Constitution clearly grants the states the power to manage elections under the elections clause."

Again, this portends, perhaps poorly, for other people. The judge makes clear, though, that this does not apply to anyone else because he's going to hear all of those other challenges when they come. But it does really show they have an uphill climb ahead.


BRUNHUBER: A newly released report reveals a special grand jury in Georgia recommended indicting more than twice as many Trump allies as prosecutors eventually charged. Sara Murray reports.



SARA MURRAY, CNN POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham.

GRAHAM: That was my focus. It's how do you verify signatures.

MURRAY: Former Georgia Senator David Perdue.

DAVID PERDUE (R-GA), FORMER U.S. SENATOR: There are huge irregularities in Georgia. They need to be investigated and they need to be corrected in my opinion.

MURRAY: And former Georgia Senator Kelly Loeffler.

KELLY LOEFFLER (R-GA), FORMER U.S. SENATOR: That's right. Every legal vote will be counted.

MURRAY: All on a stunning list of 39 people that a special purpose grand jury recommended for indictment after the panel spent months investigating efforts by former president Donald Trump and his allies to overturn the 2020 presidential election in Georgia.

The special grand jury's final report now public. It recommended indictments for 21 individuals who did not end up facing charges in Fulton County, including the current and former U.S. senators, Georgia Lieutenant Governor Burt Jones, Trump advisor and attorney Boris Epshteyn and Trump's former national security advisor Michael Flynn.

But Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis did ultimately charge the others on the list.

FANI WILLIS, FULTON COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY: A Fulton County grand jury returned a true bill of indictment charging 19 individuals with violations of Georgia law.

MURRAY: Including Trump and 18 codefendants.

DONALD TRUMP, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: You can't ever accept when they steal and rig and rob.

MURRAY: Another man, Trump 2020 campaign official Mike Roman was charged but was not mentioned in the special grand jury's recommendations. Those who were charge have had pleaded not guilty, while some recommended for charges are criticizing the prosecutors.

GRAHAM: This is very bad for the country.

MURRAY: Graham called Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in 2020 and Raffensperger's view pressured him to toss legal ballots.

BRAD RAFFENSPERGER (R-GA), STATE SECRETARY: Well, he asked that the ballots could be matched back to the voters and I got the sense that, implied that then you can throw those out.

MURRAY: The South Carolina Republican has denied that, insisting he was carrying out his legislative duty.

GRAHAM: We can't criminalize senators doing their job when they have a constitutional requirement to fulfill. MURRAY: Perdue had urged Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to call a special legislative session to aid Trump's quest to overturn the election results in a meeting also attended by Loeffler, all as Loeffler and Perdue were facing a Senate runoff election in January, 2021.

LOEFFLER: My number one objective right now has to be winning on January 5th so that we can get to the bottom of what happened in these elections.

MURRAY: Both Loeffler and Perdue lost their runoff races.


BRUNHUBER: Rudy Giuliani, one of the defendants in the Georgia election case, has filed a new legal challenge against the criminal charges he faces. The former attorney of Donald Trump has asked a judge to dismiss his indictment or at least set a hearing on the matter.

Prosecutors have charged Giuliani with 13 crimes, accusing him of peddling false claims about voter fraud to state legislators. But he argues that there are deficiencies in the indictment that render it invalid.


BRUNHUBER: Hurricane Lee has lost some of its punch but it's still a major storm and may restrengthen yet again. The National Hurricane Center says Lee is now a category 3 storm with maximum sustained winds of 115 miles per hour or 185 kilometers per hour.

Lee is expected to pass well north of the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico in the next few days but the region will experience swells that could cause life-threatening surf and rip current conditions. Dangerous surf is also expected along most of the East Coast on the U.S. beginning Sunday and Monday.


BRUNHUBER (voice-over): And have a look at this video showing lightning flashes that was recorded during a hurricane hunter's flight inside the eye of the storm Thursday night, when it strengthened to a category 5 storm. We expect a new advisory from the National Hurricane Center later this hour.


BRUNHUBER: The number of people still missing after those deadly wildfires in Maui, Hawaii, have come down again. Authorities say 66 people remain unaccounted for. Hawaii's governor stressed on Friday that that number was initially more than 3,000 in August when the fires struck and a little less than 400 last week.

But officials have made a great deal of progress, they say, locating people. The number of deaths remains at 115. Officials plan to reopen West Maui to visitors and end all travel restrictions likely on October 8th.

Still to come here on CNN NEWSROOM, the race to save lives after a Russian missile hits a city in northeastern Ukraine and survivors are trapped under the rubble.

And the manhunt for an escaped convicted killer intensifies with more confirmed sightings. The latest on the inmate who crab walked out of prison, coming up. Stay with us.





BRUNHUBER: We have dramatic video of rescue efforts after a Russian strike in northeastern Ukraine. Have a look.


BRUNHUBER (voice-over): It shows emergency workers putting out a fire and digging through the rubble after a cruise missile hit the city of Sumy on Friday. Officials say three people were wounded, including two people pulled from beneath a building destroyed by the strike.



BRUNHUBER (voice-over): Earlier in the day, have a look. So this footage shows the moment when another missile hit president Volodymyr Zelenskyy's hometown. It hit the center of the city of Kryvyi Rih, killing one person and leaving 54 others injured.

At least 10 buildings were damaged. Ukraine says Russian missiles have also killed three people in Kherson and wounded four others.


BRUNHUBER: Now Russia is trying to put a veneer of legitimacy on its occupation of parts of Ukraine. People in four regions began heading to the polls on Friday for what's officially dubbed regional elections.

Voting will be underway until Sunday even though the international community dismissed the process as a sham. Ukrainian officials called on people not to participate. And one woman in the city of Mariupol says the vote that has nothing to do with normal elections and people know who will win anyway.

For more, Fred Pleitgen joins us from London.

The so-called elections, strange timing; what's Moscow hoping to accomplish? FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Essentially what Moscow is hoping to accomplish is to give legitimacy to the fact they occupy these territories and make it seem these are now territories of the Russian Federation that will always remain territories of the Russian Federation.

It's something Vladimir Putin has said in the past. But the first problems already appear when we look at the map we've been showing, the fact that the Russians don't even control all of those territories, where they say that they are now part of the Russian Federation.

If you look specifically at Zaporizhzhya and Kherson, Russia is not even controlling the majority of those territories. And we can see on the map there, Donetsk, Russians only control half of that.

The Ukrainians are calling these elections a sham, say they violate the territorial integrity of Ukraine but also violate the rights of the people who are on the ground there and live in these territories.

The Ukrainians are saying that, in some cases, officials are going door to door and taking people to polling stations, obviously to make it appear as though more people want to participate in these elections than actually do.

The Russians, of course, putting a different face on this, saying it's important to hold these local elections. It's quite interesting, because there's also local elections happening in other parts of Russia as well, seemingly trying to portray as though these regions are now just an average part of the Russian Federation and, therefore, part of the political system, of course, as well.

And the Russians are urging people to go and vote in these elections, saying that the folks who are going to be elected into office will represent the populations there.

Going forward as you mentioned, organizations of the international community also blasting these elections, the International Council of Europe saying that this is a flagrant violation of international law, Kim.

BRUNHUBER: Yes, absolutely and then, Fred, in the meantime, the counteroffensive on top of what we're seeing right now on the front lines, a lot of preparation going on for a future campaign as well. You've been looking into this.

PLEITGEN: Yes, there certainly is. I think one of the things we're seeing from the Ukrainians on the one hand they want to keep pushing this counteroffensive and need support for that.

And they're looking longer term as well. We've seen that with the F- 16s they've been asking for from the international community, which seem to be not on their way but in the works. That's something that's longer term. And also main battle tanks as well. One of the things we looked at yesterday was also that very good

interview that Fareed Zakaria did with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine, where he urged patience with the counteroffensive but also said that Ukraine needed long-term support. Here's what we're learning.


PLEITGEN (voice-over): Ukrainian troops assaulting Russian positions in eastern Ukraine. Kyiv says its forces are piling on the pressure, both here and on the southern front line and are gearing up for more.

These soldiers practicing mountain warfare specifically to assault Russian occupied Crimea.

MYROSLAV MELNYK, UKRAINIAN ARMED FORCES (through translator): If we come to Crimea, there is a big possibility we would need these skills.


MELNYK (through translator): We would definitely be fighting in the mountains because there will be partisan warfare.

PLEITGEN: But Ukraine's army is still far away from Crimea and the gains they are making are slow, incremental and come with a major human cost, as the number of dead and wounded escalate. Kyiv now specifically telling women with medical education they must register for military service starting October 1st.

In an exclusive interview with CNN's Fareed Zakaria, Ukraine's president urging the U.S. to have patience while ruling out any compromises with Vladimir Putin.

VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT: Do you see any compromises from Putin?

Did you see?

Did somebody saw -- did somebody see?

Where's Chechnya?

Where's Georgia?

Where's Moldova?

He occupied it all this time.

PLEITGEN: But the Russians are facing major issues themselves. Short on manpower and ammo, the U.S. believes Vladimir Putin is actively advancing negotiations with North Korea to provide arms to Russia.

This says North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un praises his country's alleged military advances, claiming Pyongyang has now developed a tactical nuclear submarine, even though South Korea believes the sub is not even capable of normal operations. KIM JONG-UN, NORTH KOREAN LEADER (through translator): We will rapidly pursue the process of converting all medium-sized submarines into attack types in order to turn those existing submarines into nuclear submarines at once.

PLEITGEN: From Russia, convicted arms trafficker Viktor Bout, who was freed in a prisoner swap with basketball star Brittney Griner late last year, speaking to U.S. media for the first time since the exchange.

Bout, who was known as the merchant of death and was serving a 25-year sentence for, among other things, conspiring to kill Americans, has always maintained his innocence. In an interview with ESPN, Bout brushing off outrage over his release in the U.S.

VIKTOR BOUT, RUSSIAN ARMS DEALER: The same outrage was in Russia when I was sentenced to 25 years. Many people would say, for what?

Just for talking?

Are you serious?


PLEITGEN: "Are you serious?" says Viktor Bout there in his first international interview.

But to get back to the question of the longer term plans from the Ukrainians, one of the things, of course, we've been looking at as well is those Leopard 1 main battle tanks the Ukrainians are received; a bit of an older model but an important one for them as well.

We know they've received their first 10 but the Ukrainians are set to get more than 100 of those battle tanks. They're gearing up to keep the counteroffensive going and a longer term plan to build a tank army and other parts of the military as well.

BRUNHUBER: Appreciate the reporting, Fred Pleitgen in London. Thanks so much.

You saw a little bit of Fareed's exclusive interview with President Zelenskyy. Watch the full interview Sunday at 10:00 in the morning in New York, 3:00 pm in London, only here on CNN.

Rescue teams are working nonstop after a powerful earthquake hit Morocco overnight. We'll have the latest on the strongest earthquake to hit the region in more than a century. That's next, stay with us.




(MUSIC PLAYING) BRUNHUBER: Welcome back to the program to all of you watching us here

in the United States, Canada and all around the world, I'm Kim Brunhuber. This is CNN NEWSROOM.

The latest from Morocco, where rescues are underway across the country after Friday night's powerful earthquake. The government says more than 600 people were killed and more than 300 others injured and that death toll is expected to rise.

The U.S. Geological Survey says the 6.8 magnitude quake was the strongest in the region in more than 120 years. The government says they've activated all available resources to respond. Officials say there is an urgent need for blood donations for the injured.

Well, the sun is up now and officials and residents are assessing the damage. Many people spent the night out on the street, as you can see there, gathering in parks and open areas amid the threats of aftershocks.


BRUNHUBER (voice-over): Take a look at this. This video shows the moment the quake shook a mosque in Marrakech late Friday night. And you can see what appears to be dust rising off the buildings as people fled for safety.


BRUNHUBER: We're turning to India now. Negotiators at the G20 summit have reached a compromise over how to describe the war in Ukraine in their joint communique, according to a source familiar with the talks.

News of the draft agreement follows a big announcement from prime minister Narendra Modi. He says the group of the world's richest nations will welcome the African Union as a permanent member. Vedika Sud joins us now from New Delhi.

What more are we learning about this compromise language on Ukraine?

VEDIKA SUD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Kim, we are getting word that there could be a breakthrough on that compromise language on Ukraine. But what it's going to be we'll only get to know in a few hours from now, maybe even tomorrow.

Because this is the final document that goes to the G20 leaders. And all of them need to sign off on it. And when I mean all of them, I obviously also mean do mean Russia as well as China.

While the leaders aren't there at the summit, the deputies are.

And the big question is will they be OK with what's written, the final reading of that document and will they consent to signing it?

As far as we know, according to a source privy to this document and the preparation of it, they have come closer to finalizing that joint declaration. But we have to wait and watch and see how countries react to it, how the leaders react to it at this point.

But of course, there has never been a more splintered G20 summit than this in terms of the West and the anti-West blocs.

Perhaps one reason, though Beijing hasn't really stated it for being the reason for Xi Jinping not being here at the G20 summit in New Delhi today, but all eyes will be on what Russia and China have to say, once that declaration, the joint final declaration is out at the G20 summit, with the lines that they have on Ukraine.

I see three options, Kim, to be very blunt here. One is a strong statement, which looks highly unlikely at this point because obviously all countries need to weigh in. There could be a watered down version, like we had at the Bali summit last year.

And perhaps a third, which could be a summary by the chair, which is looking highly unlikely, now that a source is telling us that there could be a likely consensus and agreement on the stand that the G20 takes on Ukraine.


SUD: Back to you.

BRUNHUBER: All right and then, before we go, prime minister Modi, you know, obviously trying to make the most out of his rotating G20 presidency.

What is he hoping to accomplish here?

SUD: Well, it's going to say a lot about him as a global statesman if there is a strong joint statement that goes out, however likely that is at this point will be only determined in another day's time from now.

But there's also been right behind me a lot of VIP movement that we've seen through the day, because all the global leaders have been converging in central Delhi to make a decision on so many pending issues.

And the Indian prime minister has made it amply clear he wants climate change, he wants food insecurity, he wants energy insecurity and regulation and cryptocurrency to be a huge part of those discussions that are being held with the U.S. President and other global leaders.

In fact, right at the big main of his speech of the address he made at the G20, here is a significant part of it, how all countries need to get together and be united at this point. Let's listen in to what Narendra Modi had to say.


NARENDRA MODI, INDIAN PRIME MINISTER (through translator): After COVID-19, the whole world has faced issues with trust and the world has increased this trust deficit. If we can defeat COVID-19, then we can also triumph over the trust deficit caused by the war. (END VIDEO CLIP)

SUD: Open acknowledgment really of how there are differences within the G20 that perhaps need to be kept aside if the Global South and other huge discussions need to be spoken about, discussed across the table, with other leaders at this G20 summit, Kim.

BRUNHUBER: All right. Vedika Sud, appreciate it, thanks so much.

Still to come, Philadelphia police officers charged with a fatal shooting of a motorist. Authorities release graphic body cam footage of the incident. Details next, stay with us.





BRUNHUBER: Almost 400 officers are now involved in the search for escaped convicted murderer Danelo Cavalcante. The Pennsylvania inmate broke out of prison last month by crab walking between two walls. CNN's Brian Todd reports.


BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A source tells CNN the prison guard who failed to see this dramatic escape has been fired. Convicted murderer Danelo Cavalcante crab walked up between two walls of the Chester County prison and then escaped off the roof, a breach that triggered what is now an intensifying manhunt.

Tonight, more law enforcement officers than ever, up to 400 officers are tracking Cavalcante. The lead search commander now says a break-in at a home last night could be connected to the fugitive.

Was it related to this?


We have not conclusively proved that it was. But again, in that area and until we can rule it out, we'll operate off the belief that it very possibly was.

TODD: And a dramatic shift in the search perimeter. This is previous area but it's now shifted north and west, with just a portion of overlap in the middle.

It comes as we get new details on a sighting CNN reported last night. The perimeter shifted because of a newly discovered trail camera picture of Cavalcante that had been captured Wednesday night in the area of a massive preserve called Longwood Gardens.

TODD: Do you believe you have him contained?

BIVENS: I hope so.

TODD: It was the second time in three nights that he had been picked up by cameras in the Longwood Gardens area.

BIVENS: For whatever reason, whether he's comfortable there, whether he found what he needs there.

TODD: CNN got access to the law enforcement command post. Lieutenant Colonel George Bivens and his team took us through their command and control and dispatch hubs, featuring a digital map of police units.

BIVENS: You can see the perimeter. So this is updated real time.

TODD: It's a beehive of activity, with officers getting deployment orders, helicopters coming in and out.

A resident who lives inside the perimeter where Cavalcante is now believed to be on the move, says the manhunt is aggressive.

KEN CROSSLEY, SEARCH PERIMETER RESIDENT: There's state police and the border patrol and the other local police have been zipping around, doing -- so there's always constant coverage of the area.

TODD: Robert Clark of the U.S. Marshals told us what his team is doing to push Cavalcante into a corner.

ROBERT CLARK, SUPERVISORY DEPUTY, U.S. MARSHALS: Our guys are literally in the woods, going through bushes, checking sheds, checking uncleared houses. We are in line with the SERT and the tactical teams.

TODD: And new information on Cavalcante's time on the run in Brazil, after allegedly committing a previous murder. Bivens says Cavalcante hid out in the jungles.

BIVENS: It's my understanding that the search was not intense and after a period of time, he was able to simply slip away. That is not what his experience is going to be here.

TODD: In the search area behind me, we know there are several cameras, some surveillance cameras placed by law enforcement. But there are also trail cameras placed by private operators.

It's those private trail cameras that have captured the images of Danelo Cavalcante on the move. But we've just learned those images were not transmitted in real time. So it sometimes took about a day for law enforcement to get them -- Brian Todd, CNN, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania.


BRUNHUBER: Now to Philadelphia, where police officer Mark Dial surrendered to authorities just hours before the local district attorney released body cam footage of the shooting death of Eddie Irizarry.

The video shows Irizarry died roughly five seconds after the officer exited his police car. The video you're about to see is very disturbing.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Show me your hands.


4-13, shots fired, shots fired, 100 West (sic) Willard.

Get your hands off that right now.

Move the car, move the car.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. All right.


BRUNHUBER: So as I said, the video contradicted what police initially said about the killing. And the DA said that the footage and the other evidence also showed the charges of murder, aggravated assault and more are warranted.


LARRY KRASNER, PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT ATTORNEY: Confirmed by a judge of the court (INAUDIBLE) police who signed off on these charges support all the charges we have brought, including a charge of first degree murder that the jury instructions support it, that the law supports it.


KRASNER: And frankly, in my opinion, it's not even really a discussion.


BRUNHUBER: This all happened during a traffic stop last month.

Well, having too many tourists becomes a problem for one of Japan's top tourist sites and now Mount Fuji could lose a badge of honor recognized around the world. That's ahead.




BRUNHUBER: The climbing season on Japan's Mount Fuji ends on Sunday and that's likely to be a much-needed reprieve for the UNESCO World Heritage Site, where the number of visitors has gone through the roof in recent months. And because of that, the mountain may now lose its World Heritage status.


KRISTIE LU STOUT, CNN ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Human traffic jams on sacred Mount Fuji.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Very cold, just like a traffic jam.

STOUT (voice-over): An ambulance en route to an injured hiker, litter on the mountainside. It's a side to Japan's popular tourist site that's not in the guidebooks. But for Mount Fuji ranger Miho Sakurai, it's just another day on the job.


MIHO SAKURAI, MOUNT FUJI RANGER (through translator): There are definitely too many people on Mount Fuji at the moment. The numbers are much higher than before.

STOUT (voice-over): Famous for its snow capped volcano, Mount Fuji has inspired artists and been a pilgrimage site for centuries. Less than two hours away from Tokyo, Japan's highest peak attracts visitors globally and in 2013 became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Overtourism has become a big problem.

This year, a post COVID tourism boom has brought thousands more hikers to Mount Fuji, according to a Yamanashi prefectural government official. The environmental damage being done could cost Mount Fuji its heritage status, according to the local government.

MASATAKE IZUMI, YAMANASHI PREFECTURAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL (through translator): Fuji-san is screaming out in pain. We can't just wait for improvement. We need to tackle overtourism now.

STOUT (voice-over): Volunteer take away tons of trash each year. Climbers are urged to donate $7 to help keep the mountain clean. But not everyone pays up. And Sakurai says some behavior is even harder to control.

SAKURAI (through translator): People of all experience levels come here, including first timers. We want to prevent accidents, so we give them advice.

STOUT (voice-over): The risk of altitude sickness and hypothermia has been increased by a trend called bullet climbing, where hikers begin their ascent at night, pushing on until dawn, according to the Yamanashi tourism board.

According to the local government, they start their hike from a place called Fuji's fifth station, where the number of climbers arriving here from Tokyo has more than doubled between 2012 and 2019.

The local government also says it wants to shift from quantity to quality tourism. It says replacing the main road to Fuji with a light rail system would be a more sustainable solution.

SAKURAI (through translator): I'd be devastated if Mount Fuji's World Heritage status was taken away. I wanted to have that status forever. So we'll do our best to keep it that way.

STOUT (voice-over): But with no easy fix in sight, Sakurai will keep doing her bit to protect the mountain she loves -- Kristie Lu Stout, CNN, Hong Kong.


BRUNHUBER: The 10th edition of the Rugby World Cup is underway. And it began with host France taking on New Zealand, who brought their usual pre-game ceremony and plenty of ambition. As Patrick Snell reports, the home side gave the Kiwis a reality check.


PATRICK SNELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It was an absolutely thrilling first match of this year's Rugby World Cup in France. The host nation taking on the mighty New Zealand Friday at the famed Stade de France in Paris.

These the scenes ahead of kickoff during the tournament's opening ceremony. This the first of 48 matches at nine venues. Organizers expecting around 600,000 fans to travel for it, a record 2.6 million tickets made available for the tournament as well.

This is the competition's 10th edition and what a curtain raiser we got on Friday in front of a packed house in the French capital. New Zealand seeking a record fourth title and a dream start for them, too, as we pick up the action now.

Barely 90 seconds of play on the clock, amazing stuff. Then it would get even better for the Kiwis as that man striking again in the second half. Another standout moment for the 26-year old straight after the restart.

This match turned on its head, though, on 54 minutes. A stunning try from the French, who now take the lead 16-13 after the conversion. More to come from France, who by now are just enjoying themselves very much.

Nice bounce there. Another French try. He'd only been on the field a few minutes. One huge party on Friday night in Paris as France beat New Zealand emphatically in a sizzling World Cup opener.

Four matches on tap for Saturday at the Rugby World Cup. Top ranked Ireland take on Romania in Pool C. What Australia would give for a win under head coach Eddie Jones during his second stint in charge.

The Wallabies taking on Georgia. In Pool D, the 2003 winners, England, beginning their campaign against Argentina. For now, I'm going to send it right back to you.


BRUNHUBER: Tennis fans are set for a clash of the titans at the U.S. men's final.


BRUNHUBER: When Medvedev upset Alcaraz, he advanced to his third career U.S. Open final, where he'll face Novak Djokovic. The Serbian star cruised past the American Friday, one victory away, repeating his quest for a record 24th men's grand slam, which would tie Margaret Court for the most majors of all time.

Today the big action is Coco Gauff against Aryna Sabalenka of brush. Gauff she hopes to win her first Grand Slam while Sabalenka hopes to nail down her second slam of the season.

Well, this is a bit of fun here. You knew when Rocky went to the Vatican, he and the pontiff would have to mix it up. Have a look here.



SYLVESTER STALLONE, ACTOR: So good to meet you.

BRUNHUBER (voice-over): Sylvester Stallone brought his wife and daughters to meet Pope Francis. While they got their dukes up there, luckily the sparring was only verbal. The Oscar nominated actor looked starstruck while the pope gushed, "We grew up with your movies."


BRUNHUBER: I'm Kim Brunhuber. We'll be back with more breaking news out of Morocco. Please stay with us.