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Officer Charged In Deadly Philadelphia Shooting Charged With Murder; Morocco Quake Kills Over 600; Maui Wildfires Missing Number Drops To 66; G20 Members Divided Over Ukraine War; Ukraine Says Russian Missile Hit Center Of Kryvyi Rih; Zelenskyy Says No Compromise With Putin; Sexual Assault Complaint Against Spain's Luis Rubiales. Aired 5-6a ET

Aired September 09, 2023 - 05:00   ET




KIM BRUNHUBER, CNN ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Welcome to all of you watching here in the United States, Canada and around the world. I'm Kim Brunhuber.

Coming up this hour, a powerful earthquake rocks Morocco in the middle of the night killing hundreds. We'll bring you the latest on the search and rescue operations.

Plus, President Biden meets with other world leaders at the G20 summit in New Delhi. We'll go live to India for what we can expect from the meetings.

And possibly bad news for Donald Trump. A judge rejected a bid by his former chief of staff to move his case in Georgia to federal court.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over): Live from CNN Center, this is CNN NEWSROOM with Kim Brunhuber.

BRUNHUBER: We begin with breaking news out of Morocco, where rescues are underway after a powerful earthquake. The government says the quake overnight killed more than 600 people and injured more than 300 and the death toll is expected to rise.

The U.S. Geological Survey says the 6.8-magnitude quake was the strongest in more than 120 years. World leaders and international leaders are offering support and condolences.


BRUNHUBER (voice-over): Have a look, video showing the harrowing moments Friday as residents run for safety, some just barely escaping falling debris.


BRUNHUBER: CNN's Larry Madowo joins me now live from Lagos, Nigeria.

Larry, a devastating earthquake.

What more are we learning about the damage and the rescue efforts?

LARRY MADOWO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Kim, we're in the critical window to save lives and search and rescue operations are going on in the high Atlas mountains where the epicenter of the earthquake was. It is about 72 kilometers southwest of the popular tourist destination of Marrakesh.

This has been made harder by some roads that are either damaged or blocked from the 6.8-magnitude earthquake that happened at about 11 pm overnight. So far the interior ministry in Morocco saying 632 have died, more than 300 have been wounded. And 52 people are in critical condition.

However, the interior minister said this is a temporary death toll. They're expecting that these numbers could rise as they continue to comb through the debris, the damaged buildings, some that have collapsed and try and to pull people out in the hours since that took place.

There's a possibility they will pull people alive but also this was at night. Some were asleep. Some could have died or in difficult positions where they can't get out. This is the strongest earthquake to hit Morocco in more than 123 years.

The last earthquake stronger than this was in 1900, even though the death toll so far is not the strongest death toll, the highest they've seen in previous earthquakes in the region.

People spilled into the streets overnight, afraid of going back into their homes because of the possibility of the buildings collapsing on them. And government authorities warning of possible aftershocks. Listen to this one elderly man in Casablanca.


MOHAMED TAQAFI, WITNESS (through translator): The house rocked aggressively. Everyone was scared and I was shocked and didn't understand what was happening. I thought it was only my house that was moving because it's fragile and old.

I heard people screaming. Everyone went out of their houses. The street is full of people and women screaming. That's what happened. Even now, people can't go back home because they're still afraid.


MADOWO: A truly anxious night for so many not just in the high Atlas mountains region, where most of the damage happened, but in other cities, in Casablanca and across the country was felt quite far.

The depth of the earthquake was about 11.5 miles under the Earth's surface. But shallow earthquakes cause the most damage. That's why you see the security camera footage we referred to, showing people on the street and then what appears to be debris falling on them.

This is the damage you've seen in so many parts of the country, where some videos on social media show bodies lying on the streets, people pulled away in bags and everything they can need.

And right now, the other problem is the extra capacity that hospitals will need. Already there's a call nationwide for urgent blood donations to deal and to treat the wounded. There's help coming already.

France is saying it's talking to Morocco about whatever help they need. The UAE is setting up an air bridge to provide support. The U.N., the G20 have offered support and condolences as the world comes to terms.


MADOWO: And Morocco tries to figure out the extent of the damage from this earthquake.

BRUNHUBER: Certainly a long road to recovery there. Larry Madowo, thank you so much.

Earlier we heard from Benjamin Brown, a CNN researcher, who happened to be in Marrakesh when the quake struck. Listen here.

We don't have that. All right. We'll bring that later.

We want to take you back to New Delhi and the other big story we're following, the annual G20 summit being hosted this year by India. In his opening remarks, prime minister Modi announced that the African Union will become a permanent member of the G20, a major accomplishment for him.

And we're learning that diplomats working on a joint communique have drafted compromise language regarding the war in Ukraine. It's too soon to know if that will be accepted by all G20 leaders. Kevin Liptak joins me more live this hour from New Delhi.

What more are we learning about the consensus language on Ukraine?

KEVIN LIPTAK, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Well, essentially they've come up with something that all of the nations who are represented in the G20 can agree with. And that is no small feat, particularly when you take into account that Russia is a member of the G20.

Not represented here by president Vladimir Putin but still certainly weighing in on the work of this summit. And so leaders -- the leaders' deputies, the diplomats, Sherpas for the G20, have agreed on some kind of language in which they would describe the Ukraine conflict.

But it is to be seen whether the leaders themselves will sign off on it. I think what we can say assuredly is this is not necessarily the type of forceful language that the U.S., Europe, would necessarily want to see in a communique coming out of a summit like this. Just for reference, at last year's G20 in Bali, the declaration said

most countries condemned the war in Ukraine. But certainly the implication is that not all countries were condemning it. And certainly one of President Biden's objectives here at the G20 had been to try and consolidate more support for Ukraine.

He had plenty of success at that in other forums like the G7 or NATO but certainly some members of the G20 haven't necessarily been as convinced. Members of the bloc from the so-called Global South.

Countries like India, where we are now, which continues to purchase massive amounts of fuel from Russia, other countries like Brazil and South Africa, the so-called fence-sitters, who haven't necessarily condemned Russia for its invasion of Ukraine and certainly want to maintain strong or at least stronger relationships with Moscow.

So President Biden in the opening meeting of the G20 today had planned to talk about the war in Ukraine and talk about the imperative to global democracy for having these countries speak out against Moscow's aggressions.

He also has quite a strong and lengthy economic agenda while he is here in India.

He is planning to unveil a new transit corridor alongside India, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Europe, that would go from Asia through the Middle East, eventually on to Europe, really providing a challenge to some of China's ambitions in the global trade space.

That's certainly something that the president is eager to announce. He is also coming here with plans for reforms and investments in the World Bank, hoping to unlock hundreds of billions in new loans and grants for the developing world.

It is the developing world that is at the center of this weekend's summit. Prime minister Modi has ensured that but certainly the issue of Ukraine casting quite a long shadow over these talks this weekend.

BRUNHUBER: Absolutely. We'll wait to see if there are any updates on that. Kevin Liptak, thank you so much.

We got an update just moments ago on Hurricane Lee as the powerful storm continues moving to the west-northwest. The National Hurricane Center says Lee is still a category 3 storm with maximum sustained winds of 115 miles per hour, 185 kilometers per hour.

Lee is expected to pass well north of the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico in the next few days. But swells generated by Lee are already affecting the Lesser Antilles and will spread to the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Bahamas and Bermuda through the weekend.

Swells likely to create life-threatening surf and rip current conditions. Dangerous surf and beach conditions expected along most of the U.S. East Coast Sunday and Monday and then worsening throughout the week. The number of people still missing after deadly wildfires in Maui has

come down again. Authorities say 66 people remain unaccounted for. Hawaii's governor stressed Friday that that number was initially more than 3,000 in August when the fire struck.


BRUNHUBER: Less than 400 last week. But officials have made a great deal of progress, they say, locating people. The number of deaths remains at 115. Officials plan to reopen West Maui to visitors and end all travel restrictions likely on October 8th.

Now to a significant ruling in the Georgia election subversion case. A judge has denied Mark Meadows' bid to move his case to federal court. Donald Trump's former chief of staff testified just days ago in his own defense. But that didn't move the judge, who said Meadows hadn't met the, quote, "low threshold" for removal.

Now this isn't welcome news for Trump, who's expected to try to get his Georgia case moved as well. Hours after the ruling, Meadows filed an appeal. Now this all comes as we find out who else could have been charged in the Georgia case.

A newly released report reveals a special grand jury recommended indictments against 21 additional Trump allies. Among them, senator Lindsey Graham. Let's take a closer look at the ruling against Mark Meadows. CNN's Paula Reid reports.


PAULA REID, CNN SENIOR LEGAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT: The judge in this case noting that the bar for Meadows was pretty low. The standard was not that high. But he still was not able to meet it.

Now Meadows' lawyers had hoped they could remove his case to federal court and try to get it dismissed using laws that extend some immunity to federal officials. But according to the ruling, that is not going to happen for Meadows unless he somehow successfully appeals this.

The judge found that everything that Meadows did in his role as chief of staff in this alleged conspiracy, they were political activities, even though Meadows' attorneys insist that the things that he did and the allegations in this indictment were all related to his official duty, to his federal job.

Interestingly the judge even uses Meadows' own words against him, cites his own testimony. Meadows was asked to define the limits of his authority. Couldn't do that. And also notes how Meadows acknowledged that the lawyers on that infamous call with the secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, those were not government lawyers.

Those were campaign lawyers. So the judge firmly finding that all of these were political activities, not part of his official duties. So Meadows will not be successful in removing this to federal court.

Now Meadows is the first of five defendants trying to move their cases to federal court. The sources in this case said everyone was watching Meadows' case because they believed that Meadows had the strongest possibility, the strongest likelihood of succeeding.

The fact that he has not been successful in getting his case moved to federal court, not a great sign for anyone else who wants to try to do this. Former president Trump is a slightly different case but also not a good sign for him, either, though the judge officially says his ruling has no impact on anyone else's case and each will be decided individually -- Paula Reid, CNN, Washington.


BRUNHUBER: Rudy Giuliani, one of the defendants in the Georgia election case, has filed a new legal challenge against the criminal charges he faces. The former attorney of Donald Trump has asked a judge to dismiss his indictment or at least set a hearing on the matter.

Prosecutors charged Giuliani with 13 crimes, accusing him of peddling false claims about voter fraud to state legislators. But he argues there are deficiencies in the indictment that render it invalid.

Body cam video released of a deadly police shooting involved in Philadelphia. The officer who pulled the trigger faces murder charges. That's ahead.

And in London, a manhunt is still underway for an escaped inmate accused of terrorism. Still to come, the latest on the search and a possible sighting.





BRUNHUBER: A police officer in Philadelphia's facing murder charges over last month's deadly shooting during a traffic stop. Officer Mark Dial was arraigned on Friday but didn't enter a plea.

That happened after prosecutors released a body camera footage of the encounter in which Eddie Irizarry was shot and killed. As Omar Jimenez reports, that video's now forcing police to change their original account of the incident. We want to warn you, some of the images in his report can be disturbing.


OMAR JIMENEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It began when Philadelphia police say they saw a man driving erratically and going the wrong way down a one-way street. They catch up with the car that was now parked and all it took was a few seconds.



4-13, shots fired, shots fired, 100 East Willard.

Get your hands off that right now.


JIMENEZ (voice-over): Six shots were fired. Eddie Irizarry was later pronounced dead. What you saw is not what police initially said happened. They said they encountered Irizarry outside the car and they told him to drop his weapon before he lunged at the officers.

But as video shows, the driver's side door never even opens. The department's police chief did correct their initial account two days after the shooting, once they saw the body camera video. The officer who pulled the trigger, Mark Dial, was charged with murder. He turned himself in.


LARRY KRASNER, PHILADELPHIA DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I don't think we're saying anything more than the obvious when we say that firing six consecutive charges at close range is strongly supportive together with other evidence of all of these charges. In my opinion, it's not even really a discussion.


JIMENEZ (voice-over): An attorney for Dial, though, wants that discussion.


BRIAN MCMONAGLE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: As Officer Dial is firing, he's taking retreat. He's trying to retreat and trying to find cover because he believes the individual has a gun. In no world is those facts murder.


JIMENEZ (voice-over): No gun is visible in the body camera footage but prosecutors did say Irizarry was holding a small, open folding knife against his thigh.


JIMENEZ (voice-over): Behind what we see on the video was a rolled up window. Here's one of the responding officers explaining on the scene what he did say to Officer Mark Dial about Irizarry in those final seconds.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) One comes on the driver's side. I'm over here, trying to (INAUDIBLE) as I can. He pulls out a knife. I told him, Mark, Mark, he's got a knife. I guess he like -- I couldn't really see so I looked up at Mark. I saw his body come up like this and Mark fired.


JIMENEZ (voice-over): Omar Jimenez, CNN.


BRUNHUBER: The search is still on for the convicted murderer who escaped a Pennsylvania prison more than a week ago. Almost 400 officers are on the hunt across southeastern Pennsylvania, despite several sightings of Danelo Cavalcante since his prison break.

Now a source tells CNN a guard who didn't observe or report the escape has been fired. Authorities are citing human failure. They say the guard oversaw the exercise yard, where an inmate earlier this year also staged an escape.

But he apparently didn't see Cavalcante crab walk up a wall, push past razor wire and run across the roof. Cavalcante was convicted of the brutal first-degree murder of his former girlfriend.

Law enforcement gave reporters a tour of the command center Friday, showing their 24-hour operation in their search for Cavalcante.

Meanwhile, law enforcement in London say they've confirmed a sighting of a man fitting the description of a terrorism suspect who escaped prison just days ago. As of today, British police are refocusing their hunt to the area in East London.

Police and the community have been on the lookout for Daniel Khalife since he broke out on Wednesday. Salma Abdelaziz has more on the story.


SALMA ABDELAZIZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Police are combing through London's largest park, Richmond Park. Some 2500 acres looking for a fugitive terror suspect. Daniel Khalife, a 21-year-old who was awaiting trial on terror offences staged a bold escape from Wandsworth prison early on Wednesday.

According to authorities he left from the prison kitchen wearing a chef's uniform and clung to the bottom of a delivery van to make his jail break.

Now authorities have called it extremely concerning that Khalife is back on the loose and have staged essentially a nationwide manhunt.

COMMANDER DOMINIC MURPHY, METROPOLITAN POLICE COUNTER TERRORISM COMMAND: He could be anywhere in the country at the moment. And yes, of course, we're mindful of the risk of him potentially leaving the country. We're focusing our efforts in London at the moment. So we have

counterterrorism officers now deployed across London, working with colleagues from across the Metropolitan Police and our partner agencies to try and find him here.

ABDELAZIZ: Now the Met Police Commissioner has said that the jailbreak was clearly preplanned and that investigations are underway to determine if Khalife had any help from inside the prison.

A 21-year-old who did serve in the British military stands accused of planting fake bombs on military bases. He was awaiting trial for terror offenses and alleged breaches of the Official Secrets Act.

Now the last time he was seen he was dressed again in that chef's uniform, red and white trousers, a white T-shirt and brown shoes. And the hunt for him has already triggered some delays in airports and ports across the country as authorities try to track him down -- Salma Abdelaziz, CNN, London.


BRUNHUBER: Still ahead, India's prime minister tries to make most of his hosting duties at the G20 summit. What he has achieved so far and what he's still trying to do.

Plus, rescue teams are working nonstop after a powerful earthquake hit Morocco overnight. The latest on the strongest earthquake to hit the region in more than a century, that's next.





BRUNHUBER: Welcome back to all of you watching us here in the United States, Canada and around the world. I'm Kim Brunhuber. This is CNN NEWSROOM.

The latest from Morocco now, where rescues are underway across the country after Friday night's powerful earthquake. The government says more than 600 people were killed and more than 300 others injured and that death toll is expected to rise.

The U.S. Geological Survey says the 6.8-magnitude quake was the strongest in the region in more than 120 years. The government says they've activated all available resources to respond.

But emergency teams are having difficulty reaching some of the hardest hit areas. Officials say there is an urgent need for blood donations for the injured.

The sun is up now but many spent the night out on the street, as you can see, gathering in parks and open spaces amid the threats of aftershocks. World leaders and the international community are offering relief aid and their condolences to the victims.

So for more, we turn to Safaa Kasraoui, the chief of staff at Morocco World News. She joins us from near Rabat.

Thank you so much for joining us here. So as I understand it, you're some, what, 200 miles away from the epicenter.

Did you feel it?

Is there damage where you are?

SAFAA KASRAOUI, CHIEF OF STAFF, MOROCCO WORLD NEWS: Hello, thank you so much. Yes, we actually felt it. We were like -- we thought that it was like slightly like -- less effective than in other areas. Like it was too strong in the Marrakesh region in general. But it was really strong to also hit the nearby region.

BRUNHUBER: So put this in perspective for us, in terms of other earthquakes the country's seen.

I mean, how bad is this?

KASRAOUI: It is really bad. You know that the Marrakesh region has a population of 4.3 million people, estimated by the ACP in 2014. So a lot of people got affected by the earthquake which killed at least 639 people so far.

This data dates back -- it was just collected as of 7:00 am Moroccan time. And a lot of people also injured and the number is estimated at 339 plus.

So I mean, the numbers speak for themselves already. It's a mourning day for Moroccans. And across the world a lot of people and a lot of countries like already extended their condolences and sympathies with the Moroccan people.

BRUNHUBER: Absolutely. That number you say, the 600 dead, you expect that number I guess to rise as the morning brings light and people can start searching. I mean, tell us, we're seeing pictures of some of the buildings that came down there.


BRUNHUBER: Many of them are old. Many of them are made of clay, which I understand makes them more vulnerable.

Is that right?

KASRAOUI: Right, right. Right, exactly. I mean, you understand or you saw that the earthquake were more strong in remote areas like the region (INAUDIBLE) and vulnerable like remote areas.

So the -- of course, the strength of the earthquake was too, too strong on them. And you see how many people were really frustrated and asking for help. Even like blood centers have been calling or launching campaigns to

generate more blood donators for people in need. The pictures and the videos already explain everything and spoke about the situation in a vivid way.

BRUNHUBER: Yes. It's absolutely tragic what we're seeing, all those terrible pictures. And you talked about the remote areas, they being affected here.

How hard is it to actually reach those areas if we're talking about trying to effectuate rescues?

KASRAOUI: OK, so this basically, the authorities and teams are doing their utmost. They're doing all they can in order to get people out like from the affected areas and beneath the rubbles (sic) and see if there are any other victims that are still beneath the rubbles (sic).

I see that like -- for my understanding and I think in my point of view, like in such circumstances, nobody can expect like how bad the situation could be. So I don't see like -- I feel like no country is ready for similar circumstances since those disasters come in a sudden way.

And, you know, leave everyone in frustration and shock. So I hope the country, you know, gets mobilized to double its efforts in order to get people rescued as much as they can.

BRUNHUBER: Yes. We've heard international help is on its way. And there is plenty of world expertise in dealing with these situations as we saw in Turkiye as well. So many dead, some still trapped. But as we've seen the pictures of people camping outside, many are homeless.

How will they be coping in the next days and weeks?

KASRAOUI: So in Morocco, we're like -- I mean, I'm going to talk generally, like speaking since I was born and I lived in Morocco since my whole life. I think there is a sense of solidarity among Moroccans.

So I see like a lot of people helping to cope with the situation. A lot of people offered their houses to, you know, shelter people that were left homeless at that point. But I also think that the government should also move in order to mobilize, you know, alternative places and shelter places in order to host those people that are in dire need.

BRUNHUBER: So much need out there. Really appreciate hearing from you on this. We wish everybody in the country the best as they try and deal about this.

KASRAOUI: Thank you.

BRUNHUBER: Really appreciate it.

BRUNHUBER: We're turning to India now where negotiators at the G20 summit reached a compromise over how to describe the war in Ukraine in their joint communique. That's according to a source familiar with the talks.

News of the draft agreement follows a big announcement from summit host prime minister Narendra Modi. He said the group of the world's richest nations will welcome the African Union as a permanent new member. Vedika Sud joins us now.

I want to ask about the African Union development. But first, I want to get the latest on any possible joint statement there.

What are you learning?

VEDIKA SUD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, what we do know is diplomats have been working hard to get all the countries to sign off on a joint declaration or communique that will be approved by the G20 leader.

And there seems to be some kind of consensus that they're trying to reach on the language, on the war in Ukraine. Now this is no small feat, clearly, Kim, given that you have the U.S., you have the European countries at the same G20 summit, where you have representatives from Russia as well as China.

So while this is something that the G20 leaders have to sign off on, diplomats have worked hard on drafting that final declaration. And I am assuming in a few hours, maybe on Sunday, we'll get to know more about what it really says.

Will it be watered down?

It's a question that only time will tell because, in 2022 at the Bali summit, there was a watered down version of the stand that American and European countries wanted, where it stated that most of the countries strongly condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


SUD: So we'll have to wait and see what that has to say.

But coming back to your question on the Global South, we have seen -- we've seen the head of the African Union being a part of the G20 summit. Now he's formally this country's -- the country is now formally a part of the G20 bloc. And that is something that Indian prime minister Narendra Modi has been working hard toward over the last one year.

In fact, there's a photo also that's just been released from sometime back, where you see the American president with the leaders of India, Brazil and South Africa, along with the World Bank head, which can be interpreted as support toward the Global South.

Something the Indian prime minister has been pushing and advocating for and he wants that to be one of the main agendas here at the G20 summit along with climate change, as well as global regulation and cryptocurrency and obviously food insecurity being another key issue on the agenda along with energy and security.

So the Global South really getting some talk, some importance and some discussion here while you have the leaders trying to iron out differences on Ukraine. Back to you.

BRUNHUBER: Vedika Sud, appreciate it. Thank you so much.

Still ahead, another deadly attack on a military base in Mali. More details on the recent wave of violence there.

And the rush to save lives after a Russian missile hits a city in Ukraine and survivors are trapped under the rubble. Stay with us.




BRUNHUBER: We have dramatic video of rescue efforts after a Russian strike in northeastern Ukraine. Have a look here.


BRUNHUBER (voice-over): It shows emergency workers putting out a fire and digging through the rubble after the cruise missile hit the city of Sumy on Friday. Three people were wounded, including two pulled from beneath a building destroyed by the strike.

Now earlier in the day, have a look here -- this footage shows the moment when another missile hit president Volodymyr Zelenskyy's hometown.


BRUNHUBER (voice-over): The missile hit the center of Kryvyi Rih, killing one and leaving 54 others injured. At least 10 buildings were damaged. Ukraine says Russian missiles have also killed three people in Kherson and wounded four others.


BRUNHUBER: Russia is trying to put a veneer of legitimacy on its occupation of parts of Ukraine. People in four regions began heading to the polls for what's dubbed regional elections. The voting will be underway until Sunday even though the international community dismissed the process as a sham.

Ukrainian officials called on people not to participate. One woman in Mariupol said the vote has nothing to do with normal elections and people know who will win anyway. For more, Fred Pleitgen joins us from London.

Let's start with these so-called elections, slightly unreal, given the state of what's happening right now in those regions.

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Certainly unreal, presumably for a lot of people on the ground. One of the main problems with these elections as certainly some of the Ukrainians are saying, as well.

We could see that on the map leading into our segment here because we have on that map not just the areas that the Russians control but the administrative borders of four of those regions where these elections are being held.

We see the Russians don't actually control all of the territory where they say that these elections -- where they say that -- they rule over those areas. You can see that on your map right there.

So that certainly is an issue, was an issue with the referendum, where the Russians claiming that these regions actually joined the Russian Federation last year. And certainly also now.

The Ukrainians are saying two things, on the one hand they say this violates the territorial integrity of Ukraine. They're also saying these so-called elections violate the rights of the people still in those areas.

Ukrainian officials are saying that, in some cases, Russian installed officials are going door to door in those areas and taking people to polling stations to, first of all, create the impression that there might be queues that people want to go there.

But then, of course, also to influence the vote, as well. The Russians essentially saying the opposite, urging people to go and to vote, saying it's very important to get new elected officials in those areas.

The international community by and large, as you've mentioned, Kim, is also condemning these so-called elections. In fact, the council of Europe saying that they are a flagrant violation of international law. Kim.

BRUNHUBER: All right. And then Fred, to the front lines, you're monitoring the latest on the counteroffensive and the help that Ukraine's getting from the West, not only for the campaigns now but for future campaigns, as well.

What more can you tell us?

PLEITGEN: One of the things we picked up, which I think is quite interesting, it seems that right now that on both the eastern front line and the southern front line seems as though the Ukrainians have stabilized some areas where the Russians have been making a push.

Now you see the Ukrainians saying that some of the pushes that they're conducting are becoming more successful as things are going on, especially if we look at our map toward the south.

The Ukrainians are saying that the area that goes in the direction of Melitopol, one of the places where the Ukrainians want to get to or want to oust the Russians from, they're saying that they are consolidating the gains, they're trying to make more gains.

And the Russians are feeling that and bringing some of their most combat-ready units into that area. At the same time, we had the interview yesterday by our own Fareed Zakaria with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, where Zelenskyy again urged patience with the counteroffensive and more long-term help.

Of course the manifestation of that we're seeing, as well, the Ukrainians now receiving the first 10 of German-made Leopard 1 battle tanks, an older model but still one that is very capable.

And they're set to receive more than 100 of those. So that is one of the things they hope could be the backbone of a tank army that the Ukrainians are trying to build, of course not just for the counteroffensive that they're conducting now but in the long term, as well.

And that's something where the Ukrainians are urging their supporters, first and foremost, the United States, to keep that support going despite the fact that the counteroffensive has been slow. But the Ukrainians now saying they believe they might be able to pick up the pace.

BRUNHUBER: Appreciate the update. Fred Pleitgen in London, thank you so much.

The Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy's rejecting any suggestion that he's trying to negotiate peace with Moscow. As Fred mentioned, the president gave an exclusive interview to CNN's Fareed Zakaria. He asked Zelenskyy to respond to those who say he should be ready to make concessions. Here he is.


FAREED ZAKARIA, CNN HOST: There are people who say there has to be some kind of negotiation, we can't go on like this. The president of Brazil, Lula, has said Ukraine needs to get out of a Cold War mentality and compromise.


ZAKARIA: And understand that some territory will have to be given to Russia. I'm paraphrasing. But I think that's roughly speaking the kind of view. And you've heard this.

What do you say to people like president Lula?

VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT: First of all, he has his own position, it's his right. I'm OK with -- people are free and they can give their position.

What did he mean -- but he said it about -- we have to stop the war and we have to find compromise. Compromise always with the people who are ready to compromise, who are compromistic to other issues.

Did you see any compromises from Putin in other issues?

Did you see -- did somebody saw?

Did somebody see with Chechnya, with Georgia, with Moldova?

He occupied it, all these countries. He divided all these nations. He made the conflict between nation, one nation, one country, between Putin, basing on religious or languages, different religions, different languages, different things.


BRUNHUBER: Be sure to watch the full interview on "FAREED ZAKARIA GPS" Sunday at 10:00 in the morning in New York, 3:00 pm in London and, of course, only here on CNN.

The U.S. Open heads into the men's finals tomorrow and the women's finals later today. And judging by the thrilling semifinals, fans can expect a dramatic conclusion. Andy Scholes joins us next to break it down. Please stay with us.





BRUNHUBER: Tennis fans are set for a clash of the titans at the U.S. Open men's final after a thrilling end to the semifinals Friday night. That's when Daniil Medvedev knocked out Carlos Alcaraz, the youngest men's player ever to be ranked world number one. CNN sports anchor Andy Scholes joins me now.

Andy, what an upset there by Medvedev.

ANDY SCHOLES, CNN SPORT CORRESPONDENT: Going into the men's semifinals, most thought we would end up with another Novak Djokovic- Carlos Alcaraz final. But Medvedev said not so fast.

The 27-year-old Russian taking down the world's number one player, Carlos Alcaraz. Then he cruised to an easy 6-1 second set win. Had the crowd in New York shocked at what was going on.

Medvedev would end up winning that match in four. After losing to Alcaraz twice already this year, Medvedev was thrilled he was able to play his best and get the win.


DANIIL MEDVEDEV, U.S. OPEN MEN'S CHAMPION: I said I needed to play 11 out of 10, I played 12 out of 10. Except the third set. So that's the only way.

He's -- I don't know if he's still 20 or 21. But it's so young already. Two grand slams, world number one for many weeks, it's honestly just pretty unbelievable. And I think nobody has done it before him. So to beat him, you need to be better than yourself. And I managed to do it. (END VIDEO CLIP)

SCHOLES: Medvedev moves on to face Djokovic Sunday, which is going to be a rematch of the 2021 U.S. Open final. Medvedev won that match to claim his lone grand slam title.

Djokovic, meanwhile, handling Ben Shelton, winning his match in straight sets. The 20-year-old American had been one of the best stories of the tournament, busting on the scene, making his first grand slam semifinal.

But Djokovic just too much in this one. And check out what the 23-time grand slam champion did after match point. He mocked Shelton's "hang up the phone" celebration. Here's what Djokovic had to say afterward.


NOVAK DJOKOVIC, TENNIS PRO: I just love Ben's celebration. I just -- I thought it was very original and I copied him. I stole his celebration.

BEN SHELTON, TENNIS PRO: I think if you -- if you win the match, you deserve to do whatever you want. You know, as a kid growing up, I learned that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.


SCHOLES: All right. The women's title will be decided in a few hours from now, 19-year-old Coco Gauff will face off against Aryna Sabalenka as she tries to win her first ever grand slam title.

Gauff, the first American teenager to reach the finals since Serena Williams won in 2001. And she's confident of her chances and credits the power of positive thinking.


COCO GAUFF, TENNIS PRO: I do think that I'm giving myself more credit the more -- it definitely -- speaking things into existence is real. So I've been trying to speak more positively of myself and actually telling myself that I'm a great player.

I'm trying to enjoy the moment but also knowing I have more work to do. Yes, the final is an incredible achievement but it's something I'm not satisfied with yet.


SCHOLES: That women's final set for 4:00 pm Eastern at Arthur Ashe Stadium in Flushing. I'll go out on a limb and say the crowd is definitely going to be cheering for Coco.

BRUNHUBER: No question. There now to more -- more serious matters here, it's been, what, three weeks since Spain won the Women's World Cup, the victory unfortunately overshadowed by that unwanted kiss. Plenty of repercussions coming out of that. What's the latest?

SCHOLES: Yes. The Spanish national prosecutor has now filed a complaint against the suspended president of Spain's football federation, Luis Rubiales, for, quote, "crimes of sexual assault and coercion" against Jennifer Hermoso.

This complaint paves the way for Spain's national court to launch a formal investigation into Rubiales and begin gathering evidence, which could lead to possible criminal charges.

He's refused to resign from his post but is suspended by FIFA. He says the kiss was mutual and was with consent. Hermoso on the other hand says it was in no way consensual.


SCHOLES: Hermoso is expected to play with her club team in Mexico on Sunday in her first game since the World Cup. And that team there plans to honor her ahead of the match.

And speaking of World Cups, the Rugby World Cup now underway in France. The home nation pulled off an upset in the very first game. New Zealand's traditional haka didn't intimidate France, who beat the three-time champions 29-13.

The first time the All Blacks have ever lost a World Cup pool match in their 10-tournament appearances. There are four more games on tap for Saturday at that Rugby World Cup. All the action wraps up with the final on October 28th in Paris.

BRUNHUBER: Interesting stuff. Thank you so much, Andy Scholes. Appreciate it.

Oceanographers suspect this -- have a look here.


BRUNHUBER (voice-over): This shiny, golden object seen on the ocean floor could be an unknown species no one's seen before. They say it's definitely of biological origin. It's about the size of a softball and it was found anchored to rocks about two miles down or 300 meters in the Gulf of Alaska.

The strange object was eventually brought to the surface so it could be sent to a lab for analysis.


BRUNHUBER: I'm Kim Brunhuber. You can follow me on X at Kim Brunhuber. For the rest of the world next, "AFRICAN VOICES: CHANGEMAKERS."