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2024 U.S. Presidential Race; Evangelical Conference in Iowa Draws Swarm of GOP Presidential Hopefuls; Republican Aspirants Hoping to Achieve Momentum in Iowa; Interview with The Gazette Des Moines Bureau Chief Erin Murphy; California Accuses Major Oil Companies of Lying and Sues Them; Front Line Video of Fighting in Andriivka; Protests in Iran honor Mahsa Amini;; Officials Investigate Gruesome Death in GeorgiaEnd of Spanish Women's Soccer Walkout Over Minimum Wage. Aired 4-5a ET

Aired September 17, 2023 - 04:00   ET




KIM BRUNHUBER, CNN ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT: And welcome to all of you watching us here in the United States, Canada and all around the world. I'm Kim Brunhuber. Ahead on "CNN Newsroom".


ASA HUTCHINSON, U.S. REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We would enforce the law. We would close the border. We would make sure that we had a legal immigration system that worked and not let the traffickers control the border.


BRUNHUBER: Faith and freedom and border walls, Republican presidential hopefuls vie for the support of Evangelical Christians in Iowa.

U.S. autoworkers stand firm in their demands, entering a third day of their strike even as some automakers announce layoffs.

Rescue operations turn into recovery missions as the death toll rapidly climbs in Libya. We'll speak to an aid representative about his organization's efforts to provide relief to the region's' most vulnerable.

ANNOUNCER: Live from CNN Centre, this is "CNN Newsroom with Kim Brunhuber."

BRUNHUBER: U.S. Republican presidential hopefuls are in Iowa showing, once again, the influence that state yield early in the presidential election cycle. Nearly all the major candidates addressed the Faith and Freedom Coalition fall banquet Saturday, four months ahead of the first votes being cast in the 2024 primary contests. All candidates, except for Former President Donald Trump. His confident in his poll number so he didn't show up. He's absence gave more breathing room for the other candidates trying to win support Iowa's deeply conservative evangelical activists. Here is what they're saying.


REP. RON DESANTIS (R-FL), U.S. REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: In this day and age, when you do anything that is worth anything, they are going to come at you. They are going to sling arrows at you. They're going to smear you. They're going to lie about you. And the question is, do you have the fortitude to stand in the cauldron and hold your ground and stand firm? That is what we did during COVID when we stood up to Fauci. That's what we've done when we fought against Disney to get the gender ideology to get out of school. It's what we've done on all these key things.

SEN. TIM SCOTT (R-SC), U.S. REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I would put a target on the backs of the Teachers Unions and break their backs. They're destroying our kids. Trapping them in failing schools. Not on my watch.

NIKKI HALEY, U.S. REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: My goal is how do we save as many babies as possible and support as many moms as possible? The way we do that is to bring people --

MIKE PENCE, U.S. REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I believe even as we work relentlessly to advance protections for the unborn in every state capital in America, I believe that we owe it to the American people to elect a president who will fight for a minimum standard in Washington, D.C.


BRUNHUBER: Jeff Zeleny brings us the latest from Iowa.


JEFF ZELENY, CNN CHIEF U.S. NATIONAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT: With four months remaining before the Iowa caucuses open the presidential nominating contest, the field of Republican candidates gathered in Iowa to campaign over the weekend. They spoke at a dinner Saturday night in Des Moines, reaching out to evangelical voters. Of course, Former President Donald Trump, who's leading the race, was not on hand, but his rivals certainly were. And Former Vice President Mike Pence tried to take aim at President Biden and the impeachment inquiry in the House.

PENCE: I don't want to jump to conclusions about this, but I must tell you, where there is smoke there is usually fire in Washington, D.C. and the American people deserve the facts. And I'm going to be out there championing and defending House Republicans as they bring the facts to the American people and hold Joe Biden and his family accountable.

ZELENY: The criticism of President Biden was one thing that candidates could certainly agree on. But there were differences on abortion, on education and on blocking military promotions in the U.S. Senate. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley are increasingly competitive in these final months of this race. South Carolina Senator Tim Scott also in the race, trying to reach out to these evangelical voters.

Now, one thing is clear, Donald Trump is still in command of this contest. The question is, has the Iowa caucuses become a race for number two, or can one of these rivals catch him by January 15th.

Jeff Zeleny, CNN, Des Moines.


BRUNHUBER: And to discuss all of this, I want to go now to Erin Murphy, the Des Moines Bureau chief for "The Gazette". Thanks so much for being here with us. So, I want to talk about the importance of Iowa even though New Hampshire, sort of, has this reputation as the launchpad for underdogs.


It seems as though many of the GOP candidates are betting that voters there in Iowa are most likely to help them beat Trump. Is that where it has to happen?

ERIN MURPHY, DES MOINES BUREAU CHIEF, THE GAZETTE: Well, it certainly where they get an opportunity, especially those candidates who maybe started this race not as well-known as candidates like Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis.

Iowa gives them an opportunity to come here, campaign relatively cheaply comparing to other states. You can get around the state easily. You can get on the TV a little cheaper. And you can get in front of voters and maybe increase your, you know, your name recognition and your visibility to a point where maybe people start to pay more attention to you. And if they start to pay more attention to you here in Iowa, sometimes that spreads out to other states as well.

BRUNHUBER: Is that happening already? Is there a candidate that is breaking through there? I mean, Tim Scott seems to do reasonably well in Iowa polls. Vivek Ramaswamy has staged somewhat 100 events in the state.

MURPHY: Right.

BRUNHUBER: Who has the momentum in Iowa right now?

MURPHY: Yes, I don't know that anyone quite has yet. You mentioned two that I'm watching closely, Vivek Ramaswamy and Tim Scott. I hear a lot of people say that, you know, when you talk to Iowans, a lot of them, a lot of Iowa Republicans have not made up their minds yet but they have a list of maybe three to five candidates they're watching. Those two are always on there. Nikki Haley is very often on there too.

So, while they haven't surged in the polls yet, there's still time for that to happen. And I'm watching this now over the coming months as we get closer to January to see if anybody of them do. And those are three that I think that are most poised to do that.

BRUNHUBER: Interesting. So, when it comes to Iowa, are there issues that resonate, particularly there that the candidates will focus on that are, sort of, unique or different than they are possibly on the national stage?

MURPHY: Yes, I don't know necessarily. Like tonight, I just covered an event that was hosted by Christian conservative organization, evangelical voters, a lot of talk about faith and religious liberty. And those things are important to Iowa Republican voters here. But when you talk to them and even the, kind of, people who went tonight, they still also say their top issues are border security and immigration policy. They talk about the economy. The Ukraine support and foreign policy comes up a lot.

So, at the end of the day, a lot of times it is the same types of issues that you hear from Republicans anywhere.

BRUNHUBER: I'm just curious on foreign policy because it's not normally, sort of, one of the top issues when you talk to people in terms of, you know, top of mind. Are the Republicans there in Iowa, sort of, hesitant to support Ukraine to continue the level of financial support? Is that the angle where they are coming at?

MURPHY: Yes, it's a very interesting thing that's happening right now within the party. A number of the candidates, the presidential candidates, are supportive of continuing that. And even Iowa's U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley, a long-time Republican U.S. senator here, has talked about the U.S. needing to continue to support Ukraine.

But at the grassroots level within the Republican Party here, there is a significant percentage of Iowa Republicans who do not want to continue to support Ukraine at the level that the country has been. So, it's a very interesting dynamic that's playing right now here in this race.

BRUNHUBER: Yes, fascinating. All right. So, some of the candidates, I mean, they seem as if they practically moved down there, not Donald Trump. He skipped the Faith and Freedom Coalition banquet you were talking about there. And in comparison, he hasn't spent as much time in the state. Does it matter for Donald Trump?

MURPHY: It hasn't yet. I mean, and it didn't matter eight years ago either. He had a very similar, in fact, he was here even less eight years ago than he's been this year. So, it hasn't yet. Will it at some point? I don't know that I have the answer to that. Certainly, candidates like Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, Mike Pence has been here relentlessly, and there are others that have, you know -- they're trying to put in the leg work and they're getting in front of Iowa voters. It hasn't mattered yet. Again, there's still time to -- there's still four months until the caucuses. But as of now, it hasn't hurt Trump.

BRUNHUBER: Speaking of mattering, how are Trump's legal troubles being viewed there by Iowa Republicans? Is it the same as elsewhere, basically, as expected to be a rallying cry for his base?

MURPHY: Yes, it's interesting. There is definitely a lot of that. There's definitely a lot of -- again, as you noted, especially with the base that they, you know, they cast it off. It's just a political apparatus coming after President Trump in their eyes. But there are and I talked to a couple more tonight, there are Iowa Republican voters who even if they believe that are nonetheless uneasy about that specter and are considering other candidates because of it.


They -- again, even if they believe that Donald Trump is innocent, they see those issues as piling on him and maybe hindering him and are thinking, should I be looking at other candidates because of that? So, that is a very fascinating element, and we'll see how much as that stuff continues to work itself through the legal process. How that continues to affect people here.

BRUNHUBER: Well, we will have to leave it there, but great to get your perspective from this fascinating political state. Really appreciate it, Erin Murphy. Thank you so much.

MURPHY: Thank you for having me.

BRUNHUBER: No breakthrough but reasonably productive discussions at least with Ford, that is how the United Autoworkers are describing labor talks on day two of its strike against the three top U.S. automakers. Striking union workers picketed it outside the Ford assembly plant in Wayne, Michigan. Ford has responded to the walkout by temporarily laying off some 600 non-striking workers at that plant. Saying, the strike is causing a lack of parts.

The union and Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis are far apart on wages and benefits. The union is, essentially, demanding double the wage increase as the automakers are offering along with other enhancements. And hundreds of striking UAW members who are out on picket lines, Saturday, said they're prepared to wait in order to get an agreement that suits them.

CNN's Gabe Cohen reports.


GABE COHEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Saturday we saw the first small signs of any progress in these negotiations between the union and really any of the three big automakers. This, after Ford met with union officials. A source for the union telling CNN, "We had reasonably productive conversations with Ford today." Reasonably productive, certainly no deal, but a big step in the right direction after days hostile back and forth between the sides. Ford is saying in a statement that they are committed to reaching an agreement with UAW that rewards our workers and allows Ford to invest in the future.

But we're also starting to see the ripple effect from the strike with Ford and General Motors announcing that the companies will lay off an additional, at least, 2,600 workers at two other facilities in the days ahead because those factories can operate as long as these three are on strike. But still, so many of the workers we have spoken with who were out here on the picket line, making $500 a week in strike pay tell me they're ready to stay here for as long as it takes. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Their $20 proposal is -- to pay TPT (ph) is ridiculous. Six years and I have not had a raise in almost two years now. I cap out at $19.28, so I've been making $19.28 for two years. Trying to raise a family, and with inflation, it's hard.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It makes me hopeful that they're getting the message that, you know, we're on strike and we're ready for this and we've been preparing. And, you know, bring a good offer to the table.

COHEN: And why did you want your daughter to be here today?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I mean, I just brought her out to just kind of get her involved, just so she knows, you know, what's going on with dad at work.

COHEN: And Shawn Fain, the head of the Autoworkers Union, has said more of these factories could go on strike in the coming days depending on how negotiations play out.

Gabe Cohen, CNN, Toledo, Ohio.


BRUNHUBER: Returned United Autoworkers member is back on the picket lines this week more than 50 years after he participated in an earlier UAW strike. Wayne County, Michigan Commissioner Abdul "Ai" Haidous joins some 200 striking autoworkers on the picket lines, Saturday, outside a Ford plant in Michigan. He went out on strike in 1970 in UAW walkout. He says, the problem is wages and benefits haven't kept up over the years with the rising costs of living. Here he is.


ABDUL HAIDOUS, WAYNE COUNTY COMMISSIONER: The difference is everything moved and got better except the benefit and the wages of the UAW member. It's not going up with the cost of living to enhance the standard of living and the quality of life.


BRUNHUBER: Post tropical Cyclone Lee has made a second landfall in Canada, this time in New Brunswick with maximum sustained winds of 60 miles an hour, or 95 kilometer an hour. Lee's initial landfall was Saturday afternoon in Southwest Nova Scotia at just under a hurricane strength. The storm surge caused coastal flooding, downed trees and knocked out power. But crews are making headway in restoring electricity. At last check, some 160,000 customers from Maine through the Canadian Maritimes were still in the dark.

Now, forecasters expect Lee to continue to weaken as it tracks across Atlantic Canada on Sunday.

More than 11,000 people in the Libyan city of Derna have killed by floodwaters that ravaged the region last week, that's according to a U.N. report which warns the death toll will likely rise as emergency crews continue to search for the missing. So far, workers have pulled dozens of bodies from the sea along the Derna Coast.


Now, rescue mission say, most of the victims who were swept away are still the water. And soon, the task of retrieving the bodies could become impossible without additional resources.

CNN's Larry Madowo joins us now with more. So, Larry, what is the latest on those grim recovery efforts?

LARRY MADOWO, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: It's still ongoing, Kim. 10,100 people are still missing just in the City of Derna alone. But 170 people have been killed in other parts of the country. But in the City of Derna, more than 10,000 people, at least, so far confirmed dead. But those numbers are likely to rise, the U.N. is warning, because survivors are still being looked for. The volunteers and search and rescue teams are combing through collapsed buildings and the sea trying to pull out bodies from them.

But this happened about a week ago, Sunday, so it's been about a week. The bodies are likely decomposing and some of them might never be found, experts say. And that's the problem here. The other ongoing tragedy here is because about 40,000 people have been displaced. They are exposed to land mines and ordinances of war, ERWs as they're known And because of about a decade of conflict in the country, this is one immediate problem as people try and move away from Derna which has become unlivable, they could be exposed to these land mines as well.

But the other bigger problem here is that Libya has two rival governments. There is the Tripoli backed government that's internationally recognized, and in Derna, that's under the eastern parliament backed government. This is separate from what the International Community recognizes. And the U.N. aid chief has asked them to work together. But ordinary Libyans are rising to the occasion, offering what they can, in some cases donating blood, but also acutely aware of the divided nation that they live in.


MUSTAFA RAJABANI, BLOOD DONOR (through translator): We feel sorry for those who lost their lives and we ask God almighty that he take pity on the others. Unfortunately, we hate to admit that this catastrophe has highlighted the fact that we do not have a state capable of dealing with a crisis of this scale.


MADOWO: In the absence of a state capable of dealing with a crisis, a lot of international agencies, foreign countries have come into offer aid and support and sent teams into the country. It's very loosely coordinated but they're doing what they can in this situation where catastrophic flooding swept entire neighborhoods into the sea. And the international group of people working in the effort here say, many of the bodies still remain in the sea where finding them is becoming increasingly difficult. BRUNHUBER: All right. Thanks so much, Larry Madowo in Nairobi. And we'll have much more on the Libya floods later this hour. I'll speak with a representative from UNICEF about the urgent needs of residents and many the risks they still face.

California is suing five of the world's biggest oil companies over climate change. The state claims they've known since, at least, the 1960s that burning fossil fuels would warm the planet and change the climate, but instead they say they downplayed the risks and misled the public. The state claims the result was damaging wildfires, unclean air, deadly heatwaves, and record-breaking droughts costing Californians tens of billions of dollars.

Now, Chevron has pushed back saying, "Climate change requires a coordinated international policy response, not piecemeal litigation for the benefit of lawyers and politicians. California's local courts have no constructive or constitutional permissible role in crafting global energy policy."

All right. Coming up, gritty video from the frontlines in Ukraine, showing Ukrainian soldiers fighting their way into the ruins of a village, they say, is critical in their counteroffensive. We'll have those details just ahead.

Plus, Iran ramped up security across the country but that didn't stop demonstrators from marking the anniversary of the death of Mahsa Amini. We'll have the latest, that's coming up. Please stay with us.



BRUNHUBER: The Russian military claims it stopped five Ukrainian drone attacks earlier today over Moscow and Crimea. No casualties or damage were reported, but airport operations around Moscow were disrupted. Meanwhile, Russia's defense minister reportedly is disputing that Ukrainian forces have retaken a village of Andriivka near Bakhmut. Now, that's been the scene of some of the fiercest fighting along the frontlines.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (Speaking in a foreign language).


BRUNHUBER: Dramatic newly released video here showing Ukrainian soldiers taking cover after entering the village under constant incoming Russian fire. Now, for the civilians who once lived in the town, there's nothing to return to, but Ukraine says the territory is strategically important and retaking it has been a key objective of the ongoing counteroffensive.

All right. Let's get more now from CNN's Clare Sebastian in London. And Clare, some Ukrainian gains there in the counteroffensive, but there's fresh criticism from Ukraine about the pace of weapons delivery.

CLARE SEBASTIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, I think there is a realization not perhaps particularly new but now that we're at this point where it is very clear that this counteroffensive is far from over, that it could rumble on despite warnings coming from the U.S. in particular that they may be running out of time. They may just have like a month or so left before winter.

We're getting some comments from the head of Ukraine's National Defense and Security Council Oleksiy Danilov, he's written an op-ed in which he argues that this is a strategic inflection point because of the realization that it is not in his words a sprint but a long run. And therefore, a test of Ukraine's western alliances and the military aid pipeline that they have provided, particularly critical going into this week where we expect President Zelenskyy to be in the United States to meet President Biden at the White House. Obviously, very critical in the near term are more weapons.

I'll read you a portion of what he wrote. He said, the practice of dosing military assistant to -- assistance to Ukraine due to fear of irritating Putin and provoking Russia to further escalation is fundamentally flawed.


Refusing or delaying the transfer of modern weapons to the Ukrainian armed forces is a direct encouragement to the Kremlin to continue the war, not the other way around. So, he is urging the alliances, the western alliances to stop trickling in aid.

And I think there may be a veiled reference here to the ATACMS, the long-range missiles that the U.S. has yet agreed to send to Ukraine, but is reportedly close to a decision on this. And amid divisions in Congress and potentially waning public support for Ukraine, we have a letter out this weekend from four Republican senators, including Lindsey Graham, where they argue that Biden should send these ATACMS.

Saying, the Ukrainian military has achieved some breakthroughs, they say, in Russian occupied territory. However, there are reportedly, as I said, as few as 30 days left before the end of the typical fighting season. It is essential that the United States immediately provide ATACMS so Ukraine can achieve vital objectives before winter and deny Russia the ability to fortify its positions.

I think there are lessons learned from the phase of this counteroffensive that we've just come through because it only started at the beginning of June. Russia was given time to build up these lines of defenses and that has proved a major challenge for Ukraine. So, a critical week ahead, Kim

BRUNHUBER: Yes, absolutely. All right. Thanks so much. Clare Sebastian in London, thanks so much

The U.N. nuclear watchdog is condemning Iran's decision to remove several international nuclear inspectors from the country. Rafael Grossi says, Iran is allowed to do so under the nonproliferation safeguard agreement. But he says, removing one-third of the IAEA inspectors in the country is disproportionate and unprecedented, and is a blow to the process of verifying Iran's nuclear enrichment activities. Iran says, it will continue to cooperate with the agency.

Protests erupted in several Iranian cities, Saturday, commemorating the death of Mahsa Amini while in the custody of Iran's Morality Police. That, despite ramped up security ahead of the one-year anniversary.

CNN's Laila Harrak has more on that and on the rallies held around the world.


LAILA HARRAK, CNN ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT (voiceover): A show of force in Iran to deter any would-be protestors from marking the one- year anniversary of the death of Mahsa Amini. It was just a year ago, the 22-year-old died while in the custody of Iran's Morality Police after being arrested for allegedly failing to wear her headscarf properly. Her death sparked months of unprecedented protests. Followed by a brutal crackdown by the government, in which more than 500 people were killed, according to the human rights group, human rights activist's news agency.

A year on, there were some daring acts of defiance. Like this couple chanting women, life, freedom in the streets of Tehran as drivers honk their horns in support. Or these protesters blocking traffic in a Kurdish city, just a few hours away from Amini's hometown.

But state affiliated media says, security forces were able to quash several protests and several people referred to as counter- revolutionaries and terrorists were arrested. Iranian journalists and rights groups say, Amini's father was also briefly detained. Though Iran's state media denies this and says, it prevented assassination attempt on his life.

CROWD: (Speaking in a foreign language).

HARRAK (voiceover): Rallies to show solidarity for the people of Iran and commemorate Amini's death were held around the world in cities like Paris, Brussels, London, and Berlin. Many protesters saying they felt the need to raise their voices when so many in Iran cannot.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Even though we are very far away, a few thousand kilometers, but we still -- we are still with them with our hearts and with our minds. And we are going to keep fighting until the Mullahs are gone, and that's it.

HARRAK (voiceover): Laila Harrak, CNN.


BRUNHUBER: Aid is finally arriving in the rugged and remote mountains of Morocco eight days after a devastating earthquake. What survivors tell us is one thing they need more than any other and it could take months or even years to happen. We'll have a report from Marrakesh coming up. Stay with us.



BRUNHUBER: Welcome back to all of you watching us here in the United States, Canada, and all around the world. I'm Kim Brunhuber. This is "CNN Newsroom."

Tents, food, medicine and search crews are pouring into the devastated villages of Morocco's Atlas Mountains eight days after the region's massive earthquake. People say, what they need most are homes. But as CNN's Nada Bashir explains from Marrakesh, those could be a long time coming.


NADA BASHIR, CNN REPORTER: Well, a week on and there are still search operations ongoing in some of the areas in the Atlas Mountains, hardest hit by the earthquake. But this is no longer a rescue effort, this is a recovery operation. There is no hope for survivors left beneath the rubble. And what we have seen on the ground is some villages, some small towns almost entirely flattened by the earthquake. Everyone that we have spoken to impacted by the quake knows someone that has died. Many have lost family members, friends, neighbors and of course everyone is experiencing an immense amount of grief and loss.

But the real focus now for the authorities and organizations on the ground is that humanitarian response operation for those who've left homeless by the earthquake. We've seen many local teams on the ground. We've seen an outpouring of support from the Moroccan government. And of course, we have seen, after some delay, as we've said, international search and rescue teams coming into the country, international humanitarian relief teams operating on the ground.

But what has been key obstacle for these teams is getting to some of the more remote towns and villages in the Atlas Mountains. And that is because these roads, many of them have been damaged by the earthquake or were obstructed for days by falling rocks and boulders. What has taken days for the authorities to clear some of these narrow winding mountain roads, making it extremely difficult for them to reach those most in need.

But we have seen that aid on the ground. We've seen people being supplied with tents for temporary shelter, food, medicine, waters. We've seen doctors and medical teams on the ground, responding not only to people's physical injuries but their mental health concerns as well. Of course, these people have gone through an immense amount of trauma.


But when we've spoken to people that have lost their home, they tell us that their key concern is where they are going to live. The winter months are coming quickly. The mountains will be desperately cold, and these tents simply will not suffice. And while Moroccan government has pledged to build some 50,000 new homes across five separate regions, this is a process that could take years and many people are concerned that they will not have a home to return to in the coming months.

Nada Bashir, CNN, in Marrakesh, Morocco.


BRUNHUBER: All right. More now on one of our top stories at this hour, the U.N. says more than 11,000 people have died in the Libyan City of Derna after the region was ravaged by flooding. So far, dozens of bodies have been recovered from the sea along the Derna Coast. But emergency teams say, they need more help to match the scale of the disaster.

All right. Joining us now from Benghazi is Michele Servadel, representative for UNICEF in Libya. Thanks so much for being here with us. Your frontline workers -- I mean, describe what they've been telling you about the conditions that they are seeing now there.

MICHELE SERVADEL, UNICEF LIBYA REPRESENTATIVE: Thank you, Kim. So, we've been yesterday in Derna as part of a U.N. interagency mission, so UNICEF and many other agencies. the international mission. And entering the town is already evident of the extent of the tragedy because the whole wide -- the channel of water from the mountains have really -- has really wiped out already the entrance of the city. And then you go in, in the Medina (ph), the downtown is totally destroyed.

Derna was called the City of Jasmine. It was a beautiful city that was hit first by the conflict and then by this massive tragedy. So, there is mud and rubble and cars everywhere. When we were in downtown, in the Medina (ph), we saw, you know, a small bag -- black bag being recovered and then we heard that it was a little girl that was found in a car, probably trying to escape with the family. So, this is -- these are continuing -- scenes that you see continuously around you.

BRUNHUBER: Yes, we're just showing some live pictures from Derna. You can see, I mean, the rubble that you were talking about and just a city that's essentially just been smashed as we see some heavy machinery as they're trying to, you know, scrape away that rubble and just, you know, recover a little bit there. Trying to get access into those areas as you've been talking about. You mentioned a child that, you know, found in a car. I mean, so many children will have lost their parents, I mean, what happens to them? The need must be so great.

SERVADEL: Yes. So, indeed, that's one of the top concerns for UNICEF. One is indeed this one. So, family tracing and family reunification. Trying to see which relatives are left or where because many people also were displaced. And in the shelters, also, support children and mothers with co-relief item. But also, psychosocial support for children because they've seen a lot and the survivors are in need, you know, support about that distress.

So, we're setting up psychosocial support teams that are mobile and can go also to different shelters and places where people are displaces, but also to the homes where they are hosted. For -- in terms of children's needs, we also believe that one core concern is waterborne diseases. There is a very high risk of contamination. At this point in time, we're looking at provisional safe water, we're looking at rehabilitating boreholes. Half of the boreholes of the town are down.

And so, that's -- and vaccinations. Vaccinations against waterborne diseases. So, those are the key concerns for UNICEF at this point in time. Later on, it will be about reopening the schools and getting shelters freed (ph).

BRUNHUBER: Yes, so many immediate needs still need to be taken care of there. And as you say, the aftermath of these types of floods can be just as deadly as the floods themselves. But another challenge in a conflict zone like this, land mines as well.

SERVADEL: So, we heard that. I discussed with security exactly this yesterday. They told me that they don't have incidents yet, but they expect the coming weeks to be a bit tricky in this front because the sea is pouring out bodies and things and Derna was heavily contaminated. So, we're looking at that as well. At UNICEF, we mainly work on recent awareness, but other agencies that are working, of course, on clearances. So, we will get the alerts from the security experts and staffs working.

BRUNHUBER: You're speaking about other agencies there. In our reporting we've been told by Libyan there that there's nowhere near enough aid getting in to Libya. It was already a challenge before this disaster. How hard is that right now, you know, coordinating aid in a divided nation torn apart by war?

SERVADEL: I think for now, I mean, we're not looking at the politics, we're looking at aid on the ground, and that's happening. A lot of International Community has come to rescue, you know, and to help. And we have also a lot of U.N. agencies on the ground here.


Yesterday, in the mission, we were nine agencies -- nine to ten agencies involved. So, we have staff on the ground since, you know, the second day as UNICEF. We have the Red Crescent on the ground as our partner since day three. We had upped the rescue. We had our teams on the ground and many other agencies have the same.

The real issue is that Libya was shifted out from humanitarian support. So, many of us have, you know, less financial resources or supplies than any other, you know, humanitarian crisis would require. So, at this point, we're looking at getting those resources. The U.N. has funding appeal for over $70 million, and UNICEF has a $6.5 million appeal for the next three months, and then we will talk about reconstruction.

And there is where, you know, a lot of resources are needed especially from international and financial institutions because it's not only Derna, there's also other towns and making sure that the displaced get, you know, housing and social protections. So, that's -- that is what we're looking at.

BRUNHUBER: Just a huge challenge and we wish you and all your workers out there the best as you --

SERVADEL: Thank you.

BRUNHUBER: -- deal with all of those. Michele Servadel, thank you so much for being here with us. Appreciate it.

SERVADEL: Thank you, Kim.

BRUNHUBER: All right.

A gruesome discovery leads to a murder investigation in Georgia. We'll have more on what authorities believe happened to a South Korean woman whose body was found in the trunk of a car. We'll have that report next. Stay with us.


BRUNHUBER: We're learning more about the death of a South Korean woman who authorities say, was beaten and starved to death in the U.S. That, as several members of a religious group have been arrested in the State of Georgia for murder and abuse after the victim's body was discovered in the trunk of a car.

CNN's Rafael Romo has the latest from Atlanta.


RAFAEL ROMO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Some of the details that have surfaced are not only shocking but also gruesome and disturbing. Police say that at the moment of death, the victim weighed only 70 pounds. Her body was found in the trunk of a car, parked at a strip mall in Duluth, Georgia about 25 miles northeast of Atlanta.


According to the Gwinnett Police County Department which is investigating the case, they said in a statement that the medical examiner's office believes malnourishment could be a contributing factor to her death. The exact cause is still under investigation. Six people, including a minor, had been arrested in connection to the death of the South Korean woman who, according to police, was beaten and starved for weeks. A police spokesman said those arrested identified themselves as members of a religious group.

CPL. JUAN MADIEDO, GWINNETT COUNTY POLICY DEPARTMENT: Detectives believe that the victim was brought over from South Korea sometime in the summer under the guise or under what she thought to believe joining a religious organization. They call themselves Soldiers of Christ.

ROMO: After finding the victim's body in the car's trunk, police say, they then conducted a search of a home associated with the vehicle that they believe the woman was kept. Authorities released pictures of the home's basement. They appear to show a storage room with laundry and other supplies neatly arranged on shelves, but police blacked out large areas that they say were covered in blood.

Five of those arrested range in age from 22 to 26, and a sixth one is a minor, aged 15. They all face charges of felony murder, false imprisonment, tampering with evidence, and concealing the death of another. Authorities have not released the identity of the victim because she was from South Korea, and they're still trying to notify her family.

Rafael Romo, CNN, Atlanta.


BRUNHUBER: In Northwest Italy, fire officials say a young girl is dead after a military jet crashed, sending debris flying on to her family's car. It happened near Turin Saturday.

CNN's Barbie Nadeau is in Rome with the details.


BARBIE LATZA NADEAU, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: A day meant for celebration ended in horrific tragedy after a five-year-old child was killed when an Italian area force jet flying in formation exploded in to a fireball and hit the car she was traveling in with her family. The flying debris struck the family car carrying four people. The five- year-old girl was killed, her nine-year-old brother was severely burned, and her parents are also being treated now for burns.

The jet lost altitude shortly after takeoff, flying in formation with the other jets. And the air force is speculating that it might have hit a flock of birds. The airport says, they have not determined decisively the cause of the crash but that is the speculation at the moment. The crash happened within the perimeter of the airport, which means the jet failed within the fence of the airport. And the family was actually driving on a country road on the outside perimeter when the fiery debris struck their car ending in tragedy. The air force says they'll be conducting a full investigation into the matter.

Barbie Latza Nadeau, CNN, Rome.


BRUNHUBER: And we'll be right back.



BRUNHUBER: Former Philadelphia Phillies Manager Charlie Manuel has suffered a stroke. The baseball team released a statement saying, he had a stroke during a medical procedure in Florida on Saturday. Manuel led the Phillies to the 2008 World Series championship. He played in the big leagues for six seasons between 1969 and '75. The team says, doctors were able to remove a clot and added that the next 24 hours are crucial for the 79-year-old.

With the Spanish women's soccer strike now over after an agreement was reached over minimum wage, current champion Barcelona showed up, Saturday, for its opening match against Madrid CFF. Barcelona came out on top -- came out on top two-nil. Hundreds of fans also turn up wearing shirts supporting the players. Many want more structural changes beyond wage hikes from the likes (ph) of the nation of Soccer Chief Luis Rubiales over that now infamous kiss.


PAULA QUINTANA, BARCA FAN/RADIO BROADCASTER (through translator): Now is the moment. They are world champions. They tried it a year ago but people didn't listen to them. Society didn't know them that well. I think many of them were badmouthed and they had to win a World Cup, which is the most difficult thing in the sport for people. For the institutions, society and the people in the federation to listen to them.

I don't think they are listening to them yet. I think they don't want to hear them. And I think that what they are doing is brave and above all very important. And I think it is very clear that they are united and that they are going to go all the way.


BRUNHUBER: The development in the Spanish League comes as most members of Spain's national women's team which won the World Cup have said they would not play in the two women's nations league matches.

All right. To Formula 1 and the Singapore Grand Prix where Carlos Sainz won the pole position for Ferrari on Saturday. It's the second in a row in Ferrari's third in four races. His teammate, Charles Leclerc, also said -- also on the front row qualifying third. Shockingly, Red Bulls championship leader Max Verstappen and teammate Sergio Perez both failed to make the top 10.

For the first time since joining major league soccer, Lionel Messi has skipped a match with his new team Inter Miami. The superstar was sorely missed on Saturday as the club got hammered by Atlanta in front of 72,000 fans.

CNN's Don Riddell reports his absence was also felt by the crowd.


DON RIDDELL, CNN WORLD SPORT ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT: When you're the greatest of all time, it's a big deal when you play, and it's also a big deal when you don't play. On Saturday here at Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, Lionel Messi missed his first game since moving to Inter Miami earlier this summer. Messi has been a smash hit ever since arriving in the United States, and many fans have paid hundreds, if not thousands above face value to see him. And some in the massive crowd of more than 71,000 fans were bitterly disappointed that he wasn't even on the bench.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I pay a lot of money for -- coming to see Messi. Messi no coming.

RIDDELL: Do you mind if I ask how much you paid?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I want to go home right now.

RIDDELL: Really?


RIDDELL: You want to go home?


RIDDELL: Oh, wow.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, because I just -- we just come for him.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I wish he'd been able to at least come and we'd seen him in person even if he was on the bench because -- like, even seeing him is, like -- it makes the money worth it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We think it's only a mind game. We think he's going to pop up second half and play for at least 10 minutes. So, we are ready.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Kind of disappointed. Wanted to see him. Finally had the chance to see him but he's not here.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It hurts a little bit just because, you know, you come here. You come all this way. Pay all this money, you come see Messi. He don't show up the next game. I'll still get to watch him on TV. It's not the same but I'm not too mad at the man.

RIDDELL: This was a really crucial game for Miami in their push for the playoffs, but they were beaten five-two, their first defeat since Messi arrived here in July. And once they've fallen behind in the game, they couldn't call on him to come and try and turn things around because he was more than 600 miles away at home. When he plays again next week, Miami will hope that he is rejuvenated from almost two weeks rest. And they'll also hope that the points drop here aren't too costly. For now, they're second last in the eastern conference.

Don Riddell, CNN, Atlanta.


BRUNHUBER: All right. We want to close out this hour with some heartwarming video for you out of South Africa. Have a look here. So, these two baby seals were struggling to get out of this tangled net. So, beachgoers carefully worked to free the pair cautiously, cutting the net, and then this happened. After a quick dash back to the sea, the two baby seals then stopped to cuddle and following a few moments of bliss they headed back off into the sea. Good luck.

That wraps this hour of "CNN Newsroom". I'm Kim Brunhuber. I'll be back with more news in just a moment.

