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Ukraine President Zelenskyy Meets U.K. Defense Minister; Baltimore Police Arrest Suspect in Killing of Pava LaPere; Astronaut Returns to Earth After 371 Days in Space. Aired 4:30-5a ET

Aired September 28, 2023 - 04:30   ET




ALICE STEWART, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: But all these attacks nothing hit him, above it all. And at the end of this debate, he came out unscathed. And it's really remarkable given someone who basically is thumbing their nose at the Republican primary voters and the subject of attack.

He didn't, no one landed a punch. Aside from him, all the candidates really made their case also against President Biden and what he's doing with regard to the economy and open borders and crime across the country. And those attacks really resonated with the Republican voters.

But for the most part, no matter how much they tried to put a dent in Donald Trump, I would imagine we're going to see in the next few days and weeks is not going to hurt the support that party faithful has for Former President Trump.

BIANCA NOBILO, CNN ANCHOR: Alice, the debate at times was unruly, though interruptions, it was quite unedifying didn't seem like any candidate really thrived or had a particular victory last night. Obviously, candidate debates always risks and friendly fire and potential political damage that results. From that, is there any concern within the Republican Party that this just isn't a good look?

STEWART: Look anyone, no matter where you are across the globe, you look at that. And it's really dumbfounding, that this is part of the process to select the next President of the United States of America, because it was it was unruly, they were interrupting. They were talking over each other.

And sometimes there were some personal attacks, but all of them really needed to break away from the PAC and really needed to make an impact and make a statement. And, you know, at the end of this debate, I think Former South Carolina Governor and Ambassador Nikki Haley had the really the takeaway line of the night where she was talking, again, directing attacks at Vivek Ramaswamy and his support and his engagement in the TikTok app.

She says every time I hear from you, I feel a little dumber and it was a personal attack. But again, it was one of those one liners that people will be talking about in the days and weeks to come that a lot of these candidates, you have to have a takeaway line, you have to have something that people will be talking about, because not many people are going to sit there and watch the entire two hour debate.

And I can guarantee you, after the first 20 or 30 minutes of the chaos, people were turning the channel. So having a good takeaway line is important. And I think Nikki Haley managed to do that.

MAX FOSTER, CNN ANCHOR: You've obviously studied Donald Trump, like we all have over the years. Do you think there is a point at which you would get involved in the debates? And if so when would that be?

STEWART: I don't see that happening, Max, when he's 40 or 50 points ahead. And a lot of these polls, it's, you know, it's political malpractice to get him to share the debate stage with these people, because there's no place to go but down if he were to do that, and that's clearly the strategy that the campaign is taking.

I don't see him doing that unless for some unforeseen reason the polls tighten up, but I just don't see that happening. And their idea and their strategy in their mind are to take their message directly to the American people and his counterprogramming during the debate going to Michigan and speaking with auto workers.

They looked at as an opportunity to appeal to a working class Americans. And he also engaged in what he's basically doing is, he is running a general election campaign, he's virtually bypassing the Republican primary candidates and making a general election plea to the American people.

He took the opportunity to really go after President Biden on his support for electrical vehicles and his environmental policies. And Former President Trump was able to talk about American energy and drill baby drill. And these are issues that are important to Republican voters.

But ultimately, this was his way of saying I'm going to take my message directly to President Biden, and based on the polls and the support that is not leaving him, he is really bypassing the primary process.

FOSTER: There's so amazing, isn't it? We're in the general election already as far as he's concerned. Alice, thank you so much for joining us from Washington.

STEWART: Thank you.

FOSTER: Ukraine working to get a full picture of the damage following what it calls a massive Russian drone attack.

NOBILO: Kyiv says Russia launched several groups of drones overnight, which were met by air defenses across Southern and Eastern Ukraine. Officials say more than 30 drones were shut down but at least 10 managed to get through.

FOSTER: Meanwhile, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy met the British Defense Minister during his surprise visit to Ukraine. And among other things, they talked about bolstering Ukraine's air defenses and about possible security guarantees for Kyiv. Clare is with us looking at all of this. And what was most interesting about that meeting that you saw?

CLARE SEBASTIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well obviously the U.K. is a really key ally and this is the new Defense Ministers. I believe this is his first trip to Kyiv so critical to keep that relationship up.


The U.K. has of course, been front and center when it comes to the supply of long range missiles that we've seen Ukraine employ to great effect in the conflict. So far, a key topic of discussion was air defenses, though, in this meeting, and that really is in focus with all of Ukraine's alliances, as we push ahead to this winter season when the big fear is that Russia could step up attacks like it did last winter, on Ukraine's energy grid.

This is why overnight barrages, like we saw, you know, in the early hours of this morning, targeting regions from Odessa right up into the central regions, a major test for Ukraine's air defenses, they shut down the Air Force says some 34 out of 44 attack drones, but you know, still 10 of them hit.

And these gaps are what Ukraine is trying to plug going into the winter. So this is why you see Zelenskyy, still putting all this effort into these alliances?

NOBILO: And what do we know at the moment about the Wagner mercenaries still fighting in Ukraine and how effective force that continues to be?

SEBASTIAN: Yes, so we're hearing accounts from the Ukrainian side, including a spokesperson for the Eastern grouping of the armed forces that there are Wagner fighters. He's had several 100 that are active on the Eastern Front. Now, this is not a sort of Wagner 2.0.

There's not a sense that the group has reconstituted as a separate entity, but that they have in fact, joined the Ministry of Defense Forces, as Putin had said before and after the mutiny that he wanted them to do. He said that Wagner doesn't exist. So Ukraine is obviously watching this very closely.

Because Wagner fighters we seem to be some of the most effective, they are painting this as a sign of Russian desperation, saying that Russia will take anyone they can get, but I think we also can't read into this necessarily. The Wagner has somehow gone away. As you know, U.S. defense official told CNN over the weekend that in Africa, for example.

They haven't seen any meaningful signs that the group has withdrawn, nor that their relationship with the Ministry of Defense in Russia, in Moscow has changed that they've somehow been absorbed. So I think there are still a lot of questions around the future of this group.

NOBILO: Clare Sebastian, thank you so much.

FOSTER: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologize for Parliament's celebration last week of Ukrainian world war two, veteran who actually fought for the Nazis.

NOBILO: Speaker of the House of Commons later resigned from the position after he invited the elderly Former soldier to Parliament, while Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited. CNN's Paula Newton has the details from the Canadian capital.

PAULA NEWTON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: As the international fallout from the story continues, it was the Canadian Prime Minister's turn to apologize in his words. He said that this was a mistake and that it deeply embarrassed, not just parliament, but all of Canada.

But more than that he acknowledged what propaganda wins. This is for Russia and the fact that it had really harmed the Ukrainian effort, listen.


JUSTIN TRUDEAU, CANADIAN PRIME MINISTER: It is extremely troubling to think that this egregious error is being politicized by Russia and its supporters to provide false propaganda about what Ukraine is fighting for.


NEWTON: The Canadian Prime Minister acknowledging there that this has been deeply troubling for so many and it really harmed the Ukrainian effort. Now more than that, Poland is confirmed to CNN that is looking into whether or not this man should actually be extradited to Poland for crimes that he allegedly may have committed during World War Two.

And to that end, they say they are now going to look at their evidence. B'nai Brith the human rights organization that I spoke to earlier says that the problem is Canada hasn't done this sooner. And the fact that Canada still has not made all its Holocaust error records, open and transparent.

And for that reason, Nazis did in some cases, live a quiet life in Canada, listen now to what they should say should happen.


MICHAEL MOSTYN, CEO OF B'NAI BIRTH CANADA: And so by not doing the right thing in the past, it led to this absolute international disaster today. And so let's move forward. And the government needs to show leadership on this and it needs to be done yesterday. It's really unfair to everyone and again, least of all to our vets who fought against the Nazis.


NEWTON: And Michael Mostyn, there makes the point that look if this had been cleared up, then this incident in Parliament would have never happened as Canada would have faced its past with the Holocaust in the way that he says should have been done a long time ago. Paula Newton, CNN, Ottawa.

FOSTER: And update now on that deadly fire at a wedding celebration in northern Iraq. We're talking about yesterday, more funerals underway for some of the 100 people who were killed when flames broke out on Tuesday night. 150 others were injured but officials say the final death toll is yet to be determined.

NOBILO: 14 people have now been arrested in connection with the fire including the owner of the wedding hall and three people involved in lighting fireworks. Well, authorities say the building did not meet safety standards and the ceiling collapse after the fireworks were set off. Officials expect to have the results of the investigation within three days.


The father of the groom tells CNN he blames the hotel owner for the disaster, because he says there were no extinguishers or safety measures.

FOSTER: Now Ireland strikes a -- gets organized crime and drug trafficking rings details on that record breaking bust, just ahead.


FOSTER: Police in Baltimore have arrested a convicted felon suspected of killing a tech executive.

NOBILO: Jason Dean Billingsley faces first degree murder charges in connection with the death of 26 year old Pava LaPere. Police say Billingsley is also a suspect and a separate case of attempted murder, rape and arson last week.

FOSTER: LaPere was the CEO of tech startup Eco Map technologies. She was reported missing on Monday and her body was found hours later with apparent blunt force trauma to her hair. Her father spoke at a Vigil on Wednesday.


FRANK LAPERE, FATHER OF PAVA LAPERE: She was the definition of daddy's little girl. She hadn't been wrapped and still does. She turned from being daddy's little girl into being a girl boss. And she treated me the same way.


NOBILO: Police are expected to provide more information at a news conference in the coming hours. And night of mob looting has the City of Brotherly Love on edge. Police in Philadelphia say that gangs of criminal opportunists smashed windows and doors Tuesday night and looted liquor stores, clothing and sneaker shops, this Apple store and pharmacies too. FOSTER: They have an after a peaceful protest over a police shooting when investigators say the protests had nothing to do with the violence. Police say they made more than 50 arrests. Irish police have made their largest ever drugs bust. They intercepted a cargo vessel carrying more than 2200 kilograms of cocaine, worth $165 million on Tuesday.

NOBILO: The ship was traveling from South America and headed to crime groups in Ireland, the U.K. and Europe. Ireland police will say they're determined to stop drug traffickers in their tracks.


JUSTIN KELLY, ASSISTANT GARDA COMMISSIONER: This is the largest drug seizure in the history of the state.


This is a hugely significant operation, and it shows our unrelenting determination to disrupt and dismantle networks, which are determined to bring drugs into our country.


NOBILO: Three men were arrested on suspicion of organized crime and are being questioned by police.

FOSTER: Still to come the Ryder Cup is set to officially start later today in Italy more on the stars, which came for the tournament's All- Star match when we return.


FOSTER: Now imagine your first steps in gravity your first breath of really fresh air after more than a year floating in the International Space Station.

NOBILO: That is what NASA Astronaut Frank Rubio is experiencing right now. He and two Russian colleagues landed safely in Kazakhstan on Wednesday. Rubio's 371 day trip is the longest time in American has ever spent in microgravity.

FOSTER: He was only supposed to be there for six months -- . The NASA needed to find him a new right because the spacecraft he was supposed to travel home in began leaking coolant will be dangerous obviously for the crew. Rubio spoke to reporters upon landing.


FRANK RUBIO, NASA ASTRONAUT: Yes, everybody did really well.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You'll do very well.

RUBIO: Thank you. It's good to be home.

(END VIDEO CLIP) [04:50:00]

NOBILO: Rubio says he's most excited to see his family and to experience the peace and quiet of Earth away from the constant mechanical hum of the space station I was actually thinking about this when I was learning to dive the fact that obviously you use air that isn't just fresh atmospheric air and that they have to do this for many, many months, if not more than a year in Rubio's case.

FOSTER: Just come off the diving with wobbly legs?

NOBILO: Yes, I did actually, but that's because I was nervous and panicking.

FOSTER: When you passed, what was your score?

NOBILO: 94 percent.

FOSTER: Very good. Atlanta Braves outfielder Ronald Acuna Jr. has written a new page in the record books he is now the only player in Major League Baseball history with 40 home runs and 70 stolen bases in a single season. Acuna, swipe to subject base in extra innings against the Chicago Cubs on Wednesday night his second game of the season, is second of the game rather.

He would later score the winning run. Acuna was the National League Rookie of the Year in 2018 and as the favorites win most valuable player this year as well.

NOBILO: The opening ceremony for the 2023 Ryder Cup is set to kick off in the coming hours in Rome and ahead of the festivities. Speaking very strange, athletes and celebrities from outside the world of golf came together with golf pros for the tournament's first All-Star match on Wednesday.

Tennis star Novak Djokovic helps team Monty ultimately beat Team Pavin seven to four. He was joined by Former Real Madrid football great Gareth Bale as well. And American Brooks Koepka was the only player to make it to Rome from the controversial Saudi backed LIV Golf Championship. And here's his message for those who missed out on this year's event.


BROOKS KOEPKA, GOLFER: Everybody had an opportunity to get there. I mean, I had the same opportunity as every other LIV player and I'm here. So play better. It's always answered.


FOSTER: I'm confused?

NOBILO: Yes. Well, there's a lot of confusion here as the tools --

FOSTER: Yes merged. NOBILO: To work together, but the Ryder Cup isn't put on by the PGA Tour. It's put on by the PGA of America so they can decide their own selection criteria. So they allowed any LIV golf players to participate. But Koepka was the one.

FOSTER: But the LIV players, who took an enormous amount of money, can now play in all the tournaments that they weren't allowed to play? And so they've arguably had some success in their strategy.

NOBILO: Well, that's why there's been a lot of frustration about people who --

FOSTER: Didn't take the money.

NOBILO: Yes, didn't take the money that they were fighting for the integrity of the game, etcetera, etcetera.

FOSTER: In the NFL, the Kansas City Chiefs star quarterback is weighing in on the possible romance between teammate Travis Kelce and.

NOBILO: Taylor Swift.

FOSTER: I mean, literally these pictures.

NOBILO: A story just keeps on rolling.

FOSTER: Well, that is after the 12 time Grammy winner appeared at the Chiefs game last weekend. I didn't know that. She just in the team's colors on the internet lost its mind is what Patrick Mahomes had to say.


PATRICK MAHOMES, KANSAS CITY CHIEFS QUARTERBACK: I met her she's really cool, good people. But like Travis said, man, let them have their privacy. And just keep it moving.


FOSTER: Yes, good luck with that. Kelce and Swift appear together after the game but haven't publicly confirmed that they're dating but crucially, they haven't denied it.

NOBILO: They have not. The optics was quite suggestive, now to some stories in the spotlight this hour for you. Rock music superstar Bruce Springsteen has postponed the rest of his 2023 tour dates until next year on the advice of his doctors. He's been recovering from peptic ulcer disease.

FOSTER: The boss sent an encouraging note to his fans though, "Thanks to all my friends and fans for your good wishes, encouragement and support. I'm on the mend and can't wait to see you all next year." The Powerball jackpot has now gone up to $925 million that's because no one matched all the winning numbers in parables drawing on Wednesday.

NOBILO: Lottery says the winning numbers were 1, 7, 46, 47, 63 and the Powerball was 7, the next during a Saturday nights. Now the reality checks your odds of winning the jackpot is one in 292 million according to the lottery. Still worth a go.

FOSTER: Always.

NOBILO: And finally, Max. Did you know that Merriam-Webster just added nearly 700 new words to its dictionary and some acronyms, and some are phrases like chef's kiss? Do you know what that is?


NOBILO: Do you know the gesture?

FOSTER: Show it to me. OK. So it's like, -- like that. And it's a gesture of satisfaction or approval made by kissing the fingertips of one hand and then spreading the fingers in an outward motion. So I'm part of Italians, so these things come naturally.

FOSTER: -- French kiss that's wrong.


FOSTER: OK. You should know what this is.


FOSTER: But does grammable mean anything to you?

NOBILO: Don't do that, it's not that grammable.

FOSTER: Grammable.

NOBILO: -- . What I'm assuming it means things that you were put up on Instagram.


NOBILO: That's correct, isn't it?

FOSTER: That's a really bad example that will help.



FOSTER: This is Bianca's Instagram you're very good on Instagram. This is really embarrassed, this is grammable. If Instagram this segment of the show.

NOBILO: I think -- that it will be -- will be ironic if it wasn't oh yes that's me diving recently with a Turkish tank that was submerged.

FOSTER: We're talking about that earlier --

NOBILO: OK, -- my face you see enough of my face already poor viewers at the show. FOSTER: This was actually you competing with my Anchor Barbie.

NOBILO: Yes, it was, because I'm very competitive with you.

FOSTER: Other words Thirst trap.

NOBILO: -- and TikTok.


NOBILO: I'm not going to lie. OK.

FOSTER: Girl boss -- behind the scenes cracking the whip and TTYL -- TTYL?

NOBILO: I'll talk to you later -- now. Thank you for joining us on CNN "Newsroom".

FOSTER: I'm Max Foster.

NOBILO: I'm Bianca Nobilo. "Early Start" is next.