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CNN International: House GOP Scrambles for New Speaker after McCarthy Ousted; Bob Menendez's Wife Involved in 2018 Traffic Fatality; Investigation Underway into Deadly Incident Near Venice, Italy; Pope Francis Berates Climate Deniers and Western Lifestyles. Aired 4:30-5a ET

Aired October 05, 2023 - 04:30   ET



BIANCA NOBILO, CNN ANCHOR: Welcome back to CNN NEWSROOM. I'm Bianca Nobilo.

MAX FOSTER, CNN ANCHOR: I'm Max Foster. If you're just joining us, let me bring you up to date with the top stories this hour.

Donald Trump's lawyers have appealed to a judge's ruling at his civil fraud trial that is liable for persistent and repeated fraud. And in the coming hours, the hearing resumes with his former longtime accountant set to be cross examined. Trump is not expected to be there, though.

Plus, the fallout from the historic ouster of U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is rattling Capitol Hill. The race is on to find his replacement after Tuesday's stunning vote removed him from the top leadership post. Several names of possible successors have emerged, but so far only House Majority Leader Steve Scalise and Representative Jim Jordan have officially jumped into the race.

NOBILO: Right now, the House is essentially paralyzed without a speaker as Congress is facing a number of key issues in the weeks ahead. CNN's Tom Foreman explains from Washington.


TOM FOREMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The House of Representatives here in DC is absolutely facing a freight train right now, and that is the calendar. Because even if they succeed in coming back next week and the Republicans can pick a new Speaker of the House next week, then they will have 5 1/2 weeks until we hit the point at which the government will shut down again unless they can settle on a new budget.

Remember, troubles over settling on a budget led to this crisis in the first place. Because there are deep divisions even within the party about what money should be spent on and how you should control the deficit. Things like that. So they're facing a real time crunch here, no matter how you go about it. Is there a pro tem speaker? Yes, there is. Under the rules, Representative Patrick McHenry of North Carolina has taken over that position. But it seems to be extremely limited. In fact, this is also

unprecedented. A lot of people aren't sure what he can do. The Congressional Research Service says basically he can call everyone to order. He can advise on certain rules. He can check on whether or not there is a quorum. He can spread messages that need to be out there. But basically that's probably the limit of what he can or more importantly will do. Because as the acting president everyone's not just going to line up behind him.

And all of this affects many, many things that Republicans and Democrats, too, might want to deal with. The budget -- we've already mentioned -- funding for military actions out there, funding for Ukraine, what might continue or not continue there -- a lot of debates on that. If any national emergencies came up. This would somehow hamper the government's ability to go and deal with that immediately. Dealing with the U.S. border, which has been a big flashpoint that also. All of that, all of it, all of it, kind of goes on hold.


The committees could theoretically go forward with their work, but why do that? You can't bring anything up for a vote. And why work on an agenda if you don't know who the leader is going to be, and you don't have a sense of what the party wants the agenda to be either. It's a real crisis in the Congress right now.


FOSTER: In the federal corruption case against U.S. Democratic Senator Bob Menendez, we are now learning his wife struck and killed a pedestrian in 2018 before she married the Senator. The previously unreported incident appears to be the origin of the bribery charges now lodged against the couple. Charges, which they both deny.

NOBILO: Police dash cam video shows an officer questioning Nadine Menendez about 30 minutes after the fatal crash.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, that's what -- that's what we're trying to figure out. That's what, you know, our job is to investigate everything that happens. That's what we're trying to do. Obviously, the more information --

ARSLANIAN: I didn't do anything wrong?


ARSLANIAN: You know.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Look, I understand, I understand. It does expedite our investigation when people can help us out. because if we can clear you from any wrongdoing, I want to get you home and comfortable and not here anymore. You know what I'm saying? Nothing against you before you go. I just want to confirm that you do not want to give me your phone. Correct.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. And that's your statement that you were driving this way. The guy came from this way and he ran into your vehicle.

ARSLANIAN: He jumped on my windshield.



NOBILO: The crash was ruled an accident, but it left Nadine Menendez without a car. According to the federal indictment, a new Mercedes was given to her as a replacement for this car following the accident, after the Senator agreed to interfere in two criminal cases.

27 years after rapper Tupac Shakur was gunned down on the Las Vegas Strip, the man accused of orchestrating the shooting appeared in court for the first time.

FOSTER: Duane Keith Davis was arrested last week and is expected to plead not guilty, but his attorney was unavailable, so the hearing is now delayed for two weeks. Davis is now being held without bail. And the prosecutor says he'll ask the judge to keep Davis in jail.


STEVE WOLFSON, CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA DISTRICT ATTORNEY: We will continue to ask for a no bail setting because we believe under Nevada law and the evidence in this case that the proof is evident and the presumption is great that he will be convicted of first-degree murder and that allows us to ask for a no bail set.


FOSTER: Well, Davis has said in the past he was in the front seat of a car when shots were fired from the back seat into Shakur's car in the 1996 murder. Tupac was a trailblazing rapper. He's remembered as one of the most influential hip hop artists of all time.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams is being criticized to his handling of the recent influx of migrants there. His chief of staff says upwards of 600 are arriving into New York in a daily basis. The uptick comes as the Republican Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, has been ramping up his controversial program of busing migrants to Democratic led cities.

NOBILO: Adams also says migrants are being misinformed, thinking they'll arrive in New York and automatically get jobs and good housing. He's currently on a visit to Latin America, hoping to counter that misinformation. But immigration advocates say the trip is a waste of taxpayer money and that Adam should focus on the crisis back home.

Meanwhile, in Chicago, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is helping the city to assess the unprecedented wave of migrants. City officials say more than 3,000 migrants are currently sleeping at police stations and airports.

FOSTER: Hundreds of buses have arrived in the city over the last year, bringing 17,000 migrants. Mayor Brandon Johnson says he plans to visit the southern border soon to assess the situation.

NOBILO: Pope Francis berates climate sceptics, big industries and world leaders for the climate crisis in his strongest comments on the environment yet. We'll have a report from Rome.

FOSTER: Plus, torrential rain and strong winds hit Taiwan. We'll have the latest on Typhoon Koinu and where it's heading next.



NOBILO: Investigators in Italy are still trying to figure out what caused a bus to plunge from an overpass, killing at least 21 people and injuring 18 others.

FOSTER: Footage from nearby cameras captures the moment the bus went through the railing, but we have to warn you, the footage is obviously very disturbing.

NOBILO: The bus crashed through the guard rails and plunged off this overpass near Venice before catching fire. Prosecutors told the local CNN affiliate that so far there are no signs that the driver hit the brakes before the crash or that the bus hit another vehicle or had problems with its battery. One doctor says the injured victims are being reunited with their families now.


FEDERICA STELLA, DOCTOR (through translator): The injured are all young people. Family members are arriving at the hospital. Since all patients are foreign, family members need to come from their countries of origin. They are coming little by little.


NOBILO: British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is trying to rally his Conservative Party, but many see trouble ahead. At this year's Conservative Party Conference in Manchester, Mr. Sunak's speech focused little on some big picture issues facing the public -- the cost of the living crisis and the environment.

NOBILO: And one of the most controversial issues, which of course for the Conservative Party conference and the country at large, is this fiery rhetoric from some within the Sunak's party over immigration. But Sunak declared that the U.K. is not a racist country. Just 24 hours after the Home Secretary described a hurricane of migrants to come. And the cherry on top was axing the Manchester leg of the high- speed rail project in the conference's host city.


RISHI SUNAK, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: And so I am ending this long running saga. I am cancelling the rest of the HS2 project and in its place -- and in its place, we will reinvest every single penny, 36 billion pounds, in hundreds of new transport projects in the north and the Midlands across the country.


NOBILO: Not only was this past September the hottest on record, it shattered that record by a shocking margin. New data from European climate scientists shows on average that global temperatures were 1.75 degrees Celsius higher than pre-industrial levels. That was obviously before the world started burning a large amount of fossil fuel.


FOSTER: With June, July and August also the hottest on record, 2023 is on track to be the warmest year ever. The polar regions are melting at an alarming rate in response to the trapped heat. Antarctica's sea ice is nine percent below average for this time of year and shrinking overall.

NOBILO: Pope Francis has made his strongest statement yet on the climate crisis, blaming deniers, rich countries and big industries that shows short term profits over saving the environment. CNN's Bobby Nadeau reports from Rome.


BARBIE NADEAU, CNN REPORTER: Pope Francis on Wednesday released a 7,000-word encyclical letter on climate change. In it, he blamed climate deniers over the course of the last eight years since he first wrote about climate change for not doing enough to try to reverse the effects. He says, in fact, many of the effects of climate change are already irreversible.

He lay specific blame on wealthy nations, including the United States, which he says has emissions two times higher than China and seven times higher than the poorer nations. He says that the opportunity of COP 28 in Dubai -- which will be held at the end of November first part of December -- should not be a missed opportunity. And that the world needs to do more, including the Catholic Church, to try to reverse these irreversible effects of climate change.

Barbie Latza Nadeau, CNN, Rome.


NOBILO: We're tracking Typhoon Koinu as it moves through the South China Sea. The storm made landfall in southern Taiwan a few hours ago, killing one and injuring 304. While the heaviest rain has fallen in Taiwan's mountainous regions. Most of the island is under some sort of weather advisory.

FOSTER: Koinu is forecast to skirt the southern coast of China as it loses strength over the weekend. It could reach Hong Kong as a tropical storm or depression by early next week.

Now at least 14 people are dead after catastrophic flash flooding following heavy rains in Northeast India.

NOBILO: More than 100 others are missing and at least 26 people have been injured in Sikkim state.

FOSTER: But rescuers are facing an uphill battle because at least eleven bridges have been swept away by flooding, and forecasters say the state will not get a break from heavy rains for another two days.

NOBILO: These pictures are really shocking.

Brazilian officials are promising to send emergency aid to the Amazon interior, as severe drought threatens to dry up the region's vast river network. Some half a million people depend on those rivers to fish and to travel for much needed supplies.

FOSTER: Well over 100,000 of them reportedly are already experiencing the worst effects of the drought, including fish dying off in large numbers. Now the government says it will prioritize shipments of food, water, fuel and medicine and dredge two key rivers to improve navigation.

Time for a short break, but when we come back, NFL superstar Travis Kelsey reveals his thoughts on all the attention the league is paying to his girlfriend. Who's that? NOBILO: Can't think!



NOBILO: If you thought we'd make it through the show without mentioning Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey, think again. The mega pop star has been to two of Kelly's football games, and the NFL hasn't missed a chance to show her during their broadcast. And you think, Max, that we looked like we were covering a band or something.

FOSTER: I feel like I should be on drums or something. What would you be doing? Tambourine.

NOBILO: Yes, triangle, something really simple. Cheering, dancing and celebrating with her friends, that's what Taylor's been up to. But is it too much? Here's Kelsey talking to his brother on their podcast.


JASON KELCE, PHILADELPHIA EAGLES CENTER: Is the NFL overdoing it? What is your honest opinion? Not take away. Take away your feelings for Taylor. What is your honest opinion on how the NFL is treating celebrities at games?

TRAVIS KELCE, KANAS CITY CHIEFS TIGHT END: I think it's fun when they show who all is at the game. You know, I think -- I think it brings a little bit more to the atmosphere. Brings a little bit more to what you're watching. But at the same time I think --

J. KELCE: They're overdoing it.

T. KELCE: They're overdoing it.


NOBILO: Strong facial hair genes in that family. The NFL is defending the attention it's giving Swift. Calling it a pop culture moment that's brought an incredible amount of positivity to the sport.

FOSTER: That's quite an interesting debate, isn't it?


FOSTER: Are the NFL going too far in showing his girlfriend?

NOBILO: But as you pointed out, they obviously understand the optics and she's been electing to go and being in the box and obviously is no stranger to that type of attention. So as long as she's OK with it.

FOSTER: It's the most invisible place you could be apart from the pitch.

FIFA keeps coming up with firsts. On Wednesday, football's governing body revealed the 2013 Men's World Cup will be the first to be hosted by six countries across three continents. Last year's tournament was the first held in the Middle East, with Qatar hosting. The next one will be held in North America, with Canada, the U.S. and Mexico all hosting matches. And in 2030 Spain, Morocco and Portugal will cohost with Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina all staging an opening match. A special setup is to mark 100 years since the first World Cup was actually held.


GIANNI INFANTINO, FIFA PRESIDENT: In a divided world, FIFA and football are uniting. The FIFA Council representing the entire world of football, unanimously agreed to celebrate the centenary of the FIFA World Cup, whose first edition was played in Uruguay in 1930 in the most appropriate way.


NOBILO: Simone Biles has led the U.S. women's gymnastics team to its seventh consecutive world championship gold medal. Biles's impressive floor routine pretty much ensured the title in Belgium on Wednesday. She's the first woman to represent the U.S. at six Artistic World Championships. And it was at this event that Bales made her world debut in 2013 winning gold in the all round and floor exercise. Biles has now won 20 gold, three silver and three bronze World Championship medals.

FOSTER: I know nothing about gymnastics, but it's mesmerizing when you watch her, isn't it you?

NOBILO: Yes, it's --

FOSTER: You just see the skill.

FOSTER: And the strength.

NOBILO: Yes. And now to the stories in the spotlight. Saturday Night Live is set to return next week after being delayed by the Hollywood writers' strike.


The NBC show has turned to a former cast member to host the first episode of the new season.


PETE DAVIDSON, ACTOR: You never loved me, mom, but I needed you. Oh yeah.

That was actor Pete Davidson there, with the blue hair. He was previously set to host the show in May before the summer hiatus. SNL has a special waiver from the Actors Union at SAG after allowing production to continue, even though they haven't struck a deal with Hollywood Studios.

FOSTER: How does that work then?

NOBILO: I don't know.

Don't walk, model. It's officially Fat Bear Week in Alaska. The Katmai National Park calls the contest an annual celebration a success as the Bears fatten up before hibernation and become full on chunky beasts.

"Chonks" for short apparently. Rangers created tournament style brackets that will pit these binge eaters of salmon against one another. The champion will be crowned on Tuesday. Should we it carry live?

NOBILO: I think we should carry it live.

Now if you want to get in on the action -- and I mean if we're not carrying it live, we might come up against editorial issues -- head to and pick which big lug you want to see win it all. More than a million votes for cast last year.

Finally, the U.S. Powerball Jackpot now stands at an estimated $1.4 billion, and that is the third largest Powerball prize ever. Americans can try their luck again in the next drawing on Saturday.

FOSTER: And will need quite a lot of luck. The multi-State Lottery Association, which runs the game, says the odds of winning the Jackpot are one in 292.2 million. You have a better chance of getting killed by fireworks, apparently, or give birth to quintuplets naturally.

NOBILO: Although those odds that's less than the money that you'd win if you won. Cause a lot more than 292. FOSTER: Yes. Thanks for joining us on CNN NEWSROOM, I'm Max Foster.

NOBILO: I'm Bianca Nobilo. EARLY START is up next.
