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CNN International: Trump Ramps Up Rhetoric Against Undocumented Immigrants; More than 100 Killed as Earthquake Hits Northwest China; Vatican: Same-Sex Couples May Receive Informal Blessings; CNN Investigates Nonprofit's Links to Anti-LGBTQ Laws in Africa. Aired 4:30-5a ET
Aired December 19, 2023 - 04:30 ET
MAX FOSTER, CNN ANCHOR: Welcome back to CNN NEWSROOM. I'm Max Foster. If you just joining us, let me bring you up to date with our top stories today.
U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin attending a virtual meeting on Red Sea security to address Houthi attacks on commercial vessels. Houthi forces took responsibility for two commercial vessel attacks that they claim are linked to Israel.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a bill into law on Monday Which makes illegal border crossings a state crime. The move has been met with condemnation from dozens of lawmakers.
Less than a month to go before the first Republican caucuses in the U.S. presidential race and Donald Trump is ratcheting up his rhetoric against immigrants. Some are comparing his remarks to Hitler. CNN's Omar Jimenez reports.
DONALD TRUMP, (R) FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT, 2024 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: They're poisoning the blood of our country. That's what they've done.
OMAR JIMENEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Former President Donald Trump is talking about undocumented immigrants in more extreme terms. Echoing language used by white supremacists and promising unprecedented action if he's elected.
TRUMP: It is only common sense that when I'm reelected, we will begin -- and we have no choice -- the largest deportation operation in American history.
JIMENEZ (voice-over): With just four weeks until the Iowa caucuses the GOP frontrunner is leaning into rhetoric that has traces of Adolf Hitler's writings. Foreigners poisoning the blood of a nation. But it's just among the themes the Trump campaign appears to be focusing on in the final weeks to Iowa and New Hampshire.
TRUMP: Joe Biden is a threat to democracy. He's a threat.
JIMENEZ (voice-over): Over the weekend Trump quoted Russian President Vladimir Putin approvingly to attack President Joe Biden.
TRUMP: Vladimir Putin of Russia says that Biden's -- and this is a quote -- politically motivated persecution of his political rival is very good for Russia because it shows the rottenness of the American political system.
JIMENEZ (voice-over): The Biden campaign responded --
Donald Trump channeled his role models as he parroted Adolf Hitler, praised Kim Jong-un, and quoted Vladimir Putin while running for president on a promise to rule as a dictator and threaten American democracy. Trump's rhetoric an evolution of his 2016 message on immigration.
TRUMP: They're bringing drugs They're bringing crime. They're rapists and some I assume are good people.
JIMENEZ (voice-over): So far, no signs that such talk will have a negative impact on his standing with GOP voters. Even as his Republican rivals campaign to stop his march to the nomination.
NIKKI HALEY, U.S. REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We have to leave behind the chaos and drama of the past with a new generation and a new conservative president.
JIMENEZ (voice-over): Nikki Haley has been rising in new polling with a new CBS YouGov survey showing her in a solid second place in New Hampshire at 29 percent behind Trump's 44 percent among likely GOP primary voters. That same poll has DeSantis at second place but in Iowa behind the former president. DeSantis has been critical of Trump's recent rhetoric saying it distracts from the real issues at the border.
RON DESANTIS, U.S. REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: To Give them an ability, the opposition an ability to try to make it about something else with some of those comments. I just think it is a tactical mistake.
JIMENEZ: Now both DeSantis and Haley still trail Trump significantly according to the polls. But the dynamic between DeSantis and Haley and between Chris Christie, if he can surge in New Hampshire, will be interesting to watch because a strong second place could send a message that the type of rhetoric, we've been seeing from Trump is at the very least vulnerable politically. That said, we're four weeks out to Iowa and the poisoning the blood type phrasing is something the former president has doubled down on even on social media. So clearly, he feels it's a winning message.
Omar Jimenez CNN, New York.
FOSTER: New Hampshire's Republican governor Chris Sununu is a vocal critic of Donald Trump and he recently endorsed Nikki Haley for president. CNN asked if he would condemn Trump's remarks that immigrants are poisoning the blood of America. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)
GOV. CHRIS SUNUNU (R-NH): It's awful it's absolutely awful, but unfortunately with Donald Trump it shouldn't be surprising. And there's a couple reason he's doing he's doing it. He knows that Nikki is gaining on him, especially here in New Hampshire.
He wants to spur up that that negative evil rhetoric to kind of get his extremists of his base, to make sure that they're not leaving him. Because a lot of his other voters are likely to move from him in the next couple weeks.
But most importantly what he's doing is, he wants to hopefully not let folks ask him the question of, hey, why didn't you secure the border like you promised you'd do? He's almost acting like he wasn't president, right? Remember he said he was going to build the wall and make Mexico pay for it and secure the border and all that. He didn't do any of it. And now we have this crisis coming into our country which most Republicans and most folks across the country want that border secure.
So, he's going to spur up the rhetoric because he's not taking questions, not answering anything, not getting on the debate stage. And he wants to make sure that that base was is with him. It's an awful way to do it. It speaks more to him and his character and the problems you're going to have if he were elected again. And which is why Nikki -- that type of stuff is why Nikki Haley is surging here in New Hampshire. I think she's going to be surging in Iowa.
It's on a 40-point race. It's a 15-point race. And I think pretty soon you're going to see it's about a two-point race and a real toss-up between Haley and Trump going forward.
FOSTER: Now to China where rescuers are racing to find survivors after a powerful earthquake hit the northwestern part of the country. According to state media more than 100 people have been killed. Nearly 600 have been injured. The U.S. Geological Survey says the 5.9 magnitude quake struck Gansu province just before midnight Tuesday local time in a region where earthquakes are common and the temperature is below freezing right now.
For more, let's go to CNN's Steven Jiang in Beijing. What information are you getting -- Steven?
STEVEN JIANG, CNN BEIJING BUREAU CHIEF: Yes, Max, this is on course to become China's deadliest earthquake in nearly a decade and the casualty figures -- as you just mentioned -- have been steadily climbing the past few hours or expect to continue to do so as emergency responders reach more far-flung corners of the quake zone. That is really a one of the major challenges they're facing right now. Even though on paper the epicenter is only some 100 kilometers or 60 miles away from the provincial capital city of Lanzhou where residents, by the way, also felt strong tremors overnight.
But the quake zone itself is largely mountainous and rural, sparsely populated and some of the roads have been cut off by mudslides and also damaged infrastructure hampering the rescue effort.
Now the other factor really of the obstacle here is the weather condition. Much of northern China, including that part of the country, has been under a cold snap in the past few days. Overnight temperatures in the quake zone reaching minus 15 degrees Celsius That's about 5 degrees Fahrenheit. That kind of bitter cold weather obviously slowing down the rescuers as well. Not to mention this could shorten the so-called golden window of about 72 hours after a major quake for people to survive under the debris.
And even those who managed to escape the quake also impacted by the weather condition as they now seek a shelter amid numerous aftershocks. But already we've seen some local officials able to set up tents in villages or towns, Starting to a hand out food and other supplies. The Chinese military joining in the effort as well. Flying a large transport aircraft carrying 14 tons of supplies, including special vehicles, as well as personnel. That's in addition to the more than 1,600 firefighters already on the scene. But given the weather condition and the remote location of this quake, time is really of the essence here -- Max.
FOSTER: Steven Jiang in Beijing. Thank you so much for that update.
CNN investigates homophobic laws in Africa putting the LGBTQ plus community at risk. Why one nonprofit group's name keeps coming up and that's just ahead.
FOSTER: The Vatican issued a landmark ruling on Monday stating priests can now offer informal blessings to same-sex couples. The Catholic Church isn't changing its stance on marriage.
But the cardinal who wrote the declaration says, quote, when people ask for a blessing, an exhaustive moral analysis should not be placed as a precondition for conferring it.
CNN Vatican correspondent Christopher Lamb has more on that.
CHRISTOPHER LAMB, CNN VATICAN CORRESPONDENT: A Vatican ruling signed off by Pope Francis has given priests permission to offer blessings to same-sex couples. This is a significant development given that two years ago, the Vatican said that it was not possible to offer blessings to same-sex couples because the church cannot bless sin. However, in this ruling the Vatican says that it is possible to offer informal blessings to same-sex couples and unmarried couples provided that they take place outside of formal church services and do not confuse the church's traditional teaching that marriage is between a man and a woman.
This ruling is part of the Pope's long-running attempts to offer a more pastoral and more sensitive and more compassionate approach by the church to same-sex couples. And it marks a significant and Important development in the church's ministry in this area.
Christopher Lamb, CNN.
FOSTER: Across Africa, members of the LGBTQ plus community are fighting laws outlawing homosexuality. Supporters say the laws are protecting family values, but those affected by them live in fear.
CNN's David McKenzie has this exclusive report on the U.S. nonprofit group supporting the legislation.
DAVID MCKENZIE, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): We are in Nairobi, tracking the impact of hate.
MCKENZIE: So, we're heading to a safe house that has been arranged for Ugandans that have fled Uganda into Kenya trying to get asylum.
MCKENZIE (voice-over): We are shielding their location, hiding their identity for their safety.
MCKENZIE: How are you doing?
MCKENZIE: Thank you for having us.
MCKENZIE (voice-over): No one is sure how many have fled. But the numbers have surged. In safe houses like this, their wounds are still fresh.
ADRIAN: He felt like if he can cut me into pieces, it would be better.
MCKENZIE (voice-over): Adrian's own father tried to kill him, he says, for being gay.
ADRIAN: These are knives. He stabbed me. In Uganda, when they kill someone in an LGBT community, it's not a big deal.
SYLVIA, ASYLUM SEEKER: My mom came herself and she told me, "You know what, you're not welcome here. You are not part out family."
MCKENZIE (voice-over): Betrayed by their families, pursued by the police, they fled into Kenya on foot or by bus, often in the dead of night. Now they are afraid to go out. They keep the curtains shut from prying eyes.
Since 2021, politicians have pushed a new generation of disturbing homophobic bills in Uganda, Ghana and Kenya. [04:45:00]
Some even calling for hefty jail terms, including life in prison for same-sex relationships and identifying as queer. All of them to protect so-called family values.
For months, CNN has been investigating the influence of American charity Family Watch International, headed by this woman, Sharon Slater. For years, the organization has been advocating across Africa for family values and against educating young people about LGBT issues and sexual health.
ALI, RESEARCHER: This is Africa. And what it takes to be close to just stand next to the president of an African country in Africa, it means it's not random.
MCKENZIE (voice-over): The president is Yoweri Museveni, of Uganda at a sex education conference in Entebbe in April. The conference included politicians pushing the homophobic laws. This opposition researcher has tracked Slater's organization for years. We agreed to conceal his identity to protect the ongoing work.
ALI: She presents herself as an expert. She presents herself as a consultant.
MCKENZIE (voice-over): A source with direct knowledge of their involvement says they were much more instrumental than just consulting. The source says a Family Watch International representative made repeated changes to draft versions of the homophobic bill together with members of parliament. Even suggesting clauses that should be added to the text. A CNN producer found Sharon Slater at the United Nations in New York.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE REPORTER: Sharon Slater, there are allegations that Family Watch International is pushing homophobic laws in Africa.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE REPORTER: What do you have to say in response to that?
SLATER: It's absurd. Totally, totally absurd. I've got documents I can send you later to show that I have not been involved with any of those laws. Period. It's just absurd.
MCKENZIE (voice-over): Family Watch International provided this document to CNN. An extraordinary endorsement of Slater's work by President Museveni.
He says she played no part in, quote, originating, canvassing, or supporting the law. Instead suggesting a safe haven for homosexuals.
The final law allows for the rehabilitation of offenders, including widely discredited conversion therapy.
TOBIAS NAURUKI, EMPOWERED YOUTH COALITION: Gay people and lesbian people are human beings like me.
MCKENZIE (voice-over): We tracked down a youth leader in Nairobi with close ties to Family Watch International.
NAURUKI: I would not be happy for them to be punished, but what I would recommend is to respect and uphold those laws.
MCKENZIE (voice-over): Family Watch International said he is not authorized to speak for the organization.
MCKENZIE: So, you are happy with these laws being pushed, is what you're saying.
NAURUKI: Yes, I'm happy for the laws being pushed.
MCKENZIE: I'm seen people who are fearing for their lives on this continent because of these laws.
NAURUKI: They are very minor cases.
MCKENZIE (voice-over): The awful reality is this: CNN has tracked a severe spike in abuse of LGBTQ Africans. Often put on social media, often too graphic to show. It's an epidemic of hate inspired by the laws. In Kenya human rights groups say that attacks on the community have at least doubled in the last two years, with more than a thousand incidents up until August. The proposed law here is the most sweeping yet.
PETER KALUMA, KENYAN PARLIAMENT MEMBER: When you engage in those acts of LGBT, which are prohibited in Kenya, you become a criminal.
MCKENZIE (voice-over): The MP sponsoring the bill has Sharon Slater's book on family values on his shelf.
MCKENZIE: Family Watch International is not specifically helping with the drafting of these bill.
KALUMA: No, they can't. That would be to say, I don't have my own brain.
MCKENZIE (voice-over): In the safe house as the hate spreads, they fear their space is running out.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I feel at any point I'm left nowhere to go. If I go outside there, they will notice that I'm LGBTI sooner later I'll be dead.
MCKENZIE (voice-over): David McKenzie, CNN, Nairobi, Kenya.
FOSTER: The European Union now formally investigating X -- formally known as Twitter -- over disinformation and transparency. On Monday and EU Commissioner posted the allegations on X itself. The EU warned X earlier about disinformation and illegal content linked to the Israel Hamas war. The review targets everything from X's handling of that content, to the paid verification system unveiled under owner Elon Musk. It also is looking at whether the community notes, fact- checking system is effective at fighting disinformation. X says it'll cooperate with the probe.
Still to come, an investigation into cinnamon applesauce pouches has found shocking levels of lead. We'll have details.
FOSTER: It was a Monday night stunner in the NFL as the Philadelphia Eagles stormed into Seattle. Jalen Hurts got the scoring started early with his three-yard touchdown run. Eagles up seven-nothing. The Seahawks would even things up as Kenneth Walker III scored on a 23- yard run early in the second half. Fourth quarter, 33 seconds left in the game, Eagles ahead 17-13 and Drew Lock would connect with Jaxon Smith-Njigba on a 29-yard touchdown pass. Seahawks come out on top, 20 to 17.
Now to the NBA where the Los Angeles Clippers are flying high. James Harden scored a season-high 35 points including this four-point rally to lead the Clippers to victory over the Indiana Pacers.
It's the eighth straight win for Los Angeles.
The Pacers, meanwhile, have lost four games in a row. Final score Clippers 151, Pacers 127. The Clippers winning streak puts them just four and a half games behind the division leading, Minnesota Timberwolves.
And the stories in the spotlight this hour.
A jury has found actor Jonathan Majors guilty of assault and harassment of his ex-girlfriend Grace Jabbari during a domestic dispute. Majors had pleaded not guilty and his attorney says he still looks forward to fully clearing his name. Majors, a rising star has appeared in Disney's Marvel franchise and Creed 3. A Source tells CNN the Marvel Studios will not be moving forward on any future projects with him.
Actor Alec Baldwin found himself in some heated conversation in New York on Monday night. An Individual close to Baldwin says the actor was on his way to teach an acting class when he passed by a pro- Palestinian Protest and was approached aggressively and repeatedly about his stance on the war in Gaza. Police say there was some, quote, chatter back and fort, before they stepped in to escort Baldwin away from the crowd. No one was hurt or arrested.
We're learning new details about the Food and Drug Administration's investigation into high lead levels in cinnamon applesauce pouches sold in the U.S. The FDA says tests of samples collected during an inspection of a facility in Ecuador linked to those pouches turned up lead levels that were more than 2,000 times higher than proposed standards. Testing didn't turn up any other products that should be recalled. The FDA is looking into whether this cinnamon may have been used in other products, though.
Thanks for joining me here on CNN NEWSROOM. I'm Max Foster in London. "EARLY START" is next here on CNN.