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Two Hostages Rescued from Gaza in Special Operation; Taylor Swift Cheers Kelce & Chiefs on to Victory; Trump's NATO Remarks Spark Criticism from Allies; Eye-Catching Super Bowl Ads from 2024. Aired 12-12:45a ET

Aired February 12, 2024 - 00:00   ET


MICHAEL HOLMES, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Hello and welcome, everyone. I'm Michael Holmes. Appreciate your company,


Coming up here on CNN NEWSROOM, a special operation in Rafah, bringing two Israeli hostages home and more airstrikes.

A woman armed with a rifle targets a Houston mega-church. What we know, coming up.

And it's just the second time ever the Super Bowl has gone into overtime. We'll have all the highlights of the Chiefs' victory live from Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas.

ANNOUNCER: Live from Atlanta, this is CNN NEWSROOM with Michael Holmes.

HOLMES: And we begin this hour in Gaza where Israel's military says two hostages have been rescued from the Southern city of Rafah during a special operation overnight. They're now at a medical facility in Israel, where they're said to be in good condition.

That word as the Palestine Red Crescent Society said Rafah was also targeted by Israeli airstrikes that killed dozens of people.

CNN's Nic Robertson joins me now, live from Tel Aviv with the latest. Tell us more about this operation and rescue and how it went down, Nic.

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Yes. There are two people freed: Fernando Marman, who's 60 years old, and Louis Har, who is 70 years old. And we've just heard on local television here from Louis Har's son-in-law, saying that he's already visited with his father-in-law, that he is in bed, that he is sort of shocked by the situation, but -- but he's OK, that he's looking pale, understandable.

The son-in-law said that he's been held hostage for 128 days, that he should look this way occasionally, an indication of just how alert he is. Less worried about his own well-being, according to his son-in-law and asking more about how his family is doing.

So that gives us an assessment of at least one of them. As you say, the IDF is saying that both are in good medical condition.

The IDF said this operation had been some time in the planning that they were waiting for the conditions to be right. That it began at about 1 a.m. in the morning in Rafah. It was a covert military operation that involved a distraction maneuver, as the IDF calls it, attacking, they say, a Hamas battalion in that area of Rafah.

And we know from the Palestinian Red Crescent that right around about that time, there were reports of aircraft rocket, and bomb strikes, helicopter, gunship strikes in that area.

And the local hospital in Rafah is reporting 60 people dead and killed, including children, in this attack that took place around about the same time as this rescue operation was underway.

It's not clear if these two events are directly connected, but it does appear at this time, at least, that there's a lot of correlation between these two different events. The IDF saying that only one of their soldiers was injured in this operation, which required putting troops into the second floor of a building.

Now this is only the second time since October the 7th the IDF has been able to free, by military operations, any of the hostages. The last one was a young IDF, serving -- a female soldier who was released right at the end of October.

So this is a long time coming. Huge news here in Israel that the IDF has had a success in bringing out two hostages. Absolutely going to be a big moment for these families, directly involved and gives some hope to the other families that their loved ones can be freed, as well.

But at the moment, we have not yet heard directly from medical officials about their specific medical conditions, but we do understand that they're undergoing checks at a hospital on the outskirts of Tel Aviv here, Michael.

HOLMES: All right. Appreciate the update, Nic. Thanks. Nic Robertson in Tel Aviv for us.

Meanwhile, the U.S. defense secretary, Lloyd Austin, has transferred his duties through his deputy after being hospitalized again. The Pentagon says Austin has symptoms, quote, "suggesting an emergent bladder issue."

Biden administration officials were notified quickly, unlike during Austin's previous stay at the hospital for prostate cancer treatment. Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks has assumed Austin's duties. And although officials didn't say how long Austin would be staying at the hospital, he's taken unclassified and classified communication systems that are required for work.


Police in Texas trying to figure out why a woman armed with a long rifle entered the church of famed televangelist Joel Osteen and began firing. Two off-duty law enforcement officers who were there providing

security, responded, killing the woman. Authorities say she entered the Lakewood Church in Houston on Sunday with a young child, who was struck in the exchange of gunfire and is now in critical condition. It's unclear if the child is related to the shooter.

One man was also injured.

Now, this happened in one of the largest mega churches in the U.S. Osteen says it happened in between services, which likely kept more people from being hurt.

Well, it was quite the Super Bowl finish in Las Vegas, the Kansas City Chiefs defeating the San Francisco 49ers in overtime with a Patrick Mahomes touchdown pass to Mecole Hardman.

We'll take you live to the field and bring you all of the highlights in just a few moments from now.

The halftime show didn't disappoint either. R&B singer Usher took to the field with what was a show stopping spectacle. He was backed by dancers, marching bands, Vegas show girls, and acrobats as he sang some of his greatest hits.

The grammy winner was joined by other A-list artists he's collaborated with through the years, including Alicia Keys, H.E.R.,, Ludacris, and Lil Jon.

He ended the show with a shout-out to the A, his hometown of right here, Atlanta, Georgia.

Other big names in attendance included, of course, singer Taylor Swift, who cheered Kansas City to victory. She's currently dating Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce, in case you haven't heard. And you most certainly have.

Swift became a staple at Chiefs games during the season. Notably, female viewership of the NFL went up nearly 10 percent when she was in attendance.

Well, CNN's Andy Scholes is live at the stadium. Andy, let's talk about the game. It was a bit sloppy at times, but it had great moments and was close, which is always a good thing for fans. What stood out to you?

ANDY SCHOLES, CNN SPORTS: Well, yes, exactly what you said, Michael. There were a lot of complaints early on, I guess. It was pretty boring as it's punt, punt, punt, you know, field goal, field goal. And that's the way we were for almost three-quarters of this game.

But it really picked up at the end. And what more can you ask for than an overtime game in the Super Bowl? It's the second time ever that it's happened.

And Patrick Mahomes, he got the ball with the champs down three, had to go 75 yards to win his third Super Bowl of his career. And he did just that, leading the Chiefs right down the field and in the -- I'm standing right now in the famous end zone where Mahomes, on the final play of Super Bowl LVIII, found Mecole Hardman for the touchdown to win the game for the Chiefs, 25 to 22.

And what a story is for Mecole Hardman. It's been his first four seasons with the Kansas City Chiefs. Left to go to the New York Jets this past off-season but in the middle of this season, came back to the Chiefs.

And certainly -- they certainly are glad that he did, because he got the game-winning touchdown in the Super Bowl.

The celebration on the field right behind me was just great. Taylor Swift came down on the fields. He was almost in tears when Travis Kelce was on the podium, accepting the trophy and talking about just what the Chiefs went through to get back to this Super Bowl championship. And here was Travis Kelce after the game.


TRAVIS KELCE, KANSAS CITY TIGHT END: Never doubt in my mind, baby. Never doubt in my mind. We knew when the -- when they had to kick a field goal that it was on us. We've got the best quarterback in the league. We've had the best offensive line in the league. And we got the most determination on any team in the NFL. You saw that today.


SCHOLES: Yes, and Michael, this you know, the Chiefs' third Super Bowl title in the past five years, but this one certainly has to be the sweetest just because of the way they got it done.

You know, this season, they had a lot of bumps in the road. They got blown out on national television on Christmas, and everyone was like maybe the Chiefs just don't have it this year. Patrick Mahomes doesn't have enough weapons.

But what did they do? They went on the road, beat the Bills, beat the Ravens on the road, got back to this Super Bowl. They were underdogs. Patrick Mahomes even said it" I don't ever feel like an underdog.

And what did we get in the end? Another Mahomes victory and Super Bowl title. He is now 11 and 3 as an underdog in his career, Michael. I don't think the odds makers are going to do that very often now, moving forward.

HOLMES: And if you're 11 and 3, you're not an underdog. Right? I got that. Yes. No more of that.

Andy Scholes, great job tonight. Appreciate it. I know you're sticking around for the other shows to come. Appreciate it. Thanks.

Well, U.S. senators have been working through the weekend on a foreign aid bill and are now one step closer to a final deal. We'll have details when we come back.


HOLMES: Former U.S. President Donald Trump's controversial comments on NATO is facing intense criticism from world leaders. The former U.S. president told his supporters at a campaign rally that he would tell Russia to, quote, "Do whatever the hell they want" to any NATO member that failed to spend enough on defense.

U.S. President Joe Biden said Trump will, quote, "abandon our NATO allies."

CNN's Alayna Treene with the details.


ALAYNA TREENE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Former President Donald Trump on Saturday said he would encourage Russia to do, quote, "whatever the hell they want" to any NATO member country that does not meet its spending obligations.

Take a listen to how he put it to supporters in South Carolina yesterday.

DONALD TRUMP (R), FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT, 2024 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: One of the presidents of a big country stood up, said, Well, sir, if we don't pay and we're attacked by Russia, will you protect us?

I said, You didn't pay? You're delinquent?

He said, yes.

Let's say that happened. No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You've got to pay.


TREENE: Now, just a stunning admission from the former president, who essentially said that he would not abide by the collective defense clause in that agreement.

And look, Donald Trump has long criticized NATO and deemed it as being some -- a drain on American resources by what he calls freeloaders.

And that's really led a lot of European countries to question whether Donald Trump's potential return to the White House could mean not just the abandonment of the war in Ukraine, but a broader American retreat from the continent.

Now, I do think it's important to point out the context of these remarks. It comes as many Republicans have been pushing back against aid to Ukraine, and also as some European countries have raised the alarm about Russian aggression.

Now the White House immediately criticized Trump's remarks. A spokesperson for the White House said, quote, "Encouraging invasions of our closest allies by murderous regimes is appalling and unhinged; and it endangers American national security, global stability, and our economy at home."

Alayna Treene, CNN, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.


HOLMES: NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said Donald Trump's recent remarks on the alliance puts soldiers at risk. Stoltenberg warns such comments threaten security, saying, quote, "Any attack on NATO will be met with a united and forceful response. Any suggestion that allies will not defend each other undermines all of our security, including that of the U.S., and puts American and European soldiers at increased risk."

The European Council president, Charles Michel, said Trump's words are reckless and, quote, "serve only Putin's interests."

Now the Senate, meanwhile, has taken a step closer to passing a more than $95 billion foreign aid bill, with crucial assistance for Ukraine and also Israel.

The Senate voted on Sunday to advance the critical bill, with 18 Republicans backing the package, despite opposition from former U.S. President Donald Trump.

It comes after Republicans blocked a wider bill that included a bipartisan border deal. If the bill is eventually passed by the Senate, it's unclear whether House Speaker Mike Johnson would even allow a vote on it.

All right. Let's bring in Ron Brownstein, CNN senior political analyst and senior editor at "The Atlantic."

Good to see you, Ron.


HOLMES: Let's start with Trump's comments on NATO there, which are stunning, really, and perhaps not even getting the attention they deserve. Are we just desensitized to the things Trump says?

Because saying he'd tell Putin to do, quote, "whatever the hell he wants" with Europe seems a pretty big deal.

BROWNSTEIN: Yes. To some extent, yes. But to some extent, I think an open question. I mean, extraordinary comments, in line with what we know about his feelings about NATO and, for that matter, about Putin.

John Bolton, his national security adviser, said he wanted the U.S. to leave NATO. We know he wanted to remove U.S. troops from Germany and South Korea. There's no question there would be a significant retrenchment of America's engagement with its allies, with potentially enormously destabilizing results all over the world.

The reason I say it's still an open question is because, to me, his attitude toward NATO is indicative of a much broader truth about the 2024 elections, which is partly because of the way the Republican race has unfolded, partly because of what Democrats have been focused on. Donald Trump's agenda for a second term has really not been part of

the discussion almost at all. And if you go to his website and look at his agenda, 47 videos, he is putting forward a much more specific and much more militant agenda on a lot of issues that he ran on in 2016 or 2020. And to me, it is a critical question, the extent to which all of these ideas -- mass deportation, internment camps, repealing the ACA, sending federal forces into blue cities to fight crime. Any of these ideas -- 10 percent tariffs -- are going to be part of the debate between now and November. It's a critical question.

HOLMES: Yes. I'll see if we can get to that, because I'm going to ask you about the whole deportation thing again.


HOLMES: Because I know you've been writing about that.

The big talk, meanwhile, this past week has been the extraordinary situation where you have the candidates for president from both parties having their mental acuity, memory, and so on, questioned. Both men routinely making gaffes, confusing names and so on.

It's worrying, but what does it say about the state of American politics?

BROWNSTEIN: Yes, I mean, we're -- we're ossified. I mean, you know, and people have pointed out that one of the reasons this is happening is because we are so polarized.

Trump's hold on the Republican Party is real. You know, I would say 75 percent of the Republican Party is comfortable with him as a leader.

But what Haley is showing is that there's roughly a quarter, maybe a third at the most, that is uneasy about that. And what they do in November, that minority of Republicans who are responding to her arguments that Trump -- which, you know, she's really making only now after New Hampshire, that Trump is unfit -- what do they do?

On the other side, you have enormous concerns among Democrats, many of whom even think that Joe Biden has been a good president, but worry that either he is not capable of executing the job in a second term, or even, if they don't even worry about that, they're worried that the country won't view him as capable.

And so we are -- we are in this situation as I've said to you before, where I think it is highly unlikely that, by election day, there will be a majority of Americans who go into the booth affirmatively excited about giving Joe Biden four more years.

But that doesn't there might not be a winning plurality or majority that does not want to give Donald Trump four more years. And how the voters who are uneasy about both of them sort out, will probably decide how the election itself sorts out.

HOLMES: Yes, and I promised I would say -- I will ask you about what you've been writing and tweeting about -- BROWNSTEIN: Yes.

HOLMES: -- when it comes to possible Republican plans on immigration, including mass deportation, potential use of the National Guard even across borders.

Why are these plans so concerning?

BROWNSTEIN: Well, look, I mean, again, this is indicative of this larger truth. There's a lot out there that Donald Trump is saying he would do it a second term that simply hasn't been part of our dialogue yet.

Friday afternoon, speaking to the National Rifle Association in Pennsylvania, he said, that within moments of taking office, he will pursue the largest deportation program in American history.

His top immigration, Stephen Miller, has put out extraordinarily -- extraordinary detail about how they plan to do this. They plan to do -- he says they will pursue mass -- mass roundups of undocumented migrants in big cities, transfer them to internment camps in Texas, and then have constant flights out of the U.S.

To do this, a former chief of staff of ICE told me, would take 100,000 to 150,000 law enforcement personnel plus another 50,000 people to staff the camps.

And Miller has said that Trump will provide -- you know, obtain this manpower by transferring people from other federal law enforcement agencies, deputizing sheriffs, and police officers, and most explosively, by requisitioning National Guard from red states to send into blue states that don't want to cooperate.

And that is a recipe for a level of conflict we have rarely seen in American politics, if they really go down this road, Michael. Imagine the scene in Chicago or L.A. where a massive deportation program is going through a heavily Hispanic neighborhood. People flock to a church to seek safety. The local Democratic mayor orders the police to ring the church.

And on the other side are National Guard from Arkansas or Texas. What happens next? I don't know, you know?

And there are some Americans who will support this vision. But it's not clear to me at all that this is a majority view.

HOLMES: But it is --

BROWNSTEIN: Again, it's not clear to me at all how much this is going to be part of the discussion between now and November.

HOLMES: Yes. Which is worrying, because as you say, this is being openly discussed and written about. And you know, a lot of the words that come out of Trump's mouth really sound like they're coming from Stephen Miller's pen.

I wanted to ask you this before we go. Biden and Netanyahu --


HOLMES: -- spoke again this weekend. How problematic, electorally, is what's seen as Biden's inability to rein in Israel's actions in Gaza, given the staggering toll of death, wounds, damage? I mean, there is considerable blowback in the U.S. on that school, and not just among Arab Americans.

BROWNSTEIN: No. It's right. I mean, it is -- I think it is -- overall, most Americans -- you know, more Americans support Israel than the Palestinians in this conflict. Certainly, what Hamas did was horrific and barbaric.

But the extent to which Biden has bound himself to Netanyahu and not really effectively constrained him or even moved him in the direction of, you know, post-conflict diplomacy that he is looking for is a problem. It is a problem with Arab Americans in Michigan. It is not easy for Biden to replace Michigan, if he can't win it, to get the Electoral College.

It is a problem with young people.

And I think the other problem is that Biden has bound themselves to a partner who probably wants him to lose. You know, Netanyahu, I think, has identified with the Republican Party more closely than any political leader in my lifetime from a foreign country has identified with one of our parties. And I think it's pretty clear he would rather be dealing with Trump in the White House.

Obviously, his main concern are his own politics and the security of Israel. But at the margin, he is not looking to do Biden any favors. And if anything, I think he is looking to create a situation that makes it more likely that Donald Trump is the next president.


And that is, I think, a situation that Biden has put himself in that he may, very sooner than later, have to find a way to extricate himself from.

HOLMES: Yes, yes. Well put, as always. Always great to talk to you, my friend. Thank you, Ron Brownstein.

BROWNSTEIN: Thanks, Michael.

HOLMES: Well, the big contest Sunday wasn't the presidential race, of course. It was the Super Bowl. More on the game's fantastic finish in overtime, unless you're a 49ers fan. That's coming up after the break.



HOLMES: Welcome back to our viewers all around the world. I'm Michael Holmes. You're watching CNN NEWSROOM. Now, the Kansas City Chiefs are back-to-back Super Bowl champions, if you hadn't heard. They beat the San Francisco 49ers 25 to 22 in overtime in Super Bowl LVIII in Las Vegas.

And for those counting, that's now three titles in the last five seasons for the Chiefs, all of them with star quarterback Patrick Mahomes.

Of course there were plenty of other stars in attendance, both on and off the field, probably none bigger than Chiefs super-fan Taylor Swift, who was there cheering on her boyfriend, Kansas City tight end Travis Kelce.

At one point though, she did have to share the spotlight with Paul McCartney, who popped into her luxury box to watch the game.

And with well over 100 million viewers tuning into last year's Super Bowl, it's no wonder it's the event of the year for advertisers. This year, a 30-second ad cost a record $7 million, with big brands shelling out anywhere from 15 to $50 million on a commercial. And that includes the cost of the talent.

And speaking of talent, some of the year's big names off the field included Jennifer Aniston, "Aquaman" star Jason Momoa, and film legend Martin Scorsese.


Joining me now is Jamie Turner. He's a marketing professor at Emory University here in Atlanta.

I wanted to ask you about the best of the best in terms of the ads. Mine was State Farm and Ben Affleck and Damon with -- with Dunkin' Donuts. Let's have a look at that one.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't think you should do this.

BEN AFFLECK, ACTOR: She came to my work. Now, I've got to show her what I can do.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ben Affleck on the track.

AFFLECK: What up, folks! For your consideration.


HOLMES: You've got Affleck. You've got J.Lo. If you watch it long enough, there's Tom Brady, Matt Damon. And it was funny.

What did you make of it? I think their one last year actually impacted their bottom line, business-wise. JAMIE TURNER, MARKETING PROFESSOR, EMORY UNIVERSITY: It did. And a lot of the spots will impact your bottom line if they're well-received like the Dunkin' Donuts spot was.

J.Lo is -- Jennifer Lopez is timeless and beloved. Ben Affleck is two. And I love the fact that he made fun of himself a little bit there, and that's something that actually plays into who he usually plays into.

So it was really a terrific spot and something that'll do well for the Dunkin' Donuts brand.

HOLMES: I wanted to ask you about Bud Light, which had its sales tank after what was, frankly, a ridiculous conservative backlash to its support for a trans influencer.

But it's kind of relaunched with a new Super Bowl ad. Let's listen to part of that.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Eighties metal hair.










HOLMES: And it goes on. It's actually -- it's actually a pretty funny ad, too.

I wanted to ask you about that one, too, because does it show that advertising in an event like the Super Bowl can rehabilitate a brand?

TURNER: Yes. You can do that. I think everybody kind of knows the story that happened for Bud Light. They're shifting the spotlight over to a big production and get the attention away from what happened previously. Sales dropped 30 percent based off of that.

But they did a really good job, because again, they got that emotion involved. It was funny. It was charming. It moved at a very fast pace. So it really kind of got the focus back on Bud Light as a brand instead of the issue that came up six, nine months ago for them. HOLMES: Yes, seemed pretty clever.

A lot of the ads -- and correct me if I'm wrong -- they seemed to be aimed at women. Girls' sports was one that I thought was excellent.

The Taylor Swift effect, do you think? Tapping into the audience that might normally have been not watching?

TURNER: Yes, I think what they were trying to do is say, hey, let's let's open up the tent. Let's basically invite everybody in, because it's good for the NFL brand.

And by the way, they did a terrific job repositioning their brand with some of the commercials they did for the NFL.

And then they said, Hey, let's open up and just have a lot more fun and a lot more levity and leverage the Taylor Swift effect for the benefit of the brand and also for the benefit of the viewers.

So it really worked out well for everybody involved, including a wonderful game that came down, you know, to the very end of the game.

HOLMES: Yes. It certainly was.

The enormous cost of the ads we mentioned: 7 million for a 30-second spot. And that's after you spent millions making the ad. Why are companies still willing to pay that? What is the ROI, as they like to say, return on investment?

TURNER: Yes, that's a great question. For every dollar spent in advertising on the Super Bowl, you generally generate about $4.06 in revenue.

And assuming your profit margin is built into that, which it should be, you're really actually printing money in a lot of ways. So it's a big risk, a big investment. There aren't very many brands that can afford to spend that much money on advertising on the Super Bowl.

But those that can say, hey, we're going to put in $1, and we're going to generate $4.06 in revenue. That's not a bad, bad ROI there. And I think most chief financial officers would say, awesome, go for it.

And then again, sometimes it doesn't work out because that can backfire. But in most cases, you're getting a positive ROI from this.

HOLMES: Yes, were just watching the e-trade ad with the -- with the babies, which I thought was pretty good, as well.

What -- before we let you go, what stood out to you? What was your favorite?

TURNER: I loved the Jesus gets us campaign. I thought that had a lot of emotion to it. It was one of the earlier spots in the telecast, and it just really tapped into some emotions, brought a good message to a lot of people.

The NFL did a great job as well as Microsoft Copilot, which is their new ais. So really worked out well.


HOLMES: Yes. Yes. Jamie Turner, great to talk to you. Thanks for walking us through some of that.

TURNER: Awesome. Take care.

HOLMES: You, too.

And you're watching CNN NEWSROOM. We'll be right back.



HOLMES: Well, the Chiefs celebrated on the field, winning Super Bowl LVIII in Las Vegas. Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce stressing the win was a team effort.


PATRICK MAHOMES, KANSAS CITY CHIEFS QUARTERBACK: I'm just proud of the guys. They kept believing. And I'm -- and I'm proud of the coaches for calling up those plays that got us some touchdowns there at the end.

KELCE: And I love these guys right here. The men that we've just won this thing with. Family forever, baby. I couldn't be more proud of you guys. And how about it? We get a chance to do it three times in a row.


HOLMES: Mahomes won Most Valuable Player of the game award for the third time, by the way, CNN sports analyst Christine Brennan told our Andy Scholes that Mahomes is one of the few quarterbacks ever who could have pulled off this comeback.


CHRISTINE BRENNAN, CNN SPORTS ANALYST: We know that these games have an ebb and flow to them. And this was one of those kind of defensive struggles, lots of mistakes.

I mean, the 49ers -- I've been listening to you guys, you know, talk as as I've been on awaiting to have our conversation. And the 49ers had that golden opportunity to start the second half after Mahomes the the interception.

And as you are talking about Patrick Mahomes, you know, there are many quarterbacks that would just say, wow, I'm -- you know, this is a tough day for me or whatever. Not Mahomes. There's magic there. He is a magician. He is a Houdini.

He is -- throw all the cliches there. There's -- this is a guy that when -- when he must do it, he does it over and over again. And Kelce, the same thing of course, and the magic of that story and

Taylor Swift, I mean, if we had, you and I gotten together with Coy and decided we were going to write something like this at the beginning of the year he would have been -- been laughed out of the room. And yet, there are champions who can pull this off.


And we're seeing someone who's a once-in-a-generation player in Patrick Mahomes. And as you said, he's 28. And there could be many more Super Bowls yet to come for him.


HOLMES: Some sad news: the current marathon world record holder, Kelvin Kiptum and his coach are dead following a car crash in Kenya. Authorities say Kiptum was driving on Sunday when he lost control of the vehicle and hit a tree. Both men died at the scene.

Kiptum set the marathon world record just last October in Chicago with a time of two hours and 35 seconds, a record that was ratified just days ago.

He was just 24 years old.

In England, King Charles went on his first public outing nearly a week after Buckingham Palace announced he'd been diagnosed with an undisclosed form of cancer.

The 75-year-old monarch attended church on Sunday with his wife, Queen Camilla, on his estate in Sandringham. The palace shared last Monday that King Charles would step back from his public duties while undergoing treatment.

Charles has expressed his gratitude for the public's support, saying it's brought him, quote, "great comfort and encouragement."

Thanks for watching, spending part of your day with me. I'm Michael Holmes. If you haven't had enough of the Super Bowl, WORLD SPORT is coming up next.

